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Analyses of organochlorine pesticides in South African marine animals living far from any obvious source of contamination reveal surprisingly high values.  相似文献   

The levels of PCBs, DDT and BHC residues have been determined in thalli of 12 species of marine algae harvested along the east coast of Sicily. The results are discussed in comparison with those obtained earlier with animal species sampled in the same area.  相似文献   

The UK National Oceanography Centre has maintained an observatory in Liverpool Bay since August 2002. Over 8 years of observational measurements are used in conjunction with regional ocean modelling data to describe the physical and dynamical oceanography of Liverpool Bay and to validate the regional model, POLCOMS. Tidal dynamics and plume buoyancy govern the fate of the fresh water as it enters the sea, as well as the fate of its sediment, contaminants and nutrient loads. In this context, an overview and summary of Liverpool Bay tidal dynamics are presented. Freshwater forcing statistics are presented showing that on average the bay receives 233 m3 s − 1. Though the region is salinity controlled, river input temperature is shown to significantly modulate the plume buoyancy with a seasonal cycle. Stratification strongly influences the region’s dynamics. Data from long-term moored instrumentation are used to analyse the stratification statistics that are representative of the region. It is shown that for 65% of tidal cycles, the region alternates between being vertically mixed and stratified. Plume dynamics are diagnosed from the model and are presented for the region. The spring–neap modulation of the plume’s westward extent, between 3.5 °W and 4°W, is highlighted. The rapid eastward erosion of the plume during spring tides is identified as a potentially important freshwater mixing mechanism. Novel climatological maps of temperature, salinity and density from the CTD surveys are presented and used to validate numerical simulations. The model is found to be sensitive to the freshwater forcing rates, temperature and salinities. The existing CTD survey grid is shown to not extend sufficiently near the coast to capture the near coastal and vertically mixed component the plume. Instead the survey grid captures the westward spreading, shallow and transient, portion of the plume. This transient plume feature is shown in both the long-term averaged model and observational data as a band of stratified fluid stretching between the mouth of the Mersey towards the Isle of Man. Finally the residual circulation is discussed. Long-term moored ADCP data are favourably compared with model data, showing the general northward flow of surface water and southward trajectory of bottom water.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified elevated levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in sediments and megafauna (dugongs and green turtles) in the marine environment of southeast Queensland, Australia. Little information exists, however, regarding the levels of PCDDs, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and related polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in seafood from this area. This study aims to establish baseline information on PCDD/F and PCB contamination in a range of seafood species from Moreton Bay and to investigate contaminant variability due to harvesting season, size, habitat location and trophic level. In addition, different seafood extraction methods were tested to evaluate their impact on lipid yields and contaminant concentration. Overall, the median TEQ(DF&PCB) levels in seafood from Moreton Bay were elevated compared to background levels in Australian marine/estuarine and retail fish. However, TEQ(DF&PCB) levels of most seafood analysed were below the respective EU maximum limits. High inter- and intraspecies variability was observed, which could be partially attributed to differences in trophic level, season harvested and habitat location.  相似文献   

HCH and DDT residues in molluscs from Chinese Bohai coastal sites   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

This study provides baseline information on the extent of contamination in sediments of the Jobos Bay estuary and surrounding areas in Puerto Rico. Sediments from Jobos Bay area (n = 14) had higher overall average concentrations than those from La Parguera area (n = 5, used as reference site), in μg/g dw, for As (17 vs 9), Cu (29 vs 14), Pb (11 vs 4), and Zn (64 vs 28); and in %, for Fe (2.6 vs 0.6). Sediments (n = 8) screened for PAHs and PCBs exhibited total concentrations (ng/g dw) that ranged from 40.4 to 1912, and from not detected to 11.21, respectively. The quality of sediments of Jobos Bay could be classified as low to moderate pollution. The proximity to anthropogenic sources of contamination warrants a monitoring program for inorganic and organic pollutants in Jobos Bay area for an effective coastal management program of this tropical ecosystem.  相似文献   

Horizontal and vertical distributions of organochlorine compounds (OCs) were determined in sediments from Masan Bay. The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), HCB, hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and chlordane related compounds (CHLs) in sediments were in the range of 1.24-41.4, 0.28-89.2, 0.02-0.59, nd-1.03, and nd-2.56 ng/g, respectively. The spatial distribution of OCs showed a negative gradient from the inner of the bay to outer part of the bay, indicating that the source of OCs was probably located inside the bay. Compositional pattern of PCB congeners showed a relatively high concentration of high-chlorinated congeners in the inner part of the bay and a relatively low concentration of low-chlorinated congeners in the outer part. In sediment core from Masan Bay maximum concentrations of PCBs and DDTs are observed in the subsurface samples and correspond to an age of early 1980s and late 1960s. The concentration profiles of PCBs and DDTs in sediments of Masan Bay appear to correspond to use of PCBs and DDTs in Korea.  相似文献   

Regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs) are dynamic areas within the coastal seas that experience cycles of stability driven by density gradients and the spring-neap tidal cycle. As a result, pulses of biological production may occur on a more frequent timescale than the classic seasonal cycle. Net community production (NCP) rates and chlorophyll a concentration are presented from a site within the ROFI of Liverpool Bay and compared to similar measurements made at a site outside the ROFI during 2009. The influence of water column stability on biological production in the ROFI was also investigated using high-frequency observations from a Cefas Smartbuoy. Both sites were autotrophic from spring to autumn before becoming heterotrophic over winter. NCP at the inshore site was estimated to range from 30.8 to 50.4 gC m−2 year−1. A linear relationship detected between chlorophyll a and NCP from both sites was used to estimate metabolic balance over 1 year at the ROFI site using high-resolution chlorophyll a concentrations from the Smartbuoy but was found to poorly replicate NCP rates compared to those derived from dissolved oxygen fluxes. There was no clear biological response to periods of stratification within the ROFI, and it is proposed that changes in light attenuation in the Liverpool Bay ROFI, driven not only by stratification but also by fluctuations in riverine sediment load, most likely play an important role in controlling phytoplankton growth in this region.  相似文献   

Comprehensive distribution patterns of physical and chemical characteristics have been obtained from a series of cruises in Liverpool Bay. The marked feature of these distributions was their temporal variability, suggesting that the surface residual circulation is also temporally variable. The influence of wind stress upon the circulation pattern and hence water quality of this sea area is illustrated.  相似文献   

Residues of DDE, DDT and PCBs were determined in four different commercial bony fishes: grey mullet, red mullet, striped mullet and gold bandgoat fish, as well as in shrimps, limpets and sediments obtained from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The PCB levels in living organisms and sediments were found to be very low, and in most cases below the detection limits. The DDE and DDT values were relatively high compared to PCBs and there was a linear correlation between the organochlorine residue concentrations and the extractable organic material of the analysed samples.  相似文献   

To elucidate the characteristic distribution and contamination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments, 63 sediments and five benthic organisms from Kyeonggi Bay, Namyang Bay and Lake Shihwa, West coast of Korea, were analysed. Characterization of PCBs distribution in sediments was conducted by correlation between PCBs concentrations and environmental parameters, comparison of contamination level and composition of PCBs homologs between Kanechlor mixture (KC-mix) and sediments. The residues of PCBs in sediments were correlated with total organic carbon (TOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) contents, not with mud contents and grain size distributions. Elevated concentrations of T-PCBs were found in sediments from Incheon North Harbor (INH) in Kyeonggi Bay. T-PCBs concentrations were decreased with distance increase from inner site of INH. The residues of T-PCBs in sediments from Namyang Bay were either non-detectable or near to detection limit. The contamination by PCBs in sediments from Lake Shihwa was also low. The PCBs congener profiles in INH were similar to those of KC-mix, while those in less contaminated sites showed relatively high percentage of lower chlorinated biphenyls. Sites K18 (580 ng/g or 48 ug/g-OC dry wt) and K19 (330 ng/g or 38 ug/g-OC dry wt) within INH exceeded the sediment quality criteria (SQC) (16 micrograms/g-OC as a KC-mix) derived from equilibrium partitioning (EqP) approach.  相似文献   

Concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) were measured in subpopulations of softshell clams, Mya arenaria, from four intertidal sites in Coos Bay from June 1976 to June 1978. Subsequently, concentrations of 15 unsubstituted polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAH) were determined in two subpopulations from September 1978 to August 1979. There were significant differences between BAP concentrations in clams from the four sites. For the two-year period, they were highest in clams inhabiting areas adjacent to the industrialized bayfront and lowest in clams inhabiting more remote areas. There were no significant seasonal variations in BAP concentrations during this period. During the 1978–1979 study, the average total PNAH concentration in clams from the bayfront area was 555.1 μg kg?1 compared to 76.3 μg kg?1 for clams from a more remote environment. In general, PNAH concentrations were lowest in the fall-winter and highest during the spring-summer.  相似文献   

Occurrence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Liverpool Bay, Irish Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Surface seawater samples were collected in the Irish Sea and Liverpool Bay area from the R.V. Prince Madog during the period of 25-31 of March 2006. VOCs were purged with nitrogen, pre-concentrated on a SPME fibre and analysed immediately on a GC-MS. Target compounds quantified were halogenated (0.2-1400 ng L(-1)), BTEXs and mono-aromatics (1.5-2900 ng L(-1)), aliphatic hydrocarbons and others (0.6-15,800 ng L(-1)). Day and night sampling was performed at a single station and suggested that factors such as sunlight and tide affect the presence of many of these compounds. Sample variability was high due to the variable weather conditions at the station. Poor correlations were found between marine phytopigments and selected VOCs. Principal component analysis (PCA) analysis showed that chlorinated compounds such as 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene and carbon tetrachloride, predominantly from anthropogenic sources, originated from the River Mersey. Other brominated and iodinated compounds quantified were more likely to be from biogenic sources including novel marine compounds such as 2-chloropropane, 1-bromoethane and 1-chlorobutane.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PCBs in coastal mangrove sediments of Hong Kong   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface sediments of ten mangrove sites in Hong Kong were determined by Congener-specific and Arcolor methods. Spatial variations were found between mangrove sites and within the same site, indicating that the sediment samples were heterogeneous and total PCBs concentrations in mangrove sediments should be normalised to compensate for natural variability and for identifying serious anthropogenic contamination. In addition to total organic carbon, Al, Fe and Mn were possible normalisers. Based on PCB/normaliser ratio and 95% prediction limits of scatter plots between total PCB and normaliser, all mangrove sites were not seriously contaminated by human activities. The estimated total PCBs concentrations (quantified by Congener-specific method) for most sediment ranged from 0.5 to 5.8 ng g(-1) (dry weight, n = 92). However, very high concentrations of PCB were found in sub-samples from Yi O, Tolo Pond and Lai Chi Wo, suggesting that these samples represented the PCB contaminated "hot spots".  相似文献   

Wind and tidal straining are proposed as key mechanisms influencing the magnitude and timing of the horizontal flux of freshwater across regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs). Evidence for this hypothesis is presented in estimates of the tidally averaged residual current profile, obtained from 5 years of continuous acoustic doppler current profiler measurements in the Liverpool Bay ROFI. The modified horizontal Richardson number (RxwtR_{x}^{wt}), which includes both the tidal and the wind forcing, was assessed as a measure of stratification. RxwtR_{x}^{wt} was found to be a good indicator of the timing of the evolution and destruction of stratification, but was not as successful as an indicator of the magnitude of stratification, both enduring and periodic. The observed mean residual velocities are compared to those predicted by a classical solution, and the eddy viscosity (N z ) is shown to be a control on differences between the observed and predicted circulation. Principal component analysis is used to show that the strongest residual currents occur when the water column periodically alternates between a well-mixed and stratified state, a consequence of straining, rather than simply related to the density gradient. Evidence of wind straining was found in the correspondence between the wind direction and the near surface and near bed residual current direction.  相似文献   

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