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对藏北申扎地区的奥陶系从岩石地层、生物地层方面进行了划分与对比,划分了早奥陶世Tet-ragratus(Paratetragraptus)approximatus-Didymograptus(Corymbograptus)deflexus组合、中奥陶世Michelinoceras elongatum-Sinoceras chinese组合带和晚奥陶世Michelinoceras huangningang-Colum-enoceras priscum组合带.其中早奥陶世地层是作者等2000~2001年间在进行西藏申扎县幅1:25万区域地质调查中新发现的,是目前藏北地区有可靠古生物化石依据的最老地层.尤其是Tetragraptus(Pa-ratetragraptus)approximatus的发现,不仅扩大了它在我国的地理分布,也为该区早奥陶世地层与国际上同类地层对比提供了生物依据.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区的灌溉供水评价方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
供水评价是流域水资源规划的重要组成部分,本文根据供水评价的内涵,重新讨论了干旱半干旱地区农业灌溉供水的评价指标,通过引入灌溉用水和作物产量的关系和模糊数学的概念,提出了对农业灌溉供水的模糊评价方法.  相似文献   

太平洋海山成矿系统与成矿作用过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中初步探讨了太平洋海山富钴结壳成矿系统的结构与成矿作用过程。海山成矿系统的控矿要素主要包括地质要素和海洋要素,地质要素主要包括海山的形成、迁移、沉降和水道的开合等,海洋要素主要包括大洋温盐环流、最低含氧带(OMZ)、文石溶跃面、碳酸盐补偿深度和海山周围海水的动力情况等。重点分析了海山漂移和沉降、水道开合、最低含氧带变化、大洋环流以及气候变化等要素对富钴结壳成矿的控制作用。海山为富钴结壳成矿提供了一个容矿空间,稳定的基岩,即长期稳定的容矿空间,是富钴结壳成矿的基本条件;海山的形成年龄、海山的迁移和水道的开合决定并改变了富钴结壳的成矿背景条件,促使海山成矿系统发生演化。最低含氧带作为富钴结壳成矿的地球化学障,是直接的矿源层;而海山周边的地形旋涡沟通了最低含氧带与富氧、富铁的深层和底层水,使得最低含氧带中的成矿金属离子得到氧化,进而发生胶体凝聚沉淀,形成富钴结壳。以西太平洋海山成矿系统为例,将该区白垩纪以来富钴结壳成矿作用过程划分为5个阶段:(1)白垩纪—始新世,(2)始新世末—晚渐新世,(3)晚渐新世—中中新世早期,(4)中中新世早期—晚中新世早期,(5)晚中新世早期—现代,其中(2)、(3)阶段有利于发育富钴结壳。  相似文献   

Various enriched recycled oceanic components in the source of Cenozoic intra-plate alkaline basalts from eastern China were identified by previous studies. Due to the existence of a stagnant subducted Pacific slab in the mantle transition zone beneath eastern China, it is logical to connect the stagnant slab to the recycled oceanic materials. However, the recycled oceanic materials could also result from ancient subduction events (e.g., Paleo-Tethyan, Paleo-Asian or Izanagi plate subduction) because enriched geochemical signatures of a recycled slab can be preserved in the mantle for longer than 1 Gyr. Investigating the temporal variations of the recycled oceanic materials in the mantle source is a useful way to trace the origin of the basalts. In this article, we have conducted a detailed geochemical study, including major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, on two alkaline basalt groups from Zhejiang, SE China, which erupted 26–17 Ma and after 11 Ma, respectively. In particular, we recovered the H2O content of the initial magmas based on the H2O content of the clinopyroxene (cpx) phenocrysts and the partition coefficients of H2O between cpx and basaltic melts. The H2O contents of the Zhejiang basalts range from 1.3 to 2.6 (wt.%), which fall within the range of back-arc basin or island arc basalts. The older basalts are more alkaline and have lower Si and Al contents; higher trace element concentrations; higher La/Yb, Ce/Pb and Nb/La ratios; lower H2O/Ce and Ba/Th ratios; and stronger negative K, Pb, Hf and Ti anomalies than the younger ones. The co-relationships between Ba/La, H2O/Ce, Nb/La, Ce/Pb and Ba/Th in the two groups of the Zhejiang basalts indicate that a recycled dehydrated oceanic alkaline basalt component is needed in the source of the older rocks, along with a depleted mantle component. Meanwhile, an additional recycled dehydrated sediment component was required in the source of the younger rocks. The temporal change in the recycled oceanic materials in the mantle sources of Zhejiang Cenozoic basalts demonstrates that the recycled components can only originate in the stagnant Pacific slab that is the only plate subducted since 100 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

J. Chazeau Dr. 《GeoJournal》1983,7(6):527-532
This paper is an attempt to sum up our knowledge of the coccinellid fauna in the Pacific area. About 560 species have been recorded from the area, in which Australia has been included because it is essential for a proper understanding of the Melanesian insular faunas. Major points emerging from this study are: a significant reduction in the number of species from west to east; the prevalence of Oriental and Australian influences over American influences; the difficulty of determining faunal characteristics for most sub-regional units; the great difference between the New Guinean and Australian faunas, the former, though not well investigated as yet, displaying a much stronger Oriental influence and a wide variety of endemic forms; recent artificial dispersal by man for purposes of biological control, which many sometimes completely mask the original fauna. It must be admitted that a great deal of taxonomic work remains to be done before we can claim to have cocomprehensive biogeographic synthesis of this family in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Wallace  Cory S.  Santi  Paul M.  Walton  Gabriel 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1449-1461
Landslides - Long-runout landslides can be extremely hazardous and unpredictable. The prediction of long-runout landslides is challenging because it is unclear what factors control their mobility,...  相似文献   

The paper examines organizational and spatial responses of metropolitan retail trade in Israel to increases in demand. Since the late 1960s until 1984 Israel enjoyed continuous increases in incomes, rates of car ownership and dwelling sizes. These coincided with a suburbanization of population in the metropolitan areas of Tel-Aviv and Haifa. Consequently, there developed four new forms of retailing, namely ribbons in industrial areas, factory retail outlets, hypermarkets and shopping malls. Locational and other characteristics of these forms of commerce are discussed. Special criticism is pointed at an undifferentiated evolution of ribbons and outlets. I wish to thank Ms. Naomi Elad and Mr. Moshe Schmerler for field work in metropolitan Haifa and Tel-Aviv respectively.  相似文献   

We present results of the study of a three-layer tectonosphere model of the West Pacific Transition Zone based on modeling of a piecewise inhomogeneous medium caused by local density reduction of the asthenosphere, whose viscosity decreases due to fluid accumulation. We used the viscous liquid motion equation in the Stokes approximation. It was shown that the anomalous asthenosphere in the back-arc basins can move as a convective cell with an uprising flow in the zone of maximum density reduction and extension of the lithosphere above it. At the initial stages, this process causes formation of the central crustal uplift, which is transformed into a system of depressions as the asthenosphere viscosity decreases to values of the order of 4.0 × 1019 Pa s and lower. The modeling results satisfactorily agree with the reconstructions of the Cretaceous Cenozoic lithotectonic evolution of the Okhotsk Sea region.  相似文献   

The metallic minerals existing on the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean display a great range of variations in their chemical and physical properties. These deposits are considered as an important source of raw material because of their contents of Ni, Cu, Co, and Mn. The two dominant types of deposits are ferromanganese encrustations and nodules. The nodules, being more important with regard to an economic use, are concentrated at great depth of water where the rate of sedimentation is rather low. They accumulate very slowly around nuclei material. The occurrence of nodules and crusts has been established very well in the Pacific Ocean as the best mining sites can be assumed there. The data of exploration show that the most encouraging situation is given in a broad east-west belt situated in the equatorial North Pacific. The conditions forming nodule deposits rich in Ni and Cu and with high nodule coverage are more favourable in this part of the Pacific than in other regions. The different factors controlling the distribution of nodules are considered. The content of metals, its regional variations and trends from the different parts of the Pacific Ocean are discussed. Distinct types of nodules reflect different sources of metals and different environments of growth. Only a small part of the Pacific nodule deposits can be mined because of technical and economical reasons in today's sight. A basic model to encounter nodule occurrences of economical importance and a rough empirical formula to calculate the extension of a potential license area are presented and discussed. The Economic Zones share about 40% of the total size of the Pacific but contain likely only less than 10 % of the economically interesting nodule deposits. As a start of the deep-sea mining technically seems to be possible at the end of the eighties an economical production is able to begin early in the nineties. The annual output of a single mining enterprise and the possible contribution of nodule mining to the world market until 2000 (5 mining enterprises) and 2025 (20 mining enterprises) are regarded. A comparison with the continental resources of metal show that the nodule mining can support only the traditional metal production but not replace in today's sight. The investments of capital required for deep-sea mining are very high. If the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea may lead to unrealistic results being detrimental for further activities, the development of deep-sea mining might to be paralyzed. The technical systems of exploration and mining have to take into account the particular properties of the marine environment. The technical requisites have been developed and successfully tested already. Two different metallurgical processes seem to be economically suitable. 8 consortia or groups at least are known to be engaged in the field of nodule mining.  相似文献   

本文介绍十五期间福建省将要实施建设的数字强震观测台网 ,着重从项目的必要性和方案的可行性方面进行论述 ,同时结合福建省的地震监测台网现状进行系统的设计。力求建成的强震观测系统能初步实现福建省属重点城市的地震烈度速报及典型场地强地震动记录获取双重功能 ,增强福建省的地震监测能力 ,为福建省地震灾害的减轻、有效救灾措施的实施以及防震减灾规划的制定提供基础依据 ;同时 ,也将为其他省市区域数字强震观测台网的建立提供示范样板  相似文献   

Specific structural features of giant fishbone detritus accumulations, which represent organic phosphate deposits with uranium and rare earth elements, are scrutinized. Based on the detailed examination of phosphate orebodies, regularities of the distribution and localization of uraniferous fish remains are studied. The obtained results have made it possible to reconstruct paleotectonic and paleogeographic conditions of the formation of orebodies, as well as the mechanism for the accumulation of metalliferous bone detritus.  相似文献   

Thirty nine focal mechanisms for shallow, intermediate and deep earthquakes that occurred during the period 1964–1967 in the Indonesian Region have been studied from the first initial motion of the P or PKP waves.The position of the two nodal planes, maximum-pressure axis and maximumtension axis are presented in this paper. The correlation between the state of the pressure distributions and earthquake generating stress systems that produce shallow, intermediate and deep earthquakes are also presented. There is some systematic agreement between the results of the same study already given by others and which is presented in this paper.The dominant modes of deformation are reverse or thrust fault and normal fault rather than strike-slip faulting.  相似文献   

在郑汴新区中细砂含水层中,通过新、旧回灌技术的现场试验对比研究发现,新回灌技术在成井时间、回灌量等方面大大优于旧(传统)回灌技术;单位回灌量、抽灌比大为提高,回灌稳定时间大为缩短,并对其原因进行了分析探讨.依据多落程(升程)的抽水、回灌现场试验,建立了回灌量与水位、井距关系方程.依据本研究成果,在郑汴新区一带地下水源热泵系统可实现一抽一灌的地下水换热模式,换热系统(室外)费用节约率可达50%,基本上解决了中细砂含水层回灌困难的老问题.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):405-414
Alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) records were generated from the Ocean Drilling Program's (ODP) Sites 1014 and 1016 to examine the response of the California Current System to global climate change during the last 136 ka. The temperature differences between these sites (ΔSSTNEP=SSTODP1014–SSTODP1016) reflected the intensity of the California Current and varied between 0.4 and 6.1 °C. A high ΔSSTNEP (weaker California Current) was found for late marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 and early MIS 5e, while a low ΔSSTNEP (stronger California Current) was detected for mid-MIS 5e and MIS 1. Spectral analysis indicated that this variation pattern dominated 23- (precession) and 30-ka periods. Comparison of the ΔSSTNEP and SST based on data from core MD01-2421 at the Japan margin revealed anti-phase variation; the high ΔSSTNEP (weakening of the California Current) corresponded to the low SST at the Japan margin (the southward displacement of the NW Pacific subarctic boundary), and vice versa. This variation was synchronous with a model prediction of the tropical El Niño-Southern Oscillation behavior. These findings suggest that the intensity of the North Pacific High varied in response to precessional forcing, and also that the response has been linked with the changes of tropical ocean–atmosphere interactions.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the co-diagenesis of Fe and P in hydrothermal plume fallout sediments from ∼19°S on the southern East Pacific Rise. Three distal sediment cores from 340-1130 km from the ridge crest, collected during DSDP Leg 92, were analysed for solid phase Fe and P associations using sequential chemical extraction techniques. The sediments at all sites are enriched in hydrothermal Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, but during diagenesis a large proportion of the primary ferrihydrite precipitates are transformed to the more stable mineral form of goethite and to a lesser extent to clay minerals, resulting in the release to solution of scavenged P. However, a significant proportion of this P is retained within the sediment, by incorporation into secondary goethite, by precipitation as authigenic apatite, and by readsorption to Fe (oxyhydr)oxides. Molar P/Fe ratios for these sediments are significantly lower than those measured in plume particles from more northern localities along the southern East Pacific Rise, and show a distinct downcore decrease to a depth of ∼12 m. Molar P/Fe ratios are then relatively constant to a depth of ∼35 m. The Fe and P speciation data indicate that diagenetic modification of the sediments is largely complete by a depth of 2.5 m, and thus depth trends in molar P/Fe ratios can not solely be explained by losses of P from the sediment by diffusion to the overlying water column during early diagenesis. Instead, these sediments are likely recording changes in dissolved P concentrations off the SEPR, possibly as a result of redistribution of nutrients in response to changes in oceanic circulation over the last 10 million years. Furthermore, the relatively low molar P/Fe ratios observed throughout these sediments are not necessarily solely due to losses of scavenged P by diffusion to the overlying water column during diagenesis, but may also reflect post-depositional oxidation of pyrite originating from the volatile-rich vents of the southern East Pacific Rise. This study suggests that the molar P/Fe ratio of oxic Fe-rich sediments may serve as a proxy of relative changes in paleoseawater phosphate concentrations, particularly if Fe sulfide minerals are not an important component during transport and deposition.  相似文献   

The marginal sea and back-arc basins in the Western Pacific Ocean have become the focus of tectonics due to their unique tectonic location.To understand the deep crustal structure in the back-arc region, we present a 545-kmlong active-source ocean bottom seismometer(OBS) wide-angle reflection/refraction profile in the East China Sea.The P wave velocity model shows that the Moho depth rises significantly, from approximately 30 km in the East China Sea shelf to approximately 16 km in the axis of the Okinawa Trough.The lower crustal high-velocity zone(HVZ) in the southern Okinawa Trough, with V_p of 6.8–7.3 km/s, is a remarkable manifestation of the mantle material upwelling and accretion to the lower crust.This confirms that the lower crustal high-velocity mantle accretion is developed in the southern Okinawa Trough.During the process of back-arc extension, the crustal structure of the southern Okinawa Trough is completely invaded and penetrated by the upper mantle material in the axis region.In some areas of the southern central graben, the crust may has broken up and entered the initial stage of seafloor spreading.The discontinuous HVZs in the lower crust in the back-arc region also indicate the migration of spreading centers in the back-arc region since the Cenozoic.The asthenosphere material upwelling in the continent-ocean transition zone is constantly driving the lithosphere eastward for episodic extension, and is causing evident tectonic migration in the Western Pacific back-arc region.  相似文献   

笔者根据地震面波层析成像结果,对欧亚大陆及西太平洋岩石圈和软流圈速度结构进行了研究,发现东亚至西太平洋间存在一巨型低速异常带,结合构造地质学、地幔岩石学、地球化学及其他地球物理特性的研究,确认该区存在巨型裂谷体系。该巨型裂谷体系的岩石圈和软流圈三维Vs速度结构与太平洋洋中脊、大西洋洋中脊和印度洋洋中脊及其邻区的岩石圈和软流圈地震Vs速度结构十分相似,而与东太平洋边缘现代板块俯冲带的岩石圈与软流圈Vs速度结构有显著差异。在进一步论述该区动力学特征后认为,该巨型裂谷体系是中生代中晚期以来岩石圈整体主动伸展变形,大型裂陷盆地形成,岩石圈强烈拆沉减薄,以及软流圈物质上涌加热引起的。边缘海是在大陆裂谷系形成基础上发展起来的,主导扩张期为中渐新世至中中新世(32-13Ma),这些边缘海在17-15Ma后停止扩张,因而未能将所有边缘海和洋中脊联通。据此划分出4期构造变形动力学演化阶段,现今东亚至西太平洋间大陆裂谷、边缘海与沟弧体系是新生代中晚期以来,邻区各板块构造相互作用叠加的结果。  相似文献   

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