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南海中北部中新世陆坡凹陷沉积充填与古陆坡形态演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中德合作“南海地球科学联合研究”和“中国边缘海的形成演化及重大资源的关键问题”的有关航次获得的地震资料进行层序地层和沉积相解释,并结合前人的研究成果,对南海中北部陆坡凹陷的构造和沉积特征进行了研究.研究结果表明,南海中北部陆坡区凹陷的构造演化经历了裂陷期、裂陷-坳陷过渡期和坳陷期三个阶段,沉积环境经历了河流-湖泊、浅海和深海的演化过程,不同演化阶段形成不同的地形形态.南海中北部地形演变可分为三个阶段,即早第三纪、早中新世-中中新世中期和中中新世中期-现在,其中早中新世中期-中中新世中期的沉积充填使陆坡形态发生了重要的转变,这次转变基本上奠定了现代意义上的陆架-陆坡-海盆的格局.  相似文献   

西沙海域碳酸盐台地周缘水道沉积体系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
高分辨率地震资料显示,南海北部西沙海域碳酸盐台地周缘广泛发育水道沉积体系。礁缘水道底界面表现出强反射特征,内部充填弱-强、连续性好的地震相,可见底部杂乱反射特征;斜坡水道在地震剖面上表现为横向上连续发育的"V"型特征,且下切深度较浅。西沙隆起与广乐隆起之间的南北向低洼地带发育大型深水水道,并且受古地貌高点影响,水道分为南北两个分支。北分支水道可分为5期,且水道迁移现象明显;南分支水道可分为4期,水道以充填强振幅、连续性好的浊流沉积体和弱振幅、杂乱的块体搬运体系(Mass Transport Deposits,MTDs)为特征,每期水道均表现出侵蚀-充填-废弃的旋回性。分析认为西沙碳酸盐台地周缘水道沉积物源来自西沙隆起和广乐隆起的碳酸盐台地和生物礁碎屑及由火成作用产生的火成岩碎屑。西沙-广乐碳酸盐台地水道相互贯通,构成台地-斜坡-深水的水道沉积体系,为碳酸盐岩、生物礁及火山碎屑向台地周缘输送提供了良好的通道。  相似文献   

Near-bottom currents play important roles in the formation and dynamics of deep-water sedimentary systems.This study examined the characteristics and temporal variations of near-bottom currents, especially the tidal components, based on two campaigns(2014 and 2016) of in situ observations conducted southeast of the Dongsha Island in the South China Sea. Results demonstrated near-bottom currents are dominated by tidal currents, the variance of which could account for ~70% of the total current variance. Diurnal tidal currents were found stronger than semidiurnal currents for both barotropic and baroclinic components. The diurnal tidal currents were found polarized with predominantly clockwise-rotating constituents, whereas the clockwise and counterclockwise constituents were found comparable for semidiurnal tidal currents. It was established that diurnal tidal currents could induce strong current shear. Baroclinic tidal currents showed pronounced seasonal variation with large magnitude in winter and summer and weak magnitude in spring and autumn in 2014. The coherent components accounted for ~65% and ~50% of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal current variances,respectively. The proportions of the coherent and incoherent components changed little in different seasons. In addition to tidal currents, it was determined that the passing of mesoscale eddies could induce strong nearbottom currents that have considerable influence on the deep circulation.  相似文献   

南海北部陆丰凹陷内LF14井记录了早中新世至早上新世的海相沉积地层。古水深重建结果显示研究井位在早中新世突然发生海侵, 水深迅速上升至最大值275m, 随后经数次波动, 整体处于中—外陆架环境, 共记录了5个完整的海侵—海退层序。回剥分析方法重建的LF14井沉降史揭示了研究井位在中中新世(17.5—10Ma)处于快速沉降期, 快速沉降导致的凹陷内沉积物的可容纳空间发育速率高和陆源物质供给充足是造成该阶段沉积速率高的两个重要因素; 晚中新世—早上新世(10—4.53Ma)处于弱沉降期, 推测东沙运动导致凹陷内的沉积物可容纳空间发育速率变小和陆源物质供给减少, 造成该时期内研究井位沉积速率低。最后, 依据定量重建的古水深变化在研究层段识别出一系列短暂存在的构造上升事件。  相似文献   

The Miocene epoch marks the most crucial period during the Cenozoic cooling trend, characterized by the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum(MMCO) and a series of short–lived cooling events(Miocene isotope events).To understand the paleoenvironmental evolution along the shallow water shelf in the South China Sea during the Miocene, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage and total organic carbon content(TOC) were analyzed at Hole LF14 located in the Lufeng Sag, northern South China Sea. Three benthic foraminiferal assemblages(e.g., the Uvigerina spp. assemblage, the Cibicides spp. assemblage, and the Cibicidoides spp. assemblage), corresponding to different watermass conditions, were recognized based on Q–mode factor analysis. Early studies suggested that Hole LF14 was deposited under semienclosed bay, middle to outer shelf or even upper bathyal environment during ~18.7–4.53 Ma. The dominant Uvigerina spp. assemblage was characterized by low diversity and shallow infaunal to infaunal species, indicating a warm, low–oxygenation and eutrophic conditions since the Early Miocene to MMCO(~18.7–14.24 Ma). An abrupt sea level drop and significant faunal changes were recorded during 14.24–13.41 Ma, suggesting development of the East Antarctic Ice Sheets, which resulted in a drop of sea level and change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages along the shallow water shelf. Beyond the Uvigerina spp.assemblage, the Cibicides spp. assemblage became important during the middle–late Middle Miocene(14.24–11.54 Ma). This assemblage was dominated by epifaunal species with relative high diversity, suggesting high–energy, high–oxygenation and oligotrophic conditions with episodic supply of organic food. The dominant Cibicidoides spp. assemblage with high diversity, indicates a mesotrophic conditions with relative high–oxygen content during the Late Miocene to Pliocene(11.54–4.53 Ma). The appearance and continuous occurrence of Ammonia spp. and Pseudorotalia spp. since 10.02 Ma, may reflect the influence of the Kuroshio Current.  相似文献   

南海北部微微型光合浮游生物的丰度及环境调控   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
1999年夏季首次在南海北部海域进行了微微型光合浮游生物(photosynthetic picoplankton)的观测研究,发现了聚球藻(Synechococcus,Syn)、原绿球藻(Prochlorococcus,Pro)和真核球藻(Eukaryotes,Euk)3类微微型光合浮游生物存在,并对其丰度与分布及其环境调控机制进行了研究.结果表明,研究海区Syn,Pro和Euk丰度的总平均值分别为(5.0±7.6)×104,(4.6±4.2)×104和(1.8±1.1)×103个/cm3,Syn种群丰度的高值大多出现在营养盐丰富的雷州半岛及海南岛东部海域的河口、沿岸带与陆架,北部湾次之,是陆坡和开阔海的数十分之一;其水层分布主要在跃层以上,跃层以下其值迅速降低,发现Pro存在两个不同种群:表层种群和深层种群,前者分布型式与Syn相似,后者的分布型式迥然不同,其丰度向营养盐贫瘠的外海、陆坡和开阔海显著增高;同时发现Pro水层分布的高值主要出现在真光层的底部,并往往出现在硝酸盐跃层之上,Euk在不同海域的分布差异不如Syn和Pro来得大,但仍以沿岸带与陆架为高,陆坡与开阔海较低,水层分布的高值大多出现在真光层的底部,而且它是对次表层叶绿素a极大值的主要贡献者,这些分布型式的差异,取决于环境的调控和3类生物生态生理适应的差异.研究海区Syn,Pro和Euk 3类微微型光合浮游生物对微微型光合浮游生物生态生理适应的差异.研究海区Syn,Pro和Euk3类微微型光合浮游生物对微微型光合浮游生物群落总丰度的贡献分别为50.996,47.3%和1.8%.  相似文献   

Previously undocumented, migrating submarine canyons have developed in the Pearl River Mouth Basin along the northern continental margin of the South China Sea from the middle Miocene to present. A grid of high-resolution, 2-D multi-channel seismic profiles calibrated by borehole information permits documentation of these northeastward migrating submarine canyons, as the result of the interplay of gravity flows and bottom currents. The modern canyons have lengths of 30–60 km, widths of 1–5.7 km, and relief of 50–300 m in water depths of 450–1500 m. Buried ancient submarine canyon successions were originally eroded by basal erosional discontinuities and partially filled by canyon thalweg deposits. These are overlain by lateral inclined packages and hemipelagic drape deposits. Basal erosional discontinuities and thalweg deposits are probably created principally by turbidity currents and filled with turbidites. Lateral inclined packages likely were formed by along-slope bottom currents. The evolution of these migrating submarine canyons reveals that northeastward bottom currents have consistently occurred at least from the middle Miocene to present in the study area. It might further imply that thermohaline intermediate water circulation of the South China Sea has been anti-cyclonic from the middle Miocene to present. The initiation of migrating submarine canyons possibly signals commencement of strong bottom currents after the middle Miocene in the South China Sea. The intensification of bottom currents also possibly may reflect shoaling of the major ocean seaways and increased vigor in oceanic circulation forced by global cooling after the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

以大量高精度2D地震资料分析为基础,对北康盆地碳酸盐台地地震反射特征、演化期次及分布特征开展了系统研究。北康盆地碳酸盐台地自早中新世开始发育,中中新世广泛分布,而从晚中新世开始衰退淹没。中新世碳酸盐台地多为孤立台地,台地边缘常发育断层,台地顶部在地震剖面上多呈现为两条平行和亚平行强反射轴,内部呈杂乱和亚平行空白及弱反射轴,底部则多为一条光滑的平行和亚平行弱反射轴。北康盆地中新世碳酸盐台地发育可以划分为3个期次,第1期台地发育范围大且厚度较薄;第2期台地范围缩小,受到断层控制明显;第3期台地范围进一步缩小直至被淹没。北康盆地中新世碳酸盐台地主要为北东向和北西向,这与周边盆地和现今碳酸盐台地走向一致,其平面分布受到构造隆起和断裂的控制。  相似文献   

High-resolution and high-density 2-D multichannel seismic data, combined with high-precision multibeam bathymetric map, are utilized to investigate the characteristics and distribution of submarine landslides in the middle of the northern continental slope, South China Sea. In the region, a series of 19 downslope-extending submarine canyons are developed. The canyons are kilometers apart, and separated by inter-canyon sedimentary ridges. Numerous submarine landslides, bounded by headscarps and basal glide surfaces, are identified on the seismic profiles by their distorted to chaotic reflections. Listric faults and rotational blocks in head areas and compressional folds and inverse faults at the toes of the landslides are possibly developed. Three types of submarine landslides, i.e., creeps, slumps, and landslide complexes, are recognized. These landslides are mostly distributed in the head areas and on the flanks of the canyons. As the most widespread landslides in the region, creeps are usually composed of multiple laterally-coalesced creep bodies, in which the boundaries of singular component creep bodies are difficult to delineate. In addition, a total of 77 landslides are defined, including 61 singular slumps and 16 landslide complexes that consist of two or more component landslides. Statistics show that most landslides are of a small dimension (0.53–18.09 km² in area) and a short runout distance (less than 3.5 km). Regional and local slope gradients and rheological behavior of the displaced materials might play important roles in the generation and distribution of the submarine landslides. A conceptual model for the co-evolution of the canyons and the associated landslides in the study area is presented. In the model it is assumed that the canyons are initiated from gullies created by landslides on steeper sites of the continental slope. The nascent canyons would then experience successive retrogressive landsliding events to extend upslope; at the same time canyon downcutting or incision would steepen the canyon walls to induce more landslides.  相似文献   

南海北部新生代的构造运动特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
新生代以来,南海北部陆架陆坡区及其邻区的地壳构造运动是在统一的区域构造应力场和总体区域性张裂沉降背景之下发生的,构造运动具有多旋回振荡式发生的特点,并贯穿了晚白垩世末之后的整个新生代.它的发生与太平洋板块的构造运动密切相关,这是由于太平洋板块之下的软流层流动方向和强度的振荡式改变而引发的.  相似文献   

随着全球油气勘探难度的不断增大,优质砂岩储集层的研究和刻画逐渐成为当今全球油气,尤其是深水油气地质研究中的热点和难点。南海南部北康-曾母盆地内已证实发育大量优质砂岩储层,且其中蕴藏着巨大的油气资源。北康-曾母盆地早中新世时期(约23~16 Ma)属于大陆漂移阶段,盆地整体以大幅度热沉降为主,发育大规模的三角洲-深水扇沉积体系,其内部砂岩具有丰度高、种类多、分布广且多期次发育的特征,但受控于盆地特殊的地质背景,砂岩的物性受沉积环境和构造作用等因素的综合控制。同时,复杂的国际形势导致资料有限且采集难度大,使得盆地相较于南海北部陆缘盆地而言砂体预测难度更大。基于地震波形分析建立的优质砂岩及其组合的地震响应特征,选取骨干地震剖面,识别并厘定了北康-曾母盆地早中新世层序格架内典型砂层组,在平面上圈定与刻画了砂岩的发育分布范围,最终建立了北康-曾母盆地早中新世层序内从三角洲到深水扇的砂质沉积体系发育模式。  相似文献   

为了更好地揭示南海北部陆坡琼东南盆地晚中新世以来的沉积物输送样式,本次研究将盆地裂后期加速沉降阶段以来的沉积物充填样式作为研究对象,基于前人对这一区域潜在物源区的分析,通过对已有勘探成果的总结和归纳,对深水沉积体的类型进行识别,建立具有成因关系或相同来源的深水沉积体组合,尝试对沉积物输送样式进行划分和归类。研究结果认为,晚中新世以来,琼东南盆地主要存在海南岛物源、莺西物源、南部隆起带物源和神狐隆起物源等4个潜在物源区,沉积物输送样式可划分为垂向沉积物输送、轴向沉积物输送和转向沉积物输送3种类型。  相似文献   

许志峰 《台湾海峡》1995,14(4):356-360
本文根据沉积速率变化受沉积环境制约机理,计算了南海中北部海域晚更新世以来沉积速率的变化,分析该海域沉积环境的特征。通过7个粒状样沉积速率的计算与分析,认为晚更新世以来沉积速率明显高于典型的大洋沉积环境的沉积速率,平均为10.2cm/ka,北部海域平均沉积速率为11.3cm/ka,南部海域平均沉积速率为6.0cm/ka,表现为近陆区沉积速率高,远离大陆速率低的特点。  相似文献   

南海中北部表层沉积物的矿物沉积   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
苏广庆  王天行 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):118-124
本文研究了南海中北部500多个样品的矿物学。认为,本区表层沉积物中矿物种类繁多,分布较为普遍,碎屑矿物(含火山物质)、粘土矿物、自生矿物常有出现。以前者为最显著(共60多种,其中重矿物50多种,轻矿物近10种),主要分布于陆架区及深海盆;粘土矿物次之,多分布于陆坡~深海盆;自生矿物较少,陆架~深海盆均有分布。文中根据矿物沉积特征和环境差异,把它划分为6个矿物区。  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal variabilities of submesoscale currents in the northeastern South China Sea are investigated by employing a numerical simulation with a horizontal resolution of 1km. The results suggest that submesoscale currents are widespread in the surface mixed layer mainly due to the mixed layer instabilities and frontogenesis. In horizontal, submesoscale currents are generally more active in the north than those in the south, since that active eddies, especially cyclonic eddies, mainly occur in the northern area. Specifically, submesoscale currents are highly intensified in the east of Dongsha Island and south of Taiwan Island. In temporal sense, submesoscale currents are more active in winter than those in summer, since the mixed layer is thicker and more unstable in the winter. The parameterization developed by Fox-Kemper et al. is examined in terms of vertical velocity, and the results suggest that it could reproduce the vertical velocity if mixed layer instability dominates there. This study improves our understanding of the submesoscale dynamics in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

南海北部中生代沉积模式   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
南海东北部与西北部海域均分布有中生代地层,地震勘探揭示南海北部中生界东、西之间在地震相及沉积充填结构上存在明显差异,东部中生界为双层结构,而西部为单层结构.东部中生代地层由海相及海陆过渡相侏罗系与陆相白垩系组成,而西部则由陆相白垩系构成,缺失侏罗系.从海水入侵方向看,南海北部中生界与特提斯域无关,可能更受太平洋域的影响.侏罗纪古太平洋边缘海盆在南海北部主要分布在珠江口盆地东部及台西南盆地,从早侏罗世到晚侏罗世海盆范围逐渐缩小;白垩纪南海北部整体抬升,除台西南盆地东部接受海相沉积外,白垩纪南海北部以小型断陷盆地为特征,在断陷盆地内接受陆相河湖相沉积.南海北部在中生代时期位于特提斯构造域与太平洋构造域的交接部位,东部中生界双层结构、西部单层结构的沉积模式进一步明确濒太平洋构造域的对南海北部中生界的控制作用,同时东部将是中生代油气勘探的有利区域.  相似文献   

Based on an integrated analysis of seismic, well logging and paleontological data, the sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea since Late Miocene are documented. The slope deposits of the Late Miocene to Quaternary can be divided into two composite sequences (CS1 and CS2) bounded by regional unconformities with time spans of 3–7 Ma, and eight sequences defined by local unconformities or discontinuities with time spans of 0.8–2.3 Ma. Unconformities within CS1 feature shelf-edge channel erosion, while in CS2 they form truncations at the top of the shelf margin as prograding complexes and onlap contacts against the slope.Depositional systems recognized in the slope section include unidirectionally migrating slope channels, slope fans or aprons, shelf-edge deltas and large-scale slope clinoforms. CS1 (Late Miocene to Pliocene) is characterized by development of a series of shelf-margin channels and associated slope fan aprons. The shelf-margin channels, oriented mostly NW-SE, migrate unidirectionally northeastwards and intensively eroded almost the entire shelf-slope zone. Two types of channels have been identified: (1) broad, shallow and unconfined or partly confined outer-shelf to shelf-break channels; and (2) deeply incised and confined unidirectionally migrating slope channels. They might be formed by gravity flow erosion as bypassing channels and filled mostly with along-slope current deposits. Along the base of the shelf slope, a series of small-scale slope fans or fan aprons are identified, including three depositional paleo-geomorphological elements: (1) broad or U-shaped, unconfined erosional-depositional channels; (2) frontal splays-lobes; and (3) non-channelized sheets. CS2 (Quaternary) consists mainly of a set of high-angle clinoforms, shelf-margin deltas and lower slope unidirectionally migrating channels.The relative sea level changes reflected in the sequence architecture of the study area are basically consistent with Haq's global sea level curve, but the development of regional unconformities were apparently enhanced by tectonic uplift. The development of high-angle (thick) clinoforms in the Quaternary may be attributed to a high sediment supply rate and rapid tectonic subsidence. The formation of the unidirectionally migrating channels appears to have resulted from the combined effects of the northeastward South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) and downslope gravity flow. The formation of the slope channels in the outer-shelf to shelf-break zone may be predominately controlled by bottom current, whereas those developed along the middle to lower slope zone may be dominated by gravity flow.  相似文献   

夏季南海北部微型浮游动物群落   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2014年8月至9月于珠江口至南海中部断面(18°00'~22°00'N,114°00'~116°00'E)的南海北部海域进行采样调查,并进行了微型浮游动物群落分析。共发现微型浮游动物142种,隶属于2门44属,其中砂壳纤毛虫28属78种,占所有发现物种数的54.93%;寡毛类纤毛虫14属59种,占所有发现物种数的41.55%。优势类群为:拟卡金斯急游虫(Strombidium paracalkinsi)、具沟急游虫(Strombidium sulcatum)、维尔伯特急游虫(Strombidium wilberti)和无节幼体(nauplii)。调查区微型浮游动物的丰度介于11.43~959.35 ind/L之间,平均值为264.99 ind/L。微型浮游动物垂直分布总体特点是密集区位于50 m水层,50 m水层之下丰度逐渐减少。表层微型浮游动物丰度高值区位于J5-I1站位之间。断面的香农-威纳指数范围在0.92~4.18之间,平均值为2.77;均匀度指数在0.63~1之间,平均值为0.87。应用典范对应分析(CCA)发现温度和盐度是影响微型浮游动物群落的重要因素。通过对连续追踪站位的调查发现,上层水体微型浮游动物群落丰度随着时间而发生一定的变化,下层水体相对较平缓。微型浮游动物昼夜的垂直丰度变化与叶绿素浓度昼夜变化大致相符。  相似文献   

In situ observations,satellite data,and the output from an eddy-resolving ocean circulation model were used to study the generations and propagations of an anticyclonic eddy in the northern South China Sea (NSCS) during the winter of 2009-2010.In the NSCS,the anticyclonic eddy firstly appeared to the west of the Luzon Strait,migrated generally along the continental slope and dissipated around the Xisha Archipelago. The evolution of the warm eddy contains three phases:development,maturation,and decay.The eddy mainly stayed near 119.7°E in December and then gradually moved to 118.7°E until January 15,when its intensity,as indicated by the thermocline temperature and salinity anomalies,increased significantly,reflecting the growth of the eddy.The eddy reached its peak on January 15 and persisted until February 23. During this period,the eddy propagated westward to 116.4°E.After,the warm eddy weakened significantly and dissipated finally near the Xisha Archipelago.  相似文献   

对处于南海西边界位置(11°49.930′N,110°00.20′E),深度为636m的观测点,2006年4月27日~2007年7月7日的海流和温度连续观测资料进行分析,得到以下结论:(1)观测期间温度具有明显的季节变化和日变化,平均值为7.4℃。(2)海流能量主要集中在南北方向上,具有显著的年变化。2006年5~6月,2006年8~11月及2007年1月北向流速占优,其他月份南向流速占优。(3)长期海流资料的调和分析表明,该海区潮汐类型属不规则全日潮;显著分潮为Sa、O1、K1和M2,潮流椭圆均作逆时针旋转,其中Sa和O1往复特性较强。Sa和K1分潮长轴与等深线平行,指向南北方向;而M2分潮长轴基本与等深线垂直;O1分潮长轴则指向西北-东南方向。(4)对逐月海流资料分别进行调和分析,得出O1和K1顺时针旋转的结果;该海区全日潮最显著,主要分潮的潮流椭圆要素随时间变化明显。(5)观测期间,观测海域多发中尺度涡:2006年6月15~29日观测点,东北方向的暖涡逐渐减弱并接近观测点,导致了日平均温度逐渐升高和余流V分量由强渐弱的变化特征。2006年12月12~19日观测点东侧发展了一个准静止冷涡,垂向范围300~800m,由于观测点处于冷涡的边缘,造成了温度变化平稳、海流V分量的南向流动随着涡的削弱而明显减小的变化特征。  相似文献   

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