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The seismic data obtained during SUDETES 2003 experiment are analysed, and detailed crustal structure for profiles S02, S03 and S06 is presented using three different 2-D techniques: (1) “smooth” tomography of refracted waves travel times, (2) ray tracing of reflected and refracted waves, and (3) joint velocity and depth of reflector tomographic inversion. In spite of different interpretation techniques used, the models of the crustal structure show common characteristic features. The low velocity (Vp < 4 km/s) sedimentary layer was documented in the northeastern part of the study area. The topmost basement has in general a velocity of 5.8–6.0 km/s, and velocities at ca. 20 km depth are 6.15–6.25 km/s. The strong reflecting boundaries were found at 20–23 and 25–28 km depth with a velocity contrast about 0.4 km/s, and the highest velocities in the lowermost crust are 6.8–7.2 km/s. In general, the crust of the Bohemian Massif is slightly thicker (33–35 km) than in the northern part of the area. Velocities beneath Moho are relatively low, of 7.95 km/s. On the basis of well recorded reflected waves, mantle reflectors were discovered in the depth interval ca. 40–70 km. Apart of new results for the geology and tectonics of the area, some conclusion could be made about different techniques used. In the 2-D case the “clasical” ray tracing method with using all correlated phases gives the most adequate model of the structure, because of full, manual control of the model creation. The “smooth” first arrival travel times tomography, although very fast, is not satisfactory enough to describe the complex structure. So, the best candidate in 3-D case seems to be travel time tomography for both refracted and reflected waves in multi-layers models.  相似文献   

The Japan Trench is a plate convergent zone where the Pacific Plate is subducting below the Japanese islands. Many earthquakes occur associated with plate convergence, and the hypocenter distribution is variable along the Japan Trench. In order to investigate the detailed structure in the southern Japan Trench and to understand the variation of seismicity around the Japan Trench, a wide-angle seismic survey was conducted in the southern Japan Trench fore-arc region in 1998. Ocean bottom seismometers (15) were deployed on two seismic lines: one parallel to the trench axis and one perpendicular. Velocity structures along two seismic lines were determined by velocity modeling of travel time ray-tracing method. Results from the experiment show that the island arc Moho is 18–20 km in depth and consists of four layers: Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, island arc upper and lower crust. The uppermost mantle of the island arc (mantle wedge) extends to 110 km landward of the trench axis. The P-wave velocity of the mantle wedge is laterally heterogeneous: 7.4 km/s at the tip of the mantle wedge and 7.9 km/s below the coastline. An interplate layer is constrained in the subducting oceanic crust. The thickness of the interplate layer is about 1 km for a velocity of 4 km/s. Interplate layer at the plate boundary may cause weak interplate coupling and low seismicity near the trench axis. Low P-wave velocity mantle wedge is also consistent with weak interplate coupling. Thick interplate layer and heterogeneous P-wave velocity of mantle wedge may be associated with the variation of seismic activity.  相似文献   

Seismic investigations to determine the crustal structure in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula have been initiated in 1970. First experiments were carried out during July 1970, when a series of ten shots was fired off Cabo de Sines (Portugal) in shallow water and recorded up to distances of 185 km along a SE-profile towards Huelva (Spain). The profile was reversed in December 1970, when a series of twelve shots was fired off the south coast near Fuzeta (east of Faro) and recorded up to distances of about 260 km along a NW-profile towards Cabo da Roca west of Lisboa. A considerable increase in the seismic efficiency of the explosions could be achieved by generating standing waves in the water.

The structure deduced exhibits some peculiar features. Below the Palaeozoic sediments a fairly high velocity of 6.4 km/sec is found for the dome-shaped basement in that area. The lower crust, which is separated from the upper crust by a distinct velocity inversion (with a minimum velocity of about 5.3–5.6 km/sec), is characterized by a velocity of 7.1 km/sec. From the geological evidence and the sequence of seismic velocities it must be concluded that the upper crustal block in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula has been uplifted by about 2–5 km since Permo-Triassic time, thus emphasizing the significance of vertical movement in tectonic activity.

The top of the upper mantle (8.15 km/sec) was detected at a depth of 30 km close to the Atlantic coast in the west, while near the Algarve coast in the south the depth to the M-discontinuity is about 34–35 km. This result in conjunction with studies of earthquake focal mechanisms confirms the suggestion that the Iberian block is being underthrust under the African plate.  相似文献   

One in-line wide-angle seismic profile was conducted in 1990 in the course of the Southeastern China Continental Dynamics project aimed at the study of the contact between the Cathaysia block and the Yangtze block. This 380-km-long profile extended in NW–SE direction from Tunxi, Anhui Province, to Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. Five in-line shots were fired and recorded at seismic stations with spacing of about 3 km along the recording line. We have used two-dimensional ray tracing to model P- and S-wave arrivals and provide constraints on the velocity structure of the upper crust, middle crust, lower crust, Moho discontinuity, and the top part of the lithospheric mantle. P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and VP/VS ratio are mapped. The crust is 36-km thick on average, albeit it gradually thins from the northwest end to the southeast end (offshore) of the profile. The average crustal velocity is 6.26 km/s for P-waves but 3.6 km/s for S-waves. A relatively narrow low-velocity layer of about 4 km of thickness, with P- and S-wave velocities of 6.2 km/s and 3.5 km/s, respectively, marks the bottom of the middle crust at a depth of 23-km northwest and 17-km southeast. At the crust–mantle transition, the P- and S-wave velocity change quickly from 7.4 to 7.8 km/s (northwest) and 8.0 to 8.2 km/s (southeast) and from 3.9 to 4.2 km/s (northwest) and 3.9 to 4.5 km/s (southeast), respectively. This result implies a lateral contrast in the upper mantle velocity along the 140 km sampled by the profile approximately. The average VP/VS ratio ranges from 1.68–1.8 for the upper crust to 1.75 for the middle and 1.75–1.85 for lower crust. With the interpretation of the wide-angle seismic data, Jiangshan–Shaoxin fault is considered as the boundary between the Yangtze and the Cathaysia block.  相似文献   

We present the first detailed seismic velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle around the Mirnyi kimberlite field in Yakutia, Siberia. We have digitized vintage seismograms that were acquired in 1981 and 1983 by use of Taiga analogue seismographs along two perpendicular seismic profiles. The 370-km long, northwest striking profile I across the kimberlite pipe was covered by 41 seismographs, which recorded seismic signals from 21 chemical shots along the line, including one off-end shot. The perpendicular, 340-km long profile II across profile I ca. 30 km to the south of the Mirnyi kimberlite field was covered by 45 seismographs, which recorded seismic signals from 22 chemical shots, including four off-end shots. Each shot involved detonation of between 1.5 and 6.0 tons of TNT, distributed in individual charges of 100–200 kg in shallow water (< 2 m deep). The data is of high quality with high signal/noise ratio to the farthest offsets. We present the results from two-dimensional ray tracing, forward modelling.Both velocity models show normal cratonic structure of the ca. 45-km-thick crust with only slight undulation of the Moho. However, relatively small seismic velocity is detected to 25-km depth in a ca. 60-km wide zone around the kimberlite pipe, surrounded by elevated velocity (> 6.3 km/s) in the upper crust. The lower crust has a relatively constant velocity of 6.8–6.9 km/s. It appears relatively unaffected by the presence of the kimberlite field. Extremely large P-wave velocity (> 8.7 km/s) of the sub-Moho mantle is interpreted along profile I, except for a 70-km wide zone with a “normal” Pn velocity of 8.1 km/s below the kimberlite. Profile II mainly shows Pn velocities of 8.0–8.2 km/s, with unusually large velocity (> 8.5 km/s) in two, ca. 100-km wide zones, at its southwestern end, one zone being close to the kimberlite field. The nature of these exceptionally large, sub-Moho mantle velocities is not yet understood. The difference in velocity in the two profile directions indicates anisotropy, but the effect of unusual rock composition, e.g. from a high concentration of garnet, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

In order to understand the origin of long-lived loci of volcanism (sometimes called “hot spots”) and their possible role in global tectonic processes, it is essential to know their deep structure. Even though some work has been done on the crustal, upper-mantle, and deep-mantle structure under some of these “hot spots”, the picture is far from clear. In an attempt to study the structure under the Yellowstone National Park U.S.A., which is considered to be such a “hot spot”, we recorded teleseisms using 26 telemetered seismic stations and three groups of portable stations. The network was operated within a 150 km radius centered on the Yellowstone caldera, the major, Quaternary volcanic feature of the Yellowstone region. Teleseismic delays of about 1.5 sec are found inside the caldera, and the delays remain high over a 100 km wide area around the caldera. The spatial distribution and magnitude of the delays indicate the presence of a large body of low-velocity material with horizontal dimensions corresponding approximately to the caldera size (40 km × 80 km) near the surface and extending to a depth of 200–250 km under the caldera. Using ray-tracing and inversion techniques, it is estimated that the compressional velocity inside the anomalous body is lower than in the surrounding rock by about 15% in the upper crust and by 5% in the lower crust and upper mantle. It is postulated that the body is partly composed of molten rock with a high degree of partial melting at shallow depths and is responsible for the observed Yellowstone volcanism. The large size of the partially molten body, taken together with its location at the head of a 350 km zone of volcanic propagation along the axis of the Snake River Plain, indicates that the volcanism associated with Yellowstone has its origin below the lithosphere and is relatively stationary with respect to plate motion. Using our techniques, we are unable to detect any measurable velocity contrast in the mantle beneath the low-velocity body, and, hence, we are unable to determine whether the Yellowstone melting anomaly is associated with a deep heat source or with any deep phenomenon such as a convection plume, chemical plume, or gravitational anchor.  相似文献   

The crustal and upper mantle compressional-wave velocity structure across the southwestern Arabian Shield has been investigated by a 1000-km-long seismic refraction profile. The profile begins in Mesozoic cover rocks near Riyadh on the Arabian Platform, trends southwesterly across three major Precambrian tectonic provinces, traverses Cenozoic rocks of the coastal plain near Jizan, and terminates at the outer edge of the Farasan Bank in the southern Red Sea. More than 500 surveyed recording sites were occupied, and six shot points were used, including one in the Red Sea.Two-dimensional ray-tracing techniques, used to analyze amplitude-normalized record sections indicate that the Arabian Shield is composed, to first order, of two layers, each about 20 km thick, with average velocities of about 6.3 km/s and 7.0 km/s, respectively. West of the Shield-Red Sea margin, the crust thins to a total thickness of less than 20 km, beyond which the Red Sea shelf and coastal plain are interpreted to be underlain by oceanic crust.A major crustal inhomogeneity at the northeast end of the profile probably represents the suture zone between two crustal blocks of different composition. Elsewhere along the profile, several high-velocity anomalies in the upper crust correlate with mapped gneiss domes, the most prominent of which is the Khamis Mushayt gneiss. Based on their velocities, these domes may constitute areas where lower crustal rocks have been raised some 20 km. Two intracrustal reflectors in the center of the Shield at 13 km depth probably represent the tops of mafic intrusives.The Mohorovičić discontinuity beneath the Shield varies from a depth of 43 km and mantle velocity of 8.2 km/s in the northeast to a depth of 38 km and mantle velocity of 8.0 km/s depth in the southwest near the Shield-Red Sea transition. Two velocity discontinuities occur in the upper mantle, at 59 and 70 km depth.The crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Arabian Shield is interpreted as revealing a complex crust derived from the suturing of island arcs in the Precarnbrian. The Shield is currently flanked by the active spreading boundary in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

The large-scale POLONAISE'97 seismic experiment investigated the velocity structure of the lithosphere in the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) region between the Precambrian East European Craton (EEC) and Palaeozoic Platform (PP). In the area of the Polish Basin, the P-wave velocity is very low (Vp <6.1 km/s) down to depths of 15–20 km, and the consolidated basement (Vp5.7–5.8 km/s) is 5–12 km deep. The thickness of the crust is 30 km beneath the Palaeozoic Platform, 40–45 km beneath the TESZ, and 40–50 km beneath the EEC. The compressional wave velocity of the sub-Moho mantle is >8.25 km/s in the Palaeozoic Platform and 8.1 km/s in the Precambrian Platform. Good quality record sections were obtained to the longest offsets of about 600 km from the shot points, with clear first arrivals and later phases of waves reflected/refracted in the lower lithosphere. Two-dimensional interpretation of the reversed system of travel times constrains a series of reflectors in the depth range of 50–90 km. A seismic reflector appears as a general feature at around 10 km depth below Moho in the area, independent of the actual depth to the Moho and sub-Moho seismic velocity. “Ringing reflections” are explained by relatively small-scale heterogeneities beneath the depth interval from 90 to 110 km. Qualitative interpretation of the observed wave field shows a differentiation of the reflectivity in the lower lithosphere. The seismic reflectivity of the uppermost mantle is stronger beneath the Palaeozoic Platform and TESZ than the East European Platform. The deepest interpreted seismic reflector with zone of high reflectivity may mark a change in upper mantle structure from an upper zone characterised by seismic scatterers of small vertical dimension to a lower zone with vertically larger seismic scatterers, possible caused by inclusions of partial melt.  相似文献   

Travel times from earthquakes recorded at two seismic networks were used to derive an average P wavespeed model for the crust and upper mantle to depths of 320 km below southern Africa. The simplest model (BPI1) has a Moho depth of 34 km, and an uppermost mantle wavespeed of 8.04 km/s, below which the seismic wavespeeds have low positive gradients. Wavespeed gradients decrease slightly around 150 km depth to give a ‘knee’ in the wavespeed-depth model, and the wavespeed reaches 8.72 km/s at a depth of 320 km. Between the Moho and depths of 270 km, the seismic wavespeeds lie above those of reference model IASP91 of Kennett [Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1991)] and below the southern African model of Zhao et al. [Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (1999) 4783]. At depths near 300 km all three models have similar wavespeeds. The mantle P wavespeeds for southern Africa of Qiu et al. [Geophysical Journal International 127 (1996) 563] lie close to BPI1 at depths between 40 and 140 km, but become lower at greater depths. The seismic wavespeeds in the upper mantle of model BPI1 agree satisfactorily with those estimated from peridotite xenoliths in kimberlites from within the Kaapvaal craton.The crustal thickness of 34 km of model BPI1 is systematically lower than the average thickness of 41 km computed over the same region from receiver functions. This discrepancy can be partly explained by an alternative model (BPI2) in which there is a crust–mantle transition zone between depths of 35 and 47 km, below which seismic wavespeed increases to 8.23 km/s. A low-wavespeed layer is then required at depths between 65 and 125 km.  相似文献   

The large-scale CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment investigated the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle between western portion of the East European Craton (EEC) and the eastern Alps. This area comprises: the Trans-European Suture Zone, the Carpathian Mountains, the Pannonian Basin and the Bohemian Massif. This experiment included 147 chemical shots recorded by 1230 seismic stations during two deployments. Good quality data along 16 main and a few additional profiles were recorded. One of them, profile CEL03, was located in southeastern Poland and was laid out as a prolongation of the TTZ profile performed in 1993. This paper focuses on the joint interpretation of seismic data along the NW–SE trending TTZ–CEL03 transect, located in the central portion of the Trans-European Suture Zone. First arrivals and later phases of waves reflected/refracted in the crust and upper mantle were interpreted using two-dimensional tomographic inversion and ray-tracing techniques. This modelling established a 2-D (quasi 3-D) P-wave velocity lithospheric model. Four crustal units were identified along the transect. From northwest to southeast, thickness of the crust varies from 35 km in the Pomeranian Unit (NW) to 40 km in the Kuiavian Unit, to 50 km in the Radom–Łysogóry Unit and again to 43 km in the Narol Unit (SE). The first two units are thought to be proximal terranes detached from the EEC farther to the southeast and re-accreted to the edge of the EEC during the Early Palaeozoic. The origin of the remaining two units is a matter of dispute: they are either portions of the EEC or other proximal terranes. In the area of the Polish Basin (first two units), the P-wave velocity is very low (Vp < 6.1 km/s) down to depths of 15–20 km indicating that a very thick sedimentary and possibly volcanic rock sequence, whose lower portion may be metamorphosed, is present. The velocity beneath the Moho was found to be rather high, being 8.25 km/s in the northwestern portion of the transect, 8.4 km/s in the central sector, and 8.1 km/s in the southeastern sector.  相似文献   

Abyssal variations beneath the Baikal rift zone are revealed in an irregular seismic stratification of the crust, the presence of an intracrust waveguide and by the vast (> 200,000 km2) underlying area of anomalously low velocity (Pn = 7.6−7.8 km/sec) uppermost mantle. In its abyssal structure the Baikal rift is heterogeneous along the strike, with sharp changes in crustal thickness (35–50 km).Comparison of first-arrival seismic-velocity curves and also the respective velocity columns reveals the essential similarity of upper-mantle seismic cross-sections for all continental rift zones. The anomalous upper layer of the mantle (ca. 7.7 km/sec) is relatively thin (15-13 km) and can be linked with the mantle waveguide only locally.  相似文献   

Internally consistent thermodynamic computation of equilibria in the FeO-MgO-SiO2 system up to 300 kbar is carried out and phase diagrams and profiles of the elastic properties and density are constructed at the depths of 300–800 km. Comparisons of calculated thermodynamic properties for different petrological models with seismic velocity profiles have been used to constrain the mineralogy of the mantle discontinuities. The 400-km discontinuity may represent the univariant or divariant transition in the olivine component of pyrolite as well as a chemical boundary. For the pyrolite composition at the depth of 650 km there are two different spinel + perovskite + stishovite (640 km) and magnesiowustite + spinel + perovskite (650 km) divariant loops (1–2 km wide) separated by a Invariant zone spinel + perovskite (4–6 km wide). The results indicate that phase changes in pyrolite do not explain the 650-km discontinuity. It is also shown that it is impossible to match the seismic properties observed at the depths of 600–800 km and through the discontinuity with any isochemical petrological model considered in the FMS system. However, increasing the iron content or silica and iron contents across the 650-km discontinuity can produce thermodynamic properties in the lower mantle that are more consistent with those inferred from seismic observations. Constraints on the SiO2 and iron contents in the mantle are inferred from the comparison of thermodynamic and seismological data.  相似文献   

In 1998–1999, a large-scale seismic array was deployed in Finland as a part of the EUROPROBE/SVEKALAPKO subproject, involving 14 European universities and research institutes. The objective of the project was to map the deep lithosphere structure and thickness beneath the Fennoscandian Shield by means of teleseismic events. In addition, about 580 local seismic events were registered during the data acquisition period. Among them, only eight local earthquakes were recorded, the rest being quarry blasts from mining sites in Russia, Finland, Estonia and Sweden. In this study, we present the analysis of the seismic wave field from the strongest local events registered by the majority of the stations of the SVEcofennian–KArelian–LAPland–KOla Transect (SVEKALAPKO) array with the aim of mapping the structure of the upper mantle beneath the array. For this purpose, we selected the events corresponding to a single source type and compared these recordings with those from wide-angle reflection and refraction experiments in the area to identify the regional phases. The record sections of selected events demonstrate strong reflections (PmP) from the Moho boundary. The refracted Pn phases can be seen as first arrivals at distances of about 200–400 km from the source. At offsets of about 400–800 km, phases reflected from inhomogeneities in the uppermost mantle (P1) and double reflections from the Moho boundary (PmPPmP) were recorded.Results from 2D forward ray trace modeling of reflected and refracted P-waves along four profile swathes from SVEKALAPKO stations demonstrate that the mantle reflections originate from two different groups of boundaries beneath the array: one group of phases arrive from subhorizontal and gently dipping reflectors below the Moho boundary at a depth of 70–90 km, while the other group are phases originating from a depth of 100 to 130 km. Based on the irregular character of the first group of reflections, their different spatial orientation and correlation with the Moho offsets, we interpret the boundaries of this group as relicts of ancient subduction and collision processes. The second group of reflections can be explained by a transition from mechanically strong to mechanically weak lithosphere.  相似文献   

Phase velocities of teleseismic Rayleigh waves have been measured in the central North Atlantic on both sides of the Azores-Gibraltar Ridge (AGR) by means of a specially designed long-period station network. The dispersion data obtained were regionalized and then subjected to a “hedgehog” inversion, which gives a set of upper mantle models compatible with the observational data within specified error bounds.Reasonable model solutions were selected by using regional body-wave observations, such as Pn- and Sn-wave velocities determined from earthquakes along the AGR. The S(itn) velocities measured indicate that the shear-wave velocity in the mantle part of the lithosphere is much higher on the northern side of the AGR. Strongly negative P-wave residuals in this area indicate faster seismic propagation than implied by the Jeffreys-Bullen travel-time tables, while propagation is much slower in the Gulf of Cadiz area. Furthermore the residuals show a clear difference for paths through oceanic and continental domains and suggest that the transition between these two domains extends much further into the ocean on the southern side of the AGR than on the northern side.The proposed model for the structure of the upper mantle in that region shows that there exists a pronounced velocity contrast across the AGR. Thickening of the lithospheric plate with increasing plate age is indicated to the south of the ridge. The greatest thickness is reached close to the continental margin within a zone about 500 km wide, whose velocity close to the Canary Islands and Madeira is significantly lower, probably due to the well-known volcanic activity there. These observations together with the travel time residuals reveal that this zone seems to be of a transitional nature somewhere between a continental and oceanic structure.  相似文献   

We present a new three-dimensional SV-wave velocity model for the upper mantle beneath South America and the surrounding oceans, built from the waveform inversion of 5850 Rayleigh wave seismograms. The dense path coverage and the use of higher modes to supplement the fundamental mode of surface waves allow us to constrain seismic heterogeneities with horizontal wavelengths of a few hundred kilometres in the uppermost 400 km of the mantle.The large scale features of our tomographic model confirm previous results from global and regional tomographic studies (e.g. the depth extent of the high velocity cratonic roots down to about 200–250 km).Several new features are highlighted in our model. Down to 100 km depth, the high velocity lid beneath the Amazonian craton is separated in two parts associated with the Guyana and Guapore shields, suggesting that the rifting episode responsible for the formation of the Amazon basin has involved a significant part of the lithosphere. Along the Andean subduction belt, the structure of the high velocity anomaly associated with the sudbduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate reflects the along-strike variation in dip of the subducting plate. Slow velocities are observed down to about 100 km and 150 km at the intersection of the Carnegie and Chile ridges with the continent and are likely to represent the thermal anomalies associated with the subducted ridges. These lowered velocities might correspond to zones of weakness in the subducted plate and may have led to the formation of “slab windows” developed through unzipping of the subducted ridges; these windows might accommodate a transfer of asthenospheric mantle from the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean. From 150 to 250 km depth, the subducting Nazca plate is associated with high seismic velocities between 5°S and 37°S. We find high seismic velocities beneath the Paraná basin down to about 200 km depth, underlain by a low velocity anomaly in the depth range 200–400 km located beneath the Ponta Grossa arc at the southern tip of the basin. This high velocity anomaly is located southward of a narrow S-wave low velocity structure observed between 200 and 500–600 km depth in body wave studies, but irresolvable with our long period datasets. Both anomalies point to a model in which several, possibly diachronous, plumes have risen to the surface to generate the Paraná large igneous province (LIP).  相似文献   

Stresses and effective viscosities in the asthenosphere to a depth of 400 km are calculated on the basis of Weertmans “temperature method” i.e., on relating viscosity to the ratio of the temperature to the melting point (=homologous temperature). Some oceanic and continental geotherms and two melting point—depth curves, the dry pyrolite solidus and the forsterite90 melting curve are used for the conversion of the homologous temperature to the effective viscosity. Two creep laws are considered, the linear, grain-size-dependent Nabarro—Herring (NH) creep law, and a power creep law, in which the creep rate is proportional to the third power of the stress. A plate tectonic model yields creep rates of 2 · 10−14 s−1 for the oceanic and 3 · 10−15 s−1 for the continental asthenosphere. These values are held constant for the calculations and may be valid for regions inside plates.The dry pyrolite mantle model results in high homologous temperatures in the asthenosphere below oceans (0.9), very low stresses (a few bars and lower) and shows a low viscosity “layer” of about 200-km thickness. Below continental shields the homologous temperature has a maximum value of 0.73, stresses are around 5–20 bar and the low-viscosity region is thicker and less pronounced than in the oceanic case. The Fo90 mantle model generally gives lower homologous temperatures (maximum value below oceans beside active ridges 0.75). The stresses in the asthenosphere beneath oceans vary from a few bars to about 50 bar and below continents to about 100 bar. The low-viscosity region seems to reach great depths without forming a “channel”. The Figs. 1 and 2 show the approximate viscosity—depth distribution for the two mantle models under study.Assuming a completely dry mantle and a mean grain size of 5 mm, power law creep will be the dominating creep process in the asthenosphere. However, grains may grow in a high-temperature—low-stress regime (i.e., below younger oceans), an effect which will further diminish the influence of NH creep. In the upper 100–150 km of the earth some fluid phases may affect considerably creep processes.  相似文献   

Thermal and rheological structures of the Xisha Trough, South China Sea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The Xisha Trough, located in the northwest of the South China Sea (SCS) mainly rifted 30 Ma ago, has been a failed rift since the cessation of the seafloor spreading of the NW subbasin. Based on the velocity–depth model along Profile OBH-4 across the Xisha Trough, a seven-layer density–depth model is used to estimate density structure for the profile. The relationship between seismic velocity and radiogenic heat production is used to estimate the vertical distribution of heat sources in the lower crust. The 2-D temperature field is calculated by applying a 2-D numerical solution of the heat conduction equation and the thermal lithosphere thickness is obtained from the basalt dry solidus (BDS). The rheology of the profile is estimated on the basis of frictional failure in the brittle regime and power-law steady-state creep in the ductile regime. Rheological model is constructed for a three-layer model involving a granitic upper crust, a quartz diorite lower crust and an olivine upper mantle. Gravity modeling supports basically the velocity–depth model. The Moho along Profile OBH-4 is of relatively high heat flow ranging from 46 to 60 mW/m2 and the Moho heat flow is higher in the trough than on the flanks. The depth of the “thermal” lithospheric lower boundary is about 54 km in the center, deepens toward two sides, and is about 75 km at the northern slope area and about 70 km at the southern Xisha–Zhongsha Block. Rheological calculation indicates that the two thinnest ductile layers in the crust and the thickest brittle layer in the uppermost mantle lie in the central region, showing that the Xisha Trough has been rheologically strengthened, which are mainly due to later thermal relaxation. In addition, the strengthening in rheology during rifting was not the main factor in hampering the breakup of the Xisha Trough.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘岩石圈密度与磁化强度及动力学含义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用横贯柴达木盆地南北的格尔木—花海子剖面岩石圈二维P波速度结构以及地震波速度与介质密度之间的关系,建立了该剖面岩石圈二维密度结构与二维磁化强度的初始模型。依据重磁同源原理,在柴达木盆地重、磁异常的二重约束下完成了重磁联合反演,获得了该剖面岩石圈二维密度结构与二维磁化强度分布。结果表明:柴达木盆地地壳厚度沿测线变化较大,平均厚度约60km。在柴达木盆地南缘地壳厚约50km,达布逊湖附近地壳最厚为63km左右,大柴旦附近地壳较薄,为50km左右。柴达木盆地的地壳纵向上可分为三层,即上地壳、中地壳与下地壳。位于盆地中部的中、下地壳分别发育大范围的壳内低密度体,并处于上地幔隆起的背景之上;横向上可将盆地分成南北两个部分,分界在达布逊湖附近。整个剖面结晶基底埋深变化也很大,在达布逊湖附近为12km,在昆仑山北缘基底几乎出露地表。结晶基底的展布形态与地壳底界,即莫霍面呈近似镜像对称。综合研究认为,柴达木盆地的岩石圈结构存在着明显的南北差异,其分界在达布逊湖的北面。在盆地南部,岩石圈介质横向变化较小,各层介质分布正常;在盆地的北侧,岩石圈结构特别在中、下地壳和上地幔顶部横向上发生了变化。壳内低密度体的存在意味着柴达木盆地具有较热的岩石圈和上地幔,加之基底界面与莫霍面的镜像对称分布,形成与准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地的构造差异。多种地球物理参数所揭示的地壳上地幔结构及其横向变化特点为柴达木盆地构造演化及青藏高原北部边界的地球动力学研究提供了岩石圈尺度的地球物理证据。  相似文献   

A cross-section of earthquakes located in northeastern Japan is presented by using pPdepths reported by the International Seismological Centre. Travel-time corrections for the water layer were used to recompute pP-depths of earthquakes located below the sea regions. Seven new focal-mechanism solutions, based on teleseismic and Japanese data, were determined for this region. The reconstructed cross-section shows a double seismic zone at intermediate depths of 80–150 km. Earthquakes located within the upper seismic plane are characterized by down-dip compression while those in the lower plane, located about 35 km below the other seismic plane, are characterized by down-dip extension. These observations suggest that, at these depths, stresses attributable to a simple “unbending” of a plate may contribute to the generation of earthquakes in addition to stresses generated by the gravitational sinking of the lithosphere. A detailed cross-section of shallow earthquakes in the same area between the trench and eastern coast of northeastern Honshu is presented along with focal-mechanism solutions. This cross-section delineates more clearly the seismic zones characterized by normal and low-angle thrust faulting.  相似文献   

Despite the violent eruption of the Siberian Traps at ~ 250 Ma, the Siberian craton has an extremely low heat flow (18–25 mW/m2) and a very thick lithosphere (300–350 km), which makes it an ideal place to study the influence of mantle plumes on the long-term stability of cratons. Compared with seismic velocities of rocks, the lower crust of the Siberian craton is composed mainly of mafic granulites and could be rather heterogeneous in composition. The very high Vp (> 7.2 km/s) in the lowermost crust can be fit by a mixture of garnet granulites, two-pyroxene granulites, and garnet gabbro due to magma underplating. The high-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle (Vp = 8.3-8.6 km/s) can be interpreted by a mixture of eclogites and garnet peridotites. Combined with the study of lower crustal and mantle xenoliths, we recognized multistage magma underplating at the crust-mantle boundary beneath the Siberian craton, including the Neoarchean growth and Paleoproterozoic assembly of the Siberian craton beneath the Markha terrane, the Proterozoic collision along the Sayan-Taimyr suture zone, and the Triassic Siberian Trap event beneath the central Tunguska basin. The Moho becomes a metamorphism boundary of mafic rocks between granulite facies and eclogite facies rather than a chemical boundary that separates the mafic lower crust from the ultramafic upper mantle. Therefore, multistage magma underplating since the Neoarchean will result in a seismic Moho shallower than the petrologic Moho. Such magmatism-induced compositional change and dehydration will increase viscosity of the lithospheric mantle, and finally trigger lithospheric thickening after mantle plume activity. Hence, mantle plumes are not the key factor for craton destruction.  相似文献   

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