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We describe a multi-order spectrograph concept suitable for 8-m class telescopes, using the intrinsic spectral resolution of superconducting tunnelling junction detectors to sort the spectral orders. The spectrograph works at low orders, 1–5 or 1–6, and provides spectral coverage with a resolving power of   R ≃ 8000  from the atmospheric cut-off at 320 nm to the long-wavelength end of the infrared H or K band at 1800 nm or 2400 nm. We calculate that the spectrograph would provide substantial throughput and wavelength coverage, together with high time resolution and sufficient dynamic range. The concept uses currently available technology, or technologies with short development horizons, restricting the spatial sampling to two linear arrays; however, an upgrade path to provide more spatial sampling is identified. All of the other challenging aspects of the concept – the cryogenics, thermal baffling and magnetic field biasing – are identified as being feasible.  相似文献   

We describe the integral field unit (IFU) which converts the Gemini Multiobject Spectrograph (GMOS) installed on the Gemini-North telescope to an integral field spectrograph,which produces spectra over a contiguous field of view of 7 × 5 arcsec with spatial sampling of 0.2 arcsecover the wavelength range 0.4-1.0 μm.GMOS is converted to this mode by the remote insertion of the IFU into thebeam in place of the masks used for the multiobject mode. A separate fieldof half the area of the main field, but otherwise identical, is alsoprovided to improve background subtraction. The IFU contains 1500lenslet-coupled fibres and was the first facility of any type for integralfield spectroscopy employed on an 8/10 m telescope.We describe the design, construction and testing of the GMOS IFU and present measurements of the throughput both in the laboratory and at the telescope. We compare these with a theoretical prediction made before construction started. All are in good agreement with each other, with the on-telescope throughput exceeding 60% (averaged over wavelength). Finallywe show an example of data obtained during commissioning to illustrate the power of the device.  相似文献   

CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and Transit) is a mission of high-accuracy photometry with two scientific programmes: asteroseismology and planet finding, using CCDs as detectors. Ten 2048×4096 CCDs manufactured by E2V (42-80) were calibrated on Meudon test bench in order to choose the best ones for flight. A very high instrument stability is needed. Taking into account the environmental perturbations (temperature, attitude control system jitter, radiations, etc.) we studied sensitivity of CCD gain and quantum efficiency to temperature and sensitivity of the output signal to bias voltages. Special attention was paid to pixel capacity and noise sources coming from dark current and pixel response non-uniformity. The calibration results together with the expected voltages and temperature fluctuations are compared with the specifications.  相似文献   

Photon counting strategies with low-light-level CCDs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low light level charge-coupled devices (L3CCDs) have recently been developed, incorporating on-chip gain. They may be operated to give an effective readout noise of much less than one electron by implementing an on-chip gain process allowing the detection of individual photons. However, the gain mechanism is stochastic and so introduces significant extra noise into the system. In this paper we examine how best to process the output signal from an L3CCD so as to minimize the contribution of stochastic noise, while still maintaining photometric accuracy.
We achieve this by optimizing a transfer function that translates the digitized output signal levels from the L3CCD into a value approximating the photon input as closely as possible by applying thresholding techniques. We identify several thresholding strategies and quantify their impact on the photon counting accuracy and the effective signal-to-noise ratio.
We find that it is possible to eliminate the noise introduced by the gain process at the lowest light levels. Reduced improvements are achieved as the light level increases up to about 20 photon pixel−1 and above this there is negligible improvement. Operating L3CCDs at very high speeds will keep the photon flux low, giving the best improvements in signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

A way to fully exploit the large collecting area of modern 8–10m class telescopes is high resolution spectroscopy. Many astrophysical problems from planetary science to cosmology benefit from spectroscopic observations at the highest resolution currently achievable and would benefit from even higher resolutions. Indeed in the era of 8–10m class telescopes no longer the telescope collecting area but the size of the beam – which is related to the maximum size in which reflection gratings are manufactured – is what mainly limits the resolution. A resolution‐slit product Rφ ≃ 40,000 is the maximum currently provided by a beam of 20 cm illuminating the largest grating mosaics. We present a conceptual design for a spectrograph with Rφ ≃ 80,000, i.e. twice as large as that of existing instruments. Examples of the possible exploitation of such a high Rφ value, including spectropolarimetry and very high resolution (R ∼ 300,000), are discussed in detail. The new concept is illustrated through the specific case of a high resolution spectropolarimeter for the Large Binocular Telescope.  相似文献   

Along with the spectral attenuation properties, the focal ratio degradation (FRD) properties of optical fibres are the most important for instrumental applications in astronomy. We present a special study about the FRD of optical fibres with a core size of 50 μm to evaluate the effects of stress when mounting the fibre. Optical fibres like this were used to construct the Eucalyptus integral field unit. This fibre is very susceptible to the FRD effects, especially after the removal of the acrylate buffer. This operation is sometimes necessary to allow close packing of the fibres at the input to the spectrograph. Without the acrylate buffer, the protection of the cladding and core of the fibre may be easily damaged. In the near future, fibres of this size will be used to build the Southern Observatory for Astronomical Research (SOAR) integral field unit spectrograph (SIFS) and other instruments. It is important to understand the correct procedure which minimizes any increase in FRD during the construction of the instrument.  相似文献   

The new échelle spectrograph FLECHAS (Fibre Linked ECHelle Astronomical Spectrograph) is in operation at the Nasmyth‐focus of the 0.9 m telescope of the University Observatory Jena. FLECHAS is equipped with a sensitive back‐illuminated and midband coated CCD‐detector, as well as with a calibration unit for flatfield and wavelength‐calibration. The spectrograph covers the spectral range between about 3900 and 8100 Å and exhibits a resolving power of R ∼ 9300. In this article all technical characteristics of FLECHAS are described and examples of the first astronomical observations obtained with the new instrument in July 2013 at the University Observatory Jena are presented, among them the first light spectra taken with FLECHAS, simultaneous imaging and spectroscopic observations, the determination of the detection limit of the instrument, the spectroscopy of stars of different spectral types and of faint extended objects, as well as the Li‐line detection in the spectra of young solar‐like stars. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

PEPSI is the bench‐mounted, two‐arm, fibre‐fed and stabilized Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument for the 2×8.4 m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Three spectral resolutions of either 43 000, 120 000 or 270 000 can cover the entire optical/red wavelength range from 383 to 907 nm in three exposures. Two 10.3k×10.3k CCDs with 9‐µm pixels and peak quantum efficiencies of 94–96 % record a total of 92 échelle orders. We introduce a new variant of a wave‐guide image slicer with 3, 5, and 7 slices and peak efficiencies between 92–96 %. A total of six cross dispersers cover the six wavelength settings of the spectrograph, two of them always simultaneously. These are made of a VPH‐grating sandwiched by two prisms. The peak efficiency of the system, including the telescope, is 15 % at 650 nm, and still 11 % and 10 % at 390 nm and 900 nm, respectively. In combination with the 110 m2 light‐collecting capability of the LBT, we expect a limiting magnitude of ≈20th mag in V in the low‐resolution mode. The R = 120 000 mode can also be used with two, dual‐beam Stokes IQUV polarimeters. The 270 000‐mode is made possible with the 7‐slice image slicer and a 100‐µm fibre through a projected sky aperture of 0.74″, comparable to the median seeing of the LBT site. The 43 000‐mode with 12‐pixel sampling per resolution element is our bad seeing or faint‐object mode. Any of the three resolution modes can either be used with sky fibers for simultaneous sky exposures or with light from a stabilized Fabry‐Pérot étalon for ultra‐precise radial velocities. CCD‐image processing is performed with the dedicated data‐reduction and analysis package PEPSI‐S4S. Its full error propagation through all image‐processing steps allows an adaptive selection of parameters by using statistical inferences and robust estimators. A solar feed makes use of PEPSI during day time and a 500‐m feed from the 1.8 m VATT can be used when the LBT is busy otherwise. In this paper, we present the basic instrument design, its realization, and its characteristics. Some pre‐commissioning first‐light spectra shall demonstrate the basic functionality. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This document discusses the possibility of using compressed sensing techniques for measuring 2D spectro‐polarimetric information using only one etalon and a broad prefilter. Instead of using an etalon and an extremely narrow prefilter (with all the subsequent problems of alignment), the idea is to use multiplexing techniques to include in the observations all the secondary peaks of the etalon. The reconstruction of the signal is done under the assumption that it can be efficiently reproduced in an orthogonal basis set (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A fully autonomous data reduction pipeline has been developed for FRODOSpec, an optical fibre‐fed integral field spectrograph currently in use at the Liverpool Telescope. This paper details the process required for the reduction of data taken using an integral field spectrograph and presents an overview of the computational methods implemented to create the pipeline. Analysis of errors and possible future enhancements are also discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The NST (New Solar Telescope), a 1.6 m clear aperture, off‐axis telescope, is in its commissioning phase at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). It will be the most capable, largest aperture solar telescope in the US until the 4 m ATST (Advanced Technology Solar Telescope) comes on‐line late in the next decade. The NST will be outfitted with state‐of‐the‐art scientific instruments at the Nasmyth focus on the telescope floor and in the Coudé Lab beneath the telescope. At the Nasmyth focus, several filtergraphs already in routine operation have offered high spatial resolution photometry in TiO 706 nm, Hα 656 nm, G‐band 430 nm and the near infrared (NIR), with the aid of a correlation tracker and image reconstruction system. Also, a Cryogenic Infrared Spectrograph (CYRA) is being developed to supply high signal‐to‐noise‐ratio spectrometry and polarimetry spanning 1.0 to 5.0 μm. The Coudé Lab instrumentation will include Adaptive Optics (AO), InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM), Visible Imaging Magnetograph (VIM), and Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS). A 308 sub‐aperture (349‐actuator deformable mirror) AO system will enable nearly diffraction limited observations over the NST's principal operating wavelengths from 0.4 μm through 1.7 μm. IRIM and VIM are Fabry‐Pérot based narrow‐band tunable filters, which provide high resolution two‐dimensional spectroscopic and polarimetric imaging in the NIR and visible respectively. FISS is a collaboration between BBSO and Seoul National University focussing on chromosphere dynamics. This paper reports the up‐to‐date progress on these instruments including an overview of each instrument and details of the current state of design, integration, calibration and setup/testing on the NST (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The fields of view of Extremely Large Telescopes will contain vast numbers of spatial sampling elements (spaxels) as their adaptive optics systems approach the diffraction limit over wide fields. Since this will exceed the detection capabilities of any realistic instrument, the field must be dilutely sampled to extract spectroscopic data from selected regions of interest. The scientific return will be maximized if the sampling pattern provides an adaptable combination of separated independent spaxels and larger contiguous subfields, seamlessly combining integral-field and multiple-object spectroscopy. We illustrate the utility of this diverse-field spectroscopy (DFS) to cosmological studies of galaxy assembly. We show how to implement DFS with an instrument concept: the Celestial Selector. This integrates highly multiplexed monolithic fibre systems and switching networks of the type currently available in the telecommunications industry. It avoids bulky moving parts, whose limitations were noted in Paper I. In Paper III, we will investigate the optimization of such systems by varying the input–output mapping.  相似文献   

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