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The Seto Inland Sea (SIS) receives waste runoff from ∼24% of Japan’s total population, yet it is also important in regional fisheries, recreation and commerce. During August 2006 we measured carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of particulate organic matter (POM) and zooplankton across urban population gradients of the SIS. Results showed a consistent trend of increasing δ15N in POM and zooplankton from the western to eastern subsystems of the SIS, corresponding to increasing population load. Principal components analysis of environmental variables indicated high positive loadings of δ15N and δ13C with high chlorophyll-a and surface water temperatures, and negative loadings of low salinities related to inputs from large rivers and high urban development in the eastern SIS. Anthropogenic nitrogen was therefore readily integrated into the SIS food web from primary production to copepods, which are a critical food source for many commercially important fishes.  相似文献   

Recovery of fish stocks in the Seto Inland Sea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The total amount of fisheries' yield in the Seto Inland Sea in 1999 was 571,000 MT, consisting of 256,000 MT by fishing and 315,000 MT from aquaculture. About 40,000 people engaged in the fishing and aquaculture industries, earned 129 billion yen (1100 million US$) by fishing and 89 billion yen (770 million $US) by aquaculture. The averaged annual catch for the Seto Inland Sea by fishing was 13 MT/km(2). Division into time periods in terms of eutrophication levels can be made: before 1960 when red sea bream were abundant with ecological divergence (before eutrophication), from 1960 to 1990 when the biomass of anchovy was large (during eutrophication), and after 1990 when the jellyfishes were abundant (excessive eutrophication or high N:P ratio). The fish production will decrease in the sea of jellyfishes. Actually, the amount of catch was 462,000 MT in 1982 which decreased 265,000 MT in 1993, corresponding to 43% in twelve years, then keeping the same level. A big reduction was seen in the catches of the spotlined sardine, anchovy, Spanish mackerel, tiger puffer, short-necked clam, sea cucumber and others. The tiger puffer and Spanish mackerel were abundant as predators in the sea of anchovy. The biomass of anchovy was at its maximum in 1986 and decreased to less than one third in 1996. The stocks of tiger puffer and Spanish mackerel greatly decreased because of the higher fishing pressure compared to the anchovy stock. The fishing power of individual fisheries targeting on the tiger puffer and Spanish mackerel increased substantially when fishing vessel and fishing gear improved, resulting in an excessive fishing effort. A large quantity of small immature fishes is usually caught in the Seto Inland Sea, resulting in growth and/or recruitment overfishing for many species. Hence, it is necessary to promote management of the fisheries so as not to reduce the fish stocks, and to allow the Seto Inland Sea to return from being a sea of jellyfishes to a sea of anchovy, with decreased eutrophication levels.  相似文献   

Five typical water volumes in the Seto Inland Sea are defined, and their average residence times, remnant functions, and residence time distribution functions are obtained, mainly from results of hydraulic model experiments; the average residence times and the functions well describe characteristics of exchange and transport of materials in the sea. A representative residence time, which is the average residence time of the total water in the inland sea, is about 15 months.  相似文献   

We estimate the economic value of the natural environment damaged in the Seto Inland Sea after the introduction of the Law on Temporary Measures for the Environmental Conservation of the Seto Inland Sea (Setouchi Law) and the value of the natural environment that survived, using a Contingent Valuation (CV) survey on an Internet web site. The CV survey contains three plans. Plan 1 is to restore 4 ha of reclaimed land. By estimating the Willingness To Pay (WTP) for plan 1, we can appraise the value of the natural environment that was damaged as a result of the original reclamation. Plan 2 is to transplant Zostera (eel-grass) into an area of 10 ha offshore. Plan 3 is to preserve the shore area, a natural habitat for rare animal species, under the National Trust Program. From the WTP for plans 2 and 3, we can estimate the value of the shore area and the areas a little farther offshore. The value of the natural environment damaged in the Seto Inland Sea as a result of reclaiming projects after the introduction of the Setouchi Law and the value of the existing natural environment of the Seto Inland Sea from the WTP for the plans were estimated to about 172 trillion yen (1.46 trillion dollars) and about 424 trillion yen (3.60 trillion dollars), respectively. The results indicate that in the 25 years since the introduction of the Setouchi Law, we have degraded every year about 6.88 trillion yen (58.5 billion dollars) worth of the natural environment by reclaiming. Some seaweed farms and natural shore areas, natural habitats to rare marine life-forms like the horseshoe crab and the fiddler crab have survived, but their value amounts to about 80% of Japan's GDP.  相似文献   

Due to the reduction and degradation of coastal areas in Japan by land reclamation and anthropogenic perturbations, from the point of view of conservation of the coastal environment, the restoration of Sargassum beds is essential. Between 1978 and 1991, 6400 ha of seagrass and seaweed beds have been lost along the Japanese coast, of which Sargassum beds were 22%. New techniques for Sargassum bed restoration are summarized based on three coastal engineering techniques. (1) Construction of shallow and gentle sloping bottom substrata have been shown to be effective for the reestablishment of 'management-free seagrass and Sargassum beds' on developed coasts. (2) Seeding or transplanting using artificial substratum for extension of nursery and fishing grounds around natural Sargassum beds. (3) Periodic transplanting of Sargassum plants using artificially produced seedlings is effective to produce niches to allow faunal re-colonization in severely polluted and sparsely vegetated area. However, prior to implementation, the suitability and limitations of these three techniques requires to be ascertained for effective Sargassum bed restoration.  相似文献   

The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

Sediment trap experiments were carried out three times from 1999 to 2000, in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea (Suo-Sound), Japan. We investigated both the particulate flux and the composition of chemical substances in the sediment trap samples. Based on the results, we discuss the origin of particulate organic carbon (POC) collected by the sediment traps in a coastal area. Moreover, we purposed to estimate the flux of the portion of the POC that is derived from phytoplankton photosynthesis. The fluxes of POC varied between 677 and 3424 mgC m(-2) d(-1). Significant positive correlations between POC and aluminum (Al) fluxes suggested that these components show almost the same behaviour. The mean value of the Al flux was about eight times higher than that of Al burial rates on the sediment surface. Therefore, it seems that the POC flux observed with the sediment traps was considerably overestimated. Moreover, judging from the fact that Al is a typical terriginous element, it seems that most of the POC collected in the sediment traps derived from the re-suspended surface sediment or sediment transported laterally from shallow flanks such as intertidal mudflats. The fluxes of chlorophyll a (Chl a) were independent of the POC fluxes, and a relatively consistent correlation was found between Chl a abundance in the water column and the Chl a flux. Moreover, surface sediment Chl a content was approximately 100 times lower than that of suspended matter. Therefore, resuspension and terriginous contributions to Chl a collected in sediment traps are likely to be negligible. The POC content in the trap samples varied between 22.4 and 70.7 mg g(-1) dry weight. The variations of POC contents were positively correlated with the Chl a contents: POC(mg g(-1))=76.5 x Chl a(mg g(-1)) + 26.0 (r=0.95, p<0.01, n=9). This result shows that POC contents strongly corresponded with phytoplankton and their debris. It was also considered that the fraction of POC derived from phytoplankton primary production could be estimated as Chl a content times a certain factor. In this study, we estimated the flux of the portion of the POC originating from phytoplankton production by multiplying the Chl a fluxes by 76.5 (the mean POC:Chl a ratio in the trap samples). These values varied between 308 and 758 mgC m(-2) d(-1), and accounted for 35.1+/-21.2% of total POC flux. Although the amount of POC that originates from phytoplankton photosynthesis was a small portion of total POC flux, it seems to be a large portion of potential primary production in the water column.  相似文献   

The investigations were carried out at 6 tidal flats located on the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. This study was focused on physical characteristics of sediments, namely as particle size of sediment and difference in elevation, and generalizes the relationship between sediments and macrobenthos. A total of 192 species were collected at 187 stations at 6 tidal flats. Physical characteristics of sediment were classified into 9 groups by cluster analysis in relation to sediment particle size and difference in elevation. Those groups had also significant difference in physical characteristics of sediments, and were characterized by some specific macrobenthos species. Distribution of macrobenthos can be explained by the classification of physical characteristics of sediment. These findings show the possibility to predict the variety of macrobenthos community using the physical characteristics of sediment.  相似文献   

Survival of transplanted Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) and environmental conditions (water quality, bottom sediments, sedimentation on leaves and flow regime) were studied concurrently in the center, edge, and at the outside of a eelgrass meadow located in a eutrophic coastal zone in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Eelgrass transplants at the outside of the meadow declined significantly, whereas those at the center were consistently well established. Silt content in the bottom sediments at the outside was higher than that at the center. The sediment was oxic from the surface to 2 cm deep at the center, whereas those at the edge and the outside were reductive almost from the surface. The sediment characteristics typical in eutrophic water seemed to be a factor responsible for the deterioration of eelgrass meadows. Although suspended solid concentrations in the water columns were almost the same, the amount of sediments deposited on leaves of eelgrass at the outside was higher than that at the center of the meadow. The amount of the deposition at the outside seems to be enough to inhibit photosynthesis; i.e. photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) available for eelgrass was only 36% of that without any deposition. The deposition in the center, however, was small enough to allow 84% of the original PPFD. Flow rates, determined at 30 cm above the bottom, a half height of average eelgrass, suggested that the rate at the outside was not enough to remove deposited sediments from the surface of eelgrass leaves. Thus, the large amount of sediment deposition caused by water pollution and/or eutrophication seemed to be another factor to inhibit the survival of eelgrass at the outside edge of the meadow.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions of Coscinodiscus wailesii were determined for four samples of natural cells. Results revealed that the cellular Si:N ratio of C. wailesii cell was 2.4:1.0-5.2:1.0. The impacts of C. wailesii on surrounding coastal water were evaluated from hydrographic observations, in which C. wailesii cell density, nutrients concentrations and temperature were monitored from November 2001 to February 2005 in Harima-Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. In low temperature periods, from October to December, two peaks of C. wailesii cell density were observed and nutrient concentrations were depleted. The draw-down ratio of Si(OH)(4) and DIN (Si(OH)(4):DIN ratio) in the water column were similar to the cellular Si:N ratio of C. wailesii cells, which have high Si contents. In addition the effects of different Si(OH)(4):DIN ratio were determined for in situ bottle incubation experiments. In the culture experiments, picoplankton (0.2-2.0 microm) which consisted of small flagellates became dominant under low Si(OH)(4):DIN ratios. These results suggested that the sizes distribution shifted to small size and the phytoplankton community was changed to small flagellates after the C. wailesii bloom. These changes would influence predators at higher trophic levels in its coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

During surveillance of the distribution of the paralytic shellfish poison (PSP)-producing dinoflagellate in 2003, 2004 and 2005 along the coastlines of the Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, some species of toxic phytoplankton were isolated from the eastern coasts, Bingo-Nada, the central regions of the Seto Inland Sea. It was rather unexpectedly revealed from the basis of the morphological characteristics that they were unambiguously identified as Alexandrium tamiyavanichii and Alexandrium catenella. Two strains (ATY041106, ATY051018) of A. tamiyavanichii showed a specific toxicity of 38.7 x 10(-6) and 111.5 x 10(-6)MU/cell, respectively. These values seemed to be several times or much higher than that of A. catenella (AC030816, AC040614), having a specific toxicity of 4.5 x 10(-6) and 4.1 x 10(-6)MU/cell, respectively, isolated in the same area. From the results of HPLC-furuorometric analysis, it revealed that the toxins in ATY041106 exist almost exclusively as beta-epimers (C2, GTX3, GTX4), which accounted for 72.7 mol%. The toxin profiles of this strain are featured by the presence of a large amount of GTX3 (59.1 mol%) and a small amount (20.6%) of C1 and 2 in comparison with the PSP compositions of A. tamarense, which is isolated as the main responsible species in Hiroshima Bay, a western part of coastal sea in Hiroshima Prefecture. On the other hand, it revealed that the toxin profiles of two strains (AC030816, AC040614) of A. catenella exist almost exclusively as beta-epimers (C2, GTX3, GTX4), which accounted for 81.8 and 56.5 mol%, as the same manner. The toxin profiles of these two strains are featured by the presence of a large amount of C2 (80.5 and 46.3 mol%) in comparison with the PSP compositions of A. tamiyavanichii. To our knowledge, this is the first record to show the distribution and harmful influence of A. tamiyavanichii and A. catenella in Bingo-Nada in Hiroshima Prefecture. Though contamination of bivalves with these PSP-producing planktons in this area has not occurred yet so far, attention should be paid to this species as well as the other causative dinoflagellate from the stand point of public health and food hygiene.  相似文献   

Silicate regeneration was determined in a shallow-water coastal ecosystem (Shido Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan) during 1999-2000. The present study was carried out directly by core incubation and by determining gradients of dissolved silicate (DSi) in the pore water. Incubated fluxes ranged from 25.5 to 132.6 mgSim(-2)d(-1), and were 1.6-21.6 times greater than diffusive fluxes (5.4-43.3 mgSim(-2)d(-1)). The disparity between fluxes measured by core incubation and modeling pore water indicated that other physical, chemical or biological processes, in addition to diffusion of DSi from below, contribute to DSi fluxes measured during the incubation of undisturbed cores. A regression analysis revealed that water temperature and salinity explained 24% and 23%, respectively, of season to season variability in incubated fluxes. Microphytobenthos was responsible for 37% of the variability in measured rate of DSi fluxes, with greatly reducing DSi release rates due to their own DSi demand. Moreover, the inverse relationship between the DSi fluxes and biogenic silica (Bio-Si) concentrations in the surface sediment, suggested that about 41% of the variability in the DSi fluxes were explained by Bio-Si concentrations in the surface sediment. As a result, Shido Bay showed silicate regeneration of incubated cores to be a consequence of Bio-Si dissolution depending on microphytobenthos, temperature and salinity, while diffusive fluxes appeared to be limited by DSi in the pore water. An annual average of DSi flux (68.7+/-32.9 mgSim(-2)d(-1)) from the sediments to the water column corresponds to 38% of DSi, required for primary production by phytoplankton in Shido Bay.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationships of water and sediment quality with meiobenthos (Ostracoda) over the past 100 years, using a sediment core obtained from Suo-Nada in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We compared high-resolution ostracode results with geochemical and sedimentological data obtained from the study core as well as with rich environmental monitoring data that are available. R-mode cluster analysis revealed two bioassociations (BC, KA). Until the1960s, assemblages continued to show high diversity. They changed in approximately 1970, when excessive nutrients and organic matter began to be supplied, and most species decreased in number. All species of bioassociation BC were dominant again by the mid-1990s; however, those of bioassociation KA containing infaunal species did not increase and have been absent or rare since the 1970s because organic pollution of sediments has continued to date. This study provided robust baseline for ostracode-based long-term environmental monitoring in East Asia.  相似文献   

Summary On a cruise, covering the whole Baltic Sea area, in May/June 1983, from the Kattegat through the Belt Sea, the Baltic Proper, and the Gulfs of Finland and Bothnia, investigations concerning the distribution of several organochlorine compounds were made. In accordance with the water exchange in the Kattegat and Belt Sea, a vertical stratification can be seen for -, -, -HCH and DDT — with higher concentrations in the outflowing surface water with low salinity and lower values in the inflowing bottom water with high salinity. The bottom water concentrations in the Kattegat and Belt Sea are increasing from North to South by mixture with surface water. East of the Darss Sill, the distribution pattern becomes more homogeneous with only slight differences in the average mean concentrations between the various basins forming the Baltic Sea.
Über die Verteilung einiger Organochlorverbindungen in der Ostsee
Zusammenfassung Im Wasser des Kattegats, der Beltsee, der zentralen Ostsee, des Finnischen Meerbusens und der Bottensee wurden im Mai und Juni 1983 Untersuchungen auf Organochlorverbindungen vorgenommen. In Übereinstimmung mit den Verhältnissen des Wasseraustausches im Kattegat und der Beltsee kann man für -, -, -HCH und DDT eine vertikale Schichtung erkennen — mit höheren Konzentrationen im abfließenden Oberflächenwasser mit niedrigem Salzgehalt und niedrigeren Werten im einströmenden Bodenwasser mit hohem Salzgehalt. Durch Vermischung mit dem Oberflächenwasser steigen die Konzentrationen im Bodenwasser im Kattegat und der Beltsee von Norden nach Süden hin an. Östlich der Darsser Schwelle ergibt sich eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung mit nur geringen Unterschieden in den mittleren Konzentrationen innerhalb der einzelnen Becken, die die Ostsee bilden.

De la distribution de quelques composants organochlorés dans la mer Baltique
Résumé En mai et juin 1983 des recherches sur la distribution de plusieurs composants organochlorés furent effectuées durant une campagne couvrant le Kattegat, les Belts, la mer Baltique centrale, les Golfes de Finlande et de Bothnie. En accord avec les échanges des eaux dans le Kattegat et les Belts, une stratification verticale de l'-, -, -HCH et DDT fut mise en évidence, avec une concentration plus forte dans les eaux superficielles sortantes et des valeurs plus faibles dans les eaux de fond entrantes. A l'Est du seuil de Drss, la répartition des échantillons devient plus homogène avec seulement de légères différences des concentrations moyennes entre les différents bassins qui forment la mer Baltique.

Contamination status of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in blubber of finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) stranded along the coasts of Seto Inland Sea and Omura Bay in Japan were investigated. Levels of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs were significantly higher than those of HCHs, HCB, PBDEs and HBCDs. Concentrations of PBDEs and HBCDs, as well as organochlorine compounds in males increased with body length (p<0.05). Among 14 PBDE congeners analyzed, BDE-47 was the predominant, which is similar to those generally reported in biota. PBDEs, HBCDs and PCBs showed no obvious temporal trend in concentrations during the study period, suggesting continuous environmental release of these chemicals. On the other hand, levels of DDT, CHLs and HCHs have decreased. Concentrations of PCBs in liver trematode infected individuals were significantly higher than those in not infected individuals, implying there could be a relationship between contaminant levels and parasitic infection.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):564-571
Contamination status of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in blubber of finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) stranded along the coasts of Seto Inland Sea and Omura Bay in Japan were investigated. Levels of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs were significantly higher than those of HCHs, HCB, PBDEs and HBCDs. Concentrations of PBDEs and HBCDs, as well as organochlorine compounds in males increased with body length (p < 0.05). Among 14 PBDE congeners analyzed, BDE-47 was the predominant, which is similar to those generally reported in biota. PBDEs, HBCDs and PCBs showed no obvious temporal trend in concentrations during the study period, suggesting continuous environmental release of these chemicals. On the other hand, levels of DDT, CHLs and HCHs have decreased. Concentrations of PCBs in liver trematode infected individuals were significantly higher than those in not infected individuals, implying there could be a relationship between contaminant levels and parasitic infection.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches typically have one or more shore-parallel bars with superimposed smaller-scale three-dimensional (3D) bars. Knowledge of their morphodynamic behaviour under more realistic wave conditions is limited. This study investigates the response of beaches with two shore-parallel bars to sinusoidally time-varying angles of incidence, using a non-linear morphodynamic model. Different periods and amplitudes of this sinusoidal variation are considered, as well as different time-mean wave angles. For time-invariant and normally incident waves, results show that alongshore rhythmic 3D bars form in the domains of inner and outer shore-parallel bars. The 3D bars in the inner domain are coupled at half the outer-bars wavelength. This phase coupling breaks up when the wave angle varies in time. Initially, regular 3D bars form in the inner domain (free behaviour), which become irregular when 3D bars develop in the outer domain (forced behaviour). The heights of the 3D bars oscillate with time, reaching maximum values when the forcing period is comparable to the system adjustment time scale (∼ 10–20 days). For a time-varying wave angle around an oblique mean, alongshore migrating 3D bars emerge in both inner and outer domains. In contrast, for an oblique (constant) wave angle, 3D bars only form in the inner domain and they hardly migrate alongshore. For any forcing period, the dominant response period of the oscillating bar heights is at half the forcing period when waves are (on average) normally incident, and it equals the forcing period when waves are on average obliquely incident. Compared with time-invariant angles, heights of inner and outer 3D bars are (on average) smaller and larger, respectively, when the angle varies with time, particularly for forcing periods in the order of the system adjustment time scale. Increasing the amplitude of the time-varying wave angle weakens bar growth. Explanations of these results are also provided.  相似文献   

The ANICE (Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs into the Coastal Ecosystem) project addressed the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to the North Sea, with emphasis on coastal effects. ANICE focused on quantifying the deposition of inorganic nitrogen compounds to the North Sea and the governing processes. An overview of the results from modelling and experimental efforts is presented. They serve to identify the role of the atmosphere as a source of biologically essential chemical species to the marine biota. Data from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (UK) are used to evaluate the effect of short episodes with very high atmospheric nitrogen concentrations. One such episode resulted in an average deposition of 0.8 mmol N m−2 day−1, which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 5.3 mmol C m−2 day−1. This value is compared to long-term effects determined from model results. The total calculated atmospheric deposition to the North Sea in 1999 is 948 kg N km−1, i.e. 0.19 mmol N m−2 day−1 which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 1.2 mmol C m−2 day−1. Detailed results for August 1999 show strong gradients across the North Sea due to adjacent areas where emissions of NOx and NH3 are among the highest in Europe. The average atmospheric deposition to the southern part of the North Sea in August 1999 could potentially promote primary production of 2.0 mmol C m−2 day−1, i.e. 5.5% of the total production at this time of the year in this area of the North Sea. For the entire study area the atmospheric contribution to the primary production per m2 is about two-third of this value. Most of the deposition occurs during short periods with high atmospheric concentrations. This atmospheric nitrogen is almost entirely anthropogenic in origin and thus represents a human-induced perturbation of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

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