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This paper focuses on the late Holocene occupation of hunter‐gatherers at the Marazzi 2 site located on the northwestern steppe of Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Our aim is to understand stratigraphy, formation processes, and pedogenesis with respect to human occupation over the last 3000 years. Based on archaeological excavations on a fluvial terrace of the Torcido River, we integrate soil micromorphology, mineralogy, geochemistry, magnetic susceptibility, and geomorphology, as well as the micro‐ and macrofrequency distributions of archaeological material. A micro‐taphonomical perspective is also applied to anthropogenic components recorded in sedimentary thin sections. We discuss various events in the interplay between soil development and human occupation through time. Marazzi 2 was witness to aggradation and pedogenesis with an episode of surface stability coincident with a phase of more intense human occupation at about 860 BC. Taphonomic analysis suggests that there are multiple occupation events mixed together, probably by biomechanical processes, resulting in a palimpsest with poor temporal resolution.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of the Early Cambrian Ni–Mo polymetallic black shale ores at the Sancha deposit, South China, was investigated to better the understanding of the complex ore genesis by optical microscope, electron microprobe, and scanning electron microscope. Analytical results show that the sulfides in the ore bed mainly comprise C/MoS2 mixed‐layer phase (MoSC), millerite, and pyrite. Of these, MoSC and millerite are the main ore minerals of Mo and Ni, respectively. Pyrite is subdivided into six types based on its morphology, occurrence, relationship to Ni‐ and Mo‐bearing minerals, and chemical composition. Many millerite crystals cut early‐formed MoSC, implying that these two minerals formed at different stages. The concentrations of biogenic elements (e.g., Sb) in the MoSC are high compared with those in millerite, implying a close relationship between MoSC and organic matter. These data provide a new and improved understanding of the complex ore genesis at the Sancha deposit, and can be applied to other black‐shale‐hosted mineral deposits worldwide.  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of China is famous for its fossils of early angiosperms, and these fossils have shed otherwise unavailable light on the evolution of angiosperms. The seeds in Archaefructus and Nothodichocarpum are inserted along the dorsal of the fruits while those in Sinocarpus are along the ventral of the fruits, suggesting different Bau‐plans and pathways deriving the carpels in these plants of the Early Cretaceous. Adding further fossil evidence, here we report a novel fossil angiosperm, Neofructus lingyuanensis gen. et sp. nov, with its seeds inserted on both ventral and dorsal sides of the fruits documented through light microscopic and SEM observations, suggesting a novel way forming gynoecium in the Yixian Formation. These fossil angiosperms indicate that angiosperm gynoecia in the Yixian Formation (the Barremian to Aptian) are derived in obviously different ways, implying an evolutionary scenario for angiosperms quite different from formerly assumed.  相似文献   

Experimental determination of the pressure and temperature controls on Ti solubility in quartz provides a calibration of the Ti‐in‐quartz (TitaniQ) geothermometer applicable to geological conditions up to ~ 20 kbar. We present a new method for determining 48Ti mass fractions in quartz by LA‐ICP‐MS at the 1 μg g?1 level, relevant to quartz in HP‐LT terranes. We suggest that natural quartz such as the low‐CL rims of the Bishop Tuff quartz (determined by EPMA; 41 ± 2 μg g?1 Ti, 2s) is more suitable than NIST reference glasses as a reference material for low Ti mass fractions because matrix effects are limited, Ca isobaric interferences are avoided, and polyatomic interferences at mass 48 are insignificant, thus allowing for the use of 48Ti as a normalising mass. Average titanium mass fraction from thirty‐three analyses of low temperature quartz from the Czech Erzgebirge is 0.9 ± 0.2 μg g?1 (2s) using 48Ti as a normalising mass and Bishop Tuff quartz rims as a reference material. The 2s average analytical uncertainty for individual analyses of 48Ti is 8% for 50 μm spots and 7% for 100 μm spots, which offers much greater accuracy than the 21–41% uncertainty (2s) incurred from using 49Ti as an analyte.  相似文献   

Ilmenite (FeTiO3) is a common accessory mineral and has been used as a powerful petrogenetic indicator in many geological settings. Elemental fractionation and matrix effects in ilmenite (CRN63E‐K) and silicate glass (NIST SRM 610) were investigated using 193 nm ArF excimer nanosecond (ns) laser and 257 nm femtosecond (fs) laser ablation systems coupled to an inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer. The concentration‐normalised 57Fe and 49Ti responses in ilmenite were higher than those in NIST SRM 610 by a factor of 1.8 using fs‐LA. Compared with the 193 nm excimer laser, smaller elemental fractionation was observed using the 257 nm fs laser. When using 193 nm excimer laser ablation, the selected range of the laser energy density had a significant effect on the elemental fractionation in ilmenite. Scanning electron microscopy images of ablation craters and the morphologies of the deposited aerosol materials showed more melting effects and an enlarged particle deposition area around the ablation site of the ns‐LA‐generated crater when compared with those using fs‐LA. The ejected material around the ns crater predominantly consisted of large droplets of resolidified molten material; however, the ejected material around the fs crater consisted of agglomerates of fine particles with ‘rough' shapes. These observations are a result of the different ablation mechanisms for ns‐ and fs‐LAs. Non‐matrix‐matched calibration was applied for the analysis of ilmenite samples using NIST SRM 610 as a reference material for both 193 nm excimer LA‐ICP‐MS and fs‐LA‐ICP‐MS. Similar analytical results for most elements in ilmenite samples were obtained using both 193 nm excimer LA‐ICP‐MS at a high laser energy density of 12.7 J cm?2 and fs‐LA‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   

The Fanta Stream site is an archaeological and paleontological locality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The site contains a rich assemblage of fossil mammals and Acheulean artifacts of approximately 600 ka located in a rare high‐altitude context. A ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted in order to provide three‐dimensional imaging of the subsurface, which the authors use to interpret the geometry and distribution of fossil‐containing stratigraphic units. Utilizing the stream's natural cut bank exposure, we calibrate GPR data to known geologic units through radar facies analysis. Shallow, high‐amplitude coherent reflection geometries are attributed to volcanic tuff deposits, as these units exhibit subparallel continuous reflections consistent with planar stratified sedimentary deposition. Deeper, discontinuous reflection packages are interpreted as conglomeritic, fossil‐containing deposits. The results of the GPR survey outline the location of the Fanta Stream's paleodepositional features as well as suggest the extent of fossiliferous stratigraphic units for use in future excavations.  相似文献   

Large‐volume lahars are significant hazards at ice and snow covered volcanoes. Hot eruptive products produced during explosive eruptions can generate a substantial volume of melt water that quickly evolves into highly mobile flows of ice, sediment and water. At present it is difficult to predict the size of lahars that can form at ice and snow covered volcanoes due to their complex flow character and behaviour. However, advances in experiments and numerical approaches are producing new conceptual models and new methods for hazard assessment. Eruption triggered lahars that are ice‐dominated leave behind thin, almost unrecognizable sedimentary deposits, making them likely to be under‐represented in the geological record.  相似文献   

Tell es‐Sâfi/gath is situated in the semiarid foothills of central Israel, adjacent to the coastal . plain. An enigmatic landscape feature, noted on aerial photographs, encircles the tell on three sides. This unique feature, unknown from other Near Eastern tells, was investigated. Methods of analysis include aerial photographs, field surveys, excavations, soil analyses, chronotypological ceramic classification, and radiocarbon dating. We concluded that (1) the peculiar landscape feature is a huge human‐made trench, over 2 km long, 5–6 m deep, and more than 8 m wide, cut through bedrock; (2) the trench was excavated during the Iron Age IIA (ca. 1000–800 B.C.E.), apparently as part of a siege system; (3) the extracted rock and soil material was dumped on the Iron Age landscape surface on one side of the trench, forming an elevated “berm”; (4) erosion processes transformed this landscape scar, as the trench filled with sediment; (5) stratigraphic analysis indicates two major phases of filling, separated by a period of landscape stability and soil formation (A horizon); (6) the two filling phases, exhibiting Iron Age IIA and Byzantine pottery (ca. 324—638 C.E.), appear to coincide with more intense human activity; and (7) the possible effect of climatic variations seems less obvious. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dunite and serpentinized harzburgite in the Cheshmeh-Bid area, northwest of the Neyriz ophiolite in Iran, host podiform chromitite that occur as schlieren-type, tabular and aligned massive lenses of various sizes. The most important chromitite ore textures in the Cheshmeh-Bid deposit are massive, nodular and disseminated. Massive chromitite, dunite, and harzburgite host rocks were analyzed for trace and platinum-group elements geochemistry. Chromian spinel in chromitite is characterized by high Cr~#(0.72-0.78), high Mg~#(0.62–0.68) and low TiO_2(0.12 wt%-0.2 wt%) content. These data are similar to those of chromitites deposited from high degrees of mantle partial melting. The Cr~# of chromian spinel ranges from 0.73 to 0.8 in dunite, similar to the high-Cr chromitite, whereas it ranges from 0.56 to 0.65 in harzburgite. The calculated melt composition of the high-Cr chromitites of the Cheshmeh-Bid is 11.53 wt%–12.94 wt% Al_2O_3, 0.21 wt%–0.33 wt% TiO_2 with FeO/MgO ratios of 0.69-0.97, which are interpreted as more refractory melts akin to boninitic compositions. The total PGE content of the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitite, dunite and harzburgite are very low(average of 220.4, 34.5 and 47.3 ppb, respectively). The Pd/Ir ratio, which is an indicator of PGE fractionation, is very low(0.05–0.18) in the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitites and show that these rocks derived from a depleted mantle. The chromitites are characterized by high-Cr~#, low Pd + Pt(4–14 ppb) and high IPGE/PPGE ratios(8.2–22.25), resulting in a general negatively patterns, suggesting a high-degree of partial melting is responsible for the formation of the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitites. Therefore parent magma probably experiences a very low fractionation and was derived by an increasing partial melting. These geochemical characteristics show that the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitites have been probably derived from a boninitic melts in a supra-subduction setting that reacted with depleted peridotites. The high-Cr chromitite has relatively uniform mantle-normalized PGE patterns, with a steep slope, positive Ru and negative Pt, Pd anomalies, and enrichment of PGE relative to the chondrite. The dunite(total PGE = 47.25 ppb) and harzburgite(total PGE =3 4.5 ppb) are highly depleted in PGE and show slightly positive slopes PGE spidergrams, accompanied by a small positive Ru, Pt and Pd anomalies and their Pdn/Irn ratio ranges between 1.55–1.7 and 1.36-1.94, respectively. Trace element contents of the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitites, such as Ga, V, Zn, Co, Ni, and Mn, are low and vary between 13–26, 466–842, 22-84, 115–179, 826–-1210, and 697–1136 ppm, respectively. These contents are compatible with other boninitic chromitites worldwide. The chromian spinel and bulk PGE geochemistry for the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitites suggest that high-Cr chromitites were generated from Cr-rich and, Ti-and Al-poor boninitic melts, most probably in a fore-arc tectonic setting related with a supra-subduction zone, similarly to other ophiolites in the outer Zagros ophiolitic belt.  相似文献   

Three special types of xenoliths have recently been found in an aegirine–augite syenite porphyry in Liuhe, Yunnan, China. Petrographical, petrochemical, electron microprobe, and scanning electron microscopy studies indicate that pure calcite xenocrysts and quartz-bearing topaz pegmatite xenoliths result from the degassing of mantle fluids during their migration, and that black microcrystalline iron-rich silicate-melt xenoliths are the product of the extraction of mantle fluids accompanying degassing and are composed dominantly of quartz, chlorite, and iron-rich columnar and sheet silicate minerals with characteristic minerals, such as native iron, apatite, and zircon. According to the bulk-rock chemical and mineral compositions and crystallization states, the microcrystalline melt xenoliths are not the product of conventional magmatism, and especially the existence of native iron further proves that the xenoliths were mantle fluid materials under reduction or anoxic conditions. The study of the special xenoliths furnishes an important deep-process geochemical background of polymetallic mineralization in different rocks and strata in the study area.  相似文献   

We present early to Mid‐Holocene paleo‐geographic reconstructions for the Ramore Head area (Northern Ireland). This coastal area is characterized by Mesolithic occupation (c. 10–6 ka) and preserved early–Mid‐Holocene peats both on‐ and offshore. This paper improves on previous reconstructions by employing a backstripping methodology, which removes accumulated recent deposits from identified buried paleo‐landsurfaces instead of using modern topography as an analogue to the past landscape. Paleo‐landsurfaces are identified offshore from seismic profiles supplemented by cores, and onshore through legacy borehole records. The paleo‐landsurface can be traced offshore to depths of −2 to −19 m and is buried by <5 m of modern sediment. It extends onshore under the coastal town of Portrush and is buried <2.5–10 m below modern ground level. The identified paleo‐landsurface is combined with sea‐level curves from recent Glacio‐Isostatic‐Adjustment models to reconstruct marine transgression during the early–Mid‐Holocene. Comparison is also made with reconstructions based on modern topography. Together, the identified paleo‐landsurfaces and revised reconstructions can assist future site prospection on‐ and offshore and delimit high‐potential areas for heritage management. Revised reconstructions also allow placement of extant archaeology into a more accurate context of landscape change and help develop insights into local‐scale site location patterns.  相似文献   

The influence of ablation cell geometry (Frames single‐ and HelEx two‐volume cells) and laser wavelength (198 and 266 nm) on aerosols produced by femtosecond laser ablation (fs‐LA) were evaluated. Morphologies, iron mass distribution (IMD) and 56Fe/54Fe ratios of particles generated from magnetite, pyrite, haematite and siderite were studied. The following two morphologies were identified: spherules (10–200 nm) and agglomerates (5–10 nm). Similarity in IMD and ablation rate at 198 and 266 nm indicates similar ablation mechanisms. 56Fe/54Fe ratios increased with aerodynamic particle size as a result of kinetic fractionation during laser plasma plume expansion, cooling and aerosol condensation. The HelEx cell produces smaller particles with a larger range of 56Fe/54Fe ratios (1.85‰) than particles from the Frames cell (1.16‰), but the bulk aerosol matches the bulk substrate for both cells, demonstrating stoichiometric fs‐LA sampling. IMD differences are the result of faster wash out of the HelEx cell allowing less time for agglomeration of small, low‐δ 56Fe particles with larger, high‐δ 56Fe particles in the cell. Even with a shorter ablation time, half the total Fe ion intensity, and half the ablation volume, the HelEx cell produced Fe isotope determinations for magnetite that were as precise as the Frames cell, even when the latter included an aerosol‐homogenising mixing chamber. The HelEx cell delivered a more constant stream of small particles to the ICP, producing a more stable Fe ion signal (0.7% vs. 1.5% RSE for 56Fe in a forty‐cycle single analysis), constant instrumental mass bias and thus a more precise measurement.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute to the data set of granulometric studies of sediments by measuring the sedimentary structure and texture, along with statistical parameters, of cold and arid lake systems. The palaeolake sequence along the River Indus on the western fringe of the Tibetan Plateau in Ladakh sector was selected in order to shed light on depositional environmental changes within the lake from post‐last glacial maximum to 5 ka. The River Indus was blocked by Lamayuru dam burst during the deglaciation, after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the subsequent increase in water level led to the formation of the Saspol–Khalsi palaeolake. This lake was ca 55 km in length, extending from Nimo to Khalsi, had a surface area of 370 km2 and was in existence until 5 ka. Two sections (Saspol and Khalsi) separated by an aerial distance of 35 km show a similar trend in sediment character due to their deposition in the same lake system. Grain‐size studies show a polymodal nature of sediments for both of the sections. However, sediments of the lower/downstream section (Khalsi) show a poorer degree of sorting, and coarser grain size and high energy depositional condition as compared with the sediments of Saspol section (positioned upstream) due to the location of the sections within the lake system. It was noted that, in high‐altitude arid regions, the sedimentological characteristics of large‐sized valley lakes may vary greatly, horizontally as well as vertically, owing to local stream input, inflow intensity from the catchment, outflow velocity of water channels, lithology and valley widths at the different sites.  相似文献   

In order to examine the transportation and deposition mechanisms of Hg, we investigated the ore and hydrothermal alteration minerals and solid organic matters from Itomuka mercury mine located in the eastern part of central Hokkaido. In addition to the ore minerals, native mercury and cinnabar, quartz, marcasite, alunite, kaolinite, and minor amounts of pyrite and smectite were identified in the Hg ore by powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. This mineral assemblage of acid sulfate alteration was likely developed under the conditions of low temperature (≤100°C) and low pH (≤2) in the steam‐heated environment. The H2SO4 was produced above the water table by the oxidation of H2S separated from deep, near‐neutral fluids by boiling. The dominance of native mercury over cinnabar in Hg ore indicates that the greater part of mineralized Hg was transported as Hg0 in aqueous solution and vapor with low sulfur fugacity. The solid organic matters found in the Hg ore were analyzed with SEM‐EDS, micro‐XRD, and micro‐Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and these results suggest that the organic matters contributed to keeping the low fO2 of the Hg‐bearing fluid and transportation of Hg as Hg0 in S‐poor condition. Because the solubility of Hg in acidic fluid is low, neutral to alkaline fluid seems to have leached Hg from the basement sedimentary rocks of Hidaka Group which also supplied the organic matters to the fluid. The oxidation and cooling of Hg‐bearing solution and vapor triggered the deposition of liquid Hg as a primary phase.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(4):373-394
The Jiadi gold deposit is a newly discovered Carlin‐type gold deposit in the Guizhou Province, Southwest China. This deposit is structurally controlled by a shallow fold–fault superimposed system along the Lianhuashan trend. Field geological investigations, structural analysis, and mathematical research are conducted to study its structures and hydrothermal fluid flow process. Geological investigations (i.e. sections, stope, and drill hole) indicate that the structures are dominated by NE‐trending folds, NWW‐trending folds, and faults. A trend‐surface analysis of the low interformational fracture zone suggests that the overall distribution of the Lianhuashan trend is controlled by the NE‐trending Lianhuashan anticline. Nearly all primary Carlin‐type gold deposits are distributed along the southeastern flank where the fold axis changes from NE to EW. Gold orebodies are hosted by the interformational fracture zones and primarily situated at the transitions from the high‐value areas to the low‐value areas of the interformational fracture zones. A stress analysis on the hydrothermal veins indicates that they are of tenso‐shear properties. The ore‐forming elements (Au, As, Sb, Hg, and Tl) of the hydrothermal veins from the interformational fracture zones and intrusive breccia body present strong positive anomalies compared with those from the adjacent wall rocks. According to the development patterns of the ore‐forming elements and hydrothermal veins, a migration process of the ore‐forming fluids is proposed: the deeply sourced ore‐forming fluids migrated vertically to shallow crust along an intrusive breccia body, subsequently flowed horizontally along the interformational fracture zones accompanied by gold precipitation in the early stage, and finally migrated outward along steep micro‐fractures during following stages.  相似文献   

Here we present a multi‐proxy investigation of the Klein Klütz Höved (KKH) coastal cliff section in northeastern Germany, involving lithofacies analysis, micromorphology, micropalaeontology, palynology and luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar. We subdivide the local stratigraphy into three depositional phases. (i) Following a Saalian advance (MIS 6) of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, the penultimate deglaciation (Termination II) at the site occurred between c. 139 and 134 ka, leading to the establishment of a braided river system and lacustrine basins under arctic‐subarctic climate conditions. (ii) In the initial phase of the Eemian interglacial lacustrine deposits were formed, containing warm‐water ostracods and a pollen spectrum indicating gradual expansion of woodlands eventually containing thermophile deciduous forest elements. A correlation of the local pollen assemblages with Eemian reference records from central Europe suggests that fewer than 750 years of the last interglacial period are preserved at KKH. The occurrence of brackish ostracods dates the onset of the Eemian marine transgression at the section at c. 300–750 years after the beginning of the last interglacial period. (iii) Directly above the Eemian record a ~10‐m‐thick sedimentary succession of MIS 2 age was deposited, implying a significant hiatus of c. 90 ka encompassing the time from middle and upper MIS 5e to late MIS 3. During the Late Weichselian, KKH featured a depositional shift from (glacio‐)lacustrine to subglacial to recessional terminoglacial facies, with the first documented Weichselian ice advance post‐dating 20±2 ka. Overall, the KKH section represents an exceptional sedimentary archive for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, covering the period from the Saalian glaciation and subsequent Termination II to the early Eemian and Late Weichselian. The results refine the existing palaeogeographical and geochronological models of the late Quaternary history in the southwestern Baltic Sea area and allow correlations with other reference records in a wider area.  相似文献   

Whole-rock major and trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic data, together with zircon LA ICPMS in-situ U-Pb and Hf isotopic data of the syenites and granites in the Tengchong Block are reported in order to understand their petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Zircon U-Pb data gives the emplacement ages of ca. 115.3±0.9 Ma for syenites and 115.7±0.8 Ma for granites, respectively. The syenites are characterized by low SiO_2 content(62.01–63.03 wt%) and notably high Na_2O content(7.04–7.24 wt%) and Na_2O/K_2O ratios(2.02–2.10), low MgO, Fe_2O_3 T and TiO_2, enrichment of LILEs(large-ion lithophile element) such as Rb, Th, U, K, and Pb) and obvious depletion HFSE(high field strength element; e.g. Nb, Ta, P, and Ti) with clearly negative Eu anomalies(d Eu=0.53–0.56). They also display significant negative whole-rock εNd(t) values of-6.8 and zircon εHf(t) values(-9.11 to-0.27, but one is +5.30) and high initial ~(87) Sr/~(86) Sr=0.713013. Based on the data obtained in this study, we suggest that the ca. 115.3 Ma syenites were possibly derived from a sodium-rich continental crustal source, and the fractionation of some ferro-magnesian mineral and plagioclase might occur during the evolution of magma. The granites have high SiO_2 content(71.35–74.47 wt%), metaluminous to peraluminous, low Rb/Ba, Rb/Sr, and Al_2O_3/(MgO+FeOT+TiO_2) ratios and moderate(Al_2O_3+MgO+FeOT+TiO_2) content. They show low initial ~(87) Sr/~(86) Sr(0.703408 to 0.704241) and εNd(t) values(-3.8 to-3.5), plotted into the evolutionary trend between basalts and lower crust. Hence, we suggest that the granites were derived from the melting of mixing sources in the ancient continental crust involving some metabasaltic materials and predominated metasedimentary greywackes. Together with data in the literatures, we infer that the Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Tengchong block was dominated by magmas generated by the partial melting of ancient crustal material, which represent the products that associated to the closure of Bangong-Nujiang Meso-Tethys.  相似文献   

Three tectonic units have been recognized in the Chifeng area, Inner Mongolia, from north to south, including the Qiganmiao accretionary prism, Jiefangyingzi arc belt and Sidaozhangpeng molasse basin, which formed an Andeantype active continent margin during the early to middle Paleozoic. The Qiganmiao accretionary prism is characterized by a mélange that consists of gabbro, two-mica quartz schist and basic volcanic rock blocks and heterogeneously deformed marble matrix. Two zircon U-Pb ages of ...  相似文献   

The exact pattern, process and timing of the human re‐colonization of northern Europe after the end of the last Ice Age remain controversial. Recent research has provided increasingly early dates for at least pioneer explorations of latitudes above 54°N in many regions, yet the far north‐west of the European landmass, Scotland, has remained an unexplained exception to this pattern. Although the recently described Hamburgian artefacts from Howburn and an assemblage belonging to the arch‐backed point complex from Kilmelfort Cave have established at least a sporadic human presence during earlier stages of the Lateglacial Interstadial, we currently lack evidence for Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 (GS‐1) activity other than rare stray finds that have been claimed to be of Ahrensburgian affiliation but are difficult to interpret in isolation. We here report the discovery of chipped stone artefacts with technological and typological characteristics similar to those of the continental Ahrensburgian at a locality in western Scotland. A preliminary analysis of associated tephra, pollen and phytoliths, along with microstratigraphic analysis, suggest the artefacts represent one or more episodes of human activity that fall within the second half of GS‐1 and the Preboreal period. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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