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This study investigates the stratigraphic evolution of the Late Oligocene - Early Miocene carbonate platforms of the Yadana area (offshore Myanmar). Well data, regional 2D and local 3D seismic surveys allow the identification of three shallow-water carbonate platforms (Yadana, 3DF and 3DE) showing various morphologic and stratigraphic patterns influenced by the presence of a paleohigh. The identification of seven seismic sequences in the Yadana area constrains the stratigraphic evolution in three stages: (1) development of aggrading attached and isolated platforms during the Chattian; (2) a period of platform emersion during the Oligocene - Miocene transition; (3) drowning of the smaller buildup (3DE) associated with km-scale backstepping on the large platforms (3DF and Yadana) during the Aquitanian. The Aquitanian marks the onset of renewed volcanic activity associated with the development of fringing carbonate reefs during the Burdigalian. The rapid (∼6 My) development of these wide (∼5–70 km) and thick (∼300–850 m) carbonate platforms has been mainly controlled by the subsidence. However, the results highlight a strong overprint of eustatic fluctuations on the rates of change in accommodation, and hence on the stratigraphic architecture of the carbonate platforms. Based on an alternative model for the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Yadana area, our results suggest that the platforms developed on a volcanic ridge of hotspot origin located in the Indian Ocean and not on a volcanic arc. Subduction jump processes are interpreted to have played a key role in the demise of all platforms by drastically changing the paleoenvironmental conditions during the Early Miocene, and led to the present-day location of the Yadana Ridge in a back-arc setting. The carbonate platforms from the Yadana area are thus a representative example of the interplay between global mechanisms and local paleoenvironmental parameters on carbonate platform initiation, growth and demise.  相似文献   

The breakup of western margin of Australia from Greater India started around 155 Ma and progressed southwards. After the separation, the interceding intraplate region experienced large volumes of submarine volcanism, extending over 100 Myrs. The Christmas Island Seamount Province (CHRISP, as it has been dubbed) lies south of the Java-Sunda Trench, and contains numerous submerged volcanic seamounts, and two sub-aerially exposed island groups—Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Christmas Island. While recent geochronological investigations have shed light on the diverse eruption ages of the volcanics of this region, some islands/seamounts have demonstrated protracted volcanic histories, and it is not clear how the volcanic loading, tectonic subsidence, and subsequent emergence history of the islands relates to these discrete volcanic episodes. This study utilises a number of geophysical techniques to determine the crustal structure, loading and subsidence history, and last sub-aerial exposure age for the CHRISP. The study shows that flexural and subsidence modelling are reliable techniques in constraining the age of the seamounts when geochronological techniques are not possible. Utilising regional gravity signatures, we model the crustal structure underneath the Cocos (Keeling) Island, and constrain the thickness of the limestone cover between 900 and 2,100 m. Using age-depth subsidence curves for oceanic lithosphere the time since these seamounts were exposed above sea-level was determined, and a trend in exposure ages that youngs towards the west is observed. Two episodes of volcanism have been recorded at Christmas Island and they are of different origin. The younger phase in the Pliocene is a manifestation of flexure induced cracks produced in the lithosphere as it rides the subduction fore-bulge, whereas a low velocity seismic zone rising from the lower mantle, and tectonic reorganization, may be associated with the older Eocene volcanic phase, as well as much of the rest of the province. Our modelling also supports the existence of an older, undated volcanic core to Christmas Island, based on the loading ages from flexural modelling.  相似文献   

The Okinawa marginal basin was opened by crustal extension into the Asian continent, north of the Taiwan collision zone. It is located behind the Ryukyu Trench subduction zone and the Ryukyu active volcanic arc. If we except the Andaman Sea, the Okinawa Trough is the only example of marginal backarc basin type, opened into a continent at an early stage of evolution. Active rifting and spreading can be observed. Synthesis of siesmic reflection, seismic refraction, drilling, dredging and geological field data has resulted in interpretative geological cross sections and a structural map of the Ryukyu-Okinawa area. The main conclusions of the reconstruction of this backarc basin/volcanic arc evolution are. (1) Backarc rifting was initiated in the volcanic arc and propagated along it during the Neogene. It is still active at both ends of the basin. Remnants of volcanic arc are found on the continental side of the basin. (2) There was synchronism between opening and subsidence of the Okinawa Trough and tilting and subsidence of the forearc terrace. The late Miocene erosional surface is now 4000 m below sea-level in the forearc terrace, above the trench slope. Retreat and subsidence of the Ryukyu trench line relative to the Asian continental plate, could be one of the causes of tilting of the forearc and extension in the backarc area. (3) A major phase of crustal spreading occurred in Pliocene times 1.9 My ago in the south and central Okinawa Trough. (4) En échelon rifting and spreading structures of the central axes of the Okinawa Trough are oblique to the general trend of the arc and trench. The Ryukyu arc sub-plate cannot be considered as a rigid plate. Rotation of 45° to 50° of the southern Ryukyu arc, since the late Miocene, is inferred. The timing and kinematic evolution of the Taiwan collision and the south Okinawa Trough opening suggest a connection between these two events. The indentation process due to the collision of the north Luzon Arc with the China margin could have provoked: lateral extrusion; clockwise rotation (45° to 50° according to palaeomagnetic data) and buckling of the south Ryukyu non-volcanic arc; tension in the weak crustal zone constituted by the south Ryukyu volcanic arc and opening of the south Okinawa Trough. Similar lateral extrusions, rotations, buckling and tensional gaps have been observed in indentation experiments. Additional phenomena such as: thermal convection, retreating trench model or anchored slab model could maintain extension in the backarc basin. Such a hypothetical collision-lateral backarc opening model could explain the initiation of opening of backarc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Bonin Trough, Parece Vela — Shikoku Basin and Sea of Japan. A new late Cenozoic palaeogeographic evolution model of the Philippine Sea plate and surrounding areas is proposed.  相似文献   

Carbonate rock cores drilled on the Kikai Seamount, northern Philippine Sea are examined for better understanding of tectonic history of the northern Philippine Sea. The Kikai Seamount, the summit of which is at 1960 m water depth, is an isolated high on the northwestern part of the Amami Plateau formed by subduction-related arc volcanism, and is situated close to the axis of the Ryukyu Trench in front of the Ryukyu Arc, SW Japan. The seamount is capped with shallow-water carbonates such as coral rudstone. Detailed examinations of lithology, larger foraminiferal assemblages, and Sr isotope composition reveal that the core material comprises Miocene carbonates unconformably overlain by Early Pleistocene carbonates. It indicates rapid subsidence of the Kikai Seamount since the Early Pleistocene. The most probable cause of rapid subsidence is collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau laden with the Kikai Seamount. The rapid subsidence may have started when the western corner of the plateau reached the Ryukyu Trench and began subduction beneath the Ryukyu Arc. The onset of the subsidence is likely to be controlled by a motion change in the Philippine Sea Plate. The latest change in subduction direction from north to northwestward into northwestward to west has been believed to have occurred at 1-2 Ma during latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene time. The change of direction resulted in the shift from oblique into right-angle subduction of the plate beneath the Ryukyu Arc and also the onset of the collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau.  相似文献   

The South China Sea formed by magma-poor, or intermediate volcanic rifting in the Paleogene. We investigate the structure of the continent-ocean transition (COT) at its southern margin, off NW Palawan between the continental blocks of Reed Bank and the islands of Palawan and Calamian. Several surveys, recorded by the BGR from 1979 to 2008, established a comprehensive database of regional seismic lines, accompanied with magnetic and gravity profiles.We interpret two major rifted basins, extending in the NE direction across the shelf and slope, separated by a structural high of non volcanic origin.The continent-ocean transition is interpreted at the seaward limit of the continental crust, when magnetic spreading anomalies terminate some 80-100 km farther north. The area in between displays extensive volcanism - as manifest by extrusions that occasionally reach and cut the seafloor, by dykes, and by presumed basaltic lava flows - occurring after break-up.The COT is highly variable along the NW Palawan slope: One type shows a distinct outer ridge at the COT with a steep modern seafloor relief. The other type is characterised by rotated fault blocks, bounded by listric normal faults ramping down to a common detachment surface. Half-grabens developed above a strongly eroded pre-rift basement. The seafloor relief is smooth across this other type of COT.We suggest the pre-rift lithospheric configuration had major influence on the formation of the COT, besides transfer zones. Volcanic domains, confined to the north of competent crustal blocks correlate with the style of the COT.Gravity modelling revealed an extremely thinned crust across the shelf. We propose a depth-dependent extension model with crust being decoupled from mantle lithosphere, explaining the discrepancy of subsidence observed across the South China Sea region.  相似文献   

The tectonic mechanisms controlling how volcanic arcs migrate through space and geologic time within dynamic subduction environments is a fundamental tectonic process that remains poorly understood. This paper presents an integrated stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of Late Cretaceous to Recent volcanic arcs and associated basins in the southeastern Caribbean Sea using seismic reflection data, wide-angle seismic refraction data, well data, and onland geologic data. We propose a new tectonic model for the opening of the Grenada and Tobago basins and the 50-250-km eastward jump of arc volcanism from the Late Cretaceous Aves Ridge to the Miocene to Recent Lesser Antilles arc in the southeast Caribbean based on the mapping of three seismic megasequences. The striking similarity of the half-graben structure of the Grenada and Tobago basins that flank the Lesser Antilles arc, their similar smooth basement character, their similar deep-marine seismic facies, and their similar Paleogene sediment thickness mapped on a regional grid of seismic data suggest that the two basins formed as a single, saucer-shaped, oceanic crust Paleogene forearc basin adjacent to the now dormant Aves Ridge. This single forearc basin continued to extend and widen through flexural subsidence during the early to middle Eocene probably because of slow rollback of the subducting Atlantic oceanic slab. Rollback may have been accelerated by oblique collision of the southern Aves Ridge and southern Lesser Antilles arc with the South American continent. Uplift and growth of the southern Lesser Antilles arc divided the Grenada and Tobago basins by early to middle Miocene time. Inversion of normal faults and uplift effects along both edges of the Lesser Antilles arc are most pronounced in its southern zone of arc collision with the South American continent. The late Miocene to Recent depositional histories of the Grenada and Tobago basins are distinct because of isolation of the Grenada basin by growth and uplift of the Neogene Lesser Antilles volcanic ridge.  相似文献   

Fiber reinforced polymer composite deck panels are effectively used in the construction of offshore structures such as pontoons, floating docks, oil drilling platforms, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems and harbor structures due to their excellent corrosion and fatigue resistance, high strength to weight ratio and stiffness to weight ratio and less maintenance cost. The main objective of this investigation is to study the load–deflection behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite deck panels under static loading. Three prototype GFRP composite deck panels each with a size of 3000 mm×1000 mm×300 mm were fabricated using hand lay-up process and tested under a factored load of AASHTO HS20/IRC Class A wheeled vehicle. The deck panels were analyzed using the standard FE software, ANSYS. Maximum deflection and strain at factored load, and flexural and shear rigidities were calculated in the FE analysis and compared with the experimental data, and also with the specifications given by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), USA. From this study, it is concluded that the fabricated GFRP deck panels satisfied the performance criteria specified by ODOT and can be used in berthing structures, bridges in coastal regions, offshore oil platforms, OTEC systems and also in seismic prone areas.  相似文献   

We estimated horizontal velocities at 25 sites first surveyed in a 1901-1903 British Ordnance Survey triangulation and then resurveyed with GPS in 1994-1995 to identify Trinidad's principal active on-land faults, quantify fault-slip-rates, and test for elastic locking. Our best-fit single-fault elastic dislocation model put 12 ± 3 mm/yr of dextral strike-slip on the Central Range Fault (1-2 km locking depth), an apparently aseismic active fault. The estimated motions also showed statistically insignificant horizontal motion (2.2 ± 1.8 mm/yr of right-slip; 2.7 ± 2.0 mm/yr of N-S shortening) on the eastward on-strike extension of the El Pilar Fault, known to be the active transform fault in Venezuela. Repeat GPS measurements made between 1994 and 2005 at two sites spanning the island north to south showed a 14 ± 3 mm/yr eastward (plate-motion-parallel) dextral velocity differential, consistent with our best-fit historic (1901-1995) fault-slip-rate. Paleoseismology trenching demonstrates that the Central Range Fault cuts <5000-year-old sediment and is capped by ∼550-year-old sediment, suggesting that it may be locked and may have ruptured at least once during this time interval. About ∼5 mm/yr of slip could be taken up on the Los Bajos Fault and additional faults in the offshore south of Trinidad. The existing 1901-1995 and 1994-2005 geodetic data alone cannot resolve whether the Central Range Fault is essentially creeping (≤1-2 km locking depth) or locked to a more standard depth of 10 km.  相似文献   

The present-day basement depth of the seafloor in the absence of sediment loading was inferred along a traverse crossing the Southern Tyrrhenian Basin. A correction for sediment loading was proposed on the basis of density, seismic velocity and porosity data from selected deep boreholes. The empirical relation between sediment correction and seismic two-way travel time was extrapolated downward by applying the Nafe–Drake curve and a specific porosity–depth relation. The sediment loading response of the basement calculated for flexural isostasy is on average about one hundred meters lower than results for local isostasy. A pure lithosphere extensional model was then used to predict quantitatively the basement subsidence pattern on the margins of the basin. The basement depth is consistent with uniform extension model predictions only in some parts of the margins. The observed variability in the region of greatest thinning (transition from continental to oceanic crust) is attributable to the weakening effect caused by diffuse igneous intrusions. Subsidence of the volcanic Calabrian–Sicilian margin is partly accounted for by magmatic underplating. The comparison of the calculated subsidence with an oceanic lithosphere cooling model shows that subsidence is variable in some areas, particularly in the Marsili Basin. This argues for a typical back-arc origin for the Tyrrhenian Basin, as a result of subduction processes. By taking into account the geodynamic setting, stratigraphic data from the deepest hole and the terrestrial heat flow, we reconstructed the paleotemperatures of cover sediments. The results suggest that low temperatures generally have prevailed during sediment deposition and that the degree of maturation is expected not to be sufficient for oil generation processes.  相似文献   

The biology of Kick’em Jenny (KEJ) submarine volcano, part of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and located off the coast of Grenada in the Caribbean Sea, was studied during a cruise in 2003. Hydrothermal venting and an associated biological assemblage were discovered in the volcanic crater (∼250 m depth). Warm water with bubbling gas emanated through rock fissures and sediments. Shrimp (some of them swimming) were clustered at vents, while other individuals lay immobile on sediments. The shrimp fauna consisted of 3 mesopelagic species that had no prior record of benthic or vent association. We suggest that these midwater shrimp, from deeper water populations offshore, were trapped within the crater during their downward diel vertical migration. It is unknown whether they then succumbed to the hostile vent environment (immobile individuals) or whether they are potentially opportunistic vent residents (active individuals). Given the abundance of submarine arc volcanoes worldwide, this phenomenon suggests that volcanic arcs could be important interaction sites between oceanic midwater and vent communities.  相似文献   

Formation and tectonic evolution of outer marginupfold zone of East China Sea ShelfTXFormationandtectonicevolutionofoutermargi...  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(3-4):287-307
Submarine volcaniclastic deposits, both modern and ancient, pose a conundrum in distinguishing between syn- and post-eruptive processes. High-standing, submarine volcanic edifices of the late Quaternary southern Kermadec arc (SW Pacific) are point sources of pyroclastic/hyaloclastic deposits that are bathed and modified by a complex current system of the South Pacific gyre flowing southeast along the northern margin of New Zealand, which in part comprises the anticyclonic flow of the warm-cored East Cape Eddy (ECE). Flow of the ECE across the southern Kermadec arc provides a present-day case of extensive and in situ, post-eruptive, textural modification of modern pyroclastic/hyaloclastic deposits on the crests and upper flanks of submarine stratovolcanoes. Photographic observations (and limited textural data) from seven Kermadec volcanoes reveal pervasive evidence of sediment winnowing (including crag and tail structures, scour and moating around volcanic blocks, coarse sand-granule lag deposits, epifaunal deflection, lineated mud streaking, and moulded bioturbation mounds) and asymmetric current-ripple bedforms at water-depths of at least 1500 m. All bedforms indicate increasing current speed at progressively higher elevations (decreasing water-depth) for each volcano. Current-ripples mostly have discontinuous, asymmetric, shorted-crested, linguoid–lunate forms below 1000 m water-depth, progressing to semi-continuous, asymmetric, shorted-crested, linear-sinuous forms above 500 m. Current elutriation of the Kermadec deposits progressively removes fines with decreasing water-depth resulting in relatively fines-depleted, volcaniclastic sands and granules. This post-eruptive process overprints syn-eruptive processes that notionally generate more comminuted fine-grained clasts with decreasing water-depth as phreatomagmatic explosive eruptions become more vigorous. Current-elutriation also modifies volcaniclastic detritus prior to subsequent removal by episodic, mass-gravity flow. In addition the sand-granule traction load, driven by current-flow, moves sediment nearly continuously to gully and rill heads for removal down-slope, independently of syn-eruptive sediment flux. The underlying observation is that volcaniclastic deposits rarely reflect just syn-eruptive processes, and that significant in situ current-elutriation of at the least surficial pyroclastic/hyaloclastic eruption products can occur on submarine volcanoes.Threshold current velocities, derived assuming unidirectional flow over cohesionless sand-lapilli grainsizes, and accounting for bed friction, yield current velocities (at 100 cm above the bed) of ≤15 cm s−1 for water-depths >1500 m through to ∼70 cm s−1 for depths <500 m at the crests of Rumble III and V volcanoes. Estimated velocities are consistent with short-term current velocities of 30–40 cm s−1, measured directly from either acoustic doppler current profile data or relative geostrophic flow, since the latter do not account for seafloor topographic intensification. The variable hydrographic climatology of the ECE, known from sea-surface dynamic heights and repeat CTD surveys, is possibly recorded by seafloor substrates as evinced by worm-trails post-dating ripple formation and differing orientations of winnowed structures and ripples.  相似文献   

Amlia and Amukta Basins are the largest of many intra-arc basins formed in late Cenozoic time along the crest of the Aleutian Arc. Both basins are grabens filled with 2–5 km of arc-derived sediment. A complex system of normal faults deformed the basinal strata. Although initial deposits of late Micocene age may be non-marine in origin, by early Pliocene time, most of the basinfill consisted of pelagic and hemipelagic debris and terrigenous turbidite deposits derived from wavebase and subaerial erosion of the arc's crestal areas. Late Cenozoic volcanism along the arc commenced during or shortly after initial subsidence and greatly contributed to active deposition in Amlia and Amukta Basins.Two groups of normal faults occur: major boundary faults common to both basins and ‘intra-basin’ faults that arise primarily from arc-parallel extension of the arc. The most significant boundary fault, Amlia-Amukta fault, is a south-dipping growth fault striking parallel to the trend of the arc. Displacement across this fault forms a large half-graben that is separated into the two depocentres of Amlia and Amukta Basins by the formation of a late Cenozoic volcanic centre, Seguam Island. Faults of the second group reflect regional deformation of the arc and offset the basement floor as well as the overlying basinal section. Intra-basin faults in Amlia Basin are predominantly aligned normal to the trend of the arc, thereby indicating arc-parallel extension. Those in Amukta basin are aligned in multiple orientations and probably indicate a more complex mechanism of faulting. Displacement across intra-basin faults is attributed to tectonic subsidence of the massif, aided by depositional loading within the basins. In addition, most intra-basin faults are listric and are associated with high growth rates.Although, the hydrocarbon potential of Amlia and Amukta Basins is difficult to assess based on existing data, regional considerations imply that an adequate thermal history conducive to hydrocarbon generation has prevailed during the past 6-5 my. The possibility for source rocks existing in the lower sections of the basins is suggested by exposures of middle and upper Miocene carbonaceous mudstone on nearby Atka Island and the implication that euxinic conditions may have prevailed during the initial formation of the basins. Large structures have evolved to trap migrating hydrocarbons, but questions remain concerning the preservation of primary porosity in a sedimentary section rich in reactive volcaniclastic debris.  相似文献   

西洼沙河街组沉积位于渤海湾盆地沙南凹陷,从Es3m到Es1,沙南凹陷经历四期裂陷幕,其间发育的不整合面T5使区域古地貌隆升,形成四期的三级层序变化旋回,并在西洼东—西向中央断裂带的控制下形成南、北物源和北部断裂坡折。双向物源和断裂坡折控制沙河街组沉积,形成多类型沉积,其中Es3m以半深湖—深湖、富泥质的湖底扇为特征,形成弱水动力沉积环境;Es3u以半深湖—深湖、富砂质的湖底扇和火山岩为特征,形成局部动荡的水动力沉积环境;Es12沉积较薄,形成独具特色的多样式、多类型沉积,包括半深湖—深湖、扇三角洲前缘、前缘斜坡扇、滑塌体、湖底扇及火山岩沉积,以及牵引流与重力流并存,以重力流为沉积主导。层段内的沉积序列及演化特征决定该区域形成南、北物源控制的4种成因砂体,南物源的晚期成砂机制,包括扇三角洲前缘砂、前缘斜坡扇砂,北物源的中晚期成砂机制,包括滑塌体砂和湖底扇砂。因此,西洼区域勘探以寻找岩性圈闭、构造—岩性圈闭为主,断裂与砂体的空间匹配关系决定了圈闭的有效性。  相似文献   

The study focuses on the flexural down-warping of oceanic crust related to the Early Cretaceous hotspot volcanic chain in offshore East India, drawing from robust reflection seismic coverage of the 85°E Ridge and associated moats and arches. Seismic data image three moat-filling units including the basal pelagic, landslide and ponded units, representing the sedimentary record preceding, coeval and postponing flexure. Their stacking patterns allow one to understand the flexural history of the oceanic crust reacting to the volcanic load, in space and time. The flexural history of the oceanic crust can be divided into four stages. The first stage is the brittle faulting-assisted flexure reacting to the appearance of the load. It has a short wavelength and controls the development of moat undergoing deposition of the landslide unit. Then follows the long-wavelength flexure, when the arch starts to develop. The flexural arch formation prevents the landslide unit from covering it, while the moat keeps subsiding. The third flexure stage is a short-wavelength deformation when the moat and arch subside together. Accordingly, the syn-flexural landslide unit records an initial rapid and a later slower subsidence. The fourth flexure stage is characterized by the passive infill of moat by sediments of ponded unit, although limited isostatic adjustments can occur, accompanied by mass wasting.  相似文献   

Regional extension of a brittle overburden and underlying salt causes differential loading that is thought to initiate the rise of reactive diapirs below and through regions of thin overburden. We present a modern example of a large salt diapir in the Dead Sea pull-apart basin, the Lisan diapir, which we believe was formed during the Quaternary due to basin transtension and subsidence. Using newly released seismic data that are correlated to several deep wells, we determine the size of the diapir to be 13×10 km, its maximum depth 7.2 km, and its roof 125 m below the surface. From seismic stratigraphy, we infer that the diapir started rising during the early to middle Pleistocene as this section of the basin underwent rapid subsidence and significant extension of the overburden. During the middle to late Pleistocene, the diapir pierced through the extensionally thinned overburden, as indicated by rim synclines, which attest to rapid salt withdrawal from the surrounding regions. Slight positive topography above the diapir and shallow folded horizons indicate that it is still rising intermittently. The smaller Sedom diapir, exposed along the western bounding fault of the basin is presently rising and forms a 200 m-high ridge. Its initiation is explained by localized E–W extension due monoclinal draping over the edge of a rapidly subsiding basin during the early to middle Pleistocene, and its continued rise by lateral squeezing due to continued rotation of the Amazyahu diagonal fault.  相似文献   

Regional seismic reflection and potential field data document the South Atlantic's break-up history, between 39°S and 19°S, from the Early Cretaceous onwards. Previous maps of distribution of volcanics along the margin showed volcanics along the whole African margin based on extrapolation of data. Based on previously unpublished marine geophysical data, we found the southernmost 460 km long margin segment to be lacking huge volumes of break-up related volcanic effusives. Northwards, break-up was accompanied by the emplacement of huge volumes of volcanic material, prominently featured in seismic sections as huge wedge-shaped seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs). Detailed mapping of offsets (left- and right-stepping) and variations in structural character of the volcanics reveal the segmentation along and the break-up history of the margin. Several superimposed SDR sequences, suggesting episodicity of volcanic emplacement (divided by periods of erosion and sedimentation), are distinct along southerly lines, losing prominence northwards.A main outcome of our study is that this passive margin is not continuously of the volcanic type and that the change from a non-volcanic to a volcanic margin occurs abruptly.We define four distinct First-order Segments along the 2400 km section of the southwestern African margin covered by our seismic data. From south to north these First-order Segments are: Magma-poor Segment I; Segment II with enormous SDRs volumes; decreasing SDRs volumes in Segment III; Segment IV again with enormous volcanic output, likely influenced by Walvis Ridge volcanism.Most important is that there is no systematic increase in the volumes of the effusives towards the Tristan da Cunha hot-spot. Rather there is an alternating pattern in the SDRs' volumes and widths.The boundary between the volcanic and magma-poor margin segments in the southernmost study area is sharp (10s of km), which we propose is reflected in magnetic anomaly data as well. We suggest that this variability along the margin is mainly due to a change in stretching/rifting character from oblique during the early stages of breakup to conventional seafloor spreading from Chron M4 (∼130 Ma) onwards.  相似文献   

The Canary and Cape-Verde archipelagos are two groups of volcanic islands often cited as case examples of the surface expression of two distinct hot-spot plumes. However, several considerations that␣we enumerate suggest a link between the two archipelagos. Using seismic profiles we describe a continuous morphological basement ridge that exists between the two archipelagos. We then examine the stratigraphic record available from field data on Fuerteventura Island (Canary) and Maio Island (Cape-Verde) and from a few Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) holes. The geological history of these volcanic islands is very similar since the formation of their oceanic basement during the Late Jurassic. They share the same and synchronious sedimentary evolution (subsidence, uplift and emersion) as well as very similar timing of volcanism and deformation. The two distinct hot-spots model does not appear adapted to account for the formation of these structures as it ignores the existence of the ridge, as well as most of the geological coincidences. By describing the coinciding geological incidents, we argue that it is misleading to treat these two regions apart.  相似文献   

The Northland Plateau and the Vening Meinesz “Fracture” Zone (VMFZ), separating southwest Pacific backarc basins from New Zealand Mesozoic crust, are investigated with new data. The 12–16 km thick Plateau comprises a volcanic outer plateau and an inner plateau sedimentary basin. The outer plateau has a positive magnetic anomaly like that of the Three Kings Ridge. A rift margin was found between the Three Kings Ridge and the South Fiji Basin. Beneath the inner plateau basin, is a thin body interpreted as allochthon and parautochthon, which probably includes basalt. The basin appears to have been created by Early Miocene mainly transtensive faulting, which closely followed obduction of the allochthon and was coeval with arc volcanism. VMFZ faulting was eventually concentrated along the edge of the continental shelf and upper slope. Consequently arc volcanoes in a chain dividing the inner and outer plateau are undeformed whereas volcanoes, in various stages of burial, within the basin and along the base of the upper slope are generally faulted. Deformed and flat-lying Lower Miocene volcanogenic sedimentary rocks are intimately associated with the volcanoes and the top of the allochthon; Middle Miocene to Recent units are, respectively, mildly deformed to flat-lying, calcareous and turbiditic. Many parts of the inner plateau basin were at or above sea level in the Early Miocene, apparently as isolated highs that later subsided differentially to 500–2,000 m below sea level. A mild, Middle Miocene compressive phase might correlate with events of the Reinga and Wanganella ridges to the west. Our results agree with both arc collision and arc unzipping regional kinematic models. We present a continental margin model that begins at the end of the obduction phase. Eastward rifting of the Norfolk Basin, orthogonal to the strike of the Norfolk and Three Kings ridges, caused the Northland Plateau to tear obliquely from the Reinga Ridge portion of the margin, initiating the inner plateau basin and the Cavalli core complex. Subsequent N115° extension and spreading parallel with the Cook Fracture Zone completed the southeastward translation of the Three Kings Ridge and Northland Plateau and further opened the inner plateau basin, leaving a complex dextral transform volcanic margin.  相似文献   

Sedimentation processes occurring in an active convergent setting are well illustrated in the Lesser Antilles island arc. The margin is related to westward subduction of the North and/or the South America plates beneath the Caribbean plate. From east to west, the arc can be subdivided into several tectono-sedimentary depositional domains: the accretionary prism, the fore-arc basin, the arc platform and inter-arc basin, and the Grenada back-arc basin. The Grenada back-arc basin, the fore-arc basin (Tobago Trough) and the accretionary prism on the east side of the volcanic arc constitute traps for particles derived from the arc platform and the South American continent. The arc is volcanically active, and provides large volumes of volcaniclastic sediments which accumulate mainly in the Grenada basin by volcaniclastic gravity flows (volcanic debris avalanches, debris flows, turbiditic flows) and minor amounts by fallout. By contrast, the eastern side of the margin is fed by ash fallout and minor volcaniclastic turbidites. In this area, the dominant component of the sediments is pelagic in origin, or derived from South America (siliciclastic turbidites). Insular shelves are the locations of carbonate sedimentation, such as large platforms which develop in the Limestone Caribbees in the northern part of the margin. Reworking of carbonate material by turbidity currents also delivers lesser amounts to eastern basins of the margin. This contrasting sedimentation on both sides of the arc platform along the margin is controlled by several interacting factors including basin morphology, volcanic productivity, wind and deep-sea current patterns, and sea-level changes. Basin morphology appears to be the most dominant factor. The western slopes of the arc platform are steeper than the eastern ones, thus favouring gravity flow processes.  相似文献   

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