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This article reports on the results of an online survey with 290 heterogeneous users of the interactive mapping platform WorldMap and provides insights into problems faced by such users. Heterogeneous users are users with a variety of GIS skills, educational background, gender, and age categories. We investigate how they interact with online maps and analyse their experience. WorldMap represents as a case study of an online mapping platform which aims to serve researchers and users across disciplines in viewing and creating online interactive maps. We concentrate on operations that are perceived as difficult and very difficult by the majority of users as well as operations that are rarely used. Our aim is to contribute to the discussions on how to improve the design of online GIS-based mapping platforms. We conclude the paper with reflections on the results of our study and ideas for further research.  相似文献   

Many research projects in public‐participation geographic information systems focused on the development of software prototypes that were conceptualized to complement traditional forms of public participation. Given the challenges introduced by the heterogeneity of their user base, system design, and decision making process, empirical evaluations of such systems based on actual use have been scarce. This article reports on a rigorous empirical assessment of human‐computer interaction of users of a web‐based system for participatory transportation planning. We devised three groups of participants with below‐average, average, and above‐average interaction duration through hierarchical cluster analysis. Subsequently, the characteristics of the clusters were subjected to logistic regression analysis to determine the significance and strength of statistical associations between duration of interaction and a host of individual‐level variables. Our results indicate a statistically significant reduction of the odds‐ratio for participants with above‐average duration of interaction in the case of no prior experience with online transportation discussions. No significant associations were found between overall duration of interaction and sociodemographic background, cognitive decision‐making style, and travel behavior. We advocate for the development of adaptable participatory systems which accommodate flexibility in terms of both the user interface and pathways of the decision making process.  相似文献   

介绍了ActiveBar的对象组成和结构,以具体的GIS系统项目开发实例,详细介绍了ActiveBar在地图窗口、鹰眼图窗口、工具栏、动态带区生成等界面设计中的应用,应用结果表明:ActiveBar控件不仅可以设计出友好的用户界面,而且大大提高了GIS系统界面设计的工作效率.  相似文献   

数字化房产管理商品房买卖合同网上备案子系统中GIS的应用,使商品房买卖合同网上备案的具体情况更为直观,达到了联机备案的目的.利用GIS的功能,既给消费者购买房屋提供权威的数据(如楼盘信息、各户型开间图信息、预警报表信息、楼盘地段图信息等),又为开发商的销售做了有利的宣传.  相似文献   

讨论了设计一个高质量的GIS用户界面应遵循的基本原则,对GIS用户界面的实现方法进行了详细的阐述,并结合GIS工程建设实践,指出快速原型法是构建GIS用户界面系统的有效方法。  相似文献   

Educators and non‐educators alike commonly assume that online courses cannot match the effectiveness of their traditional, face‐to‐face counterparts. This article describes a comparative study of the performance and study habits of two groups of students in a course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software programming and customization: one delivered online to adult professionals working asynchronously; the other delivered in a blended, online/face‐to‐face environment to upper‐level undergraduates in residence. Course grades show that the undergraduate cohort underperformed in comparison to the online cohort, in spite of the fact that their version of the course included face‐to‐face lecture and lab time in addition to the online course materials. To explore differences in the study habits of the two groups, all students were asked to keep a diary of the time they devoted to coursework. Information from these diaries suggest that a student's ability to meet learning objectives is less dependent on the course content delivery mechanism than it is on the student's motivation, maturity and time management skills.  相似文献   

宋丽洁  刘杨  王新建 《北京测绘》2021,35(4):516-519
本文根据贯通测量的原理,设计了主斜井及回风斜井的贯通测量方案,包括地面的平面控制测量、高程控制测量、斜井联系测量以及井下的导线测量和高程测量,最后对两巷道在水平和竖直方向上的误差进行分析,利用得出的结论判断两井巷之间是否能够准确贯通.方案设计的最终结果表明:两斜井的贯通在水平和竖直方向上均未超出规定限差,方案能够满足贯...  相似文献   

The main goal of this research is to investigate the influence of a map’s background colour on user preferences regarding labels’ typography, including their size, shape, orientation and texture. Four sets of backgrounds were tested: blank maps, grey scale, hot colours and cold colours. The foreground of these maps is populated with name labels, which are associated with point objects or areal objects. Bertin’s visual variables were applied to this set of name labels, both separately and in combination. User preferences of different typographic variations were registered and compared on the basis of different background colours using a one-way ANOVA. The results indicated that the typographic design of the map labels should not be adapted according to the map’s background colour.  相似文献   

阐述了3D GIS和城市地质调查的概念和理论,在3D GIS技术支持下开展了天津市城市地质调查工作,建立了真三维地质结构并模拟了地铁2号线开挖模型,清晰、准确和形象地反映了天津市复杂的城市地质构造形态,为城市安全、地下空间开发提供了核心解决方案。  相似文献   

介绍了在AutoCAD平台开发实现面向GIS的测图软件的关键技术方法,使其具有GIS的新功能和支持全系列多种比例尺的数字化成图。  相似文献   

石琳  张琼 《东北测绘》2014,(2):165-167,170
随着计算机技术的不断进步,用户界面设计---有效的人机交互策略变得更加重要。地理信息系统的发展要求其系统软件的设计者与开发者设计开发出更加人性化的用户界面,以提高不同领域、不同层次软件使用者的满意度。  相似文献   

在夹江第二次土地调查中,运用RS技术进行土地利用分类,以1∶5 000高精度航片为数据源,建立解译标志进行初步目视解译,然后根据外业数据修正完善,再采用人机对话的方式完成分类。运用GIS技术对影像和矢量分类结果进行建库汇总和空间分析。  相似文献   

陀螺全站仪是将陀螺仪和全站仪结合在一起的仪器。由于它不受时间、环境的限制,同时观测简单方便,效率高,所以它是一种先进的定向仪器。本文结合实际应用,对日本索佳GP1X陀螺全站仪在矿山贯通测量中的应用,提出提高其定向精度与工作效率的几点意见和建议。  相似文献   

面向对象的测量平差软件设计与网络化应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对测量平差软件用面向对象的方法进行了重新设计,并用纯面向对象的Java语言实现了其抽象类和继承类,各种平差方法都以对象的形式出现,为程序代码的共享和多用户并发运行时字节码的共享打下了基础。  相似文献   

大型贯通测量中常常使用加测陀螺边来提高贯通测量精度,但目前对于陀螺定向边的位置选取并无明确规范和要求。本文主要探讨了不同位置的陀螺定向边选取对贯通测量精度的影响。实验结果表明,井下选取的陀螺定向边与测定仪器常数的地面已知边之间距离过大对于贯通测量精度影响较大,在井下选取陀螺定向边位置时,应与测定仪器常数的地面已知边距离保持在3 000 m以内为优。  相似文献   

林向军 《现代测绘》2011,34(5):51-52
本文从现有控制点成果管理的现状分析,提出了建设"宁夏测量标志管理信息系统"的需求,同时从系统建设的目标、系统设计的功能设计说明如何利用ArcGIS平台的强大功能对全区的测量标志进行管理和服务。  相似文献   

林平 《北京测绘》2014,(4):13-18
贯通测量误差预计多采用规程规定的测量参数,而规程参数多假设在比较理想的环境下,是经过相应理论推导的结果。但是由于各矿井的具体条件不同,在巷道贯通后分析巷道贯通误差,以现用规程规定的误差参数预计的误差与实际差别较大。因此,各矿要根据自己实际情况的不同,进行误差预计参数的确定。本文首先对贯通测量误差参数的类型和重要性进行了综合评述,并对其中地面控制网误差参数和井下控制网误差参数的理论确定方法进行了介绍,用实测资料进行确定。  相似文献   

由于海底电缆敷设环境复杂,水文气象条件多变,海缆运行安全受环境影响较大。本文运用地理信息技术,解析了海底电缆保护中多源环境监控数据。通过对海底电缆运行环境的可视化表达、船舶动态监控及风险评估,实现了海底电缆运行环境监测的自动化和智能化,有效提高了航行船舶对海底电缆破坏风险预警的可靠性及效率。  相似文献   

地质调查业务信息化建设一般是先建立数据库,实现大量数据的高效、统一、规范化集成与管理,在此基础上,再去研究建立一个专业的、开放的平台来发布可供利用的数据,实现信息共享。本文结合环境地质调查的数据特征与信息技术,论述了环境地质调查信息发布平台的体系结构、功能结构、数据支撑体系等。利用Map GIS以及数据库、ASP.NET等技术建立起区域内环境地质调查信息发布平台,实现了环境地质空间信息和属性信息的集中发布、远程浏览查询、信息共享等功能。表明已有的技术体系和数据体系能够比较完美的实现环境地质调查工作,为专业机构和社会信息化服务。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市测量标志自20世纪50年代建设以来,具有种类多、使用周期长、资料体系复杂等特点。为有效保护和管理测量标志信息,本文探讨了基于SOA架构的测量标志管理系统设计与研发,通过运用地理信息系统,实现测量标志信息的在线查询、可视管理与动态维护。  相似文献   

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