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个体可转让配额制度在渔业管理中的运用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了个体可转让配额制度(Individual Transferble Quota System,ITQS)的概念及优、缺点;从总可捕量的确定、配额的分配和配额的监督这三方面探讨了实施ITQS所需的条件;在分析国际社会实施ITQS的状况的基础上,指出了运用ITQS已成为国际渔业管理发展的一大趋势;最后,本文就我国运用ITQS的必要性及实施步骤作了探讨。  相似文献   

个别可转让配额(ITQ)制度和投入控制制度是海洋渔业资源管理的两种模式,其建构的逻辑起点和意图达成的管理目标是一致的。围绕控制捕捞努力量、恢复渔业资源、提高渔业经济效率、优化资源配置四个管理目标,通过将ITQ制度与投入控制制度依据激励相容原则进行比较后发现,ITQ制度由于具体设计方面的特殊性,内含更多的激励效应,基本能够把渔民个体追求利益最大化的动机与渔业资源的养护和可持续发展目标统一起来,激励相容度更高。与此同时,ITQ制度也存在总可捕量难以设定、配额分配的公平性、配额的过度集中与垄断、兼捕及优化渔获物的逆向选择、监管工作难度大等现实困境需要解决。针对这些困境,通过补充性的配套制度安排能够加以破解或缓解。由于ITQ制度在激励相容方面的比较优势,在条件成熟的情况下,对特定海域的特定鱼种实施ITQ制度可以作为投入控制制度的一种替代选择模式。  相似文献   

通过引入个体可转让配额制度来保护已持续衰退的海洋渔业资源是我国目前正在探索的思路。文章从Williamson的视角出发,分析了我国引入个体可转让配额制度时交易成本的影响因素。文章指出,由于我国海洋渔业的兼捕性强、渔民众多、渔区之间存在较大的差异性等原因,在引入个体可转让配额制度时不确定性比较大、信息传递的同声系数比较小、资产专用性比较高,因此会具有比较高的交易成本。为了降低交易成本,应当在大的渔区首先实施该制度,同时通过转产、转业来降低捕捞渔民的数量。  相似文献   

总可捕量(Total Allowable Catch,TAC)制度是海洋渔业产出控制管理的一种有效措施,是与投入控制管理措施的耦合,对海洋渔业资源管理具有推进作用。韩国成功地导入并摸索出独自的TAC制度,其对象鱼种由1999年的5个品种演进并增至2009年的11个品种,海洋渔业资源管理已取得显著性成效。韩国在渔业科学数据收集、奠定TAC制度法律基础、培育和发展渔民协会组织、探讨TAC制度基本架构等方面的制度安排及其经验和做法,对中国具有借鉴与参考价值。  相似文献   

海洋有价使用有偿——海南省实施海域有偿使用制度的形式与发展潘建纲(海南省海洋厅)海南省位于中国最南部,1988年4月建省办经济特区之初,经全国人大授权,管辖海域达200多万平方公里,相当于中国海域总面积的2/3,是中国目前唯一具有法定海域管辖权的省份...  相似文献   

根据国家对“科技兴海”工作的部署和要求,根据山东省国民经济和社会发展十年规划及海洋产业发展目标,山东省确立了实施“科技兴海”建设“海上山东”的总体思路是:以培育和发展新的海洋生产力为目标,从蓝色革命(海水养殖业和外海远洋渔业)起步,以“蓝”、“白”(盐业、盐化工)、“黑”(滩海石油、矿产)为序,有限目标,全面规划,分步实施。在资源配置上,立足现有的工作基础和条件,以技术开发为主体,带动产前的技术储备和产后的技术配套服务,实现研究、开发、推广三个层次上的合理配置;在力量组织上,发挥“中央军”、“地…  相似文献   

以中华鳖4个种群80个个体(太湖种群、日本品系种群、台湾引进种群和“清溪乌鳖”种群)肌肉基因组DNA为模板,利用已知酪氨酸酶(Tyrosinase,TYR)基因部分序列设计合成特异引物进行PCR扩增,克隆并测定了TYR基因的核苷酸序列。扩增所得的696bp序列中共有13个多态性核苷酸位点。中华鳖体色变异种群的3个个体均在第186核苷酸位点出现相同的变异。以此设计酶切位点,选用SmaⅠ内切酶进行RFLP,结果显示80个中华鳖个体的TYR基因存在多态性。AA型基因除在中华鳖体色变异种群内未发现外,其余三个种群内的频率大小顺序为日本品系种群(60%)〉台湾引进种群(30%)〉太湖种群(20%),以省外品种为丰富;AB基因型频率大小顺序为“清溪乌鳖”种群(70%)〉台湾引进种群(50%)〉太湖种群(40%)〉日本品系种群(30%)。  相似文献   

桑沟湾栉孔扇贝不同季节滤水率和同化率的比较   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
于1993年9月和1993年11月在山东省荣成市桑沟湾用半现场法对该湾养殖之栉孔扇贝的滤水率和同化率进行了测定。结果表明:(1)栉孔扇贝的滤水率秋季(9月)明显地高于冬季(11月)。(2)在同一密度下,单个个体的滤水率随着个体的增大而增大,而单位重量的滤水率随着个体的增大而减小;同一规格的个体,其单个个体和单位重量的滤水率均随着密度的增大而减小。(3)栉孔扇贝的同化率在秋、冬两季无明显差异。(4)  相似文献   

落实重点海域排污总量控制,应当建立一套适合我国国情并与陆海统筹各部门相衔接的制度。比较了“九五”至“十二五”时期我国陆源污染物总量控制制度目标及完成情况,总结了总量控制制度发展至今形成的具有中国特色的管理体系和技术体系。认为污染物总量控制工作“九五”和“十五”未完成计划而“十一五” 超额完成目标的原因是:自“十一五”起总量工作纳入政府环境目标责任制,建立符合国情的总量管理体系,制定循序渐进的工作路线图,出台了完善的配套制度。据此对即将开展的海域污染物总量控制制度建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

关于实施海域有偿使用制度的几个问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
《海域使用管理法》已于2002年1月1日起生效。海域有偿使用制度作为海域法的基本制度之一,在海域法中专设一章给予规定,明确要求“单位和个人使用海域,应当按照国务院的规定缴纳海域使用金。海域使用金应当按照国务院的规定上缴财政”。今后海域使用金的征收和管理工作,应当以海域法为依据,逐步纳入规范化、科学化和制度化的轨道。一、现行海域有偿使用制度存在的问题1992年,国务院根据当时国内外企业使用我国海域从事生产经营性活动的具体情况,决定实施海域有偿使用制度。1993年,财政部和国家海洋局颁布实施的《国家…  相似文献   

Dag Standal  Bernt Aarset   《Marine Policy》2008,32(4):663-668
Since the introduction of quotas and licences as important management tools, Norway has insisted on an individual vessel quota regime (IVQ). The main argument has been to avoid market-based transactions of quotas and vessels and secure stability in regard to a diverse fleet structure and decentralized ownership of scarce cod resources. Thus, an individual transferable quota system (ITQ) with a high degree of transactions and the potential for a heavy concentration of quota ownership and fewer vessels has never been an alternative. However, since the late 80s, the trawler fleet has been trapped within a web of unprofitable overcapacity. Within the frame of a closed management regime and a path-dependent IVQ system, the quota regime has been forced towards a market-orientated system for transactions. In this article, we analyze the Norwegian IVQ system and discuss whether the aggregate effects of the IVQ regime are congruent with the models’ profound ideals.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom responsibility for the management of national catch quotas has since 1984 been extensively devolved to producers' organizations, Institutions created by the European Community in order to implement the common organization of the Community market for fish. The paper describes the development of the UK quota management system and the approaches adopted by different producers' organizations to the internal management of their quota allocations. Because of changes in the UK fishing vessel licensing rules as well as developments in the quota allocation system, there is an emerging market in quotas at both individual and collective levels. The implications of these developments are discussed, including the possible evolution, largely through industry-led innovation, of some sort of individual transferable quota (ITQ) system for the UK.  相似文献   

In the Alaska halibut individual fishing quota (IFQ) fishery, small remote fishing communities (SRFCs) have disproportionately lost fishing rights. Our analysis of quota market participation from 1995 to 1999 confirms that SRFC residents are more likely to sell than buy quota. Alaska Native heritage is another important predictor of quota market behavior. Residents of Alaska Native villages have an increased likelihood of selling quota. Loss of fisheries participation in small indigenous communities can be an unintended consequence of quota systems. Mitigation measures should take into account the social factors that can lead to such a redistribution of fishing rights in privatized access fisheries.  相似文献   

Markets for individual tradeable fishing quota are evolving and maturing in many countries throughout the world. Synergies in spatial and temporal packages of fishing quotas have yet to be explored and exploited. The relative performance of simultaneous multi-round and combinatorial auctions has been well documented and explored in a number of environments including the allocation of spectrum rights by the US Federal Communications Commission, aircraft take-off and landing slots, as well as pollution emissions allowances. It is therefore timely and policy relevant to explore the relative performance of simultaneous and combinatorial fishery quota markets in controlled experimental environments. This paper reports the results of a series of economic experiments exploring the relative merits of these alternative fishing quota markets. The results provide important insights into the future development of individual tradeable fishing quotas.  相似文献   

Productivity change after transition to an individual transferable quota (ITQ) management system is driven by exit of some vessels, entry of other vessels, and changes in productivity of existing vessels. Generally, it is thought that an ITQ system boosts productivity due to the exit of less productive vessels. However, ITQ management systems also create an additional barrier to entry, and more productive vessels may not be able to enter the fishery. This study constructs the Färe–Primont index to measure productivity change for the Mid-Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog fishery over a 32 year time period, which includes both pre and post-ITQ time periods. The index is then combined with a biomass change index to arrive at a measure of biomass adjusted productivity change. Results show that when biomass changes are considered, positive productivity gains occurred throughout the time period. Further examination of contributions from entering and survivor vessels show that entering vessels had little impact on aggregate productivity, but on an individual basis, they eventually were equal in productivity to survivor vessels.  相似文献   

Despite the increasingly positive reviews of individual transferable quotas (ITQs), few studies have considered how quota leasing activities can reduce the economic benefits to society and to fishermen operating under the ITQ fisheries system. This analysis reveals negative economic impacts of ITQs previously overlooked by examining the extent of quota leasing and the relationship between the catch value, the cost of fishing, and the quota lease price in the BC halibut fishery, long considered a poster child for ITQs. Findings challenge assumptions of economic theory used to promote the benefits of ITQs.  相似文献   

We study an individual transferable quota system with imperfect enforcement. We apply a model of individual fisherman behavior to the red shrimp (Pleuroncodes monodon) fishery in central-southern Chile. Simulation results suggest that illegal fishing could generate a 21% increase in fishing effort, resulting in a 13% increase in catch and a 2% lower quota price in comparison with the results of a system that operates under perfect compliance. The results are sensitive to changes in the level of fish abundance, total allowable catch, and the design of enforcement to induce compliance.  相似文献   

The use of ITQ management in multi-species fisheries has been the subject of much debate and the complexities and difficulties of managing multi-species fisheries are well known. A major problem is that the species mix in fishery catches may not necessarily match the mix in combined TACs or in quota holdings. While a number of solutions have been proposed or implemented to improve transferability of quota and other incentives to reduce over-quota fishing and discarding, it is surprising that there has been little focus on TAC-setting itself and coordinating this across multiple species/stocks as a means of dealing with some of these issues. In this paper, data were analysed from the trawl sector of the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery to determine the relationship between primary species and companion species and the implications this has for TAC setting. The primary species is the species being considered when setting an individual species TAC. The companion species are ones that should also be considered when setting the TAC of the primary species, because a considerable proportion of the primary species catch is taken as a companion species non-target catch. The target species in each fishing operation was determined and was used to characterize recent multi-species catch data into primary and companion components. This approach provides an empirical means to examine the impact of individual species TAC decisions across all of the quota species in a fishery.  相似文献   

Icelandic fisheries have been managed by individual transferable quotas (ITQs) for a decade but there is still no consensus about the quota issue. Distributional effects of ITQs, in terms of income distribution between owner and crew, and the vulnerability of fisheries communities short of quota, have been in the centre of the debate.The author discusses changes in stakeholder involvement in policy-making, conflicts of interest and legal disputes linked to the ITQ-system. By way of conclusion, some options for resolving conflicts and reaching consensus on the fisheries management issue are discussed.  相似文献   

Fisheries management systems based on Transferable Fishing Concessions (TFC) and similar rights-based systems have been developed during the last decades in some European countries. However, at present there is not a clear view on the possible effects caused by the application of this management systems in the Mediterranean Sea. The current study, involving nine Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs) of the Mediterranean Sea, focuses on the appropriateness, transferability and modes of applicability of a TFC system in the Mediterranean area. Three different scenarios of quota allocation have been analyzed by taking into account biological, ecological, environmental, economic and social aspects: quota in terms of resource quantity, quota as a portion of the total fishing time, quota as a portion of the total fishing capacity. Results show that the transferability of a TFC-based system to the Mediterranean context appears to be low due to the characteristics of the Mediterranean fisheries (multispecificity of resources, fishing grounds shared among different countries, multigear, importance of small-scale fisheries) and to the general lack of sound and reliable individual historical data. The study also highlights rights-based systems such as Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURF) might only be applied for the exploitation of sedentary resources, such as clams. A management system based on TFC could be theoretically reasonable for anchovy fishing, where a few species are caught, even if all countries and stakeholders should be involved in the decision making process.  相似文献   

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