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关于海洋经济若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了海洋经济理论研究进展,在此基础上探讨了海洋经济的内涵及主要特征,并针对目前关于海洋经济归属问题的争论,提出海洋经济应划入区域经济的范畴,最后给出了区域海洋经济研究的主要理论。  相似文献   

Sea angling has been shown to be a high value activity with significant expenditure by individuals on their sport. Deriving estimates of the economic contribution of recreational sea angling is important in a number of related policy contexts, from tourism management and economic development policy, to the sustainable management of inshore fish stocks. This paper reveals some of the challenges in understanding the economic effects associated with recreational sea angling, and provides estimates of the economic value of recreational sea angling in England. The results were derived from research undertaken in England in 2011-13, which was conducted as part a wide ranging government-funded study, Sea Angling 2012, that estimated sea angler catches, spending and activity. Recreational sea angling made a significant contribution to the economy, supporting just over £2 billion of total spending, and 23,600 jobs in England in 2012-13. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of the management of recreational sea angling in England.  相似文献   

发展循环经济实现我国国土资源可持续利用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
党的十六届三中全会提出“坚持统筹兼顾,坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展”。国土资源在社会经济发展中既是生产要素又是社会经济发展的物质载体,对整个社会经济的发展起着重要的基础作用。在国土资源领域发展循环经济,是实现我国资源与环境、人与自然协调发展的重要途径和有效措施,也有利于国土资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

渤海海冰灾害和人类活动之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海冰灾害的产生不仅于海冰冰情严重程度,而且同人类活动及人类防范海冰的意识有关。通过归纳整理1950年以来渤海海冰冰情等级以及国家海洋局公报内的海冰灾害,并应用5年滑移平均,以反映中国"五年计划"的社会活动与海冰灾害之间的响应,定量分析海冰灾害发生率同海冰冰情等级的关系,发现工业活动的频繁程度同海冰灾害发生率成正比;人类重视程度同海冰灾害发生率成反比;海冰冰情等级与海冰灾害发生率成正比;当海冰冰情等级减轻时,海冰灾害发生率并不一定减少。因此在全球气候变暖的大环境下,针对目前渤海工业活动处于蓬勃发展阶段,加强海冰灾害的防范能力仍然必不可少。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》(以下简称《海域法》)的颁布施行是我国海域使用管理的一项重大举措,也是我国海洋法制建设方面的一个崭新的里程碑,开辟了世界海域使用管理立法的先河。《海域法》的颁布实施使我国的海域使用管理真正步入了科学化、规范化、法制化的新阶段。值此《海域法》实施五周年之际,回顾总结贯彻《海域法》的情况,筹划今后一个时期的海域使用管理工作,对于进一步贯彻实施该法,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

开发与保护并重 保障海洋经济的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在我们居住的这个地球上,有71%的面积被蔚蓝色的海水覆盖着。浩瀚的海洋是自然界最主要的地理形态,也是人类生存和可持续发展的战略性资源基地。仅以能源为例,据科学探明海洋石油可采储量约为1350亿t,约占全球石油可采储量的45%。1950年全世界海洋石油产量仅为3000万t,2000年达到约10亿t。在半个世纪里,世界海洋石油产量增加了30余倍,既为世界经济的持续稳定发展提供了能源保障,同时也有力地促进了沿海国家经济的发展和社会的进步。随着人类经济活动空间的不断拓展和科学技术的进步,对海洋石油的需求正日益呈现飞速增长的态势,  相似文献   

海洋、海洋经济与人类未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确认识和理解海洋,对规划海洋经济是有参考价值的。从海洋资源的分类、储量与合理开发利用,海洋环境与可持续性发展的辩证关系,阐述了海洋、海洋经济与人类未来的关系。合理开发海洋资源与保护海洋环境是维护人类生存的需要,是全人类共同的义务与责任。  相似文献   

吴进群  陈戈 《海洋通报》2015,34(4):407-414
采用1982-2012年NOAA最优插值海表温度(第二版)数据资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析海表气温数据资料,利用均方差分析法,分析海表温度和海表气温的年际变化特征。将31年数据按照El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件分为a,b,c 3组,利用超前/滞后相关性分析法,将中低纬度海域海表温度异常(SSTA)与海表气温异常(SATA)做超前/滞后相关分析,得到每个格点SSTA与SATA之间相关性最显著的时间,从而确定SSTA与SATA之间的超前/滞后相关关系。研究结果表明:中纬度海域以SATA超前SSTA为主,SATA滞后SSTA主要分布在20°S-20°N的热带海域。SATA与SSTA超前/滞后天数统计结果均呈现双峰型分布,SATA超前峰值出现在10 d左右,SATA滞后峰值出现-7 d左右。El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件的出现,对海气超前/滞后相关关系具有一定影响。  相似文献   

The mean seasonal cycle of mixed layer depth (MLD) in the extratropical oceans has the potential to influence temperature, salinity and mixed layer depth anomalies from one winter to the next. Temperature and salinity anomalies that form at the surface and spread throughout the deep winter mixed layer are sequestered beneath the mixed layer when it shoals in spring, and are then re-entrained into the surface layer in the subsequent fall and winter. Here we document this ‘re-emergence mechanism’ in the North Pacific Ocean using observed SSTs, subsurface temperature fields from a data assimilation system, and coupled atmosphere–ocean model simulations. Observations indicate that the dominant large-scale SST anomaly pattern that forms in the North Pacific during winter recurs in the following winter. The model simulation with mixed layer ocean physics reproduced the winter-to-winter recurrence, while model simulations with observed SSTs specified in the tropical Pacific and a 50 m slab in the North Pacific did not. This difference between the model results indicates that the winter-to-winter SST correlations are the result of the re-emergence mechanism, and not of similar atmospheric forcing of the ocean in consecutive winters. The model experiments also indicate that SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific associated with El Niño are not essential for re-emergence to occur.The recurrence of observed SST and simulated SST and SSS anomalies are found in several regions in the central North Pacific, and are quite strong in the northern (>50°N) part of the basin. The winter-to-winter autocorrelation of SSS anomalies exceed those of SST, since only the latter are strongly damped by surface fluxes. The re-emergence mechanism also has a modest influence on MLD through changes in the vertical stratification in the seasonal thermocline.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems, like terrestrial biological communities, are generally considered to depend, regarding their structure and functioning, upon the trophic and sexual relationships between organisms, either “horizontally”, between individuals at the same level, or “vertically”, all the way down the various levels of the food chains. Nevertheless, the functioning of biosystems is mostly governed by their structure, i.e., the qualitative and quantitative distribution of individuals within biocenoses, as well as the relationships with one another and with the environment. Therefore, it is vital to get to know how these connections work in order to outline the main causes of microbiological equilibrium in the sea. Actually, the major problem remains that of communication between individuals in biocenoses. This is a general problem as far as life is concerned, but it proves especially acute when it comes to microbial life because of its importance in the oceanic cycles.Data available in the literature, together with the results of our own studies in this field, led us to the assumption that some of the dissolved organic substances present in seawater might well be responsible for the control of the relationships between species. These substances would be active at various degrees of concentration, after they have been released into the medium by certain species. This theory, already adumbrated by Lucas (1938, 1947, 1955), Nigrelli (1958) and Fontaine (1970) concerning direct relationships between marine species or groups of organisms, was resumed and generalized by M. Aubert (1971) who called these substances “telemediators”.Such chemical communication plays a major role in a variety of fields including sexual behaviour, nutrition and predation, as well as defense mechanisms, mobility and migration.Remote connection of two organisms through a chemical mediation involves a sequence of actions and reactions which raises a number of problems of biochemical microecology. The organism that produces the telemediator must synthesize it — either spontaneously or in an induced way — and release it into the medium, during its active growth or after cell lysis. Next, the mediator is conveyed to the remote receiving organism, which it should reach without being degraded or chemically modified (or after such a modification. Its concentration must remain equal to or higher than its activity threshold. The receptor detects it, with or without absorption, and reacts by modifying its own metabolism or behaviour. This may go as far as causing the receptor the receptor to die. In even more complex situations, another mediator will be synthesized and released into the medium.Theoretical as it may be, such a pattern is a useful guide to explain the microbial interactions in a marine environment. It involves a number of complex microecological phenomena, some phases of which begin to be known. One specific problem is chemoreception in microorganisms, hence chemotaxis. Telemediator activity threshold and turnover in the natural environment must also be investigated.One should also take account of the physical context in which the phenomena take place. For instance, it is a known fact that an important fraction of the bacterial flora in the sea is adsorbed on solid or particulate substrates. Thus, the relationships with which they are concerned are much more probable in a sphere of a few fractions of a millimeter: this emphasizes the significance of the biochemical processes which cause the microorganisms to colonize substrates and to compete with one another in so doing. Another point of interest is how they modify the substrate until they are replaced by higher organisms.In the microbial field, communication between species has been described at various levels. Horizontally, it can take place between different bacteria or between various species of algae. Vertically, it may involve bacteria and planktonic algae, bacteria and protozoa, or algae and zooplanktonic organisms.Besides, the communication may be “positive”, if the mediator enhances the growth of the receiving organism — then, it is used as a source of carbon or nitrogen, or as a growth factor — or “negative” whenever the mediator is toxic (antibiotic, antiseptic or toxin) or induces a lethal metabolic modification in the receiver.In fact, there are various telemediation mechanisms, which correspond to increasing degrees of complexity in the biological systems: a primary mechanism, in which the mediator is synthetized by a species and controls (or modifies) the metabolism of another species in one step, and a secondary mechanism, where the mediator is synthetized by a species, and modifies the metabolism of another species; the latter, in turn, releases a primary mediator which controls the functions of a third species. This might be a longer sequence, involving a higher number of species.If the mechanism becomes cyclic, feedback may occur: as far as we know, such feedback may be either positive or negative ecologically, depending on whether it speeds up or slows down a biological process.A conception of a marine universe whose equilibrium would be controlled by the interaction of organisms within a more or less dense biotic network, with meshes made up of the relationship functions as a whole, is highly suggestive of an homology with cybernetic structures. Then, each marine organism can be considered as a separate functional unit characterized by some particular properties, its functions, which govern its activity. These units are involved in the functioning of complex and varying systems in which they intervene locally to channel up the flow of energy and matter to a given extent and in a given direction.The analogy is still more pronounced as there are feedbacks, which can control various sectors of the system. In a series of studies based on biological systems regulated by various chemical mediators, authors were able to demonstrate that the introduction of varied chemical pollutants into the marine environment entails modifications in the structure of the biological components of seawater and results in either the modification or the destruction of the mediating metabolites or “signals”. The result could be a more or less pronounced ecological drift, that varies according to the activity of the pollutant.  相似文献   

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