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The Philippine Basin,surrounded by a series of oceanic trenches,is an independent deep ocean basin in the West Pacific Ocean.Its middle part is divided into three marginal sea sub-basins by the Kyushu-Palau and West Mariana Ridges,namely,the West Philippine Basin,the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins and the Mariana Trough.This paper,through the analysis of the geomorphologic features and gravity and magnetic characteristics of the basin and identification of striped magnetic anomalies,suggests that the entire Philippine Basin developed magnetic lineation of oceanic nature,and therefore,the entire basin is of the nature of oceanic crust.The basin has developed a series of special geomorphic units with different shapes.The KPR runs through the entire Philippine Basin.From the view of geomorphologic features,the KPR is a discontinuous seamount chain (chain-shaped seamounts) and subduction beneath the Japanese Island arc at the Nankai Trough which is the natural boundary between the basin and the Japanese Island arc.At the positions of 25 N,24 N,23 N and 18 N,obvious discontinuity is shown,which belongs to natural topographic discontinuity.Therefore,the KPR is topographically discontinuous.  相似文献   

A new high-resolution velocity model of the southern Kyushu-Palau Ridge(KPR) was derived from an activesource wide-angle seismic reflection/refraction profile. The result shows that the KPR crust can be divided into the upper crust with the P-wave velocity less than 6.1 m/s, and lower crust with P-wave velocity between 6.1 km/s and 7.2 km/s. The crustal thickness of the KPR reaches 12.0 km in the center, which gradually decreases to 5.0–6.0 km at sides. The velocity structure of the KPR is simil...  相似文献   

铁锰结壳(又称富钴结壳、多金属结壳)富含Co、Cu、Mn、Ni、Ti、V、REE、Y和Zn等人类日常生活和高新技术产业亟需的关键金属,是一种重要的战略性矿产资源。本文对九州-帕劳海脊南段水深1900~2600 m处获得的9个站位铁锰结壳样品进行了矿物学和地球化学研究,分析了铁锰结壳的矿物组成、主微量元素和稀土元素含量,并进一步探讨了铁锰结壳的成因类型。结果表明,研究区铁锰结壳的矿物组成以水羟锰矿为主,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物;Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu平均含量分别为16.15%、15.38%、0.32%、0.33%、0.10%;CaO/P2O5均值为5.93,表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳样品均未发生磷酸盐化作用;铁锰结壳明显富集稀土元素(含Y,REYs),平均含量为1194 μg/g,轻稀土显著富集,稀土元素经后太古代澳大利亚页岩(PAAS)标准化后配分模式整体相对平坦,呈现Ce正异常而Eu无异常,与海水呈现镜像关系,说明铁锰结壳稀土元素主要来源于海水。铁锰结壳的矿物组成和元素判别图均表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳属于水成型,未受明显的成岩作用影响。  相似文献   

As an interoceanic arc, the Kyushu-Palau Ridge(KPR) is an exceptional place to study the subduction process and related magmatism through its interior velocity structure. However, the crustal structure and its nature of the KPR,especially the southern part with limited seismic data, are still in mystery. In order to unveil the crustal structure of the southern part of the KPR, this study uses deep reflection/refraction seismic data recorded by 24 ocean bottom seismometers to reconstruct a detail...  相似文献   

板块俯冲起始机制是板块构造理论发展的关键和新方向,九州-帕劳海脊是研究俯冲带起始机制的典型地区。在回顾板块俯冲起始机制研究历史的基础上,对九州-帕劳海脊及邻区研究现状和存在问题以及对板块俯冲起始机制的指示进行了概述。计划通过在九州-帕劳海脊南段及邻区开展海底地震仪为主的深地震探测,获得研究区高分辨率的岩石圈固体-流体结构,以了解古太平洋板块向西菲律宾海盆俯冲不同阶段的板块深部行为,并在动力学模拟实验及与实际对比的基础上,建立九州-帕劳海脊及邻区从俯冲起始-岛弧裂离-弧后伸展的完整演化历史,揭示板块俯冲起始机制、动力学过程及其控制因素。  相似文献   

A 1987 survey of the offshore Peru forearc using the SeaMARC II seafloor mapping system reveals that subduction of the Nazca Ridge has resulted in uplift of the lowermost forearc by as much as 1500 m. This uplift is seen in the varied depths of two forearc terraces opposite the subducting ridge. Uplift of the forearc has caused fracturing, minor surficial slumping, and increased erosion through small canyons and gullies. Oblique trending linear features on the forearc may be faults with a strike-slip component of motion caused by the oblique subduction of the Nazca Ridge. The trench in the zone of ridge subduction is nearly linear, with no re-entrant in the forearc due to subduction of the Nazca Ridge. Compressional deformation of the forearc due to subduction of the ridge is relatively minor, suggesting that the gently sloping Nazca Ridge is able to slide beneath the forearc without significantly deforming it. The structure of the forearc is similar to that revealed by other SeaMARC II surveys to the north, consisting of: 1) a narrow zone (10 to 15 km across) of accreted material making up the lower forearc; 2) a chaotic middle forearc; 3) outcropping consolidated material and draping sediment on the upper forearc; and 4) the smooth, sedimented forearc shelf.The subducting Nazca plate and the Nazca Ridge are fractured by subduction-induced faults with offsets of up to 500 m. Normal faulting is dominant and begins about 50 km from the trench axis, increasing in frequency and offset toward the trench. These faults are predominantly trench-parallel. Reverse faults become more common in the deepest portion of the trench and often form at slight angles to the trench axis.Intrusive and extrusive volcanic areas on the Nazca plate appear to have formed well after the seafloor was created at the ridge crest. Many of the areas show evidence of current scour and are cut by faulting, however, indicating that they formed before the seafloor entered the zone of subduction-induced faulting.  相似文献   

The Blake Outer Ridge is a 480–kilometer long linear sedimentary drift ridge striking perpendicular to the North American coastline. By modeling free-air gravity anomalies we tested for the presence of a crustal feature that may control the location and orientation of the Blake Outer Ridge. Most of our crustal density models that match observed gravity anomalies require an increase in oceanic crustal thickness of 1–3 km on the southwest side of the Blake Outer Ridge relative to the northeast side. Most of these models also require 1–4 km of crustal thinning in zone 20–30 km southwest of the crest of the Blake Outer Ridge. Although these features are consistent with the structure of oceanic fracture zones, the Blake Outer Ridge is not parallel to adjacent known fracture zones. Magnetic anomalies suggest that the ocean crust beneath this feature formed during a period of mid-ocean ridge reorganization, and that the Blake Outer Ridge may be built upon the bathymetric expression of an oblique extensional feature associated with ridge propagation. It is likely that the orientation of this trough acted as a catalyst for sediment deposition with the start of the Western Boundary Undercurrent in the mid-Oligocene.  相似文献   

The Gagua Ridge, carried by the Philippine Sea Plate, is subducting obliquely beneath the southernmost Ryukyu Margin. Bathymetric swath-mapping, performed during the ACT survey (Active Collision in Taiwan), indicates that, due to the high obliquity of plate convergence, slip partitioning occurs within the Ryukyu accretionary wedge. A transcurrent fault, trending N95° E, is observed at the rear of the accretionary wedge. Evidence of right lateral motion along this shear zone, called the Yaeyama Fault, suggests that it accommodates part of the lateral component of the oblique convergence. The subduction of the ridge disturbs this tectonic setting and significantly deforms the Ryukyu Margin. The ridge strongly indents the front of the accretionary wedge and uplifts part of the forearc basin. In the frontal part of the margin, directly in the axis of the ridge, localized transpressive and transtensional structures can be observed superimposed on the uplifted accretionary complex. As shown by sandbox experiments, these N330° E to N30° E trending fractures result from the increasing compressional stress induced by the subduction of the ridge. Analog experiments have also shown that the reentrant associated with oblique ridge subduction exhibits a specific shape that can be correlated with the relative plate motion azimuth.These data, together with the study of the margin deformation, the uplift of the forearc basin and geodetic data, show that the subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the accretionary wedge occurs along an azimuth which is about 20° less oblique than the convergence between the PSP and the Ryukyu Arc. Taking into account the opening of the Okinawa backarc basin and partitioning at the rear of the accretionary wedge, convergence between the ridge and the overriding accretionary wedge appears to be close to N345° E and thus, occurs at a rate close to 9 cm yr–1. As a result, we estimate that a motion of 3.7 cm yr–1±0.7 cm should be absorbed along the transcurrent fault. Based on these assumptions, the plate tectonic reconstruction reveals that the subducted segment of the Gagua Ridge, associated with the observable margin deformations, could have started subducting less than 1 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

Seismicity in ocean ridge-transform systems reveals fundamental processes of mid-ocean ridges, while comparisons of seismicity in different oceans remain rare due to a lack of detection of small events. From 1996 to2003, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA/PMEL) deployed several hydrophones in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the northern Atlantic Ocean.These hydrophones recorded earthquakes with small magnitudes, providing us with...  相似文献   

Polymetalic sulfide is the main product of sea-floor hydrothermal venting, and has become an important sea-floor mineral resources for its rich in many kinds of precious metal elements. Since 2007, a number of investigations have been carried out by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association(COMRA)cruises(CCCs) along the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR). In 2011, the COMRA signed an exploration contract of sea-floor polymetallic sulfides of 10 000 km2 on the SWIR with the International Seabed Authority. Based on the multibeam data and shipborne gravity data obtained in 2010 by the R/V Dayang Yihao during the leg 6 of CCCs21, together with the global satellite surveys, the characteristics of gravity anomalies are analyzed in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field(37°39′S, 50°24′E). The "subarea calibration" terrain-correcting method is employed to calculate the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and the ocean bottom seismometer(OBS) profile is used to constrain the two-dimensional gravity anomaly simulation. The absent Moho in a previous seismic model is also calculated.The results show that the crustal thickness varies between 3 and 10 km along the profile, and the maximum crustal thickness reaches up to 10 km in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field with an average of 7.5 km. It is by far the most thicker crust discovered along the SWIR. The calculated crust thickness at the Longqi hydrothermal field is approximately 3 km, 1 km less than that indicated by seismic models, possibly due to the outcome of an oceanic core complex(OCC).  相似文献   

帕里西维拉海盆是西太平洋地区最大、最典型的弧后盆地,根据帕里西维拉海盆的形态特征,将帕里西维拉海盆分为帕里西维拉海盆主盆地和帕里西维拉海盆南端。本文利用国际公开的重力数据和实测的多波束、浅地层剖面数据研究了帕里西维拉海盆南端的重力异常特征和海底地形特征,并进一步探讨了该区域的特殊性及成因机制。海底地形与地球物理特征研究表明,帕里西维拉海盆南端可划分为A、B、C、D、E 5个区域,分别代表海盆NE−SW向扩张形成的NW−SE向扩张构造、海盆E−W向扩张形成的N−S向扩张构造、海盆旋转过程中由北向南传播的扩张中心与海盆最南端的裂谷系统相互作用形成的NEE−SWW向构造、与帕里西维拉海盆同期形成的海山区以及裂谷系统相互作用形成的深渊区。海盆南端表现出明显的东西不对称性,海盆只存在扩张中心以西的部分,推测受卡罗琳海脊碰撞影响,帕里西维拉海盆南端东半部一部分逆冲至雅浦岛弧之上,还有一部分被推离至现今西马里亚纳海脊以西,随着洋壳持续的逆冲和迁移,最南端逐渐暴露的帕里西维拉海盆扩张中心与雅浦海沟合并,形成现今的雅浦海沟,最终造成了现今帕里西维拉海盆南端缺失东半部的构造形态。  相似文献   

为研究北极地区挪威海内Aegir脊及邻区断裂构造特征,为北极地区油气勘探提供方向,在斯克里普斯海洋研究所发布的研究区重力数据(网格数据)基础上填充最新船测数据,对已有重磁资料进行异常分离、滑动平均和重磁场边界识别。目前,研究区的特征断裂和构造单元划分尚不清楚。根据异常极值带、异常带走向、异常梯度带变化程度等,对研究区进行了断裂识别和构造单元划分。研究表明:重磁异常特征呈NNE—NW—NE向展布,重力异常呈现高低分带,反映出该区基底隆坳相间的格架。根据重磁异常与断裂对应关系,识别出4个构造走向和7条主要断裂,划分出Mohns脊、扬马延微陆块、东扬马延断裂带、西扬马延断裂带、Aegir脊、东扬马延深海盆地和挪威深海盆地等7个构造单元。  相似文献   

The Mozambique Ridge (MOZR) is one of the basement high structures located in the Southwest Indian Ocean, parallel to the Southeast African continental margin. It was formed as a result of the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Gondwana breakup. The origin of the MOZR has been highly debated, with models suggesting either continental or oceanic origin. With new free-air gravity anomaly and multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data, we present results of 2D density modeling along two seismic profiles acquired by R/V Xiangyanghong 10 at the northern Mozambique Ridge (N-MOZR) between 26°S and 28°S. We observed high free-air gravity anomaly and strong positive magnetic anomaly related to the emplaced seaward dipping reflectors (SDR) and high density lower crustal body (HDLCB), and high Bouguer gravity anomaly associated with the thinning of the continental crust underneath the N-MOZR over a distance of ~82 km. This suggests a thinned and intruded continental crust bound by the Mozambique Fracture Zone (MFZ) that is characterized by gravity low and negative magnetic anomaly. This fracture zone marks the continent-ocean boundary (COB) while the N-MOZR is the transform margin high, i.e., marks the continent-ocean transition (COT) of the Southern Mozambique margin, following the definition of transform margins. We suggest that the N-MOZR was formed by continental extension and subsequent breakup of the MFZ, accompanied by massive volcanism during the southward movement of the Antarctica block. The presence of SDR, HDLCB, and relatively thick oceanic crust indicates the volcanic nature of this transform margin.  相似文献   

On 21 May 1989, a major earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes Ridge at59°44 N, 29°32 W at a water depth of about 1000 m andabout 500 km southwest of Iceland was detected on both the WorldwideStandard Seismic Network (WWSSN) and Icelandic seismic networks. As part ofa multi-institutional response to this swarm, the Naval ResearchLaboratory arranged for a P3 Orion Aircraft to deploy sonobuoys and AXBTs inthe immediate vicinity of the swarm activity. The detection of the swarmmotivated a survey of the region in 1990, using the towed SeaMARC IIside-looking sonar system. In 1990–1991 the Russian ShirshovInstitute of Oceanology offered the use of its MIR deep-divingsubmersibles to investigate the rise axis for recent volcanism. During 1992,a scientific team comprised of five US and ten Russian scientists mobilizedthe twin, deep diving Russian submersibles to study the spreading axis ofthe Reykjanes Ridge. The resulting data analyses allows us to conclude thatthe 1989 seismic swarm event occurred adjacent to and east of the largeaxial high in the center of our survey area. The length, width and depthrange of the earthquakes were very similar to major seismic swarm eventsconfined to fissure systems in the Krafla region of Iceland. It is likelythat the earthquake swarm was located on a fresh, well-defined systemof fissures and faults extending south of the northernmost axial highstudied. The earthquake swarm was probably associated with an emanation oflava creating a region of high backscatter, located just to the east of thecentral axial high. In addition, the region of high-backscatterremains unsampled because it lay underneath the nadir of the processedSeaMARC tracks used to plan the submersible survey. However many sampleswere taken and structural studies of the evolving Reykjanes Ridge werecarried out.  相似文献   

The Carlsberg Ridge lies between the equator and the Owen fracture zone. It is the most prominent mid-ocean ridge segment of the western Indian Ocean, which contains a number of earthquake epicenters. Satellite altimetry can be used to infer subsurface geological structures analogous to gravity anomaly maps generated through ship-borne survey. In this study, free-air gravity and its 3D image have been generated over the Carlsberg Ridge using a very high resolution data base, as obtained from Geosat GM, ERS-1, Seasat and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. As observed in this study, the Carlsberg Ridge shows a slow spreading characteristic with a deep and wide graben (average width ∼15 km). The transform fault spacing confirms variable slow to intermediate characteristics with first and second order discontinuities. The isostatically compensated region of the Carlsberg Ridge could be demarcated with near zero contour values in the free-air gravity anomaly images over and along the Carlsberg Ridge axes and over most of the fracture zone patterns. Few profiles have been generated across the Carlsberg Ridge and the characteristics of slow/intermediate spreading ridge of various orders of discontinuity could be identified. It has also been observed in zero contour image as well as in the characteristics of valley patterns along the ridge from NW to SE that different spreading rates, from slow to intermediate, are occurring in different parts of the Carlsberg ridge. It maintains the morphology of a slow spreading ridge in the NW, where the wide and deep axial valley (∼1.5–3 km) also implies the pattern of a slow spreading ridge. However, a change in the morphology/depth of the axial valley from NW to SE indicates the nature of the Carlsberg Ridge as a slow to intermediate spreading ridge. For the prevailing security restrictions, lat./lon. coordinates have been omitted in few images.  相似文献   

深海热液流体与周围海水之间存在明显的物理和化学差异,通过检测海水的位温浊度异常是探测深海热液活动的重要手段之一。本文采用"海底火山带项目(Submarine Ring of Fire 2002)"拖曳式温盐深测量仪数据资料,研究了东北太平洋Explorer Ridge热液场的水文特征及物质能量通量的释放。结果表明Explorer Ridge热液场热液羽状流中性浮力层所在深度范围约为1 600~1 900 m,距离海底的高度约为200 m,最大位温、盐度和浊度异常分别为0.04℃、0.004和0.18 NTU;中性浮力层热液羽状流帽呈椭圆结构,其长轴与洋中脊线重合,羽状流帽总面积约为27 km2;热液羽状流在中性层范围内存在明显的分层现象,通过经验公式计算得到Explorer Ridge热液场观测范围内热液喷口的总的浮力通量为6.19×10-2 m4/s3,平均值为2.063×10-2 m4/s3;总的体积通量为9.884×10-2 m3/s,平均值为3.295×10-2 m3/s;总的热通量为194.9 MW,平均值为64.967 MW。  相似文献   

A δ~(44) Ca curve from shells of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides sacculifer in calcareous biogenic oozes has been extracted from the Nintyeast Ridge in the Indian Ocean since 300 ka. By combining terrigenous inputs(e.g., grain size, magnetic susceptibility, and turbidite frequency) with the oceanic productivity(e.g., biogenic content and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei content), it is found that the curve's variations are closely related to the historical evolution of the oceanic calcium cycle. The δ~(44)Ca value is in lower tendency and has small oscillation during Marine Isotope Stage(MIS) 6, when the supply of terrigenous detrital is highest. In contrast, during MIS 3,5 and 7, the δ~(44) Ca values are in higher tendency, and their fluctuations are consistent with the variations of the productivity proxies. These results suggest that the calcium isotopes are mainly influenced by the input of the Himalayan erosion products to the northern Indian Ocean. In addition, the developmental stages of calcareous planktons may have a secondary impact on the fluctuations of the calcium isotope ratio of sea water.  相似文献   

A new species of Psychropotidae holothuroid, Benthodytes palauta sp. nov., was collected from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge at a depth of 2 666 m. This new species is characterized by a leathery body wall, red-violet skin, five pairs of dorsal papillae, nineteen pairs of tube feet, and a narrow brim. The internal organs include one Polian vesicle, two tufts of gonads, and no respiratory trees. Ventral ossicles are large and spinous, with crosses of four arms with central bipartite apophyses. Papillae o...  相似文献   

The topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) south of Japan has been studied using observational data obtained by the Seisui-Maru of Mie University (Mie Univ. data) and those compiled by Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC data). Both data sets show that water of salinity less than 34.1 psu on potential density () surface of 26.8 is confined to the eastern side of the Izu Ridge, while water of salinity less than 34.2 psu is confined to the southern area over the Izu Ridge at a depth greater than 2000 m and to the southeastern area in the Shikoku Basin. It is also shown by T-S analysis of Mie Univ. data over the Izu Ridge that water of salinity less than 34.2 psu dominates south of 30°N, where the depth of the Izu Ridge is deeper than 2000 m and NPIW can intrude westward over the Izu Ridge. JODC data reveal that relatively large standard deviations of the salinity on surface of 26.7, 26.8 and 26.9 are detected along the mean current path of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension. Almost all of the standard deviations are less than 0.05 psu in other area with the NPIW, which shows that the time variation in the salinity can be neglected. This observational evidence shows that the topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the NPIW, which is formed east of 145°E by the mixing of the Kuroshio water and the Oyashio water, is prominent north of 30°N with a depth shallower than 2000 m.  相似文献   

以南桑威奇俯冲带为例,根据EGM2008超高阶地球重力场模型、卫星重力数据为基础,利用移去-恢复原理计算了研究区大地水准面,实现了研究区不同场源深度大地水准面异常信息的分离,根据Runcorn模型计算了研究区小尺度地幔对流应力场,并结合天然地震空间展布和前人研究成果,对俯冲带结构特征与地幔对流模式进行了探讨。结果表明:南桑威奇俯冲带具有俯冲倾角较大、地震震级较低、弧前侵蚀明显等典型的马里亚纳型俯冲带特征,俯冲带南北部俯冲深度存在明显差异,中段偏北俯冲深度可达500 km;受到软流圈与上地幔上部物质密度差异的控制,东斯科舍海脊下存在沿海脊轴向南流动强地幔流;俯冲带结构与小尺度地幔对流应力场具有很强的相关性。本研究对于搞清南桑威奇俯冲带深部构造特征,理解俯冲运动、地幔对流方向及其动力控制机制提供了新的研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

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