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The Upper Jurassic Tordillo Formation at Cañada Ancha area, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina, comprises a multi-stage suit of predominantly alluvial sediments that is heterolithic in nature. In that suit, several lithofacies, architectural elements, and bounding surfaces of different order have been identified and their lateral and vertical distribution characterized. This analysis allowed the differentiation of 3 main units (lower, middle and upper), 20 subunits (C-1 to C-20), and the characterization of their alluvial styles.The lower unit (which comprises subunits C-1 to C-4) is mainly formed by fine- to medium-grained sandstones, which become medium- to coarse-grained towards the top. These sandstones characterize settings ranging from floodplains with isolated, unconfined flows, to more complex, vertically stacked, multi-storey sheet sandstones of braided fluvial systems. The middle unit (C-5 to C-10) is dominated by pale brown-grey fine-to coarse-grained sands and medium size subangular to angular conglomerates, which reflect amalgamated complexes of sandstone sheets and downstream accretion macroforms. Remarkably, this alluvial sedimentation was episodically punctuated by volcaniclastic flows. The upper unit (C-11 to C-20) consists of finer sediments, mainly pink to white fine-to medium grained sandstones and red to green siltstones. Towards the top, bioturbation becomes important, and also the presence of volcanosedimentary flows is noticeable. Fluvial settings include braided sheet sandstones with waning flood deposits evolving to isolated high-sinuosity fluvial systems, with flash flood deposits. At the top of this unit, facies may suggest marine influence.Vertical changes in the fluvial style result from both climatic and tectonic controls. A semiarid to arid climate and the active tectonism linked to the eastward migration of the Andean volcanic arc determined major bounding surfaces, fluvial style evolution and the presence of the volcano-sedimentary deposits. Different stages of high and low subsidence rates has been deduced from the vertical stacking of sediments.  相似文献   

Although facies models of braided, meandering and anastomosing rivers have provided the cornerstones of fluvial sedimentology for several decades, the depositional processes and external controls on sheetflow fluvial systems remain poorly understood. Sheetflow fluvial systems represent a volumetrically significant part of the non‐marine sedimentary record and documented here are the lithofacies, depositional processes and possible roles of rapid subsidence and arid climate in generating a sheetflow‐dominated fluvial system in the Cenozoic hinterland of the central Andes. A 6500 m thick succession comprising the Late Eocene–Oligocene Potoco Formation is exposed continuously for >100 km along the eastern limb of the Corque syncline in the high Altiplano plateau of Bolivia. Fluvial sandstone and mudstone units were deposited over an extensive region (>10 000 km2) with remarkably few incised channels or stacked‐channel complexes. The Potoco succession provides an exceptional example of rapid production of accommodation sustained over a prolonged period of time in a non‐marine setting (>0·45 mm year−1 for 14 Myr). The lower ≈4000 m of the succession coarsens upward and consists of fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone, mudstone and gypsum deposits with palaeocurrent indicators demonstrating eastward transport. The upper 2500 m also coarsens upward, but contains mostly fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone that exhibits westward palaeoflow. Three facies associations were identified from the Potoco Formation and are interpreted to represent different depositional environments in a sheetflow‐dominated system. (i) Playa lake deposits confined to the lower 750 m are composed of interbedded gypsum, gypsiferous mudstone and sandstone. (ii) Floodplain deposits occur throughout the succession and include laterally extensive (>200 m) laminated to massive mudstone and horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone. Pedogenic alteration and root casts are common. (iii) Poorly confined channel and unconfined sheet sandstone deposits include laterally continuous beds (50 to >200 m) that are defined primarily by horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone encased in mudstone‐rich floodplain deposits. The ubiquitous thin‐sheet geometry and spatial distribution of individual facies within channel sandstone and floodplain deposits suggest that confined to unconfined, episodic (flash) flood events were the primary mode of deposition. The laterally extensive deposition and possible distributary nature of this sheetflow‐dominated system are attributed to fluvial fan conditions in an arid to semi‐arid, possibly seasonal, environment. High rates of sediment accumulation and tectonic subsidence during early Andean orogenesis may have favoured the development and long‐term maintenance of a sheetflow system rather than a braided, meandering or anastomosing fluvial style. It is suggested here that rapidly produced accommodation space and a relatively arid, seasonal climate are critical conditions promoting the generation of sheetflow‐dominated fluvial systems.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Guará Formation comprises an 80–200 m thick continental succession exposed in the western portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil). It comprises four distinct facies associations: (i) simple to locally composite crescentic aeolian dune sets, (ii) aeolian sand sheets, (iii) distal floodflows, and (iv) fluvial channels. The vertical stacking of the facies associations defines several 5–14 m thick wetting-upward cycles. Each cycle starts with aeolian dune sets followed by aeolian sand sheets deposits and culminating in either fluvial channels or distal flood strata. Within some cycles, aeolian sand sheets are absent and fluvial deposits rest directly above aeolian dune facies. The transitions from one facies association to another are abrupt and marked by erosive surfaces that delineate distinct episodes of sediment accumulation. The origin of both the wetting-upward cycles and the erosive surfaces was controlled by the ground-water table level, dry sand availability and aeolian and fluvial sediment transport capacity variations, related to climatic fluctuations between relatively arid and humid conditions. Preservation of the fluvial–aeolian deposits reflects an overall relative water table rise driven by subsidence.  相似文献   

Geohistory analysis was carried out on block 10 in the Say??un-Masilah Basin. The present study is based on the analysis of the well logs of six exploration wells. In the Middle Jurassic to the Middle Eocene, Say??un-Masilah Basin exhibited a complex subsidence history over a period of about 155?Ma. Backstripped subsidence curves are constructed by removing the effects of decompaction to the water column and sediment loads. In the Middle Jurassic, slow subsidence was driven under the effect of sediment load as Kuhlan and Shuqra Formations were deposited as pre-rift deposits. The average total subsidence value of the basement during the deposition of Shuqra Formation was 276?m. The highest subsidence rates during this time are observed northeast of the study area. Rapid subsidence initiated in the Upper Jurassic driven by mechanical extension of the rift, resulting in the deposition of Madbi and Safer Formations, or the so-called Syn-rift deposits. The average tectonic subsidence value of the basements during the deposition of Madbi Formation was 368?m. The highest subsidence rates during this time are observed southwest of the study area. Mechanical extension ceased at about 145?Ma, being replaced by a phase of post-rift subsidence, resulting in more widespread uniform sedimentation, with reduced tectonic subsidence rates forming post-rift deposits represented by Nayfa Formation, Sa??ar Formation, Biyad Formation, and Mahra Group. The total subsidence value of the basement during the deposition of the post-rift sediments increases gradually due to the increase of the sediment load as the rate of deposition was high especially northeast of the area.  相似文献   

The Lower Jurassic Mashabba Formation crops out in the core of the doubly plunging Al-Maghara anticline, North Sinai, Egypt. It represents a marine to terrestrial succession deposited within a rift basin associated with the opening of the Neotethys. Despite being one of the best and the only exposed Lower Jurassic strata in Egypt, its sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic framework has not been addressed yet. The formation is subdivided informally into a lower and upper member with different depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary facies of the lower member include shallow-marine, fluvial, tidal flat and incised valley fill deposits. In contrast, the upper member consists of strata with limited lateral extension including fossiliferous lagoonal limestones alternating with burrowed deltaic sandstones. The lower member contains three incomplete sequences (SQ1-SQ3). The depositional framework shows transgressive middle shoreface to offshore transition deposits sharply overlain by forced regressive upper shoreface sandstones (SQ1), lowstand fluvial to transgressive tidal flat and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ2), and lowstand to transgressive incised valley fills and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ3). In contrast, the upper member consists of eight coarsening-up depositional cycles bounded by marine flooding surfaces. The cycles are classified as carbonate-dominated, siliciclastic-dominated, and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate. The strata record rapid changes in accommodation space. The unpredictable facies stacking pattern, the remarkable rapid facies changes, and chaotic stratigraphic architecture suggest an interplay between allogenic and autogenic processes. Particularly syndepositional tectonic pulses and occasional eustatic sea-level changes controlled the rate and trends of accommodation space, the shoreline morphology, the amount and direction of siliciclastic sediment input and rapid switching and abandonment of delta systems.  相似文献   

The Guará and Botucatu formations comprise an 80 to 120 m thick continental succession that crops out on the western portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State (Southernmost Brazil). The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) displays a well-defined facies shift along its outcrop belt. On its northern portion it is characterised by coarse-grained to conglomeratic sandstones with trough and planar cross-bedding, as well as low-angle lamination, which are interpreted to represent braided river deposits. Southwards these fluvial facies thin out and interfinger with fine- to medium-grained sandstones with large-scale cross-stratification and horizontal lamination, interpreted as eolian dune and eolian sand sheets deposits, respectively. The Botucatu Formation is characterised by large-scale cross-strata formed by successive climbing of eolian dunes, without interdune and/or fluvial accumulation (dry eolian system). The contact between the Guará and the Botucatu formations is delineated by a basin-wide deflation surface (supersurface). The abrupt change in the depositional conditions that took place across this supersurface suggests a major climate change, from semi-arid (Upper Jurassic) to hyper-arid (Lower Cretaceous) conditions. A rearrangement of the Paraná Basin depocenters is contemporaneous to this climate change, which seems to have changed from a more restrict accumulation area in the Guará Formation to a wider sedimentary context in the Botucatu Formation.  相似文献   

Sediments of the Ordovician to Devonian Sinakumbe Group (∼210 m thick) and overlying Upper Carboniferous to Lower Jurassic Karoo Supergroup (∼4.5 km thick) were deposited in the mid-Zambezi Rift Valley Basin, southern Zambia.The Sinakumbe-Karoo succession represents deposition in a extensional fault-controlled basin of half-graben type. The basin-fill succession incorporates two major fining-upward cycles that resulted from major tectonic events, one event beginning with Sinakumbe Group sedimentation, possibly as early as Ordovician times, and the other beginning with Upper Karoo Group sedimentation near the Permo-Triassic boundary. Minor tectonic pulses occurred during deposition of the two major cycles. In the initial fault-controlled half-graben, a basin slope and alluvial fan system (Sikalamba Conglomerate Formation), draining southeastward, was apparently succeeded, without an intervening transitional facies, by a braided river system (Zongwe Sandstone Formation) draining southwestward, parallel to the basin margin. Glaciation followed by deglaciation resulted in glaciofluvial and glacio-lacustrine deposits of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian Siankondobo Sandstone Formation of the Lower Karoo Group, and isostatic rebound eventually produced a broad flood plain on which the coal-bearing Lower Permian Gwembe Coal Formation was deposited. Fault-controlled maximum subsidence is represente by the lacustrine Upper Permian Madumabisa Mudstone Formation. Block-faulting and downwarping, probably due to the Gondwanide Orogeny, culminated with the introduction of large quantities of sediment through braided fluvial systems that overwhelmed and terminated Madumabisa Lake sedimentation, and is now represented by the Triassic Escarpment Grit and Interbedded Sandstone and Mudstone Formations of the Upper Karoo Group. Outpourings of basaltic flows in the Early Jurassic terminated Karoo sedimentation.  相似文献   

Facies models that adequately represent the diverse range of fine‐grained fluvial systems are currently lacking from the literature. In this paper, the spectrum of these systems on the arid plains of western equatorial Pangea is explored, as well as the source and nature of the fine‐grained sediments. Eight fluvial elements in the Early Permian Clear Fork Formation of north‐central Texas represent channel systems up to 7 m deep with coarse basal deposits, three types of lateral‐accretion deposits and sandstone sheets, with laminated, disrupted and massive mudstones laid down in abandoned channels and on floodplains. The three fine‐grained fluvial styles represent a continuum between two end‐members: sustained lateral accretion of bedload composed of quartzose sediments and mud aggregates on point bars, and oblique accretion of suspended sediment on steep accretionary benches and banks with limited lateral migration. This spectrum is controlled, in part, by grain size and the proportion of suspended to bedload sediments. The presence of rarely documented swept ripples on exhumed accretion surfaces is attributed to rapid decline in water levels and downstream re‐entry of overbank floodwaters into the channel. Rill casts, roots and disrupted mudstones low down in channel bodies indicate periods of near‐dryness. Laterally extensive sheet sandstones were formed by episodic flows in broad, sandbed channels. The fluvial sediments were primarily intrabasinally sourced with extrabasinal sediments brought in during major floods from upland source areas or reworked from local storage in the basin, representing a supply limited system. The upward change in cement composition from mainly calcite and ankerite to dolomite and gypsum with minor celestine implies increasingly saline groundwater and progressive aridification, supporting Late Palaeozoic palaeoclimatic models. By integrating petrographic data with sedimentology, a plethora of information about ancient landscapes and climate is provided, allowing a fuller comparison between the Clear Fork Formation and modern dryland alluvial plains.  相似文献   

黔南地区早、中泥盆世沉积演化的动力机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泥盆纪时,黔南地区为一相对稳定的台地,早泥盆世晚期,海水开始漫漫其上.初始发育陆源碎屑沉积体系,中泥盆世发育陆源碎屑~碳酸盐混合体系.空间配置有下列几种类型:滨岸障壁~泻湖~河流体系,碳酸盐缓坡~滨岸障壁~泻湖体系,镶边型碳酸盐台地~泻湖三角洲(潮坪)体系,碳酸盐缓坡~三角洲体系。基底断裂限定了台地和台间沟的延限范围和演化进程,这两种不同沉积背景的沉积演化旋回可能主要受海平面变化控制。  相似文献   

四川盆地西部侏罗纪沉积相及油气分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
四川盆地西部侏罗纪为内陆盆地,除其北缘早侏罗世有湖沼相外,主要为河流相与湖泊相,邻龙门山区发育冲积扇,其余地区发育冲积平原相和泛滥平原相。依据湖泊积水状况,将湖泊相细分为时令湖相、间歇湖相和长年湖相。印支期,甘孜-阿坝造山带形成,四川盆地由湿热气候演变为干燥、炎热气候;并使早侏罗世-中侏罗世早期成为长年湖泊环境。受燕山早中期构造运动影响,河流相、时令湖相与间歇湖相发育。长年湖相形成了侏罗系重要的生储油层系。河流相的粗碎屑岩成为储层,时令湖相与间歇湖相的泥质岩成为盖层,组成了侏罗系中上统多个储盖组合。  相似文献   

The Beni Suef Basin is a petroliferous rift basin straddling the River Nile containing a thick Mesozoic–Paleogene succession. The Kharita Formation is formed in the syn-rift phase of the basin formation and is subdivided into the Lower and Upper Kharita members. These two members are regarded as two third-order depositional sequences (DSQ-1 and DSQ-2). The lowstand systems tract (LST-1) of the DSQ-1 is represented by thick amalgamated sandstone bodies deposited by active braided channels. Mid-Albian tectonic subsidence led to a short-lived marine invasion which produced coastal marine and inner-shelf facies belts during an ensuing transgressive systems tract (TST-1). At the end of the mid-Albian, a phase of tectonic uplift gradually rose the continent creating a fall in relative sea level, resulting in deposition of shallow marine and estuarine facies belts during a highstand systems tract (HST-1). During the Late Albian, a new phase of land-rejuvenation commenced, with a prolonged phase of fluvial depositional. Fluvial deposits consisted of belts of amalgamated, vertically aggraded sandstones interpreted as braided and moderately sinuous channels, in the lower part of the Upper Kharita Member lowstand stage (LST-2). The continuous basin filling, coupled with significant lowering in the surrounding highlands changed the drainage regime into a wide belt of meandering river depositing the transgressive stage (TST-2). The history of the Kharita Formation finalized with a Cenomanian marine transgressive phase. Economically, the TST-1 and HST-1 play a significant role as source rocks for hydrocarbon accumulations, whereas LST-2 act as good reservoir rocks in the Early Cretaceous in the Basin.  相似文献   

A siliciclastic-dominated succession (~11 m thick) underlying Harrat Rahat, belonging to the Miocene–Pliocene Bathan Formation is recently exposed at Al-Rehaili area, North Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It covers a wide spectrum of grain sizes varying from clay-rich mudstones to cobble grade conglomerate and consists of a variety of facies vary from fluvial to marginal and open lacustrine deposited in a half-graben basin formed along the eastern margin of the extensional Red Sea Basin. Field-based sedimentologic investigation enables to identify ten facies grouped into three facies associations (A–C). The depositional history is subdivided into two stages. The first stage represents deposition in gravel to sand-dominated fluvial system sourced from a southern source and grade northward into lacustrine delta and open lacustrine setting. The second stage on the other hand includes deposition of fluvial channels running in E–W direction with attached bank sand bar. Sequence stratigraphic interpretations of the lacustrine deposits enable to identify three unconformity-bounded sequences (SQ1–3). The basal sequence is incomplete, consisting of three aggradationally to progradationally stacked delta plain and delta front parasequences. The second sequence is sharply and erosively overlying a red paleosol bed that defines the upper boundary of the first sequence. It includes two system tracts; upward-fining and deepening lacustrine offshore mudstones of the transgressive system tracts unconformably overlain by red paleosol of the regressive systems tracts. The top of this sequence is delineated at the sharp transgressive surface of erosion at the base of delta mouth bar deposits of sequence 3. Changes in the accommodation and sedimentation rates by basin subsidence under the influence of tectonics and sediment compaction and loading as well as climatic oscillation between semi-arid to arid conditions were the major controls on the fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation and their facies distribution. Tectonic reorganization of the drainage system resulted in the formation of E–W flowing fluvial streams in the second stage.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of depositional history of Miocene sediments and various effects which are governed for creation of accommodation space as well as the processes of sedimentation inherent to the depositional system at that period is described in this work. The early Miocene clastic sediments are deposited in prograding environment where sediment supply exceeds the accommodation space available. The accommodation space created due to basin subsidence and source area upliftment due to local and regional tectonic activity in the basin. In the early Miocene time, the Assam shelf major transgression occurred and several minor transgression followed. There was wide spread deposition of the fluvial Tipam sandstones. In Miocene time due to thrust loading and flexure subsidence, accommodation space was created for deposition of the sediments. The Tipam Sandstone is deposited by cyclic deposition of fining upward sequence in a fluvial to brackish water environment of braided river processes. The mechanism of braided rivers is also discussed in which it laterally expanded, leaving sheet like or wedge — shaped deposits of channel and bar complexes preserving only minor amounts of flood plain material.  相似文献   

河南济源晚三叠世—中侏罗世陆相地层   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
胡斌 《地层学杂志》1991,15(1):48-52
<正> 河南济源西承留一带晚三叠世—中侏罗世地层分布广泛、出露良好,化石丰富。60年代,河南省地质局石油队和区测队等做过区测工作,建立了地层系统。1979至1985年,笔者等在“河南省中生代含煤地层及找煤方向”课题研究时,研究地层的岩性及化石群特征,将本区晚三叠世—中侏罗世地层自下而上分为椿树腰组(T_(3ch)~1)、谭庄组(T_(3t)~2)、鞍腰组(J_(1a))、杨树庄组(J_(2y))和马凹组(J_(2m)),分述如下:  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Tordillo Formation is exposed along the western edge of the Neuquén Basin (west central Argentina) and consists of fluvial strata deposited under arid/semiarid conditions. The pebble composition of conglomerates, mineralogical composition of sandstones and pelitic rocks, and major- and trace-element geochemistry of sandstones, mudstones, and primary pyroclastic deposits are evaluated to determine the provenance and tectonic setting of the sedimentary basin. Conglomerates and sandstones derived almost exclusively from volcanic sources. The stratigraphic sections to the south show a clast population of conglomerates dominated by silicic volcanic fragments and a predominance of feldspathic litharenites. This framework composition records erosion of Triassic–Jurassic synrift volcaniclastic rocks and basement rocks from the Huincul arch, which was exhumed as a result of Late Jurassic inversion. In the northwestern part of the study area, conglomerates show a large proportion of mafic and acidic volcanic rock fragments, and sandstones are characterised by a high content of mafic volcanic rock fragments and plagioclase. These data suggest that the source of the sandstones and conglomerates was primarily the Andean magmatic arc, located west of the Neuquén Basin. The clay mineral assemblage is interpreted as the result of a complex set of factors, including source rock, climate, transport, and diagenesis. Postdepositional processes produced significant variations in the original compositions, especially the fine-grained deposits. The Tordillo sediments are characterised by moderate SiO2 contents, variable abundances of K2O and Na2O, and a relatively high proportion of ferromagnesian elements. The degree of chemical weathering in the source area, expressed as the chemical index of alteration, is low to moderate. The major element geochemistry and Th/Sc, K/Rb, Co/Th, La/Sc, and Cr/Th values point to a significant input of detrital volcanic material of calcalkaline felsic and intermediate composition. However, major element geochemistry is not useful for interpreting the tectonic setting. Discrimination plots based on immobile trace elements, such as Ti, Zr, La, Sc, and Th, show that most data lie in the active continental margin field. Geochemical information is not sufficiently sensitive to differentiate the two different source areas recognized by petrographic and modal analyses of conglomerates and sandstones.  相似文献   

Eighteen coastal-plain depositional sequences that can be correlated to shallow- to deep-water clinoforms in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen were studied in 1 × 15 km scale mountainside exposures. The overall mud-prone (>300 m thick) coastal-plain succession is divided by prominent fluvial erosion surfaces into vertically stacked depositional sequences, 7–44 m thick. The erosion surfaces are overlain by fluvial conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones. The fluvial deposits show tidal influence at their seaward ends. The fluvial deposits pass upwards into macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine deposits, with coarse-grained river-dominated facies followed further seawards by high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels, upper-flow-regime tidal flats, and tidal sand bar facies associations. Laterally, marginal sandy to muddy tidal flat and marsh deposits occur. The fluvial/estuarine sequences are interpreted as having accumulated as a series of incised valley fills because: (i) the basal fluvial erosion surfaces, with at least 16 m of local erosional relief, are regional incisions; (ii) the basal fluvial deposits exhibit a significant basinward facies shift; (iii) the regional erosion surfaces can be correlated with rooted horizons in the interfluve areas; and (iv) the estuarine deposits onlap the valley walls in a landward direction. The coastal-plain deposits represent the topset to clinoforms that formed during progradational infilling of the Eocene Central Basin. Despite large-scale progradation, the sequences are volumetrically dominated by lowstand fluvial deposits and especially by transgressive estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits are overlain by highstand units in only about 30% of the sequences. The depositional system remained an estuary even during highstand conditions, as evidenced by the continued bedload convergence in the inner-estuarine tidal channels.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系层序地层格架的建立   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综合阜东斜坡区侏罗系钻测井及地震资料,将侏罗系划分为六套层序。层序边界识别标志包括不整合面、古生物化石突变面、底砾岩及冲刷面等标志。体系域划分的关键是确定首次湖泛面和最大湖泛面的位置。研究区侏罗系沉积时期存在较为明显的地形坡折带,因此能够确定首次湖泛面的位置,建立起具有地形坡折带的层序地层模型。研究了侏罗系层序形成的主要控制因素,即构造沉降、物质供应速率、气候和基准面升降等。  相似文献   

Sedimentary kaolin deposits in the Lote 18 area (Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina) have been mined since 1951. They constitute 30% of the country's production and are mainly used in the ceramic whiteware industry. The deposits belong to the Baqueró Formation (Lower Cretaceous) and unconfomably overlie either the ash-flow tuffs of the Chon-Aike Formation (Middle Jurassic), which are altered to kaolinite and minor illite, or the ash-fall tuffs of Bajo Grande Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), which are altered mainly to smectites. The presence of illite or smectite, as well as the kaolinite crystallinity, depends on the stratigraphic position of the kaolin horizons within the Lower Member of the Baqueró Formation and on the lithology of the underlying rocks. Kaolin beds composed of well-crystallized kaolinite at the base of the sequence overlaying Chon-Aike rocks are the purest. Kaolinite becomes less well cystallized with transport. Edge-to-face and swirl SEM textural patterns indicate the compaction of flocculated clays and clay movement during drainage and compaction. Mineralogical, petrological, and physico-structural evidence (i.e., form, extent, thickness) indicates that the kaolin deposits are sedimentary, formed by the transportation and deposition of previously formed kaolinite. Kaolin beds are ovoidal in plan and lenticular in profile, with thickness ranging from centimeters to 11 meters, and the culmination of fining-upward clastic sequences. Sedimentary facies analysis indicates that the kaolin deposits were formed in a fluvial environment from currents with a high suspended-load/bed-load ratio, as would result from deposition in ox-bow lakes.  相似文献   

民和盆地侏罗系沉积演化特征及勘探潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
民和盆地侏罗系为完整的断陷湖泊充填沉积序列,从侏罗纪早期到中晚期沉积范围逐渐扩大。下侏罗统为断陷初始形成期湖泊沉积,具有断陷盆地形成初期"填平补齐"的沉积特征,周缘及低隆起为水下扇相粗碎屑岩沉积,断陷中以滨浅湖沉积为主;中侏罗统为断陷发展期湖泊沉积,经历了两期次级水进旋回,形成冲积扇—半深湖—三角洲沉积序列;上侏罗统为断陷消亡期沉积,形成湿型扇—辫状河—曲流河沉积序列。中侏罗统窑街组形成了欠补偿沉积环境,发育油页岩、暗色泥页岩和煤系地层,侏罗系可形成自生自储的生储盖组合,具有上、中、下三套含油气组合,油气资源量较丰富,勘探前景较广阔。  相似文献   

The early Permian Vryheid Formation is a fluviodeltaic tongue of sediment deposited on the passive northern margin of an asymmetric, intracontinental linear trough (Karoo basin). In the study area these strata attain a maximum thickness of about 270 m, comprising three informal lithostratigraphic members (Lower zone, Coal zone and Upper zone).The Coal zone is characterized by arkosic, coarse to very coarse, pebbly sandstones and subordinate fines arranged in upward-fining sequences, many of which are coal-capped. These units are interpreted as distal outwash fan deposits.Sedimentation patterns in the Upper and Lower zones are dominated by superimposed upward-coarsening sequences representing repeated wave/fluvially-dominated fan delta progradation.Peat accumulation in the cool, seasonal climate which prevailed during Vryheid Formation sedimentation was slow. Significant peat thicknesses were deposited only in areas of low basin/compaction subsidence in the Coal zone during a period of general stability. Extensive upper delta plain and alluvial plain peats formed on broad platforms created by abandonment of braided channel systems. The thickest peats accumulated in raised swamps where vegetation-stabilized contemporaneous channels promoted a high water table. Peat erosion by later channel activity was slight since channel widening rather than stream-bed erosion prevailed. Coals thin, split and contain more ash near loci of contemporaneous channel activity. Upper delta plain coals were not marine-influenced. Some lower delta plain coals also formed on broad abandoned deltas and are likewise extensive. Rapid compaction subsidence rates attracted channel activity or marine incursions and the seams are thin. Peats also accumulated in restricted emergent interdistributory bays during delta construction. These coals are thin, discontinuous, marine-influenced and contain numerous clastic partings.  相似文献   

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