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Coralla of the solitary coral Talfania calicula gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Ordovician (Ashgill Series; Katian Stage) of Llanddowror, South Wales, UK, are often coiled around crinoid columnals, suggesting a premortem association between some of the corals and living crinoids. Irregularities within the deepest part of the open calice imply infestation of T. calicula by parasitic worms. Talfania calicula is distinguished from contemporaneous rugose corals by its lack of septa within the calice and its systematic position within Zoantharia is unresolved. Pitted calical grooves are interpreted as attachment scars of desmocytes connecting the soft tissues to the exoskeleton. Coral and crinoid remains in the assemblage are bored by postmortem microendoliths. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

何心一  陈建强 《现代地质》1998,12(2):151-159
摘 要  提出扬子区是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚的起源中心。早古生代扬子区最早出现的四射 珊瑚约有30属‚包括穿孔珊瑚类 Calostylis‚Yohophyllum‚扭心珊瑚类 Briantelasma‚Tunguse 提出扬子区是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚的起源中心。早古生代扬子区最早出现的四射 珊瑚约有30属‚包括穿孔珊瑚类 Calostylis‚Yohophyllum‚扭心珊瑚类 Briantelasma‚Tunguse- lasma‚包珊瑚类 Amplexoides‚Synamplexoides‚十字珊瑚类 Eostauria‚Ceriaster‚Stauria 以及 珊瑚约有30属‚包括穿孔珊瑚类 Calostylis‚Yohophyllum‚扭心珊瑚类 Briantelasma‚Tunguse lasma‚包珊瑚类 Amplexoides‚Synamplexoides‚十字珊瑚类 Eostauria‚Ceriaster‚Stauria 以及 泡沫珊瑚类 Rhizophyllum 等。它们在扬子区中奥陶世和早志留世地层迅速繁衍‚尔后扩散至 欧洲、北美和其他地区。扬子区晚奥陶世四射珊瑚群与北欧同期珊瑚有较高的相似性;而该 泡沫珊瑚类 Rhizophyllum 等。它们在扬子区中奥陶世和早志留世地层迅速繁衍‚尔后扩散至 欧洲、北美和其他地区。扬子区晚奥陶世四射珊瑚群与北欧同期珊瑚有较高的相似性;而该 区早志留世(包括 Wenlockian 阶)珊瑚群的生物古地理关系与西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦有紧密联 欧洲、北美和其他地区。扬子区晚奥陶世四射珊瑚群与北欧同期珊瑚有较高的相似性;而该 区早志留世(包括 Wenlockian 阶)珊瑚群的生物古地理关系与西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦有紧密联 系。扬子区早志留世珊瑚群与澳大利亚东部、北美东部同期珊瑚也有一定的相似性。 区早志留世(包括 Wenlockian 阶)珊瑚群的生物古地理关系与西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦 系。扬子区早志留世珊瑚群与澳大利亚东部、北美东部同期珊瑚也有一定的相似性。  相似文献   

何心一  陈建强 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):145-152
对扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚已发表的属种进行全面清理和厘定。现统计扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚约有117个属,其中以晚奥陶世和早志留世珊瑚属数最多。117个属中至少有30个属最早出现在扬子区中、晚奥陶世和早志留世地层。因此,扬子区被认为是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚起源中心之一。完善和修订扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚组合序列,使地层时代划分上均与国际通行标准(统、阶)接轨。尤其对扬子区早志留世Rhuddanian晚期,Aeronian早、晚期以及Telychian早、晚期四射珊瑚组合的重新建立和细分。最新资料表明晚奥陶世观音桥四射珊瑚动物群不但有更多的北欧同期的珊瑚分子,而且还产有北美标准属种Salvadorea,Brachyelasmasubregulare等说明两者也存在一定的联系。扬子区早志留世(Llandovery)的众多四射珊瑚属均为世界广布的,但也有许多地方性属(约有22个,占总数的23·4%)。就珊瑚生物古地理关系,它与同期的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和澳大利亚珊瑚群较密切。  相似文献   

A large sample of coronates (over 90 specimens) from a narrow horizon in the Upper Ordovician, Sholeshook Limestone, at Talfan Farm, Llanddowror, South Wales allows assessment of variation and growth in a population of these rare Palaeozoic echinoderms. Variation is extensive and we synonymize two previously described species. This occurrence extends the stratigraphic range of Cupulocorona rugosa Donovan and Paul down to Cautleyan, Zone 2. Internal moulds reveal new morphological features, especially of the coronal canals. The flattened blade‐like and kite‐shaped portions support the idea that the coronal canals functioned in respiratory gas exchange by increasing the surface area. We suggest that internal currents flowed up the inner (adoral) canal and down the outer (aboral) canal. Quantitative estimates of flow rate suggest that a volume of coelomic fluid equivalent to the entire body cavity could be flushed through the coronal canals in 10 seconds at most. These coronates probably lived attached by a relatively long stem with a simple, conical holdfast and bent over in gentle currents. They seem to have been characteristic of relatively high‐energy environments and are not generally distributed in the Sholeshook Limestone of South Wales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local developments of the Upper Ordovician Sholeshook Limestone are briefly described and inter-correlated on the basis of their trilobite faunas. The base of the formation is diachronous and overlies the Mydrim Shales unconformably. The base of the normally succeeding Slade and Redhill Mudstones is also diachronous and to the north and west of Haverfordwest this formation contains strata laterally equivalent to the main part of the Sholeshook Limestone. It is suggested that the Sholeshook Limestone falls within the Cautleyan Stage of the Ashgill Series. This extends the range of several trilobite species normally regarded as Middle Ashgill (Rawtheyan) indices.  相似文献   

本文着重从四射珊瑚动物群的角度讨论了滇东曲靖地区志留系的地层划分及对比问题。并提出曲靖地区的中、晚志留世具有4个珊瑚化石组合。对部分四射珊瑚属种(其中包括9个新种,4个相似种和一个未定属种)进行了描述。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘石灰沟晚石炭世的四射珊瑚   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王增吉  俞学光 《地球学报》1995,16(3):310-327
青海省柴达木盆地北缘晚石炭世地层出露完好,四射珊瑚化方丰富。本文研究了该区晚石炭世四射珊瑚26属,49种和亚种,10个未定种。自下而上建立了5个四射珊瑚组合带:1Lithostrotionella-Thysanophyllum组合带;2Cgathaxomia-Rotiphyllum组合带;3Protoivanovia-Amplexus组合带;4NeokonickoPhyllum-Koninckophgllam组合带;5Pseudozaphretoides-Lophocarinophyllam组合带。  相似文献   

王治平 《地质科学》1988,(4):279-289
中国中、晚石炭世珊瑚化石丰富。各地珊瑚群特征不同,故可分出不同的珊瑚组合。华南地区珊瑚群以犬齿珊瑚目为主,出现大量地区性分子。  相似文献   

Globally significant geoheritage features of the Cliefden Caves area, in the Belubula River Valley between Orange and Cowra in central western New South Wales, comprise a richly fossiliferous shallow-water limestone succession of Late Ordovician age (the Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup) overlain by deep-water laminites and allochthonous limestones of the Upper Ordovician Malongulli Formation. Key features of the Ordovician geology of the Cliefden Caves area that have been identified using the Geoheritage Toolkit as being of international significance are the abundance of unique and exceptionally diverse fossils in the Fossil Hill Limestone (forming the lower part of the Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup), which supplement detailed interpretation of carbonate-dominated deposition within an Ordovician volcanic island setting. The fossiliferous limestones preserve biostromes and local small bioherms of stromatoporoids and corals, and recurrent in situ and disarticulated/imbricated Eodinobolus shell beds formed in shallow, quiet-water, dominantly muddy carbonate sediments that passed up-sequence to clay-free carbonate environments. These mud-dominated carbonate sediments are interspersed with higher-energy conditions, represented by skeletal, lithoclastic and calcrete-ooid grainstones overlying disconformities, leading to the identification of subaerial disconformities and associated diagenesis in the Fossil Hill Limestone. The Fossil Hill Limestone is succeeded by massive limestones in the middle part of the Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup and then, in turn by the Vandon Limestone and the deeper-water graptolitic laminites of the Malongulli Formation—this completes a succession that is rarely preserved in the geological record, further enhancing the geoheritage significance of the Cliefden Caves area.  相似文献   

Two coralgal patch reefs of the Hauterivian Llàcova Formation (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), exposed at two consecutive stratigraphic levels within a single section, have been studied to document taxonomic implications of a changing environment. These two reefal palaeocommunities differ substantially in coral taxonomic composition, microbialite formation pattern and in abundance and composition of encrusters and bioeroders. Of a total of 14 coral species, just one (Stylina parvistella) occurs in both reefs, yet is abundant in the (lower) reef A and rare, occurring near the reef base, in the reef B assemblage. Reef A is dominated by a phototrophic fauna and coral species with small corallites and imperforate septa (a stylinid-thamnasteriid-heterocoeniid-actinastreid association), along with an encruster association dominated by Bacinella and Lithocodium. Reef B is characterised by a balanced phototrophic-heterotrophic fauna that gradually passes into a heterotrophic-dominated assemblage. During this latest growth stage, microsolenid corals dominated the assemblage. The encruster fauna is characterised by sponges, polychaetes and bryozoans. Moderate deepening during a transgressive systems tract (TST) depositional sequence and elevated nutrient supply are interpreted to represent the driving environmental parameters that caused faunal compositions to differ between these two reefal palaeocommunities. Nine coral taxa, previously known only from younger (Barremian–Cenomanian) strata, have been identified, namely Dimorphocoenia? rudis, Eocomoseris raueni, Eocomoseris sp., Holocoenia jaccardi, Latusastrea irregularis, Mesomorpha sp., Microsolena kugleri, Polyphylloseris mammillata and Polyphylloseris sp. This observation emphasises the importance of the Hauterivian Stage as a period of evolutionary transition in Late Jurassic–Cretaceous coral faunas.  相似文献   

A section near the Kilgen Lake (Adana Province) has yielded a fauna of rugose and tabulate corals including Disphyllum cf. rugosum (Wedekind, 1922), D. cf. curtum Hill, 1954, Wapitiphyllum sp., Thamnopora sp., and Alveolites sp. This coral assemblage is consistent with the previous Frasnian age assigned to the limestones of the Gümü?ali Formation. The rather well-preserved material provides new data on the structure and microstructure of Disphyllum and allows to describe in Thamnopora unusual calicinal morphology (septal ridges, median teeth, and pseudopercula) as well as new structures linked to the lateral increase (basal low wall, apical cul-de-sac).  相似文献   

上扬子区下志留统四射珊瑚组合带与层序地层序列的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘 要  根据动物群演替和层序地层的研究‚厘定上扬子区下志留统 (Llandovery) 四射珊瑚 组合带序列:(1) 香树园组 Dinophyllum-Rhabdocyclus 组合带‚时限为 Aeronian 期;(2) 雷家 屯组下部 Stauria-Briantelasma 组合带; (3) 雷家屯组上部 Maikottia-Kodonophyllum 组合带‚ 它们对应于 Telychian 早期;(4) 宁强组 Gyalophylloides -Idiophyllum 组合带‚相当于 Telychian 晚期。上扬子区下志留统可以划分为5个三级层序‚四射珊瑚组合带分别位于三级层序的高 水位体系域内。  相似文献   

Late Ordovician coral bioherms in the Lourdes Formation of western Newfoundland exhibit a complex mixing of architectural elements, including framework, boundstone and suspension deposits. The bioherms occur within a narrow (16 m) stratigraphic interval, and a prominent unconformity truncates the interval of bioherm growth and tops of many of the bioherms. The buildups developed along a carbonate ramp. They occur isolated and in groups, individuals in groups are aligned in parallel orientation. The sizes of the bioherms range from small (50–100 cm) coral piles to columnar and dome‐shaped masses (1–15 m); however, topographic relief was never more than ≈1 m. Bioherm construction reflects: (i) stacking of the tabulate coral Labyrinthites chidlensis, and less common stromatoporoids; (ii) accumulation of microbial‐stromatoporoid boundstone and suspension deposits within shelter cavities between corals; and (iii) detrital bioherm‐flank skeletal grainstone beds. Trypanites borings are common in the tops of coral heads. The bioherms exhibit three growth‐development stages: (i) seafloor stabilization, wherein rare, abraded coral colonies lie scattered within pelmatozoan/skeletal grainstone lenses; (ii) colonization, wherein corals (L. chidlensis), rare stromatoporoids (Labechia sp.), and other biota (bryozoans) produced a bioherm overlying the basal sediment base; and (iii) diversification, which is marked by a more diverse range of fauna and flora as well as occurrence of shelter‐cavity deposits. The diversification stage usually makes up more than 70% of a bioherm structure, and, in some defines multiple periods of start‐up and shut‐down of bioherm growth. The latter is defined by bored omission surfaces and/or deposition of inter‐bioherm sediment. The Lourdes bioherms have a similar ecological structure, biotic diversity and depositional environment to patch reefs in the equivalent Carters Limestone in Tennessee. The mixture of coral stacking and boundstone as architectural elements identify an Early Palaeozoic transition of reef‐design development along shallow‐water platforms that began to displace the muddy (boundstone, bafflestone) carbonate buildups more typical of the Early and Middle Ordovician time.  相似文献   

江茂生  何心一 《地质科学》1994,29(3):228-235
以中国主要地区早石炭世四射珊瑚化石资料为依据,采用传统的综合比较法与二态聚类分析方法相结合,把中国早石炭世四射珊瑚归为两大动物地理区,即特提斯大区和岗瓦纳大区,其中特提斯大区东部中国部分可再分为四个亚区:(1)华南亚区;(2)滇西亚区;(3)西南亚区;(5)北方亚区。  相似文献   

 Oligocene and Early Miocene coral assemblages from three sections of central Iran are investigated with respect to their palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographic implications. These corals are compared with faunas from the Mediterranean Tethys and the Indopacific. Associated larger foraminifers are used for biostratigraphy and to support the palaeoecological interpretation. The studied sections are situated in the foreland basins of the Iranian Plate which is structured into a fore-arc and a back-arc basin separated by a volcanic arc. The coral assemblages from Abadeh indicate a shallowing-upward trend. Infrequently distributed solitary corals at the base of the section indicate a turbid environment. Above, a distinct horizon characterised by a Leptoseris-Stylophora assemblage associated with lepidocyclinids and planktonic foraminifers is interpreted as maximum flooding surface. Small patch reefs with a Porites-Faviidae assemblage are a common feature of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene coral occurrences and indicate water depths of less than 20 m. The diversity of the coral faunas shows marked differences. Oligocene corals from the Esfahan-Sirjan fore-arc basin comprise more than 45 species of 32 genera and occur in a wide range of environments. Early Miocene corals from the Qom back-arc basin are less frequent, show a lower diversity (13 genera with 15 species) and occur in single horizons or small patch reefs. Received: 4 December 1998 / Accepted: 3 June 1999  相似文献   

The Cliefden Caves area in central-western New South Wales includes the scientifically most important and irreplaceable examples of fossiliferous Ordovician rocks in the State. Exposures of the stratigraphically lower parts of the Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup on the aptly named Fossil Hill are world-famous among paleontologists and internationally significant for preserving the earliest in situ shell beds documented in the literature. They also contain some of the oldest known rugose corals, and an exceptional example of one of the oldest coralline biostromes, as well as many examples of invertebrate fossils and cyanobacterial mat structures that either are unique to this locality or were first described from here. Other stratigraphic levels throughout the total 363?m-thick Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup are similarly endowed with highly significant fossils, such as a globally unique in situ shell bank with rare examples of the trimerellide brachiopod Belubula spectacula, a wealth of shelly fossils and trilobites on Dunhill Bluff (adjacent to Fossil Hill to the east), and the appropriately named Trilobite Hill. Less well known to the general public, but of international importance to paleontologists, is the unique deep-water sponge fauna of the overlying Malongulli Formation that occurs at several levels in limestone lenses within this unit. Fossils from the Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup and the Malongulli Formation have been documented in more than 60 scientific papers and monographs since paleontological investigations into the site were first published in 1895. Despite concerted scientific endeavour in the region over the past 50?years, much more study needs to be done to fully document the paleontological riches of the Cliefden Caves area. These sites are interpreted as the remains of a tropical island, fringed by limestone and flanked by deep-water environments in which the Malongulli Formation was deposited. Preservation of such islands is exceptionally rare in the geological record. It is therefore vital for the area to remain accessible to scientific researchers to continue their studies. Flooding of the Belubula Valley by a proposed dam downstream from the Cliefden Caves area would hinder future research work on this unique geoheritage resource. Fortunately, a successful public campaign has led to listing of the site on the State Heritage Register that will provide essential protection of the caves from inundation while ensuring continued access to researchers.  相似文献   

中国早石炭世四射珊瑚动物地理分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 以中国主要地区早石炭世四射珊瑚化石资料为依据,采用传统的综合比较法与二态聚类分析方法相结合,把中国早石炭世四射珊瑚归为两大动物地理区,即特提斯大区和岗瓦纳大区,其中特提斯大区东部中国部分可再分为四个亚区:(1)华南亚区;(2)滇西亚区;(3)西南亚区;(5)北方亚区。  相似文献   

新疆哈密地区早泥盆世珊瑚动物群及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张孟  郑飞  南玲玲  张雄华  黄兴  靳锁锁 《地质通报》2018,37(10):1789-1797
新疆哈密地区下泥盆统发育,南部图拉尔根地区下泥盆统为大南湖组,北部三道白杨沟地区为卓木巴斯套组。在大南湖组中共发现四射珊瑚2属5种,床板珊瑚7属12种,并建立四射珊瑚组合Syringaxon moriense和床板珊瑚组合Pseudofavosites giganteus;在卓木巴斯套组共发现四射珊瑚5属7种,床板珊瑚2属2种,并建立四射珊瑚组合Orthopaterophyllum junggarense和床板珊瑚组合Pachyfavosites junggarensis。通过珊瑚在地层中的分布及组合的时代对比,确定前者的时代为早泥盆世埃姆斯期早期,后者的时代为埃姆斯期中晚期。通过与国内外典型的早泥盆世埃姆斯期珊瑚动物群的对比,认为哈密地区的珊瑚动物具有典型的早泥盆世温带动物群特征,在生物古地理区系上属于北方大区准噶尔-兴安省。  相似文献   

China is rich in Middle and Carboniferous fossil corals. The coral faunas in different regions have varying characteristics and can be divided into distinct assemblages. The coral fauna in South China is dominated by the order Caninida and contains numerous endemic elements; that in North China has a lot of Middle Carboniferous corals which are monotonous in species, with Late Carboniferous solitary corals being predominant. The coral fauna in Junggar mainly contains large bi-zoned solitary caninids, while that in southern Khingan is similar to that in South China due to the presence of abundant tri-zoned compound corals. In northern Tibet the coral fauna is also similar to that in South China, but in southern Tibet it is of a cold-water type. Therefore, the Middle and Late Carboniferous coral geography of China can be divided into the Tethys, Boreal and Gondwana Realms.  相似文献   

The ostracod fauna from the Floian (Lower Ordovician) strata of the Cordillera Oriental, Argentina (Acoite Formation) are documented. One new genus Acoitella and four species are recognized, two of which are new (Nanopsis victoria sp. nov. and Conchoprimitia frequens sp. nov.). The diversity of the Early Ordovician ostracod faunas of the Central Andean Basin is evaluated. Compared with other regions, the ostracod diversity, at generic and specific level, of the Cordillera Oriental was comparatively high during the Tremadocian (nine species recorded) and comparatively low during the Floian (four species recorded). The taxonomic composition of the fauna is similar during the entire Early Ordovician of the Cordillera Oriental, where it displays a high percentage of soanellids. The Floian assemblages are characterized by the dominance of the eridostracan C. frequens sp. nov. with a high percentage of nondimorphic palaeocopids: Nanopsis and two genera of the Soanellidae family (Saltite and Acoitella gen nov.). An ostracod shell bed is described and interpreted to be a parautochthonous assemblage, as a result of transport within the same habitat. The composition of the fauna, with the presence of Saltite and Nanopsis, shows significant affinities with East Gondwana. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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