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Altay region is located in the northern part of Xinjiang, and has complex and diverse internal geomorphic types, undulating terrain and a fragile ecosystem. Studying the impact of land use changes on habitat quality is of great significance to regional ecological protection and development, rational planning and utilization, and ensuring the sustainable development of the ecological environment. Based on the InVEST model, combined with land use panel data and topographic relief data of the Altay region, this paper studied the habitat quality from 1995 to 2018. The results show that cultivated land, water area and construction land increased gradually from 1995 to 2018, while grassland and unused land decreased. Forestland remained stable in the first five periods, but increased significantly in 2018. During 1995-2018, all land use types were transferred, mainly between cultivated land, forestland, grassland and unused land in the flat and slightly undulating areas. Poor habitat quality was dominant during 1995-2018. Habitat quality decreased significantly in 2015, which was related to the rapid expansion of cultivated and construction land as threat sources, as well as the decrease of forest and grassland as sensitive factors. However, habitat quality improved significantly in 2018, because a large amount of cultivated land and unused land were converted into forest land and grassland with high habitat suitability. Land use type has an important influence on habitat quality. The distribution characteristics of habitat quality for topographic relief types from good to bad were: large undulating area>medium undulating area>small undulating area>flat area>slightly undulating area. The findings of this study are of great significance for coordinating social, economic, and ecological development in this region and in similar areas.  相似文献   

以甘肃白龙江流域为例,结合遥感、GIS技术和InVEST模型,从景观地理学角度选取区域生境质量、植物净初级生产力和景观状态指数为评价指标,构建区域景观尺度上生物多样性空间格局综合评估方法,并在栅格像元尺度上开展白龙江流域景观生物多样性时空变化特征分析。结果表明:白龙江流域景观生物多样性空间格局差异显著,其生物多样性高值区主要集中在自然保护区和林业管护区,低值区主要分布在舟曲-武都-文县的白龙江两岸及其以北区域、宕昌县岷江沿岸、高寒稀疏植被区和高山积雪-裸岩区。1990~2010年,流域景观生物多样性较为丰富,整体呈现不断增长的趋势,个别局部区域减弱,其增长区主要体现在生态工程实施区和林业管护区,减少区多分布在人类活动频繁的城乡农耕区和灾害多发区。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,人类活动加速了长江流域的土地利用变化,这对当地动植物的生境质量造成了影响,在中国生态文明建设和长江经济带发展战略不断推进的大背景下,对长江中下游地区的生境质量变化开展长时间多时段的研究具有重要的现实意义。本研究以长江中下游地区7省的土地利用覆盖数据(1980–2018年)与未来土地利用模型模拟出未来四种情景(A1B,A2,B1,B2)下的土地利用覆盖数据(2050年,2100年)为基础,借助环境服务与权衡综合评估(In VEST)模型评估了长江中下游地区的生境质量时空变化。结果表明:(1)2000–2015年,研究区的坡度(R=0.502,P <0.01)和海拔(R=0.003,P <0.05)、人口密度(R=0.299,P <0.01)、NDVI(R=0.366,P <0.01)与生境质量显著相关;(2)从1980年到2018年,研究区总面积61.93%的土地生境质量下降,38.07%的土地生境质量上升;在A2情景(人口密度大,环境技术投入少,传统能源成本高)和B2情景(中等人口密度,中等绿色技术,区域政府间缺乏合作)下,研究区的生境质量将下降;(3)长江下游的生境质量恶化程度高于中游,研究区北部的生境质量恶化程度低于南部。整体上,积极的环境保护政策是有效的,但并未根本上遏制生境质量的整体退化趋势。区域发展应加大环境保护力度,控制人口增长,鼓励绿色技术创新,在处理生态问题时,要注重省际合作。本研究可为区域野生动植物保护规划和国际上的类似流域研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the spatial pattern of regional habitat quality can revivify the ecological environment background at certain historical periods and provide scientific support for revealing the evolution of regional ecological environmental quality.In this study,we selected 10 driving factors of land use changes,including elevation,slope,aspect,GDP,population,temperature,precipitation,river distance,urban distance,and coastline distance,to construct the CA-Markov model parameters and acquired the land use spatial data for 1975,1980,1985,1990,and 1995 by simulation based on the land use status map for 2010.On this basis,we used the InVEST model to reconstruct the spatial pattern of habitat quality in the study area and conducted classification division and statistical analysis on the computed habitat degradation degree index and the habitat quality index.(1)The results showed that from 1975 to 2010,the habitat degradation degree gradually increased,and the habitat degradation grade spatially presented a layered progressive distribution.Habitat quality presented a constantly decreasing trend.The high-value zones were mainly distributed in the mountainous areas,while the low-value zones were mostly located in built-up areas.During the period of 1975-2010,low-value zones gradually expanded to their surrounding high-value zones,and the high-value zones of habitat quality tended to be fragmented.(2)The spatial-temporal variation characteristics of habitat quality from 1975 to 2010 showed that the regions with low habitat quality were difficult to be restored and mostly maintained their original state;the regions with poor habitat quality,which accounted for 6.40%of the total study area,continued to deteriorate,mainly around built-up areas;the regions with good and superior habitat quality,which accounted for 5.68%of the total study area,were easily converted to regions with bad or poor habitat quality,thus leading to the fragmentation of the regional habitat.(3)From 1975 to 2010,land use changes in the study area were significant and had a huge influence on habitat quality;the habitat quality in the study area decreased consistently,and the area of the regions with bad and poor habitat quality accounted for more than 60%of the total study area.Construction land was the largest factor threatening habitat quality.  相似文献   

基于生境质量的城市增长边界研究——以长三角地区为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于“生态优先”理念,提出一种利用生境质量评估策略的城市增长边界划定方法。结合ArcGIS和InVEST模型,通过综合评估生境自身及其在威胁情境下的质量,模拟各市独立规划、建设用地指标再分配及区域一体化发展的三类建设用地扩张情景,分别划定2024和2034年的长三角地区城市增长边界。结果表明:研究区生境质量总体呈南高北低格局,平均生态系统服务价值密度为10 770.604元/(hm2·a),高质生境位于西南地区;根据指标再分配及一体化发展情景模拟的2024年研究区建设用地总量分别为10 583.273 km2和10 489.090 km2,2034年达到13 603.535 km2和13 252.370 km2;模拟的建设用地集中在东部沿海地区,并向北部及环杭州湾区域拓展;建设用地指标再分配能从整体上减少建设用地对优质生境的占用,区域一体化发展则能进一步降低城市发展造成的生态压力。  相似文献   

The degradation of the eco-environment has been a challenge for sustainability in resource-based cities around the world. Although much attention has been drawn to this issue, few insights have been acquired regarding the spatial differentiation and mechanism of the factors influencing habitat quality in resource-based cities from the perspective of the interactions of natural and human factors. Using Tangshan City as a case study, this paper evaluates habitat quality by integrating Ecosystem Service Value Assessment and the InVEST-HQ model, identifies the spatial distribution of Tangshan’s habitat quality with spatial auto-correlation, and explores the influencing factors and their mechanism of influence on the spatial differentiation with the geographical detector model and Space production theory. The results show that: (1) The total value of the habitat quality in Tangshan City in 2019 was 3.45×10 10 yuan, and the habitat quality value was 24435.05 yuan ha ?1. The habitat quality value presents a clustered distribution pattern of “hot in the north and the south, cold from the center to the west”. (2) On the county scale, Qianxi County had the best habitat quality and Lubei District had the worst habitat quality; Shangying Township had the highest average habitat quality and Kaiping Street had the lowest average habitat quality in the township unit. (3) The results of geographical detectors show that natural environmental conditions are the important basic factors affecting the spatial differentiation of habitat quality in Tangshan City, while urbanization and industrialization factors are the most important external forces driving the spatial differentiation of habitat quality. The contributions of average elevation, average slope, raw material industrial density, and population density to the spatial differentiation of habitat quality are all above 0.40. The interactions of any two factors on habitat quality are enhanced. Areas with concentrated populations, rich industrial resources, and convenient transportation become low-value habitat quality areas; while areas with beautiful landscape patterns, abundant precipitation, and a comfortable climate become high-value habitat quality areas. Space production theory can be used to explain the mechanism of the formation of the spatial differentiation of habitat quality.  相似文献   

生境质量是评价生态环境的重要指标,掌握其对城市扩张的时空响应规律,有助于提升都市区城乡规划质量和生态管控的合理性。本文在运用InVEST模型对长沙都市区1995-2015年生境质量时空演化的基本特征进行分析的基础上,利用缓冲区由内向外逐层剖析,探讨长沙都市区近20年来城市扩张格局及其对生境质量的影响。结果表明:①长沙都市区建设用地面积从170.26 km2增至487.19 km2;三环线以内建设用地快速扩张,从三环线起向外扩张逐渐放缓;②生境质量中等及以上的区域占比从1995年的43.49%下降到2015年的27.22%,生境质量平均值则相应地从0.46下降到0.31,且退化最明显的区域从核心外围区(5-10号缓冲区)外移到三环线附近(10-15号缓冲区);③各圈层建设用地扩张强度与生境质量变化之间存在显著的空间负相关性,生境质量变化对城市扩张响应最强烈的区域始终位于核心外围区;④建设用地空间布局零散和几何形态不规则程度的增加加剧了生境质量的退化,并在三环线附近区域(10-15号缓冲区)表现最为明显,应成为未来长沙都市区城乡规划和生态管控的重点区域。  相似文献   

以呼和浩特市为研究区,采用梯度分析法,结合InVEST模型,在评价研究区近27 a城市用地扩展及生境质量演变的基础上,运用双变量空间自相关剖析生境质量对城市用地扩展的时空响应。结果表明:(1)研究时段内,城市扩展表现为核心区的低密度扩张及外围区的多点扩散,紧凑度不断下降,城市结构不稳定,扩展模式不尽合理。(2)生境平均值从0.49下降到0.44,质量等级跌至较差水平。低等级生境主要呈圈层向南部、东南部扩散,与建设用地扩展方向基本一致。(3)建设用地扩展强度与生境质量变化空间分布呈负相关关系,核心外围区的建设用地扩展始终为变化最强烈的地带,生境质量退化也最为剧烈。(4)斑块密度不断上升,特别是建设用地斑块的增加使得城市景观格局愈发破碎。  相似文献   

提出了用于区域土地利用变化预测改进型的空间分析预测模型,以半干旱环境下典型生态脆弱区松嫩平原西部通榆县为例,用改进型空间分析测算模型分析了全县1992~2001年间土地盐碱化演化过程,并在此基础上预测全县未来29 a内土地盐碱化发展趋势。结果表明:(1)改进型空间分析测算模型可较准确预测区域未来某一时间点盐碱地数量与结构;(2)通榆县2030年以前将以非盐碱地快速盐碱化为主,其中低覆盖度草地和沼泽地是新增盐碱地主要来源;(3)随着气候变化和人类干预,全县土地盐碱化过程有一定可逆性,以轻、中度盐碱地向耕地、高覆盖草地、农村居民用地和城镇用地转化为主。  相似文献   

Gong  Jie  Xie  Yuchu  Cao  Erjia  Huang  Qiuyan  Li  Hongying 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(7):1193-1210
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Mountains in western China, hosted rich biodiversity and millions of people and inhabitant with vital ecosystem services, had experienced the most serious...  相似文献   

基于对城镇化质量内涵的理解,从人口、经济、社会、基础设施、生态、空间发展、发展效率、城乡统筹8个方面构建城镇化质量评价指标体系,运用熵值法对2014年成渝地区13个城市城镇化质量进行测度,采用协调度模型对成渝地区城镇化水平与质量的协调状况进行评价,应用典型相关分析探讨成渝地区的区域差异。结果表明:成渝地区城镇化质量整体不高;区域内各城市城镇化质量综合得分差距明显,空间差异显著。在此基础上,采用聚类分析法将成渝地区13个城市划分为四大类型区:高质量类型区、质量较高区、质量一般地区、质量较低区。成渝地区的城镇化水平与质量协调度地域差异较大,整体水平较低。经济、人口、基础设施是成渝地区城镇化质量空间差异的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

区域地下水水质是水质评价的重要内容,也是合理制定地下水开发利用及保护治理方案的基本前提。以科尔沁沙地奈曼地区地下水水质为研究对象,选取2005-2014年地下水水质监测数据,分析地下水水质时空变化特征。结果表明:近10年来奈曼地区地下水水质各指标均值均低于地下水Ⅱ类标准,pH值、NO3-含量、化学需氧量(CODcr)在局部地区出现超标现象,但水质总体较好;该地区地下水矿化度(TDS)与Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、HCO3-、SO42+浓度及CODcr具有明显的正相关关系,即随着Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、HCO3-、SO42+、CODcr浓度的增加,TDS也会增加;各主要指标浓度随时间呈下降趋势,SO42+、Na+、HCO3-浓度及TDS较稳定,而Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、PO43-浓度及CODcr随时间变化较为明显;Ca2+、Mg2+ 、HCO3-、SO42+浓度及TDS农田非灌溉井> 农田灌溉井> 沙地水位井,Na+、CODcr浓度沙地水位井> 农田非灌溉井> 农田灌溉井,NO3-浓度沙地水位井> 农田灌溉井> 农田非灌溉井;该地区地下水水质变化主要与碳酸盐岩溶解、农药化肥的使用、工业及生活污水排放有关。  相似文献   

柏玲  姜磊  周海峰  陈忠升 《地理科学》2018,38(12):2100-2108
基于2015年长江经济带126个城市空气质量监测数据,首先利用探索性空间数据分析方法揭示了空气质量指数(AQI)的时空演变特征,然后采用贝叶斯空间滞后模型探讨了长江经济带空气质量指数的社会经济驱动因素。研究结果表明: 长江经济带年AQI在空间上整体具有东高西低,长江以北高长江以南低的分布特点,具有明显的空间集聚特征。空气污染严重的热点地区主要集中长三角城市群的江苏省、浙北地区、皖北大部分地区以及上海市。空气质量较好的冷点地区则主要集中在云南省、四川的攀枝花以及贵州的大部分地区。长江经济带AQI在季节上呈现冬春高、夏秋低的季节变化趋势。总体而言,四季的高值集聚主要分布在鄂皖苏,低值集聚主要分布在云贵地区。 贝叶斯空间滞后模型回归结果显示,长江经济带空气质量存在显著的空间溢出效应。此外,模型结果证实了“环境库兹涅兹曲线”假说;FDI回归系数为正,支持了“污染避难所”假说;人口密度、公路客运量均是导致空气污染加剧的重要因素,而第三产业比重和建成区绿化覆盖率增加有利于长江经济带空气质量的改善。  相似文献   

澜沧江水文与水环境特征及其时空分异   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
简要分析了我国澜沧江流域云南段部分水化学指标的时空变化,发现顺干流流向降水和径流的变化量增加,稳定性减弱,离子浓度也随水流方向逐步降低;典型站点的离子浓度随时间表现出程度各异的增加势头。而支流的空间变异比较复杂,表明非地带性因子的作用强烈。目前澜沧江水质总体尚好,丰水期主要污染指标为CODMn和TP;上、中游水质良好,下游水质污染较严重,支流水质劣于干流;上、中游水质比较稳定,年际变化较小,下游及各支流水质呈逐年恶化趋势。  相似文献   

分布式水文模型在黄河流域的应用   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
流域的水资源规划和管理都离不开水资源的定量化评估。而准确评估流域的水资源量,尤其是在大流域,必须明晰不同气候、地形、土地利用等自然条件下的水文循环过程。同时农业灌溉及水库调节等人工的直接取水和调控使水文过程变得更为复杂。仅依靠气象及水文观测数据,已很难拟合出单一的降雨-径流关系来模拟和预测流域水资源的时空分布。这时就需要一种新型水文模拟手段,它可以利用地理信息来描述流域的空间不均一性,并基于物理控制方程来描述水文过程,这就是分布式水文模型。作者介绍了这种模型及其在黄河流域的应用。  相似文献   

黄淮海地区社会经济空间分异及集聚发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域是一个开放的系统,区际相互作用和相互影响可以导致区域在许多特性上存在高度的相关性。本文采用综合法对区域的社会经济进行评价,并根据不均衡发展原理,利用Moran空间相关指数,对黄淮海地区社会经济空间集聚情况进行分析。结果显示,黄淮海地区各地社会经济在数量上具有差异性,在空间上具有相似性;从时间变化的角度看,近年来区域社会经济空间集聚程度有下降的趋势,区域非农经济发展已经体现出显著的社会经济空间分异格局。黄淮海地区社会经济综合水平比较高的区域主要集中在直辖市、省会、沿海地区和经济区位比较优越的地区,比较低的区域主要分布在黄淮海中部和南部。已经初步表现出4个非农社会经济集聚增长区,它们分别是京津冀经济区、山东半岛经济区、中原经济区和苏皖北部经济区。但是目前中原经济区和苏皖北部经济区核心地带对周围地区的辐射带动作用不够,今后应加强其核心辐射带动能力的培养,以促进区域经济发展平衡和周边经济发展。文章最后根据黄淮海地区经济发展和土地利用的实际,构建了区域社会经济集聚发展战略模式,其实质就是加强区域内部地区间农业生产和非农经济建设的分工与协作,以促进区域土地利用优化布局和提高区域社会经济发展竞争力。  相似文献   

农作物秸秆还田作为农田土壤和养分管理的推荐做法之一,对于土壤有机碳(SOC)固定和CO_2减排具有重要意义。本研究利用环境政策综合气候模型(EPIC)模拟了4种作物秸秆还田情形下2001年至2010年中国农田表层土壤有机碳变化及其空间格局。模拟结果显示,秸秆完全移除(CR0%)下的土壤有机碳损失为28.89 Tg yr–1,当前30%的秸秆还田(CR30%)能够减缓22.38 Tg C yr–1的碳损失。若秸秆还田率从30%提高至50%(CR50%)乃至75%(CR75%),中国农田表层土壤将变为净碳汇。中国农田表层土壤固碳潜力在CR50%和CR75%情形下分别可达25.53 Tg C yr–1和52.85 Tg C yr–1,且在不同农业区存在空间异质性。单位面积土壤固碳潜力在西北和华北地区最高,而华东最低。华北地区具有最高的区域固碳潜力。在这十年间,CR50%和CR75%情形下增加的土壤表层有机碳相当于减少了1.4%和2.9%的中国CO_2排放总量。总之,我们建议鼓励我国农民将原本直接焚烧或用作家用燃料的秸秆返还田间以改善土壤性质和减缓大气CO_2增加,尤其是华北地区更应推行这一举措。  相似文献   

Crop-residue return is a recommended practice for soil and nutrient management and is important in soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and CO2 mitigation. We applied a process-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model to simulate the spatial pattern of topsoil organic carbon changes from 2001 to 2010 under 4 crop-residue return scenarios in China. The carbon loss (28.89 Tg yr-1) with all crop-residue removal (CR0%) was partly reduced by 22.38 Tg C yr-1 under the status quo CR30% (30% of crop-residue return). The topsoil in cropland of China would become a net carbon sink if the crop-residue return rate was increased from 30% to 50%, or even 75%. The national SOC sequestration potential of cropland was estimated to be 25.53 Tg C yr-1 in CR50% and 52.85 Tg C yr-1 in CR75%, but with high spatial variability across regions. The highest rate of SOC sequestration potential in density occurred in Northwest and North China while the lowest was in East China. Croplands in North China tended to have stronger regional SOC sequestration potential in storage. During the decade, the reduced CO2 emissions from enhanced topsoil carbon in CR50% and CR75% were equivalent to 1.4% and 2.9% of the total CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement production in China, respectively. In conclusion, we recommend encouraging farmers to return crop-residue instead of burning in order to improve soil properties and alleviate atmospheric CO2 rises, especially in North China.  相似文献   

湖泊、水库水质恶化和富营养化已成为近年来较突出的环境问题。根据实测资料,采用水质综合评价模式对新疆主要湖泊、水库水质现状给出以《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)为依据的水质综合特征模式。该模式给出的信息量大,表达直观,不仅能给出各水质参数的水质类别,确定水域类别依据的参数,还能给出超Ⅴ类水质参数的超标倍数。对湖泊、水库的营养状态做出评价,对于近一步研究湖、库水环境演变有着重要意义。  相似文献   

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