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黑洞是广义相对论的一个重要理论问题,它的存在与否一直是物理学家和天文学家关心的焦点。特别是由于近几年大量先进的观测设备投入使用和观测方法的改进,使得黑洞证认工作有了巨大的进展,成为当今天文学的一个热点。重点综述了恒星级黑洞和星系核的超大质量黑洞的各种天文观测证据,并介绍了与黑洞相关的天体物理学的一些重要前沿。讨论了正在开展的国际重大项目和探索原初黑洞的初步结果,并且展望了未来寻找黑洞天文观测证据的前景和对观测研究的建议。  相似文献   

<正>自旋致密双星是宇宙中的重要研究对象.其中,由恒星级致密天体绕转超大质量黑洞构成的极端质量比旋进系统(EMRIs)是美国宇航局LISA引力波探测计划的首选目标源之一,对其研究和观测不仅可以直接检验广义相对论的引力波预言,测量中央黑洞的质量和自旋,还可以揭示黑洞视界附近的基本物理性质,具有重要的物理和天体物理意义.  相似文献   

吴斌  孟祥存  韩占文 《天文学报》2007,48(2):121-129
目前,观测证认的黑洞双星在黑洞质量分布上存在一峰值,但是还没有比较完备的理论可以解释,试图对该分布规律给出较合理的解释.鉴于恒星的氦(He)核在黑洞形成中所扮演角色的重要性,将He核质量与黑洞初始质量联系起来.根据Fryer等人的二维核塌缩模拟的结果,找到了一拟合关系,从而根据He核大小可以估算黑洞的初始质量.采用PPE恒星演化程序计算确定He核质量.最后得到星族Ⅱ和星族Ⅰ黑洞双星的黑洞初始质量的分布,并结合观测给出了相应的解释.  相似文献   

偏心率是描述天体运动轨道的重要参数之一, 能够为揭示天体的动力学演化提供重要线索, 进而帮助理解天体形成与演化的过程及背后的物理机制. 随着天文观测技术的不断发展, 人们对于天体运动轨道的研究已经走出太阳系, 包含的系统也从大质量端的恒星系统延伸到了低质量端的行星系统. 聚焦天体轨道偏心率研究, 回顾了目前在恒星系统(包括主序恒星、褐矮星以及致密星)和行星系统(包括太阳系外巨行星以及``超级地球''、``亚海王星''等小质量系外行星)方面取得的进展, 总结了不同尺度结构下偏心率研究的一些共同之处和待解决的问题. 并结合当下和未来的相关天文观测设备和项目, 对未来天体轨道偏心率方面的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

01我国天文学家发现最大恒星级黑洞中国科学院国家天文台刘继峰、张昊彤研究团队,依托郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST),发现了一颗迄今为止质量最大的恒星级黑洞,并提供了一种利用LAMOST巡天优势寻找黑洞的新方法。这颗70f音太阳质量的黑洞远超理论预言的质量上限,颠覆了人们对恒星级黑洞形成的认知,有望推动恒星演化和黑洞形成理论的革新。这一研究成果由国际科学期刊《自然》于2019年11月28日发布。  相似文献   

过去黑洞被认为是自然界最具破坏性的力量。现在,随着一系列逐步深入的惊人发现,特大质量黑洞在天体一览表中的位置经历了重大变迁。天文学正在揭示这类天体在宇宙早期结构的形成中所起的重要作用;催生了恒星的爆发性形成、行星甚至生命。  相似文献   

恒星作为宇宙的基础组成元素,其形成过程一直是天文学中的重要研究对象。人们已基本了解中小质量恒星(质量小于8M⊙)的形成和演化过程;受到数量少、嵌埋深、演化快和反馈剧烈等因素的影响,大质量恒星(质量大于8M⊙)的形成过程依然谜团重重。介绍了小质量恒星形成的基本理论,以及吸积盘、竞争吸积、并合三种主流的大质量恒星形成模型;回顾了以往使用红外或射电望远镜对大质量恒星形成区的观测和分析,以及现阶段使用多波段巡天观测手段对大质量恒星形成区的研究成果;着重介绍了目前公认的大质量恒星形成的示踪物——分子外向流的理论和观测现状,以及大质量外向流的优秀候选体——绿色延展天体的发现、理论及观测研究情况。最后,对大质量恒星形成的理论和观测研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

介绍了恒星非径向脉动的一般特性和可观测特征.着重评述早型恒星非径向脉动研究的最新进展以及非径向脉动模式证认的各种方法.  相似文献   

活动星系核(中心黑洞质量MBH^10^6-10^10M⊙)和黑洞X射线双星(MBH^10M⊙)普遍被认为具有相似的中心引擎:黑洞、吸积盘和喷流.类似的中心引擎、质量相却差如此之大(6{9个数量级)的两类黑洞系统是否具有相似的物理仍不清楚.本文围绕不同尺度黑洞天体的物理性质和观测特性展开,主要研究了不同尺度黑洞天体活动的基本面关系以及黑洞X射线双星的能谱演化.  相似文献   

这里叙述的新发现仅指某一特殊类型的发现(如新星,超新星和小行星等)及某一特殊类型天体的认证(如X射线源证认为类星体等),而不包括某一类天体的某种天象及未知性质源的列表(如深度成像观测得到的前人没有纪录过的一般天体,如恒星,但一些特殊天体亦列入),由于收集不全面和所谓“发现”定义的困难,向有发向而未列入者先歉意。从80年代后期开始,我国的观测设备有了很大垢发展,所以有一批重的的天文发现,为天文提供了很好的机会,它包括下面几方面,层系层次天体:(1)用X射线源和射电源证认了一批包括类星体,BL Lac天体,赛弗特天体在内的活动星系核;(2)用IRAS源证认了一批W-R星系;(3)BATC巡天在一个星系周围发现了一个“环”。恒星层次天体:(1)河外星系中发现了一批超新星的一个新星,(2)发现了和用ROSAT源证认了一批激变变星,(4)BATC和超新星巡天发现了一批变星,(4)发现了若干新的δSct变星,(5)发现了一批Herbig-Haro天体,(6)发现了一批水脉泽。行星层次天体:(1)发现了大批小行星,特别是有些是近地不行星,(20发现若干彗星。  相似文献   

Neutron stars in X-ray binary systems are fascinating objects that display a wide range of timing and spectral phenomena in the X-rays. Not only parameters of the neutron stars, like magnetic field strength and spin period evolve in their active binary phase, the neutron stars also affect the binary systems and their immediate surroundings in many ways. Here we discuss some aspects of the interactions of the neutron stars with their environments that are revelaed from their X-ray emission. We discuss some recent developments involving the process of accretion onto high magnetic field neutron stars: accretion stream structure and formation, shape of pulse profile and its changes with accretion torque. Various recent studies of reprocessing of X-rays in the accretion disk surface, vertical structures of the accretion disk and wind of companion star are also discussed here. The X-ray pulsars among the binary neutron stars provide excellent handle to make accurate measurement of the orbital parameters and thus also evolution of the binray orbits that take place over time scale of a fraction of a million years to tens of millions of years. The orbital period evolution of X-ray binaries have shown them to be rather complex systems. Orbital evolution of X-ray binaries can also be carried out from timing of the X-ray eclipses and there have been some surprising results in that direction, including orbital period glitches in two X-ray binaries and possible detection of the most massive circum-binary planet around a Low Mass X-ray Binary.  相似文献   

X-ray binaries     
Summary The various types and classes of X-ray binary are reviewed high-lighting recent results. The high mass X-ray binaries (HMXRBs) can be used to probe the nature of the mass loss from the OB star in these systems. Absorption measurements through one orbital cycle of the supergiant system X1700-37 are well modelled by a radiation driven wind and also require a gas stream trailing behind the X-ray source. In Cen X-3 the gas stream is accreted by the X-ray source via an accretion disk. Changes in the gas stream can cause the disk to thicken and the disk to obscure the X-ray source. How close the supergiant is to corotation seems to be as much a critical factor in these systems as how close it is to filling its Roche lobe. In the Be star X-ray binaries a strong correlation between the neutron stars rotation period and its orbital period has been explained as due to the neutron star being immersed in a dense, slow moving equatorial wind from the Be star. For the X-ray pulsars in the transient Be X-ray binaries a centrifugal barrier to accretion is important in determining the X-ray lightcurve and the spin evolution. The X-ray orbital modulations from the low mass X-ray binaries, LMXRBs, include eclipses by the companion and/or periodic dipping behaviour from structure at the edge of the disk. The corresponding optical modulations show a smooth sinusoidal like component and in some cases a sharp eclipse by the companion. The orbital period of the LMXRB XB1916-05 is 1% longer in the optical compared to that given by the X-ray dip period. The optical period has been interpreted as the orbital period, but this seems inconsistent with the well established view of the origin of the X-ray modulations in LMXRB. A new model is presented that assumes the X-ray dip period is the true orbital period. The 5.2 h eclipsing LMXRB XB2129+47 recently entered a low state and optical observations unexpectedly reveal an F star which is too big to fit into the binary. This is probably the first direct evidence that an X-ray binary is part of a hierarchical triple. Finally the class of X-ray binaries containing black hole candidates is reviewed focusing on the value of using X-ray signatures to identify new candidates.  相似文献   

Massive stars     
We describe the present state of massive star research seen from the viewpoint of stellar evolution, with special emphasis on close binaries. Statistics of massive close binaries are reasonably complete for the Solar neighbourhood. We defend the thesis that within our knowledge, many scientific results where the effects of binaries are not included, have an academic value, but may be far from reality. In chapter I, we summarize general observations of massive stars where we focus on the HR diagram, stellar wind mass loss rates, the stellar surface chemistry, rotation, circumstellar environments, supernovae. Close binaries can not be studied separately from single stars and vice versa. First, the evolution of single stars is discussed (chapter I). We refer to new calculations with updated stellar wind mass loss rate formalisms and conclusions are proposed resulting from a comparison with representative observations. Massive binaries are considered in chapter II. Basic processes are briefly described, i.e. the Roche lobe overflow and mass transfer, the common envelope process, the spiral-in process in binaries with extreme mass ratio, the effects of mass accretion and the merging process, the implications of the (asymmetric) supernova explosion of one of the components on the orbital parameters of the binary. Evolutionary computations of interacting close binaries are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. The enormous amount of observational data of massive binaries is summarized. We separately consider the non-evolved and evolved systems. The latter class includes the semi-detached and contact binaries, the WR binaries, the X-ray binaries, the runaways, the single and binary pulsars. A general comparison between theoretical evolution and observations is combined with a discussion of specially interesting binaries: the evolved binaries HD 163181, HD 12323, HD 14633, HD 193516, HD 25638, HD 209481, Per and Sgr; the WR+OB binary V444 Cyg; the high mass X-ray binaries Vela X-1, Wray 977, Cyg X-1; the low mass X-ray binaries Her X-1 and those with a black hole candidate; the runaway Pup, the WR+compact companion candidates Cyg X-3, HD 50896 and HD 197406. We finally propose an overall evolutionary model of massive close binaries as a function of primary mass, mass ratio and orbital period. Chapter III deals with massive star population synthesis with a realistic population of binaries. We discuss the massive close binary frequency, mass ratio and period distribution, the observations that allow to constrain possible asymmetries during the supernova explosion of a massive star. We focuss on the comparison between observed star numbers (as a function of metallicity) and theoretically predicted numbers of stellar populations in regions of continuous star formation and in starburst regions. Special attention is given to the O-type star/WR star/red supergiant star population, the pulsar and binary pulsar population, the supernova rates. Received 17 July 1998  相似文献   

Most astrophysical accretion disks are likely to be warped.In X-ray binaries,the spin evolution of an accreting neutron star is critically dependent on the interaction between the neutron star magnetic field and the accretion disk.There have been extensive investigations on the accretion torque exerted by a coplanar disk that is magnetically threaded by the magnetic field lines from the neutron stars,but relevant works on warped/tilted accretion disks are still lacking.In this paper we develop a simplified twocomponent model,in which the disk is comprised of an inner coplanar part and an outer,tilted part.Based on standard assumption on the formation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component,we derive the dimensionless torque and show that a warped/titled disk is more likely to spin up the neutron star compared with a coplanar disk.We also discuss the possible influence of various initial parameters on the torque.  相似文献   

The normal mode oscillations of thin accretion disks around black holes and other compact objects are analyzed and contrasted with those in stars. For black holes, the most robust modes are gravitationally trapped near the radius at which the radial epicyclic frequency is maximum. Their eigenfrequencies depend mainly on the mass and angular momentum of the black hole. The fundamental g-mode has recently been seen in numerical simulations of black hole accretion disks. For stars such as white dwarfs, the modes are trapped near the inner boundary (magnetospheric or stellar) of the accretion disk. Their eigenfrequencies are approximately multiples of the (Keplerian) angular velocity of the inner edge of the disk. The relevance of these modes to the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in the power spectra of accreting binaries will be discussed. In contrast to most stellar oscillations, most of these modes are unstable in the presence of viscosity (if the turbulent viscosity induced by the magnetorotational instability acts hydrodynamically).  相似文献   

I review the evidence for stellar mass black holes in the Galaxy. The unique properties of the soft X-ray transient (SXTs) have provided the first opportunity for detailed studies of the mass-losing star in low-mass X-ray binaries. The large mass functions of these systems imply that the compact object has a mass greater than the maximum mass of a neutron star, strengthening the case that they contain black holes. The results and techniques used are discussed. I also review the recent study of a comparison of the luminosities of black hole and neutron star systems which has yielded compelling evidence for the existence of event horizons.  相似文献   

We present a numerical analysis of the spin evolution of neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries, trying to explain the discrepancy in the spin period distribution between observations of millisecond pulsars and theoretical results. In our calculations, we take account of possible effects of radiation pressure and irradiation-induced instability on the structure of the disk, and the evolution of the mass transfer rate, respectively. We report the following results: (1) The radiation pressure in the accretion disk leads to a slight increase of spin periods, and the variation of mass transfer rate caused by the neutron star irradiation can shorten the spin-down phase of evolution. (2) The calculated results of the model combining radiation pressure and irradiation show that the accretion is strongly limited by the radiation pressure in the high mass transfer phase. (3) The accreted mass and fastness parameter can affect the number of systems in the equilibrium state.  相似文献   

There are remarkable similarities between the rapid X-ray variability of low-magnetic field neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries, and that of black holes. In particular at frequencies < 100 Hz, their power spectra can be strikingly similar. The highest frequency phenomena (kilohertz QPOs, black hole high-frequency QPOs and neutron star hectohertz QPOs) are the ones that show most differences, perhaps because they originate closest to the compact object. Most variability components vary in frequency in correlation with one another, and the correlations once again are very similar across neutron stars and black holes – some extend even to white dwarfs. Although this does not strictly require that all phenomena whose frequencies are involved are caused by the same physics in all three source types, this does indicate that basic properties of the accretion flow which are the same in all three source types play an important role in generating at least some of the frequencies.  相似文献   

I review our understanding of the evolution of the spin periods of neutron stars in binary stellar systems, from their birth as fast, spin-powered pulsars, through their middle life as accretion-powered pulsars, upto their recycling or “rebirth” as spin-powered pulsars with relatively low magnetic fields and fast rotation. I discuss how the new-born neutron star is spun down by electromagnetic and “propeller” torques, until accretion of matter from the companion star begins, and the neutron star becomes an accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. Detailed observations of massive radio pulsar binaries like PSR 1259-63 will yield valuable information about this phase of initial spindown. I indicate how the spin of the neutron star then evolves under accretion torques during the subsequent phase as an accretion-powered pulsar. Finally, I describe how the neutron star is spun up to short periods again during the subsequent phase of recycling, with the accompanying reduction in the stellar magnetic field, the origins of which are still not completely understood.  相似文献   

We present different mass ratio distributions of massive black hole(MBH)binaries due to different mechanisms involved in binary evolution. A binary system of MBHs forms after the merger of two galaxies, which has three stages: the dynamical friction stage, the stellar scattering or circumbinary disk stage, and the gravitational radiation stage. The second stage was once believed to be the "final parsec problem"(FPP) as the binary stalled at this stage because of the depletion of stars. Now, the FPP has been shown to no longer be a problem. Here we get two different mass ratio distributions of MBH binaries under two mechanisms, stellar scattering and the circumbinary disk interaction. For the circumbinary disk mechanism, we assume that the binary shrinks by interaction with a circumbinary disk and the two black holes(BHs)have different accretion rates in the simulation. We apply this simple assumption to the hierarchical coevolution model of MBHs and dark matter halos, and we find that there will be more equal-mass MBH binaries in the final coalescence for the case where the circumbinary mechanism operates. This is mainly because the secondary BH in the circumbinary disk system accretes at a higher rate than the primary one.  相似文献   

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