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首先,从理论角度探讨土地发展权内在机理,分析现行征地补偿价格的不足,提出了征地补偿价格应为集体农用土地价格与土地发展权价格之和,并以此构建基于土地发展权的征地补偿定价模型;其次,以周口市为例,应用构建的定价模型及农户问卷调查分析方法,测算了各县(区)基于土地发展权的征地补偿价格,并对测算结果和现行征地补偿价格进行了对比分析;最后,提出应从法律上确保农民土地发展权的权益,并在今后征地工作中逐步改革现行征地补偿制度,构建公平合理的征地补偿分配机制。  相似文献   

官厅水库是北京市重要的地表饮用水水源地之一,水源来自上游多个省和自治区,为一个跨地区流域。进入20世纪80年代以后,随着中国改革开发政策的不断深入,流域内社会、经济快速发展,水资源间竞争利用日趋突出,水污染状况不断加剧,造成水体富营养化,目前,库区内水体已成为超V类水,完全失去了其饮用水及工业供水水源地功能。通过对流域内水资源利用及管理现状分析研究,认为官厅水库的水资源减少与水环境恶化的主要原因是:上游地区修建大量拦蓄工程和用水量大幅增加,来水量减少,污水不达标排放,水库来水中污水含量大量增加,造成水体质量下降。在水资源管理中,水库管理机构与流域水资源保护管理部门不统一,地区间水资源利用与保护的权利与义务不明确,水资源竞争利用加剧,管理办法难有成效。由此提出:制定具有法律效力的流域管理法规;建立和加强流域管理机构职能;确定流域内各地区水质、水量保护标准;建立流域水资源保护补偿与水危害赔偿机制。  相似文献   

In the former coloured rural reserves of Namaqualand, land is held under an evolving form of communal tenure. This study, using in-depth interviews with both women farmers and non-farmers in Namaqualand, explores women's attitudes towards land and their experience of agriculture. It finds that women gain access to land for residential and production purposes mainly through dependent relationships with husbands, fathers and sons, and that unmarried women find it virtually impossible to obtain land rights in their own name. In the event of divorce or widowhood, women are vulnerable to loss of land rights and other resources. Women were found to engage in a range of agricultural activities, both on land allocated for their own use and on land controlled by male relatives, while a few better-off women engage in independent livestock farming. While the South African government's land reform programme has extended the area of communal land and attempted to secure the rights of existing land holders, this has largely benefited existing male farmers and appears to offer little to women farmers. Women's attitudes to the patriarchal system of land holding were found to be largely conservative. Few are willing to challenge the highly gendered nature of land rights within families, and women generally feel excluded from public processes around land. Nonetheless, women in the study expressed a demand for more secure access to land and an interest in agriculture as part of wider livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the stalled implementation of two state policies among recipients of land reform in Costa Rica: the transfer of authority over forests on state agrarian reform lands over to the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural Development Institute’s requirement to issue land title to the recipients of its land reform projects. To date, neither of these policies is even partially implemented, resulting in both forests and marginalized landholders existing in a state of dual tenure limbo. In this article we draw on document analysis, interviews with policymakers, and interviews with recipients of land reform to determine why these policies have not been implemented. In addition, we assess the potential consequences for forest conservation that this situation has produced by mapping the extent and characteristics of forests that occupy this state of uncertainty.  相似文献   

2011年,中央1号文件《关于加快水利改革发展的决定》明确提出":全面加快水利基础设施建设"",突出加强农田水利等薄弱环节建设"。农村水利建设与改革将迎来新的春天。本文从当前农村水利建设的现状出发,分析了当前农村水利建设与改革的重要性与形势,并就构建农村水利基础设施建设机制、创新农村水利建设的管理制度与运行机制、加强农村水利建设与改革支撑保障体系建设等方面提出了明确的对策与措施。  相似文献   

以佛山南海区为例,采用遥感、土地利用调查及土地利用现状图等多种数据,运用遥感影像人机交互解译、景观格局指数以及田野调查、案例分析等定量与定性相结合的方法,分析了1987年以来南海区土地利用时空变化及其对土地产权变革的响应。结果发现,南海区土地产权变化分为3个阶段:即土地有偿投包制阶段(1987-1992年)、土地股份合作制阶段(1993-2002年)和土地紧缩及“三旧”改造政策下的政府主导模式阶段(2003-2013年),这3个阶段土地产权的演化具有以土地的“所有”为中心向以“利用”为其中心转变的趋势,这是市场需求和资源利用高效化发展的结果,也是土地由资源转变为资产及资本的过程。南海区土地产权变化与土地利用时空变化具有较为显著的关联性及规律性。土地利用在不同时段变化的速度、强度和结构等对土地产权变化的响应明显,其空间格局也同样呈现“农用地集聚-乡村工业化破碎格局-集聚与破碎化共存”3个阶段性变化特征。南海区土地利用变化是众多内外部因素综合作用的结果,主要表现为诱致机制、引导机制、引擎机制及调节机制。宏观上,土地股份制改革和分散的管理体系导致了土地利用的粗放扩张和破碎化格局;微观上,不同土地利用主体间的利益博弈、土地收益分配方式及产权割裂是导致土地利用变化的根本原因。未来经济转型与土地再开发过程中,如何针对土地产权变化新趋势,兼顾各利益相关方的诉求,构建利益共享机制是实现土地高效利用和空间优化的关键。  相似文献   

With the transition to democracy in 1994, South Africa was faced with an enormous challenge in redressing the highly unequal and racialized pattern of land rights inherited from the colonial and apartheid past. In Namaqualand, a history of land dispossession and racial segregation presented the new government with a complex set of problems, which led to a series of distinct policy responses within the context of the wider national land reform programme. Land reform in Namaqualand aims to impact positively on local people's access to land, improve livelihood opportunities and develop the local economy. Unique features of the land reform process in Namaqualand include the reform of tenure in the former Coloured Rural Areas, the prominent role played by local municipalities and the heavy reliance on municipal commonage as a form of landholding. This study provides and overview of the process of land reform in Namaqualand since 1994, considering the three elements of tenure reform, land redistribution and restitution of historical land rights. It concludes that, while considerable progress has been made in provision of additional land to historically disadvantaged communities, obstacles remain in the area of post-transfer support to new and emerging farmers.  相似文献   

论水权的性质及构成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水权的客体、性质和权能结构可从其自然属性、经济属性、法律属性三方面进行分析。水权是自然资源产权,水权的客体是水资源而非水产品,即生态用水之外的部分水资源。水权是具有公权色彩的私权,是符合物权属性基本前提下的准物权。我国水资源为国家所有,在水权权系构成中,水资源所有权是第一位的权利。水资源所有权的派生权利如占有权、使用权、部分收益权、部分处分权等可与所有权相分离并进行流转,从而形成水权市场和水权交易制度。在我国,水资源使用权即是取水权,根据取水方式的差异,包括汲水权、引水权、蓄水权等;根据水资源使用方式的差异,则包括灌溉权、经营权、饮用权等。本文认为,水域(水面)使用权、排水权、水资源分配权等不属于水权的范畴。  相似文献   

流域生态补偿研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘力  冯起 《中国沙漠》2015,35(3):808-813
本文结合生态补偿的理论,综述流域生态补偿的基本概念和理论,总结补偿标准制定方法,概括补偿的原则、政策、措施等主要环节,提出目前存在的问题(过于依赖政府主导,补偿重点不明确,补偿范围不明晰,立法未完善等)。并提出了今后应注意的问题,展望了未来的研究重点:首先,继续保持政府监督,引入市场手段论证实施流域生态补偿;二是分清保护性和破坏性生态资源利用行为,采取灵活方式,对相应行为补偿额度进行调整,以有效筹措补偿资金、优化补偿资本来源;三是东西部地区流域内人口、资源、环境等各方面特点不同,补偿应分清"有水无水"和"水好水坏"的问题,采取不同的侧重点.随着丝绸之路经济带建设的推进,西北地区祁连山生态保护与治理已经列为所在各省的战略之一,内陆河流域资源禀赋的发挥要综合考虑生态效益、社会效益和经济效益;四是加强针对生态要素的立法,如土壤保护法、清洁空气法等,建立健全法律制度,保障流域生态补偿的有效进行。  相似文献   

何元斌  林泉 《地域研究与开发》2012,31(4):124-127,133
加快城中村改造是城市与区域经济发展的必然要求,也是顺应城市化趋势、统筹城乡协调发展、实现城乡一体化的重要环节。从土地发展权的视角,以提高城市土地利用效率为核心,从制度设计和制度变迁动力的角度分析城中村的形成机制,对城中村改造各参与主体在改造的制度选择中的行为进行博弈分析。结果表明,集体土地的发展权属收益成为城中村改造中地方政府与村集体博弈的关键;土地产权制度创新是城中村改造的首要前提;实现城乡一体化是城中村改造的必然选择;城中村居民社会保障制度的建立与完善是城中村改造的根本保证。  相似文献   

土地征收中生态补偿缺失对农民权利的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用资料分析,理论分析的方法,归纳总结了国内外土地征收补偿中都存在着生态补偿缺失的问题, 尤其是中国的征收补偿制度存在明显缺陷,如补偿理论支持不足、补偿范围小、补偿额度低、补偿不到位等。这种制 度缺陷不仅造成了大量的耕地流失,同时也造成了农业生态环境的破坏,直接影响了土地使用权人———农民的相 关利益,如土地被征收导致土地分割,形成不经济的土地规模,造成土地利用效率的损失,降低了相邻土地的生产 力,影响了农民的相邻权;土地又是农民世代生存、繁衍、发展之所在,是农民的基本生活保障和基本生活来源,农 民失去土地就意味着失去了生存和发展的基础,影响了生存权和发展权;土地的资源属性表明,土地征收必然涉及 到土地利用的变化和生态环境因素的改变,涉及到农民的环境权的保障。为此,必须完善土地征收制度,建立有效 的市场化运作手段,通过对农地生态价值的正确评估,公平、合理的补偿失地农民的损失,以实现社会公平、和谐。  相似文献   

Transboundary rivers have important geopolitical and geo-economic connotations, but riparian states of transboundary rivers are often driven by their own rapid population growth and economic development to be-come involved in regional conflicts about the development and use of water resources. Therefore, finding a balance between the need for fair and reasonable development of water resources and the effective protection of environment from an ecological perspective has become a major problem faced by the international community. This paper begins with consideration of international water laws related to transboundary rivers and then reviews advances in the research on benefit-sharing, ecological compensation mechanisms, and adaptive management systems. We believe that existing international water laws form a complete legal system and that more attention needs to be paid to transboundary cooperation and sustainable water resource use. With respect to how transboundary water conflicts are resolved, there is a trend to move away from single water resource allocation (a zero-sum game) to benefit-sharing in order to achieve a win-win situation for riparian states, but there are still some difficulties in transboundary ecological compensation. In China, the central government has paid attention to horizontal ecological compensation between upstream and downstream, offering guidance to promote establishment of inter-province ecological compensation. Based on existing practice, horizontal ecological compensations are still in their infancy, small in scale, supported by a weak legal system, lacking market mechanisms to encourage their use and relying on fiscal transfers as the method of payment. In the future, China will need to intensify its research on legal system development, international cooperation, and benefit-sharing as these impact transboundary water resources. Because government can be seen as a management department with multiple identities (enabler, regulator and buyer), to improve adaptive transboundary ecological compensation mechanisms, government must develop as soon as possible data sharing platforms, standards of water consumption behaviors and intergovernmental policies (or ordinances).  相似文献   

As the consequence of climate change, water that is received in Australian Murray-Darling Basin wetlands is declining and agricultural water demands are increasing. In order to keep the water use balance between environment protection including wetland protection and irrigation water use, the Australian government adopted a series of reforms in Murray-Darling Basin to address the environmental water shortage problem and encourage irrigators to use water more efficiently and plant high economic value crop. The water trading and cap are two major reforms in this process.In order to match up the environmental water demand such as wetland water use, based on the seasonal rainfall, dam level and environmental water demand, the cap system seasonally allocate how much water the irrigators can access as per water licenses. As the cap dramatically reduced the water access for irrigators, the water trading is aiming to use limited agricultural water more efficiently. The water trading scheme separate the water use right from the land property right and allow Australian farmers to trade their water licenses in the market. Water trading encouraged farmers who plant low value crops such as wheat and canola transfer their water entitles to farmers who plant high value crops such as grape. In the drought seasons, The Australian government can purchase the water licenses from irrigators to increase the environmental flows.This Australian water management system represents the most complicated and effective environmental and agricultural water use management in this world. There are possible many lessons that will help China to better manage the water use for wetland protection and farming practices.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, international water sector reforms have centred heavily on economic and market approaches. In regard to water resources management, tradable water rights have been promoted, often supported by the neoliberal model adopted in Chile. Chile's 1981 Water Code was reformed to comprise a system of water rights that could be freely traded with few restrictions. International financial institutions have embraced the Chilean model, claiming that it results in more efficient water use, and potentially fosters social and environmental benefits. However, in Chile the Water Code is deeply contested. It has been criticised for being too permissive and has produced a number of problems in practice. Moreover, attempts to modify it have become the focus of a lengthy polemic debate. This paper employs a political ecology perspective to explore the socio‐environmental outcomes of water management in Chile, drawing on a case study of agriculture in the semi‐arid Norte Chico. The case illustrates how large‐scale farmers exert greater control over water, while peasant farmers have increasingly less access. I argue that these outcomes are facilitated by the mode of water management implemented within the framework of the Water Code. Through this preliminary examination of social equity and the environmental aspects of water resources management in Chile, I suggest that the omission of these issues from the international debates on water rights markets is a cause for concern.  相似文献   

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs have taken a variety of forms that depend on many mediating factors, such as national and local politics, land tenure, regional collective action, the capacity of intermediaries, and socio-ecological context. This diversity has produced unsurprisingly mixed experiences, with many falling short of achieving the twin goals of environmental and social benefits and some causing adverse consequences. This study examines one rare PES case that has contributed both to forest conservation and to community livelihoods. In this study, community forest owners from four indigenous communities in the Mexican cloud forest evaluate their participation in ten years of a public PES program to support watershed stewardship. We argue that attention to indigenous sovereignty and self-determination in program implementation contributed to widely appreciated socio-environmental benefits. Though many PES programs are implemented in indigenous communities, scholarly debates have rarely dealt directly with these issues.  相似文献   

This article investigates how an existing two‐tiered land tenure system creates a hybrid space that blurs, and essentially questions and problematizes the boundaries of the formal/informal divide as presented within Angolan political and legal discourses. It showcases how urban formality and informality exist alongside each other in Luanda and how people take recourse to both formal and informal channels in attempts to secure housing, land tenure and livelihoods in the city. Through case studies, the article describes how small‐scale farmers in Luanda's northern municipality of Cacuaco lost their lands to urban development in 2009–10 and the ensuing circumstances in which formal rights and informal land tenure became intermeshed and ambiguous. As the case studies illustrate, a gap exists between the legal code and practice on the ground. This gap is represented in how Angola's postconflict land strategy, with its forced evictions and demolitions of houses and neighbourhoods, often with little or no compensation, is at odds with the Angolan Land Law, which states that land may only be expropriated by the state or local authorities for specific public use and must be justly compensated.  相似文献   

This study examines the challenges of achieving sustainable management of the world's largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans is currently managed by the Bangladesh Department of Forest, under a state property‐rights regime, while our study explores an alternative property‐rights regime. We employed a mixed‐method approach to examine the prospects of alternative management and livelihood strategies to achieve sustainability. Both focus groups and household surveying were used to assess the opportunities for, and barriers to, achieving sustainability. It was found that two conflicting groups—forest‐dependent communities and foresters—are responsible for policy failures due to the absence of power‐sharing arrangements, nor is it likely a common property‐rights regime will be enough to cap degradation and achieve sustainability, while supply‐and‐demand policy interventions may well could help achieve sustainable management of the Sundarbans.  相似文献   

我国水价的变化过程及其区域特征的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张德震  陈西庆 《地理科学》2002,22(4):483-488
随着资源危机的加剧,水价及其相关问题受到了广泛的关注,回顾了建国以来我国水价及其相关水利政策的演变,探讨了我国水价特征的空间分布,地区间的差异及其与社会经济,水资源与水环境之间的关系,研究了20世纪90年代后期以来我国水价改革,分析了我国水价的现状和发展前景,提出了近期水价增长的理论依据,讨论了不价承受能力和调水的水价等相关问题。  相似文献   

针对目前城市供水价格计算与计量方式不合理和突出的水资源供需矛盾,提出了按全成本水价模式测算广东省城市供水价格,并采用阶梯水价、两部制水价和季节水价计量方式逐步达到全成本水价的措施与实施步骤,确保水资源的持续利用支撑广东省经济社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

石羊河流域生态危机的综合治理探讨   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
综合治理石羊河流域生态危机的思路是:①用一定生活水平下的人均耕地面积阈值和最佳防护效益森林覆盖率理论,确定的耕地面积和配套的防护林体系。②用生物群落类、湿地类及流域经济社会类3大用水阈值组成的生态用水阈值进行水资源配置或调控。调控过程中紧紧抓住人口的环境容量这个关键,用人口环境容量调控和耦合生产及经济规模基础上,通过调控流域内可利用水资源承载力各分量的方式,对水资源配置进行优化,达到遏制生态危机,促进生态和经济可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

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