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Air photo interpretation along with limited field work is the basis of a compilation map of Tertiary structures in the Upper Paleozoic through Mesozoic platform cover strata of Nordenskiold Land. Permian Kapp Starostin Formation strata form a continuous marker horizon delineating both a large NE-verging fold complex, which involves the basement (Hecla Hoek sequence) through basal Tertiary strata, and somewhat smaller scale folds, some of which may have formed in association with detachments and thrusts within the platform cover sequence. The map pattern is both a function of local structural plunge and changes in fold geometry along strike. Regional considerations suggest that subsurface basement-involved thrusts exist. In S Nordenskiold Land, to the E of folded Kapp Starostin Formation strata, a 3.5 km wide zone of folding and thrusting in Triassic and Jurassic strata above a subhorizontal decollement is inferred to occur. Further E is the W limb of the central Tertiary basin syncline.  相似文献   

This study has defined five brachiopod assemblage zones within the Permian Kapp Starostin Formation of Festningen, Central West Spitsbergen. They are designated as the Horridonia timanica zone, the Waagenoconcha sp. A (Gobbett 1964) zone, the Megousia weyprechti zone, the Plerospirifer alatus zone and the Haydenella wilczeki zone in ascending order. Only the lower three zones are recognized in the same formation of Sveltihel.
The first zone, which is exactly equivalent to the 'Spirifer Limestone'as well as the Vøringcn Member of the Kapp Starostin Formation, is probably Kungurian in age. The last zone, situated near the uppermost portion of the Hovtinden Member, may possibly have a brachiopod assemblage matching that of the Cyclolobus -bearing beds of the Foldvik Creek Formation in Central East Greenland. Consequently, the uppermost beds of the Kapp Starostin Formation are chronologically dated as late Permian, most probably as Dzhulfian of the Tethys Province.  相似文献   

The Tertiary deformation in east Oscar II Land, Spitsbergen, is compressional and thin-skinned, and includes thrusts with ramp-flat geometry and associated fault-bend and fault-propagation folds. The thrust front in the Mediumfjellct-Lappdalen area consists of intensely deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks thrust on top of subhorizontal Mesozoic rocks to the east. The thrust front represents a complex frontal ramp duplex in which most of the eastward displacement is transferred from sole thrusts in the Permian and probably Carboniferous strata to roof thrusts in the Triassic sequence. The internal geometries in the thrust front suggest a complex kinematic development involving not only simple 'piggy-back', in-sequencc thrusting, but also overstep as well as out-of-sequence thrusting. The position of the thrust front and across-strike variation in structural character in east Oscar II Land is interpreted to be controlled by lithological (facies) variations and/or pre-existing structures, at depth, possibly cxtensional faults associated with the Carboniferous graben system.  相似文献   

The Vikinghøgda Formation (250 m) is defined with a stratotype in Deltadalen-Vikinghøgda in central Spitsbergen. The Vikinghøgda Formation replaces the Vardebukta and Sticky Keep Formations of Buchan et al. (1965) and the lower part of the Barentsøya Formation of Lock et al. (1978) as extended geographically by Mørk, Knarud et al. (1982) in central Spitsbergen, Barentsøya and Edgeøya. The formation consists of three member: the Deltadalen Member (composed of mudstones with sandstones and siltstones), the Lusitaniadalen Member (dominated by mudstones with thin siltstone beds and some limestone concretions) and the Vendomdalen Member (composed of dark shales with dolomite interbeds and nodules). The Lusitaniadalen and Vendomdalen members replace the former Sticky Keep Formation/ Member in the siirne areu. The Vikinghøda Formation can be followed through central and eastern Spitsbergen to Barentøya and Edgeøya and includes all sediments between the chert-rich Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) and the organic-rich shales of the Botneheia Formation (Middle Triassic). The subdivision into three members is also reflected in the organic carbon content and palynofacies. Upwards. each succeeding member becomes more distal, organic-rich and oil-prone than the one below.
The Vikinghøda Formation is well-dated by six ammonoid zones. although the transitional beds between the Deltadalen and Lusitaniadalen members lack age diagnostic macrofossils. Corresponding palynozonation and magnetustratigraphy have also been determined. The overall stratigraphical development correlates well with other key Triassic areas in the Arctic, although intervals in the late Dienerian and early Smithian may be condensed or missing.  相似文献   

The Yanshan fold‐thrust belt is an exposed portion of a major Mesozoic orogenic system that lies north of Beijing in northeast China. Structures and strata within the Yanshan record a complex history of thrust faulting characterized by multiple deformational events. Initially, Triassic thrusting led to the erosion of a thick sequence of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary strata from northern reaches of the thrust belt; Triassic–Lower Jurassic strata that record this episode are deposited in a thin belt south of this zone of erosion. This was followed by postulated Late Jurassic emplacement of a major allochthon (the Chengde thrust plate), which is thought to have overridden structures and strata associated with the Triassic event and is cut by two younger thrusts (the Gubeikou and Chengde County thrusts). The Chengde allochthon is now expressed as a major east–west trending, thrust‐bounded synform (the Chengde synform), which has been interpreted as a folded klippe 20 km wide underlain by a single, north‐vergent thrust fault. Two sedimentary basins, defined on the basis of provenance, geochronology and palaeodispersal trends, developed within the Yanshan belt during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous time and are closely associated with the Chengde thrust and allied structures. Shouwangfen basin developed in the footwall of the Gubeikou thrust and records syntectonic unroofing of the hanging wall of that fault. Chengde basin developed in part atop Proterozoic strata interpreted as the upper plate of the Chengde allochthon and records unroofing of the adjacent Chengde County thrust. Both the Chengde County thrust and the Gubeikou thrust are younger than emplacement of the postulated Chengde allochthon, and structurally underlie it, yet neither Shouwangfen basin nor Chengde basin contain a detrital record of the erosion of this overlying structure. In addition, facies, palaeodispersal patterns and geochronology of Upper Jurassic strata that are cut by the Chengde thrust suggest only limited (ca. 5 km) displacement along this fault. We suggest that the units forming the Chengde synform are autochthonous, and that the synform is bounded by two limited‐displacement faults of opposing north and south vergence, rather than a single large north‐directed thrust. This conclusion implies that the Yanshan belt experienced far less Late Jurassic shortening than was previously thought, and has major implications for the Mesozoic evolution of the region. Specifically, we argue that the bulk of shortening and uplift in the Yanshan belt was accomplished during Triassic–Early Jurassic time, and that Late Jurassic structures modified and locally ponded sediments from a well‐developed southward drainage system developed atop this older orogen. Although Upper Jurassic strata are widespread throughout the Yanshan belt, it is clear that these strata developed within several discrete intermontane basins that are not correlable across the belt as a single entity. Thus, the Yanshan has no obvious associated foreland basin, and determining where the Mesozoic erosional products of this orogen ultimately lie is one of the more intriguing unresolved questions surrounding the palaeogeography of North China.  相似文献   

The Rio do Peixe Basin is part of a series of aborted Cretaceous rifts formed within the Proterozoic Borborema Province, onshore NE Brazil in response to rifting between Africa and South America. The basin is remarkably well-imaged and comprises fault-bounded depocentres, the main ones being the NE-oriented Brejo das Freiras and the E–W-oriented Sousa half-grabens. These grabens and their bounding faults are influenced by Neoproterozoic basement shear zones and present a complex framework of secondary normal faults and folds. Recent workers also interpret large reverse faults and regional post-rift shortening driven by far-field stresses from the Andes. For those reasons, the basin represents an ideal setting to investigate the multiphase history of rift basins. We thus combine borehole-calibrated 2D and 3D seismic and magnetic data with section restoration and numerical modelling to investigate the architecture and evolution of this basin. We aim to understand: (i) the controls of the basement fabric in 3D fault architecture and kinematics and (ii) how syn-rift faults controlled the geometry and development of fault-related folds. By doing this, we also investigate the timing, kinematics, and magnitude of inversion in the basin to explore its multiphase history. We demonstrate that (i) the basement fabric controlled not only the strike of faults but also their geometry and polarity at depth, (ii) folds in the syn-rift sequence are attributed simply to syn-rift extension along stepped and/or curved faults, and (iii) inverted and/or reverse faults occur within the basin, but these are minor and appear to have formed during rifting. We explain this minor inversion by a change in plate kinematics related to the onset of the nearby transform margin to the north. These results have implications for understanding the 3D evolution of oblique grabens, the role of structural inheritance, and the recognition of inversion- versus extension-related folds in rift basins worldwide.  相似文献   

Three successive zones of fault‐related folds disrupt the proximal part of the northern Tian Shan foreland in NW China. A new magnetostratigraphy of the Taxi He section on the north limb of the Tugulu anticline in the middle deformed zone clarifies the chronology of both tectonic deformation and depositional evolution of this collisional mountain belt. Our ~1200‐m‐thick section encompasses the upper Cenozoic terrigenous sequence within which ~300 sampling horizons yield an age span of ~8–2 Ma. Although the basal age in the Taxi He section of the Xiyu conglomerate (often cited as an indicator of initial deformation) is ~2.1 Ma, much earlier growth of the Tugulu anticline is inferred from growth strata dated at ~6.0 Ma. Folding of Neogene strata and angular unconformities in anticlines in the more proximal and distal deformed zones indicate deformation during Miocene and Early Pleistocene times, respectively. In the Taxi He area, sediment‐accumulation rates significantly accelerate at ~4 Ma, apparently in response to encroaching thrust loads. Together, growth strata, angular unconformities, and sediment‐accumulation rates document the northward migration of tectonic deformation into the northern Tian Shan foreland basin during the late Cenozoic. A progradational alluvial–lacustrine system associated with this northward progression is subdivided into two facies associations at Tugulu: a shallow lacustrine environment before ~5.9 Ma and an alluvial fan environment subsequently. The lithofacies progradation encompasses the time‐transgressive Xiyu conglomerate deposits, which should only be recognized as a lithostratigraphic unit. Along the length of the foreland, the locus of maximum shortening shifts between the medial and proximal zones of folding, whereas the total shortening across the foreland remains quite homogeneous along strike, suggesting spatially steady tectonic forcing since late Miocene times.  相似文献   

Messinian evaporites of locally more than 3‐km thickness occupy the subduction zone between Cyprus and Eratosthenes Seamount. Based on a dense grid of seismic reflection profiles, we report on compressional salt tectonics and its impact on the Late Miocene to Quaternary structural evolution of the Cyprus subduction zone. Results show that evaporites have experienced significant post‐Messinian shortening along the plate boundary. Shortening has initiated allochthonous salt advance between Cyprus and Eratosthenes Seamount, representing an excellent example of salt which efficiently escapes subduction and accretion. Further east, between Eratosthenes Seamount and the Hecataeus Rise, evaporites were compressionally inflated without having advanced across post‐Messinian strata. Such differences in the magnitude of salt tectonic shortening may reflect a predominately north–south oriented post‐Messinian convergence direction, raising the possibility of a later coupling between the motion of Cyprus and Anatolia than previously thought. Along the area bordered by Cyprus and Eratosthenes Seamount a prominent step in the seafloor represents the northern boundary of a controversially debated semi‐circular depression. Coinciding with the southern edge of the salt sheet, this bathymetric feature is suggested to have formed as a consequence of compressional salt inflation and seamount‐directed salt advance. Topographic lows on top of highly deformed evaporites are locally filled by up to 700 m of late Messinian sediments. The uppermost 200 m of these sediments were drilled in the course of ODP Leg 160 and interpreted to represent Lago Mare‐type deposits (Robertson, Tectonophysics, 1998d, 298 , 63‐82). Lago Mare deposits are spatially restricted to the western part of the subduction zone, pinching out towards the east whereas presumably continuing into the Herodotus Basin further west. We suggest a sea level control on late Messinian Lago Mare sedimentation, facilitating sediment delivery into basinal areas whereas inhibiting Lago Mare deposition into the desiccated Levant Basin. Locally, early salt deformation is believed to have provided additional accommodation space for Lago Mare sedimentation, resulting in the presently observed minibasin‐like geometry.  相似文献   

Extensional fault‐propagation folds are now recognised as being an important part of basin structure and development. They have a very distinctive expression, often presenting an upward‐widening monocline, which is subsequently breached by an underlying, propagating fault. Growth strata, if present, are thought to provide a crucial insight into the manner in which such structures grow in space and time. However, interpreting their stratigraphic signal is neither straightforward nor unique. Both analogue and numerical models can provide some insight into fold growth. In particular, the trishear kinematic model has been widely adopted to explain many aspects of the evolution and geometry of such fault‐propagation folds. However, in some cases the materials/rheologies used to represent the cover do not reproduce the key geometric/stratigraphic features of such folds seen in nature. This appears to arise from such studies not addressing adequately the very heterogenous mechanical stratigraphy seen in many sedimentary covers. In particular, flexural slip between beds/layers is often not explicitly modelled but, paradoxically, it appears to be an important deformation mechanism operative in such settings. Here, I present a 2D discrete element model of extensional fault‐propagation folding which explicitly includes flexural slip between predefined sedimentary units or layers in the cover. The model also includes growth strata and shows how they may reflect the various evolutionary stages of fold and fault growth. When flexural slip is included in the modelling scheme, the resultant breached monoclines and their growth strata are strikingly similar to some of those seen in nature. Results are also compared with those obtained using simple, homogeneous, frictional‐cohesive and elastic cover materials. Both un‐lithified and lithified growth strata are considered and clearly show that, rather than just being passive recorders of structural evolution, growth strata can themselves have an important effect on fault‐related fold growth. Implications for the evolution of and strain within, the resultant growth structures are discussed. A final focus of this study is the relationship that trishear might have with the upward‐widening zone of flexural slip activation away from a fault tip singularity.  相似文献   

Salt tectonics have markedly influenced the rapid evolution of the Upper Palaeozoic Cumberland Basin of Atlantic Canada, including the ca. 5 km‐thick Mississippian – Pennsylvanian stratigraphic succession exposed along the UNESCO World Heritage coastline at Joggins, Nova Scotia. A diapiric salt wall is exposed in the Minudie Anticline to the north of the Joggins section on the Maringouin Peninsula of New Brunswick, which corresponds to the fault‐bounded northern margin of the Cumberland Basin. The salt wall is of Visean evaporites of the Windsor Gp that originally were buried by red‐beds of the Mabou Gp in the Serpukhovian, and later by fluvial and floodplain strata (Boss Point Fm, Cumberland Gp) in the Yeadonian (mid‐Bashkirian, Early Pennsylvanian). Folds and faults in the Boss Point and overlying basal Little River formations are truncated by an angular unconformity at the base of overlying red‐beds of the Grande Anse Fm. Re‐evaluation of the palynological data delimits the Grande Anse Fm as Langsettian, providing a tight constraint of less than 2 myr on the timing of deformation. Diversion of palaeoflows by the rising salt structure, noted in previous work on the upper Boss Point Fm, occurs to the north of the diapiric anticline. This is interpreted to signify the development of a mini‐basin on commencement of diapirism once a ~1.5 km‐thick succession of clastic strata had buried the salt. Faults and folds in the succession below the unconformity indicate an initial phase of dextral transpressive strike‐slip motion, which may have promoted halokinesis. Reverse faults indicate shortening associated with northward development and overturn of the Minudie Anticline during transpression; subsequent normal faulting was associated with collapse of the sediment pile and underlying salt structure.  相似文献   

东亚土地覆盖动态与季风气候年际变化的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
香宝  刘纪远 《地理学报》2002,57(1):39-46
以东亚地区1982-1989年时间序列降水资料及AVHRR 8km NDVI数据为基本数据源,应用地理信息系统技术,分别研究了东亚地区夏季(5-9月)降水及土地覆盖的年际变化,并揭示了研究时间段内各自的变化规律。进一步用奇异值分解(SVD)模型方法分析了以降水变化为表征的东亚地区气候年际变化与土地覆盖年际变化之间的关系。  相似文献   

A part of the Carboniferous basin stratigraphy, the clastic to carbonaceous Minkinfjellet "Member" of the Nordenskioldbreen Formation in Central Spitsbergen, is deposited in an asymmetric basin structure (here referred to as the Minkinfjellet Basin), similar to the underlying Ebbadalen Formation. The western boundary -situated within the Billcfjorden Fault Zone -has probably been a little farther east than during deposition of the Ebbadalen strata. The thickness attains ca. 350 m in central parts of the basin, and the strata strongly attenuates to the east and south. The base and top are interpreted as low-angle stratigraphical unconformities. The boundary with the overlying Cadcllfjellet Member of the Nordenskioldbreen Formation is locally disrupted by carbonate breccias of suggested earthquake origin. Formation rank is suggested for the sedimentary succession of the Minkinfjellet basin.  相似文献   

Along‐strike structural linkage and interaction between faults is common in various compressional settings worldwide. Understanding the kinematic history of fault interaction processes can provide important constraints on the geometry and evolution of the lateral growth of segmented faults in the fold‐and‐thrust belts, which are important to seismic hazard assessment and hydrocarbon trap development. In this study, we study lateral structural geometry (fault displacement and horizon shortening) of thrust fault linkages and interactions along the Qiongxi anticline in the western Sichuan foreland basin, China, using a high‐resolution 3D seismic reflection dataset. Seismic interpretation suggests that the Qiongxi anticline can be related to three west‐dipping, hard‐linked thrust fault segments that sole onto a regional shallow detachment. Results reveal that the lateral linkage of fault segments limited their development, affecting the along‐strike fault displacement distributions. A deficit between shortening and displacement is observed to increase in linkage zones where complex structural processes occur, such as fault surface bifurcation and secondary faulting, demonstrating the effect of fault linkage process on structural deformation within a thrust array. The distribution of the geometrical characteristics shows that thrust fault development in the area can be described by both the isolated fault model and the coherent fault model. Our measurements show that new fault surfaces bifurcate from the main thrust ramp, which influences both strain distribution in the relay zone and along‐strike fault slip distribution. This work fully describes the geometric and kinematic characteristics of lateral thrust fault linkage, and may provide insights into seismic interpretation strategies in other complex fault transfer zones.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and geochronological studies along a north–south traverse across the Bangong‐Nujiang suture zone (BNSZ) in Gaize, Tibet provide evidence for a Late Triassic–Jurassic accretionary wedge accreted to the south margin of Qiangtang. This wedge, preserved as the Mugagangri Group (MG), records evidence for the northward subduction of the Bangong‐Nujiang Ocean (BNO) beneath Qiangtang. The MG strata comprise two coarser intervals (lower olistostromes and upper conglomerates) intercalated within sandy turbidites, which are consistent with timing and forearc stratigraphy during subduction initiation predicted by geodynamic modelling. Following the model, the northward subduction of the BNO beneath Qiangtang and subsequent arc‐magmatism are inferred to have begun, respectively, at ca. 220 Ma and ca. 210 Ma, with respect to depositional ages constrained by youngest detrital‐zircon ages. The initiation of arc‐magmatism is also supported by provenance transition reflected by sandstone detrital modes and age patterns of detrital zircons. Previously, evidence for an incipient arc was lacking, but the timing of Late Triassic BNO subduction and related arc‐magmatism is coincident with an important Late Triassic magmatic event in central Qiangtang that probably represents the ‘missing’ arc. Other Qiangtang events, such as exhumation of the Qiangtang metamorphic belt as a source area, and development of the Late Triassic Nadigangri deposits and bimodal volcanism, are more easily explained in the tectonic context of early northward subduction of the BNO beneath Qiangtang, beginning at about 220 Ma.  相似文献   

1951-2010 年中国主要气候区划界线的移动   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
根据采用同一区划方法、指标体系划分的1951-1980 年及1981-2010 年中国气候区划结果,对比分析了过去60 年中国气候区划的主要界线变化特征。结果表明:1951-1980 年至1981-2010 年,我国寒温带界线西缩、北移;暖温带北界东段北移,其中最大北移幅度超过1个纬度;北亚热带北界东段平均北移1 个纬度以上,并越过淮河一线;中亚热带北界中段从江汉平原南沿移至了江汉平原北部,最大移动幅度达2 个纬度;南亚热带北界西段北移0.5~2 个纬度;青藏高原亚寒带范围缩小,高原温带范围增加。东北湿润、半湿润区虽转干与趋湿并存,但其中温带地区的湿润-半湿润东界东移,大兴安岭中部与南部的半湿润-半干旱界线北扩;其他地区的干湿分界线虽未出现明显移动,但北方半干旱及华北半湿润区总体转干,河西走廊、新疆及青藏高原的干旱、半干旱区总体转湿;而南方湿润区则趋干与转湿并存。  相似文献   

长江经济带开发区空间分布与产业集聚特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用最近邻指数、Ripley’s L 函数、核密度估计等方法分析长江经济带开发区的空间分布与产业集聚特征,结果表明:① 长江经济带开发区总体上呈东密西疏、东强西弱、东中西段分异的显著集聚分布特征;② 基于主导产业划分的各类开发区在空间上均为集聚分布,集聚强度和规模随距离的增加基本都呈“先增加后减小”的规律,集聚形态各异,主要有“单核心”“双核心”“多核心”3种;③ 长江经济带东段地区主要以装备制造、通信电子、汽车制造、新材料、生物医药等资本技术密集型产业集聚为主,中、西段地区则集聚了化学工业、金属加工、食品制造、纺织服装等资本与劳动密集型产业。要加强经济带上中下游开发区之间的多维良性互动,注重绿色发展、创新发展与结构优化,进一步提升其对长江经济带高质量发展的引领与支撑作用。  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of Late Permian to early Jurassic rocks from the Alborz and Sanandaj–Sirjan zones in Iran and a compilation of selected palaeopoles from the Carboniferous to the present provide an updated history of the motion of the Iranian block within the Tethys Ocean. The Iran assemblage, part of Gondwana during the Palaeozoic, rifted away by the end of the Permian. We ascertain the southern-hemisphere palaeoposition of Iran at that time using magnetostratigraphy and show that it was situated close to Arabia, near to its relative position today. A northward transit of this block during the Triassic is shown, with an estimated expansion rate of the Neotethyan ridge of 100–140  km Myr−1. The northward convergence with respect to Eurasia ended during the Ladinian (Middle Triassic), and is marked by a collision in the northern hemisphere with the Turan platform, which was the southern margin of the Eurasian continent at that time. No north–south component of shortening is evidenced north of Iran afterwards. An analysis of the declinations from the Late Permian to the present shows different, large rotations, emphasizing the important tectonic phases suffered since the Triassic. Finally, we propose palaeomagnetic reconstructions of the Tethys area during the Late Permian and the Late Triassic, showing that the Palaeotethys Ocean was narrower than previously thought, and did not widen its gate to the Panthalassa before the Triassic period.  相似文献   

Detailed seismic reflection data combined with regional magnetic, gravity and geological data indicate that the Drummond Basin originated as a backare extensional basin associated with Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous active margin tectonism in the northern New England Fold Belt. Seismic reflection data have been used to generate a two-way time map of seismic basement, providing a clear view of the basinal geometry and structural development. Broadscale structural asymmetry of the basin implies that simple shear along a deep, upper-crustal detachment provided the extensional mechanism and generated an inter-related set of listric normal faults and associated transfer faults, as well as steeply-dipping planat normal faults. The orientation of normal faults near the basin margins appears to have been controlled by regional basement structural trends. Transfer-fault trends were approximarely orthogonal to the line of plate convergence as assessed from the orientation of coeval are, forcare and subduction complex stratorectonic elements. Three distinct phases of infill are represented in the basinal stratigraphic succession. The first consists largely of volcanics and volcaniclastics, indicating that effusive magmatism and extension were closely associated in space and time. The second is quartzose and of basement derivation, but was not derived from footwall blocks at the faulted basinal margins to the east and north. Uplifted hanging-wall crust beyond the western basinal margin, a product of west-directed simple shear detachment, was the likely source terrain. The final infill phase consisted of volcaniclastics considered to have been derived from a coeval volcanic are to the east. Major faults at the basin margins provided conduits for magmatism during extensional basin development, and long after the basinal history was complete. During the Late Carboniferous and mid-Triassic, the basin was affected by two discrete episodes of compressional deformation. This led to inversion with the development of folds, and reverse and wrench faults now seen at the surface.  相似文献   

Summary. Some 180 km of new VIBROSEIS profiles have been acquired in the southern Appalachian Inner Piedmont, Brevard fault zone and eastern Blue Ridge as part of the ADCOH Project site investigation. These data are of the highest quality yet obtained in a crystalline terrane in the US, perhaps in the world, and reveal several conclusions that should have a direct bearing upon the world-wide nature of composite crystalline thrust sheets and their modes of interaction with the platform rocks beneath. Strong reflections previously interpreted as the base of the crystalline sheet are clearly part of the platform sedimentary (clastic rocks) sequence resting upon the autochthonous basement and early Palaeozoic rift basins. This reflection package and related transparent zones are clearly repeated beneath the crystalline sheet indicating a complex of thrusts repeating units within the platform succession. Reflectors (granitoid-amplibolite contacts) in the crystalline sheet in the Inner Piedmont represent recumbent folds of similar wavelengths and amplitudes to folds mappable on the surface. Duplexing of platform rocks beneath the crystalline sheet appears to have resulted in doming of the crystalline sheet. Similarly, duplex formation in the platform was probably controlled by both the thickness of the crystalline sheet and the rheological properties of the platform succession.  相似文献   

The Sichuan Basin and the Songpan‐Ganze terrane, separated by the Longmen Shan fold‐and‐thrust belt (the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau), are two main Triassic depositional centres, south of the Qinling‐Dabie orogen. During the Middle–Late Triassic closure of the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean, the Sichuan Basin region, located at the western margin of the Yangtze Block, transitioned from a passive continental margin into a foreland basin. In the meantime, the Songpan‐Granze terrane evolved from a marine turbidite basin into a fold‐and‐thrust belt. To understand if and how the regional sediment routing system adjusted to these tectonic changes, we monitored sediment provenance primarily by using detrital zircon U‐Pb analyses of representative stratigraphic samples from the south‐western edge of the Sichuan Basin. Integration of the results with paleocurrent, sandstone petrology and published detrital zircon data from other parts of the basin identified a marked change in provenance. Early–Middle Triassic samples were dominated by Neoproterozoic (~700–900 Ma) zircons sourced mainly from the northern Kangdian basement, whereas Late Triassic sandstones that contain a more diverse range of zircon ages sourced from the Qinling, Longmen Shan and Songpan‐Ganze terrane. This change reflects a major drainage adjustment in response to the Late Triassic closure of the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean and significant shortening in the Longmen Shan thrust belt and the eastern Songpan‐Ganze terrane. Furthermore, by Late Triassic time, the uplifted northern Kangdian basement had subsided. Considering the eastward paleocurrent and depocenter geometry of the Upper Triassic deposits, subsidence of the northern Kangdian basement probably resulted from eastward shortening and loading of the Songpan‐Ganze terrane over the western margin of the Yangtze Block in response to the Late Triassic collision among Yangtze Block, Yidun arc and Qiangtang terrane along the Ganze‐Litang and Jinshajiang sutures.  相似文献   

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