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X-ray reflection spectra from photoionized accretion discs in active galaxies are presented for a wide range of illumination conditions. The energy, equivalent width (EW) and flux of the Fe K α line are shown to depend strongly on the ratio of illuminating flux to disc flux, F x / F disc , the photon index of the irradiating power law, Γ, and the incidence angle of the radiation, i . When F x / F disc ≤2 a neutral Fe K α line is prominent for all but the largest values of Γ. At higher illuminating fluxes an He-like Fe K α line at 6.7 keV dominates the line complex. With a high-energy cut-off of 100 keV, the thermal ionization instability seems to suppress the ionized Fe K α line when Γ≤1.6 . The Fe K α line flux correlates with F x / F disc , but the dependence weakens as iron becomes fully ionized. The EW is roughly constant when F x / F disc is low and a neutral line dominates, but then declines as the line progresses through higher ionization stages. There is a strong positive correlation between the Fe K α EW and Γ when the line energy is at 6.7 keV, and a slight negative one when it is at 6.4 keV. This is a potential observational diagnostic of the ionization state of the disc. Observations of the broad Fe K α line, which take into account any narrow component, would be able to test these predictions. Ionized Fe K α lines at 6.7 keV are predicted to be common in a simple magnetic flare geometry. A model that includes multiple ionization gradients on the disc is postulated to reconcile the results with observations. 相似文献
Models of the iron Kα fluorescent line and the Compton Shoulder in irradiated accretion disc spectra
We present a full set of model atmosphere equations for the accretion disc around a supermassive black hole irradiated by a hard X-ray lamp of power-law spectral distribution. Model equations allow for multiple Compton scattering of radiation on free electrons, and for large relative photon–electron energy exchange at the time of scattering. We present spectra in specific intensities integrated over the disc surface. Theoretical outgoing intensity spectra show soft X-ray excess below 1 keV, and distinct Kα and Kβ fluorescent lines of iron. We demonstrate the existence of the Compton Shoulder and claim that it can contribute to the asymmetry and equivalent widths of some observed Fe Kα lines in active galactic nuclei. Our models exhibit the effect of limb-brightening in reflected X-rays. 相似文献
V. Karas B. Czerny A. Abrassart M. A. Abramowicz 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,318(2):547-560
The origin and the profile of the iron K α line from active galactic nuclei are studied. The model with a quasi-spherical distribution of clouds around a compact galactic nucleus is explored, in which the intrinsic spectral feature around 6–7 keV is substantially affected by Comptonization of primary X-rays. The predicted spectral profiles are influenced mainly by the motion of the clouds in the strong gravitational field of the centre, and by the orientation of the source with respect to the observer. The case of the Seyfert galaxy MCG–6-30-15 is examined in more detail and free parameters of the model are determined. A robust result is obtained: acceptable fits to the observed profile correspond to a spherical distribution of the clouds with strong self-obscuration effects and with a rather high value of ionization parameter. This is a different situation from that considered in the model of a cold illuminated disc. Nevertheless, geometrically flat (disc-type) configurations are not rejected. 相似文献
Piotr Lubiski Andrzej A. Zdziarski 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,323(2):L37-L42
We study properties of Fe K lines of a large sample of Seyfert 1s observed by ASCA . Fits with power laws and Gaussian lines yield the average linewidth and equivalent width of 0.22±0.03 keV and 0.13±0.01 keV, respectively. Thus, the typical lines are weak and narrow. We then obtain the average line profile of all our spectra, and find it to consist of a narrow core and blue and red wings, with the red wing being much weaker than that of e.g. MCG −6-30-15. We obtain three average spectra of Seyferts grouped according to the hardness, and find the equivalent width of the core (originating in a remote medium) to be ≃50 eV in all three cases. The wings are well fitted by a broad line from a disc with strong relativistic effects. Its equivalent width correlates with the slope, increasing from ∼70 eV for the hardest spectrum to ∼120 eV for the softest one. The inner disc radius decreases correspondingly from ∼40 to ∼10 gravitational radii, and the fitted disc inclination is ∼45°. The obtained correlation between the slope and the strength of the broad Fe K line is found to be consistent with the previously found correlation of the slope and Compton reflection. 相似文献
Justin Oelgoetz Anil K. Pradhan 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,327(4):L42-L46
It is shown that the dielectronic satellites (DES) dominate X-ray spectral formation in the 6.7-keV K α complex of Fe xxv at temperatures below that of maximum abundance in collisional ionization equilibrium T m . Owing to their extreme temperature sensitivity, the DES are excellent spectral diagnostics for in photoionized, collisional or hybrid plasmas; whereas the forbidden, intercombination and resonance lines of Fe xxv are not. A diagnostic line ratio GD ( T ) is defined including the DES and the lines, with parameters from new relativistic atomic calculations. The DES absorption resonance strengths may be obtained from differential oscillator strengths, possibly to yield the column densities. The DES contribution to highly ionized Fe should be of interest for models of redward broadening of K α features, ionized accretion discs, accretion flows and K α temporal-temperature variability in AGN. 相似文献
Sean A. Hartnoll Eric G. Blackman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,317(4):880-892
Fluorescent iron line profiles currently provide the best diagnostic for engine geometries of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Here we construct a method for calculating the relativistic iron line profile from an arbitrarily warped accretion disc, illuminated from above and below by hard X-ray sources. This substantially generalizes previous calculations of reprocessing by accretion discs by including non-axisymmetric effects. We include a relativistic treatment of shadowing by ray-tracing photon paths along Schwarzschild geodesics. We apply this method to two classes of warped discs, and generate a selection of resulting line profiles. New profile features include a time-varying line profile if the warp precesses about the disc, profile differences between 'twisted' and 'twist-free' warps and the possibility of steeper red and softer blue fall-offs than for flat discs. We discuss some qualitative implications of the line profiles in the context of Type I and II Seyfert AGN and other sources. 相似文献
Mateusz Ruszkowski Andrew C. Fabian 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,315(2):223-228
The fluorescent iron K α emission-line profile provides an excellent probe of the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei. Fe xxv and Fe xxvi in diffuse plasma above the accretion disc can affect the X-ray spectrum by iron K α resonant absorption. This in turn can influence the interpretation of the data and the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters. We embark on a fully relativistic computation of this effect and calculate the iron line profile in the framework of a specific model in which rotating, highly ionized and resonantly absorbing plasma occurs close to the black hole. This can explain the features seen in the iron K α line profile recently obtained by Nandra et al. for the type 1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516. We show that the redshift of this feature can be mainly gravitational in origin and accounted for without the need to invoke fast accretion of matter on to the black hole. New X-ray satellites such as XMM , ASTRO-E and Chandra provide excellent opportunities to test the model against high-quality observational data. 相似文献
Giorgio Matt 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2002,337(1):147-150
We calculate the equivalent width of the core, and the centroid energy and relative flux of the first-order Compton shoulder of the iron Kα emission line from neutral matter. The calculations are performed with Monte Carlo simulations. We explore a large range of column densities for both transmitted and reflected spectra, and study the dependence on the iron abundance. The Compton shoulder is now becoming observable in many objects thanks to the improved sensitivity and/or energy resolution of the XMM – Newton and Chandra satellites, and the present work aims to provide a tool to derive information on the geometry and element abundances of the line-emitting matter from Compton shoulder measurements. 相似文献
Sean A. Hartnoll Eric G. Blackman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,324(1):257-266
The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation. 相似文献
P.T. O'Brien K. Page J.N. Reeves K. Pounds M.J.L. Turner E.M. Puchnarewicz 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,327(4):L37-L41
We present XMM-Newton observations of Mrk 359, the first narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) discovered. Even among NLS1s, Mrk 359 is an extreme case with extraordinarily narrow optical emission lines. The XMM-Newton data show that Mrk 359 has a significant soft X-ray excess which displays only weak absorption and emission features. The continuum, including reflection, is flatter than that of the typical NLS1, with . A strong emission line of equivalent width ≈200 eV is also observed, centred near 6.4 keV. We fit this emission with two line components of approximately equal strength: a broad iron line from an accretion disc and a narrow, unresolved core. The unresolved line core has an equivalent width of ≈120 eV and is consistent with fluorescence from neutral iron in distant reprocessing gas, possibly in the form of a 'molecular torus'. Comparison of the narrow-line strengths in Mrk 359 and other low–moderate luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies with those in QSOs suggests that the solid angle subtended by the distant reprocessing gas decreases with increasing active galactic nucleus luminosity. 相似文献
We present Fe Kα line profiles from and images of relativistic discs with finite thickness around a rotating black hole using a novel code. The line is thought to be produced by iron fluorescence of a relatively cold X-ray-illuminated material in the innermost parts of the accretion disc and provides an excellent diagnostic of accretion flows in the vicinity of black holes. Previous studies have concentrated on the case of a thin, Keplerian accretion disc. This disc must become thicker and sub-Keplerian with increasing accretion rates. These can affect the line profiles and in turn can influence the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters from the observed line profiles. We here embark on, for the first time, a fully relativistic computation which offers key insights into the effects of geometrical thickness and the sub-Keplerian orbital velocity on the line profiles. We include all relativistic effects such as frame-dragging, Doppler boost, time dilation, gravitational redshift and light bending. We find that the separation and the relative height between the blue and red peaks of the line profile diminish as the thickness of the disc increases. This code is also well suited to produce accretion disc images. We calculate the redshift and flux images of the accretion disc and find that the observed image of the disc strongly depends on the inclination angle. The self-shadowing effect appears remarkable for a high inclination angle, and leads to the black hole shadow being in this case, completely hidden by the disc itself. 相似文献
In this paper we present a fully relativistic approach to modelling both the continuum emission and the reflected fluorescent iron line from a primary X-ray source near a Kerr black hole. The X-ray source is located above an accretion disc orbiting around the black hole. The source is assumed to be a static point source located on an arbitrary position above the disc, on or off the axis of rotation. We carry out Monte Carlo simulations in order to estimate the iron line spectrum as well as its equivalent width. Because of the gravitational lensing effect, an enhancement of the iron line is expected when the primary source is located close to the central black hole. We find that for a source located on the axis of rotation the enhancement is relatively modest. An observer at inclination 30° would measure an equivalent width of ∼300 eV in the extreme case of a maximally rotating black hole and a source located at height 1.5 gravitational radii from the centre. This corresponds to an equivalent width enhancement factor of about 2 compared with the classical value where no lensing effect comes into play. However, when allowing the source to be located off the axis of rotation, much stronger enhancement can be obtained. In the extreme case of a maximally rotating black hole and a source located just above the approaching side of the disc, an observer at inclination 30° could measure an equivalent width as high as ∼1.5 keV (i.e., ∼10 times the classical value). We also find that observers located at high inclination angles observe a stronger line than observers at low inclination angles. 相似文献
Coel Hellier Koji Mukai & J. P. Osborne 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,297(2):526-530
Following a recent report that AO Psc has broad iron Kα emission lines we have looked at the ASCA spectra of 15 magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that half of the systems have Kα lines broadened by ∼ 200 eV, while the remainder have narrow lines. We argue that the Doppler effect is insufficient to explain the finding and propose that the lines originate in accretion columns on the verge of optical thickness, where Compton scattering of resonantly trapped line photons broadens the profile. We suggest that the broadening is a valuable diagnostic of conditions in the accretion column. 相似文献