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The River Vişeu catchment in Maramureş County, northwestern Romania, has a long history of base and precious metal mining. Between 1994 and 2003 waste from mining activity at Baia Borşa was stored in the Novaţ-Roşu tailings pond in the upper Vişeu catchment. However, in March 2000, the tailings dam failed releasing approximately 100,000 m3 of contaminated water and 20,000 t of mineral-rich solid waste, which was routed downstream through the Rivers Novaţ, Vaser and Vişeu into the River Tisa. Following the accident metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) concentrations in river water and river channel sediment were assessed in samples collected annually (July 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003) from 29 sites in the Vişeu catchment, downstream of the tailings pond. Additionally, the speciation of sediment-associated metals was established using a 4-stage sequential extraction procedure (SEP) and Pb isotope analysis (206/204Pb and 207/204Pb) was carried out to establish the provenance of contaminated sediments. Metal concentrations in river water were found to comply with EU directive ‘target’ values within four months of the failure. However, the impact of the spill upon river channel sediments was found to be much longer-lasting, with evidence of the delayed downstream remobilization of tailings stored within the narrow Novaţ valley following the dam failure, as well as continued inputs of contaminated sediment to the River Vişeu from the River Tisla, another mining-affected tributary. Comparison with data from other recent tailings dam failures, indicates that river system recovery rates depend upon local geomorphological conditions, hydrological regimes, and the nature and scale of post-spill clean-up operations.  相似文献   

The Abrud–Arieş river system, western Romania, is subject to ongoing mining activity associated with Cu, Pb and Zn ore extraction. The catchment contains what is believed to be Europe's largest unutilized Au deposit at Roşia Montană that is planned to be exploited by open-cast mining techniques. The magnitude and environmental significance of metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) concentrations in surface water and river channel sediment have been investigated along a 140 km reach of the Rivers Abrud and Arieş and 9 tributaries affected by mining. The speciation of sediment-bound metals was established using a 4-stage sequential extraction procedure (SEP) that identified four chemical phases: (1) exchangeable, (2) Fe/Mn oxides, (3) organic matter/sulphides and (4) residual. Peak solute and sediment-bound metal concentrations were found to occur in the River Abrud downstream of the EM Bucium mine and in mining-affected tributaries, with up to 71% of sites containing sediment metal concentrations in excess of Dutch intervention values. The River Arieş was found to be much less polluted than the River Abrud, with only Cu showing concentrations above guideline values, as a consequence of porphyry Cu mineralization in the catchment. The magnitude and spatial extent of metal pollution is influenced by local physico-chemical conditions and hydrological linkages between mining and local river systems. Sediment-bound Cd and Zn were found to be predominantly associated with the exchangeable phase of the sediment (9–74% and 6–65%, respectively), whilst Fe/Mn oxides (5–76%) and organic matter/sulphides (1–45%) generally accounted for a majority of Pb and Cu partitioning, respectively. Sites of environmentally significant sediment-metal pollution were identified in the Rivers Abrud and Arieş where exchangeable metal concentrations exceeded Dutch intervention values. The implications of metal contamination in the Arieş river basin to the proposed mining development at Roşia Montana are discussed in relation to other contaminated Romanian catchments and with the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Holocene environments have been reconstructed by multiproxy studies of an 850-cm-long core from Rio Curuá dating to >8000 14C yr B.P. The low-energy river lies in the eastern Amazon rain forest in the Caxiuanã National Forest Reserve, 350 km west of Belém in northern Brazil. Sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical dates demonstrate that the deposits correspond to two different environments, sediments of an active river before 8000 14C yr B.P. and later a passive river system. The pollen analytical results indicate four different local and regional Holocene paleoenvironmental periods: (1) a transition to a passive fluvial system and a well-drained terra firme (unflooded upland) Amazon rain forest with very limited development of inundated forests (várzea and igapó) (>7990–7030 14C yr B.P.); (2) a sluggish river with a local Mauritia palm-swamp and similar regional vegetation, as before (7030–5970 14C yr B.P.); (3) a passive river, forming shallow lake conditions and with still-abundant terra firme forest in the study region (5970–2470 14C yr B.P.); and (4) a blocked river with high water levels and marked increase of inundated forests during the last 2470 14C yr B.P. Increased charcoal during this last period suggests the first strong presence of humans in this region. The Atlantic sea level rise was probably the major factor in paleoenvironmental changes, but high water stands might also be due to greater annual rainfall during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

选取毛乌素沙漠东南缘萨拉乌苏河流域具有代表性的滴哨沟湾剖面全新统(DGS1层段),结合微量元素与测年分析结果,探讨了该地全新世千年尺度的气候波动.结果表明,P、V、Cu、Zn、Sr、Ni、As、Cr、Pb属于易迁移-较稳定元素,其含量在沉积相中主要呈现为古土壤< 沙丘砂 <湖沼相,Co、Rb、Nb、Ba、Cl、Zr属于稳定-惰性元素,主要呈现为古土壤 >沙丘砂 >湖沼相,说明沙丘砂是冬季风主导下的沉积,古土壤和湖沼相是夏季风主导下的沉积.以Rb和Sr两种元素在垂向上峰谷交替的变化特征为依据,将DGS1记录的全新世气候分为升温期(11 000~10 130 a B.P.)、大暖期(10 130~6 590 a B.P.)、降温期(6 590~3 760 a B.P.)和寒冷期(3 760~0 a B.P.)四个阶段,这与国内外的相关研究结果一致,表明萨拉乌苏河流域全新世的气候变化是全球环境变化影响下的结果.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Narva succession in the Baltic Basin represents a significant turnaround in the history of the basin. The detailed study of core and outcrop sections and the three‐dimensional correlations across the Baltic Basin reveal a carbonate‐dominated, mixed retrogressive succession, overlain by a siliciclastic‐dominated, progradational succession. The palaeogeographic reconstructions show how the shallow, tide‐influenced basin expanded from south‐west to north‐east and, later during the transgression, also to the north, south and east. The transgressive portion of the basin fill is dominated by carbonate‐rich sabkha and supratidal to intertidal deposits on the basin margins, and subtidal carbonates in the basin centre. Siliciclastic material was derived by tidal currents and storm waves from the south‐west through a tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta complex. This initial transgressive phase is characterized by the lack of subsidence or even episodic uplifts in the northern/north‐western part of the basin margin, shown by convergence of timelines and the thin (30 m) transgressive succession. In contrast, on the southern margin, the facies associations stack vertically into a 70 to 80 m thick succession, indicating significantly higher subsidence rates. The upper part of the transgressive phase indicates subsidence across the whole basin. The upper, progradational portion of the basin fill is dominated by coarse, siliciclastic, tide‐influenced deltaic deposits that rapidly prograded from north‐west to south‐east. This detailed study on the Narva succession shows that siliciclastic and carbonate deposition was coeval and that mixing occurred at different temporal and spatial scales. The mixing was controlled by grain‐size, volume and location of siliciclastic input rather than relative sea‐level changes as suggested in widely used reciprocal mixing models. It is suggested that the forebulge of the Scandinavian Caledonian fold‐and‐thrust belt migrated to the north‐western margin of the Baltic Basin during the earliest Eifelian, as indicated by the lack of subsidence and probable uplift in the northern/north‐western margin during the early transgressive phase. The forebulge migration ceased although the forebulge had already started to subside during the later stages of the transgressive phase. The deltaic progradation is interpreted to be associated with the orogenic collapse and uplift in the Scandinavian Caledonides that caused the erosion of the foreland basin fill and the coarse sediment transport into the Baltic Basin.  相似文献   

F. Suter  M. Sartori  R. Neuwerth  G. Gorin   《Tectonophysics》2008,460(1-4):134-157
The northern Andes are a complex area where tectonics is dominated by the interaction between three major plates and accessory blocks, in particular, the Chocó-Panamá and Northern Andes Blocks. The studied Cauca Valley Basin is located at the front of the Chocó-Panamá Indenter, where the major Romeral Fault System, active since the Cretaceous, changes its kinematics from right-lateral in the south to left-lateral in the north. Structural studies were performed at various scales: DEM observations in the Central Cordillera between 4 and 5.7°N, aerial photograph analyses, and field work in the folded Oligo-Miocene rocks of the Serranía de Santa Barbara and in the flat-lying, Pleistocene Quindío-Risaralda volcaniclastic sediments interfingering with the lacustrine to fluviatile sediments of the Zarzal Formation.The data acquired allowed the detection of structures with a similar orientation at every scale and in all lithologies. These families of structures are arranged similarly to Riedel shears in a right-lateral shear zone and are superimposed on the Cretaceous Romeral suture.They appear in the Central Cordillera north of 4.5°N, and define a broad zone where 060-oriented right-lateral distributed shear strain affects the continental crust. The Romeral Fault System stays active and strain partitioning occurs among both systems. The southern limit of the distributed shear strain affecting the Central Cordillera corresponds to the E–W trending Garrapatas–Ibagué shear zone, constituted by several right-stepping, en-échelon, right-lateral, active faults and some lineaments. North of this shear zone, the Romeral Fault System strike changes from NNE to N.Paleostress calculations gave a WNW–ESE trending, maximum horizontal stress, and 69% of compressive tensors. The orientation of σ1 is consistent with the orientation of the right-lateral distributed shear strain and the compressive state characterizing the Romeral Fault System in the area: it bisects the synthetic and antithetic Riedels and is (sub)-perpendicular to the active Romeral Fault System.It is proposed that the continued movement of the Chocó–Panamá Indenter may be responsible for the 060-oriented right-lateral distributed shear strain, and may have closed the northern part of the Cauca Valley, thereby forming the Cauca Valley Basin.Conjugate extensional faults observed at surface in the flat-lying sediments of the Zarzal Formation and Quindío-Risaralda volcaniclastic Fan are associatedwith soft-sediment deformations. These faults are attributed to lateral spreading of the superficial layers during earthquakes and testify to the continuous tectonic activity from Pleistocene to Present.Finally, results presented here bring newinformation about the understanding of the seismic hazard in this area: whereas the Romeral Fault Systemwas so far thought to be themost likely source of earthquakes, themore recent cross-cutting fault systems described herein are another potential hazard to be considered.  相似文献   

Samples collected from the Upper Ordovician Red River carbonates in a well at the centre of the Williston Basin revealed two paleomagnetic components with different inclinations, 60.3 ± 3.9° (k = 70.7, N = 12) and 20.4 ± 3.3° (k = 141.2, N = 8), but similar declination values in individual specimens. Inclination-only analysis indicates two possible scenarios for the age of these two magnetizations: in scenario (a) the timing of magnetization happened sometime between Late Ordovician to Devonian; and in scenario (b) there are two different remagnetizations, one that overlaps Pennsylvanian to Permian time while the other can have either a Late Jurassic or a Tertiary age. Whereas dolomitization and some isotopic data tend to support scenario (a), previous paleomagnetic data from the Williston Basin and from younger units in the same well, the tectonic evolution of the basin, and the hydrocarbon maturation pattern in the Red River carbonates all favour chemical remagnetization(s) driven by orogenic fluids during the Alleghenian and Laramide orogenies.  相似文献   

Changes in the stress field of an aquifer system induced by seismotectonic activity may change the mixing ratio of groundwaters with different compositions in a well, leading to hydrochemical signals which in principle could be related to discrete earthquake events. Due to the complexity of the interactions and the multitude of involved factors the identification of such relationships is a difficult task. In this study we present an empiric statistical approach suitable to analyse if there is an interdependency between changes in the chemical composition of monitoring wells and the regional seismotectonic activity of a considered area. To allow a rigorous comparison with hydrochemistry the regional earthquake time series was aggregated into an univariate time series. This was realized by expressing each earthquake in form of a parameter “e”, taking into consideration both energetic (magnitude of a seismic event) and spatial parameters (position of epi/hypocentrum relative to the monitoring site). The earthquake and the hydrochemical time-series were synchronised aggregating the e-parameters into “earthquake activity” functions E, which takes into account the time of sampling relative to the earthquakes which occurred in the considered area. For the definition of the aggregation functions a variety of different “e” parameters were considered. The set of earthquake functions E was grouped by means of factor analysis to select a limited number of significant and representative earthquake functions E to be used further on in the relation analysis with the multivariate hydrochemical data set. From the hydrochemical data a restricted number of hydrochemical factors were extracted. Factor scores allow to represent and analyse the variation of the hydrochemical factors as a function of time. Finally, regression analysis was used to detect those hydrochemical factors which significantly correlate with the aggregated earthquake functions.This methodological approach was tested with a hydrochemical data set collected from a deep well monitored for two years in the seismically active Vrancea region, Romania. Three of the hydrochemical factors were found to correlate significantly with the considered earthquake activities. A screening with different time combinations revealed that correlations are strongest when the cumulative seismicity over several weeks was considered. The case study also showed that the character of the interdependency depends sometimes on the geometrical distribution of the earthquake foci. By using aggregated earthquake information it was possible to detect interrelationships which couldn't have been identified by analysing only relations between single geochemical signals and single earthquake events. Further on, the approach allows to determine the influence of different seismotectonic patterns on the hydrochemical composition of the sampled well. The method is suitable to be used as a decision instrument in assessing if a monitoring site is suitable or not to be included in a monitoring net within a complex earthquake prediction strategy.  相似文献   

新疆东北部三塘湖盆地卡拉岗组火山岩十分发育,但火山岩的形成时代,是二叠纪还是石炭纪一直存有争议。本文用LA-ICP-MS方法测定了该盆地的马朗凹陷中马17井卡拉岗组的3个层位的玄武岩的锆石U-Pb年龄,得到1543.1 m处的锆石加权平均年龄为343.5±2.4 Ma,1954.3 m处的锆石两组加权平均年龄为331.3±5.0 Ma和306.6±5.3 Ma,2327 m处的加权平均年龄为325.2±3.0 Ma。表明卡拉岗组时代可能不是二叠纪,而是石炭纪。其年龄分布大致有上老(早石炭世)和下新(晚石炭世)的特点。这种分布特点可能与马朗凹陷马17井火山岩较发育、有多期火山活动的特点有关。在排除地层倒转的情况下,层位高的火山岩锆石年龄老可解释为与上面层位的火山岩可能捕获早期岩浆结晶锆石有关。说明最小的年龄(306.6 Ma)可作为该组火山岩的喷发年龄:卡岗组时代定为晚石炭世更合适。  相似文献   

Morphological and sedimentary records at the exit of Brahmaputra River at Pasighat in the NE Himalaya inform about the climate–tectonic interplay during the past ca. 15 ka. The geomorphology of the area comprises (1) fan terrace T3, (2) a high‐angle fan (3) terrace T2, (4) terrace T1 and (5) a low‐angle fan. Geomorphic consideration suggests that the fan terrace T3 and high‐angle fans are the oldest units and were coeval. The low‐angle fan is the youngest geomorphic unit. Sedimentological studies and optically stimulated luminescence chronology suggest that (i) fan terrace T3 formed between 13 and 10.5 ka and comprised multiple events of debris flows separated by the aggradation as channel bars in a braided river environment; (ii) the high‐angle fan formed during 15–10 ka and comprises channel bar aggradation in braided river conditions; (iii) terrace T2 formed during 10–8 ka due to aggradation in a braided channel environment with lesser events of debris flows; (iv) terrace T1 formed during <7 and 3 ka took place as bars of the braided river. Sudden coarsening of the sediment indicated a tectonic rejuvenation in the provenance region between 7 and 3 ka; and (v) the low‐angle fans dated to <3 ka formed due to aggradation in a small tributary joining the Brahmaputra River. This implies a phase when the main channel of the Brahmaputra did not flood regularly and the tributaries were actively aggrading. The sedimentation style and incision of these geomorphic units responded to contemporary climatic changes and uplift in the Siwalik range along the Himalayan Frontal Fault. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北缘万州地区中侏罗世上沙溪庙组产出稳定层状浅色粘土岩。利用X射线、X荧光光谱、等离子光谱(ICP)等方法对矿物成分、常量、微量和稀土元素进行了测试分析,粘土岩主要矿物为蒙脱石、伊利石和绿泥石。通过与澳大利亚后太古代平均页岩(PAAS)、北美平均页岩(NASC)、地壳粘土岩背景值以及其它具有代表性岩石的对比发现,本区粘土岩微量元素具有明显的低V,低Ti和低铁族元素的特点,高Al2O3/TiO2比值和低Ti/Th比值特征显著,某些层位具有明显的Eu负异常。推断本区粘土岩沉积物源具有火山灰和陆源碎屑的二元混合成因,各层位成分的差异显示了不同沉积时间内二者的混合比例发生变化。区域对比和地球化学资料显示火山灰可能来自于西部600km远的特提斯洋岛弧火山。  相似文献   

本文报道了冀东青龙地区新太古代朱杖子群和单塔子群变质岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果。朱杖子群底部张家沟组砾岩中的TTG砾石、花岗岩砾石和基质的岩浆锆石207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄分别为2515±9Ma(MSWD=1.9)、2510±10Ma(MSWD=1.6)和2512±7Ma(MSWD=1.0),朱杖子群底部张家沟组黑云斜长片麻岩碎屑锆石207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为2540±6Ma(MSWD=1.6),朱杖子群桲罗台组变质酸性火山岩岩浆锆石207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为2516±8Ma(MSWD=1.1),单塔子群鲁杖子组黑云变粒岩碎屑锆石207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为2504±7Ma(MSWD=1.8),另有一个数据点的207Pb/206Pb年龄为3.04Ga。根据本文定年结果和前人资料,获得主要结论如下:朱杖子群和单塔子群形成于新太古代晚期,很可能为岛弧环境的产物;朱杖子群与下伏单塔子群之间虽存在角度不整合关系,但时间间断不长,朱杖子群底部张家沟组砾岩不具有底砾岩性质;③绿片岩相—角闪岩相的朱杖子群和单塔子群与角闪岩相—麻粒岩相的遵化深变质绿岩带—三屯营—太平寨—迁安岩浆杂岩区变质程度差异很大,但形成时代相同,是后期构造作用把它们置于同一地壳平面。  相似文献   

The powerful eruption in the Akademii Nauk caldera on January 2, 1996, marked a new activity phase of Karymsky volcano and became a noticeable event in the history of modern volcanism in Kamchatka. The paper reports data obtained by studying more than 200 glassy melt inclusions in phenocrysts of olivine (Fo 82-72), plagioclase (An 92-73), and clinopyroxene (Mg#83-70) in basalts of the 1996 eruption. The data were utilized to estimate the composition of the parental melt and the physicochemical parameters of the magma evolution. According to our data, the parental melt corresponded to low magnesian, highly aluminous basalt (SiO2 = 50.2 wt %, MgO = 5.6 wt %, Al2O3 = 17 wt %) of the mildly potassic type (K2O = 0.56 wt %) and contained much dissolved volatile components (H2O = 2.8 wt %, S = 0.17 wt %, and Cl = 0.11 wt %). Melt inclusions in the minerals are similar in chemical composition, a fact testifying that the minerals crystallized simultaneously with one another. Their crystallization started at a pressure of approximately 1.5 kbar, proceeded within a narrow temperature range of 1040 ± 20°C, and continued until a near-surface pressure of approximately 100 bar was reached. The degree of crystallization of the parental melt during its eruption was close to 55%. Massive crystallization was triggered by H2O degassing under a pressure of less than 1 kbar. Magma degassing in an open system resulted in the escape of 82% H2O, 93% S, and 24% Cl (of their initial contents in the parental melt) to the fluid phase. The release of volatile compounds to the atmosphere during the eruption that lasted for 18 h was estimated at 1.7 × 106 t H2O, 1.4 × 105 t S, and 1.5 × 104 t Cl. The concentrations of most incompatible trace elements in the melt inclusions are close to those in the rocks and to the expected fractional differentiation trend. Melt inclusions in the plagioclase were found to be selectively enriched in Li. The Li-enriched plagioclase with melt inclusions thought to originate from cumulate layers in the feeding system beneath Karymsky volcano, in which plagioclase interacted with Li-rich melts/brines and was subsequently entrapped and entrained by the magma during the 1996 eruption.  相似文献   

Two age stages in the formation of high-aluminous gneisses related to the major stages of granite formation of the Uralian mobile belt were revealed in this study. The first stage (372 ± 2 Ma) corresponds to the age of metamorphism of the amphibolite facies and is controlled by intrusion of the tonalite–trondhjemite series under the environment of the continental margin. At the second stage (307 ± 3 Ma), gneiss underwent contact metamorphism under the influence of plutons of the adamellite–granite composition formed during the early episodes of collisional metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Tepexpan Palaeoindian skeleton was discovered in 1947 close to the former Lake Texcoco margin, in the Basin of Mexico. The find has been the object of considerable interest and discussion over the last 60 years regarding its real age and archaeological interpretation. Here we report new AMS radiocarbon dates associated with the sedimentary succession at Tepexpan with ages between 19,110 ± 90 and 612 ± 22 14C years BP and a new uranium-series date for the skeleton with an age of 4700 ± 200 years BP that indicates a mid Holocene age. The sedimentary succession was studied in detail using: stable isotopes, diatoms, organic geochemistry and tephrochronology. The multi-proxy evidence suggests large changes around the margins of Lake Texcoco in terms of the balance between aquatic and terrestrial plants, C3 and C4 plants, saline, alkaline and freshwater conditions, volcanic activity, marginal reworking of lake sediments and input from the drainage basin through the late Pleistocene–late Holocene. These changes had large impacts on the prehistoric human populations living by the lake shores since the late Pleistocene in the Basin of Mexico.  相似文献   

Strontium isotope compositions of ancient sulphate deposits not only provide chemostratigraphic information but also offer insight into the system in which the evaporites precipitated. Primary gypsum from two Middle Miocene (Badenian) sections in southern Poland shows steadily higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than those expected from a marine‐derived formation. The ratios are interpreted as the result of increasing inflow into the basin at the time of gypsum precipitation. Palaeogeographic reconstructions suggest that riverine runoff sources were situated in the West and East European platforms (to the north and east, respectively) and the Carpathians (to the south), which are mostly composed of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks; their dissolution cannot be responsible for the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded. We conclude that Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic igneous and supracrustal rocks of the Ukrainian Shield were the source of the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded in the Badenian primary gypsum. A distinctive decreasing trend of 87Sr/86Sr ratios from western Ukraine to southern Poland is explained by a consistent direction of brine inflow during gypsum crystallization (typical cyclonic circulation controlled by the Coriolis effect).  相似文献   

利用中尺度气候模式MM5计算黑河山区流域2003年2月11日到6月30日的日降水量、2.0 m高度的日平均气温和潜热,并将其嵌套到DWHC模型中。MM5运行周期为10 d,积分步长为3 s,空间分辨率为3 km。保持DWHC模型土壤参数、植被参数、经验参数和可调参数等不变,仅对模型初始参数进行了调整,利用最近距离法(nearest)将MM5输出结果插值到1 km×1 km格点上,所计算的黑河干流出山口日平均流量与实测序列的NSE=0.79,B=-0.79(%),EV=0.79,R2=0.81。利用基于三角网格的立体插值法(cubic)所获结果与此相当,NSE=0.79,B=-0.65(%),EV=0.79,R2=0.80。这说明利用MM5 DWHC嵌套模型来模拟流域日平均流量是可行的。MM5 DWHC嵌套模型在径流模拟方面,比利用地面资料驱动结果要好。MM5 DWHC嵌套模型的计算结果表明,内陆河高寒山区流域存在明显的浅表产流特征,这与地面观测资料驱动结果一致。模型调试结果表明,MM5输出结果存在某种奇异性,且输出的非汛期降水量明显偏大。  相似文献   

A new varve diagram from the river Ångermanälven could be correlated to the postglacial varve chronology to between 4903 and 4415 varve years BP. An AMS 14C measurement on terrestrial macrofossils obtained between 4715 and 4706 varve years BP gave a calibrated age of between 5730 and 5040 calendar years BP. The discrepancy between varve and calender-year age indicates that an error or part of an error in the Swedish varve chronology may be situated between 2000 and 5000 varve years BP.  相似文献   

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