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Annual observations of first-year ice(FYI) and second-year ice(SYI) near Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica,were conducted for the first time from December 2011 to December 2012. Melt ponds appeared from early December 2011. Landfast ice partly broke in late January, 2012 after a strong cyclone. Open water was refrozen to form new ice cover in mid-February, and then FYI and SYI co-existed in March with a growth rate of 0.8 cm/d for FYI and a melting rate of 2.7 cm/d for SYI. This difference was due to the oceanic heat flux and the thickness of ice,with weaker heat flux through thicker ice. From May onward, FYI and SYI showed a similar growth by 0.5 cm/d.Their maximum thickness reached 160.5 cm and 167.0 cm, respectively, in late October. Drillings showed variations of FYI thickness to be generally less than 1.0 cm, but variations were up to 33.0 cm for SYI in March,suggesting that the SYI bottom was particularly uneven. Snow distribution was strongly affected by wind and surface roughness, leading to large thickness differences in the different sites. Snow and ice thickness in Nella Fjord had a similar "east thicker, west thinner" spatial distribution. Easterly prevailing wind and local topography led to this snow pattern. Superimposed ice induced by snow cover melting in summer thickened multi-year ice,causing it to be thicker than the snow-free SYI. The estimated monthly oceanic heat flux was ~30.0 W/m2 in March–May, reducing to ~10.0 W/m2 during July–October, and increasing to ~15.0 W/m2 in November. The seasonal change and mean value of 15.6 W/m2 was similar to the findings of previous research. The results can be used to further our understanding of landfast ice for climate change study and Chinese Antarctic Expedition services.  相似文献   

极区海冰是全球气候系统的重要组成部分,南极的固定冰普遍存在于其沿海地区,中山站周边固定冰一般在11月中下旬达到最厚。海冰厚度是海冰的重要参数之一,2016年在南极中山站附近3个站点(S1、S2、S3站点)共布放了4套温度链浮标,包括1套SIMBA (Snow and Ice Mass Balance Array)温度链浮标和3套太原理工大学温度链浮标(TY温度链浮标),SIMBA温度链浮标每天观测4次,TY温度链浮标每小时观测1次。利用浮标观测的温度剖面以及海冰和海水间不同介质温度差异计算得到海冰厚度。在S3站点,同时布放了SIMBA温度链浮标和TY温度链浮标。温度链浮标计算冰厚和人工钻孔观测冰厚比较结果显示,S1站点TY温度链浮标计算的海冰厚度平均误差和均方根误差分别为3.3 cm和14.7 cm,S2站点和S3站点分别为6.6 cm、6.9 cm以及4.0 cm、4.8 cm。S3站点的SIMBA温度链浮标计算冰厚和人工观测冰厚的平均误差和均方根误差为8.2 cm和9.7 cm。因而S3站点TY温度链浮标计算的海冰厚度更接近人工观测的结果。进一步对Stefan定律海冰生长模型进行对比,模型计算得到的海冰生长率为0.1~0.8 cm/d,生长率快于TY温度链浮标的结果,且受积雪影响明显。相比于卫星遥感反演冰厚的误差和观测时段的限制以及有限的人工观测,2种温度链浮标未来对于中山站附近海冰的长期监测均有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   


As Antarctica attracts increasing attention in global climate change studies, the demand for field expeditions has increased in recent decades. Aircraft has become the most efficient mode of transportation because of the advantages of short travel times over long distances, access to unreachable locations and capability to carry different types of sensors to obtain large areal coverages. However, few studies have been published regarding Antarctic airfield site selection for heavy-wheeled aircraft. In this paper, we present methods and results of blue-ice airfield preliminary selection near Zhongshan station, East Antarctica. The geographic information system (GIS)-based method is supported by multi-mission high-resolution images from the ZY-3, WorldView-2 and Landsat-8 satellites along with existing remote sensing products. Ground truth observations were integrated with satellite panchromatic and spectral information to identify runway candidate areas. The information inferred by remote sensing data, including firn type, ice movement, surface slope and ice fracture, is used for evaluation of the airfield selection rules. Finally, the rankings and recommendations of runway candidates were performed in a GIS analysis environment. The site selection approach developed in this paper can be applied in preconstruction studies of other similar cryosphere environments to provide appropriate candidates for a final stage field investigation.  相似文献   

李凯 《海洋预报》2011,28(5):82-88
利用第25次南极考察队获取的中山站海洋、气象考察资料,结合中山站过去20年的历史气象资料,统计分析了2009年中山站气温、气压、湿度、风速风向等主要气象要素特征,同时围绕互联网络带来的预报手段的进步、预报能力的提高等阐述了近年来我国在天气预报领域的新进展.  相似文献   

王自磐  Norm.  FI 《海洋学研究》1996,14(1):36-43
对中国南极中山站附近麦氏贼鸥繁殖种群的产卵、孵化和育雏等繁殖活动进行了系统的观察研究,记录产卵21枚,育雏18只,育成7只。第一卵的卵容量常大于第二卵,所需卵化时间通常长于后者,并使第一雏鸟在发育初期便处于有利地位;雏鸟成长常因缺少食物、气候恶劣以及敌害等夭折,尤其第二雏鸟的大量损失,使育成率低,仅为38.9%。另外,人类活动对本区麦氏贼鸥繁殖习性和繁殖率所产生的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

利用第22次南极长城站越冬气象考察所获取的常规气象观测资料,着重分析了2006年长城站的气压、气温、地温、降水、湿度、风等气象要素和天气现象的特征,并同1985~2005年的多年统计值进行了对比。所作分析有助于了解和研究南极长城站地区的气候特点。  相似文献   

The antarctic sea ice was investigated upon five occasions between January 4 and February 15, 2003. The investigations included: (1) estimation of sea ice distribution by ship-based observations between the middle Weddell Sea and the Prydz Bay; (2) estimation of sea ice distribution by aerial photography in the Prydz Bay; (3) direct measurements of fast ice thickness and snow cover, as well as ice core sampling in Nella Fjord; (4) estimation of melting sea ice distribution near the Zhongshan Station; and (5) observation of sea ice early freeze near the Zhongshan Station. On average, sea ice covered 14.4% of the study area. The highest sea ice concentration (80%) was observed in the Weddell Sea. First-year ice was dominant (99.7%-99.8%). Sea ice distributions in the Prydz Bay were more variable due to complex inshore topography, proximity of the Larsemann Hills, and/or grounded icebergs. The average thickness of landfast ice in NeUa Fjord was 169.5 cm. Wind-blown snow redistribution plays an important role in affecting the ice thickness in Nella Fjord. Preliminary freezing of sea ice near the Zhongshan Station follows the first two phases of the pancake cycle.  相似文献   

本研究将稳定同位素(15N)与放射性核素(226Ra)示踪相结合,探讨了2006年夏季南极普里兹湾融冰过程对氮吸收的调控作用。硝酸盐及铵盐的比吸收速率均与浓度呈正相关关系,表明底物浓度效应的存在。开阔洋区具有较高的f比值,而在埃默里冰架附近f比值低得多。f比值与冰融水份额之间存在负相关关系,暗示融冰过程在调控水体氮吸收方面起着重要作用。融冰改变了当地上层水体的层化条件,显著地影响南大洋的生物泵效率及对大气二氧化碳的吸收。本研究为南大洋上层水体碳、氮动力学的调控机制提供了新的认识,且有助于对历史记录的解读及对未来气候变化的预测。  相似文献   

南极中山站夏季下降风数值模拟个例研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
南极内陆地面辐射冷却产生的近表层冷空气,沿高原斜坡向下流动而形成下降风,其分布形态决定了南极大陆近表层风场的主要特征。我国南极中山站全年均受下降风的强烈影响。夏季晴天时,中山站的下降风一般在傍晚开始出现,风速在午夜达到极值,在次日中午之前逐渐减弱,风速有显著的日循环特征。本文选取南极中山站2010年1月的夏季下降风个例,使用常规地面气象观测资料和Polar WRF极地大气数值模式进行了分析研究。结果表明:中山站夏季夜间晴天出现偏东向的下降风时,近地面风速变化趋势与地面气温呈负相关,相关系数为-0.91。数值模拟发现,中山站下降风在距地面高度约100~150 m之间时风速最大,约为15~21 m/s。在下降风发生时,近地层大气存在逆温现象。下降风较强时,近地层逆温也较强,逆温层厚度约为200~300 m,逆温强度约为4~6℃。在地面摩擦的作用下,中山站近地面下降风风向为东南,随着高度的增加,风向逆时针偏转,最终趋于与地形等高线平行。没有太阳直接辐射时,南极大陆地区存在持续的逆温层,逆温层的出现加强了下降风气流,随着逆温的增强,大风区逐渐西移,且面积不断增加。在夏季太阳辐射造成的逆温消失的短暂时间内,逆温时产生的下降风尚不能完全消失,由此形成了较稳定的风向空间分布特征。  相似文献   

本文通过对阿蒙森海西北部陆隆AMS01岩心沉积物颜色、粒度及地球化学等多种指标分析,重建了该地区氧同位素9期(MIS9,大约距今34万年)以来冰盖与古生产力演变历史,结果表明:(1)岩心沉积物粒度与古生产力替代指标表现出明显的冰期–间冰期旋回变化特征;(2)MIS9、MIS7和MIS5等间冰期沉积速率较小,沉积物呈褐色,冰筏碎屑含量低,生源组分含量高,反映出该时期阿蒙森海地区气候温暖,冰盖发生了大规模退缩,冰盖–冰架–冰山等陆源冰对沉积物的影响减弱,海冰覆盖减弱,有利于浮游植物的生长和繁殖;(3)MIS8c、MIS8a、MIS6、MIS2等冰期沉积速率大,沉积物呈灰色,沉积物随之变粗,冰筏碎屑含量高,生源组分含量低,说明该时期冰盖大幅扩张,陆隆区成为近冰盖/冰架沉积环境,海冰和冰山密集,海洋生产力显著降低;(4)冰期、间冰期内,冰盖与古生产力也有不同程度的波动;特别是MIS8b期发育浅褐色间冰阶沉积,冰筏碎屑含量低,生产力水平与间冰期基本持平,说明阿蒙森海地区冰盖、海洋对气候变化的响应比东南极地区敏感。  相似文献   

极地积雪和海冰厚度是气候变化的重要指标,也是船舶在冰区航行需要掌握的主要参数。2014和2015年在南极普里兹湾中山站附近布放了一种新式的温度链浮标,该浮标每天进行4次常规温度观测和1次加热升温观测,用于实时获取积雪和海冰剖面温度及厚度数据的研究。通过分析剖面温度曲线和升温曲线反映出的大气、积雪、海冰和海水4种介质的热传导特性差异,可利用人工识别的方法(人工经验法)获得大气/积雪、积雪/海冰和海冰/海水界面的位置。根据统计不同介质在升温响应和垂直温度梯度等方面的特性,找到合理阈值,可通过编写程序自动判断各界面的位置(自动程序法)。本文利用这两种方法来判断不同物质界面位置从而计算得到积雪和海冰厚度。与现场人工观测的海冰厚度相比,人工经验法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为2.1 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.3 cm和6.5 cm(2015年),自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为-6.8 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.5 cm和 6.6 cm(2015年);对于积雪,人工经验法与现场人工观测的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为0.5 cm和 8.5 cm,而自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为4.7 cm和10.8 cm。自动程序法误差较人工经验法偏大,但考虑到整体冰厚和现场观测的误差,两种方法的结果均是可信的,精度是可以接受的。利用新式的温度链浮标实时获取南极普里兹湾积雪和海冰厚度是可行的。  相似文献   

本文采用固定冰数据集和南极象海豹获取的现场观测数据集,分析了南极达恩利角固定冰附近局地高密陆架水的变化。结果表明:首先,达恩利角固定冰存在显著季节变化,对于达恩利角冰间湖及局地高密陆架水的生成都具有重要影响。其次,达恩利角固定冰在2000−2014年期间年际变化很小,无显著增减趋势。第三,达恩利角固定冰附近局地高密陆架水有两个显著来源:(1)3−4月,达恩利角固定冰快速生成时伴随着强烈的盐析作用,进而局地生成高密陆架水;(2)5月,达恩利角固定冰达到最大范围,局地盐析作用减弱至很小,而上游在冰架水抑制作用减弱后,麦肯基湾冰间湖海域的高密陆架水生成增强,能够向西北输运至达恩利角固定冰附近。本研究初步证明达恩利角固定冰除了维持达恩利角冰间湖存在的作用外,对局地高密陆架水生成也可能有重要影响,同时指出一条重要的水团输运路径,这有助于提高对达恩利角附近冰−海相互作用的理解,对该地区开展更多观测或模拟研究是必要的。  相似文献   

本文利用TLC-FID和GC-MS等手段对取自东南极伏斯特福尔丘陵地区爱丝湖的柱状沉积物样的类脂物作了分析鉴定。其结果表明,该湖沉积物中的类脂物主要由烃类、长链脂以及酮、醇和甾醇组成,未发现三酰甘油醇,游离脂肪酸也极少量,而该湖水体颗粒物中却大量存在着三酰甘油醇。类脂物的分布特征表明该湖沉积物的强微生物效应,其中烃类的分布特征则说明该湖在1000年前曾有过全混合状态,从而可推断南极当时曾有过温暖的气候。  相似文献   

本文利用从南极乔治王岛地区各国考察站获取的各种气象资料,从业务需求入手,介绍了该地区的天气预报业务概况,并总结了一些重要天气现象的特征和预报技术。作者认为架设先进的卫星通讯系统,以有效利用互联网上丰富的气象资源,提高数据传输的效率,是南极地区天气预报业务发展的新方向。  相似文献   

Long term in situ atmospheric observation of the landfast ice nearby Zhongshan Station in the Prydz Bay was performed from April to November 2016. The in situ observation, including the conventional meteorological elements and turbulent flux, enabled this study to evaluate the sea ice surface energy budget process. Using in situ observations, three different reanalysis datasets from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Re-analysis(ERA-Interim), National Centers for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis2(NCEP R2), and Japanese 55-year Reanalysis(JRA55), and the Los Alamos sea ice model, CICE, output for surface fluxes were evaluated. The observed sensible heat flux(SH) and net longwave radiation showed seasonal variation with increasing temperature. Air temperature rose from the middle of October as the solar elevation angle increased.The ice surface lost more energy by outgoing longwave radiation as temperature increased, while the shortwave radiation showed obvious increases from the middle of October. The oceanic heat flux demonstrated seasonal variation and decreased with time, where the average values were 21 W/m~2 and 11 W/m~2, before and after August,respectively. The comparisons with in situ observations show that, SH and LE(latent heat flux) of JRA55 dataset had the smallest bias and mean absolute error(MAE), and those of NCEP R2 data show the largest differences.The ERA-Interim dataset had the highest spatial resolution, but performance was modest with bias and MAE between JRA55 and NCEP R2 compare with in situ observation. The CICE results(SH and LE) were consistent with the observed data but did not demonstrate the amplitude of inner seasonal variation. The comparison revealed better shortwave and longwave radiation stimulation based on the ERA-Interim forcing in CICE than the radiation of ERA-Interim. The average sea ice temperature decreased in June and July and increased after September,which was similar to the temperature measured by buoys, with a bias and MAE of 0.9°C and 1.0°C, respectively.  相似文献   

利用美国冰雪数据中心发布的2003—2008年高分辨率海冰密集度数据,分6个阶段对普里兹湾区域海冰季节性变化的空间分布特征进行了研究,并根据普里兹湾海区的地形和环流对这些特征的成因进行了分析。结果表明,普里兹湾海冰冻结过程和融化过程分别经历7个月和5个月,海冰融化速度最快月份是10月和11月,主要表现形式为海冰密集度的减少;海冰冻结速度4月和6月最快,海冰外缘线向北扩展。由于普里兹湾近岸达恩利角冰间湖、普里兹湾冰间湖和Barrier湾冰间湖的存在,海冰的融化呈现大洋区由北向南、近岸区由南向北的双向融化特征;而在普里兹湾口、弗拉姆浅滩和四女士浅滩均存在不易融化的冰舌,两者之间的低密集度海冰区,则对应于暖水侵入普里兹湾的通道。南极绕极流在流经凯尔盖朗海台中部时向北偏转,造成此处在盛冰期较其它经度的海冰外缘更靠北,可达57°S。南极辐散带的表层流场和上升暖流抑制海冰冻结和聚集,形成了低海冰密集度区域。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDissolvedorganiccarbon (DOC)makesupthesecondlargestofthebioactivepoolsofcar bonintheocean ,secondtothelargestpoolofdissolvedinorganiccarbon .Theglobaldissolvedorganiccarbonpoolisestimatedtobe 6 85Gt,avaluecomparabletothemassofCO2 intheat mosphere (Hedges,1 992 ) .Thesizeofthereservoir,aswellasitsdynamics ,indicatesthatDOCplaysacentralroleintheoceancarboncycle .AsitrelatestogreenhousegasessuchasCO2 andassociatesclimatecycle ,oceanicDOCbiogeochemicalcycleshavebeenoneoftheh…  相似文献   

The annual cycle of dissolved nutrients and the fugacity of CO2 (fCO2), calculated from the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pH, was studied over a 14-month long period (December 1993 to February 1995) at a site in Prydz Bay near Davis Station, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. Significant spring decreases in fCO2 began under the sea-ice in mid-October, when both water column and sea-ice algal activity resulted in the removal of nutrients and DIC and increased pH. Minimum fCO2 (<100 μatm) and lowest nutrient and DIC concentrations occurred in December and January. The low summer fCO2 values were clearly the result of biological activity. The seasonal depletion of dissolved nitrate reached 85% in mid-summer when chlorophyll-a concentrations exceeded 15 mg m−3. Oceanic uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, calculated from the fugacity difference and daily wind speeds, averaged more than 30 mmol m−2 day−1 during the summer ice-free period. This exchange replaced approximately half of the DIC consumed by biological activity. Apparent nutrient utilisation ratios (C/N/P) were close to Redfield values. In autumn fCO2 began to rise, continuing slowly well into winter, and reaching a maximum close to modern atmospheric values between July and September. This increase can be attributed to a combination of local remineralisation of organic carbon in the water column and the steady increase in the mixing depth of the water column. At first glance, this suggests that air–sea equilibration occurred in winter despite the sea-ice cover, perhaps by horizontal circulation from regions outside the pack ice, or through openings in the ice. However, the persistent 15 to 20% undersaturation of dissolved oxygen throughout the winter suggests an alternate explanation. The late winter fCO2 level may represent a characteristic established by global circulation, so that as a result of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, these Antarctic waters are in transition from being a winter-time source of CO2 to the atmosphere to becoming a sink. Our fCO2 observations emphasize the need to address seasonal variations in assessing Antarctic contributions to the oceanic control of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

东南极Princess Elizabeth冰盖近地层大气参数的年变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2002年东南极Princess Elizabeth冰盖自动气象梯度观测点获得的近地层气象资料,分析了冰盖上的感热通量、潜热通量、大气稳定度、整体输送系数及有关气象要素特征,并与中山站同期的的气象要素进行了对比分析.结果表明,由于两站的海拔高度及地理位置的差异,LGB69站的年平均气温为-25.6℃,比中山站低16.4℃,进入内陆每10km,海拔高度上升约110m,温度下降约1℃.南极内陆冰盖的湍流热通量具有明显的年变化,感热通量年平均值为-17.9W/m2,潜热通量为-0.9W/m2,年平均冷源强度(Qh+Qe)为-18.8W/m2,表明地表从大气吸收热量.LGB69站近地层大气以近中性层结为主,中性层结下的整体输送系数为2.6×10-3,当风速大于8m/s后,整体输送系数趋于常数.LGB69站是南极地区典型下降风区,年平均风速比中山站大2.0m/s,其下降风出现的风向频和风速均大于中山站.  相似文献   

The relationship between the spring bloom along the Primorye coast and the sea ice of the Tatarskiy Strait in the northern region of the East/Japan Sea, a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the North Pacific, was investigated using the ten-year SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration data and DMSP/SSMI sea ice concentration data from 1998 to 2007. Year-to-year variations in the chlorophyll-a concentrations in the spring were positively correlated with those of the sea ice concentrations in the Tatarskiy Strait in the previous winter with a correlation coefficient of 0.77. Abrupt increases in nutrients, essential for the spring bloom in the upper ocean during spring, were supplied from sea ice-melted waters. Time series of vertical distributions of the nutrients indicated that phosphate concentrations were extremely elevated in the upper ocean (less than 100 m) without any connection to high concentrations in the deep waters below. The water mass from sea ice provided preferable conditions for the spring bloom through changes in the vertical stratification structure of the water columns. Along-coast ratios of stability parameters between two neighboring months clearly showed the rapid progression of the generation of a shallow pycnocline due to fresh water originating from sea ice. This study addressed the importance of the physical environment for biogeochemical processes in semi-enclosed marginal seas affected by local sea ice.  相似文献   

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