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The largely concealed sub-Flandrian bedrock surface in the Severn Estuary, chiefly known from borings and chart soundings, has the form of a valley within a valley. In the aftermath of an unusual storm in March 1986, which removed from many places the obscuring modern sediments normally present, periglacial structures were recognized on the floor and upper margins of the upper valley at ten widely scattered localities. The structures occur only where the valley is formed on relatively soft Triassic and Jurassic mudrocks; they involve gravels and/or red-brown sands belonging to the Main Terrace sequence, but in some places incorporate local gravels. There are no completely convincing indications of cold conditions where the relatively strong Silurian and Old Red Sandstone rocks and the Carboniferous Limestone form the valley floor. The altitudinal relationships of the involutions and wedges, together with the scale of the outer valley, suggest that this sub-Flandrian rock bench was merely re-excavated during the Late Devensian. Then permafrost developed while the river lay confined within the much narrower inner gorge.  相似文献   

Recent sedimentological and palynological research on subfossil Holocene banded sediments from the Severn Estuary Levels suggested seasonality of deposition, registered by variations in mineral grain‐size and pollen assemblages between different parts of the bands. Here we provide data that strengthen this interpretation from sampling of modern sediments and pollen deposition on an active mudflat and saltmarsh on the margin of the Severn Estuary, and comparison with a vegetation survey and contemporary records of climate, river and tidal regimes. The results of grain‐size analysis indicate deposition of comparatively coarse‐grained silts during the relatively cool and windy conditions of winter and comparatively fine‐grained sediments during relatively warm and calm summer months. Pollen analysis demonstrates the significance of long‐term storage of pollen grains and fern spores in the estuarine waterbody, superimposed on which seasonal variations in pollen inputs from local and regional vegetation remain detectable. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Ipswichian high‐tide coast in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary at the time of the highest sea‐levels (5–10 m OD) was wave‐dominated almost everywhere. It is defined by raised beaches and inshore sand shoals, and only in comparatively long but narrow inlets (Somerset Levels) are estuarine conditions evident. The modern Holocene seaway is wave‐dominated at high tide only up to and including the inner Bristol Channel. A muddy upper shore typifies the large, tide‐dominated Severn Estuary to the east and northeast. The larger depth and width of the Ipswichian seaway may explain its greater wave‐dominance, but it is also possible that differences in the sediment regime also contribute to the contrast observed. With water levels continuing to rise, the Holocene seaway could reach Ipswichian depths within a few thousand years and evolve toward greater wave‐dominance. A secondary effect may be the transgression and substantial removal of the Holocene estuarine sequence associated with the Severn Estuary Levels. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Holocene aeolian silts deposited on the Cape Verde Islands provide information about the origin of African palaeodusts that have fallen on the north-eastern Atlantic ocean over the last 10 000 years. Sedimentological composition indicates that most of these aeolian silts are unquestionably of continental origin. Their Sr and Nd isotopic composition identifies a Saharan origin-suggesting transport by Harmattan winds. We estimate that Saharan dust comprises 75–95% of material in these Holocene silts, the rest coming from the weathering of local basaltic bedrock.  相似文献   

The Early Palaeoproterozoic Brockman Supersequence comprises banded iron formation (BIF), bedded chert, limestone, mudrock, sandstone, breccia, tuffaceous mudstone, ashfall tuff and, in sections not reported here, basalt and rhyolite. Density current rhythms are preserved in sandstones, mudrocks, tuffaceous mudstones and limestones. Relics of similar rhythms in BIF imply that its precursor sediments were also deposited by density currents. Hemipelagic deposits are siliciclastic or mixed siliciclastic–volcaniclastic mudstones. Bedded chert, chert nodules and the chert matrix of BIF preserve evidence for formation by diagenetic replacement. For bedded chert (and chert nodules), silica replacement occurred before compaction close to or at the sediment–water interface, indicating that it is siliceous hardground. The chert matrix of BIF formed during compaction but before burial metamorphism. Original sediments were resedimented from two sources: (1) limestone, mudrock, sandstone, breccia and tuffaceous mudstone from a shelf; and (2) BIF from within the basin realm. Shelf sediments were resedimented to basin-floor fans during third-order lowstands. The precursor sediments to BIF are interpreted to have been granular hydrothermal muds, composed of iron-rich smectite and particles of iron oxyhydroxide and siderite that were deposited on the flanks of submarine volcanoes and resedimented by density currents. Resedimentation occurred by either bottom currents or gravity-driven turbidity currents, and the resulting sediment bodies may have been contourite drifts. The concept that BIF records high-frequency alternating precipitation from ambient sea water of iron minerals and silica is negated by this study. Instead, it is postulated that the precursor sediments to BIF originated in much the same way as modern Red Sea hydrothermal iron oxide deposits, implying that at least the particles of iron oxyhydroxide originated from the oxidation of vent fluids by sea water. Several orders of cyclicity in basin filling establish a relationship between rising to high sea levels, episodic sea-floor hydrothermal activity and BIF that is reminiscent of the link between eustacy and spreading-ridge pulses.  相似文献   

The analysis of cores collected in northernmost Baffin Bay, from within the area of the North Water Polynya, permits definition of a composite sedimentary sequence ca. 12 m thick spanning the last 10 000 14C yr, with only a few discontinuities. Palynological analyses were performed in order to reconstruct changes in surface water conditions and biogenic production. Transfer functions, using dinocyst assemblages, were applied to estimate sea‐surface temperature (SST) and salinity, as well as the seasonal duration of sea ice cover. At the base of the record, prior to 9300 14C yr BP, dinocysts and organic linings of benthic foraminifers are sparse, indicating harsh conditions and low productivity. After ca. 9300 14C yr BP, the increased concentration of benthic foraminifers (up to 103 linings cm?3) and dinocyst fluxes (102–103 cysts cm?2 yr?1) reveals high biological productivity related to open‐water conditions. The early to middle Holocene, from ca. 9000 to ca. 3600 14C yr BP, is marked by relatively high species diversity in dinocyst assemblages and the significant occurrence of autotrophic taxa such as Spiniferites elongatus, Pentapharsodinium dalei and Impagidinium pallidum. This assemblage suggests conditions at least as warm as at present. From ca. 6400 to ca. 3600 14C yr BP, transfer functions indicate warmer conditions than at present, with SST in August fluctuating up to 5.5°C. After 3600 14C yr BP, the dinocyst record suggests a trend of decreasing temperature toward modern values, marked by recurrent cooling events. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The palynological analysis of the reliably dated core section of bottom sediments from Tavatui Lake revealed consistency between the chronology and succession of Late Pleistocene and Early Pliocene events (GI-a/b, CS-1, GH-11.2) in the Middle Urals and the North Atlantic region. It is established that the Holocene thermal maximum (5.3–8.0 cal. ka ago) in the Middle Urals was characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The initial stage of the Subboreal cooling was reffered to the interval of 4.5–5.3 cal. ka ago. The data obtained provided grounds for the conclusion that the palynological record in the Tavatui Lake section reflects in detail global and regional climate oscillations, which allows it to be used as a Holocene and late glacial reference section, as well as for predicting the behavior of the natural system of the Middle Urals in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

董进  王永  张世红  付星梅  姚杜琳 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1514-1522
对内蒙古黄旗海湖心、湖滨2个现代沉积剖面在前期磁组构研究的基础上,进行了沉积物粒度分析。结果显示,2个剖面从下到上都表现出粗颗粒含量逐渐增加的趋势,反映水动力逐渐增强。对比之前的磁组构结果发现,靠近湖心的HQW剖面,粒度与磁组构具有较好的对比性。HQW剖面的磁各向异性度等磁组构参数从下到上表现出逐渐增大的趋势,显示矿物定向和水流流速逐渐增强。另外,在20cm、40cm、65cm深度附近,粒度与磁组构参数都发生突然变化,表明存在水动力增大的异常沉积事件。HQE剖面的磁组构未能有效指示异常沉积事件,但其粒度分析中的细砂百分比含量和中值粒径在这些位置附近明显减小。若这是由同一异常沉积事件造成的,则表明异常沉积事件的沉积过程比较复杂,在研究异常沉积事件时不同的沉积部位需使用不同的研究方法。  相似文献   

The paleohydrological and sedimentological characteristics of a playa lake in northern Kuwait (Arabian Gulf) are reconstructed using sedimentological, geochemical, and isotopic techniques. The sequence consists of up to 8 cycles of S-poor, alluvial sediments capped by a thin organic soil interbedded with gravity-fall calcrete sediments. The succession is locally derived from mainly Quaternary sediments and is regressive with upsection filling of the subsiding basin by cycles of sheetwash flow in response to climatic change. There is no natural, open-water lake water as indicated by low total organic carbon (TOC) data, but the presence of incised calcrete yardangs suggests that more extensive open-water conditions were operative in the past. Stable isotope (δ18O‰ and δ13C‰) values of the authigenic carbonates indicate the following three distinct processes: evaporation, meteoric fluid infiltration, and rapid per-descensum flow (rapid downward movement of water and playa sediment through pipes) through a porous, clastic sequence. Because evaporites are scarce, other factors besides evaporation action control chemical and isotopic compositions of the per-decensum lake fluids. Consequently, the isotopic composition cannot be interpreted exclusively as an indicator of salinity or evaporation ratio. The degassing of CO2 during groundwater discharge may explain the enriched carbon isotope values for the authigenic carbonates precipitated in the sediments. Hydrologically closed lake water bodies tend to show low negative carbonate oxygen and carbon isotopic signatures. Isotopically negative δ13C values imply a strong input of soil-zone carbon to the groundwater of the top 60 cm of the sediment. Lakes that are hydrologically closed and evaporate or equilibrate with atmospheric CO2 will tend to have low negative δ18O and δ13C values in the carbonates as reported by Talbot (Chem Geol: Isotope Geosci Sect 80(4):261–279, 1990). Biologically active lakes will tend toward lower δ13C of dissolved carbon due to the photosynthetic effects of 12C withdrawal as reported by Dunagan and Driese (J Sed Res 69:772–783, 1999). Increased biological activity during sedimentation may account for low carbon isotope values where plants were abundant, but in shrinkage-dominated systems (those of clay-rich soil subjecting to wet-dry conditions), carbon isotopes will be largely inherited from the calcretic limestones in the land extending landward of the coast and not influenced by coastal processes (known as hinterland), such as Umm Ar-Rimam depression. This basin does not fit the classic shallow playa-type basins of the Arabian Peninsula but rather the recharge playas of the southwestern USA.  相似文献   

The Holocene paleogeography of the Laptev Sea eastern shelf is reconstructed based on mollusks, foraminifers, ostracodes, spores and pollen found for the first time. Environmental changes in the course of the postglacial (Holocene) transgression are detectable from quantitative analysis of three ostracod assemblages. Three phases of the transgression are established based on ostracode assemblages from the AMS 14C-dated core from the ancient valley of Yana River, central part of the Laptev Sea eastern shelf. After the first phase of coastal brackish-water environment (11.3–11.1 ka), shallow-water marine taxa appeared in the transitional phase (11.1–10.3 ka), and the third phase of modern sea conditions commenced 10.3 ka ago. Spore and pollen assemblages from the core indicate that the early Holocene land vegetation was dominated by tundra plant communities adapted to climatic conditions not warmer than at present. In the interval of 9.3–8.0 ka, climate was increasingly humid and warm, and forest-tundra vegetation occupied more favorable zones of the region.  相似文献   

Holocene lacustrine sediments from two isolated lakes in north China are investigated. Based on palaeoclimatic significance of independent proxies in lake sediments, Holocene chemical weathering, and hence climate change, has been reconstructed for dated sediment cores from Daihai Lake and Aibi Lake. During early to mid-Holocene, higher weathering intensity occurred in the Daihai catchment under warm and humid climate conditions, and this reached a maximum at ∼5 kyr BP. However, synchronous proxy shifts from the two widely separated, isolated lake sediments indicate that there was a cool climate event during the early to mid-Holocene transition. This is characterized by reduced weathering in each catchment, low δ 13 C and δ 18 O of authigenic carbonate, and by lake level fluctuations. These might correspond to a global cooling signal identified in lakes, oceans, mollusc sequences, and polar ice cores, typically centred between ∼8.0 and 8.5 kyr BP. Dry conditions were experienced in Greenland, the North Atlantic and surrounding regions, and in broad monsoonal regions including Daihai at this time. However, recent extensive evidences as well as our data from the Aibi Lake sediments show that cool but wet conditions occurred in the central Eurasian continent at this time. After ∼2.5 kyr BP, a significant shift of independent sediment proxies indicates the beginning of the Neoglaciation with a higher frequency of fluctuations, including both the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). Our continental records provide new evidence of the Holocene climate variability with global significance and highlight the different spatial nature of the response to oscillations associated with different climate patterns.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of temporal and spatial climate development on a seasonal basis during the last few centuries may help us better understand modern-day interplay between natural and anthropogenic climate variability. The objective of this paper is to reconstruct hydrology and landscape changes of East Siberia during the termination of the Little Ice Age and the subsequent Recent Warming. We analysed sediment samples from the saltwater Sulfatnoe Lake, Bolshoye Alginskoe and freshwater Shuchie Lake using high-resolution X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy at 1-mm scan resolution, Fourier-transform infrared techniques and pollen analyses. The depth–age models of the cores were constructed by 210Pb activity using the constant rate of supply model. The lake sediment cover of these lakes began to form from ca. 1870. Three significant periods (1870–1895, 1895–1925 and from 1925 to the present) were defined in hydrology and chemical regime of these lakes for the past 140 years. Lake levels were extremely low and high saturated with salts during the final period of the Little Ice Age. Lake levels began to slowly rise from 1870 to 1895 and vegetation was poor at that period. Intensive desalination of the lakes occurred in 1895–1925, and environment conditions were temperate and favourable for the majority of the taxa of the regional vegetation. Regional precipitation significantly increased and water saturation of the catchments was high from 1925 to the present. The chemical precipitation of carbonate stopped completely in Lake Shichie and reduced considerably in Lake Sulfatnoe and B. Alginskoe. Strong increasing trend of weathering of the lake catchments began in 1970 and still continues.  相似文献   

Lake sediments in Eklutna Lake, Alaska, reveal the presence of turbidites within varved sequences. These turbidites, which result from flood events and earthquakes, show a similar macroscopic appearance. In order to use turbidites to reconstruct flood variability and/or seismic history in the lake basin, it is crucial to determine the trigger of the turbidity currents. This study examined the turbidite caused by the ad 1964 Great Alaska earthquake as well as turbidites linked to historical flood events in order to differentiate between these earthquake-triggered and flood-triggered turbidites. In a suite of samples from throughout the lake, distinctive proxies are identified that can be associated with event-specific flow characteristics. The study presents straightforward discrimination methods related to the sedimentology and geochemical components of the turbidites. These methods are also applicable to other lakes, particularly proglacial lakes where the sediment composition of onshore and offshore sources is similar. Finally, the discrimination of the turbidite trigger can be used to reconstruct the palaeoflood and seismic history.  相似文献   

The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval in the northern hemisphere is characterized by the widespread occurrence of black shales. About 60% of all petroleum source rocks comprise sediments of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous age with the origin of such black shales still under discussion. In order to better understand the factors that controlled black shale sedimentation, 78 samples were analyzed for calcareous nannofossils from two sections (Gorodische, Kashpir) of the Volga Basin (NE Russia). Calcareous nannofossils are ideal proxies for deciphering nutrient, temperature and salinity fluctuations. Additionally 58 samples from both sections were also analyzed for clay mineralogy, 13Corg , TOC and CaCO3 composition. Both sections contain calcareous claystones and intercalated organic rich shales overlain by phosphorite beds. The presence of the calcareous nannofossil species Stephanolithion atmetros throughout both successions allows a biostratigraphic assignment to the S. atmetros Nannofossil Biozone (NJ 17), which corresponds to the Dorsoplanites panderi Ammonite Biozone of the Middle Volgian. The marlstones of the Kashpir section yield a well-preserved rich and diverse nannoflora, whereas all black shale beds are essentially barren of calcareous nannofossils. Only the uppermost black shale layers yield an impoverished assemblage of low diversity and abundance. Geochemical data suggest an early diagenetic nannofossil dissolution in the black shales of the Kashpir section. This is supported by the occurrence of coccoliths in black shale horizons of the Gorodische section. The assemblages in both sections are dominated by coccoliths of the Watznaueriaceae group (Watznaueria barnesae, Watznaueria fossacincta, Watznaueria britannica, Watznaueria communis), Biscutum constans and Zeugrhabdotus erectus. In Kashpir rare specimens of Crucibiscutum salebrosum occur in the higher part of the section. These taxa indicate boreal affinities. B. constans and Z. erectus are considered to be taxa indicative of a higher productive environment, while C. salebrosum is a cool-water species. From base to top of the Kashpir section, consecutive mass occurrences of different taxa/groups were observed: W. barnesae–W. fossacincta acme, W. britannica–W. communis acme, Z. erectus acme, B. constans acme (including sparse occurrences of C. salebrosum).The observed distribution patterns have been interpreted as characterizing a transition from a low productive, oligotrophic setting with high abundances of K-selected cosmopolitan species (Watznaueriaceae) and predominating marlstone sedimentation to a higher productive, mesotrophic setting. Cooler water temperatures marked by r-selection and acmes of opportunistic species (Z. erectus, B. constans) are coincident with the deposition of black shales and phosphorites in the higher part of the section. Interpretation of clay mineral distribution indicates that black shale deposition occurred under semi-arid hinterland climatic conditions concomitant with a sea level rise. This induced dysoxic conditions in the deeper parts of the Volga Basin, favoring the preservation of organic matter. The cause of the nutrient enrichment in the surface water is still unclear, but possible river water input from the continents does not seem to have been the controlling factor under a semi-arid climate. The occurrence of phosphorites in the upper part of both sections presumably indicates that enhanced productivity may be better explained by the upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom water and thereby causing the recycling of nutrients from oxidized phytoplankton back into the photic zone. This recycling effect finally may have led to an intensified phytoplankton growth which seemed to be a sufficient source for the enrichment of organic matter. This is well correlated with the increase in black shale horizons in the upper part of the Kashpir section.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated long‐term changes in effective moisture in sub‐Saharan Africa. Here, we reconstruct Holocene environments using a ~7 m lake‐sediment sequence recovered from the northeastern Nigerian Sahel and attempt to distinguish basin‐specific changes from regional climatic variations. The sequence was analysed for sedimentological properties, mineral magnetism and pollen, and dated by 137Cs, 210Pb excess and 14C. Extremely arid conditions of the terminal Pleistocene ended ca. 11 500 cal. BP (calendar years) when climate ameliorated and a lake developed until the occurrence of an arid event leading to lake desiccation at ~11 200 cal. BP. Following this, climate ameliorated and a water body re‐emerged. Very wet conditions predominated 11 200–5600 cal. BP, followed by drought between 5600 and 5500 cal. BP and a return to moderate humidity from 5500 to 4000 cal. BP. After 4000 cal. BP, a marked deterioration occurred, culminating in lake desiccation at ca. 800 cal. BP. After this time the climate remained generally dry and the re‐emerging lake was shallow. Comparison of these results with other well‐dated sequences in the region demonstrates the importance of basin‐specific influences on the palaeolimnological records in addition to regional climatic controls. Disentangling these different controls, as well as the reconstruction of Holocene climate, therefore requires a multiple‐basin approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution, variability and chemical behaviour of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was investigated over 212 years in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK. The concentrations of riverine DOC (3.1–7.8 mg C l?1) covaried with river flow and were invariably conservative in this turbid slowly flushing (~200 days) estuary, indicating that any microbial degradation, chemical flocculation or adsorption processes do not affect the flux of riverine DOC through the estuary. The DOC inputs from the Severn (1.7–2.7 × 1010 g Cyr?1) and other rivers (2.6–3.4 × 1010 g Cyr?1) are the principal sources of DOC in the estuary and correspond to an export of 0.7–1.1% of the terrestrial productivity from the river catchment to the ocean. This export rate is in accord with recent predictions derived from global compilations of organic inputs from rivers and would imply that the global flux of riverine DOC could be as high as 7.8 × 1014 g Cyr?1 which is 5 times greater than some previous estimates.The geochemical significance of a conservative delivery of riverine DOC to the ocean is that irrespective of which flux estimate is considered, such river inputs would make a significant contribution (~SO%) to oceanic DOC, and that the steady-state oceanic DOC flux would have to be significantly greater than present estimates (2.9 × 1014 g Cyr?1) which are based on a mean radio carbon age of 3400 yr.An alternative, more realistic DOC flux model, which assumes a polydisperse age distribution about the mean age, is shown to yield the higher oceanic DOC fluxes required. Flocculation and adsorption processes would remove less than 10% and 0.2% respectively of riverine DOC in estuaries.  相似文献   

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