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Large-scale circulations and energy transport in contact binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hydrodynamic model for the energy transport between the components of a contact binary is presented. Energy is transported by a large-scale, steady circulation carrying high entropy matter from the primary to secondary component. The circulation is driven by the baroclinic structure of the common envelope, which is a direct consequence of the non-uniform heating at the inner critical Roche lobes due to unequal emergent energy fluxes of the components. The mass stream flowing around the secondary is bound to the equatorial region by the Coriolis force and its width is determined primarily by the flow velocity. Its bottom is separated from the underlying secondary's convection zone by a radiative transition layer acting as an insulator. For a typically observed degree of contact the heat capacity of the stream matter is much larger than radiative losses during its flow around the secondary. As a result, its effective temperature and entropy decrease very little before it returns to the primary. The existence of the stream changes insignificantly specific entropies of both convective envelopes and sizes of the components. Substantial oversize of the secondaries, required by the Roche geometry, cannot be explained in this way. The situation can, however, be explained by assuming that the primary is a main-sequence star whereas the secondary is in an advanced evolutionary stage with hydrogen depleted in its core. Such a configuration is reached past mass transfer with mass ratio reversal. Good agreement with observations is demonstrated by model calculations applied to actual W UMa-type binaries. In particular, a presence of the equatorial bulge moving with a relative velocity of  10–30 km s−!  around both components of AW UMa is accounted for.  相似文献   

The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) is a long-term project to monitor bright variable stars over the whole sky. It has discovered 50 099 variables brighter than   V < 14 mag  south of declination +28°, and among them 11 076 eclipsing binaries. We present a preliminary analysis of 5384 contact, 2949 semi-detached, and 2743 detached systems. The statistics of the distribution provides a qualitative confirmation of decades old idea of Flannery and Lucy that the W UMa-type binaries evolve through a series of relaxation oscillations: the ASAS finds comparable number of contact and semi-detached systems.
The most surprising result is a very small number of detached eclipsing binaries with periods   P < 1 d  , the systems believed to be the progenitors of the W UMa stars. As many (perhaps all) contact binaries have companions, there is a possibility that some were formed in a Kozai cycle, as suggested by Eggleton and his associates.  相似文献   

The luminosity function for contact binary stars of the W UMa type is evaluated on the basis of the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) photometric project covering all stars south of  δ=+ 28°  within a magnitude range  8 < V < 13  . Lack of colour indices enforced a limitation to 3374 systems with   P < 0.562 d  (i.e. 73 per cent of all systems with   P < 1 d  ) where a simplified MV (log  P ) calibration could be used. The spatial density relative to the main-sequence FGK stars of 0.2 per cent, as established previously from the Hipparcos sample to   V = 7.5  , is confirmed. While the numbers of contact binaries in the ASAS are large and thus the statistical uncertainties small, derivation of the luminosity function required a correction for missed systems with small amplitudes and with orbital periods longer than 0.562 d; the correction, by a factor of 3, carries an uncertainty of about 30 per cent.  相似文献   

Phase‐resolved FUV observations of three Algol‐type interacting binaries (V356 Sgr, TT Hya, and RY Per) have been made during totality with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer to map the location of the hot circumstellar plasma that produces emission lines of O VI, Si III,IV, S IV, C III, and N II. Since OVI shows very little variation in profile, strength, and velocity as the disk of the secondary occults the line formation region, we conclude that the emission originates in material that has a substantial flow perpendicular to the orbital plane (perhaps a bipolar jet). The behavior of the emission lines from the moderate‐ionization species suggests that the plasma producing these emission features has a large equatorial component. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Orbital period variations of two neglected Algol type binaries, CC Her and XZ Aql, are studied based on all available times of minima. In the case of CC Her, it is found that the OC curve displays a tilted sinusoidal variation with an eccentricity of 0.54 ± 0.03 and a period of 52.4 ± 0.4 yr, which can be explained by the light‐time effect due to the presence of an unseen component. The course of the orbital period change in XZ Aql appears less reliable but its OC curve can be represented by a periodic variation with a period of 36.7 ± 0.6 yr superimposed on an upward parabola. The parabolic variation indicates a secular period increase with a rate of dP /dt = 7.1 s per century. The corresponding conservative mass transfer from less massive component to the more massive one is about 3.26 × 10–7 M yr–1. It is interesting to see that the OC variation of CC Her displays no evidence (as upward parabola) on the mass transfer characteristic for Algols. The periodic change of the orbital period of XZ Aql, like CC Her, may be caused by the presence of the thirdbody. The lower limits of the masses of the hypothetical unseen components for CC Her and XZ Aql are found to be 2.69 M and 0.47 M, respectively. The third body of CC Her should be detectable not only spectroscopically but also photoelectrically, if it exists. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Lutz‐Kelker bias corrected absolute magnitude calibrations for the detached binary systems with main‐sequence components are presented. The absolute magnitudes of the calibrator stars were derived at intrinsic colours of Johnson‐Cousins and 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) photometric systems. As for the calibrator stars, 44 detached binaries were selected from the Hipparcos catalogue, which have relative observed parallax errors smaller than 15% (σπ ≤ 0.15). The calibration equations which provide the corrected absolute magnitude for optical and near‐infrared pass bands are valid for wide ranges of colours and absolute magnitudes: –0.18 < (BV)0 < 0.91, –1.6 < MV < 5.5 and –0.15 < (JH)0 < 0.50, –0.02 < (HKs)0 < 0.13, 0 < MJ < 4, respectively. The distances computed using the luminosity‐colours (LCs) relation with optical (BV) and near‐infrared (JHKs) observations were compared to the distances found from various other methods. The results show that new absolute magnitude calibrations of this study can be used as a convenient statistical tool to estimate the true distances of detached binaries out of Hipparcos' distance limit. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the three years following the discovery of PSR J2051−0827, we have observed a large number of eclipse traverses over a wide frequency range. These data show that the pulsar usually undergoes complete eclipse at frequencies below 1 GHz. At higher frequencies the pulsar is often detected throughout this low-frequency eclipse region with pulse times of arrival being significantly delayed relative to the best-fitting timing model. Variability in the magnitude of the delay is clearly seen and occurs on time-scales shorter than the orbital period. Simultaneous dual frequency observations highlight the difference in the eclipse behaviour for two widely separated frequencies. The low-frequency eclipses are accompanied by a significant decrease in pulsed flux density, while the flux density variations during higher frequency eclipses are not well defined. We consider a number of eclipse mechanisms and find that scattering and cyclotron absorption in the magnetosphere of the companion are consistent with the phenomena presented here.  相似文献   

We present the results of a systematic exploration of an alternative evolutionary scenario to form double neutron star (DNS) binaries, first proposed by Brown (1995) , which does not involve a neutron star passing through a common envelope. In this scenario, the initial binary components have very similar masses, and both components have left the main sequence before they evolve into contact; preferably the primary has already developed a CO core. We have performed population synthesis simulations to study the formation of DNS binaries via this channel and to predict the orbital properties and system velocities of such systems. We obtain a merger rate for DNSs in this channel in the range of 0.1–12 Myr−1. These rates are still subject to substantial uncertainties such as the modelling of the contact phase.  相似文献   

Parallaxes of W UMa stars in the Hipparcos catalogue have been analyzed. 31 W UMa stars, which have the most accurate parallaxes (σπ /π < 0.15) which are neither associated with a photometric tertiary nor with evidence of a visual companion, were selected for re‐calibrating the Period‐Luminosity‐Color (PLC) relation of W UMa stars. Using the Lutz‐Kelker (LK) bias corrected (most probable) parallaxes, periods (0.26 < P < 0.87, P in days), and colors (0.04 < (BV)0 < 1.28) of the 31 selected W UMa, the PLC relation have been revised and re‐calibrated. The difference between the old (revised but not bias corrected) and the new (LK bias corrected) relations are almost negligible in predicting the distances of W UMa stars up to about 100 pc. But, it increases and may become intolerable as distances of stars increase. Additionally, using (JH)0 and (HKs)0 colors from 2MASS (TwoMicron All Sky Survey) data, a PLC relation working with infrared data was derived. It can be used with infrared colors in the range –0.01 < (JH)0 < 0.58, and –0.10 < (HKs)0 < 0.18. Despite of the fact that the 2MASS data refer to single epoch observations which are not guaranteed to be taken at maximum brightness of theWUMa stars, the established relation has been found surprisingly consistent and reliable in predicting LK corrected distances of W UMa stars (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The chemical enrichment law Y ( Z ) is studied by using detached double-lined eclipsing binaries with accurate absolute dimensions and effective temperatures. A sample of 50 suitable systems was collected from the literature, and their effective temperatures were carefully re-determined. The chemical composition of each of the systems was obtained by comparison with stellar evolutionary models, under the assumption that they should fit an isochrone to the observed properties of the components. Evolutionary models covering a wide grid in Z and Y were adopted for our study. An algorithm was developed for searching the best-fitting chemical composition (and the age) for the systems, based on the minimization of a χ 2 function. The errors (and biases) of these parameters were estimated by means of Monte Carlo simulations, with special care put on the correlations existing between the errors of both components. In order to check the physical consistency of the results, we compared our metallicity values with empirical determinations, obtaining excellent coherence. The independently derived Z and Y values yielded a determination of the chemical enrichment law via weighted linear least-squares fit. Our value of the slope, Δ Y /Δ Z =2.2±0.8, is in good agreement with recent results, but it has a smaller formal error and it is free of systematic effects. Linear extrapolation of the enrichment law to zero metals leads to an estimation of the primordial helium abundance of Y p=0.225±0.013, possibly affected by systematics in the effective temperature determination.  相似文献   

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