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大气环流的季节变化和季风   总被引:32,自引:13,他引:32  
曾庆存  张邦林 《大气科学》1998,22(6):805-813
利用多年平均气候资料计算了全球各地和各等压面上的大气环流季节变率(即冬季和夏季环流之差或者1月和7月环流之差再除以年平均),发现在对流层低层环流有5个很突出的季节变率极大值的区域,分别位于热带和南北两半球的副热带和中-高纬度带(温-寒带),它们分别对应于经典所谓的热带季风区,太平洋、印度洋和大西洋的副热带高 压季节性移动区域,以及温-寒带气旋的风暴轴线区域。这5个区域也可分别称为热带季风区、副热带季风区和温-寒带季风区。季节变率带有鲜明的斜压性:在对流层低层热带季风和副热带季风虽相互连接然而仍然明显可分,但越往上,副热带季风一支就越往低纬移动,结果在200 hPa处与热带季风混合为一,形成为斜交赤道的带,和所谓的行星季风区相对应;再往上,在平流层上层,则南北两半球各在中纬度带有一完好的非常鲜明的季节变率极大值带,它们与黑夜急流的维持和崩溃有关。此外,文中还探索了各季节来临的时空分布以及年际变化等问题。  相似文献   

用澳洲850 hPa上空的变温和温度权重相结合的冷空气活动日数定义了澳洲冷空气活动指标(cold air index,CAI),据CAI分析了澳洲冷空气活动的季节内和年际变化特征,结果表明:澳洲西南部地区是冷空气活动的关键区,5月其收缩于澳洲西南角,7月和8月其中心及影响范围均向北移动,主要分布区向澳洲东部伸展;整个冬季(6—8月)的澳洲冷空气活动没有显著的年际差异,而5—8月各月的冷空气活动却存在明显的年际变化特征。  相似文献   

平流层臭氧纬向分布季节变化和行星波的关系   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
郑彬  陈月娟  施春华 《高原气象》2006,25(3):366-374
通过分析1992—2001年的HALOE卫星资料,给出了各纬度带平流层的臭氧混合比的纬向分布结构,并分析了其季节变化的特征,同时,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了平流层行星波的结构及其与臭氧纬向分布的关系。结果表明:平流层臭氧混合比的纬向分布季节差异较大,在两半球的夏季平流层臭氧混合比的纬向分布较均匀,其它季节在中高纬的臭氧混合比高值区有一些扰动,并且随着纬度的增大其扰动加强,其中冬季它的扰动最强,这些都与平流层的行星波有相同的特点。对这两种资料进行波谱分析发现,在冬半球臭氧混合比在中高纬的纬向扰动有明显的1波信号,并且与位势高度的1波扰动有相同的位相,因此认为臭氧纬向扰动主要是由行星波引起的,并且在中高纬主要是1波的影响;而低纬地区由于不满足行星波上传的条件,所以臭氧纬向分布不受行星波的影响。分析行星波扰动对臭氧的输送作用也表明,行星波的扰动确实引起臭氧在经向上的输送,从而造成臭氧纬向分布的不对称,并且由于基本气流的输送作用,使得臭氧纬向扰动与行星波造成的原始扰动有一个位相差。  相似文献   

利用1982~1993年NOAA/NASA PathfinderAVHRR陆地数据集中的NDVI数据集,在中国东部植被生长的不同阶段(全年、植被生长季、植被生长季的增长阶段和衰退阶段),对植被季节生长对气候响应的年际变化进行了分析,发现:(1)无论在多年平均意义上还是逐年来看,中国东部季风区植被季节性生长状况对温度的响应在各个生长阶段都是近于同步的,温度对于植被生长季节变化的驱动关系非常稳定;(2)逐年来看,植被季节性生长对降水的响应也是存在的,但相关关系和相关的滞后关系具有年际差异。通过定量化地分析中国东部植被季节生长对季风气候响应的年际变化,有助于对陆面过程模式中的有关部分进行改进,从而提高对中国东部区域年际气候变化的模拟能力。  相似文献   

100hPa高压环流和东风气流的季节、年际和年代际变化   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了中低纬地区100hPa高压环流和东风气流的季节、年际和年代际变化,并与南亚高压的相应变化进行对比分析。结果表明,100hPa高压环流中心有明显的季节分布特征,其中心经度的主频区与100hPa南亚高压中心经度的主频区位置较为一致。南亚高压和东风气流的部分特征参数有明显的年际和年代际变化。南亚高压参数有明显的10年和大于20年的振荡周期。东风气流的面积有2~5年的振荡周期,其强度则有4年和15年的振荡周期。  相似文献   

中国春季沙尘暴年代际变化和季节预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祝从文  徐康  张书萍  郭玲 《气象科技》2010,38(2):201-204
利用1954~2007年中国258个台站观测的月沙尘暴日数资料,北半球地表温度和美国NCAR/NCEP大气再分析资料,研究了中国春季沙尘暴日数年代际变化特征及其影响因子。研究发现:中国春季沙尘暴日数与贝加尔湖地表变暖存在显著的负相关,相关系数达到-0.8,该地区的地表温度变暖导致蒙古气旋活动和我国沙尘暴频率降低。利用该地区冬季对流层850 hPa温度与春季地表温度指数之间显著正相关关系,建立了冬季850 hPa温度指数预测中国春季沙尘暴频率的线性预报方程。通过22年回报检验发现,统计预报结果与多数台站观测的沙尘暴发生频率存在显著的正相关,最大相关系数达到+0.4。其中,近22年的预报场与观测之间空间相关系数平均达到+0.4以上,均方根误差在1~2之间,表明该统计预报模型具有一定的业务应用价值。  相似文献   

季风的季节、年际和年代际变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
区域季风和全球季风的分布依赖于季风的定义。基于“季风是热带大气水汽中心随越赤道气流向赤道外季节扩展”的定义总结并讨论了东亚季风的区域特征、亚洲季风的季节进程和全球季风的分布以及季风的年际和年代际变化。最后对季风研究的潜在方向作了适当的讨论。  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发时间在1993/1994年出现显著的年代际提早, 探讨了大气要素场的不同时间尺度分量季节演变的年代际变异对南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际变异的相对影响作用。南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际提早与南海季风区对流层经向温度梯度季节性逆转的年代际提早有密切联系。南海季风区5月中对流层经向温度梯度年代际增强主要由季风区北部温度的年代际显著增暖造成。季内分量和季节以上分量对1993年之前南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏晚的作用同等重要。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量主要源于季风区北部温度相应分量的贡献, 而季节内分量则主要由南部相应分量影响所致, 并由25~90 d分量所主导。季节以上分量对1994年之后南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏早的贡献要大于季节内分量的贡献。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量和季内分量对总距平的正贡献都主要来自于季风区北部温度相应分量。两种季内低频分量对温度梯度季内分量的贡献率相当, 10~25 d分量主要由南海北部温度相应分量所主导, 25~90 d分量对总距平的正贡献也源自北部分量。准双周振荡分量对各年代南海夏季风爆发具有明显的触发作用。   相似文献   

西北干旱区地气温差季节和年际变化特征的分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用西北干旱区49个气象站1961—2000年0 cm地温和气温月平均资料,采用逐级归并法、小波分析、经验正交函数(EOF)、旋转经验正交函数(REOF)方法,分析了西北干旱区地气温差的时空演变特征、气候突变和周期振荡。结果表明:西北干旱区地气温差可分为12月~2月、3月、4~6月、7~10月和11月5类,11月和12月~2月呈下降趋势,3月、4~6月和7~10月呈上升趋势,12月~2月下降幅度较大,4~6月上升幅度最大;地气温差受大尺度气候异常的影响,第一载荷向量反映了全区一致的性质;北疆区和内蒙区有异常变化存在;3月和11月的突变点为1977年,12月~2月、4~6月和7~10月的突变点为1981年;周期振荡主要以3~6年为主。  相似文献   

南海暖池的季节和年际变化及其与南海季风爆发的关系   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
用LEVITUS和NCEP/NCAR OISST资料,分析了南海暖池的季节和变化特征及其与西太平洋暖池和印度洋暖池的关系,讨论了南海暖池强度指数的年际变化与南海季风爆发时间的联系,结果指出,南海暖池有明显的季节变化牲,12~2月隆冬季节最弱,3~4月迅速发展北上,6~9月达其盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水,10~11月迅速减弱南退:在南海暖池盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水最大厚度达55m,  相似文献   

Temporal-spatial variations in tropospheric ozone concentrations over East Asia in the period from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2004 were simulated by using the Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system with meteorological fields calculated by the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). The simulated concentrations of ozone and carbon monoxide were compared with ground level observations at two remote sites, Ryori (39.03°N, 141.82°E) and Yonagunijima (24.47°N, 123.02°E). The co...  相似文献   

副热带高空急流各中心强度时间变化及分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
谭杰丽  江静  袁俊鹏 《气象科学》2009,29(4):482-489
利用NCEP再分析资料,分析了中纬度地区的副热带高空急流各中心200 hPa上的强度的季节、年际和年代际的变化.结果表明,高空急流各中心位置的季节变化形态不一致,表征强度的各特征参数的季节特征虽都呈现冬强夏弱的主要特征,各中心的变化特点在于:东亚中心的急流面积和风速都有较大的变化;非洲中心面积变化小,但风速变化较大;而北美中心急流面积变化较大,风速变化较小.也有各自不同的变化形态和季节转换特征,四季的各急流中心的变化均不一致.急流各不同中心的各季节的强度特征参数发生年际和年代际变化的时期虽不尽相同,但大致都存在6~8 a的振荡周期.  相似文献   

A photochemical box model is used to simulate seasonal variations in concentrations of sulfur compounds at latitude 40° S. It is assumed that the hydroxyl radical (OH) addition reaction to sulfur in the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) molecule is the predominant pathway for methanesulfonic acid (MSA) production, and that the rate constant increases as the air temperature decreases. Concentration of the nitrate radical (NO3) is a function of the DMS flux, because the reaction of DMS with NO3 is the most important loss mechanism of NO3. While the diurnally averaged concentration of OH in winter is a factor of about 8 smaller than in summer, due to the weak photolysis process, the diurnally averaged concentration of NO3 in winter is a factor of about 4–5 larger than in summer, due to the decrease of DMS flux. Therefore, at middle and high latitudes in winter, atmospheric DMS is mainly oxidized by the reaction with NO3. The calculated ratio of the MSA to SO2 production rates is smaller in winter than in summer, and the MSA to non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) molar ratio varies seasonally. This result agrees with data on the seasonal variation of the MSA/nssSO4 2- molar ratio obtained at middle and high latitudes. The calculations indicate that during winter the reaction of DMS with NO3 is likely to be a more important sink of NOx (NO+NO2) than the reaction of NO2 with OH, and to serve as a significant pathway of the HNO3 production. If dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is produced through the OH addition reaction and is heterogeneously oxidized in aqueous solutions, half of the nssSO4 2- produced in summer may be through the oxidation process of DMSO. It is necessary to further investigate the oxidation products by the reaction of DMS with OH, and the possibility of the reaction of DMS with NO3 during winter.  相似文献   

The role of local heat sources in synoptic activity within the polar basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A quasi‐geostrophic model of the atmosphere is used to determine the significance of the surface enthalpy flux in synoptic activity within the Polar Basin. Of primary interest is whether the enthalpy flux from open water in the seasonal sea‐ice zone is the predominant contributing mechanism or whether the advective fields of vorticity and thickness are controlling factors. This is of importance in discussions of the feedback processes between the atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean.

For a case selected in the Laptev Sea near the end of the fall period of ice growth, the surface enthalpy flux is as significant a contribution to synoptic activity as the vorticity advection is. The enthalpy flux is a relatively insignificant factor at this time in the Beaufort Sea, however, because of the smaller area of open water and the lower wind speeds associated with the weaker synoptic systems in this region. It is also relatively insignificant at both locations at the beginning of the fall freeze‐up interval and in June, during the melt period.  相似文献   

从外部强迫和大气内部变率两个方面回顾次季节-季节尺度西北太平洋热带气旋活动的主要影响因子及相关机制研究进展,分析统计、动力及混合动力-统计混合3类预测技术的发展历史和现状,对该领域尚未解决的主要科学问题及预测技术发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

利用98’TIPEX实验资料、1998年5-8月青藏高原6个自动热量平衡站(AWS)资料、青藏高原常规观测资料、中国300多个站的逐日降水资料、国家卫星中心接收的1998年5-8月OLR和日本GMS的TBB资料,研究了1998年5-8月青藏高原及其邻近地区逐日地面总热源的季节变化特征及其与西太平洋副热带地区对流的关系。结果表明:高原地面总热源与高原雨季开始有密切关系,高原雨季开始以后,高原平均的地面总热源明显减小;高原平均的地面总热源与20—30°N附近的西太平洋副热带地区的TBB有很好的负相关关系,表明高原地面总热源可以通过某种机制影响副热带地区的对流。  相似文献   

The humidity effect, namely the markedly positive correlation between the stable isotopic ratio in precipitation and the dew-point deficit △Td in the atmosphere, is put forward firstly and the relationships between the δ18O in precipitation and △Td are analyzed for the Urumqi and Kunming stations, which have completely different climatic characteristics. Although the seasonal variations in δ18O and △Td exhibit differences between the two stations, their humidity effect is notable. The correlation coefficient and its confidence level of the humidity effect are higher than those of the amount effect at Kunming, showing the marked influence of the humidity conditions in the atmosphere on stable isotopes in precipitation.Using a kinetic model for stable isotopic fractionation, and according to the seasonal distribution of meanmonthly temperature at 500 hPa at Kunming, the variations of the δ18O in condensate in cloud aresimulated. A very good agreement between the seasonal variations of the simulated mean δ18O and themean monthly temperature at 500 hPa is obtained, showing that the oxygen stable isotope in condensateof cloud experiences a temperature effect. Such a result is markedly different from the amount effect atthe ground. Based on the simulations of seasonal variations of δ18O in falling raindrops, it can be foundthat, in the dry season from November to April, the increasing trend with falling distance of δ18O in fallingraindrops corresponds remarkably to the great ATd, showing a strong evaporation enrichment function infalling raindrops; however, in the wet season from May to October, the δ18O in falling raindrops displaysan unapparent increase corresponding to the small ATd, except in May. By comparing the simulated meanδ18O at the ground with the actual monthly δ18O in precipitation, we see distinctly that the two monthlyδ18O variations agree very well. On average, the δ18O values are relatively lower because of the highlymoist air, heavy rainfall, small △Td and weak evaporation enrichment function of stable isotopes in thefalling raindrops, under the influence of vapor from the oceans; but they are relatively higher because of the dry air, light rainfall, great △Td and strong evaporation enrichment function in falling raindrops, under the control of the continental air mass. Therefore, the δ18O in precipitation at Kunming can be used to indicate the humidity situation in the atmosphere to a certain degree, and thus indicate the intensity of the precipitation and the strength of the monsoon indirectly. The humidity effect changes not only the magnitude of the stable isotopic ratio in precipitation but also its seasonal distribution due to its influence on the strength of the evaporation enrichment of stable isotopes in falling raindrops and the direction of the net mass transfer of stable isotopes between the atmosphere and the raindrops. Consequently, it is inferred that the humidity effect is probably one of the foremost causes generating the amount effect.  相似文献   

沈熙  徐海明  胡景高 《气象科学》2017,37(6):718-726
本文采用1979—2014年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料、CMAP和GPCP月平均降水资料,分析了北半球平流层极涡崩溃早晚的环流特征及其与南亚降水的关系。结果表明,北半球平流层极涡崩溃时间存在明显的年际变化特征。极涡崩溃偏早(偏晚)年,自3月开始异常信号从平流层向下传播,之后的4月,从平流层到对流层高层极区温度异常偏高(偏低),极涡异常偏弱(偏强),极夜急流异常偏弱(偏强)。结果还表明,5月南亚降水异常与平流层极涡崩溃时间的早晚存在显著相关,5月南亚降水异常与平流层极涡崩溃早晚年平流层异常信号的下传有关。当平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年,4月平流层极区表现为位势高度异常偏低,而中纬度则位势高度场异常偏高,并伴随位势高度异常场的向下传播,5月该位势高度异常场下传至阿拉伯海北部大陆上空对流层顶,形成有利于降水的环流场,导致南亚降水偏多。反之,则相反。  相似文献   

The seasonal and diurnal variations of cloud systems are profoundly affected by the large-scale and local environments. In this study, a one-year-long simulation was conducted using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau (ETP) and two subregions of Eastern China: Southern East China and Central East China. Deep convective clouds (DCCs) rarely occur in the cold season over ETP, whereas DCCs appear in Eastern China throughout the year, and the ETP DCCs are approximately 20%?30% shallower than those over Eastern China. Most strong rainfall events (precipitation intensity, PI> 2.5 mm h?1) in Eastern China are related to warm-season DCCs with ice cloud processes. Because of the high elevation of the ETP, the warm-season freezing level is lower than in Eastern China, providing favorable conditions for ice cloud processes. DCCs are responsible for the diurnal variations of warm-season rainfall in all three regions. Warm-season DCCs over the ETP have the greatest total cloud water content and frequency in the afternoon, resulting in an afternoon rainfall peak. In addition, rainfall events in the ETP also exhibit a nocturnal peak in spring, summer, and autumn due to DCCs. Strong surface heat fluxes around noon can trigger or promote DCCs in spring, summer, and autumn over the ETP but produce only cumulus clouds in winter due to the cold and dry environment.  相似文献   

2019-2020冬季北极平流层极涡异常并且持续的偏强,偏冷.利用NCEP再数据和OMI臭氧数据,本文分析了此次强极涡事件中平流层极涡的动力场演变及其对地面暖冬天气和臭氧低值的影响.此次强极涡的形成是由于上传行星波不活跃.持续的强极涡使得2020年春季的最后增温出现时间偏晚.平流层正NAM指数向下传播到地面,与地面AO...  相似文献   

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