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利用地球物理模式函数进行SAR海面风速反演时,需以风向作为地球物理模式函数的输入。本文应用了一种利用SAR图像上雨团足印顺风一侧比逆风一侧明亮的图像特征的海面风向提取方法,以进行海面风速反演。4景RADARSAT-2卫星SAR示例数据风向提取结果相对于ASCAT散射计的风向均方根误差满足不大于16°。分别以本文方法提取的风向和ASCAT散射计风向作为输入,利用地球物理模式函数CMOD5进行海面风速的SAR反演,两者的风速反演结果基本一致,其均方根误差差值不超过0.3 m/s。本文利用SAR图像雨团足印信息的风向提取方法准确可靠,可应用于SAR海面风速反演。 相似文献
基于观测和再分析数据的LSTM深度神经网络沿海风速预报应用研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
基于海洋气象历史观测资料和再分析数据等,利用LSTM深度神经网络方法,开展在有监督学习情况下的海面风场短时预报应用研究。以中国近海5个代表站为研究区域,通过气象台站观测数据和ERA-Interim 6 h再分析数据构建数据集。选取21个变量作为预报因子,分别构建两个LSTM深度神经网络框架(OBSLSTM和ALLLSTM)。经与2017年WRF模式6 h预报结果对比分析,得出如下结论:构建的两个LSTM风速预报模型可以大幅降低风速预报误差,RMSE分别降低了41.3%和38.8%,MAE平均降低了43.0%和40.0%;风速误差统计和极端大风分析发现,LSTM模型能够抓住地形、短时大风和台风等敏感信息,对于大风过程预报结果明显优于WRF模式;两种LSTM模型对比发现,ALLLSTM模型风速预报误差最小,具有很好的稳定性和鲁棒性,OBSLSTM模型应用范围更广泛。 相似文献
HY-2微波辐射计降雨条件下海面风速反演算法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于降雨改变了海洋-大气的辐射/散射特性,长期以来星载遥感器在降雨条件下进行海面风速信息提取存在困难。本文针对自主海洋动力环境卫星海洋2号(HY-2)搭载的扫描微波辐射计,分析了不同频段亮温对降雨和海面风速敏感性,自此基础上获得了一种对降雨不敏感的亮温通道组合,该亮温通道组合对海面风速的敏感性甚至高于原有亮温通道。本文利用该亮温通道组合建立了降雨条件下的风速反演算法,并将反演结果与WindSat全天候风速产品、HY-2微波辐射计原有风速产品以及浮标实测数据进行了比较。结果表明本文算法在降雨条件下的反演误差小于2m/s,明显优于原有HY-2微波辐射计风速产品,验证了本文发展的算法在降雨条件下的风速反演能力。 相似文献
使用参数化初猜测谱算法提取VV极化Sentinel-1 SAR图像的海浪要素并与ECMWF再分析数据以及浮标数据进行验证对比 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The purpose is to study the accuracy of ocean wave parameters retrieved from C-band VV-polarization Sentinel-1Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images, including both significant wave height(SWH) and mean wave period(MWP), which are both calculated from a SAR-derived wave spectrum. The wind direction from in situ buoys is used and then the wind speed is retrieved by using a new C-band geophysical model function(GMF) model,denoted as C-SARMOD. Continuously, an algorithm parameterized first-guess spectra method(PFSM) is employed to retrieve the SWH and the MWP by using the SAR-derived wind speed. Forty–five VV-polarization Sentinel-1 SAR images are collected, which cover the in situ buoys around US coastal waters. A total of 52 subscenes are selected from those images. The retrieval results are compared with the measurements from in situ buoys. The comparison performs good for a wind retrieval, showing a 1.6 m/s standard deviation(STD) of the wind speed, while a 0.54 m STD of the SWH and a 2.14 s STD of the MWP are exhibited with an acceptable error.Additional 50 images taken in China's seas were also implemented by using the algorithm PFSM, showing a 0.67 m STD of the SWH and a 2.21 s STD of the MWP compared with European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) reanalysis grids wave data. The results indicate that the algorithm PFSM works for the wave retrieval from VV-polarization Sentinel-1 SAR image through SAR-derived wind speed by using the new GMF C-SARMOD. 相似文献
Evaluation of ENVISAT ASAR data for sea surface wind retrieval in Hong Kong coastal waters of China 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The C-band wind speed retrieval models, CMOD4, CMOD - IFR2, and CMOD5 were applied to retrieval of sea surface wind speeds from ENVISAT (European environmental satellite) ASAR (advanced synthetic aperture radar) data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong during a period from October 2005 to July 2007. The retrieved wind speeds are evaluated by comparing with buoy measurements and the QuikSCAT (quick scatterometer) wind products. The results show that the CMOD4 model gives the best performance at wind speeds lower than 15 m/s. The correlation coefficients with buoy and QuikSCAT winds are 0.781 and 0.896, respectively. The root mean square errors are the same 1.74 m/s. Namely, the CMOD4 model is the best one for sea surface wind speed retrieval from ASAR data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong. 相似文献
LI Xiaofeng 《海洋学报(英文版)》2015,34(1):1-2
In this note, we present the first Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar(SAR) typhoon image acquired in the northwest Pacific on October 4, 2014. The eye shape and sea surface wind patterns associated with Typhoon Phanfone are clearly shown in the high-quality SAR image. SAR winds retrieval procedure was given but the actual wind estimates will only be available after the European Space Agency(ESA) releases the official calibration coefficients in order to accurately derive the SAR-measured normalized radar cross section. This study demonstrates the advantage of Sentinel-1 SAR with regards to imaging fine scale typhoon patterns on the sea surface beneath storm clouds. This paper also advocates the use of Sentinel-1 SAR data that is made freely and openly available worldwide for the first time in civilian SAR history. 相似文献
1IntroductionSatellite observations of the ocean,includingobservation of sea surface wind fields,have tendedto be a perfect technology.Scatterometer is a prima-ry remote sensing sensor,which can get the globalscale information of wind.Other means of remot… 相似文献
卫星高度计海面风速的校准与验证 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了改善不同卫星高度计海面风速数据之间的一致性,以浮标数据为基准,对国内的HY-2A和国外的T/P、GFO、Jason-1、Envisat、Jason-2、CryoSat-2共7颗卫星高度计的海面风速数据进行了分析,给出了各个卫星高度计的海面风速校准公式,并对其校准效果进行了验证。验证结果表明:各个卫星高度计的海面风速在经过校准后,与浮标海面风速差异的均值和均方根都有所降低,其中HY-2A最为显著。经过校准后所有卫星高度计的海面风速与浮标海面风速差异的均值都在±0.2m/s以内。除了HY-2A、GFO和Jason-1,其余4颗卫星高度计校准后的海面风速与浮标海面风速差异的均方根都在1.6m/s以下。由此可以得出结论,利用本文的校准公式对各个卫星高度计(特别是HY-2A卫星高度计)的海面风速进行校准,可以有效减少其与浮标海面风速之间的差异。 相似文献
太阳耀光是来自粗糙海面的直接太阳反射光,其强度与海面粗糙度密切相关,而海面粗糙度主要受海面风场影响。因此,包含太阳耀光信息的光学遥感影像在海洋动力过程和海面风速探测中具有积极意义。本文利用2016年2月到2017年3月期间成像的25幅Terra卫星MISR(Multi-angle Imaging Spectro Radiometer)传感器的多角度遥感影像,分别提取了太阳的高度角和方位角、正视和后视影像的卫星观测角、方位角等信息,校正获得正视和后视影像的太阳耀光辐射强度,进一步反演海表面粗糙度信息,进而计算海面风速。最后利用ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)的模式风速数据与反演获得的风速结果进行对比验证。结果表明,两者的相关系数较高(R=0.745),均方根误差和平均绝对偏差值分别为1.514 m·s-1和1.319 m·s-1。初步实验结果表明,利用MISR多角度光学遥感影像估算海表面风速是可行性的。 相似文献
基于微波散射计观测的气候态海面风场和风应力场 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
收集了星载微波散射计NSCAT,QuikSCAT和SeaWinds on ADOES-II的全球海面风速和方向L2B数据,数据涉及的时间序列长度为11.5 a。通过对所收集数据的质量控制、Loess低通空间滤波和统计处理,构建了气候态的逐月全球海面风场、风应力场和风应力旋度场(简称为SCAT),其空间网格间距为0.25°×0.25°。SCAT资料与其他有关资料相比,包含了更丰富的海面风场中小尺度空间变化的信息,可广泛应用于海洋、气候、海气相互作用等方面的研究,特别适合应用于海洋中小尺度过程的研究。作为我国海洋二号(HY-2)卫星预研项目的成果之一,SCAT资料将由国家海洋局国家卫星海洋应用中心提供给有关用户。 相似文献
多普勒散射计能够获取海面后向散射系数和多普勒频移,从而实现海面风场和海表流场的同步观测。本文基于机载多普勒散射计的观测数据,对多普勒散射计海面风场和海表流场联合反演模型进行研究,并与风场流场独立反演结果进行对比。结果表明,联合反演的流场精度显著优于独立反演结果;然而以欧洲中期天气预报中心的海面风场为参考时,联合反演风场的精度略低于独立反演结果。这说明多普勒频移信息对海面风场反演的贡献不太显著,但雷达后向散射系数信息(即风场)对流场反演有积极的作用,通过联合反演算法能够更有效地消除海面风场对流场反演的影响。研究结果有助于进一步理解海面风场和海表流场反演时的相互影响,并为星载多普勒散射计的数据处理提供了参考。 相似文献
利用机载GNSS反射信号反演海面风速的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
全球卫星导航定位系统的反射信号(GNSS-R)遥感技术作为一种新型的、低成本的、高机动性的海面微波遥感测风技术,与其他测风手段优势互补,可以增加测风手段的多样性,弥补局部测风手段不足的状况。研究了接收机在机载高度时,GPS反射信号功率理论模型四部分函数的性质,在此基础之上,数值模拟了机载高度下理论相关功率波形,基于海面风速对波形峰值与后沿的影响,提出了一种能够兼顾所有理论波形信息的二维插值风速反演方法。利用该方法,结合实测机载数据对海面风速进行反演,反演的风速均值与附近测站风速均值相差为1.4 m/s,与浮标数据相一致。 相似文献
Long-term variations in a sea surface wind speed(WS) and a significant wave height(SWH) are associated with the global climate change, the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters, and an ocean resource exploitation,and other activities. The seasonal characteristics of the long-term trends in China's seas WS and SWH are determined based on 24 a(1988–2011) cross-calibrated, multi-platform(CCMP) wind data and 24 a hindcast wave data obtained with the WAVEWATCH-III(WW3) wave model forced by CCMP wind data. The results show the following.(1) For the past 24 a, the China's WS and SWH exhibit a significant increasing trend as a whole, of3.38 cm/(s·a) in the WS, 1.3 cm/a in the SWH.(2) As a whole, the increasing trend of the China's seas WS and SWH is strongest in March-April-May(MAM) and December-January-February(DJF), followed by June-July-August(JJA), and smallest in September-October-November(SON).(3) The areal extent of significant increases in the WS was largest in MAM, while the area decreased in JJA and DJF; the smallest area was apparent in SON. In contrast to the WS, almost all of China's seas exhibited a significant increase in SWH in MAM and DJF; the range was slightly smaller in JJA and SON. The WS and SWH in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, the Tsushima Strait, the Taiwan Strait, the northern South China Sea, the Beibu Gulf, and the Gulf of Thailand exhibited a significant increase in all seasons.(4) The variations in China's seas SWH and WS depended on the season. The areas with a strong increase usually appeared in DJF. 相似文献
Comparison among four kinds of data of sea surface wind stress in the South China Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
By using remote sensing (ERS) data, FSU data, COADS data and Hellerman & Rosen-stein objective analysis data to analyze the sea surface wind stress in the South China Sea, it is found that the remote sensing data have higher resolution and more reasonable values. Therefore we suggest that remote sensing data be chosen in the study of climatological features of sea surface wind stress and its seasonal variability in the South China Sea, especially in the study of small and middle scale eddies. 相似文献