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DA白矮星光谱在光学波段主要由巴尔默线主导,谱线比较宽,且谱线轮廓不对称,传统的线心方法确定视向速度非常困难。介绍了一种基于利用白矮星的有效温度(Teff)和表面重力加速度(log g)选择理论模板,通过交叉相关方法确定DA白矮星的APP速度,减去白矮星的引力红移得到白矮星的视向速度。测试发现对于有效温度高于10 000 K且信噪比大于20的DA白矮星的低分辨率光谱(R~2000),精度在10 km/s以内。基于这种方法测量了SDSS DR7的DA白矮星观测样本的视向速度,统计发现在1 000 pc内,视向速度的平均值接近于0。  相似文献   

本文介绍了北京天文台85cm望远镜的光电视向速度仪,其主要特点为:1.包括两个通道,可准同时测量恒星视向速度和光度.2.采用光导纤维将卡焦的星光引导到分光仪上.3.采用阶梯光栅作为分光仪色散元件.该仪器已投入试观测,文中给出了10颗视向速度标准星的测量结果和几颗星的极小值曲线.  相似文献   

本文利用Virgo星系团天区572个星系的视向速度观测资料,按最大似然原理确定了434个成员星系。平均日心速度1247±37公里每秒,视向速度弥散度752±27公里·每秒。分析表明,尽管室女团是一个有次团结构的近距星系团,仍然可以合理地用正态分布来作为成员星系观测视向速度分布的一级近似。另外,团内不同类型的星系看来有着不同的分布,而晚型星系可能仍然处于内落阶段。  相似文献   

本利用在考虑团内星系面数密度分布的前提下,以视向速度为判据,按最大似然原理解算团分布参数和成员概率的严格统计方法,对8个Abell星系团进行了成员研究。解算结果表明此方法是合理的、有效的,星系团的速度弥散度分布与动力学模型一致。有迹象表明椭长形的结构在星系团中是一种普遍现象。从这8个团得到了清晰的NA-σc的相关关系,进而推知团的质光比为100h100^-1 ̄600h100^-1,平均350h1  相似文献   

本文利用在考虑团内星系面数密度分布的前提下,以视向速度为判据,按最大似然原理解算团分布参数和成员概率的严格统计方法,对8个Abell星系团进行了成员研究.解算结果表明此方法是合理的、有效的,星系团的速度弥散度分布与动力学模型一致.有迹象表明椭长形的结构在星系团中是一种普遍现象.从这8个团得到了清晰的NA-σc的相关关系,进而推知团的质光比为100~600h,平均350h.  相似文献   

史忠先 《天文学报》1996,37(1):43-50,T003
在一些活动区中,耀斑与光球层磁对消的密切关系,已被观测确认,磁对消先于耀斑几小时到一天,此时,色球视向速度场呈现特定的式样,即在磁环拓扑界面上,出现紫移窄带,而耀斑亮块均落在拓扑界面两边的红移区,这一观测事实支持磁对消为低层大气的磁重联,并证实这种重联与日冕中的能量快速释放有密切关系。  相似文献   

本文发表了WUMa型相接双星SW Lac的1984年视向速度观测,它给出的新的分光质比q_(sp)=m_2/m_1=1.255±0.011。通过光变曲线观测和视向速度曲线观测的联合分析,得出改进了的双星绝对参量:M_1=0.78M_⊙,M_2=0.96M_⊙,R=0.91R_⊙和R_2=1.00R_⊙,在此基础上,对SW Lac双星的周期变化,可能的质量交流和损失,以及黑子活动等作了详细分析讨论。  相似文献   

近代天文圆顶发展概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚正秋  周放 《天文学进展》2003,21(3):206-218
综述了国内外天文圆顶的各种设计方案,比较了各种方案的性能,并介绍了为改善圆顶性能,降低造价进行的相关研究,以及为下一代巨型地面望远镜圆顶进行的预研究.结合目前正在研制的大天区多目标光纤光谱望远镜——LAMOST,简述了我国LAMOST望远镜圆顶的设计方案及其相关研究的概况。  相似文献   

We present measured radial velocities of two peculiar early B type stars, to check their membership to the open cluster NGC 663. The radial velocities have been obtained with the cross correlation technique, using as a template stars from the list of Liu et al. (1989). We have obtained accuracies around 3-4 km/s in our radial velocity measurements. From our results we conclude that both stars are probably non members of the cluster. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The extremely accurate estimates of stellar variability and radial velocity in the Gaia Data Release 3(Gaia DR3)have enabled us to examine the close binarity and radial velocity(RV) of central stars(CSs) of planetary nebulae(PNe). This study is twofold:(1) searching for new close binary CS candidates to better understand how binarity affects the formation and evolution of PNe; and(2) extending the sample size of known RVs of PNe in order to understand their kinematics and the dynamics of the Mil...  相似文献   

The radial velocities of the star BM Ori are determined from spectra obtained by the HST and IUE satellites, as well as from spectra obtained with the BTA telescope. An analysis of this data shows that the radial velocities of the main star and its satellite experience an irregular positive shift by 20-30 km/s. This fact can only be interpreted in terms of the presence of yet another star in the binary system. The new observations have made it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of the spectroscopic elements of the orbit of the close binary system and to estimate the orbital characteristics of the third body. The preliminary values of the elements are: Ep=JD2444744, P=1302d, =11km/s, e=0.92, K=20km/s, and =1.6rad.  相似文献   

给出了天文像复原"迭代位移叠加法"的第一步中确定位移基准点的方法—将目标像结构的初始信息与目标斑点图间的互相关运算的极大值点作为基准点。按此基准点对目标斑点图进行位移叠加,第一步中初始信息的选择是展开迭代位移叠加过程的关键。讨论了目标初始信息的性质和提取方法。  相似文献   

We have used Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) modulation profiles in the 25 – 300 keV range to construct high-fidelity visibilities of 25 flares having at least two components. These hard X-ray visibilities, which are mathematically identical to the visibilities of radio imaging, were input to software developed for mapping solar flares in the microwave domain using the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM). We compared and contrasted the MEM maps with Clean and Pixon maps made with RHESSI software. In particular, we assessed the reliability of the maps and their morphologies for future investigations of the symmetry of bipolar electron beaming in the sample set.  相似文献   

本文针对图像采集中的图像高速转储处理提出几种可行的方法,并对这几种方法进行了详细分析,给出了相应的实现思路,最后对这几种方法进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

The large stellar/planetary flux ratio (>106) and small angular separation (0.1 arcsec when observed from 10 parsecs) make it difficult to study Earthlike extrasolar planets. Hybrid coronographs with apodized masks and nulling by Earth based interferometric techniques could reduce the flux ratio by 3 orders of magnitude. Further reduction of starlight is possible with frequency filters. Due to large (upto 30 km/s) differences in radial velocities the specific spectral line for a particular molecule will be Doppler shifted by different amounts depending on from where, the star or the planet, the emission originates. The stellar spectrum itself could be used as a dynamic reference to determine the differential Doppler shift and define the frequency search space for the sought after planetary spectral line. The Differential Radial Velocity Spectrometer (DRVS) could use a heterodyne receiver with steep skirted filters and a laser local oscillator tracking the stellar spectrum. Several planetary spectral line windows should be searched and correlation/code gain techniques used to enhance detection capabilities.  相似文献   

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