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红外相机技术目前已成为监测陆栖哺乳动物和地栖鸟类的常用技术手段。为监测新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区内鸟类和兽类资源,于2019年7月—2020年9月,在保护区内选取30个红外相机位点共布设58台红外相机,累积工作29730个工作日,共获得99850份图像及视频数据,采集独立有效照片5744张;共观测到野生陆生脊椎动物9目19科29种,其中兽类5目10科15种,鸟类4目9科14种。观测到的动物中有国家I级重点保护野生动物雪豹(Panthera uncia),国家II级重点保护野生动物6种,分别为北山羊(Capra sibirica)、马鹿(Cervus canadensis)、猞猁(Lynx lynx)、赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)、黑鸢(Milvus migrans)以及暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)。森林生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=60.569),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis,RAI=0.854);高山草甸及裸岩生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=18.693),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是暗腹雪鸡(RAI=0.316)和黄嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax graculus,RAI=0.854)。物种累积曲线结果显示:兽类物种数在200 d之后几乎不再增长,而鸟类物种数在100 d之后增速放缓但一直持续增长,表明时长450 d的红外相机监测力度对保护区中的兽类而言较为充分,对鸟类而言还不够充分。研究结果可为新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区野生陆生脊椎动物多样性监测与评估提供数据参考,为该保护区的保护管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

云南南滚河自然保护区大中型陆生哺乳动物初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During surveys for wild felids in Nangunhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan province, China, we conducted a wider mammal survey of the core nature reserve area, using camera trapping techniques. Forty motion-triggered digital camera traps had been set in oldest forest tract of protected area to conduct a species inventory. The total camera trapping effort of 2460 camera trap nights yielded 232 digital photographs of mammals represented by 17 species in five orders. The species photographed include rare and elusive species and those that are of high conservation value, such as IUCN endangered species Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus), and Phayre’s leaf monkey (Trachypit hecus phayrei). In addition, IUCN vulnerable species including Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus), sambar (Rusa unicolor), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonine), and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), and more common species were found. All mammals were also listed as key protected wild animals by the State Forestry Administration of China. Of particular importance were the carnivores, with 7 different species recorded. Ungulates and other taxa forming a prey base for these predators,such as rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjac), sambar, wild boar (Sus scrofa), and Chinese serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii), were found to be the most frequently photographed and most widespread species. Opportunities for local people to develop standardized monitoring designs for targeted species were identified by these initial assessment results. Local nature reserve staff lacked technical ability to produce standardized survey designs, yet a by product of this type of non-standardized data collection can be very informative and produce inventory information that gives a species richness analysis, as well as initial estimates for occupancy and detection probability for abundant species to drive future standardized survey designs and efforts.  相似文献   

Monitoring for species occupancy is often carried out at local scales, reflecting specific targets, available logistics, and funding. Problematically, conservation planning and management operate at broader scales and use information inventories with good scale coverage. Translating information between local and landscape scales is commonly treated in an ad hoc manner, but conservation decision-making can benefit from quantifying spatial-knowledge relationships. Fauna occupancy monitoring, in particular, suffers from this issue of scale, as there are many different survey methods employed for different purposes. Rather than ignoring how informative these methods are when predicting regional distributions, we describe a statistical approach that identifies survey combinations that provide the greatest additive value in mammal detection across different scales. We identified minimal sets of survey methods for 53 terrestrial mammal species across a large area in Australia (New South Wales (NSW), 800,000 km2) and for each of the 18 bioregions it encompasses. Utility of survey methods varied considerably at a landscape scale. Unplanned opportunistic sightings were the single largest source of species information (35%). The utility of other survey methods varied spatially; some were retained in minimal sets for many bioregions, while others were spatially restricted or unimportant. Predator scats, Elliot and pitfall trapping, spotlighting, and diurnal herpetofauna surveys were the most frequently included survey methods at a landscape scale. Use of our approach can guide identification of efficient combinations of survey methods, maximising detection and returns for monitoring. Findings and methodologies are easily transferable and are globally applicable across any taxa. They provide guidelines for managing scarce resources for regional ?monitoring programs, and improving regional strategic ?conservation planning.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography 106(2): 115–130, 2006

This paper examines the relationship between the intensity of agricultural land use and the abundance and richness of trees and birds in a humid tropical developing region where natural vegetation is being rapidly converted into farmland under market and population pressures. We analysed survey data on land use, birds and woody plants collected in 14 study sites situated within smallholder cropland and commercial plantations in southern Uganda. Commercial plantations had very few trees and only 10% of the original bird species. Land use intensification in smallholder systems also showed losses in bird abundance and species richness, but not nearly as much as in plantations. In both systems the impact of intensification was much bigger on the specialised and threatened birds compared to the less specialised species. This argues strongly for ‘species-sensitive’ conservation policies combining protected areas with land use regulation in areas undergoing intensification. We also found a much higher loss in bird biodiversity during the first phases of land use intensification (when larger tracts of forest are cleared) than in later phases characterised by clearing of smaller patches of vegetation and improved management of farm trees. This suggests high pay-offs to geographical targeting of conservation efforts in farmed landscapes.  相似文献   

Remote-sensing models have become increasingly popular for identifying, characterizing, monitoring, and predicting avian habitat but have largely focused on single bird species. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been shown to positively correlate with avian abundance and richness and has been successfully applied to southwestern riparian systems which are uniquely composed of narrow bands of vegetation in an otherwise dry landscape. Desert riparian ecosystems are important breeding and stopover sites for many bird species but have been degraded due to altered hydrology and land management practices. Here we investigated the use of NDVI, coupled with vegetation, to model the avian community structure along the San Pedro River, Arizona. We also investigated how vegetation and physical features measured locally compared to those data that can be gathered through remote-sensing. We found that NDVI has statistically significant relationships with both avian abundance and species richness, although is better applied at the individual species level. However, the amount of variation explained by even our best models was quite low, suggesting that NDVI habitat models may not presently be an accurate tool for extensive modeling of avian communities. We suggest additional studies in other watersheds to increase our understanding of these bird/NDVI relationships.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of linear habitats, three types of hedgerows and two types of field margins, on the small mammal community within a semi-arid agricultural landscape in south-central British Columbia, Canada. We examined whether abundance, species richness, and species diversity of small mammals in tree fruit orchards differed from linear, edge habitats along orchard margins. Our five edges spanned grassy to wooded habitats. Linear habitats were intensively sampled for vascular plants in 2003 and small mammal communities from 2003 to 2007. Vegetation and total abundance of small mammal species among three types of hedgerows were similar and population changes followed those within nearby apple orchards. Species richness and diversity of small mammals, however, were significantly higher in hedgerows than orchards. Fewer mammals occupied hedgerows with high volumes of herb and shrub biomass, but richness and diversity of mammals did increase with shrub volume. All seven species of small mammals were represented in the hedgerow communities, including two species at risk: the Great Basin pocket mouse Perognathus parvus and the western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis). Two types of field margins (orchard-sagebrush and orchard-old field) along fencerows provided habitat for P. parvus. Field margins managed for herbaceous plant species along fencerows and other such linear configurations provided habitat for R. megalotis. Linear non-crop habitats should maintain the overall small mammal community, as well as the two species at risk, within this semi-arid agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the feasibility of reintroducing the South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) in the Jiangxi Matoushan National Nature Reserve, field surveys were conducted to assess prey distribution in the reserve. Twelve permanent transects were set in three distinct functional zones from February to April 2012 and May to July 2013. A total of 112 ungulate signs were recorded on these transects. In addition, 20 camera traps were used to survey ungulates and predators in 2012, while the following year we extended the survey site by using 30 cameras. Overall, 6641 capture events on 2930 camera days were obtained, presenting a variety of ungulate species: muntjak (Muntiacus muntjak), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). Population structure and composition of ungulates was compared in different functional zones using a single factor of variance analysis in SPSS software. Significant differences in the distribution of ungulates were recognized between the core zone and experimental zone, but not in other zones due to differences in habitat types and management practices of the nature reserve. Using ArcGIS analysis and Salford Predictive Modeler software, we ran several predictive models to understand which areas are most suitable for ungulates. We conclude that muntjac and wild boar are mainly distributed in the experimental zone, serow are more common in the core zone, while tufted deer are located evenly in the three functional zones. Finally, suggestions for effective and feasible management strategies and techniques for Matoushan National Nature Reserve were recommended based on the results and analysis in this study.  相似文献   

Assemblages of small bird species (<90 g body mass) from the Monte desert in Argentina were studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness. Mean species richness was higher during breeding season than in non-breeding season. The same pattern was observed in aerial insectivores, while granivores and substrate insectivores did not differ between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Overall bird abundance was similar across seasons. Species richness was positively correlated with bird abundance and negatively correlated with dominance; bird abundance and dominance were not correlated. These patterns could be explained by distinct responses of functional groups of birds; dominant species were granivores in the non-breeding season and aerial insectivores during the breeding season, and bird abundance in functional groups changed according to food supply. Most species are residents or regular migrants, while there are few nomadic and transient species. Predictable annual fluctuations in rainfall and resource availability should favor a migratory strategy more than nomadic movements. Similarly, breeding is strongly seasonal and most species start breeding when the first summer rains have generally not yet fallen. Finally, concordances in assemblage structure at local and regional scale suggest that similar mechanisms are acting on the local bird assemblages across the Monte.  相似文献   

土库曼斯坦与中国新疆在地理地形、景观带以及气候特征等诸多方面具有相似之处,这些因素共同决定了二者在物种多样性方面的相似性与可比性,加之人类活动影响加剧,两地物种多样性均遭受着严重的威胁。在对土库曼斯坦和中国新疆现有物种多样性数据进行总结的基础上,分析了二者的物种多样性现状、珍稀动植物特征以及濒危种和入侵种相关研究进展,对比了二者在物种多样性年际尺度上的异同,总结了土库曼斯坦与中国新疆物种多样性保护现状与相关政策,以期为深入开展两地生物多样性合作与交流提供支持。  相似文献   

为了解广州南沙湿地鸟类迁徙规律,揭示鸟类整体迁徙动态变化,于2014年1月至2018年12月,连续在每月下旬日落前3 h采用样点法和样线法对南沙湿地公园鸟类群落多样性进行调查。结果显示:1) 2014—2018年共记录到鸟类139种,以冬候鸟为主。2)鸟类物种数年际波动较大,丰富度年际变化不明显,即鸟类种类在逐渐增加的同时,个体数量趋于稳定。3)鸟类月度变化呈现明显的候鸟迁徙规律,越冬期急速上升,繁殖期平缓。越冬水鸟迁飞时间有提前的趋势,且在富有食物来源的浅水滩涂地和在无瓣海桑等高大茂盛的红树林群落有更多种类与数量的水鸟分布。最后,建议在注重绿化连续性和整体性的同时,保护和管理鸟类的栖息环境,适当扩大滩涂地面积,增加红树林种植面积以及合理地围垦,科学维持浅水滩涂和红树林种植面积比例,吸引更多越冬候鸟。  相似文献   

Studies of breeding birds and small mammals were conducted at a series of sites that form a gradient of severity of desertification. Desert grassland sites represented the least changed landscape units and mesquite coppice dunes represented the most severe degradation, an irreversibly degraded landscape unit. The hypothesis that desertification reduces species diversity was not supported by the data. Species richness and diversities (Shannon-Weaver H′) of breeding birds were higher in the desertified areas than in the grassland with one exception. Data from a site dominated by the exotic African grass,Eragrostis lehmanniana, in south-eastern Arizona showed that breeding bird diversity was lower at that site than at a site in the same region that was dominated by native grasses. Species richness, diversity (H′), and abundance of small mammals were also higher in desertified areas than in desert grassland. Most grassland species of birds and mammals persist in the desertified habitats and species that are characteristic of shrublands colonize desertified desert grasslands. This accounts for the increases in species richness. However some species such as the banner-tailed kangaroo rat,Dipodomys spectabilis, are eliminated when grassland degrades to mesquite coppice dune or eroded creosotebush communities. These data suggest that other measures of faunal biodiversity such askeystone speciesmay be better measures of the impact of desertification on animal biodiversity.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of biodiversity on ecosystem function is critical to promoting the sustainability of ecosystems and species conservation in natural ecosystems. We observed species composition, species richness and aboveground biomass,and simulated the competitive assemblages in a natural grassland ecosystem of China, aiming to test some assumptions and predictions about biodiversity–stability relationships. Our results show that aboveground productivity and temporal stability increased significantly with increasing species richness, and via a combination of overyielding, species asynchrony, and portfolio effects. Species interactions resulted in overyielding caused by trait-independent complementarity, and were not offset by a negative dominance effect and trait-dependent complementarity effect. Therefore, the mechanisms underlying the biodiversity effect shifted from the selection effect to the complementarity effect as diversity increased, and both effects were coexisted but the complementarity effect represent a mechanism that facilitates long term species coexistence in a natural grassland ecosystem of China.  相似文献   

I surveyed more than 1,700 Western Hemisphere mammal species ranges to identify, quantify, and examine patterns of disjunction at multiple taxonomic levels. Species that had disjunct populations (isolated by at least 500 km from other parts of the species range) were further analyzed using novel measures of disjunction by determining the distance to the disjunction and the relative area of disjunctions compared to the primary range area. Disjunction at this scale is rare (6.4 percent) in all terrestrial mammals but more common in bats (14.6 percent) than nonvolant mammals. Disjunctions are concentrated in six families, specifically Molossidae (31.5 percent disjunct), Didelphidae (24.7 percent disjunct), Felidae (28.6 percent disjunct), Vespertilionidae (15.3 percent disjunct), Emballonuridae (10.5 percent disjunct), and Phyllostomidae (10.4 percent disjunct). Geographically, 85 percent of disjunct mammal species have ranges that occur entirely or partially in South America. Geographic information systems analysis of species range maps is capable of identifying disjunct species and evaluating the severity of disjunctions. When compiled at the family level, these data suggest that species in certain families are more susceptible to disjunction. In some cases (e.g., species ranges separated by the Amazon rainforest), species-level data offer insight into the causes of disjunction. Study of species identified as disjunct in this study can inform conservation efforts by providing an opportunity to determine the characteristics that enable them to survive as isolated populations.  相似文献   

Ecological patterns and processes in dune ecosystems have been a research focus in recent years, however information on how dune stabilization influences vegetation and soil at different spatial scales...  相似文献   

The vegetation of riparian habitats is often distinct from that of the surrounding landscape, thus representing unique habitat for a variety of biota. Although highly mobile, birds often exhibit distinct species assemblages associated with habitat. Therefore, degradation or removal of riparian habitat, particularly in arid environments, may threaten bird diversity. Along the Vaal River, South Africa, mining and agriculture have reduced natural riparian habitat to ca. 9% of its former extent in the Northern Cape Province. We surveyed bird assemblages within intact riparian, savanna and bush-thickened habitats along the Vaal River to ascertain their importance to bird diversity. Avian abundance and species richness did not differ between the three habitats. Species composition of riparian bird assemblages was significantly different to that of savanna and bush-thickened habitats, however, which were not significantly different from each other, and more species were characteristic of riparian habitat (17 species) than bush-thickened (seven species) or savanna (one species) habitats. Of three species reaching the south-western limit of their African distribution, all occurred in riparian habitat. Thus, despite its fragmented nature, the riparian vegetation on the Vaal still supports an important component of avian diversity, and a landscape-level approach is required to manage this relatively rich, arid-land, river.  相似文献   

1997-2008年对福州滨海湿地水鸟进行了调查,记录到水鸟共132种,隶属9目21科,以鸻鹬类和雁鸭类为主,居留型以冬候鸟和旅鸟为主;拥有多种珍稀濒危水鸟,属于国家重点保护野生动物(1988)有15种、IUCN名录的有16种、中国濒危动物红皮书名录有16种。水鸟主要分布在闽江河口、福清兴化湾、福清湾、文武砂、罗源湾。同时针对福州滨海湿地水鸟情况提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

韦雨鑫  余克服  陈飚 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1783-1796
石芝珊瑚(Fungiidae)作为珊瑚礁生态系统框架的主要构建者之一,以其丰富的物种多样性、独特的移动性和对环境变化的强适应性,在维持珊瑚礁生态系统的稳定中起重要作用。文章综述了国内外对石芝珊瑚的研究进展,包括:1)物种多样性;石芝珊瑚可起源于白垩纪中期,现共有17属、约55种,具有多样化的进化分歧与丰富的物种多样性。2)生活史(繁殖、营养模式、生长发育与移动性);石芝珊瑚具备独特的生活史策略,双向性别转换(bidirectional sex conversion)可增强石芝珊瑚种群的繁殖成功率与环境适应性,而成体移动性(adult mobility)则能够有效拓宽石芝珊瑚生态位,并提高其种群的竞争力与恢复力。3)空间分布模式(跨大陆架分布、珊瑚礁地貌带分布与纬向分布)及影响因素;石芝珊瑚是全球性的珊瑚物种,其能够在岩石、沙地、淤泥等多样化的生境中存活,具有广阔的生物地理分布范围。基于目前石芝珊瑚的研究进展,建议从以下3个方面开展进一步研究:1)基于形态学与分子分类,厘定南海石芝珊瑚科的谱系,阐明南海石芝珊瑚物种多样性的演变规律及驱动机制;2)依托宏观生态调查,揭示石芝珊瑚在南海不同纬...  相似文献   

How species diversity–productivity relationships respond to temporal dynamics and land use is still not clear in semi-arid grassland ecosystems. We analyzed seasonal changes of the relationships between vegetation cover, plant density, species richness, and aboveground biomass in grasslands under grazing and exclosure in the Horqin Sandy Land of northern China. Our results showed that in grazed and fenced grassland, vegetation cover, richness, and biomass were lower in April than in August, whereas plant density showed a reverse trend. Vegetation cover during the growing season and biomass in June and August were higher in fenced grassland than in grazed grassland, whereas plant density in April and June was lower in fenced grassland than in grazed grassland. A negative relationship between species richness and biomass was found in August in fenced grassland, and in grazed grassland the relationship between plant density and biomass changed from positive in April to negative in August. The relationship between the density of the dominant plant species and the total biomass also varied with seasonal changes and land use (grazing and exclosure). These results suggest that long-term grazing, seasonal changes, and their interaction significantly influence vegetation cover, plant density, and biomass in grasslands. Plant species competition in fenced grassland results in seasonal changes of the relationship between species richness and biomass. Long-term grazing also affects seasonal changes of the density and biomass of dominant plant species, which further affects the seasonal relationship between plant density and biomass in grasslands. Our study demonstrates the importance of temporal dynamics and land use in understanding the relationship between species richness and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

秦巴山地植物南北变化与过渡模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦岭—大巴山是中国重要的南北地理分界线和生态过渡带,建立秦巴山地南北方向上植物种类组成及重要值的详细变化序列和过渡模式,对于深入认识中国南北过渡带的过渡性、复杂性及暖温带与亚热带分界线具有十分重要的科学意义。本文通过野外实地调查获取秦巴山地东、中、西部3条南北穿越样线163个采样点的植被序列数据,分析了物种丰富度、相对重要值及优势种多度的纬向变化,并将亚热带与温带物种相对重要值的差值(SND-RIV)用于表现南北方物种的优势程度,以分析和归纳植物的空间变化模式。结果表明:① 东部(三门峡—宜昌)、中部(西安—达州)、西部(天水—广元)亚热带物种丰富度及相对重要值自北向南递增,温带物种自北向南递减。东部温带物种丰富度及相对重要值在神农架和伏牛山由于海拔高度的影响出现两个峰值,中部亚热带物种在大巴山地区最高,西部亚热带物种在陇南以南超过温带物种;② 东部南北方物种的交错过渡带最宽,约180 km;中部大约在秦岭南坡至大巴山北坡之间,约100 km;西部交错过渡带偏南,约50~60 km。③ 东、中、西部山地植物纬向过渡模式和驱动因子有明显差异。东、西部自南向北亚热带物种的减少主要与年均降水量减少有关,年平均气温影响较小;中部年平均气温的作用比湿润指数稍大。本文揭示了秦巴山地东、中、西部植物的南北变化及过渡模式,提升了对中国南北过渡带复杂性和多样性的科学认识。  相似文献   

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