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中国乡村振兴背景下的农业发展状态与产业兴旺途径   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
陈秧分  刘玉  李裕瑞 《地理研究》2019,38(3):632-642
中国农业竞争力偏弱,农业发展关乎农业农村现代化目标的实现。本文引入“要素-结构-功能”分析框架,探讨了乡村振兴背景下中国农业发展与产业兴旺的理论基础,解析了中国农业发展特征、影响因素与兴旺路径。结果表明:① 农业乡村已由特别强调农产品生产与社会稳定,转向兼顾产品供应、社会稳定、文化传承、生态涵养等诸多功能。农业的多功能属性,支撑了中国农业的基础地位与广阔的发展空间。② 基于比较优势进行分工、通过产品差异化以提高农业附加值、加强政府支持以化解市场失灵、促进“人”“地”“业”协调耦合,是推动农业发展的主要理论选项。③ 中国农业发展过程中,间接利益相关者的获得感要强于农民群体,同时还面临农业劳动生产效率偏低等瓶颈问题。④ 考虑农业的多功能属性与现实问题,建议切实推动中国农业发展由增产导向转向提质增效,促进产镇融合、产村融合,建立农业要素功能显化增殖机制与“进得来、留得住、能受益”的生产要素配置机制,提高农业支持政策的针对性、协同性与联动性,推动中国农业发展与产业兴旺。  相似文献   

中国东部沿海地区乡村转型发展与新农村建设   总被引:105,自引:16,他引:89  
刘彦随 《地理学报》2007,62(6):563-570
1978 年改革开放以来, 中国东部沿海地区工业化、城市化的快速发展, 深刻地改变着广大农村地区, 促使农村产业结构、就业结构与农业生产方式等发生巨大变化, 乡村发展步入转型升级的新阶段。1978-2005 年, 沿海地区第一产业比重由23.3%降为7.9%, 第三产业比重由19.8%升为40.5%, 农业劳动力比重则由90.8%降为47.9%。模拟分析表明, 沿海地区 农业产值与农业就业份额仍将持续下降, 2010 年、2020 年农业产值比重将降为8.0%和 6.0%, 农业劳动力比重将降为44.5%和32.2%。1990-2005 年, 沿海地区劳耕弹性系数为1.84, 反映了农业劳动力的转移远快于耕地面积的减少, 农业劳动力效益在稳步提高。同期, 乡村人口由3.06 亿人降为2.19 亿人, 而农村人均居住用地规模却在增大, 未能实现农村人口 转移与农村居民点的减少相挂钩。沿海地区新农村建设须遵循乡村转型发展规律, 重在科学规划、分区推进, 通过优化城乡用地、发展现代农业和农村特色经济, 提升农村生产力, 促进沿海城乡互动与协调发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, grain production has been rising steadily, and the income of farmers has been increasing dramatically, thanks in part to the central government’s policy support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers. However, the conventional production mode leads to overconsumption of agricultural resources, increasingly challenging ecological environment impacts, and higher costs of agricultural products whose quality falls short of public expectations. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council both put extra emphasis on agricultural supply-side reform, restructuring of the sector, and a shift in the production mode. This paper explains the significance of the agro-ecological compensation mechanism, analyzes the efficacy of China’s current agricultural subsidy policies, introduces related experience from developed countries, elaborates options to establish the mechanism, and proposes policy recommendations to accelerate its development. This analysis concludes that one of the most important approaches to agricultural green development is to shift the existing subsidy policy from one which aims to ensure the yield by purchasing at a protective price, to a green subsidy which focuses on agro-ecological compensation.  相似文献   

Further utilization of global agricultural resources and the expansion of potential international cooperation space are necessary measures to promote a new level of China’s national food security and optimize the structure of domestic food consumption. This study measured the global potential cultivated land area and national grain self-sufficiency. Based on the two-above measures, the authors made a classification of China’s foreign agricultural cooperation countries and depicted the spatial pattern of cooperation based on the grain trades of those countries with China. The grain exporters include Australia, North America, South America, Eastern Europe and Central Asia; and the target countries for “going abroad” of Chinese grain enterprises are mainly located in Sub-Saharan Africa and northern Latin America. This study proposes that China’s policy of cooperation on grain should be shifted to non-traditional partners alongside the “Belt and Road Initiative” region. Specifically, China could expand grain imports from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other East European and Central Asian countries, and the direction for China’s agricultural enterprises “going abroad” should shift to Sub-Sahara Africa.  相似文献   

中部地带是我国农业的精华地带,目前,我国农业发展中面临的部分农产品结构性剩余严重,市场竞争力弱,农业劳动生产率和土地生产力低而不稳,农民收入增长放慢,农业持续发展的后劲不足等问题在中部地带表现更为典型,探索中部地带农业现代化建设的实施途径对于研究和解决当前我国农业发展面临的诸多问题都具有重要的作用。中部地带农业现代化途径主要是:整体规划,分类推进,极点突破;改革城乡户口隔离机制,加速农村城镇化;创新土地流转机制,培育规模经济的现代农业市场主体;创新科技机制,发挥高科技对农业的带动作用;拓宽农产品加工领域加大农产品市场建设力度。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲农业可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄小黎 《热带地理》2004,24(1):23-27
珠江三角洲作为全国著名的农业区,近年来在加速城市化进程中,农业的发展受耕地锐减、环境污染、农业劳动力素质下降等因素的制约.为适应城市化的要求和发挥地域优势,本区农业必须持续发展,为此应加速实现农业产业化,建设农业商品化生产基地,发展生态农业和观光农业.同时,应采取相应的对策措施:保护农业用地和生态环境,建立农业产业化保障体系,做好农业劳动力的技术培训工作,加强农业科技的研究和应用.  相似文献   

中国山区耕地利用边际化表现及其机理   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
李升发  李秀彬 《地理学报》2018,73(5):803-817
耕地利用边际化是当前中国山区土地利用主要变化趋势。利用《全国农产品成本收益资料汇编》资料,本文首先分析2003年以来农业劳动力价格快速上涨的背景下,中国农业生产成本的结构变化以及农户的响应,并对比平原和山区农户对劳动力成本上升的响应方式及程度的差异,发现平原地区能够通过大规模的农业机械替代减少劳动投入,进而有效减少劳动力价格上升所带来的影响,而山区因地形条件限制,劳动生产率提升相对缓慢,并与平原地区的差距不断扩大,导致农业劳动力成本占比不断上涨。随着劳动力成本的快速上涨,中国山区耕地边际化特征明显,以玉米为代表的种植业净利润在2013年普遍降至零以下。2000年以来,中国山区土地利用和植被变化表现为耕地面积减少、森林面积增加、NDVI指数增强,而且在省级层次上,山区县范围NDVI变化率与耕地和森林面积变化率分别具有很强的负相关(r = -0.70)和正相关(r = 0.91),证实了中国山区耕地当前边际化的发展态势。基于以上分析,本文最后对务农机会成本上升、农业劳动力快速析出背景下的山区耕地利用边际化机理进行了总结。这一研究有助于深入认识山区耕地撂荒和森林转型的发展过程。  相似文献   

近年来我国普通劳动者工资变化及其对农地利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用农村固定观察点数据、《全国农产品成本收益资料汇编》、全国农业统计数据等,对近年来我国普通劳动者工资的变化特征及其对我国农地利用的影响进行了分析。结果表明:近年来我国普通劳动者工资的增长速度和幅度明显要快于农产品和农业生产资料价格的增长速度。我国东部发达地区的部分省份,其复种指数已经出现了明显的下降趋势,物质和服务投...  相似文献   

朱会义 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1029-1037
土地利用变化的动力因子和动力机制是土地科学研究的核心问题。这一问题近30年来得到前所未有的关注,相关研究成果不断涌现,但是这些成果主要关注自然因子和社会经济因子等外在因素,却没有充分重视土地利用变化中蕴含的内在目标和由此派生的内在动力,客观上导致土地利用变化动力机制研究一直难以深入。本文以新疆地区为案例区,以土地、资本和劳动等生产要素生产效率变化为切入点,利用趋势拟合方法,分析了区域土地利用变化过程中要素产出效率的变动规律。结果显示,无论是近10年还是近30年区域棉花生产中,以及近30年区域粮食生产中,只有劳动生产率呈长期增长趋势。这一结果意味着人们对劳动生产率的追求可能是土地利用变化的内在动力。据此,进一步讨论了人们追求劳动生产率增长的原因及其与追求利润最大化等目标的关系,提出了"土地利用变化是人们在变化环境下不断追求劳动生产率增长的结果"这样一个观点。  相似文献   

科尔沁地区农业生产及其可持续发展定量分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
建立适用于沙漠化地区、包括自然条件、经济要素、技术措施和社会投入等要素、能准确反映农业生产关系的全要素生产数学模型,以奈曼旗为例,通过问卷调查识别影响沙漠化地区的主要因素,利用线性回归确定以1980年为分界的两个生产阶段的农业生产模型。分析表明,前一阶段以耕地、劳动力等经济要素投入为主要增产措施,关键驱动因素为劳动力,后一阶段主要以灌溉、施肥等技术投入作为主要增产措施,关键驱动因子为水利灌溉。现阶段,耕地、劳动力、耕畜等可控经济要素已经或即将达到投入上限,在降水、干旱天气等自然要素的影响下,技术措施的生产率也呈现下降趋势。从总体上看,各项投入要素的规模效益开始递减,现有生产方式必须得到有效改善,才能满足农业可持续发展的需求。  相似文献   

1980年以来中国棉花生产向新疆集中的主要原因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱会义 《地理研究》2013,32(4):744-754
1980年以来中国棉花生产格局发生了明显变化,在空间上逐步向新疆集中,这一变化不仅促进了新疆地区耕地的扩张,也强化了新疆地区在我国农业生产中的地域功能,同时还加速了该地区的荒漠化进程。目前对这一现象的研究主要立足于区域尺度,关注棉花生产对当地农民收入的影响以及区域棉花产业的优势与发展战略,对生产格局变化的成因还缺乏清晰认识。本文从生产要素配置效率的角度,利用全国农产品成本收益数据,通过比较全国主要植棉省市棉花生产中土地生产率、劳动生产率和资本产出率的差异,来探讨这一现象的成因。结果表明:劳动生产率的区域差异是市场经济条件下中国棉花生产向新疆集中的主要原因。这一结论对于判断中国棉花生产格局变化的未来趋势以及其他农产品生产格局变化研究都具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

张争胜  周永章 《热带地理》2005,25(3):233-237
分析了湛江市农业生产结构的演化历程,认为湛江市农业在发展过程中,自然条件、生产传统的影响逐渐减弱,市场需求、国家产业政策等影响因素作用增强。湛江市的农业竞争优势包括土地资源、光热资源、热带作物资源、人力资源等内部驱动因素和交通区位、市场需求以及发展政策等外部环境因素两个方面。为了提升区域农业竞争力,湛江市应加强基础设施建设,加大科技与资金投入,优化农业生产要素,同时应积极发展创汇农业,调整农业产业结构,推进农业产业化,不断改善农业产业经营、市场营销和政府管理等环节。  相似文献   

A large proportion of the rural labor force in China will continue to transfer to non-agricultural sectors in the near future, which will inevitably lead to the transformation of the agricultural production mode and the structure of the farmers’ livelihood. The Chinese government is making great efforts to govern agricultural nonpoint source pollution (ANSP), and farmers' environmental behavior is a key factor that must be considered in the formulation of agricultural environmental policies. Based on a set of micro survey data on farmers in the study area and econometric methods, this study investigates the impact of agricultural labor transfer on ANSP by considering the substitution effect of agricultural factors and the effect of agricultural economies of scale. The results show that the increase of the agricultural labor force will not be conducive to reducing ANSP, while the income increase brought by agricultural labor transfer will improve the input structure of agricultural factors and have a positive impact on ANSP reduction. Government departments should provide subsidies or incentive measures to help agricultural social service organizations to expand their coverage and increase the frequency of socialized agricultural services, in order to guide farmers in the use of environment-friendly agricultural technology to reduce the ANSP caused by agricultural factors at the source. Furthermore, it is necessary to facilitate the development of small-sized agricultural machinery suitable for small-area land cultivation.  相似文献   

长株潭地区农业功能的时空变化特征及发展策略研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
以长株潭地区23个县市区为研究区域,分别从农产品供给功能、就业和社会保障功能、生态保育功能、文化传承和休闲功能构建评价指标体系,综合运用熵值法、多指标综合评价法和农业功能变化的时空差异诊断模型等方法对长株潭地区1998~2014年农业功能的时空动态变化特征进行研究,根据各地区功能特征提出农业功能发展调控策略。研究结果表明:① 长株潭地区农产品供给功能有大幅提升,其重心有向外进一步扩散趋势;长株潭地区核心区域劳动力就业与社会保障功能下降幅度较大;大围山、罗霄山脉等山地丘陵区生态保育功能优势进一步凸显;文化传承和休闲功能部分区域获得进一步发展,但空间变化差异较小。② 研究发现不同区域农业主导功能不同,根据各地区农业功能不同优势特征,结合自身特色因地制宜发展优势农业并提出相应的优化调控对策,从而为长株潭地区农业多功能发展与功能特征的识别及确定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国北方旱地农业研究进展与思考   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
北方旱地农业是指沿昆仑山 -秦岭 -淮河一线以北的依靠天然降水补充灌溉农业的地区 ,可分为干旱、半干旱偏旱、半干旱、半湿润偏旱和半湿润五个子区。从农业资源利用现状与生产实践看 ,北方旱地农业发展潜力巨大 ,增产潜力远没有得到发挥。随着国家对食物安全、生态安全、经济安全的重视 ,旱地农业研究必然提上议事日程。本文从国内外旱地农业研究现状入手 ,对旱地农业的战略地位、国内外研究现状、发展潜力进行了深入分析 ,提出了我国北方旱地农业发展的若干策略  相似文献   

China is a disaster prone country, and a comprehensive understanding of change of disasters is very important for China’s agricultural development. In this study, statistical techniques and geographic information system tools are employed to quantify the main agriculture disasters changes and effects on grain production in China during the period of 1990-2011. The results show that China’s grain production was severely affected by disasters including drought, flood, hail, frost and typhoon. The annual area covered by these disasters reached up to 48.7×106 ha during the study period, which accounted for 44.8% of the total sown area, and about 55.1% of the per unit area grain yield change was caused by disasters. In addition, all of the disasters showed high variability, different changing trends, and spatial distribution. Drought, flood, and hail showed significantly decreasing trends, while frost and typhoon showed increasing trends. Drought and flood showed gradual changes and were distributed across the country, and disasters became more diversified from north to south. Drought was the dominated disaster type in northern China, while flood was the most important disaster type in the southern part. Hail was mainly observed in central and northern China, and frost was mainly distributed in southern China. Typhoon was greatly limited to the southeast coast. Furthermore, the resilience of grain production of each province was quite different, especially in several major grain producing areas, such as Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin and Jiangsu, where grain production was seriously affected by disasters. One reason for the difference of resilience of grain production was that grain production was marginalized in developed provinces when the economy underwent rapid development. For China’s agricultural development and grain security, we suggest that governments should place more emphasis on grain production, and invest more money in disaster prevention and mitigation, especially in the major grain producing provinces.  相似文献   

基于GIS的甘肃省农业生产潜力研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
在气象数据库、属性数据库和GIS支持下,采用机制法对作物生产潜力模型进行了光、温、水、土逐级订正,得到了甘肃省的光合、光温、降水、水资源及土地的生产潜力,其结果很好的反映了甘肃省农业生产和农业资源分布的空间格局,各级订正的有效系数进一步揭示了各种资源因子对农业生产的限制程度。  相似文献   

Analyzing the agricultural landscape patterns in mountainous areas is critical to clarify the dynamic changes and development direction of agricultural landscapes. This also plays a significant role in the rational planning and management of agricultural land. A theoretical framework for agricultural landscape pattern transitions in mountainous areas is proposed to fill the gap of current research with an empirical study in the Caotangxi Watershed, Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA), China. The transition characteristics of agricultural landscape patterns from 2000 to 2018 as represented by sloping farmland, abandoned land, and orchards are analyzed from a holistic-local perspective. The results indicate that the orchards expanded along river valleys, and abandoned land expanded at high elevations, which led to reduced sloping farmland. This phenomenon gives regional landscape differences at the holistic and local levels. Namely, it enhances the region’s holistic landscape diversity but causes fragmentation and aggregation of landscape patches in local areas. The agricultural landscape pattern transitions within the farming range in the study area are manifested primarily in four modes: sloping farmland-orchard conversion type (FOCT), comprehensive conversion type (CCT), partially abandoned type (PAT), and wholly abandoned type (WAT). Each transition mode reveals different development stages of the mountainous agricultural landscape patterns. In general, the agricultural landscape pattern transition is driven by socioeconomic factors in mountainous areas of the TGRA and is bidirectional. This attribute is expressed as the transition from the traditional grain-planting landscape with an even distribution to the eco-economic win-win orchard in valleys and transitions from sloping farmland to abandoned land in high-elevation areas. Overall, the results of this study reveal the uniqueness of agricultural landscape pattern evolutions in China’s mountainous areas in recent decades, which has enlightened the in-depth understandings of rural land use and agricultural ecosystems in mountainous areas of the TGRA, as well as improvements in rural developments and ecological environments.  相似文献   

Zhejiang province is one of China’s smallest provinces in terms of land area, but one of the most active economically. It was also the first to conserve agricultural heritage systems and achieve great results in this area. An analysis and evaluation of the status and problems of agricultural heritage systems in Zhejiang province can serve as a useful example for other places to develop agricultural heritage systems protection. Based on nearly a decade of practice in conserving agricultural heritage systems in Zhejiang province, this thesis analyzes the significance, status and problems, evaluates the potential in terms of traditional agricultural products, special cash trees and fruit trees, tea cultures, marine resource utilization, water-land resources use and eco-agricultural models, and gives targeted development advice. Studies have shown that heritage conservation nurtures traditional agriculture and promotes its sustainable development, fosters the passing on of farming culture and cultural prosperity in rural areas, helps to develop the value of agricultural heritage systems and increase farmers’ income, has value in protecting the ecological environment of rural areas and promoting the construction of the countryside. Meanwhile, the development potential of agricultural heritage systems in Zhejiang province is great because of the excellent quality of traditional agricultural products, a variety of special cash trees and fruit trees, an extensive tea culture, unique utilization of maritime resources, rich experience in water-land resources utilization, and various forms of eco-agriculture. This research provides certain references to help Zhejiang province to protect and pass on its agricultural heritage systems, to promote agricultural sustainability and to expand agricultural functions.  相似文献   

北方生态脆弱区农户兼业对耕地利用的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国农户兼业现象十分普遍。本文基于在内蒙古太仆寺旗的农户调查数据,采用单因素方差分析法,对生态脆弱区农户兼业及其对耕地利用的影响进行了研究。结果表明:当前研究区农业劳动力非农就业和农户兼业现象十分突出,而兼业程度不同的农户,其经营土地的方式差异明显。非农就业户通过将其土地转给其他农户而脱离了农业耕作,这同时满足了其他农户扩大土地经营面积的愿望。种植结构差异不大,均体现为劳动生产率高的作物具有优势;对于有耕地利用行为的纯农业户、I兼型农户和II兼型农户,随着兼业程度的增加,物质投入增加,说明农户兼业使其资金约束减小,增加了资金投入能力,但是在劳动力约束下,兼业农户的劳动力投入减少,且务农劳动力"妇女化"、"老龄化"和"文化低"等现象突出;作物单产和土地净收益纯农业户大于兼业农户,说明劳动投入对土地产出更为重要。文章最后认为建立农业劳动力非农就业与耕地利用相互协调的机制,是解决生态脆弱区生态安全与农业生产之间矛盾的重要途径。  相似文献   

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