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The creation of anthropic sediments, traditionally referred to under the blanket term midden, through the utilization of settlement waste materials in domestic settlement construction was first recognized during early excavations at the Orcadian Neolithic site of Skara Brae (V.G. Childe, 1931a; 1931b). Prior to the present study there has been no systematic attempt to identify the nature of these sediments at Skara Brae, whose likely occupation dates between ˜3100 and 2500 B.C., or to assess whether different materials were incorporated into construction or varied with different phases of site formation. The opportunity to begin addressing these issues arose with the location of undisturbed sediment samples held in storage since the last site excavations of 1972–1973 (D.V. Clarke, 1976). Ten thin sections were manufactured from these samples, representing earlier and later phases of Neolithic settlement at Skara Brae. Observations using thin‐section micromorphology, supported by total phosphorus and particle‐size distribution analyses, suggest that both earlier and later settlement phases show accumulation of household waste dominated by fuel residues. These wastes may have been used to help stabilize wind‐blown sand deposits during the later settlement phases. In addition, the use of clay material tempered with household waste is associated with wall construction. Animal manures are only evident in anthropic deposits on the edge of the main settlement site where composting may have been taking place, and there is no evidence for their use in site construction. The authors conclude by drawing attention to possible diverse uses of anthropic sediments in settlement construction at other Neolithic settlements in Orkney. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Simultaneous thin section and phytolith observations of finely stratified anthropogenic deposits from the Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük, Turkey, dated between 7400 and 6000 BC provide evidence for both the depositional context and phytolith assemblage of these deposits. Although extracted phytoliths provide a general picture of vegetation that supports existing evidence of a local wet marshland environment, comparisons with observations of phytoliths in situ indicate a diverse range of microcontexts, as well as depositional and post‐depositional processes that influence phytolith size. This has implications for studies that use conjoined phytolith size as a proxy for water availability and early agricultural practices. Observations indicate a significant background noise of phytoliths and micro‐charcoal in the deposits, linked to the frequent use of fire, which has implications for interpreting assemblages where phytolith counts are low, such as from floors of buildings. This study confirms the usefulness of phytoliths in providing information on human plant use and environment where the taphonomy of the deposits is clear, and provides new evidence for wet farming of at least some of the wheat found at the site. It also suggests there needs to be greater consideration of phytolith taphonomy, which can be provided to an extent by combining phytolith analysis with thin section micromorphology. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey contains thousands of mollusk shells, among them about 200 fossils. About 25 fossil gastropods and bivalvesoriginate in a Miocene fauna from the Mediterranean Tethys province, and are known from several localities in the Taurus Mountains, dating to the Miocene. The rest are scaphopods belonging to two species of Dentalium and dating to the Pliocene. The gastropods and bivalves were likely collected in the Karaman‐Mut Basin at adistance of about 50km from Çatalhöyük, while the scaphopods were brought from the Hatay Basin. Most of the fossil mollusks at the site were discovered in the upper phases, that is, late in the Pre‐Pottery Neolithic B sequence, and are associated with feasting activities. They may have been collected and brought to the site by the inhabitants as part of transhumance activities, or by visitors. © 2010Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study deals with a geoarchaeological examination of the jade artifacts unearthed from the major sites of jade-using cultures over Neolithic China. The earliest examples of true jade—tremolite-actinolite nephrite—were jade artifacts from the Chahai site at Fuxin in Liaoning, dating back to the 6th millennium B.C., approximately contemporaneous with the beginning of the Neolithic age. The expansion of jade-using culture during the Neolithic period was gradually from east through west China. The jade-using culture thrived especially in both the lower Yangtze River and Liao River valleys, and came to a climax during the late Neolithic period when not only could nephrite be discerned from jadelike and other minerals and rocks, but also nephrite of various grades could apparently be deliberately used to make jades of different types according to their importance in social life. It may be suggested that the raw nephrite used to make jades during the Neolithic age was derived from unknown ancient deposits that might be within China proper rather than at Kunlun Mountain.  相似文献   

熊耳山—外方山矿集区位于秦岭造山带之华北板块南缘,经历了复杂的碰撞造山过程,成矿时间跨度大,成矿强度高,成矿作用多样。复合造山过程和相应的成矿作用已被深入研究,但成矿系统的划分和叠加成矿作用尚需研究。本文将熊耳山—外方山矿集区发育的Au-Mo矿床划分为造山型Mo矿床、斑岩型Mo矿床、岩浆热液脉型Mo矿床、造山型Au矿床和岩浆热液型Au矿床5个类型,对应5种成矿系统:(1)造山型Mo矿床形成于250~227 Ma的同碰撞环境和227~194 Ma的后碰撞环境,为变质热液萃取壳源Mo成矿;(2)斑岩型Mo矿床形成于163~135 Ma的洋陆俯冲环境和135~116 Ma的岩石圈减薄环境,为岩浆热液携带幔源或壳源Mo成矿;(3)岩浆热液脉型Mo矿床形成于227~194 Ma的后碰撞环境,为岩浆热液携带幔源Mo成矿;(4)造山型Au矿床在三叠纪发生了预富集作用,主要形成于163~135 Ma的洋陆俯冲环境和135~103 Ma的岩石圈减薄环境,为变质热液萃取壳源Au成矿;(5)岩浆热液型Au矿床仅形成于135~103 Ma的岩石圈减薄环境,为岩浆热液携带壳源Au成矿。矿集区主要存在两种叠加成矿作用,即不同构造背景下多种成矿系统的叠加和同一构造背景下不同成矿系统的叠加。  相似文献   

The 1982–1983 El Niño event afforded the opportunity to develop criteria for the recognition of ancient El Niños using mollusks from archaeological sites along coastal South America. A combination of growth increment and stable isotope analyses indicated that elevated sea surface temperatures during large scale El Niños leave a record decodable from the growth patterns of selected bivalve shells. The intertidal venerid Chione subrugosa displayed a pronounced break in the valve margin profile following the 1982-1983 event but provided an inconsistent stable isotope pattern. The subtidal carditid Trachycardium procerum, on the other hand, preserved a discernible and diagnostic growth interruption as well as an expected trend in stable isotope indicators of salinity and temperature change. We conclude that some of the major culturally disruptive El Niño events can be recognized in the geoarchaeological record by these techniques, especially if ancillary information, such as faunal distribution patterns, are also considered. Perhaps the most serious constraint upon application of this approach involves microstratigraphic resolution of shell midden deposits. Stratigraphic sampling of midden material should be accompanied, if possible, by sampling of proximal natural strata. The chances of discovery of major El Niño perturbations in the geoarchaeological record of shell middens is enhanced by the catastrophic nature of such events and by the indication that major El Niños have a high probability of being closely spaced in time.  相似文献   

Shellmound formation processes are greatly influenced by human inputs associated with an intensive exploitation of marine and estuarine resources. The complex stratigraphy of shellmounds has been difficult to decipher and few studies have focused on the microstratigraphic record of midden formation, especially in European Mesolithic contexts. Cabeço da Amoreira is a long‐known Mesolithic shellmound located on the shores of the Muge River, a tributary of the Tagus River in central Portugal. The abundance of shellfish refuse favors an intricate and laterally variable stratigraphic succession of layers and lenses, which results in an extensive artificial mound. Here, we use micromorphological and microfacies analysis to investigate aspects pertaining to site formation, and the nature of individual anthropogenic activities at the site. This methodology allowed for a distinction between primary activities (e.g., discrete shell tossing events, trampled occupational surfaces, and activity areas), and secondary position of the sediments in intentionally raked‐up and dumped deposits. Nondepositional hiatuses and discrete geogenic sedimentation are associated with periods of abandonment. The complex superposition of events seen at Cabeço da Amoreira underlines the role of micromorphology for the identification of behavioral signatures and its relevance in deciphering shellmound adaptations.  相似文献   

A new packrat midden chronology from Playas Valley, southwestern New Mexico, is the first installment of an ongoing effort to reconstruct paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the U.S.A.–Mexico Borderlands. Playas Valley and neighboring basins supported pluvial lakes during full and/or late glacial times. Plant macrofossil and pollen assemblages from nine middens in the Playas Valley allow comparisons of two time intervals: 16,000–10,000 and 4000–0 14C yr B.P. Vegetation along pluvial lake margins consisted of open pinyon–juniper communities dominated by Pinus edulis, Juniperus scopulorum, Juniperus cf. coahuilensis, and a rich understory of C4 annuals and grasses. This summer-flowering understory is also characteristic of modern desert grassland in the Borderlands and indicates at least moderate summer precipitation. P. edulis and J. scopulorum disappeared or were rare in the midden record by 10,670 14C yr B.P. The late Holocene is marked by the arrival of Chihuahuan desert scrub elements and few departures as the vegetation gradually became modern in character. Larrea tridentata appears as late as 2190 14C yr B.P. based on macrofossils, but may have been present as early as 4095 14C yr B.P. based on pollen. Fouquieria splendens, one of the dominant desert species present at the site today, makes its first appearance only in the last millennium. The midden pollen assemblages are difficult to interpret; they lack modern analogs in surface pollen assemblages from stock tanks at different elevations in the Borderlands.  相似文献   

Accretionary orogens throughout space and time represent extremely fertile settings for the formation and preservation of a wide variety of mineral deposit types. These range from those within active magmatic arcs, either in continental margin or intra-oceanic settings, to those that develop in a variety of arc-flanking environments, such as fore-arcs and back-arcs during deformation and exhumation of the continental margin. Deposit types also include those that form in more distal, far back-arc and foreland basin settings. The metallogenic signature and endowment of individual accretionary orogens are, at a fundamental level, controlled by the nature, composition and age of the sub-continental lithosphere, and a complex interplay between formational processes and preservational forces in an evolving Earth. Some deposit types, such as orogenic gold and volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, have temporal patterns that mimic the major accretionary and crustal growth events in Earth history, whereas others, such as porphyry Cu–Au–Mo and epithermal Au–Ag deposits, have largely preservational patterns. The presence at c. 3.4 Ga of (rare) orogenic gold deposits, whose formation necessitates some form of subduction–accretion, provides strong evidence that accretionary processes operated then at the margins of continental nuclei, while the widespread distribution of orogenic gold and VMS deposits at c. 2.7–2.6 Ga reflects the global distribution of accretionary orogens by this time.  相似文献   

Mineral Deposit Densities for Estimating Mineral Resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimates of numbers of mineral deposits are fundamental to assessing undiscovered mineral resources. Just as frequencies of grades and tonnages of well-explored deposits can be used to represent the grades and tonnages of undiscovered deposits, the density of deposits (deposits/area) in well-explored control areas can serve to represent the number of deposits. Empirical evidence presented here indicates that the processes affecting the number and quantity of resources in geological settings are very general across many types of mineral deposits. For podiform chromite, porphyry copper, and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit types, the size of tract that geologically could contain the deposits is an excellent predictor of the total number of deposits. The number of mineral deposits is also proportional to the type’s size. The total amount of mineralized rock is also proportional to size of the permissive area and the median deposit type’s size. Regressions using these variables provide a means to estimate the density of deposits and the total amount of mineralization. These powerful estimators are based on analysis of ten different types of mineral deposits (Climax Mo, Cuban Mn, Cyprus massive sulfide, Franciscan Mn, kuroko massive sulfide, low-sulfide quartz-Au vein, placer Au, podiform Cr, porphyry Cu, and W vein) from 108 permissive control tracts around the world therefore generalizing across deposit types. Despite the diverse and complex geological settings of deposit types studied here, the relationships observed indicate universal controls on the accumulation and preservation of mineral resources that operate across all scales. The strength of the relationships (R 2=0.91 for density and 0.95 for mineralized rock) argues for their broad use. Deposit densities can now be used to provide a guideline for expert judgment or used directly for estimating the number of most kinds of mineral deposits.  相似文献   

The chronologies of few Neolithic sites in the lower reaches of the Min River of China have been well investigated for the middle to late Holocene. In this study, the Hengyu Neolithic site in Fujian Province, South China, which has significant archaeological remains, was dated using blue‐stimulated optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS14C) techniques. The results, comprising nine OSL and three AMS14C ages through the Neolithic sequence, provide new evidence towards understanding the relationship between environmental evolution and human activities in the middle to late Holocene in the Fuzhou Basin and coastal areas of South China. The ages of the site deposits vary from 6.83 to 1.67 ka and can be divided into two main phases: the Keqiutou–Tanshishan culture period and the Bronze culture period. In contrast, the persistent periods of ancient human activities at the Hengyu site seem to correspond to regional sea‐level changes and the East Asian winter monsoon as a secondary factor, which can affect human activities through sea‐level impacts. The warm and high sea level conditions provided a liveable environment for the ancient humans of Fujian and even South China. The ages of two building column bases are linked to the early stage of the Han dynasty, suggesting a potentially favourable habitation environment; that is, ancient humans occupied and settled this area for the long term within this time period, which is consistent with sea‐level changes and palynology records. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three types of periglacial deposits (breccias, stratified breccias and grèzes litées are described from Córdoba Province in southern Spain. Their physico-chemical properties, in particular clay mineralogy in relation to terra rossas in the area, indicate two different ages for these deposits. Younger terra rossas and younger periglacial deposits contain illite and kaolinite whereas older terra rossas and older periglacial deposits contain vermiculite and kaolinite. Geomorphological evidence (altitude and relationships to the surfaces described by earlier authors in southern Spain) indicate approximate ages for the deposits. Secondary carbonate from one of the younger breccias gave a uranium series date of 80 000 yr BP, suggesting that some of the younger breccias were deposited in a periglacial climate before 80 000 BP. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediments of Lower Carboniferous age in eastern Menorca, Balearic Islands contain a diverse and exceptionally well preserved ichnofauna, including Neonereites biserialis, Nereites isp., Arthrophycus isp., Dictyodora liebeana, two ichnospecies of Chondrites, several ichnospecies of Lophoctenium, two ichnospecies of Phycosiphon, Syncoprulus pharmaceus, annulated burrows and a vertical burrow. The host lithologies are conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and mudstones; most are the product of debris flows, and of high concentration [Ta(bc) intervals] to relatively dilute (Tcd/Tde intervals) turbidity currents. The rocks are interpreted as deposits of an inner- to mid-fan palaeoenvironment. Channelized deposits, sequences of overbank deposition and interchannel deposits interspersed with the deposits of unconfined debris flows and high concentration turbidity currents are present. The ichnofauna is most frequently, and best, preserved within the Td interval of turbidities, which are interpreted as interchannel deposits, produced by low concentration turbidity flows. The distribution of the ichnofauna is partly controlled by the lithologies in which they are preserved. The rarity and poor preservation of trace fossils in the coarser grained facies contrasts with the detailed preservation of very delicate traces in the finer grained lithologies. However, the ichnofauna is also partitioned between different subenvironments of the mid-fan to produce a series of palaeoichnocoenoses. Thin intervals of interchannel deposits, separated by deposits of high concentration turbidity currents, repeatedly contain only Phycosiphon incertum and small (?juvenile)Dictyodora liebeana. These traces are interpreted as the products of opportunistic colonization of near-channel environments during episodes of quiescent deposition. Thicker intervals of interchannel deposits contain diverse assemblages of trace fossils characteristic of more stable environments, in which widespread colonization occurred. Overbank deposits at Cabo de Favaritz are medium- to thick-bedded, fine-grained beds. In these, the ichnofauna occurs in a simple, two-tier profile. The upper tier is dominated by Nereites isp.; this is underlain by a partially bioturbated layer characterized by large Dictyodora liebeana and Arthrophycus isp.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the application of multiple reconnaissance methods as an efficient means of localizing desired data sets (e.g., artifact concentrations and architectural features) in stratigraphically complex sites. Excavations at Blagotin, Serbia, are presented as an example. Blagotin is a multioccupation site with vertically superimposed and laterally displaced cultural deposits. The application of a battery of survey techniques and the integration of the results enabled the author to define periods of occupation (Early Neolithic, Eneolithic, Early Iron Age), distinguish temporal variations, and predict the nature and distribution of subsurface archaeological remains. Ultimately, the Early Neolithic occupation is shown to consist of a small settlement with a large central pit‐house surrounded by a ring of smaller pit houses. This interpretation of the intra‐settlement spatial organization, made possible through the application of a multiple survey technique, differs from those previously offered for these types of sites. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines recurrent spatial patterns of prehistoric sites in relation to landforms, alluvial fills, and soil development in the uplands and valleys of the Madaba and Dhiban Plateaus of Jordan. Mousterian lithics (Middle Paleolithic) are largely found on high strath terraces plateaus, where they are associated with red Mediterranean soils. In valleys, Upper Paleolithic sites are often associated with reworked loess deposits of the Dalala allostratigraphic unit. Epipaleolithic occupations are found stratified in deposits of the Thamad Terrace, and Pre‐Pottery Neolithic and Pottery Neolithic occupations are associated with colluvium mantling the Thamad Terrace. The Tur al‐Abyad Terrace and the Iskanderite alluvial inset are the remnants of middle Holocene floodplains, which were attractive areas for Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age settlements. Sometime around 4000 B.C., stream incision and further lateral erosion destroyed these floodplains. These historic terraces are underlain by alluvial deposits ranging in age from Roman to Early Islamic periods. The sequence of allostratigraphic units, paleosols, and terraces are the basis for reconstructing phases of fluvial aggradation and stream incision during the past 20,000 years. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The worldwide increase in shell midden deposits on coastlines during the Holocene has been variously explained as the result of human population growth, economic intensification, changes in the visibility of midden deposits with changes in sea level, or climatic and environmental changes. Since coastlines are relatively unstable in geological and ecological terms, and since many archaeological sequences span periods of major climatic change, a critical issue is the ability to disentangle palaeoenvironmental from cultural and anthropogenic effects. We draw on a case study from the cave sequences of northern Spain to illustrate the problems and possibilities of palaeoeconomic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation, using studies of palaeogeographical context and analysis of abundance, taxonomic representation, ecological tolerances, size, growth structures, and other physical and chemical characteristics of the molluscs themselves. We demonstrate that the dominant, but by no means exclusive, factor in archaeologically visible long‐term changes in shell‐gathering behavior is environmental change rather than cultural change. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Accretionary orogens are the sites of long-lived convergent margin tectonics, both compressional and extensional. They are also the hosts to the majority of the world’s important gold deposits. A very diverse range of deposit types occurs within accretionary orogens, commonly in close proximity in space and time to each other. These include porphyry and associated high-sulphidation Au–Cu–Ag deposits, classic low-sulphidation Au–Ag deposits, low-sulphidation Au deposits centred on alkalic intrusive complexes, Carlin-type Au deposits, Au-rich volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits, orogenic Au deposits, intrusion-related Au deposits and iron oxide Cu–Au deposits. Empirical patterns of spatial distribution of these deposits suggest there must be fundamental generic controls on gold metallogeny. Various lines of evidence lead to the proposal that the underlying key generic factor controlling accretionary orogen gold metallogeny is regional-scale, long-term, pre- and syn-subduction heterogeneous fertilisation of the lithospheric mantle that becomes a source of mineralisation-associated arc magma or hydrothermal fluid components. This process provides a gold-enriched reservoir that can be accessed later in a diverse range of tectonomagmatic settings. Based on this concept, a unified model is proposed in which the formation of a major gold deposit of any type requires the conjunction in time and space of three essential factors: a fertile upper-mantle source region, a favourable transient remobilisation event, and favourable lithospheric-scale plumbing structure. This framework provides the basis for a practical regional-scale targeting methodology that is applicable to data-poor regions.  相似文献   

The results of detailed pollen‐analytical investigations of a core from Lough Dargan, Co. Sligo, Ireland are presented. The pollen diagram spans much of the postglacial and documents changes in woodland composition and cover, and farming activity. Special attention is paid to prehistoric farming and to the significance of cereal‐type pollen. The first sign of arable farming coincides with the Elm Decline at c. 3760 BC. This early Neolithic farming phase extended over c. 750 years, the main Landnam phase having a duration of 700 years. After a break of about three centuries, Neolithic farming resumed. Late Neolithic farming was at first predominantly pastoral, but later (c. 2360–2130 BC) it had a distinct arable component. In the early Bronze Age, beginning c. 2130 BC, farming increased and woodland was substantially reduced for the first time. From then until the beginning of the late Iron Age (c. 80 BC), there was a sustained and strong human impact. In the late Iron Age, a distinct lull in pastoral farming lasted for about four centuries (c. 80 BC–AD 350). This facilitated woodland regeneration that included yew. Substantial woodland clearance, and farming that included a considerable arable component, characterized the Medieval and later periods. The changes recorded at L. Dargan and other sites in the region are discussed in the light of evidence for climate change provided by regional and super‐regional climate proxies. It is argued that climate may not have been a decisive factor in determining human impact and farming activity.  相似文献   

姜福芝 《矿床地质》1983,2(4):11-18
建国以来,我国在火山矿床的地质勘探和研究工作方面都积累了丰富的资料,并且有不少关于矿床成因和类型划分方面的叙述。作者近几年来有机会接触到一些这方面的工作。这里试将海底火山活动的重要产物之一——海相火山铁铜矿床作一个比较系统的成因类型的划分。限于水平,不当之处请批评指正。  相似文献   

Cobalt Deposits of China: Classification, Distribution and Major Advances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The important strategic metal cobalt has diverse uses and the majority of world cobalt deposits have been found in China. The deposits can be classified into four types, i.e., magmatic Ni-Cu-Co sulfide deposits, hydrothermal and volcanogenic cobalt polymetallic deposits, strata-bound Cu-Co deposits hosted by sedimentary rocks and lateritic Ni-Co deposits, of which the former two types are the most important. There are six principal metallogenic epochs and seven important metallogenic belts according to their distribution and tectonic position. Although cobalt generally occurs in nickel-copper, copper and iron deposits as an associated metal, great developments in exploration for independent cobalt deposits have happened in China, and, in recent years, many independent deposits with different elementary assemblages and different genetic types have been discovered in the eastern part of the northern margin of the North China platform, the Central Orogenic Belt of China, western Jiangxi and northeastern Hun  相似文献   

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