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白成军  韩旭 《测绘学报》2013,42(3):447-452
西晋人裴秀的《制图六体》是研究中国古代测绘技术发展历程的重要历史文献资料。本文基于以往研究成果,结合裴秀编制《禹贡地域图》的基本方法和缘由,充分考量当时的测量技术发展水平,对《制图六体》进行了整体析读,在此基础上指出:作为六体核心的“准望”是中国古代所有精确测量的泛称,《制图六体》是以裴秀为代表的地图编绘者对地图测绘提出的基本要求总结,也是裴秀时代采用“计里画方”的绘图方法、利用区域地图结合文字考证绘制全域性地图的最好诠释。这一研究,补正了以往研究中的不足之处。  相似文献   

利用将建筑实体进行高度抽象,提出了建筑点群,以GIS的空间分析理论为依据,通过实体高度、起伏度、空间聚集度三个指标对城市的3维形态进行量化与分析。选取南京市主城区为实验样区,提取该区域的建筑点群,用三个指标对实验样区内3维形态的空间分布格局和时间发展特点进行定量分析与描述。实验结果证明,这三个指标从不同角度分析了建筑实体在区域内的组合方式,能够在一定程度上反映城市3维形态的基本特征,有助于对城市空间分布格局及城市历史演变过程的研究。  相似文献   

Integrating and accessing structured textual content obtained from different sources is a challenging task and becomes even more so when dealing with multiple languages. The objective of this article is to showcase the technological efforts towards the creation of a digital European history textbook repository that integrates respective textbooks from various countries and publishers. The content integration is achieved by introducing language independent metadata based on space (locations), time (dates), and thematic categories (history gazetteer). Providing adequate interfaces such metadata can be used to offer language‐independent access to Multilanguage history textbook content. The specific focus in this article will be on (1) presenting the metadata, (2) the data management approach including indexing the history textbook content and (3) the resulting textbook repository including its GIS‐based interface, allowing for a combination of map, timeline and keyword based search of the history content.  相似文献   


Using Artl@s as an example of a project that relies on volunteered geographic information (VGI), this article examines the specific challenges that exist, beyond those frequently discussed in general VGI systems (e.g., participants’ motivation and data quality control) in regard to sharing research data in humanities: (1) most data from the humanities is qualitative and collected from multiple data sources which are often inconsistent and unmappable; (2) data is usually interconnected with multiple relationships among different tables which creates challenges for both mapping and query functionality; (3) data is both geographical and historical. Consequently addresses that no longer exist have to be geolocated and visualized on historical basemaps and spaces must be represented diachronically; (4) the design of web map application needs to balance both sophisticated research requirements and a user-friendly interface; (5) finally contributors expect their data to be cited or acknowledged when used in other studies and users need metadata and citation information in order to reuse and repurpose datasets.

In this article, we discuss how Artl@s, a project which developed a georeferenced historical database of exhibition catalogues, addresses these challenges. Artl@s provides a case study for VGI adoption by digital humanities scholars for research data sharing, as it offers features, such as flexible batch data contribution, interrelated spatial query, automatic geolocalization of historical addresses, and data citation mechanisms.  相似文献   

针对光学卫星成像时云导致的测区有效成像覆盖周期不确定问题,在卫星轨道计算的基础上,结合云量时空分布的历史统计规律、卫星历史观测数据的覆盖能力,研究建立光学卫星测区有效成像覆盖周期预估模型,回答测区有效成像覆盖效率与时间等问题,直接服务于光学卫星数据获取、产品生产和应用服务的计划安排和应用决策。  相似文献   

地理空间信息技术在遗址保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖国磊  张忠良 《地理空间信息》2012,10(4):32-33,179,180
通过对老宝山遗址的考古调查,将地理空间技术与传统考古调查相结合,进而对遗址考古的技术工作思路和技术整合做了探讨。现代地质学与信息技术的结合为上海历史遗址保护提供了一种全新的思路和探索尝试。  相似文献   


In recent years, social media platforms have played a critical role in mitigation for a wide range of disasters. The highly up-to-date social responses and vast spatial coverage from millions of citizen sensors enable a timely and comprehensive disaster investigation. However, automatic retrieval of on-topic social media posts, especially considering both of their visual and textual information, remains a challenge. This paper presents an automatic approach to labeling on-topic social media posts using visual-textual fused features. Two convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Inception-V3 CNN and word embedded CNN, are applied to extract visual and textual features respectively from social media posts. Well-trained on our training sets, the extracted visual and textual features are further concatenated to form a fused feature to feed the final classification process. The results suggest that both CNNs perform remarkably well in learning visual and textual features. The fused feature proves that additional visual feature leads to more robustness compared with the situation where only textual feature is used. The on-topic posts, classified by their texts and pictures automatically, represent timely disaster documentation during an event. Coupling with rich spatial contexts when geotagged, social media could greatly aid in a variety of disaster mitigation approaches.  相似文献   

利用地面三维激光扫描技术,获取历史文化街区内建筑、场景的高精细的点云数据,将点云与1∶500比例尺的DLG平面文件进行匹配,获取建筑的平面及高程信息。根据获取成果制作天津市历史文化街区重点保护建筑、场景的高精细三维建模,实现历史文化街区内各类建筑、场景的三维仿真,建立数字化档案库。为历史建筑的保护提供数字化档案信息,可以永久的记录城市面貌、建筑风貌以及文化底蕴,实现历史文化街区的保护、复原、修缮、规划及研究等工作。  相似文献   

有关非OpenGIS规范的历史土地资源空间数据的整合、共享与互操作研究,是国土资源信息领域的一项重要基础研究。在分析国内外多源空间数据整合、共享与互操作模式特点和局限性基础上,提出了基于XML的历史土地资源空间信息映射模式,该模式符合XMLSchema语义规则框架体系,它的提出,旨在抛砖引玉,以期引起有关学者关注历史土地资源空间信息整合、共享与互相操作的研究。  相似文献   

陈艳青  赵景堂 《测绘工程》2021,30(2):50-54,59
2019-06-14,河源市源城区东江大桥第三跨第二桥墩以及第四跨第三桥墩出现了垮塌,此次事故造成了人员伤亡和重大经济损失.为了分析此次灾害事故发生发展的成因,本研究获取了Sentinel-1A雷达卫星2018年12月至2019年6月的历史影像数据,基于时序InSAR技术手段处理得到了该监测时间段内的历史形变信息.研究...  相似文献   

牛岸英 《测绘科学》2011,36(4):100-102
本文结合甘肃等地的区域地理信息数据库构架研究,分析了史料库建设的薄弱环节和主要问题提出以同步建库的技术路线,保持当期历史数据体的完整性;以差别化构建的原则组织历史数据,确保完整入库,防止史料散失.  相似文献   

本文提出了利用空间数据库和GIS技术整理分析方志、古籍的研究方法,结合《中国古代重大自然灾害和异常年表总集》中记载的各种自然灾害信息,采用面向对象的Geodatabase数据模型,建立了中国全区域的,多朝代的,多自然灾害要素的,带有地理特征的关系型数据库,实现了数据的统一描述与管理,并根据专题数据制作了单一灾害要素、多种灾害要素的专题地图,可视化分析了历史自然灾害的时空分异,最后将地图进行网络发布以实现数据共享。结果表明GIS有利于方志、古籍的数字化整理与分析,实现了以信息技术保护、传播和有效的利用方志资料。  相似文献   

Uncertainty research represents a research stream of high interest within the community of geographical information science. Its elements, terminology and typology are still under strong discussion and adopted methods for analysis are currently under intensive development. This paper presents a conceptual framework for systematic investigation of uncertainty which occurs in applications of land cover change modelling in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based on historical map data. Historical, in this context, means the map is old enough to allow identification of changes in landscape elements of interest, such as vegetation. To date such analyses are rarely conducted or not satisfactorily carried out, despite the fact that historical map data represent a potentially rich information source. The general validity and practicability of the framework for related applications is demonstrated with reference to one example in which forest cover change in Switzerland is investigated. The conceptual model consists of three domains in which main potential sources of uncertainty are systematically exposed. Existing links between data quality research and uncertainty are investigated to access the complex nature of uncertainty and to characterise the most suitable concepts for analysis. In accordance with these concepts appropriate methods and procedures are suggested to assess uncertainty in each domain. One domain is the production‐oriented amount of uncertainty which is inherent in the historical map. Vagueness and ambiguity represent suitable concepts for analysis. Transformation‐oriented uncertainty as the second domain occurs owing to editing and processing of digital data. Thereby, the suitable concept of uncertainty is error. The third domain is the application‐oriented uncertainty which occurs in comparing semantically different data. This domain relates to multi‐temporal discord which assumes the assessment of ‘equi‐temporal’ ambiguity and is thus connected to the production‐oriented domain. The framework provides an estimation of the overall amount of uncertainty. This can be linked to subsequent assessment of ‘fitness for use’. Thus the model provides a practicable and systematic approach to access the complex nature of uncertainty in the scope of land cover change modelling.  相似文献   

地籍管理中的时态问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁华 《现代测绘》2004,27(5):38-40
城市建设、土地确权和房地产交易不仅要求掌握土地现实情况,还要求能够了解某一地区或某一宗地在某个历史时间的状况、某个历史时期的变化情况和变化过程,因此,地籍管理信息系统是一个典型的时态GIS系统,在时态数据库和时态GIS系统的研究没有取得突破性进展前,本文探讨了在关系型数据库下实现对时空图形和属性数据的管理。  相似文献   

基于GIS的呼和浩特市区街道信息变迁分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于人文地理学、城市地理学理论,运用历史文献和统计分析方法,运用GIS,并参阅呼和浩特市地名志、呼和浩特市新城区志等资料,对近百年来的呼和浩特市街道信息变迁进行分析。研究结果表明,近百年呼和浩特市街道数量明显增多;新建街道主要向东南方向扩展;街道名称的变化反映了不同时期的社会背景。  相似文献   

基于历史关系数据库的时空数据库实现研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时空数据库是研究如何存储历史和当前的时空数据,从而跟踪分析某一区域的变化,最终实现时空模型化和模拟地学过程.采用历史关系数据库模式的时空数据库可以充分利用传统时态数据库时态查询功能和GIS空间分析处理功能这些方面成熟的研究成果和现有系统,降低时空数据库建立的费用和开销.分析了采用扩展关系型时空数据库的原因,介绍了历史关系数据库模式、时态关系代数和查询语言,研究了采用历史关系数据库模式在全关系化空间数据库中组织时态信息的方法,从而实现时空数据库.以麦地轮作为例说明了采用历史关系数据库模式建立时空数据库的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   


The transition and restructuring process of urban South Africa are currently in the phase of identifying land development objectives. These objectives aim to integrate previously segregated areas through integrated development plans. This research aims firstly to identify and describe the historical development of the spatial form and structure of the secondary city and capital of the Northern Province, Pietersburg and its dispersed peripheral towns. Supervised classification of SPOT HRV multispectral imagery is used to support the theoretical explanation. Images from an airborne digital Kodak DCS 420 camera are used to provide training sites in the pre‐classification stages, and also provide field data to the process of post‐classification accuracy assessment. Secondly, SPOT HRV imagery is applied to identify the stark contrast in urban development between the city of Pietersburg and its surrounding former homeland towns. Both built and natural environmental aspects are investigated. In conclusion benefits and problems of assessing urban morphology and development in a developing country by means of a combination of satellite imagery and digital aerial photography are discussed.  相似文献   

Historical maps are effective sources of geographical information and useful for historical and territorial research. In this study, the examination of landscape dynamics on the basis of historical maps over a period of more than 200 years was conducted. The study area is Sorrento peninsula and part of the near Sarno river basin in South Italy. This study provides a general framework for the assessment of the overall quality and accuracy of historical maps. The application of the methodology used in this specific case study can contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of the landscape in the long term. The derived knowledge can be applied in the planning of the landscape in order to implement correct conservation strategies. The comparison was made on four maps 1817, 1875, 1960, and 2006. Geodetic accuracy of the sheet maps of 1817 and 1875 offer a right basis for a macro analysis of land cover dynamics, evaluating conversion from one land cover category to another. Main transformation, identified in the period between 1875 and 1960, was the disappearance of vineyards, which covered 25% of the total study area in 1875. Agricultural areas increased in this period to cover 57% of the total area.  相似文献   

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