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Connectivity between estuarine fish nurseries and coastal adult habitats can be affected by variations in juvenile growth and survival. Condition indices are renowned proxies of juvenile nutritional status and growth rates and are valuable tools to assess habitat quality. Biochemical (RNA:DNA ratio) and morphometric (Fulton's condition factor K) condition indices were determined in juveniles of Solea solea, Solea senegalensis, Platichthys flesus, Diplodus vulgaris and Dicentrarchus labrax collected in putative nursery areas of nine estuaries along the Portuguese coast (Minho, Douro, Ria de Aveiro, Mondego, Tejo, Sado, Mira, Ria Formosa and Guadiana) in the Spring and Summer of two consecutive years (2005 and 2006) with distinct climatic characteristics. Individual condition showed significant variation amongst species. The combined use of both condition indices highlighted the low correlation between them and that RNA:DNA had a higher sensitivity. RNA:DNA varied between years but overall the site relative patterns in condition were maintained from one year to the other. Higher RNA:DNA values were found in Spring than in Summer in most species. Intra-estuarine variation also occurred in several cases. Species specific trends in the variability of condition amongst estuaries were highlighted. Some estuaries had higher juvenile condition for more than one species but results did not reveal an identical trend for all species and sites, hindering the hypotheses of one estuarine nursery promoting superior growth for all present species. Significant correlations were found between condition indices, juvenile densities and environmental variables (water temperature, salinity and depth) in the estuarine nurseries. These influenced juvenile nutritional condition and growth, contributing to the variability in estuarine nursery habitat quality. Management and conservation wise, interest in multi-species approaches is reinforced as assessments based on a single species may not reflect the overall nursery habitat quality.  相似文献   

Connectivity is a critical property of marine populations, particularly for species with segregated juvenile and adult habitats. Knowledge of this link is fundamental in understanding population structure and dynamics. Young adults of commercially important fish species Solea solea, Solea senegalensis, Platichthys flesus, Diplodus vulgaris and Dicentrarchus labrax were sampled off the Portuguese coast in order to establish preliminary evidence of estuarine nursery origins through otolith elemental fingerprints. Concentrations of Li, Na, Mg, K, Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr, Ba and Pb in the otolith section corresponding to juvenile's nursery life period were determined through laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Element: Ca ratios in coastal fish differed significantly amongst collection areas, except for Platichthys flesus, and were compared with the elemental fingerprints previously defined for age 0 juveniles in the main estuarine nurseries of the Portuguese coast. Identification of nursery estuaries was achieved for four of the species. Assigned nursery origins varied amongst species and differences in the spatial scale of fish dispersal were also found. Diplodus vulgaris was not reliably assigned to any of the defined nurseries. Overall, results give evidence of the applicability of estuarine habitat tags in future assessments of estuarine nursery role. Research developments on the links between juvenile and adult habitats should contribute for the integrated management and conservation of nurseries and coastal stocks.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine systems provide nursery grounds for many marine fish species. Their productivity has been correlated with terrigeneous inputs entering the coastal–estuarine benthic food web, thereby favouring the establishment of fish juveniles. Studies in these ecosystems often describe the nursery as a single large habitat without verifying nor considering the presence of contiguous habitats. Our study aimed at identifying different habitats based on macrozoobenthic communities and morpho-sedimentary characteristics and assessing the trophic interactions between fish juveniles and their benthic preys within these habitats. It included 43 sampling sites covering 5 habitats in which we described taxonomically and quantitatively the invertebrates and fish communities with stable isotopes and gut contents. It suggested that the benthic common sole Solea solea displayed feeding plasticity at the population level, separating the juveniles (G0) from the older fish (G1) into different “feeding sub-populations”. Size-based feeding plasticity was also observable in the spatial occupancy of that species in the studied bay. The demersal pouting, Trisopterus luscus, equally used the different habitats but displayed low feeding plasticity across and inside each habitat. Stable isotopes proved to be powerful tools to study the spatial distribution of trophic interactions in complex ecosystems like the bay of Vilaine and to define optimal habitats for fish that use the coastal–estuarine ecosystem as nursery grounds.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine nursery grounds are essential habitats for sustaining flatfish stocks since only these shallow and productive areas provide the high food supply that allows maximizing juvenile growth and survival in most flatfish species. However, the main organic matter sources at the basis of benthic food webs might differ drastically between estuarine nursery grounds under strong freshwater influences, where food webs are mainly supported by continental organic matter, and coastal ecosystems under limited freshwater influence, where the local marine primary production is the main source of carbon for the benthos. To better understand the links between continental inputs to the coastal zone and stock maintenance in the highly prized common sole, Solea solea (L.), we investigated the variability in the organic matter sources supporting the growth of its young-of-the-year (YoY) in five contrasted estuarine and coastal nursery grounds under varying freshwater influence. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen allowed tracing the origin of the organic matter exploited by YoY soles in the very first months following their benthic settlement, i.e. when most of the juvenile mortality occurs in the species. A mixing model was run to unravel and quantify the contribution of all major potential sources of organic matter to sole food webs, with a sensitivity analysis allowing assessment of the impact of various trophic enrichment factors on model outputs. This meta-analysis demonstrated a relative robustness of the estimation of the respective contributions of the various organic matter sources. At the nursery scale, the upstream increase in freshwater organic matter exploitation by YoY soles and its positive correlation with inter-annual variations in the river flow confirmed previous conclusions about the importance of organic matter from continental origin for juvenile production. However, inter-site differences in the organic matter sources exploited for growth showed that, although freshwater organic matter use is significant in all nursery sites, it is never dominant, with especially high contributions of local primary production by microphytobenthos or saltmarsh macrophytes to juvenile sole growth in tidal nursery ecosystems. These patterns stress the need for maintaining both the intensity of freshwater inputs to the coastal zone and of local autochthonous primary production (especially that of the intertidal microphytobenthos) to preserve the nursery function of coastal and estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Estuarine and sheltered coastal habitats that contain physical structure are potentially important nurseries for juvenile fish. Many of these structured habitats, however, are potentially vulnerable to stressors such as elevated turbidity. Quantifying the benefits that structured habitats provide to juvenile fish may therefore be an important step in the management process. We investigated the value of structured habitat for juvenile fishes in northeastern New Zealand, using artificial seagrass units (ASUs) with varying blade density. ASUs were predominantly settled by juvenile snapper (Pagrus auratus) and spotty (Notolabrus celidotus). The density of both snapper and spotty was greatest on ASUs with the highest blade density. For snapper, a gradient in abundance was present (with higher abundance closer to the harbour mouth), suggesting either a gradient in the supply of recruits or a potential recruitment shadow effect. The size distribution of juvenile snapper (12–70 mm fork length) was very similar on both sampling trips, despite the 2‐month interim period, suggesting an ontogenetic habitat shift dependent on size. The condition of juvenile snapper from ASUs with the highest blade density was also greater than the other ASU treatments. Overall, these results provide new empirical evidence that habitats with physical structure within shallow estuarine systems are important to early stage juvenile fishes such as snapper, and indicate that the location‐specific context of that habitat is also likely important.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of otoliths from juvenile English sole Pleuronectes vetulus and speckled sanddab Citharichthys stigmaeus living in estuaries and sandy coastal habitats were compared to determine if a chemical habitat tag existed that could be used to differentiate fish living in the alternative juvenile habitats. Juveniles of both species were collected from seven estuaries and 11 coastal sites along 500 km of the central California coast. Collections occurred in three years: 1998, 1999 and 2000. The chemical composition of the otoliths was analyzed using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The multi-elemental composition (Sr, Li, Ba, Mn) of otoliths from estuarine and coastal fish differed significantly for all models (global, region and years models) examined in this study. For each species, discriminant function analysis (DFA) for the global model, which pooled juveniles collected from three regions over multiple years, classified fish into estuarine and coastal groups with close to 80% accuracy. The two main elements in the discriminant models, Sr and Li, differed consistently between habitats; Sr was higher and Li was lower in estuarine fish. Classification success was modestly improved by generating separate discriminant functions for each region (regions model) because of some regional differences in Sr and Li concentrations. Classification success also was improved in some cases by generating separate discriminant functions for each year (years model) because Ba and Mn differed between habitats in only some years. Despite this variability in the concentration of elements in some regions and years, a chemical habitat tag was present in each species that could be used to discriminate coastal and estuarine juveniles over a large geographic area and over three years with very different oceanographic conditions (e.g., El Niño, La Niña). In addition, I found that English sole and speckled sanddab had striking similarities in their chemical habitat tags and that, in some cases, one species could be used as a proxy to classify juveniles of the other species without compromising the accuracy of the habitat tag. The ability to use a proxy classification model would significantly reduce the number of juvenile fish that would need to be collected and analyzed in order to classify members of an ecologically similar species. The chemical habitat tags found in this study appears to be promising tools for identifying fish that have lived in alternative juvenile habitats and, ultimately, the proportional contribution of estuarine and coastal habitats to the central California populations of English sole and speckled sanddab.  相似文献   

Elucidation of important nursery habitats for young fish can aid in the management and assessment of fish stocks. Herring (Clupea harengus) in the Baltic Sea primarily spawn in coastal areas, but larvae are also present in off-shore, open sea areas. To investigate if sheltered coastal habitats provide a better growth environment for larval herring, we compared short-term growth (as indexed by whole body RNA:DNA ratios) of larval herring from three habitat types of the northwest Baltic proper (sheltered inner bay, exposed outer bay, and open sea). In addition, we compared individual RNA content of adult female Eurytemora affinis (a common Baltic copepod) among these different habitats. High RNA levels in these copepods indicate high production of nauplii, which are important food for larval herring. Both RNA:DNA ratios of larval herring and RNA content of E. affinis were significantly greater in embayment habitats, suggesting that the sheltered coastal areas are high quality nursery habitats for young Baltic herring.  相似文献   

Juveniles of both stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus and starry flounder Platichthys stellatus utilize estuaries as nursery grounds. To understand their habitat selection and the functions of habitats such as food supply, we defined the seasonal distribution of recently settled fish of these species in shallow nursery areas and investigated their feeding habits in the Natori River estuary, Japan. Distribution of stone flounder was limited to the lower estuary (<3 km upriver from the mouth) and stone flounder were most abundant near the mouth. Recently settled starry flounder were first detected further upstream in areas characterized by low salinity <10 and by the absence of the predatory sand shrimp Crangon uritai. Early juvenile stone and starry flounders consumed mainly siphons of the bivalve Nuttallia olivacea and the mysid Neomysis awatschensis, respectively; however, 1- and 2-yr-old fish of both stone and starry flounders fed mainly on the bivalve siphons. These results indicate that habitat selections of juvenile stone and starry flounders enable utilization of preferred prey and predator avoidance, respectively, and that non-overlap of these species' habitats results in avoidance of inter-specific competition for food between these two species.  相似文献   

Many fish species rely on estuarine nursery habitats as they transition to adult life stages. Quantifying nursery value, however, requires identification of the life stages (often small and short-lived) that utilise nursery habitats, and survey methods that provide comparable estimates across habitats. We focused our surveys on post-settlement snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) using video camera deployments across habitats within a northeastern New Zealand harbour. Post-settlement snapper abundance was higher among structured habitat types relative to bare sediments, with the type of structured habitat not influential. The exception appeared to be for reef habitat (although sampling was limited). Reef sites were structurally complex, but largely inhabited by older life stages (snapper and other fish species). Overall, nursery value for snapper appears to be connected to structure, rather than structure type. This result emphasises the importance of a broadened scope to coastal fishery management, one that incorporates not just fish extraction, but also habitat maintenance or restoration.  相似文献   

Estuarine and nearshore marine areas are vital habitats for several fish and benthic invertebrates. The shore crab Carcinus maenas (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) inhabits a variety of coastal, estuarine and lagoon habitats. At low tide, habitat structural complexity may be most important for crabs in the intertidal, providing refuge from predation and desiccation. The quality of different vegetated and nonvegetated estuarine and rocky shore habitats in SW Portugal and SW England was evaluated for intertidal C. maenas populations. We estimated population density, size–structure, and potential growth (RNA/DNA ratios) to investigate habitat quality. Vegetated estuarine habitats supported higher crab densities, than nonvegetated estuarine and rocky shore habitats. Investigation of population size–structure revealed that all habitats seem important recruitment and nursery areas although estuarine habitats in SW Portugal appeared to support higher densities of new recruits than equivalent habitats in SW England. Significant variation was found in RNA/DNA ratios among habitats. Ratios were highest in the rocky shore suggesting a high quality habitat where growth potential is high. We speculate that competition from other top-predators (Pachygrapsus spp.) rather than low habitat quality may limit the occurrence of C. maenas in intertidal rocky shore habitats in SW Portugal. In estuarine environments RNA/DNA ratios were significantly higher in the vegetated than in the nonvegetated estuarine habitats in SW Portugal but not in SW England, suggesting geographic differences in the extent to which highly structure habitats represent high quality. Our results challenge the current paradigm that structured habitats are necessarily those of higher quality for C. maenas.  相似文献   

Estuaries serve as nursery grounds for many marine fish species. However increasing human activities within estuaries and surrounding areas lead to significant habitat loss for the juveniles and decrease the quality of the remaining habitats. This study is based on the data of 470 beam trawls from surveys that were conducted in 13 French estuaries for the purpose of the European Water Framework Directive. It aimed at testing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the nursery function of estuaries. With a multispecific approach based on ecological guilds, two fish metrics, abundance and species richness of Marine Juvenile migrant fishes, were used as proxies for the estuarine nursery function. Indices of heavy metal and organic contaminations were used to estimate anthropogenic disturbances impacting these estuaries. Fish metrics were described with statistical models that took into account: (a) sampling protocol, (b) estuarine features and (c) contamination. The results of these models showed that the fish metrics highly depend on the sampling protocol, and especially type of gear, depth and salinity, which highlights the necessity of considering such metrics at the sampling (trawl haul) scale. Densities and species richness of Marine Juvenile fishes appeared to be strongly and negatively correlated to contamination indices. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that human disturbances impact the nursery function of estuaries. Finally, the densities of Marine Juvenile migrant species appeared as a potential robust and useful fish indicator for the assessment of the ecological status of estuaries within the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2007,57(2-3):218-229
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) has spatially restricted nursery grounds located in shallow soft bottom areas, where the nursery areas only make up a small fraction of the species distribution range. The importance of different coastal areas for recruitment is expected to depend on the quality and size of the nursery grounds. This paper describes the geographical extension of plaice nursery grounds at a regional level along the Swedish west coast. Densities of juvenile plaice were used as the response variable of habitat quality and were compiled based on records from autumn sampling in the various regions. Different aspects of nursery ground quality were related to the density of 0-group plaice, to evaluate the contribution of different factors to the geographical pattern observed. Larval supply was found to be the most important component of nursery quality showing a close relationship with the density of juvenile plaice on a regional scale. The relative contribution of plaice recruits from Swedish nursery grounds to the Skagerrak/Kattegat stock was evaluated using historical data. Swedish nursery grounds were estimated to contribute 77% of the recruits to the adult stock in the area.  相似文献   

Prey availability is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of nursery grounds. Estuaries play an important role as nursery grounds for juvenile stone flounder, but the mechanism behind the consistently high availability of prey has never been examined. This study investigates which prey is mainly selected by juvenile stone flounder (15–55 mm standard length) in the estuary of the Natori River, northern Japan. In a cage experiment, juveniles showed positive selection for the palps of the spionid polychaete Pseudopolydora kempi in March, and for the siphons of the bivalve Nuttallia olivacea in April, May and June in both sandy and muddy-sand habitats. This selective predation showed that sublethal predation on regenerable parts of invertebrates is important for stone flounder. Nuttallia olivacea, the dominant bivalve in the estuary, was more abundant and in better somatic condition in the sandy area in spite of the stronger siphon-cropping pressure by juvenile stone flounder. These results confirm that sublethal predation on highly abundant benthos plays an important role in forming estuarine habitats into areas of high prey availability for juvenile stone flounder, which leads to their high growth rate.  相似文献   

Estuarine marshes are known as suitable nursery areas for many marine migrant fishes, such as flounder. The potential nursery value of such habitats was investigated in the Venice lagoon, by using growth and production of 0-group flounder as indicators. Size–frequency distribution analysis was performed on fish samples collected fortnightly, from March 2004 to June 2005, in two marsh sites, Dese and Tessera, differing in their origin and environmental conditions. Samples were mostly composed of juvenile individuals, belonging to 0- and 1-group cohorts (the latter being present in Tessera only). A higher total production, either annual or monthly, and faster growth of 0-group flounder was observed in Dese, associated to a higher ecological performance of 0-group individuals in this site, as indicated by the higher P:B ratio values. Dese is a site located in a marsh complex characterized by the relevant influence of a nearby river, and the observed higher potential nursery value of this marsh area with respect to the other is discussed in the light of the higher trophic status and other environmental conditions in this site. The production results were also compared to those from other estuarine environments commonly acknowledged as important nurseries for European flounder.  相似文献   

Estuaries are regarded as valuable nursery habitats for many commercially important marine fishes, potentially providing a thermal resource, refuge from predators and a source of abundant prey. To assess the extent of estuarine use by juvenile (0+) common sole (Solea solea), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) we: (1) developed techniques to distinguish between estuarine and coastally-caught juveniles using otolith chemistry; and (2) examined the accuracy with which multi-elemental signatures could re-classify juveniles to their region of collection.High-resolution solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HB-SB-ICPMS) was used to quantify 32 elements within the juvenile otoliths; 14 elements occurred above detection limits for all samples. Some elemental distributions demonstrated clear differences between estuarine and coastally-caught fish. Multivariate analysis of the otolith chemistry data resulted in 95–100% re-classification accuracy to the region of collection. Estuarine and coastal signatures were most clearly defined for sole which, compared to bass and whiting, have low mobility and are less likely to move from estuarine to coastal habitats between larval settlement and later migration to adult stocks. Sole were the only species to reveal an energetic benefit associated with an estuarine juvenile phase. The physiological ability of bass to access upper estuarine regions was consistent with some elemental data, while the high mobility and restricted range of whiting resulted in less distinct otolith chemistries.  相似文献   

The present study explored ontogenetic shifts in habitat associations by coral reef fishes between recently settled juvenile and adult life stages (Moorea Island: Tiahura and Papetoai sites). Visual censuses highlighted four ontogenetic patterns in habitat associations: (1) no change in habitat associations between the juvenile and adult stages; (2) a decrease in the number of habitats used by adults compared to juveniles; (3) an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage; and (4) use of nursery areas by juveniles followed by an extensive movement to an entirely different adult habitat. The comparative analysis of spatial distribution of fish at Tiahura and Papetoai highlighted no-spatial variability in ontogenetic patterns (i.e., 10 of the 15 recorded species have spatial consistency in ontogenetic patterns). Overall, the shifts in habitat associations are of interest in the perspective of understanding flexibility and adaptation capability of coral reef fish, at least at the settlement time.  相似文献   

One of the present concerns of fish biologists involves defining and identifying nursery habitats in the context of conservation and resource management strategies. Fish nursery studies usually report upon nursery occupation during the latter juvenile stages, despite the fact that recruitment to nurseries can start early in life, during the larval phase. Here we investigated the use of a temperate estuarine nursery area, the Lima estuary (NW Portugal), by initial development stages of flatfish species before and after metamorphosis, integrating the larval and juvenile phases. The Lima estuarine flatfish community comprised twelve taxa, seven of which were present as pelagic larvae, six as juveniles and three as adults. There was a general trend of increasing spring–summer abundance of both larvae and juveniles, followed by a sharp winter decrease, mainly of larval flatfishes. The Lima estuary was used by Solea senegalensis, Platichthys flesus and Solea solea as a nursery area, with direct settlement for the two first species. In contrast, indirect settlement was suggested for S. solea, with metamorphosis occurring outside the estuarine area. Estuarine recruitment of S. senegalensis varied between years, with young larvae occurring in the estuary throughout a prolonged period that lasted 6–9 months, corroborating the protracted spawning season. P. flesus, the second most abundant species, exhibited a typical spring estuarine recruitment, without inter-annual variations. Developed larvae arrived in the estuary during spring, whereas the 0-group juveniles emerged in the following summer period. The present study contributes new insight to our understanding of the economically important S. senegalensis, and highlights the importance of integrating the planktonic larval phase into traditional flatfish nursery studies.  相似文献   

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