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在Sloan数字巡天计划第二批释放的数据中选择了15257个面向的盘状星系,统计研究它们的颜色星等关系.结果表明3个颜色g-r、r-i、r-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,即:越亮的星系,颜色越红,而且色指数弥散越小.并且简单讨论了观测到的颜色星等关系对盘状星系的恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

主并合星系对是研究星系同时受到本身与外部环境影响的绝佳实验对象,而星系恒星形成率的变化可以示踪这些影响产生的作用.星系的恒星质量、星系对之间的投影距离与相对倾角都是影响恒星形成率的几个重要因素.研究结果表明,更大恒星质量星系倾向于有更大的恒星形成率增幅,相对倾角接近平行的星系同样趋于有更大的恒星形成率增幅,而投影距离在研究范围内与恒星形成率没有相关性.  相似文献   

袁启荣  朱朝曦 《天文学报》2003,44(4):342-349
盘星系的内禀扁度对计算星系的空间倾角非常重要.对从LEDA数据库中选取的14988个盘星系进行内禀扁度的统计分析.研究表明,盘星系的内禀扁度与星系的形态密切相关.整体上说,透镜星系和不规则星系的内禀扁度qo大于旋涡星系,早型旋涡星系的内禀扁度qo大于晚型旋涡星系,其中Scd星系的内禀扁度qo最小.利用所得的qo-T关系,还对16个已知倾角的亮星系进行了倾角计算,发现与其他方法估计的空间倾角符合得较好.  相似文献   

本文对后发团中心2.63°×2.63°范围内138个盘星系(94个S0星系,44个S和Ir星系)的自转轴方向的分布作了分析,结果表明,后发团中盘星系自转轴方向的分布是非均匀的.相对于假设的均匀分布,有较多的S0星系的自转轴平行于团平面,并且S0星系的自转轴在团平面上的投影倾向于沿着偏离团中心方向约45°的方向;对于S和Irr星系,自转轴倾向于平行或垂直于团平面,自转轴在团平面上的投影则倾向于平行团中心方向.本文证实了后发团中盘星系自转轴方向分布的非均匀性及其与星系形态类型的相关,而且可能与星系光度也有关.样本越深,自转轴指向的分布似乎越不均匀.本文结果说明后发团存在一个优势平面(可能的团平面),在各种星系团及星系形成理论中,有支持“薄饼”(pancake)模型的迹象.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionBulgeisoneofthemainbuildingblocksofdiskgalaxies.Classicalviewofbulgeisthatithasfeaturelessstructurelikescale downedellipticalwhoseluminositydistributioniswelldescribedbyr1/4-law .But,recentgroundbasedstudiesshowthatmanybulgesaredisky (Kormend…  相似文献   

We report on first results of a comprehensive study of interacting andmerging processes between spiral galaxies and small satellites to investigatethe effects of such events on the disk component of spirals. Analysis ofour newly obtained photometric data of about 125 edge-on galaxiesin optical and in NIR shows that there are considerable differencesbetween interacting and non-interacting galaxies concerning their absolutedisk scale parameters as well as their ratios (h/z 0).In comparison with normal spirals, the average heating factor perpendicular tothe disk plane of mergers is about 1.5. The most striking feature of thedistributions of (h/z 0) for both normal galaxies and mergers, is thetotal lack of typical flat disk axis ratios (i.e. that of late type ones)of (h/z 0) > 6 for mergers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We propose a method to determine the thickness of non-edge-on disk galaxies from their observed structure of spiral arms, based on the solution of the truly three-dimensional Poisson‘s equation for a logarithmic disturbance of density and under the condition where the self-consistency of the density wave theory is no longer valid. From their measured number of arms, pitch angle and location of the innermost point of the spiral arms, we derive and present the thicknesses of 34 spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

The far outer regions of galactic disks allow an important probe of both star formation and galaxy formation. I discuss how observations of HII regions in these low gas density, low metallicity environments can shed light on the physical processes which drive galactic star formation. The history of past star formation at large radii, as traced by observations of old and intermediate-age stars, constrains the epoch at which the highest angular momentum regions of disks were in place; first results for the M31 disk suggest this occured a significant (≳ 8 Gyr) time ago. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

卫星星系是研究星系形成的有力探针.近期的研究指出,中央星系是椭圆星系时,其卫星星系数目比旋涡星系多.为了探究这种差异,采用了新一代流体动力学模型(The Next Generation Illustris Simulations,简称TNG模拟)中TNG300-1的数据,选择了恒星质量范围为1010M⊙·h-1Mc1012M⊙·h-1的中央星系,同时根据星系的核球质量与星系的恒星质量的比值(B/T)将这个范围的中央星系划分为旋涡星系和椭圆星系.使用统计学的方法进行分析后发现:当控制暗晕质量分布,使得不同形态的中央星系所处的暗晕的质量分布完全相同时,卫星星系分布存在新的差异,即旋涡星系的卫星星系数目更多.这一结论和观测结果相反,产生这一差异的主要原因是:旋涡星系的卫星星系包含更多的冷气体,使得旋涡星系的卫星星系恒星形成效率更高.  相似文献   

Es wurden die scheinbaren Radien einiger HII-Gebiete in den Galaxien NGC 224, 2403, 300, 598 und 1313 bestimmt und deren Größenverteilung untersucht. Zur Entfernungsbestimmung dieser Galaxien wurden zwei Varianten angenommen, deren Zuverlässigkeit durch Vergleich mit auf andere Weise bestimmten Entfernungen gezeigt wird.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are performed to study the tidal effects of non-merging rapid head-on collision between a disk galaxy and a spherical galaxy. The disk consists of three components – a disk, a bulge and a halo – and the spherical galaxy is a Plummer model. The galaxies have the same dimensions with different mass ratios viz., 2, 1 and 0.5. They move in a rectilinear orbit with a relative velocity of 1000 km s−1. None of the simulations leads to the merger of the galaxies by tidal capture. The results of our simulations indicate that although tidal effects are sensitive to both the mass ratio and the inclination of the disk to the orbital plane, it is the mass ratio which is more important in producing tidal damage to the less massive galaxy. The spherical galaxy undergoes considerable tidal effects if the mass of the disk is same or larger. On the other hand the collisions in which the mass of the spherical galaxy is more, result in the formation of a ring structure after the closest approach and the structure disappears by the end of the simulations.  相似文献   

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