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Abstract— The Hess Offset is a steeply dipping dyke located 12–15 km north of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury igneous complex (SIC) within the 200–250 km diameter Sudbury impact structure. It is up to 60 m wide and strikes subconcentrically to the SIC for at least 23 km. The main phase of the dyke is granodioritic, but it conforms with what is locally referred to as Quartz Diorite: a term used for all the Offset Dykes of the Sudbury impact structure. Rare earth element data shows that the Hess Offset is genetically related to the SIC. Hess is most closely affiliated with an evolved Felsic Norite component of SIC and not bulk impact melt. This indicates that Hess was emplaced during fractionation of the impact melt sheet, rather than immediately following impact. The main Quartz Diorite phase of the dyke comprises a quartz + plagioclase + hornblende + biotite ± clinopyroxene ± orthopyroxene assemblage. Critically, the Hess Offset occupies a concentric fault system that marks the northern limit of a pseudotachylyte-rich, shatter cone-bearing annulus about the SIC. This fault system was active during the modification stage of the impact process.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the origin of Offset Dikes and their age relationships to major impact generated lithologies in the Sudbury multi-ring impact structure, such as the Main Mass of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, zircon and baddeleyite were dated by the U-Pb chronometer. The rocks analysed are one diorite and two quartz diorites from inside the Foy Offset, one quartz diorite from the contact zone, and two country rock samples collected at 10 and 30 m distances from the contact within the Levack Gneiss Complex. The 21 analysed zircon and baddeleyite fractions yield a crystallization age of 1852 +4/-3 (2σ) Ma for the accessory minerals in the Foy Offset Dike and an age of 2635 ± 5 Ma for the shocked Levack country rock, in which zircons show significant shock effects (multiple sets of planar fractures), in contrast to the totally unshocked zircons of the Offset Dike. Within given errors, the new age of 1852 Ma is identical to the pooled 1850 ± 1 Ma U-Pb age determined by Krogh et al. (1984) as the crystallization age of accessory phases in different lithologies of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, which has been interpreted to represent the coherent impact melt sheet of the Sudbury Structure. This excellent agreement of the ages substantiates that emplacement of the Offset Dikes occurred coevally with the formation of the impact melt sheet. Total absence of inherited zircons in the central part of the Foy Offset indicates melting of the precursor material at temperatures well above 1700 °C, which emphasizes the origin of the dike lithologies by impact melting.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 1.4–1.6 km thick Onaping Formation consists of a complex series of breccias and “melt bodies” lying above the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) at the Sudbury impact structure. Based on the presence of shocked lithic clasts and various “glassy” phases, the Onaping has been described as a “suevitic” breccia, with an origin, at least in part, as fallback material. Recent mapping and a redefined stratigraphy have emphasized similarities and differences in its various vitric phases, both as clast types and discrete intrusive bodies. The nature of the Onaping and that of other “suevitic” breccias overlying impact melt sheets is reviewed. The relative thickness, internal stratigraphic and lithological character, and the relative chronology of depositional units indicate multiple processes were involved over some time in the formation of the Onaping. The Sudbury structure formed in a foreland basin and water played an essential role in the evolution of the Onaping, as indicated by a major hydrothermal system generated during its formation. Taken together, observations and interpretations of the Onaping suggest a working hypothesis for the origin of the Onaping that includes not only impact but also the interaction of sea water with the impact melt, resulting in repeated explosive interactions involving proto‐SIC materials and mixing with pre‐existing lithologies. This is complicated by additional brecciation events due to the intrusion of proto‐SIC materials into the evolving and thickening Onaping. Fragmentation mechanisms changed as the system evolved and involved vesiculation in the formation of the upper two‐thirds of the Onaping.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Offset Dikes of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) constitute a key topic in understanding the chemical evolution of the impact melt, its mineralization, and the interplay between melt migration and impact‐induced deformation. The origin of the melt rocks in Offset Dikes as well as mode and timing of their emplacement are still a matter of debate. Like many other offset dikes, the Worthington is composed of an early emplaced texturally rather homogeneous quartz‐diorite (QD) phase at the dike margin, and an inclusion‐ and sulfide‐rich quartz‐diorite (IQD) phase emplaced later and mostly in the centre of the dike. The chemical heterogeneity within and between QD and IQD is mainly attributed to variable assimilation of host rocks at the base of the SIC, prior to emplacement of the melt into the dike. Petrological data suggest that the parental magma of the Worthington Dike mainly developed during the pre‐liquidus temperature interval of the thermal evolution of the impact melt sheet (>1200 °C). Based on thermal models of the cooling history of the SIC, the two‐stage emplacement of the Worthington Dike occurred likely thousands to about ten thousand years after impact. Structural analysis indicates that an alignment of minerals and host rock fragments within the Worthington Dike was caused by ductile deformation under greenschist‐facies metamorphic conditions rather than flow during melt emplacement. It is concluded that the Worthington Offset Dike resulted from crater floor fracturing, possibly driven by late‐stage isostatic readjustment of crust underlying the impact structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— Analytical scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the surface textures and compositions of newly exposed shatter cones from the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Unusual surface microstructures are observed at the micron scale, including silicate melt smears, melt fibres and melt splats. Silicate and Ni-rich spherules up to 5 μm in diameter adorn earlier-formed surface features, and we interpret these to be condensates formed due to shock-induced vaporization of the shatter cone surfaces. The development of striations on the shatter cones is attributed to shock-related fracture and slip. Formation of melts and spherules indicates that the highest ranks of shock metamorphism (Stages IV and V) were realized, but only on a very localized scale. Shatter cone surfaces are, therefore, likely sites for the development of high-pressure polymorphs and, if the chemistry is appropriate, fullerenes. As such, they may be equivalent to “Type A” pseudotachylytes and shock veins in meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets (Earth and Venus) are susceptible to pre‐impact tectonic influences on their formation. This means that we cannot expect them to conform to ideal cratering models, which are commonly based on the response of a homogeneous target devoid of pre‐existing flaws. In the case of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure of Ontario, Canada, considerable influence has been exerted on modification stage processes by late Archean to early Proterozoic basement faults. Two trends are dominant: 1) the NNW‐striking Onaping Fault System, which is parallel to the 2.47 Ga Matachewan dyke swarm, and 2) the ENE‐striking Murray Fault System, which acted as a major Paleoproterozoic suture zone that contributed to the development of the Huronian sedimentary basin between 2.45–2.2 Ga. Sudbury has also been affected by syn‐ to post‐impact regional deformation and metamorphism: the 1.9–1.8 Ga Penokean orogeny, which involved NNW‐directed reverse faulting, uplift, and transpression at mainly greenschist facies grade, and the 1.16–0.99 Ga Grenville orogeny, which overprinted the SE sector of the impact structure to yield a polydeformed upper amphibolite facies terrain. The pre‐, syn‐, and post‐impact tectonics of the region have rendered the Sudbury structure a complicated feature. Careful reconstruction is required before its original morphometry can be established. This is likely to be true for many impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets. Based on extensive field work, combined with remote sensing and geophysical data, four ring systems have been identified at Sudbury. The inner three rings broadly correlate with pseudotachylyte (friction melt) ‐rich fault systems. The first ring has a diameter of ?90 km and defines what is interpreted to be the remains of the central uplift. The second ring delimits the collapsed transient cavity diameter at ?130 km and broadly corresponds to the original melt sheet diameter. The third ring has a diameter of ?180 km. The fourth ring defines the suggested apparent crater diameter at ?260 km. This approximates the final rim diameter, given that erosion in the North Range is <6 km and the ring faults are steeply dipping. Impact damage beyond Ring 4 may occur, but has not yet been identified in the field. One or more rings within the central uplift (Ring 1) may also exist. This form and concentric structure indicates that Sudbury is a peak ring or, more probably, a multi‐ring basin. These parameters provide the foundation for modeling the formation of this relatively large terrestrial impact structure.  相似文献   

Ejecta from the Connors Creek site in Michigan (500 km from the Sudbury Igneous Complex [SIC]), the Pine River site in western Ontario (650 km from the SIC), and the Coleraine site in Minnesota (980 km from the SIC) were petrographically and geochemically analyzed. Connors Creek was found to have approximately 2 m of ejecta, including shocked quartz, melt droplets, and accretionary lapilli; Pine River has similar deposits about 1 m in thickness, although with smaller lapilli; Coleraine contains only impact spherules in a 20 cm‐thick layer (impact spherules being similar to microkrystites or microtektites). The ejecta transition from chaotic deposits of massively bedded impactoclastic material with locally derived detritus at Connors Creek to a deposit with apparently very little detrital material that is primarily composed of melt droplets at Pine River to a deposit that is almost entirely composed of melt spherules at Coleraine. The major and trace element compositions of the ejecta confirm the previously observed similarity of the ejecta deposits to the Onaping Formation in the SIC. Platinum‐group element (PGE) concentrations from each of the sites were also measured, revealing significantly elevated PGE contents in the spherule samples compared with background values. PGE abundances in samples from the Pine River site can be reproduced by addition of approximately 0.2 wt% CI chondrite to the background composition of the underlying sediments in the core. PGE interelement ratios indicate that the Sudbury impact event was probably caused by a chondritic impactor.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chicxulub and Sudbury are 2 of the largest impact structures on Earth. Research at the buried but well‐preserved Chicxulub crater in Mexico has identified 6 concentric structural rings. In an analysis of the preserved structural elements in the eroded and tectonically deformed Sudbury structure in Canada, we identified ring‐like structures corresponding in both radius and nature to 5 out of the 6 rings at Chicxulub. At Sudbury, the inner topographic peak ring is missing, which if it existed, has been eroded. Reconstructions of the transient cavities for each crater produce the same range of possible diameters: 80–110 km. The close correspondence of structural elements between Chicxulub and Sudbury suggests that these 2 impact structures are approximately the same size, both having a main structural basin diameter of ?150 km and outer ring diameters of ?200 km and ?260 km. This similarity in size and structure allows us to combine information from the 2 structures to assess the production of shock melt (melt produced directly upon decompression from high pressure impact) and impact melt (shock melt and melt derived from the digestion of entrained clasts and erosion of the crater wall) in large impacts. Our empirical comparisons suggest that Sudbury has ?70% more impact melt than does Chicxulub (?31,000 versus ?18,000 km3) and 85% more shock melt (27,000 km3 versus 14,500 km3). To examine possible causes for this difference, we develop an empirical method for estimating the amount of shock melt at each crater and then model the formation of shock melt in both comet and asteroid impacts. We use an analytical model that gives energy scaling of shock melt production in close agreement with more computationally intense numerical models. The results demonstrate that the differences in melt volumes can be readily explained if Chicxulub was an asteroid impact and Sudbury was a comet impact. The estimated 70% difference in melt volumes can be explained by crater size differences only if the extremes in the possible range of melt volumes and crater sizes are invoked. Preheating of the target rocks at Sudbury by the Penokean Orogeny cannot explain the excess melt at Sudbury, the majority of which resides in the suevite. The greater amount of suevite at Sudbury compared to Chicxulub may be due to the dispersal of shock melt by cometary volatiles at Sudbury.  相似文献   

Metallic microspheres have been found in rocks from the Onaping Formation of the Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Microspherules are common in contact breccias, the lowest part of the Dowling Member, and rare microspherules have been found in the upper sequences of the Dowling Member. Separate microspherules are dispersed in the breccia matrix and do not form clusters. The sizes of the microspheres range from 5 to 30 μm; most commonly, they are 8–15 μm in size. The microspherules have a regular spherical shape, and in some cases show concentric zonal structures. The microspherules consist mostly of the refractory elements Cr, Co, Fe, Mo, W, and Ti, with a predominant Ni content of 40–75 wt%. The formation of the Sudbury metal microspherules by condensation in a high-temperature plume is suggested by their spherical shape, concentric-zoned structure, uniform composition, and distribution in fallback breccias of the crater-fill Onaping Formation. The content of the most refractory W in the composition of the microspheres indicates early condensation. A decrease in the content of W and an increase in the content of Ni in the microspheres of the upper layers relative to the content of these elements in the earliest microspheres of the contact layers indicate that they could have formed by fractional condensation during the expansion and cooling of the impact vapor plume. As source material, a combination of target rocks with high nickel content with a chondritic impactor is suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Footwall Breccia layer in the North Range of the Sudbury impact structure is up to 150 m thick. It has been analyzed for several aspects: shock metamorphism of clasts, matrix texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry with respect to major and trace element compositions. The matrix of this heterolithic breccia contains mineral and lithic fragments, which have suffered shock pressures exceeding 10 GPa, along with clasts of breccia dikes originating from the crater basement. The matrix in a zone near the upper contact of the breccia layer is dominated by a dioritic composition with intersertal textures, whereas beneath this zone the matrix is characterized by poikilitic to granular textures and a tonalitic to granitic composition. Major and trace element analyses of adjacent slices of a thin-slab profile from the breccia show that the matrix is chemically inhomogeneous within a range of 3 mm. The breccia layer has been thermally annealed by the overlying Sudbury Igneous Complex, which is interpreted as a coherent impact melt sheet. The Rb-Sr isochron age of 1.825 ± 0.021 Ga for the matrix is a cooling age after partial melting of fine grained clastic material by the melt system. Two-pyroxene thermometry calculations give temperatures in excess of 1000 °C for this thermal overprinting. Clasts were affected by recrystallization, melting, and reactions with the surrounding matrix at that time. The crystallization of the molten matrix resulted in the observed variety of igneous textures. Results of clast population statistics for the Footwall Breccia along with both geochemical considerations and the Sr-Nd isotopic signature of the matrix indicate that the breccia constituents exclusively derived from the Levack gneiss complex, which forms the local country rock to the breccia layer in the Levack area. K-feldspar-rich domains, which tend to replace parts of matrix and felsic gneiss fragments have been formed due to metasomatic activities during the Penokean orogeny, ~ 1.7 Ga ago. The available observations suggest that the Sudbury structure represents the remnant of a multi-ring basin with an apparent diameter between 180 and 200 km and a diameter of the transient cavity of about 100 km. For a crater of the size of the Sudbury basin a maximum depth of excavation of ~21 km and a depth of shock-melted target rocks of ~27 km are obtained. In the Sudbury crater, the Footwall Breccia layer represents a part of the uplifted crater floor directly underlying the thick coherent impact melt sheet.  相似文献   

By reforming a series of expressions derived by Öpik (1969), we have shown explicitly the dependence of impact crater diameter on projectile kinetic energy. Comparisons between this reformed version of Öpik's theory and the models of Gault (1973) and Oberbeck and Aoyagi (1972) have demonstrated good agreement between experiment and theory over seventeen orders of magnitude of projectile kinetic energy.  相似文献   

Abstract— The structural, topographic and other characteristics of the Vredefort, Sudbury, and Chicxulub impact structures are described. Assuming that the structures originally had the same morphology, the observations/interpretations for each structure are compared and extended to the other structures. This does not result in any major inconsistencies but requires that the observations be scaled spatially. In the case of Vredefort and Sudbury, this is accomplished by scaling the outer limit of particular shock metamorphic features. In the case of Chicxulub, scaling requires a reasoned assumption as to the formation mechanism of an interior peak ring. The observations/interpretations are then used to construct an integrated, empirical kinematic model for a terrestrial peak‐ring basin. The major attributes of the model include: a set of outward‐directed thrusts in the parautochthonous rocks of the outermost environs of the crater floor, some of which are pre‐existing structures that have been reactivated during transient cavity formation; inward‐directed motions along the same outermost structures and along a set of structures, at intermediate radial distances, during transient cavity collapse; structural uplift in the center followed by a final set of radially outward‐directed thrusts at the outer edges of the structural uplift, during uplift collapse. The rock displacements on the intermediate, inward and innermost, outward sets of structures are consistent with the assumption that a peak ring will result from the convergence of the collapse of the transient cavity rim area and the collapse of the structural uplift.  相似文献   

Abstract— Orogenic deformation, both preceding and following the impact event at Sudbury, strongly hinders a straightforward assessment of impact‐induced geological processes that generated the Sudbury impact structure. Central to understanding these processes is the state of strain of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, the solidified impact melt sheet, its underlying target rocks, overlying impact breccias and post‐impact sedimentary rocks. This review addresses (1) major structural, metamorphic and magmatic characteristics of the impact melt sheet and associated dikes, (2) attempts that have been made to constrain the primary geometry of the igneous complex, (3) modes of impact‐induced deformation as well as (4) mechanisms of pre‐ and post‐impact orogenic deformation. The latter have important consequences for estimating parameters such as magnitude of structural uplift, tilting of pre‐impact (Huronian) strata and displacement on major discontinuities which, collectively, have not yet been considered in impact models. In this regard, a mechanism for the emplacement of Offset Dikes is suggested, that accounts for the geometry of the dikes and magmatic characteristics, as well as the occurrence of sulfides in the dikes. Moreover, re‐interpretation of published paleomagnetic data suggests that orogenic folding of the solidified melt sheet commenced shortly after the impact. Uncertainties still exist as to whether the Sudbury impact structure was a peak‐ring or a multi‐ring basin and the deformation mechanisms of rock flow during transient cavity formation and crater modification.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated 10 new specimens of the Millbillillie eucrite to study its textures and mineral compositions by electron probe microanalyser and scanning electron microscope. Although originally described as having fine-grained texture, the new specimens show diversity of texture. The compositions (Mg/Fe ratios) of the host pigeonites and augite lamellae are homogeneous, respectively, in spite of the textural variation. In addition to their chemical homogeneity, pyroxenes in coarse and fine-grained clasts are partly inverted to orthopyroxene. Chemical zoning of plagioclase during crystal growth is preserved. This eucrite includes areas of granulitic breccias and impact melts. Large scale textures show a subparallel layering suggesting incomplete mixing and deposition of impact melt and lithic fragments. An 39Ar-40Ar age determination for a coarse-grained clast indicates a strong degassing event at 3.55 ± 0.02 Ga. We conclude that Millbillillie is among the most equilibrated eucrites produced by thermal annealing after impact brecciation. According to the classification of impact breccias, Millbillillie can be classified as a mixture of granulitic breccias and impact melts. The last significant thermal event is characterized by network-like glassy veins that run through clasts and matrices. Consideration of textural observations and requirements for Ar-degassing suggests that the 39Ar-40Ar age could in principle date either the earilier brecciation and annealing event or the event which produced the veins.  相似文献   

By analyzing impact glass, the evolution of the impact melt at the Mistastin Lake impact structure was investigated. Impact glass clasts are present in a range of impactites, including polymict breccias and clast‐rich impact melt rock, and from a variety of settings within the crater. From the glass clasts analyzed, three petrographic subtypes of impact glass were identified based on their clast content, prevalence of schlieren, color, texture, and habit. Several alteration phases were also observed replacing glass and infilling vesicles; however, textural observations and quantified compositional data allowed for the identification of pristine impact glass. Although the various types of glasses show significant overlap in their major oxide composition, several subtle variations in the major oxide chemistry of the glass were observed. To investigate this variation, a least‐squares mixing model was implemented utilizing the composition of the glass and the known target rock chemistry to model the initial melt composition. Additionally, image analysis of the glass clasts was used to investigate whether the compositional variations correlated to textural difference in the lithologies. We propose that the textural and compositional dichotomy observed is a product of the evolution, assimilation, and emplacement of the glass. The dichotomy is reflective of the melt either being ballistically emplaced (group 2 glasses: occurring in melt‐poor polymict breccias at lowermost stratigraphic position outside the transient crater) or the result of late‐stage melt flows (group 1 glasses, occurring in melt‐bearing polymict breccias and impact melt rocks at higher stratigraphic positions outside the transient crater).  相似文献   

Abstract The ~7.5 km diameter Wanapitei impact structure (46°45′N; 80°45′W) lies entirely within Lake Wanapitei in central Ontario, Canada. Impact lithologies are known only from glacial float at the southern end of the lake. Over 50% of the impact lithologies recovered from this float can be classified as suevite, <20% as highly shocked and partially melted arkosic metasediments of the target rock Mississagi Formation or, possibly, the Serpent Formation and <20% as glassy impact melt rocks. An additional <5% of the samples have similarities to the suevite but have up to 50% glass clasts and are tentatively interpreted as fall-back material. The glassy impact melt rocks fall into two textural and mineralogical types: a perlitically fractured, colorless glass matrix variant, with microlites of hypersthene with up to 11.5% Al2O3 and a “felted” matrix variant, with evidence of flow prior to the crystallization of tabular orthopyroxene. These melt glasses show chemical inhomogeneities on a microscopic scale, with areas of essentially SiO2, even when appearing optically homogeneous. They are similar in bulk composition for major elements, but the felted matrix variant is ~5×more enriched in Ni, Co and Cr, the interelement ratios of which are indicative of an admixture of a chondritic projectile. Mixing models suggest that the glassy impact melt rocks can be made from the target rocks in the proportions: ~55% Gowganda wacke, ~42% Serpent arkose and ~3% Nipissing intrusives. Geologic reconstructions suggest that this is a reasonable mixture of potential target rocks at the time of impact.  相似文献   

The 3.6 Ma El'gygytgyn impact structure, located in northeast Chukotka in Arctic Russia, was largely formed in acidic volcanic rocks. The 18 km diameter circular depression is today filled with Lake El'gygytgyn (diameter of 12 km) that contains a continuous record of lacustrine sediments of the Arctic from the past 3.6 Myr. In 2009, El'gygytgyn became the focus of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) in which a total of 642.4 m of drill core was recovered. Lithostratigraphically, the drill cores comprise lacustrine sediment sequences, impact breccias, and deformed target rocks. The impactite core was recovered from 316.08 to 517.30 meters below lake floor (mblf). Because of the rare, outstanding recovery, the transition zone, ranging from 311.47 to 317.38 m, between the postimpact lacustrine sediments and the impactite sequences, was studied petrographically and geochemically. The transition layer comprises a mixture of about 6 m of loose sedimentary and volcanic material containing isolated clasts of minerals and melt. Shock metamorphic effects, such as planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs), were observed in a few quartz grains. The discoveries of silica diaplectic glass hosting coesite, kinked micas and amphibole, lechatelierite, numerous impact melt shards and clasts, and spherules are associated with the impact event. The occurrence of spherules, impact melt clasts, silica diaplectic glass, and lechatelierite, about 1 m below the onset of the transition, marks the beginning of the more coherent impact ejecta layer. The results of siderophile interelement ratios of the transition layer spherules give indications of the relative contribution of the meteoritical component.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Wanapitei impact structure is ~8 km in diameter and lies within Wanapitei Lake, ~34 km northeast of the city of Sudbury. Rocks related to the 37 Ma impact event are found only in Pleistocene glacial deposits south of the lake. Most of the target rocks are metasedimentary rocks of the Proterozoic Huronian Supergroup. An almost completely vitrified, inclusion-bearing sample investigated here represents either an impact melt or a strongly shock metamorphosed, pebbly wacke. In the second, preferred interpretation, a number of partially melted and devitrified clasts are enclosed in an equally highly shock metamorphosed arkosic wacke matrix (i.e., the sample is a shocked pebbly wacke), which records the onset of shock melting. This interpretation is based on the glass composition, mineral relicts in the glass, relict rock textures, and the similar degree of shock metamorphism and incipient melting of all sample components. Boulder matrix and clasts are largely vitrified and preserve various degrees of fluidization, vesiculation, and devitrification. Peak shock pressure of ~50–60 GPa and stress experienced by the sample were somewhat below those required for complete melting and development of a homogeneous melt. The rapid cooling and devitrification history of the analyzed sample is comparable to that reported recently from glasses in the suevite of the Ries impact structure in Germany and may indicate that the analyzed sample experienced an annealing temperature after deposition of somewhere between 650 °C and 800 °C.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 50,000 year old, 1.8 km diameter Lonar crater is one of only two known terrestrial craters to be emplaced in basaltic target rock (the 65 million year old Deccan Traps). The composition of the Lonar basalts is similar to martian basaltic meteorites, which establishes Lonar as an excellent analogue for similarly sized craters on the surface of Mars. Samples from cores drilled into the Lonar crater floor show that there are basaltic impact breccias that have been altered by post‐impact hydrothermal processes to produce an assemblage of secondary alteration minerals. Microprobe data and X‐ray diffraction analyses show that the alteration mineral assemblage consists primarily of saponite, with minor celadonite, and carbonate. Thermodynamic modeling and terrestrial volcanic analogues were used to demonstrate that these clay minerals formed at temperatures between 130°C and 200°C. By comparing the Lonar alteration assemblage with alteration at other terrestrial craters, we conclude that the Lonar crater represents a lower size limit for impact‐induced hydrothermal activity. Based on these results, we suggest that similarly sized craters on Mars have the potential to form hydrothermal systems, as long as liquid water was present on or near the martian surface. Furthermore, the Fe‐rich alteration minerals produced by post‐impact hydrothermal processes could contribute to the minor iron enrichment associated with the formation of the martian soil.  相似文献   

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