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南海北部陆坡东沙海域海底丘状体气体与水合物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):68-75
海底丘状体在天然气水合物发育区是一种常见的微地貌,对丘状体的研究有助于理解海底流体渗漏模式以及水合物的赋存规律。本文研究南海北部陆坡东沙海域天然气水合物发育区海底丘状体的特征及其与水合物的关系。研究所用的数据包括准三维多道地震数据、多波束数据以及浅地层剖面数据。在多波束海底地形图上,丘状体表现为局部的正地形,直径大约为300 m,高出周围海底约50 m。浅地层剖面上存在明显的声空白以及同相轴下拉现象,指示了海底丘状体气体的分布以及流体运移的路径。丘状体周围明显的BSR表明局部区域可能发育有水合物,水合物钻探结果也证实了这一推测。三维多道地震剖面上,丘状体正下方存在空白反射区域,这与泥火山的地震反射特征类似。但空白反射区域内存在强振幅能量,而且丘状体正下方存在连续的反射层,这表明该丘状体并非泥火山成因。综合钻探结果以及三维地震成像结果,认为水合物形成过程引起的沉积物膨胀以及海底碳酸盐岩的沉淀是形成该丘状体的主要原因。  相似文献   

南海北部天然气水合物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天然气水合物是一种新型的储量巨大的绿色能源,是目前世界各国研究界的研究热点之一。我国以及美国、日本、印度、韩国等国家都采集到了天然气水合物的实物样品。虽然我国对天然气水合物的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究已经取得了飞速的进步,而且也于2007年5月在南海北部陆坡的神狐海域成功采集到天然气水合物的实物样品,这是在南海海域首次获取天然气水合物实物样品,证实了南海北部蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,标志着我国天然气水合物调查研究水平又上了一个新的台阶。目前,南海北部陆坡已经作为我国天然气水合物未来开发的战略选区之一。在总结我国天然气水合物以往十几年研究工作的基础上,综述了我国天然气水合物近年来在南海北部的地质、地球物理、地球化学3个方面的研究进展,提出了未来天然气水合物勘探和研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

本文对南海北部陆坡九龙甲烷礁采集的两个冷泉碳酸盐岩样品TVG-1和TVG-11进行了矿物学、岩石学和碳氧同位素分析研究。X射线衍射分析(XRD)结果表明,自生矿物主要为文石、白云石和高镁方解石等,碎屑矿物含量较少。TVG-11中存在大量的文石,而TVG-1只保留了已转化为方解石的文石假象,据此可以推断TVG-1的形成要早于TVG-11。扫描电镜(SEM)显微结构特征显示,自生矿物主要是通过细菌的厌氧氧化作用,直接从冷泉中沉淀出来的。碳、氧同位素测试结果显示,碳酸盐岩具有强δ^13C亏损和一定程度的δ^18O富集的特征,TVG-1和TVG-11的δ^13C值分别为-46.22%。和-52.88%,均低于-40%,表明碳源于微生物作用的甲烷厌氧氧化,是指示该海域存在冷泉的重要证据;TVG-1和TVG-11的δ^18O值分别为3.19‰和4.07‰,存在一定程度的δ^18O富集。碳氧同位素和矿物的显微结构特征都说明九龙甲烷礁碳酸盐岩是烃类渗漏微生物作用而形成的自生碳酸盐岩,可能是天然气水合物分解引起的沉积,显示该区存在水合物的可能性很大。  相似文献   

本文对2018年利用“海龙Ⅲ”ROV在南海东北部陆坡采集到的多金属结核样品进行了矿物学和地球化学分析。结果表明研究区结核以棒状为主,具有2层结构。结核外层的矿物学和元素组成特征与水成型多金属结核较为相似。结核内层多发育孔洞,以针铁矿为主,有黄铁矿残余,Fe、As元素含量高,Mn、REE等元素含量低。NH-2结核样品内部的碳酸盐组分的全岩δ13C为-30.91‰。所研究结核样品的早期形成过程与冷泉活动密切相关,结核生长后期冷泉活动停止或是减弱,在等深流作用下结核黄铁矿被氧化成针铁矿,之后锰铁氧化物继续在结核外部生长。  相似文献   

To confirm the seabed fluid flow at the Haima cold seeps, an integrated study of multi-beam and seismic data reveals the morphology and fate of four bubble plumes and investigates the detailed subsurface structure of the active seepage area. The shapes of bubble plumes are not constant and influenced by the northeastward bottom currents, but the water depth where these bubble plumes disappear (630–650 m below the sea level) (mbsl) is very close to the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone in the water column (620 m below the sea level), as calculated from the CTD data within the study area, supporting the “hydrate skin” hypothesis. Gas chimneys directly below the bottom simulating reflectors, found at most sites, are speculated as essential pathways for both thermogenic gas and biogenic gas migrating from deep formations to the gas hydrate stability zone. The fracture network on the top of the basement uplift may be heavily gas-charged, which accounts for the chimney with several kilometers in diameter (beneath Plumes B and C). The much smaller gas chimney (beneath Plume D) may stem from gas saturated localized strong permeability zone. High-resolution seismic profiles reveal pipe-like structures, characterized by stacked localized amplitude anomalies, just beneath all the plumes, which act as the fluid conduits conveying gas from the gas hydrate-bearing sediments to the seafloor, feeding the gas plumes. The differences between these pipe-like structures indicate the dynamic process of gas seepage, which may be controlled by the build-up and dissipation of pore pressure. The 3D seismic data show high saturated gas hydrates with high RMS amplitude tend to cluster on the periphery of the gas chimney. Understanding the fluid migration and hydrate accumulation pattern of the Haima cold seeps can aid in the further exploration and study on the dynamic gas hydrate system in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

东沙海域是南海北部一个重要的天然气水合物成藏区, 其陆坡广泛发育滑塌构造。文章对采自东沙陆坡中部973-4柱样和下部平坦区973-5柱样开展了沉积学粒度、底栖有孔虫种属特征和稳定同位素等的综合分析。研究结果表明: 两个柱样中底栖有孔虫的δ13C在末次冰期均出现明显负偏现象, 同时δ18O增高, 指示该时期东沙海域存在持续的天然气水合物分解事件; 末次冰消期以来, δ13C负偏现象逐渐消失, δ18O值降低, 可能是由于海平面上升阻止了天然气水合物分解。973-4柱样仅在末次盛冰期对应层位440~600cm段存在明显的滑塌沉积, 且该层段对应的特征底栖有孔虫Uvigerina spp.和Bulimina spp.的数量突增, 推测该区的海底滑塌可能是由于末次盛冰期海平面大幅度下降引起天然气水合物大量分解诱发所致; 973-5柱样同样记录到了海底滑塌现象, 但其滑塌沉积晚于973-4柱样的滑塌时间, 且其规模较小。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡深水区的浅层天然气藏是一种伴随天然气水合物的新型油气藏, 具有埋藏浅、规模大的特点, 其埋藏深度一般小于300m。浅层天然气藏由深部裂解气沿断裂上升被天然气水合物封盖而形成, 识别似海底反射(BSR)是寻找浅层天然气藏有效方法。浅层天然气藏的气源主要有热解气、生物气和混合气, 陆坡张性断裂是气体运移的主要通道, 水合物下部的砂层是浅层天然气藏的主要储集层, 水合物层则是封盖层。从南海发现的天然气水合物分布特征看, 浅层天然气藏在陆坡深水区广泛分布且气藏厚度大, 潜在资源量非常可观, 是一种新型的开采成本相对低廉的油气藏。  相似文献   

The circulation of methane-rich fluids at cold seeps often leads to the precipitation of seep carbonates close to the seafloor along continental margins, which can be used as records of past fluid seepage. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations in seep carbonates have been used to trace fluid sources and provide information on associated biogeochemical processes at cold seeps. The REE concentrations of a series of carbonates collected from cold seeps in the southwestern Dongsha area of the northern South China Sea are analyzed in this study. The total REE contents (ΣREE) of the seep carbonates analyzed show a wide variation from 17 ppm to 523 ppm with an average ΣREE value of 54 ppm, which are higher than the typical marine carbonate values of ∼28 ppm commonly reported and also higher than those of the carbonates from other cold seep areas. A positive correlation between Fe–Mn content and ΣREE was observed. These results suggest that the seep carbonates of this study were primarily controlled by the methane-derived fluid from which they precipitated. The Fe-rich dolomite and siderite, which are the main components of the carbonates, are responsible for the enrichment of the REE. A slight positive Ce anomaly observed in the shale-normalized REE patterns of the studied seep carbonates suggests that they formed in anoxic conditions, and the correlations between Ce/Ce* and LaN/SmN, Ce/Ce* and DyN/SmN, Ce/Ce* and ΣREE further reveal that the REE characteristics of most seep carbonate samples preserve the original redox conditions in which they precipitated and late diagenesis has had little effect on the REE. However, the REE characteristics of sub-samples DS2-2B, DS1-6A and DS1-7A are very different from those of the other sub-samples, indicating a greater impact of late diagenesis and post-oxidation favored REE enrichment.  相似文献   

对南海北部陆坡具有圈层结构的烟囱状冷泉碳酸盐岩的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学特征进行了研究,结果表明:烟囱内外层具有明显不同的特征,内层碳酸盐含量比外层高,内层的碳酸盐矿物也更富含MgCO3,并且矿物颗粒较大,结晶程度较高;外层的铝、硅等陆源碎屑元素比内层含量高。内外层的碳、氧同位素也具有明显差别。对于研究的两个样品,内层的δ13 C分别为-40.80×10-3和-31.27×10-3,δ18 O分别为2.67×10-3和2.00×10-3,而外层的δ13 C分别为-31.26×10-3和-30.99×10-3,δ18 O分别为0.48×10-3和1.85×10-3。结合前人在该区域附近的研究结果认为,烟囱状碳酸盐岩具有内层比外层相对较负δ13C和较为富集δ18 O的特征。1mm间隔取样的δ13C和δ18 O剖面变化与烟囱状碳酸盐岩的圈层结构吻合较好,由外层至内层δ13C的变化范围为-27.50×10-3~-32.05×10-3,δ18 O的变化范围为0.78×10-3~2.34×10-3。外层6mm的δ13 C和δ18 O具有明显的负线性相关,相关系数r2为0.996 7。根据上述特征,讨论了渗漏甲烷流体的性质、扩散机制及对沉积环境的影响,推测具有圈层结构的烟囱状碳酸盐岩是由单一渗漏通道形成的,生长顺序有待进一步定年证实。烟囱外部6mm受海水影响较大。研究结果对于恢复南海北部陆坡甲烷渗漏系统、建立冷泉和热泉之间的联系具有一定意义。  相似文献   

南海神狐海域是中国最重要的天然气水合物调查研究区之一,为了解水合物存在对沉积物地球化学环境的影响,对采自神狐海域W19B井位的沉积物样品进行了矿物学和地球化学研究。X射线衍射分析和主量元素结果显示部分层位有异常高含量的硫化物(主要为黄铁矿)。扫描电镜结果表明随着样品深度的增加,黄铁矿的晶面、晶棱更加明显,且集合体形态呈现聚莓→单莓→细粒的变化趋势,扫描电镜还观察到草莓状黄铁矿向细粒自形黄铁矿转化的中间产物。在53.0 mbsf(meters below seafloor)和140.4 mbsf层位均发现异常高含量的黄铁矿。其中140.4 mbsf层位黄铁矿充填有孔虫壳体的现象普遍,并伴有大量柱状黄铁矿产出,可能与有机质和甲烷厌氧氧化相关,但主导作用应为甲烷厌氧氧化,该层位可能位于古硫酸根-甲烷界面(sulfate-methane interface,SMI)附近。根据所得结果,推测地质历史时期中甲烷异常渗漏事件的发生,致使向上的甲烷通量增加,推动SMI上移,导致53.0 mbsf和140.4 mbsf界面处因甲烷厌氧氧化而形成大量黄铁矿。多个黄铁矿富集层的存在可能表示沉积史中曾发生多期次的深部流体渗漏或者天然气水合物的分解活动。  相似文献   

泥火山是地球运动和深部含流体物质向表层迁移的一种重要形式, 其喷溢及喷出物对认识地质动力、地层岩性和资源环境具有重要的意义。东沙海区新生界薄(~1km), 中生界厚(>5km), 是南海最典型的中生代沉积区和油气勘探待突破区。区内有众多的海山海丘, 过去都被推测为不利于油气成藏的岩浆火山。但近年来针对这些海山进行的调查发现了大量海底地层底辟形变与断裂、流体充注空白反射带和喷溢释放结构。通过浅表层取样采获了丰富的自生碳酸盐岩结核及深水珊瑚、海绵等生物, 表明众多海山、海丘具有明显的泥火山活动特征。东沙泥火山的发现表明区内具有良好的油气生成和运移条件, 为勘探源于中生界的油气和水合物提供了重要线索; 而大量深水珊瑚和海绵的出现指示东沙泥火山区可能是深水珊瑚礁、海绵礁发育区, 为研究油气泄漏、化养生物和环境三者的关系提供了重要的研究对象。  相似文献   

This paper reports all available geochemical data on sediments and pore waters from the Xisha Trough on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea. The methane concentrations in marine sediments display a downhole increasing trend and their carbon isotopic compositions (δ 13C = −25 to −51‰) indicate a thermogenic origin. Pore water Cl concentrations show a range from 537 to 730 mM, and the high Cl samples also have higher concentrations of Br, Na+, K+, and Mg2+, implying mixing between normal seawater and brine in the basin. The SO4 2− concentrations of pore waters vary from 19.9 to 36.8 mM, and show a downhole decreasing trend. Calculated SMI (sulfate-methane interfaces) depths and sulfate gradients are between 21 and 47 mbsf, and between −0.7 and −1.7 mM/m, respectively, which are similar to values in gas hydrate locations worldwide and suggest a high methane flux in the basin. Overall, the geochemical data, together with geological and geophysical evidence, such as the high sedimentation rates, high organic carbon contents, thick sediment piles, salt and mud diapirs, active faulting, abundant thermogenic gases, and occurrence of huge bottom simulating reflector (BSR), are suggestive of a favorable condition for occurrence of gas hydrates in this region.  相似文献   

南黄海西部地区浅层气的浅部埋藏地质背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据南黄海西部地区6000km多的浅地层剖面解释成果,对浅层气埋藏的载气地质体和地层时代两方面进行了分析。结果表明,南黄海西部地区浅层气主要存在于埋藏三角洲相、古湖泊相、古河道相、古潮沟相地质体中,在中更新世晚期以来的两期海相地层(全新世和晚更新世)和两期陆相地层(玉木冰期、里斯冰期)中都存在浅层气的地震反射。  相似文献   

An analysis of 3D seismic data from the Zhongjiannan Basin in the western margin of the South China Sea (SCS) reveals seismic evidence of gas hydrates and associated gases, including pockmarks, a bottom simulating reflector (BSR), enhanced reflection (ER), reverse polarity reflection (RPR), and a dim amplitude zone (DAZ). The BSR mainly surrounds Zhongjian Island, covering an area of 350 km2 in this 3D survey area. The BSR area and pockmark area do not match each other; where there is a pockmark developed, there is no BSR. The gas hydrate layer builds upward from the base of the stability zone with a thickness of less than 100 m. A mature pockmark usually consists of an outside trough, a middle ridge, and one or more central pits, with a diameter of several kilometers and a depth of several hundreds of meters. The process of pockmark creation entails methane consumption. Dense faults in the study area efficiently transport fluid from large depths to the shallow layer, supporting the formation of gas hydrate and ultimately the pockmark.  相似文献   

本文主要针对南海北部大陆边缘发育的5个沉积盆地——台西南盆地、珠江口盆地、琼东南盆地、莺歌海盆地和中建南盆地,分析了近年来利用地球物理方法研究南海北部天然气渗漏系统的成果,重点包括3个方面:天然气水合物的储藏、流体运移通道以及海底表面渗漏特征。其中表征天然气水合物存在的似海底反射BSR在台西南和珠江口盆地发育明显,莺歌海盆地发现有大型气田;5个盆地流体运移活跃,其内发现了多样的运移通道:断层、底辟、气烟囱、多边形断层及水道(峡谷)等破裂结构;海底表面渗漏特征也在台西南、珠江口、莺歌海和中建南盆地均有发现。南海北部大陆边缘天然气渗漏系统广泛发育,值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

南海东北部陆坡天然气水合物区的滑塌和泥火山活动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究了南海东北部陆坡天然气水合物区滑塌和泥火山活动的特征及表现形式,探讨了滑塌和泥火山活动对天然气水合物成藏的影响,提出了滑塌主导和滑塌、泥火山共同作用两种控制模式。根据地震数据、浅层剖面和海底地形数据解释,将研究区划分为规则滑塌区和泥火山活动影响区,并识别出泥火山、泥火山脊、凹槽、凹坑等特征地形。滑塌和泥火山活动是陆坡天然气水合物发育区重要的地形控制因素,两种活动共同作用产生复杂的地形特征。综合多条地震测线中似海底反射层(BSR)形态、连续性和滑塌、泥火山活动的关系,认为滑塌控制的区域,BSR连续,天然气水合物储藏较完整,泥火山活动区天然气水合物储藏也仅受到局部破坏。同时指出滑塌和泥火山活动对研究区长期天然气渗漏活动具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本文讨论了2013年5月南海东沙天然气水合物区浮游植物生物量和生产力粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素。结果表明,研究海域表现出典型的低营养盐、低叶绿素a、低生产力特征,浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力具有明显的次表层最大值现象。东沙海域生物量和初级生产力粒级结构差异性显著,从生物量和生产力贡献度来看,表现为微微型浮游植物> 微型浮游植物> 小型浮游植物。生物量的垂直分布结果表明,春季不同粒级类群浮游植物在真光层内的分布存在明显不同,比如小型浮游植物在真光层内分布较均匀;微型浮游植物则主要分布于近表层或真光层中部,而微微型浮游植物则主要分布于真光层中部和底部。微微型浮游植物在纬度较低的热带贫营养海区之所以能够占主导优势,最主要的原因是其极小的细胞体积和较大的表面积使其有利于营养竞争。相关性分析表明,南海东沙浮游植物各粒级生物量与温度、pH显著正相关,与硅酸盐、磷酸盐显著负相关;浮游植物各粒级生产力与温度显著正相关,与盐度、磷酸盐显著负相关。磷酸盐含量是影响东沙海域浮游植物粒级结构差异的重要因素之一,同时,光辐照度和水体的真光层深度对东沙天然气水合物区不同粒径浮游植物的垂直分布起着更为重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) shows favorable conditions for gas hydrate accumulation and exploration prospects. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) are widely distributed in the SCS. Using seismic and sequence stratigraphy, the spatial distribution of BSRs has been determined in three sequences deposited since the Late Miocene. The features of gas hydrate accumulations in northern SCS were systematically analyzed by an integrated analysis of gas source conditions, migration pathways, heat flow values, occurrence characteristics, and depositional conditions (including depositional facies, rates of deposition, sand content, and lithological features) as well as some depositional bodies (structural slopes, slump blocks, and sediment waves). This research shows that particular geological controls are important for the presence of BSRs in the SCS, not so much the basic thermodynamic controls such as temperature, pressure and a gas source. Based on this, a typical depositional accumulation model has been established. This model summarizes the distribution of each depositional system in the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise, and also shows the typical elements of gas hydrate accumulations. BSRs appear to commonly occur more in slope-break zones, deep-water gravity flows, and contourites. The gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Shenhu drilling area mostly contain silt or clay, with a silt content of about 70%. In the continental shelf, BSRs are laterally continuous, and the key to gas hydrate formation and accumulation lies in gas transportation and migration conditions. In the continental slope, a majority of the BSRs are associated with zones of steep and rough relief with long-term alternation of uplift and subsidence. Rapid sediment unloading can provide a favorable sedimentary reservoir for gas hydrates. In the continental rise, BSRs occur in the sediments of submarine fans, turbidity currents.  相似文献   

南海东沙岛西南大陆坡内潮特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年4月-10月,在南海东沙岛西南大陆坡底部布放了1套全剖面锚系,同时沿大陆坡底部布放了3套近底锚系,应用谱分析和调和分析方法分析温度和海流连续观测资料,进而研究该海域的内潮特征.结果表明,东沙岛西南大陆坡存在强内潮现象,大陆坡底部温度变化受到内潮波的影响,上层海洋存在强日潮周期的内潮波振动;正压潮和斜压潮均以O...  相似文献   

2015~2016年在神狐新钻探区钻遇大量水合物岩心,证实南海北部神狐新钻探区具有较好的水合物成藏环境和勘探前景。结合2008~2009年该区采集的地震资料,我们对晚中新世以来细粒峡谷的沉积特征及其相应的水合物成藏模式进行了分析。通过对大量地震剖面进行解释,发现该区峡谷两侧的隆起上发育大量的滑塌体。本文通过岩心粒度分析,地震相识别分析和水合物测井响应分析等手段综合识别出对水合物成藏有控制作用的三种类型的滑塌体:原生滑塌体、峡谷切割滑塌体、和同生断裂滑塌体。结合沉积速率、流体流速分析和峡谷迁移等沉积学要素对滑塌体成因进行分析,认为峡谷切割滑塌体由于后期峡谷迁移对前期滑塌体切割形成的、同生断裂滑塌体是由于隆起区基底不平引起差异性沉降而形成的。不同类型的滑塌体发育位置不同:原生滑塌体常发育在隆起中坡度较缓的区域、峡谷切割成因滑塌体常发育在不定向迁移的峡谷两侧、同生断裂滑塌体常发育在隆起中坡度起伏较大的区域。三种类型滑塌及其相应的水合物成藏模式不同,其中原生滑塌体有利于水合物成藏,而另外两种类型的滑塌体由于其不能对自由气进行有效封堵而不利于水合物成藏。根据三种滑塌体对水合物成藏的响应指出在粗粒的含有孔虫粉砂岩储层上,覆盖细粒的泥岩对自由气进行封堵有利于水合物成藏,并且多层的泥岩覆盖是造成水合物稳定带中水合物多个分层成矿现象出现的原因。  相似文献   

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