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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2924-2936
The Last Glacial–Interglacial cycle is represented usually by several cuts and fills, which have formed 2–3 terrace steps from the Last Cold Stage and by two or more fills of Lateglacial–Holocene age. Their number depends on the size of the river valley and the position in the longitudinal profile. The sequence of changes reflects shorter stadial–interstadial climatic fluctuations. Generally, aggradation dominates during the cooler phases of the Vistulian and during the Interpleniglacial. The most distinct erosional phases occurred during the change from a more oceanic to a more continental climate before the maximum extension of the ice sheet (25–20 ka BP) and during the Upper Pleniglacial–Lateglacial transition (15–13 ka BP). The second phase coincides with the rapid downcutting in the lower course of the main Vistula valley, which had been blocked earlier by the Scandinavian ice sheet. In the Holocene aggradation prevailed, accelerated by anthropogenic soil erosion. It was only in the mountain foreland that shorter-lived hydrological changes resulted in well expressed several cuts and fills.  相似文献   

Sediments of palaeolakes located in eastern Poland represent the Holsteinian (Mazovian) Interglacial, which corresponds to the Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11). Some of these sediments are characterized by an extremely rich occurrence of mollusc shells. A total of 1795 specimens of the snail Viviparus diluvianus were measured from 5 samples collected from a succession of lake deposits at Ortel Krolewski. The sample from the lowermost part of the succession (2.5 m) represents the Picea-Alnus pollen zone of the Holsteinian Interglacial. Samples from 2.0, 1.5, 1.0m are related to the Taxus Zone. Samples collected from the uppermost part of the succession (0.5 m) correspond to the Pinus Zone representing the so-called intra-interglacial cooling. The population of V. diluvianus displays variability correlated with climatic changes. The population from the Taxus Zone is characterized by a higher content of mature forms compared to the earlier population from the Picea-Alnus Zone. Because the mature individuals are slimmer than the juvenile forms, their last whorl is relatively lower and the aperture relatively smaller. In populations from the Taxus Zone the mean slimness of the shell therefore increases, followed by a decrease in the mean relative height of the last whorl and the mean relative aperture height.  相似文献   

The elemental shell chemistry of two freshwater snails, Viviparus diluvianus (Kunth) and Valvata piscinalis (Müller) was studied for palaeoenvironmental purposes. The shells were collected from lake sediments from five Holsteinian (Marine Isotope Stage 11) sites in eastern Poland (Ossówka, Hrud II, Roskosz, Ortel Królewski and Szymanowo) and analysed for Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe. The Fe/Mn molar ratio was used as a redox indicator, with lower values (and high Mn concentrations) pointing to suboxic conditions. These occurred in the beginning of the Taxus zone and during the transition between the Taxus and Pinus‐Larix zones at Ortel Królewski, and in the Holsteinian thermal maximum (CarpinusAbies zone) at Roskosz Lake. Strongly reducing conditions, indicated by increased Fe and Fe/Mn values, prevailed at Ortel Królewski palaeolake in the middle of the Taxus zone, in the Pinus‐Larix zone and in the upper part of the Roskosz sequence. Indicators of anoxia correlate with eutrophic conditions, enhanced productivity and oxygen consumption due to organic matter decay. The most distinct environmental changes in the records are comparable to other central and northern European records and to the main climatic oscillations during the Holsteinian, inferred from palynological, malacological and isotopic data.  相似文献   

The classical region of the Holsteinian interglacial is in the vicinity of Hamburg and the Lower Elbe. It is defined on the basis of pollen and is clearly distinguishable from the Eemian interglacial (Hallik, 1960; Müller, 1974). The Holsteinian interglacial is represented by a sequence of sediments up to 100 m in thickness. These consist of limnic, fluvial, and marine beds and show a transgression up to the height of present sea-level.Twenty-seven molluscs from Holsteinian deposits were used for ESR dating. The ages show that the Holsteinian may be correlated with stage 7 of the deep sea record V28-238 (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973).  相似文献   

Interpretation of weathered glacial and interglacial deposits in the lower King Valley suggests that the Early Pleistocene Thureau Formation is conformably overlain by the Regency Formation. Pollen analysis of the Regency Formation provides evidence of a new climatic stage, the Regency Interglacial. The interglacial deposit consists of humified peat overlain by drifted wood and leaves. The pollen analysis shows a transition from montane scrub rainforest to lowland temperate rainforest dominated by Lagarostrobos franklinii, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Phyllocladus aspleniifolius. Trace quantities of the species Quintinia psi-latispora and Gothanipollis perplexus , now both extinct in Tasmania, were also recorded. On the basis of intense chemical weathering and correlation with sediments that have a reversed magnetization the weathered glacial deposits of the Thureau Formation are thought to be older than 730,000 B.P. The eroded interglacial deposit rests on the weathered deposits and is buried by outwash gravels of the David Formation, which was deposited during an ice advance of the Middle Pleistocene Henty Glaciation (c. 150,000 B.P.). Comparison of the Regency site with a site 2 km to the south at Baxter Rivulet shows that the unconformity between the interglacial deposit and the overlying outwash gravel represents the erosion of the evidence for the Middle Pleistocene Moore Glaciation.  相似文献   

中国与蒙古交界地区,早前寒武系—新生界分布广泛,地层划分系统差别较大。根据近年来内蒙古地层年代划分研究成果,初步对中蒙边界中东段蒙古地层岩石、化石进行了整理与划分,并以中国出露的地层为参照,进行中蒙边界中东段地层划分与对比。结果表明,中蒙边界中东段地层具有连续性,可以统一划分对比。  相似文献   

鄂西清江流域碳酸盐岩分布广泛,岩溶地质灾害较为发育。文章在清江流域11个县市地质灾害详细调查成果基础上,运用统计归纳和工程地质类比等方法,分析清江岩溶与地质灾害的关系表现在4个方面:岩溶水系统导致岩溶塌陷(及灾害链);溶蚀扩张和岩溶化诱发加剧滑坡和崩塌,溶蚀风化形成危岩(潜在不稳定斜坡);钙质胶结的存在加强了滑坡崩塌的稳定性;岩溶与地质灾害易混淆,以新塘石林为例强调二者之间需甄别。指出碳酸盐岩区地质灾害调查应加强岩溶孕灾地质背景研究;研究钙质胶结的分布规律与加固效果可应用于滑坡和崩塌防治。   相似文献   

Geomorphological analysis of a digital elevation model reveals an extensive zone with uniformly oriented elongated landforms in the middle and eastern Wielkopolska Lowland, directly to the north of the maximum extent of the Weichselian Ice Sheet. Individual linear landforms are up to 10 km long, a few hundred metres wide, and with only a few metres of relief. The belts of linear landforms visible on the surfaces of the uplands are disrupted by subglacial channels and younger river valleys. The character and distribution of both landform types, in relation to the outlines of marginal zones of the Weichselian ice lobes, indicate that their origin was subglacial. The elongated landforms are interpreted as mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) characteristic of palaeo-ice stream zones. The MSGLs occur in a zone 70 km long and 80 km wide and are distinctly divergent towards the maximum extent of the ice sheet. This arrangement demonstrates that they are the record of the terminal zone of the ice stream, whose full size was likely in the order of a few hundred kilometres in length.  相似文献   

A variety of factors has controlled the evolution of the Vistula river valley. They include climatically induced changes of the river runoff and sediment load, glacial advances and rapid variations of the base level, as well as the influence of the tectonic factor. The first-order climatic cycles are reflected in separate terrace fills. The second-order fluctuations may be represented by separate cuts and fills, by the change of the facies or by the change in the granulometric composition. The analysis of the changes in the longitudinal profile helped to discover a great variety of different valley reaches and a general tendency to smooth the long profile during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The oxygen and carbon stable isotope composition of Viviparus diluvianus shells was determined in the palaeolakes of the Holsteinian interglacial (MIS 11) in eastern Poland: the Ortel Królewski, Hrud, Ossówka, Roskosz and Szymanowo lakes. The occurrence of V. diluvianus covers the Taxus zone, the so‐called intra‐interglacial cooling period (Pinus‐Larix zone), the climatic optimum (Carpinus‐Abies zone) and the post‐optimal period with an undefined pollen zone. The isotope record of V. diluvianus shells allowed palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. δ18O and δ13C vary from −8.7‰ in the post‐optimal period to −4.8‰ in the optimal period, and from −10.6‰ at the beginning of the Taxus zone to −4.2‰ at the climatic optimum, respectively. A positive correlation of the isotope curves indicates closed‐water bodies, and only at Roskosz was some occasional overflow inferred. Higher oxygen isotopes correspond to an increase in temperature and/or enhanced evaporation, which is well marked in the Carpinus‐Abies zone, whereas samples enriched in 13C are correlated with periods demonstrating a lower water level and higher productivity in the lakes. Episodes of lake shallowing and dense aquatic vegetation occurred in the Pinus‐Larix zone and during the climatic optimum. The isotope ratios for the climatic optimum significantly exceed those of the other periods, thus pointing to warmer conditions. An estimation of relative changes of average summer temperatures using the δ18O/temperature gradient yielded variation of 1–2 °C within the lakes. Absolute temperature reconstructions indicate the effects of specific local conditions. Hence, V. diluvianus shells offer a reliable proxy in qualitative studies of interglacial lake records.  相似文献   

为使河网中河段的直接定位和拓扑关系更加直观,提出直接对矢量河网进行继承式编码的思想,首先通过基于节点大小平衡二叉树的最小代价路径搜索算法完成对DEM数据的填洼处理,并将修正后的矢量河网与DEM进行叠置分析;然后基于Horton-Strahler分级和Shreve-Smart分级方法设计河网拓扑继承式编码算法,解决多河道汇集,河道分叉及汇流分叉等复杂河段难以编码的问题,并通过MapGIS二次开发实现对河网拓扑关系的自动编码与参数统计。通过对实验区的矢量河网进行编码测试,从而验证了算法的可行性以及编码的合理性。  相似文献   

Impact of river network type on the time of concentration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time of concentration (T c) is one of the frequently used parameters to characterize the response of a drainage basin to a rainfall event. Conceptually, it is the time runoff travels from the hydraulically most distant location in a basin to its outlet. T c was found to vary depending on river basin characteristics such as slope, soil infiltration, and flow path. In this study, we investigate if the drainage network type information can be used as an input to hydrological models, by estimating the time of concentration separately for different network types. Sixty-eight basins which have areas ranging from 24 to 965 km2 in arid and non-arid regions of the USA are compared and the effect of climate is also analyzed. It is found that the slope of the linear relationship between T c and the maximum hydraulic length of flow path shows different correlation coefficients ranging from 0.80 to 0.98 for different network types. It is observed that the slope of the regression line between T c and the maximum hydraulic length of flow path is the lowest for dendritic networks (slope of 0.26), while pinnate networks have the steepest slope of the regression line (slope of 0.59). This indicates that the drainage network type has a direct impact on the hydrological behavior of the basin and can represent a direct input in hydrological modeling.  相似文献   

Knudsen, K. L., Jiang, H., Kristensen, P., Gibbard, P. L. & Haila, H. 2011: Early Last Interglacial palaeoenvironments in the western Baltic Sea: benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00206.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Stable isotopes from benthic foraminifera, combined with diatom assemblage analysis and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity reconstructions, are used for the interpretation of changes in bottom‐ and surface‐water conditions through the early Eemian at Ristinge Klint in the western Baltic Sea. Correlation of the sediments with the Eemian Stage is based on a previously published pollen analysis that indicates that they represent pollen zones E2–E5 and span ~3400 years. An initial brackish‐water phase, initiated c. 300 years after the beginning of the interglacial, is characterized by a rapid increase in sea‐surface and sea‐bottom salinity, followed by a major increase at c. 650 years, which is related to the opening of the Danish Straits to the western Baltic. The diatoms allow estimation of the maximum sea‐surface salinity in the time interval of c. 650–1250 years. After that, slightly reduced salinity is estimated for the interval of c. 1250–2600 years (with minimum values at c. 1600–2200 years). This may be related to a period of high precipitation/humidity and thus increased freshwater run‐off from land. Together with a continuous increase in the water depth, this may have contributed to the gradual development of a stratified water column after c. 1600 years. The stratification was, however, particularly pronounced between c. 2600 and 3400 years, a period with particularly high sea‐surface temperature, as well as bottom‐water salinity, and thus a maximum influence of Atlantic water masses. The freshwater run‐off from land may have been reduced as a result of particularly high summer temperatures during the climatic optimum.  相似文献   

中原邙山黄土与末次间冰期以来古季风特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中原邙山赵下峪剖面出露S10以上黄土地层,厚度大于172.1m。末次间冰期S1古土壤厚15.7m,末次冰期L1黄土厚达77.3m,其中晚冰阶L1LL1黄土、间冰阶L1SS1古土壤和早冰阶L1LL2黄土分别厚41.6m、13.2 m和22.5 m。邙山黄土是厚度最大的晚更新世黄土地层剖面之一,记录了丰富的气候环境变化信息。用SPECMAP氧同位素曲线确定的阶段界限的日历年龄为标定点和磁化率年龄模式,获得相应的时间标尺,据以计算出S2以上各层段的平均沉积速率和分辨率。邙山黄土倒数第二间冰期以来不同冰期或冰阶与间冰期或冰阶的粒度、平均沉积速率和分辨率有很大的差异,其中以末次冰期晚冰阶L1LL1黄土的平均沉积速率为最高,达3.45 mm/a,而末次问冰期S1古土壤的沉积速率亦高达0.28 mm/a。本文主要根据赵下峪剖面的磁化率和>45μm粗颗粒含量变化曲线,并与格陵兰GRIP冰心和深海SPECMAP氧同位素曲线对比,讨论末次间冰期以来古季风特征及其相互关系。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(1):153-162
In aquatic systems, the bioavailability of an element to microorganisms is greatly influenced by its chemical speciation. The goal of this work was to assess metal toxicity to a green algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) and a bacterium (Vibrio fisheri) as a function of size fractionation and chemical speciation (using the program MINTEQA2) in contaminated water of the Upper Vistula River. Water samples were collected at 1 reference site, 4 polluted sites and one polluted site on the Vistula's main tributary, the Przemsza River. Toxicity measurements were performed on unfiltered samples and, total dissolved (<1.2 μm), and truly dissolved (<1 kDa) fractions. Trace metal (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn) concentrations were measured in these samples and also in the colloidal fraction (1 kDa–1.2 μm). At the reference site, the low metal concentrations were in agreement with the absence of measurable toxicity. In the polluted section of the river, free metal concentrations were largely below the potential toxic levels for bacteria, which was in agreement with the absence of toxicity. Although Zn2+ was at potentially toxic-level concentrations in total dissolved and truly dissolved fractions in the polluted riverine section, toxicity for algae was observed, only in truly dissolved fractions from two stations. The absence of toxicity in most samples was related to metal association with particles and with low molecular weight ligands as well as the presence of organic ligands (phenol). The reason for toxic effects in two ultrafiltered samples is not clear, but may be related to the elimination of the colloidal organic fraction and thus the eradication of its protective effect occurring in natural samples.  相似文献   

河网非恒定水沙数学模型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
建立了能够适用于多种情况的河网非恒定流水沙数学模型。推导提出了河网泥沙方程组的分级解法,提出了适用于河网计算的汊点分沙模式,分析和对比了多种分沙模式的适用性,对河网区域中可蓄水汊点也提出了相应的处理办法。采用汉江杜家台分蓄洪区的资料作了模型的验证和应用。  相似文献   

GIS网络分析技术在河流水污染追踪中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在分析河流水环境系统特征的基础上,探讨了GIS网络分析技术在河流水污染追踪中的应用方法。主要内容包括数字化河系网络模型的建立、河流水环境数据库的建立与集成、河流水污染追踪应用的方法与步骤,并以汉江流域河系为例,进行了原型研究。  相似文献   

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