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基于可拓层次分析法的泥石流危险性评价研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文从系统理论出发,基于可拓层次分析法(EAHP),利用可拓工程方法,在物元模型理论的基础上建立了泥石流危险性评价的物元模型,并采用层次分析法计算物元模型中各评价指标的权系数。然后对美姑河流域牛牛坝公路泥石流沟进行了评价,得到牛牛坝公路泥石流的危险性为中度危险。结果表明该方法为泥石流危险性研究提供了一条新的思路和手段。 相似文献
探讨了城市泥石流风险评价的系统方法,该方法包括泥石流扇形地危险区划、城市易损性分析和城市泥石流风险评价三个主要内容。泥石流堆积扇危险区划是基于数值模拟计算出的泥深和流速分布图进行叠合完成的。以美国高分辨率的“快鸟”卫星影像为数据源,完成了研究区的城市土地覆盖类型遥感解译,在此基础上完成了城市泥石流易损性分析,应用地理信息系统提供的统计和分析工具,完成了研究区泥石流风险评价。该风险区划图可用于指导对泥石流易泛区的不同风险地带的土地利用进行规划和决策,从而达到规避和减轻灾害的目的,也为生活在泥石流危险区的城市居民提供有关灾害风险信息,以作避难和灾害防治的依据。 相似文献
兰成渝成品油管道是我国能源战略的重要组成部分,礼县—广元段基岩山区线路上崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害均较为发育,对管道安全运行存在着潜在的威胁。基于多源遥感检测信息,以该段线路泥石流为例,建立了泥石流灾害的遥感解译标志,采用模糊综合评判法分析了降雨作用下泥石流灾害发生概率,并对管道泥石流灾害危险性进行了评价,从而实现了管道泥石流灾害的快速预警。 相似文献
在分析历史资料和防治现状的基础上引入城市重要性作为判别准则之一,以18个地级市为研究对象利用层次分析法对河南省泥石流危险度分区。依据泥石流危险度权重的不同将河南省分为5个区间,其中危险度大的城市1个,危险度中等的城市3个,危险度小的城市6个,危险度极小城市2个,无危险度城市6个。以期为河南省泥石流灾害的防治提供有益的参考。 相似文献
Debris flows have caused serious loss of human lives and a lot of damage to properties in Taiwan over the past decades. Moreover, debris flows have brought massive mud causing water pollution in reservoirs and resulted in water shortage for daily life locally and affected agricultural irrigation and industrial usages seriously. A number of methods for prediction of debris flows have been studied. However, the successful prediction ratio of debris flows cannot always maintain a stable and reliable level. The objective of this study is to present a stable and reliable analytical model for occurrence predictions of debris flows. This study proposes an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model that was constructed by seven significant factors using back-propagation (BP) algorithm. These seven factors include (1) length of creek, (2) average slope, (3) effective watershed area, (4) shape coefficient, (5) median size of soil grain, (6) effective cumulative rainfall, and (7) effective rainfall intensity. A total of 178 potential cases of debris flows collected in eastern Taiwan were fed into the ANN model for training and testing. The average ratio of successful prediction reaching 93.82% demonstrates that the presented ANN model with seven significant factors can provide a stable and reliable result for the prediction of debris flows in hazard mitigation and guarding systems. 相似文献
冕宁县安宁河流域为地质灾害密集分布区,安宁河断裂穿越于此,构造复杂,冷渍沟在上游左岸发育。在强降雨条件下,该沟就会暴发泥石流,堵塞安宁河流域和掩埋杀叶马村房屋和道路。冷渍沟泥石流具有流域面积小,主沟长度短,沟床纵比降大等特征,为了研究安宁河流域内泥石流的危险性,以冷渍沟为例,分析不同降雨周期下的泥石流暴发强度,模拟泥石流的运动过程并进行危险性评价。模拟的最大流速、最大堆积深度和降雨强度三者结合建立冷渍沟泥石流危险性评价模型。研究结果表明,冷渍沟泥石流危险范围内高危险区域占27%,主要集中在松散固体物质较多的沟道,中危险性区域和低危险区域各占56%和17%,该结论为危险范围内的居民和重点设施的风险管控提供参考。 相似文献
泥石流的二维数学模型 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
泥石流是在重力作用下,由砂粒石块和水等组成的固液混合物,是一种发生于山区的复杂的地质灾害现象。泥石流主要是由暴雨诱发引起的,它沿着复杂的三维地形高速流动,具有流体流动的特性。为了模拟泥石流的运动规律,预测降雨诱发的泥石流的到达距离和泛滥范围,减少和避免泥石流引起的灾害,把泥石和雨水组成的固液混合物假定为遵循均匀、连续、不可压缩的、非定常的牛顿流体运动规律。基于质量守恒方程和Naiver-stokes方程,采用深度积分方法,推导出了一个模拟泥石流运动的二维数学模型。所有方程式可用有限差分法来求解。结合GIS,该模型可用于预测泥石流的流动距离和泛滥范围,以及泛滥范围内的危险房屋和路段,也可以用于泥石流灾害的风险性分析。 相似文献
支持向量机在泥石流危险度评价中的应用研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为改善传统泥石流危险度评价方法存在的缺陷,提出了基于支持向量机的泥石流危险度评价方法,并建立了支持向量机评价模型。研究选取泥石流一次(可能)最大冲出量(L1)、泥石流发生频率(L2)、流域面积(S1)、主沟长度(S2)、流域最大相对高差(S3)、流域切割密度(S6)和泥沙补给段长度比(S9)7个因子作为泥石流沟谷危险度评价因子,运用支持向量机理论,选用径向基(RBF)核函数,采取"试错法"进行参数优选;确定参数C=8,γ=2。以云南省37条泥石流沟的259个基础数据为样本进行学习训练和测试,建立了泥石流危险度评价的支持向量机模型。并将该模型应用于黄河积石峡水电站库区的泥石流危险性评价中进行验证。将模型评判结果和模糊数学方法的评价结果进行对比分析,结果的一致性达到73.33%。研究认为支持向量机方法能够成功地应用到泥石流危险度评价中,且具有较高的精度及很强的泛化能力,应用前景广阔。 相似文献
Maria Navarro Olivier P. Le Maître Ibrahim Hoteit David L. George Kyle T. Mandli Omar M. Knio 《Computational Geosciences》2018,22(6):1447-1463
This work tackles the problem of calibrating the unknown parameters of a debris flow model with the drawback that the information regarding the experimental data treatment and processing is not available. In particular, we focus on the evolution over time of the flow thickness of the debris with dam-break initial conditions. The proposed methodology consists of establishing an approximation of the numerical model using a polynomial chaos expansion that is used in place of the original model, saving computational burden. The values of the parameters are then inferred through a Bayesian approach with a particular focus on inference discrepancies that some of the important features predicted by the model exhibit. We build the model approximation using a preconditioned non-intrusive method and show that a suitable prior parameter distribution is critical to the construction of an accurate surrogate model. The results of the Bayesian inference suggest that utilizing directly the available experimental data could lead to incorrect conclusions, including the over-determination of parameters. To avoid such drawbacks, we propose to base the inference on few significant features extracted from the original data. Our experiments confirm the validity of this approach, and show that it does not lead to significant loss of information. It is further computationally more efficient than the direct approach, and can avoid the construction of an elaborate error model. 相似文献
Bin Yu Yuan Zhu Tao Wang Yuanjing Chen Yunbo Zhu Yongbo Tie Ke Lu 《Natural Hazards》2014,74(2):1141-1161
Many debris flows were triggered within and also outside the Dayi area of the Guizhou Province, China, during a rainstorm in 2011. High-intensity short-duration rainfall was the main triggering factor for these gully-type debris flows which are probably triggered by a runoff-induced mechanism. A revised prediction model was introduced for this kind of gully-type debris flows with factors related to topography, geology, and hydrology (rainfall) and applied to the Wangmo River catchment. Regarding the geological factor, the “soft lithology” and “loose sediments” in the channel were added to the list of the average firmness coefficient for the lithology. Also, the chemical weathering was taken into account for the revised geological factor. Concerning the hydrological factor, a coefficient of variation of rainfall was introduced for the normalization of the rainfall factor. The prediction model for debris flows proposed in this paper delivered three classes of the probability of debris flow occurrence. The model was successfully validated in debris flow gullies with the same initiation mechanism in other areas of southwest China. The generic character of the model is explained by the fact that its factors are partly based on the initiation mechanisms and not only on the statistical analyses of a unique variety of local factors. The research provides a new way to predict the occurrence of debris flows initiated by a runoff-induced mechanism. 相似文献
针对沟床起动型泥石流的诱发因素为高强度短历时的降雨,提出10 min降雨强度是这类泥石流暴发的关键。在1 h预报模型的基础上,基于云南蒋家沟的多年泥石流观测资料,修正了1 h预报模型的降雨参数,并得到了10 min降雨预报模型。10 min降雨预报模型在中国西部的其他流域,如云南浑水沟、贵州望谟县打易区域泥石流沟、四川三滩沟、四川雅安陆王沟和干溪沟、甘肃柳湾沟、甘肃马槽沟等流域的验证中,取得了较好的结果。10 min降雨预报模型是部分建立在泥石流的形成机理上的模型,并不是完全的统计模型,因此该模型也可以用于其他地区的沟床起动类型泥石流预报。 相似文献
层次分析法在单沟泥石流危险度评价中的应用 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
单沟泥石流危险度评价是泥石流危险性评价中的重要内容,对实现山区的安全减灾有着重要意义。文章从系统理论出发,运用层次分析法(AHP)对影响泥石流沟谷危险度的相关因子进行分析,构建单沟泥石流危险度评价的层次指标系统,并对各参与评价因子的权重作了计算,建立起单沟泥石流危险度评价模型。通过对泥石流沟的实例验证,评价结果与实际情况有较好的一致性。该方法将定量与定性相结合,能很好地解决泥石流危险度综合评价问题,对提高泥石流危险度评价的可靠性、准确性及客观性有一定的实践意义。 相似文献
Natural Hazards - In recent years, various models for single gully debris flow assessment have been proposed. Due to various factors affecting the mechanisms of debris flows, these models face many... 相似文献
泥石流危害桥隧工程易损性评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为将泥石流灾害损失评价由宏观价值评判提升至可为工程服务,曾提出了基于结构损毁程度评判的工程易损性概念。然而,诸如桥隧工程在遭受泥石流危害时,仅靠结构损毁程度无法正确判定实际灾情,会导致对功能完全损失而结构受损较轻的受灾工况“轻”判、功能尚可而结构损毁较重的受灾工况“重”判。鉴于此,在原有结构损毁程度评判的基础上,通过增加承灾特征、线路规格、恢复成本等桥隧工程使用功能的影响因素,形成了既关注“结构损毁”,又重视“功能损失”的泥石流危害桥隧工程易损性评价方法。实例分析表明,该方法克服了单一结构评判的不足,与现场灾情更为相符。这丰富并发展了工程易损性评价的内涵,使评价结果更为全面、合理,对正确预判或验证桥隧工程遭受泥石流危害受灾情况,合理妥善地准备或及时准确地启动应急预案,具有重要意义。 相似文献
文章系统地总结和分析了当前比较常用的泥石流危险度评价的研究方法,指出现行泥石流危险度评价中评价因子的提取往往需要详细野外勘查,工作量大、费用高,不便于对众多泥石流沟的普查;并提出一种在现场踏勘基础上,基于泥石流规模、频率和承灾体特征的快速便捷的新方法——泥石流危险度野外快速评价,并结合其他方法进行了实例对比验证。结果表明:泥石流危险度野外快速评价结果可靠,可作为快速评价泥石流危险性的新方法进行推广应用。 相似文献
区域泥石流危险度评价研究进展 总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21
刘希林 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》2002,13(4):1-9
评述了自20世纪80年代末我国开展泥石流危险度评价研究以来,两个主要不同时期的区域泥石流危险度评价方法及其发展过程.详述了我国现行的区域泥石流危险度评价技术及其改进的评价因子转换赋值新方法.现行的区域泥石流危险度评价方法于1995年提出,是以不同的行政区划为基本单元来进行的.评价因子包括主要因子泥石流分布密度,次要因子岩石风化程度系数、断裂带密度、≥25°坡地面积百分比、洪灾发生频率、月降雨量变差系数、年雨量平均≥25mm大雨日数和坡度≥25°坡耕地面积百分比.区域泥石流危险度表达为以上8个因子极差变换后的赋值与其相应的权重乘积之和.这一评价公式,加强了主要因子的作用.主要因子的权重系数上升到33%时则使区域泥石流危险度评价可用一个简单的数学公式来表达.得出的危险度数值已经标准化,取值范围介于0~1之间.这一评价方法的不足之处是得出的危险度数值只有相对意义而不具有绝对意义.在最新的区域泥石流危险度评价研究中,通过分段函数赋值的新方法克服了上述不足.分段函数赋值是基于以下的假定当评价因子超过和等于某一上限值时赋值为1;等于下限值时赋值为0;处于中间值的赋值为0.5.以这3个数值为控制点,假定在每2个点之间,赋值呈线性变化.当中间点为上、下2点之平均值时为双线性模型;当中间点不为上、下限2点之平均值时为三线性模型.根据我国西南地区已有资料的统计,得出了区域泥石流危险度8项评价因子的分段赋值函数.通过2种不同赋值方法在四川凉山州和阿坝州区域泥石流危险度评价中计算结果的比较,从绝对数值来看,分段函数赋值得出的危险度高于极差变换得出的危险度.对于泥石流危险度分析来说,相对偏大的保守估计更为可取.从相对数值来看,两者都具有相同的变化趋势.说明分段函数赋值计算出的区域泥石流危险度既能在同一区域内进行比较,也能在不同区域间进行比较,达到了改进的目的.现阶段我国正在使用的区域泥石流危险度多因子综合评价模型仍然属于经验模型的范畴.它是在经验的基础上采用推理和统计的方法建立的一种评价模型.我们的最终目标是在科学假定和合理简化的基础上,用代表泥石流危险度的2个本质的特征参数泥石流规模和发生频率来建立起区域泥石流危险度的理论模型,并用量化的数学公式来表达.因此,泥石流规模和发生频率相互关系的研究是实现这一目标的突破点.也是今后区域泥石流危险度评价研究的重点所在. 相似文献
This paper presents a model which can be used for fast landslides where coupling between solid and pore fluid plays a fundamental role. The proposed model is able to describe debris flows where the difference of velocities between solid grains and fluid is important. The approach is based on the mathematical model proposed by Zienkiewicz and Shiomi, which is similar to those of Pitman and Le and Pudasaini. The novelty of the present work is the numerical technique used, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). We propose to use a double set of nodes for soil and water phases, the interaction between them being described by a suitable drag law. The paper presents both mathematical and numerical models, describing the main assumptions and their limitations. Then, the model is applied to (1) a simple case where shocks and expansion waves appear, (2) a dam break problem on a horizontal plane with a frictional soil phase, and (3) a debris flow which happened in Hong Kong. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the applications are:
- Debris flows having 2 phases with important relative mobility present a rich structure of shocks and rarefaction waves, which has to be properly modeled. Otherwise, the model will have numerical damping or dispersion.
- Dambreak exercises provide interesting information in simple and controlled situations. We can see how both phases move relative to each other.
- Real debris flows can be simulated with the proposed model, obtaining reasonable results.
Hazard assessment of debris flows in the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area,South West China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Longxi river basin with the city of Dujiangyan, in the Sichuan province of South West China, belongs to the seismic area of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Lots of loose co-seismic materials were present on the slopes, which in later years served as source material for rainfall-induced debris flows. A total of 12 debris flows, were triggered by heavy rainfall on August 13, 2010 in the study area. The FLO-2D numerical analysis software was adopted to simulate debris flows intensity, including movement velocities and maximum flow depths. A comparison of the measured fan spreading with the simulation results, the evaluation parameter Ω was used to verify accuracy of simulation, the results show Ω values ranging between 1.37 and 1.65 indicating relative good simulation results. This study also estimated the flood hydrograph for various recurrence intervals (20, 100, and 200 years, respectively) to perform scenario simulations of debris flows, and followed Swiss and Austrian standards to establish a debris flow hazard classification model on the basis of a combination of the debris flow intensity and the recurrence period. This study distinguishes three hazard classes: low, medium, and high. This proposed approach generated a debris flow hazard distribution map that could be used for disaster prevention in the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area, South West China. 相似文献
泥石流是一种多发的地质灾害,常对人民生命财产安全带来极大的威胁,其暴发不仅与降雨有关,还与众多地质环境因子相关。本文以流域面积、松散物质比率、沟床平均坡度为地质因子,以最大小时雨强(T)和总降雨量(R)的乘积作为降雨指数,在获取的泥石流地质因子和降雨指数因子综合样本库的基础上,采用遗传规划法建立了泥石流临界降雨指数智能预测模型,克服了以往以雨量为单一指标的预警模型的弊端,模型验证结果显示,泥石流预测精度高、适应性强。 相似文献
澜沧江结义坡沟泥石流灾害评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为查明坝址区是否存在泥石流地质灾害,分析其对建坝的影响,现场对结义坡泥石流沟进行了追踪调查,以充分认识沟谷的地形地貌条件、地质条件、植被发育情况以及泥石流的活动痕迹、冲淤特征等。并对泥石流沟谷、堆积扇等进行了有关的试验及量测工作。用国内外常用的计算稀性泥石流参数的公式对泥石流的流速、流量及冲击力等参数进行了计算,为正确评价泥石流地质灾害奠定基础。调查研究表明,结义坡沟泥石流活动正处于停歇期,但应注意加强集水区内水土保持工作,尤其是对结义坡沟入口段裸露坡体要引起重视。 相似文献