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The geology of the No 1 and 3 pits at the Ranger Mine in the Pine Creek Inlier (PCI) of Australia is dominated by Palaeoproterozoic volcanic, carbonate and sedimentary sequences that unconformably overlie Archaean granitic gneiss of the Nanambu Complex (2470±50 Ma). These sequences are folded, faulted and sheared, and crosscut by east-trending granite (sensu stricto) dykes and pegmatite veins, and gently dipping N–NE trending mafic dykes of the Oenpelli Dolerite (1690 Ma). Regional metamorphism is to greenschist facies and contact metamorphism is to hornblende-hornfels facies.The rocks of the Ranger Mine have been subjected to at least two phases of ductile–brittle deformation (D2–D3) and one phase of brittle deformation (D4). These events were preceded by regional diastathermal or extension-related metamorphism (D1) and the development of an ubiquitous bedding-parallel cleavage (S1).D2 resulted in the development of NNE–NNW trending mesoscopic folds (F2) and a network of thrusts and dextral reverse shears. The modelled palaeo-stress directions for the emplacement of pegmatite veins suggests that they formed early in D2. D3 resulted in the development of WNW–NW trending mesoscopic folds (F3), a weakly defined axial planar cleavage (S3) and sinistral reactivation of D2 shears. D2–D3 are correlated with deformation during the Maud Creek Event of the Top End Orogeny (1870–1780 Ma), while the emplacement of granite dykes and pegmatite veins is correlated with emplacement of regional granites at 1870–1860 Ma.D4 is associated with brittle deformation and resulted in the development of normal faults and fault breccias during a period of east–west extension. This event is correlated with regional east–west extension during deposition of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic platform sequences.The sequence of tectonic events established in this study indicates that uranium-bearing ore shoots in the Ranger No 1 and 3 pits formed during extension in D4, and after emplacement of the Oenpelli Dolerite at 1690 Ma. However, the currently accepted 1737±20 U–Pb Ma age places the mineralising event at time of regional post-orogenic erosion, after the Top End Orogeny and before emplacement of the Oenpelli Dolerite and extension in D4. The U–Pb age is not consistent with Sm–Nd ages for primary uranium mineralisation at Nabarlek and Jabiluka at 1650 Ma [Econ. Geol. 84 (1989) 64] and does not concur with currently accepted regional tectonic data of Johnston [Johnston, J.D., 1984. Structural evolution of the Pine Creek Inlier and mineralisation therein, Northern Territory, Australia. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Monash University, Australia], Needham et al. [Precambrian Res. 40/41 (1988) 543] and others. Consequently, the absolute age of uranium mineralisation at the Ranger Mine is open.  相似文献   

Prior, D.B. and Graham, J., 1974. Landslides in the Magho district of Fermanagh Northern ireland. Eng. Geog., 8: 341–359.

Rotational slumps, shallow debris slides and active shallow rotational slides are identified on slopes developed on rocks of Carboniferous Age. The rotational slides occur on shales which weather to produce a clay-rich soil. Direct shear tests give drained values ofφ′r = 8.2° andc′r = 5.0kN/m2. Conventional stability analyses suggest that the residual cohesion parameter is significant. Stability calculations are facilitated by the use of a dimensionless stability coefficient.  相似文献   

苏北箕状断陷形成的动力学机制   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
苏北盆地由多个小型箕状盆地组成,过去一直用“拉线作用”和“裂谷盆地”理论解释其成因,但大量地震资料显示,新生界地层“楔状实体”的形成除沉积因素外,更主要的是因为多次不均衡抬升削蚀所造成,实际是一个早第三纪残留盆地。新生代构造现象既是中生代时期构造作用的延续,也是始新世以来复杂应力环境作用的结果。印支-燕山中期,中国东部只受到太平洋-库拉板块一种力源作用,地层形变强烈,受力方向单一,以NW,NWW向挤压或左行剪切为主,发育了大量逆冲推覆构造,始新世,由印度板块向欧亚大陆冲撞引发的NE向挤压力加入到本区,使苏北盆地从此处在因两大板块非均速推进而产生的二元交变动力环境:印度板块力源占主导时,产生“右旋扭动”力偶,使燕山早-中期逆断层复活反转的同时,由于中国西部大陆的不断抬升,本区总的以沉积作用为主,而太洋板块力源占主导时又产生“左行剪切挤压”,在整体抬升基础上,斜坡-凸起处的过多蚀进一步加强了箕状盆地结构。两种力源的时空交替实际形成了一个完整的“断-坳-隆”沉降-抬升构造旋回,利用裂变途径迹资料探讨了不同方向构的形成年代。  相似文献   

为了探究渤海湾盆地新生代沉降过程与西太平洋板块俯冲过程的对应关系,作者收集整理27口钻孔和1条地震地质 剖面数据,并运用回剥技术和应变速率反演方法,模拟出渤海湾盆地中北部裂陷期地壳应变速率变化,分离出裂后期异常 沉降。模拟获得裂陷期地壳应变速率曲线具有明显的三次大的波动,可指示三次构造沉降事件:裂陷Ⅰ幕(60~42 Ma),对 应于渤海湾盆地孔店组-沙四段沉积过程,平均构造沉降速率为4.6 m/Ma;裂陷Ⅱ幕(42~36 Ma),对应沙三段-沙二段沉 积过程,平均构造沉降速率为5.5~30.5 m/Ma;裂陷Ⅲ幕(36~24.6 Ma),对应于沙一段-东营组沉积过程,平均构造沉降速 率为14.7~54.7 m/Ma。研究区内裂后期观测构造沉降与模拟的理论值存在明显的差异,即存在异常沉降。盆地北部异常沉 降值在100~200 m,中部渤海海域异常沉降值在500~700 m,裂后期异常沉降向海域增大。作者推测渤海湾盆地裂后异常沉 降主要是太平洋板块俯冲诱发的深部地幔物质流动导致向下拖拽力引起的。因此,渤海湾盆地中异常沉降可能是一种动力 沉降。  相似文献   

1 Introduction A series of studies have indicated that there were two extensional phases in the North Sea (Fig. 1). An earlier period (Late Permian-Early Triassic) of rifting occurred widely in these areas, with predominant extension direction of W-E (F?rseth, 1996; F?rseth et al., 1997). In contrast to the widely distributed Permo-Triassic extension, Jurassic extension in the North Sea were generally much more localized into the three main rift arms (Fig. 1): the Viking Graben, Moray…  相似文献   

The developing countries at present have a high urban growth rate that is likely to continue for at least another quarter-century. In addition, many of these urban centres are located in the Neogene plate boundary zones and are subject to multiple earthquake and volcanic hazards. Slope failures and accelerated surface and channel erosion are particularly severe in cities near active plate margins, and in areas affected also by tropical cyclones. We discuss two extreme cases: Singapore and Kingston (Jamaica). Singapore is located in a stable environment and the urbanization related problems of flood and slope instability have been reduced by proper building and drainage practices at a considerable cost. In Kingston, the external disturbances are repetitive, large-scale, and very difficult to control. The fast-growing cities in the tropics need to be carefully monitored, especially when located in an unstable physical environment. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The sedimentology of three sand-cored drumlins in central Ulster. Northern Ireland is described. The sand-cores of the drumlins consist of complex sequences of cohesive sediment gravity forms, grain-flow deposits, turbiditic sands and deltaic sands and gravels, showing complex fades relationships. The bulk of the sediments formed in water-filled cavities associated with a major subglacial meltwater escape route excavated in bedrock. The sand-cores are overlain by a streamlined carapace of basal melt-out till. A model is presented to account for spatial variations in faeies arrangement within the sand-cores. Three specific meltwater depositional subenvironments were recognised: (1) main channel axis, (2) main channel flank, and (3) minor tributary channel. The sand-cores formed prior to the main phase of basal melt-out till deposition and before drumlin streamlining.  相似文献   

Rates of magma emplacement commonly vary as a function of tectonic setting. The late Caledonian granites of Britain and Ireland are associated with closure of the Iapetus Ocean and were emplaced into a varying regime of transpression and transtension throughout the Silurian and into the early Devonian. Here we evaluate a new approach for examining how magma volumes vary as a function of tectonic setting. Available radiometric ages from the late Caledonian granites are used to calculate probability density functions (age spectra), with each pluton weighted by outcrop area as a proxy for its volume. These spectra confirm an absence of magmatic activity during Iapetus subduction between c. 455 Ma and 425 Ma and a dominance of post-subduction magmas between c. 425 Ma and 380 Ma. We review possible reasons why, despite the widespread outcrop of the late Caledonian granites, magmatism appears absent during Iapetus subduction. These include shallow angle subduction or extensive erosion and tectonic removal of the arc.In contrast to previous work, we find no strong difference in the age or major element chemistry of post-subduction granites across all terranes. We propose a common causal mechanism in which the down-going Iapetus oceanic slab peeled back and detached beneath the suture following final Iapetus closure. The lithospheric mantle was delaminated beneath the suture and for about 100 km back beneath the Avalonian margin. While magma generation is largely a function of gravitationally driven lithosphere delamination, strike slip dominated kinematics in the overlying continental crust is what modulated granitic magma emplacement. Early Devonian (419–404 Ma) transtension permitted large volumes of granite emplacement, whereas the subsequent Acadian (late Early Devonian, 404–394 Ma) transpression reduced and eventually suppressed magma emplacement.  相似文献   

An oxygen and hydrogen isotopic study of minerals and wholerocks from the granites of the Mourne Mountains Tertiary complex,and related rocks, shows that whereas a significant circulationof meteoric water was associated with the complex, it had onlyminor and localized effects on the granites themselves. TheSilurian slate and greywacke country rocks, which would havehad 18O(SMOW) values of +10 to +20 before the Tertiary igneousevents, have been depicted 18O to values of –40 to –05Tertiary acid minor intrusions outside the main granite massesare also 18O depleted. l8O whole-rock data on the granites showa range of +6.0 to +9.5, and include values significantly higherthan most of those obtained for the granites of the Tertiarycentral complexes of Skye, Mull, and Ardnamurchan. Many of thelowest whole-rock 18O values are found in samples where theminerals are not in isotopic equilibrium. The mineral oxygenisotopic data can be explained in terms of localized interactionwith meteoric water, resulting in preferential 18O depletionin feldspar(s) and biotite, with quartz being much less affected.The granites all show low values of D(SMOW) for biotite andamphibole separates (–137 to –104). The lowest valuesoccur close to the margins of the plutons, near internal contactsor near greisen localities, and these probably reflect limitedinteraction with meteoric water. The higher D values are fromsamples which show evidence of chloritization. This processappears to have occurred both during interaction with meteoricwater, and also during autometasomatism by an exsolved magmaticfluid in other parts of the plutons, including central locationswhere there is little or no evidence for the penetration ofmeteoric water. Granite samples which exhibit near-equilibriumoxygen isotope fractionations for constituent minerals are characterizedby magmatic O-isotopic compositions. The G2 granite, the largestpluton of the eastern centre, has a magmatic 18O(SMOW) valueof {small tilde}+95; intrusions G3 (eastern centre) and G4(western centre) both have 18O(SMOW) values of {small tilde}+90.The other two main intrusive phases have distinctly lower 18O(SMOW)values: {small tilde}+75 for Gl (the least fractionated graniteof the Mourne Mountains central complex), and from +75 to +85for G5. The oxygen isotopic data rule out simple partial meltingof the country rocks as the origin of the granites and alsopreclude an origin by closed-system fractional crystallizationof basaltic magma typical of that represented by Tertiary basicigneous rocks of the region. * Present address: NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Keyworth, Nottingham BG12 5GG, UK Present address: School of Engineering Technology, Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 3X9, Canada  相似文献   

In the southern Sperrin Mountains, Northern Ireland, stacked glacigenic sequences that accumulated during deglaciation (ca. 17000–13000 yr BP) overlie a basement of jointed and mascerated bedrock. The glacigenic sequences comprise interbedded glaciotectonic shears, diamictic breccias and rock rafts. At one site a normal fault with a metre‐scale vertical displacement cuts through part of the sequence and is overlain by a glacial diamict. Sediments at an adjacent site show that faulting and associated hydrothermal activity was related to neotectonic reactivation of pre‐existing Caledonian lineaments caused by ice unloading. From stratigraphical and directional evidence, fault reactivation occurred early in the deglaciation after north central Ireland ice had retreated southwards into lowland areas, but before Sperrin Mountain ice readvanced from the north. This relationship provides evidence for the relative timing of neotectonic activity in Northern Ireland, and demonstrates the effects of glacio‐isostatic unloading near ice‐sheet centres. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鲁西隆起和济阳坳陷新生代隆坳耦合关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨鲁西隆起的抬升史,研究鲁西隆起和济阳坳陷之间的隆-坳演化关系,进一步揭示渤海湾盆地的演化特征,主要利用裂变径迹分析和裂变径迹t-T模拟方法建立了新生代鲁西隆起的抬升史和济阳坳陷的沉降史。鲁西隆起三期抬升史分别为62~53Ma、44~37Ma和23~20Ma,济阳坳陷在65~46Ma和46~38Ma期间为快速构造沉降期,构造沉降量大,23Ma左右坳陷抬升。对比研究表明,新生代鲁西隆起的抬升与济阳坳陷沉降之间存在隆-坳耦合关系。鲁西隆起的抬升控制了济阳坳陷烃源岩的形成、油气运移时间和油气分布由南向北迁移,并为济阳坳陷古潜山油藏提供了有效的储集空间。研究还认为,鲁西隆起与济阳坳陷的隆坳耦合关系是渤海湾盆地及周边山系盆山耦合事件的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

A suite of 6 m long Mackereth cores collected from Lough Catherine, Northern Ireland, form the basis of a study of sediment accumulation rates throughout the Holocene. A data set produced by measuring the magnetic susceptibility, artificially induced remanent magnetisations and density of the sediment was used to correlate the cores by means of a sequence slotting algorithm. The resulting sediment accumulation pattern was dated by reference to previous14C and palynological studies. The interpretation of the magnetic logs was complicated by the authigenic formation of the magnetic mineral greigite (Fe3S4) and by magnetite dissolution discovered during a period of low sediment accumulation between the end of the Lateglacial period (10,10014C years B.P.) and the elm decline (5,200 B.P.). More traditional methods of core analysis based on sediment density and also new palynological studies were used to correlate sections of the cores where the magnetic results were least amenable to core matching on account of low downcore variability and low accumulation rate. The accumulation rate, a direct indication of catchment denudation, has accelerated fivefold during the Holocene. The sediment accumulation rate has increased most dramatically since the elm decline at 5,200 B.P., reflecting the increasing degree of human disturbance.  相似文献   

Results of palaeoecological studies involving pollen analytical, chemical and palaeomagnetic investigations on a 3 m core from Lough Doo, NE County Mayo, are presented. The record, which commences shortly after 7000 BP, shows a sharp Alnus expansion coinciding with a decline in Pius at 6400 BP, an elm decline taking place in the context of severe soil erosion and the final decline of Pinus occurring as the chemical record indicates onset of severe reducing conditions in the catchment. Pine becomes extinct at or shortly before 3200 BP in the context of increased farming activity and the expansion of blanket bog in the adjacent upland areas. A later feature (c. 1880 BP) is the expansion of Taxus to 7.1% of total pollen. On the basis of the palynological evidence, it is concluded that there were no major Neolithic Landnam phases, which contrasts sharply with the evidence for widespread woodland clearance and the laying out of extensive and regular field systems in the northern coastal part of County Mayo. In the upper part of the core a severe inversion of 14C dates is recorded. On the basis of the palaeomagnetic and pollen evidence this began at c. 1500 BP and is considered to have been initiated in the context of woodland clearance and a renewal in farming activity.  相似文献   

A large number of pitchstone fragments and artefacts have recently been discovered at a Neolithic settlement site in Ballygalley, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. They consist predominantly of flakes and un‐reworked lumps and cores, with only one complete tool being found. Since no sources of workable pitchstone exist in Ireland, the source must have been the abundant pitchstone volcanic rocks found on the Hebridean Islands of northwest Scotland. The composition of the glass from a number of artefacts is highly siliceous, indicating that they were derived from pitchstones on the Island of Arran; pitchstones from all other Scottish locations are less silica‐rich. In addition, analysis of pyroxene and amphibole microcrystallites within the pitchstone suggests that the Corriegills area of Arran is the most likely source of the Ballygalley artefacts, although the precise outcrop has proved elusive. These finds, and others across Ireland, show that raw materials were being transported and probably traded over considerable distances despite there being suitable alternative sources of material for making tools (flint, etc.) available in the local area. This suggests that the pitchstone had a very specialist use. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The lower part of the Old Red Sandstone in the Dingle Penisula has been previously assigned to one lithostratigraphic group (Dingle Group) despite marked variations in sedimentary facies. However the apparently oldest non-marine sequence in the northwest of the peninsula has sedimentary and lithological attributes that contrast strongly with those of the late Silurian-early Devonian Dingle Group to the south. This northern sequence, here renamed the Smerwick Group, evolved independently of the Dingle Group in a separate basin of deposition. Field relationships between the two groups in the north of the peninsula are interpreted as indicating that the Smerwick Group overlies, with angular unconformity, a normal Dingle Group succession. Similarly, it is argued that the Smerwick Group overlies, with angular unconformity, the Dingle Group in the northwest of the peninsula, but there the Dingle Group is attenuated, represented only by a conglomerate unit some 10 m thick. In the absence of biostratigraphic evidence the age of the Smerwick Group is poorly constrained. Nevertheless, we propose a tectonic model that suggests that the Smerwick Group evolved within a small extensional half-graben on the northern margin of the Munster Basin. This model accounts for the stratigraphic and structural relationships observed, and implies that the Smerwick Group is of Late Devonian age.  相似文献   

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