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1 IntroductionInthedeepseawithawatertemperaturelowerthan5℃andtheseabottom ,theor ganicmattersareoxidizedmainlybytheaerobicbacteria (BenderandHeggie 1 984;Her bert 1 986) ,whichmeansthattheaerobicbacteriainthisenvironmentareratherabun dant.Thearcticseaareaisanareawhereenvironmentispermanentlycold ,butsomere searchresults (Sahmetal.1 998)indicatethattherearedominantbacteria eubacteriainthearcticseawaterandsediment,andtheiradaptationtotemperaturehasnosubstantialdifferenceincomparisonwiththatof…  相似文献   

With more applications of seismic exploration in metal ore exploration,forward modelling of seismic wave has become more important in metal ore.Finite difference method and pseudo-spectral method are two im-portant methods of wave-field simulation.Results of previous studies show that both methods have distinct ad-vantages and disadvantages:Finite difference method has high precision but its dispersion is serious;pseudo-spectral method considers both computational efficiency and precision but has less precision than finite-diffe-rence.The authors consider the complex structural characteristics of the metal ore,furthermore add random media in order to simulate the complex effects produced by metal ore for wave field.First,the study introduced the theories of random media and two forward modelling methods.Second,it compared the simulation results of two methods on fault model.Then the authors established a complex metal ore model,added random media and compared computational efficiency and precision.As a result,it is found that finite difference method is better than pseudo-spectral method in precision and boundary treatment,but the computational efficiency of pseudo-spectral method is slightly higher than the finite difference method.  相似文献   

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