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The propagation of plane magnetogasdynamic shock waves in an optically-thin grey atmosphere of non-uniform density has been discussed by the use of the similarity method, by use of Planck's diffusion approximation. The distribution of pressure, density, magnetic field, velocity, temperature, and radiation flux have been illustrated through graphs. The numerical integration has been done on a DEC-1090 computer under a RKGS programme.  相似文献   

An analytic expression for the velocity of magnetogasdynamic shock wave, propagating in rotating inter stellar atmosphere has been obtained by using the method of characteristics and considering the effect of coriolis force. It has been shown that in the outer convective layer of the star Coriolis force and magnetic field both have significant effect on the shock velocity.  相似文献   

A self-similar solution to the problem of the implosion of a cylindrical shock wave in the presence of a magnetic field has been investigated. A strong shock wave in a cylindrically-symmetric flow travels to the axis of symmetry through a gas of uniform initial density 0 and zero-pressure. A comparative study has been made between the results obtained in ordinary gasdynamics and magnetogasdynamics with transverse and axial components of the magnetic field. The value of similarity exponent has been assigned from that found in the paper of Whitham (1958).  相似文献   

The self-similar model of propagation of spherical strong shock waves into non-uniform stellar atmosphere under self-gravitation and non-uniform magnetic field is investigated. The disturbances are headed by a shock surface of variable strength. Gas is assumed to be grey and opaque and the shock tobe transparent.  相似文献   

The possibility that vertical acoustic waves with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency corresponding to the temperature minimum pass this minimum is investigated. It is shown that the averaged temperature profile in the solar atmosphere can be approximated by several so-called reflectionless profiles on which the acoustic waves propagate without internal reflection. The possibility of the penetration of vertical acoustic waves, including low-frequency ones, into the solar corona is explained in this way.  相似文献   

Magnetogasdynamic shock waves propagating in a medium of increasing density are discussed. The shock travels in a dense atmosphere. We have used the Runge-Kutta method to obtain a numerical solution of the problem. The distribution of flow variables behind the shock are shown by graphs.  相似文献   

The problem of the detailed structure of magnetogasdynamic shock waves is investigated. It is assumed that the flow takes place under normal magnetic fieldH 0 and the conductivity of the medium is considered infinite. An approximate analytical solution of the nonlinear differential equations describing the phenomena is obtained. The suggested analytical results in this paper are in good agreement with the previous numerical computations for the thickness and the velocity distribution inside the transition region. In addition, the enthalpy distribution inside the shock front is predicted.  相似文献   

A model of similarity solution for the propagation of shock waves produced on account of an instantaneous release of energy in an inhomogeneous medium with the effect of radiation has been discussed. The disturbances of the medium are headed by a shock of variable strength. The variations of flow variables have been discussed for the different values of strength of the shock.  相似文献   

The propagation of weak waves has been studied by taking into account the influence of thermal radiative field. The singular surface theory is used to determine the modes of wave propagation and to evaluate the behaviour at the wave head. The effects of thermal radiation, conduction and the initial wave front curvature on the nonlinear breaking of weak waves are discussed. It is concluded that, under the thermal radiation effects, the shock wave formation is either disallowed or delayed. On the other hand, the thermal conduction effects destabilize the waves.  相似文献   

In this paper propagation of magnetogasdynamic spherical shock waves is considered in an exponentially increasing medium. The shock wave moves with variable velocity and the total energy of the wave is variable. It is shown that the magnetic field changes the flow velocity, density and pressure.  相似文献   

Strong cylindrical magnetogasdynamic shock waves in rotating interplanetary medium has been studied and an analytic solution for their propagation has been obtained. Using characteristic method and considering the effect of Coriolis force, we have shown that magnetic field has significant effect on the velocity of the shock wave.  相似文献   

By use of the approximate method of Whitham (1958) the effect of magnetic field is investigated on a point explosion in a medium exihibiting exponential decrease of density and temperature. It has been found that the shock velocity and shock Mach number first decrease, but after a certain distance they start increasing.  相似文献   

Similarity solutions, using Planck's diffusion approximation, for propagation of strong plane shock waves in an optically thin grey atmosphere of uniform density are obtained. Solutions for the ratio of specific heats 4/3 and several values of the radiation parameter are compared with those in the absence of any radiation. Excerpts from the results of integrations for different values of the ratio of specific heats are also given in Tables I-III.  相似文献   

The problem on linear waves in a radiating and scattering grey medium is studied using Whitham's method. Analysis of the basic equations distinguishes two limiting cases: the one is theequilibrium case in which the energy exchange between the gas and radiation plays an essential role, and the other is theScattering case in which the effect of energy exchange is negligible. A new type ofradiation acoustic wave with the speed is found in the scattering case. The governing equations for linearized one-dimensional flow are reduced to one equation of radiative acoustics valid to order 1/c, and the criterion for the two limiting cases is derived from studying this equation. The harmonic solution is analytically studied to show that theeffective optical depth corresponding to the wavelength of perturbation gives the measure of the interaction between the gas and radiation. When eff1, the sound speeda g 2 =P g / and the propagating speed of radiative disturbancea f 2 =fc 2 appear as the modified classical and radiation-induced modes respectively, wheref is the Eddington factor. When eff1, the isentropic sound speeda s 2 =(P g +P r / appears in the equilibrium case, and the radiation acoustic speeda A 2 appears in the scattering case. The dispersion relation of the harmonic solution is numerically calculated. The result shows that the wave pattern depends critically on the ratio=P g /(P g +P r ). When , the speeda S anda A arise from the modified classical mode, and when , they originate from the radiation-induced mode.  相似文献   

The equation of radiative acoustics is derived by taking into account the effect of a transverse magnetic field, which is quite similar to the acoustic equation derived in Paper I. The only difference is that theadiabatic, isothermal, andisentropic speeds of sound and theradiation-acoustic speed are replaced by theadiabatic, isothermal, andisentropic magnetoacoustic speeds and theradiation-magnetoacoustic speed, respectively. The main results shown in Paper I are valid even in the presence of a transverse magnetic field.  相似文献   

The equation of radiative acoustics is derived by taking into account the effect of a non-transverse magnetic field, and the solutions are schematically represented. The main results shown in Paper I and Paper II are valid even in the presence of a non-transverse magnetic field, and the only difference is that theadiabatic, isothermal, andisentropic speeds of sound and theradiation-acoustic speed in Paper I which respectively correspond to theadiabatic, isothermal, andisentropic magnetoacoustic speeds and theradiation-magnetoacoustic speed in Paper II are replaced by the sets of speeds ofadiabatic, isothermal, isentropic, andradiation-acoustic fast andslow waves, respectively.  相似文献   

The present work applies the method of characteristics to study the behaviour of planar and cylindrical wave-heads propagating through a perfectly electrically conducting and thermally radiating inviscid gas under the optically thin limit in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. The true nonlinear progress of the flow variable gradients at the wavefront is predicted and the critical distance at which the characteristics pile up at the wavefront to form a shock wave is obtained. It is investigated as to how the effects of radiative flux, the magnetic field strength and the specific heat ratio influence the process of steepening or flattening of the characteristic wavefront.  相似文献   

Similarity solutions, for one-dimensional unsteady of a perfect gas behind a spherical shock wave produced on account of a sudden explosion or driven out by an expanding piston including the effects of radiative cooling and an idealised azimuthal magnetic field, are studied. The shock is assumed to be strong and it is propagating into a transparent medium at rest with varying density. The magnetic field is proportional tor ?1. The total energy of the wave is time dependent obeying a power law.  相似文献   

A self-similar solution, for the equatorial propagation of axisymmetric point explosion into an inhomogeneous ideal gas permeated by a current-free azimuthal magnetic field, are obtained. The model has been considered here in which the magnetic field is proportional tor ?1, but the total energy of the wave is of the increasing order, not constant.  相似文献   

In this paper self-similar solutions have been investigated for the propagation of axisymmetric radiative gasdynamic shocks caused by an explosion into an inhomogeneous ideal gas permeated by a current free azimuthal magnetic field. The effects of radiation flux and magnetic field together have been seen in the region of interest on the other flow variables. The total energy of the flow between the inner expanding surface and the shock is taken to be dependent on shock radius obeying a power law. The radiative pressure and energy have been neglected.  相似文献   

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