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尝试采用新一代图形引擎CryEngine实现小尺度条件下多要素耦合与逼真表达,探索基于该引擎的虚拟地理环境构建方法,包括虚拟地形环境的快速构建方法、车辆建模与动态模拟方法、人物建模与智能行为模拟方法,以及场景集成与渲染方法等。以虚拟校园为原型系统,验证所提方法的可行性以及可视化效果,结果表明,基于CryEngine构建虚拟地理环境路线可行,尤其在面向小尺度虚拟环境时,能够很好地将环境、实体和人物紧密耦合在一起,且其逼真程度较现有虚拟环境有大幅度提升。 相似文献
为解决虚拟地理环境缺乏有效组织、规划、管理群体协同的问题,研究并构建角色模型及角色支持下的虚拟地理环境群体协同方法。构建了包含角色扮演、角色权限、角色感知、角色思维、角色行为和角色表达等模块的角色模型,设计了基于角色的虚拟地理环境群体协同框架,提出了多角色群体协同规划方法,建立了角色支撑下的群体协同冲突检测与消除策略。针对人类活动与全球变化相互影响问题,构建多领域人员参与下虚拟地理环境群体协同模拟与评估原型系统。经系统测试发现,通过角色模型能够较好地实现协同参与者与虚拟地理环境之间的耦合,同时能够为虚拟地理环境的群体协同提供系统性方法支撑。 相似文献
虚拟地理环境研究与展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
首先从地图到地理信息系统再到虚拟地理环境的演化过程,剖析发展虚拟地理环境的实际需求,从而对现阶段的虚拟地理环境进行定位;其次,从虚拟地理环境架构设计的角度,对虚拟地理环境各个组件功能设计过程中的关键难点进行阐述;最后,面向国家层面的重大需求,以虚拟地理环境与遥感技术、全球变化研究相结合为契合点,提出对虚拟地理环境发展的展望。 相似文献
地理分析模型是对现实世界中地理过程的抽象与表达,是虚拟地理环境能够反映真实世界的重要工具。随着地理学的发展,跨领域、多学科合作式地理建模逐渐成为地理学的研究趋势,地理分析模型共享与重用也已经成为研究热点之一。然而,地理分析模型运行平台的差异性导致了其在共享与重用上存在困难,表现在用户难以直接透明共享不同平台下的模型。目前,地理分析模型运行平台主要包含Windows与Linux,Linux平台上存在大量模型,但相关模型服务共享与重用研究相对较少。本文面向Linux平台不同操作系统,分析其差异性及安全性,设计模型服务化的安全策略;面向Linux平台下地理分析模型的异构特征,设计了模型基本信息描述接口、行为接口及部署接口,实现Linux系统下地理分析模型的服务共享与重用。本文以system for automated geoscientific analyses(SAGA GIS)中的网格分析模型为例,对所设计的Linux平台下地理分析模型服务化封装方法进行了验证,显示了所设计封装策略的可行性,为Linux平台下地理分析模型的共享与重用提供了理论与方法基础。 相似文献
In the virtual globe system, ever higher performance is demanded for high quality service, especially when requesting intensive data from large‐scale networks, such as large scene 3D city models with fine textures. Extending the virtual globe platform from the present centralized mode into a decentralized mode can significantly improve platform capacity and service quality without additional investment in hardware, but presents new challenges such as the time cost of finding a peer, unstable offering, and low service capacity. A GeoODP2P network is designed based on specific features of spatial data transmission. Next, we discuss peer selection mechanisms that relieve the negative influence of peers, and propose a pre‐fetch mechanism that takes advantage of the unique characteristics of the P2P environment. This article implements a simulation system for a GeoODP2P network and presents a prototype platform that incorporates P2P functionality. Peer selection and pre‐fetch mechanisms are studied and tested on this simulation system. The prototype platform run in a real scenario demonstrates the effectiveness of applying P2P to a virtual globe platform. 相似文献
One characteristic of a Geographic Information System (GIS) is that it addresses the necessity to handle a large amount of data at multiple scales. Lands span over an area greater than 15 million km2 all over the globe and information types are highly variable. In addition, multi‐scale analyses involve both spatial and temporal integration of datasets deriving from different sources. The currently worldwide used system of latitude and longitude coordinates could avoid limitations in data use due to biases and approximations. In this article a fast and reliable algorithm implemented in Arc Macro Language (AML) is presented to provide an automatic computation of the surface area of the cells in a regularly spaced longitude‐latitude (geographic) grid at different resolutions. The approach is based on the well‐known approximation of the spheroidal Earth's surface to the authalic (i.e. equal‐area) sphere. After verifying the algorithm's strength by comparison with a numerical solution for the reference spheroidal model, specific case studies are introduced to evaluate the differences when switching from geographic to projected coordinate systems. This is done at different resolutions and using different formulations to calculate cell areas. Even if the percentage differences are low, they become relevant when reported in absolute terms (hectares). 相似文献
Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) are an increasingly important tool for collecting spatial information about the social attributes of place. The availability of Internet‐based options for implementing PPGIS presents new opportunities for increased efficiency and new modes of access. Here we used a mixed‐mode approach to evaluate paper versus Internet mapping methods for the same PPGIS survey in Wyoming. We compared participant characteristics, mapping participation, and the spatial distribution of mapped attributes between participants who responded to the paper versus Internet option. The response rate for those who completed the paper version of the survey was nearly 2.5 times the response rate of the Internet version. Paper participants also mapped significantly more places than did Internet participants (43 vs. 18). Internet participants tended to be younger, more likely to have a college degree, and had lived in the region for less time than paper participants. For all but one attribute there was no difference in the spatial distribution of places mapped between Internet and paper methods. Using a paper‐based PPGIS survey resulted in a higher response rate, reduced participant bias, and greater mapping participation. However, survey mode did not influence the spatial distribution of the PPGIS data. 相似文献
专题资料的分析处理是地理国情普查工序中十分重要的前期工作,该工序的质量直接影响到地理国情普查工作的成果质量与工作效率。本文从地理国情普查专题资料的分析、处理、整合、利用等几方面进行分析与探讨,研究其解决办法,希望能对相关的生产有所裨益。 相似文献
A methodology for analyzing geographic data using the techniques of: (1) qualitative geometric abstraction; and (2) ontological analysis of geographic features is described. The first technique is a bottom‐up approach to extract qualitative spatial relations from geographic representations (raster or vector) while the second technique is a top‐down approach to determine which qualitative relations can possibly hold between the parts of the geographic features. The process of analyzing geographic data includes the extraction of both the features and the qualitative relations among features. These qualitative relations are then used to classify the geographic features within the “space” of ontological possibilities. In this article bays in Wisconsin and their cartographic representation are used as a running example and the subject of a case study. 相似文献
基础地理信息系统是一种集空间数据获取、管理、查询分析及应用一体化的计算机系统。本文结合景德镇市基础地理信息系统的建立 ,介绍了基础地理信息系统建立的总体设计原则及具体实施过程。本文着重介绍了在系统建设过程中如何实现地理空间数据的组织、管理应用及查询分析 相似文献
The wide use of various sensors makes real‐time data acquisition possible. A new spatiotemporal data model, the Event‐driven Spatiotemporal Data Model (E‐ST), is proposed to dynamically express and simulate the spatiotemporal processes of geographic phenomena. In E‐ST, a sensor object is introduced into the model as a flexible real‐time data source. An event type that is generating and driving conditions is registered into a geographic object, so an event can not only express spatiotemporal change in a geographic object, but also drive spatiotemporal change in some geographic objects. As a dynamic GIS data model, the E‐ST has five characteristics – Temporality and Spatiality, Real‐time, Extendability, Causality, and Realizability. Described and realized in UML, a test‐case deployment demonstrating the impact of urban waterlogging on traffic confirms that a spatiotemporal change process in a geographic phenomena is expressed and simulated by this model. Summarizing this work, four directions for future research are outlined. 相似文献
Local land‐use and ‐cover changes (LUCCs) are the result of both the decisions and actions of individual land‐users, and the larger global and regional economic, political, cultural, and environmental contexts in which land‐use systems are embedded. However, the dearth of detailed empirical data and knowledge of the influences of global/regional forces on local land‐use decisions is a substantial challenge to formulating multi‐scale agent‐based models (ABMs) of land change. Pattern‐oriented modeling (POM) is a means to cope with such process and parameter uncertainty, and to design process‐based land change models despite a lack of detailed process knowledge or empirical data. POM was applied to a simplified agent‐based model of LUCC to design and test model relationships linking global market influence to agents’ land‐use decisions within an example test site. Results demonstrated that evaluating alternative model parameterizations based on their ability to simultaneously reproduce target patterns led to more realistic land‐use outcomes. This framework is promising as an agent‐based virtual laboratory to test hypotheses of how and under what conditions driving forces of land change differ from a generalized model representation depending on the particular land‐use system and location. 相似文献
If sites, cities, and landscapes are captured at different points in time using technology such as LiDAR, large collections of 3D point clouds result. Their efficient storage, processing, analysis, and presentation constitute a challenging task because of limited computation, memory, and time resources. In this work, we present an approach to detect changes in massive 3D point clouds based on an out‐of‐core spatial data structure that is designed to store data acquired at different points in time and to efficiently attribute 3D points with distance information. Based on this data structure, we present and evaluate different processing schemes optimized for performing the calculation on the CPU and GPU. In addition, we present a point‐based rendering technique adapted for attributed 3D point clouds, to enable effective out‐of‐core real‐time visualization of the computation results. Our approach enables conclusions to be drawn about temporal changes in large highly accurate 3D geodata sets of a captured area at reasonable preprocessing and rendering times. We evaluate our approach with two data sets from different points in time for the urban area of a city, describe its characteristics, and report on applications. 相似文献
This study proposes network‐based spatial interpolation methods to help predict unknown spatial values along networks more accurately. It expands on two of the commonly used spatial interpolation methods, IDW (inverse distance weighting) and OK (ordinary kriging), and applies them to analyze spatial data observed on a network. The study first provides the methodological framework, and it then examines the validity of the proposed methods by cross‐validating elevations from two contrasting patterns of street network and comparing the MSEs (Mean Squared Errors) of the predicted values measured with the two proposed network‐based methods and their conventional counterparts. The study suggests that both network‐based IDW and network‐based OK are generally more accurate than their existing counterparts, with network‐based OK constantly outperforming the other methods. The network‐based methods also turn out to be more sensitive to the edge effect, and their performance improves after edge correction. Furthermore, the MSEs of standard OK and network‐based OK improve as more sample locations are used, whereas those of standard IDW and network‐based IDW remain stable regardless of the number of sample locations. The two network‐based methods use a similar set of sample locations, and their performance is inherently affected by the difference in their weight distribution among sample locations. 相似文献
This article reports on the initial development of a generic framework for integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Massive Multi‐player Online Gaming (MMOG) technology to support the integrated modeling of human‐environment resource management and decision‐making. We review Web 2.0 concepts, online maps, and games as key technologies to realize a participatory construction of spatial simulation and decision making practices. Through a design‐based research approach we develop a prototype framework, “GeoGame”, that allows users to play board‐game‐style simulations on top of an online map. Through several iterations we demonstrate the implementation of a range of design artifacts including: real‐time, multi‐user editing of online maps, web services, game lobby, user‐modifiable rules and scenarios building, chat, discussion, and market transactions. Based on observational, analytical, experimental and functional evaluations of design artifacts as well as a literature review, we argue that a MMO GeoGame‐framework offers a viable approach to address the complex dynamics of human‐environmental systems that require a simultaneous reconciliation of both top‐down and bottom‐up decision making where stakeholders are an integral part of a modeling environment. Further research will offer additional insight into the development of social‐environmental models using stakeholder input and the use of such models to explore properties of complex dynamic systems. 相似文献
Planning information pertaining to the potential visual impacts of proposed construction developments is particularly important in the case of wind farm planning, given the high levels of concern amongst members of the public regarding the perceived negative visual impacts of wind turbines on the landscape. Previous research has highlighted the shortcomings associated with traditional visualization techniques used to assess these impacts, and also the means by which such information is then disseminated to the wider public during the consultation stages of the wind farm planning process. This research is concerned with examining the potential of Web‐based mapping and digital landscape visualization techniques for addressing some of these shortcomings. This article reports the findings of a Web‐based survey study designed to evaluate the potential of online GIS‐based approaches for improving the effectiveness and dissemination of wind farm visualizations and enhancing public participation in the wind farm planning process. Results from the survey study add to the research literature by demonstrating how innovative Web‐based approaches have real potential for augmenting existing methods of information provision and public participation in the planning process. The findings of this study are also potentially transferrable to other landscape planning scenarios. 相似文献
Dynamic geospatial complex systems are inherently four‐dimensional (4D) processes and there is a need for spatio‐temporal models that are capable of realistic representation for improved understanding and analysis. Such systems include changes of geological structures, dune formation, landslides, pollutant propagation, forest fires, and urban densification. However, these phenomena are frequently analyzed and represented with modeling approaches that consider only two spatial dimensions and time. Consequently, the main objectives of this study are to design and develop a modeling framework for 4D agent‐based modeling, and to implement the approach to the 4D case study for forest‐fire smoke propagation. The study area is central and southern British Columbia and the western parts of Alberta, Canada for forest fires that occurred in the summer season of 2017. The simulation results produced realistic spatial patterns of the smoke propagation dynamics. 相似文献
Geographic features change over time, this change being the result of some kind of event. Most database systems used in GIS are relational in nature, capturing change by exhaustively storing all versions of data, or updates replace previous versions. This stems from the inherent difficulty of modelling geographic objects and associated data in relational tables, and this is compounded when the necessary time dimension is introduced to represent how these objects evolve. This article describes an object‐oriented (OO) spatio‐temporal conceptual data model called the Feature Evolution Model (FEM), which can be used for the development of a spatio‐temporal database management system (STDBMS). Object versioning techniques developed in the fields of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and engineering design are utilized in the design. The model is defined using the Unified Modelling Language (UML), and exploits the expressiveness of OO technology by representing both geographic entities and events as objects. Further, the model overcomes the limitations inherent in relational approaches in representing aggregation of objects to form more complex, compound objects. A management object called the evolved feature maintains a temporally ordered list of references to features thus representing their evolution. The model is demonstrated by its application to road network data. 相似文献
Gully boundary extraction based on multidirectional hill‐shading from high‐resolution DEMs

The gully boundary, which distinguishes gully from non‐gully areas, is a significant geomorphologic feature for research on gully development and gully erosion. This study presents a new method based on multidirectional hill‐shading maps, which identify the gully (i.e., shadow area) from inter‐gully (i.e., non‐shadow area). These shadows obtained from various illumination azimuths are merged; consequently, the border of the shadows, which is the gully boundary line, can be achieved. In this process, two key parameters, namely, altitude and azimuth of light, affect the accuracy of gully boundary extraction. The experiments in Yaojiawan area of China show that the method of average median slope of all sampling profiles across the gully boundary is effective and practical for light altitude selection. Moreover, the six azimuths are sufficient for gully boundary extraction in a loess hilly area. The application in the Madigou area indicates the replicability and rationality of this method. A comparison with the positive‐negative terrain and slope variation method confirms a higher accuracy of gully boundary extraction by the proposed method in terms of visual interpretation, length, and contour‐matching difference with reference to manually digitalized results. Accuracy assessment indicates that the proposed method is applicable for gully boundary extraction based on high‐resolution DEMs. 相似文献