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Here we present the results of a detailed cryptotephra investigation through the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition, from a new sediment core record obtained from Lake Hämelsee, Germany. Two tephra horizons, the Laacher See Tephra (Eifel Volcanic Field) and the Saksunarvatn Ash (Iceland), have been previously described in this partially varved sediment record, indicating the potential of the location as an important Lateglacial tephrochronological site in northwest Europe. We have identified three further tephra horizons, which we correlate to: the c. 12.1 ka BP Vedde Ash (Iceland), the c. 11 ka BP Ulmener Maar tephra (Eifel Volcanic Field) and the c. 10.8 ka BP Askja‐S tephra (Iceland). Three additional cryptotephra deposits have been found (locally named HÄM_T1616, HÄM_T1470 and HÄM_T1456‐1455), which cannot be correlated to any known eruption at present. Geochemical analysis of the deposits suggests that these cryptotephras most likely have an Icelandic origin. Our discoveries provide age constraints for the new sediment records from Lake Hämelsee and enable direct stratigraphical correlations to be made with other tephra‐bearing sites across Europe. The new tephrostratigraphical record, within a partially varved Lateglacial sediment record, highlights the importance of Lake Hämelsee as a key site within the European tephra lattice.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):417-430
The Longi-Taormina Unit forms the “Dorsale calcaire” of the Peloritani Alpine Belt (southern Calabria-Peloritani Arc). It is made by a thick sedimentary cover of Meso-Cenozoic age overlying a Variscan weakly metamorphosed Cambrian to Carboniferous succession.

The Palaeozoic series consists of pelitic to arenaceous sediments containing layers of acidic and basic volcanics. The acidic volcanics are affected by the “Caledonian” compressional deformations and are referred to Early Ordovician. The basic rocks belong to two different volcanic cycles; the first, not dated, is ascribed to the Caledonian cycle according to its geochemical signature; whereas the second, middle-late Devonian in age, is interpreted to have formed in the framework of pre-Variscan extensional tectonics. During the Variscan Orogeny (330 Ma), the area recorded metamorphism up to subgreenschist-to-greenschist facies and two main deformation phases, marked by syn-schistose early folds (Dv1), overprinted by dominantly NW-SE trending late folds (Dv2).

During the Aquitanian, deformation related to the Alpine Orogeny led to imbrication of the Palaeozoic and Meso-Cenozoic series. The sedimentary cover was affected by a series of N090° to N130° trending folds. Detailed stratigraphical and structural investigations on the tectonic contact between the Longi-Taormina Unit, and the overlying Fondachelli Unit indicate that this structure is part of a frontal thrust ramp which developed during the Aquitanian.

Our geological and structural studies on the Cambrian to Aquitanian rocks of the Longi-Taormina Unit of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc enable to unravel the complex geodynamic history of the central-western Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Isla San Pedro Nolasco (ISPN) is a structural high bounded by inactive dextral oblique-slip faults in the east-central part of the Gulf of California rift zone and is composed of intrusive rocks not exposed on other Gulf of California islands. Here we present the reconnaissance results from geological mapping, as well as first geochemical and geochronological data for the ISPN intrusive complex. The intrusive rocks compose a sheet-like body of intermediate and felsic composition intruded by an intermediate and acidic dike swarm. All intrusive rocks (host and dikes) range in age from ca. 9 Ma to 10 Ma (40Ar/39Ar) and show a hydrous ferromagnesian mineral association (amphibole and biotite) with a calc-alkalic and transitional affinity. This hydrated mineralogical association has not been recognized in the coeval rocks along the onshore western margin of the North American plate (coastal Sonora). However, such hydrous mineralogical association is found in the coeval rift transitional volcanic rocks from the Baja California Microplate at Santa Rosalía and Bahía de Los Ángeles – Bahía de Las Ánimas. The ISPN continental block, at least 40 km long, has been pulled apart by transtensional faulting of the late Miocene Gulf of California shear zone before the westward migration of the North America-Pacific plate boundary at ca. 3–2 Ma. Eventually, ISPN became isolated as an island during the late Miocene flooding of the Gulf of California seaway.  相似文献   


On 22 March 2014, a massive, catastrophic landslide occurred near Oso, Washington, USA, sweeping more than 1 km across the adjacent valley flats and killing 43 people. For the following 5 weeks, hundreds of workers engaged in an exhaustive search, rescue, and recovery effort directly in the landslide runout path. These workers could not avoid the risks posed by additional large-scale slope collapses. In an effort to ensure worker safety, multiple agencies cooperated to swiftly deploy a monitoring and alerting system consisting of sensors, automated data processing and web-based display, along with defined communication protocols and clear calls to action for emergency management and search personnel. Guided by the principle that an accelerating landslide poses a greater threat than a steadily moving or stationary mass, the system was designed to detect ground motion and vibration using complementary monitoring techniques. Near real-time information was provided by continuous GPS, seismometers/geophones, and extensometers. This information was augmented by repeat-assessment techniques such as terrestrial and aerial laser scanning and time-lapse photography. Fortunately, no major additional landsliding occurred. However, we did detect small headscarp failures as well as slow movement of the remaining landslide mass with the monitoring system. This was an exceptional response situation and the lessons learned are applicable to other landslide disaster crises. They underscore the need for cogent landslide expertise and ready-to-deploy monitoring equipment, the value of using redundant monitoring techniques with distinct goals, the benefit of clearly defined communication protocols, and the importance of continued research into forecasting landslide behavior to allow timely warning.


The importance of borehole cores and the geological insights which they provide are often underappreciated. Here the problems of seeking a water supply for an industrial town in Northern England have resulted in a very rare opportunity to view a core in the public domain. As we need to raise the profile of the geosciences and ensure a public understanding of the importance of geology in underpinning our society we should seek other opportunities to highlight history and importance of borehole drilling and the cores recovered.  相似文献   

A unique sequence of Late Saalian, Eemian and Early Weichselian strata is exposed in a coastal outcrop at Mommark in the western Baltic. The sedimentary facies and faunas reflect palaeoenvironmental changes from an initial freshwater lake followed by marine transgression and interglacial deposition in a palaeo-Baltic sea. The upper part of the Eemian marine record indicates regression followed by lacustrine sedimentation and deposition of Early Weichselian aeolian sediments, which are truncated by an erosional unconformity overlain by a till bed. The lower and middle parts of the sequence have previously been correlated with the European glacial-interglacial stratigraphy on the basis of pollen analysis, while the upper part has been dated for the present study using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of samples from the aeolian and glacial deposits. A similar complete glacial-interglacial-glacial succession has not previously been recorded from this area. The Mommark sequence of conformable strata has been subjected to lateral compression, evidenced by folding and low-angle reverse faults. Seismic records from the adjacent waters in the western Baltic reveal a system of buried Quaternary valleys in the area. It is suggested that the interglacial deposition took place in a basin within one of these valleys and that a slab constituting the Mommark sequence, originating from the margin of a valley, has been glaciotectonically displaced northwestwards to the present location.  相似文献   

中亚造山带作为地球上规模宏伟的造山带之一, 是显生宙以来陆壳增生和伸展作用强烈的地区。华北克拉通是世界上最古老的陆块之一, 晚中生代以来经历了大规模的伸展作用。中亚造山带与华北克拉通南北相连, 悠久的构造演化进程使这一地区成为研究大陆造山及造山后伸展作用的理想场所。本文对新近完成的横过中亚造山带南缘—华北克拉通北缘(洪格尔—怀来)的600 km大地电磁长剖面, 进行了严格规范的数据处理、分析和反演, 获得了深部电性结构模型, 研究了中亚造山带南缘和华北克拉通北缘深部壳幔结构, 进而为该区构造演化提供新的依据。沿剖面, 上地壳高阻体与分布的花岗岩对应; 中、下地壳向北倾斜的高导层与其下方高导体相连, 指示出地幔物质上升的通道, 该套高导层与高导体可能形成于板块碰撞后的伸展环境, 反映出地幔物质的上升作用是碰撞后构造伸展的主要动力。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(10-11):1261-1277
Analyses of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae and humification have been carried out on a 2800-year core from Tore Hill Moss, a raised bog in the Strathspey region of Scotland. All three analyses were carried out at the same 4 cm intervals allowing exact correlation, and the core was dated by nine Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates and the Glen Garry tephra layer. The results have been combined and compared to present a bog surface wetness (BSW) record within which the limitations of each proxy method can be assessed and this has highlighted the advantages of a combined rather than a single proxy approach. Significant wet shifts are recorded at ca cal. 560 BC, 60 BC, AD 430, AD 570, AD 700, AD 1090 and AD 1640. Significant shifts to drier periods are also suggested ca cal. AD 220, AD 500 and AD 820. Some of the recorded shifts and phases are related to phases of wetter and drier climate such as the Sub-boreal/Sub-atlantic transition, the Dark Age deterioration and the Romano-British Warm Period. The Dark Ages are notable as a period of rapid peat accumulation and frequent water table fluctuations. Time-series analysis revealed a significant wet-shift cycle of 560 years from the testate amoebae data.  相似文献   

Abstract The formation of spiral-shaped inclusion trails (SSITs) is problematical, and the two viable models for their formation involve opposite shear senses along the foliation in which the porphyroblasts are growing. One model argues for porphyroblast rotation, with respect to a geographically fixed reference frame, whereas the other argues for no such porphyroblast rotation, but instead rotation of the matrix foliation around the porphyroblast. Thus, porphyroblasts with SSITs cannot be used as shear-sense indicators until it is conclusively determined which model best explains them.
Any successful model must explain features associated with SSITs, including: (1) foliation truncation zones, (2) smoothly curving SSITs, (3) millipede microstructure, (4) total inclusion-trail curvature in median sections, (5) porphyroblasts with SSITs that have grown together, (6) evidence for relative porphyroblast displacements, (7) shear-sense indicators inside and outside porphyroblasts; (8) crenulations associated with porphyroblasts and (9) geometries in sections subparallel to spiral axes (axes of rotation). A detailed study of these features suggests that most, if not all, can be explained by both the rotational and non-rotational models, in spite of these models involving diametrically opposed movement senses. Therefore, geometrical analysis of individual porphyroblast microstructures may not determine which model best explains SSITs until the kinematics required to form these microstructures are better understood, in particular the sense of shear along a developing crenulation cleavage. Specific tests for determining the shear sense along crenulation cleavages are proposed, and results of such tests may conclusively resolve the debate over how SSITs form.  相似文献   

Pb, Nd and Sr isotope data are reported from two localities on mineral separates from Mg-rich metapelites and associated rocks that have been subducted to depths of at least 100 km, for which metamorphic conditions are estimated at 28–33 kilobars pressure and 700°–800° C, and then returned to the surface. Initial isotope ratio data from the granitoid country rock are similar to those found in the metapelites. The initial ratios indicate predominantly recycled, aged granitic crustal materials for the sources of all of the samples. Five zircon samples, 4 from pyrope megacrysts and 1 from fine-grained pyrope quartzite lenses in the metapelites accurately define a chord yielding intercept ages of 304±10 and 38.0±1.4 Ma in a concordia diagram. Zircon from the country rock also plots along the chord. The zircon data, together with initial Nd and Sr data, indicate that the sedimentary sources of the rocks were derived mainly or entirely from sialic Hercynian rocks. Ellenbergerite from pyrope megacrysts and monazite from the fine-grained ground mass yield slightly younger ages of 30–34 Ma, apparently reflecting lower blocking temperatures than that of zircon. Sm−Nd data from a pyrope megacryst give an errorchron corresponding to an age of 38 Ma, in agreement with the zircon date. A major question concerns the timing of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Experimental data suggest that pyrope and quartz/coesite as well as ellenbergerite formed by various metamorphic reactions. If, as generally assumed, the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism occurred ca. 100 Ma ago, our data require that the zircon did not experience measurable lead loss at that time, but lost major amounts of lead 38 Ma ago during late Alpine metamorphism. Estimates of diffusion rates for Nd in pyrope further suggest that the apparent Sm/Nd age of 38 Ma for the megacryst is not consistent with that model. Those problems are resolved if the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism occurred 38–40 Ma ago, but problems remain from Ar/Ar dates of 100 Ma on phengite, an inferred 120 Ma age for zircon lead loss from another study, and possibly by the very rapid uplift required if the metamorphism is that young. Dedicated to Professor Borwin Grauert on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

Stanford, S. D. 2009: Onshore record of Hudson River drainage to the continental shelf from the late Miocene through the late Wisconsinan deglaciation, USA: synthesis and revision. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00106.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Fluvial and glacial deposits in New Jersey, Long Island, and the Hudson valley provide a record of Hudson River drainage since the late Miocene. Late Miocene fluvial deposits record southerly flow across the emerged inner New Jersey shelf. In the late Miocene–early Pliocene this drainage incised, shifted southwesterly, and discharged to the shelf south of New Jersey. During late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene glaciation, discharge to the shelf in the New York City area was established. This drainage incised and stabilized in the Early and Middle Pleistocene and remained open during pre‐Wisconsinan (Oxygen Isotope Stage 6? (OIS‐6?)) and late Wisconsinan (OIS‐2) glacial advances. During late Wisconsinan retreat, moraine deposits dammed the valley at the Narrows to form Lake Albany. From 19 to 15.5 kyr BP (all dates in 14C yr), Hudson drainage was directed eastward into the Long Island Sound lowland. Drainage of Lake Wallkill into Lake Albany at 15.5 kyr BP breached the Narrows dam and initiated the unstable phase of Lake Albany, which was controlled by eroding spillways, first on the moraine dam, then on emerged lake‐bottom in the mid‐Hudson valley. Marine incursion between 12 and 11 kyr BP limited fluvial incision of the lake bottom, stabilizing the Quaker Springs, Coveville, and upper Fort Ann spillways. Lowering sea level between 11 and 10 kyr BP allowed incision from the upper to lower Fort Ann threshold. Sediment eroded by lake outflows between 15 and 10.5 kyr BP was trapped in the glacially deepened lower valley. Little inland sediment reached the shelf after 20 kyr BP.  相似文献   

Kyanite and staurolite occur in the Tananao Metamorphic Complex as submicron inclusions in almandine‐rich garnet from a metamorphosed palaeosol weathering horizon, near Hoping, eastern Taiwan. Quartz, rutile/brookite and zircon are also found as associated submicron inclusions in garnet. Employing the reaction ilmenite+kyanite+quartz=almandine+rutile, and the breakdown of staurolite and quartz as thermobarometers, these submicron‐scale minerals formed at >8.3–8.8 kbar and < 660–690 °C. This P–T estimate is different from that (i.e. 5–7 kbar and 530–550 °C) derived from matrix minerals, which include almandine‐rich garnet, muscovite, chlorite, chloritoid, plagioclase, quartz and ilmenite. These results suggest that submicron inclusions in garnet‐like materials may record portions of the otherwise undocumented prograde path or provide information about previous metamorphic events and thus yield new insights into orogenic belts.  相似文献   

A geological-geophysical expedition (Ev-K2–CNR 1988) visited the area from West Kun Lun to Karakorum (K2–Gasherbrum). Seven tectonic units including sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks were distinguished in this area; the northernmost are suggested to belong to the Kun Lun and Qiangtang Microplates. The sedimentary sequence of Shaksgam is proved to extend from the Permian to the Jurassic, with Carboniferous and Cretaceous ages more doubtful. This sequence shows intermediate affinities between the Karakorum and the Qiangtang. The two southernmost units belong to the Karakorum Microplate. The Karakorum Fault Zone comprises a complex pattern of faults and thrusts, with brittle deformation and uplifting of granitoid bodies.  相似文献   

Tectonics and climate are the major extrinsic upstream controls on both the external and internal architectures of fluvial channels. While the role of tectonics has been well‐documented, the role of climate has received less attention. Because both tectonics and climate can produce similar stratigraphic architectures, the ability to recognize and differentiate these has major ramifications for the interpretation of fluvial stratigraphy. The Pennsylvanian to Permian succession of the Maritimes Basin complex on Cape Breton Island is ca 5 km thick, and is composed of predominantly non‐marine strata deposited within a series of depocentres characterized by different subsidence regimes. Basins in the west are transtensional depocentres characterized by episodic fault movement. In contrast, basins in the east were formed during prolonged periods of passive thermal subsidence. The stratigraphy is composed of four second‐order sequences (A to D), each 5 to 10 Myr in duration. These sequences are composed of amalgamated fluvial channel deposits that fine upwards into extensive mud‐dominated floodplain deposits with isolated fluvial channel bodies. A spectrum of fluvial styles is recorded within the study area including perennial, perennial/intermittent and ephemeral. Four stratigraphic intervals (E1 to E4) are recognized in which the deposits of strongly seasonal perennial/intermittent fluvial deposits are predominant. These intervals, 2 to 6 Myr in duration, are correlated across the study area between basins with differing tectonic regimes and do not correlate with a particular position in second‐order sequences. This suggests that climate exerted the dominant influence on the formation of these intervals and can be differentiated from tectonic imprints. While the tectonic regime of a particular basin exerted a fundamental control on the external architecture, a coherent record of climate change is recognized in the internal architecture of fluvial units. This study demonstrates that tectonic and climatic controls can be recognized and differentiated in vertical successions by evaluating the changes in fluvial architecture.  相似文献   

Low-Ca contents and kink-banded textures in olivine with high Fo contents (>90?mol%) are widely used as indicators of mantle origin. Here we report the occurrence of this type of olivine in the peridotites of the Annette and Duke Island Complexes in southeastern Alaska which are interpreted to have formed at crustal depths. Our findings confirm that neither low-Ca contents nor kink-banded textures are unique to mantle olivine. Caution is warranted in using this type of olivine or peridotite xenoliths containing this type of olivine in volcanic rocks to decipher the nature of the mantle.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing is shown to provide critical support for geological and structural mapping in semiarid and arid areas. In this work, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data were used to clarify the geological framework of the Precambrian basement of the Iguerda Proterozoic inlier in the Moroccan Central Anti-Atlas. In this study, the interpretation of the processed digital data has been ground truthed with geological field data collected during a reconnaissance-mapping program in the Central Anti-Atlas. The Iguerda inlier offers a deeply eroded Precambrian massif dominated by a Paleoproterozoic basement composed of supracrustal metasedimentary units intruded by various Eburnian granitoids. Impressive mafic dyke swarms mainly of Proterozoic age crosscut this basement. Eburnian basement rocks are unconformably overlain by Lower Ediacaran volcanosedimentary rocks of the Ouarzazate Group and Upper Ediacaran–Lower Cambrian carbonates. The applied ASTER analyses are particularly effective in the lithological differentiation and discrimination of geological units of the Iguerda inlier. The spectral information divergence (SID) classification algorithm coupled with spectral angle mapper and maximum likelihood classification effectively discriminates between metamorphic rocks, granitoid bodies, and carbonate cover. SID classification improves geologic map accuracy with respect to the spatial distribution of plutonic bodies and metamorphic units. In addition, Paleoproterozoic granitoids have been well discriminated into separate distinct suites of porphyritic granites, granodiorites, and peraluminous leucogranite suites. This discrimination was initially identified via remote sensing analysis and later ground truthed in the field. This methodology enhances geological mapping and illustrates the potential of ASTER data to serve as a vital tool in detailed geologic mapping and exploration of well-exposed basement of arid regions, such as the Proterozoic of the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco.  相似文献   

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