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Early Eocene carbonate sediments of the Umlatdoh Limestone (Meghalaya, N-E India) represent a shallow marine shelf environment. The major biotic components characterizing these carbonates are calcareous green algae and small to larger benthic foraminifera. Based on the biogenic associations and general sedimentological features, five major facies types (MFTs) are distinguished. They are dominated by poor to moderately sorted grainstones followed by packstones, rudstones and wackestones. Considerable abundance of Halimeda, scarcity of z-corals and poor to moderate occurrence of filter-feeding organisms imply mesotrophic to a slightly oligotrophic nutrient regime. Rare occurrence of geniculate coralline algae is probably due to the lack of suitable substrate and environmental conditions. High incidence of grainstones and packstones, fairly preserved microfossils and few reworked specimens indicate a parautochthonous mode of deposition. Preponderance of Alveolina and Nummulites indicate the possible advent of larger foraminiferal turnover (LFT) in the east Tethys during or even before early Eocene. A conceptual palaeoenvironmental model for the studied succession is provided to showcase various facies gradients, bathymetry levels and shelf zones pertinent to the Umlatdoh Limestone.  相似文献   

林畅松  杨起 《现代地质》1991,5(3):252-262,T001
位于鄂尔多斯西缘的贺兰构造带为一中元古代一古生代的奥拉槽。在区内的中寒武和中奥陶统中识别了一套巨厚的深水重力流沉积,其中包括下斜坡滑塌泥石流复合体、浊积扇以及碳酸盐岩斜坡扇裙等沉积类型。主要的相单元包括充填沟道或进入扇面形成的泥石流钙质角砾岩和砾岩、充填辫状水道的多层叠置的砂岩和砂砾岩、上叠扇的砂、泥岩互层以及浊积砂屑或含砾砂屑灰岩等。在中奥陶世该奥拉槽发展成一深水一半深水海槽,沿盆地西侧发育有浊积扇,而东侧仅有碳酸盐岩滑塌扇裙。它们可能是沿深水盆地两侧深大断裂产生的陡坡或水下断崖分布的,代表了早古生代贺兰奥拉槽在强烈沉陷期特定的深水盆地充填。  相似文献   

The Nolichucky Formation (0–300 m thick) formed on the Cambrian pericratonic shelf in a shallow intrashelf basin bordered along strike and toward the regional shelf edge by shallow water carbonates and by nearshore clastics toward the craton. Lateral facies changes from shallow basinal rocks to peritidal carbonates suggest that the intrashelf basin was bordered by a gently sloping carbonate ramp. Peritidal facies of the regional shelf are cyclic, upward-shallowing stromatolitic carbonates. These grade toward the intrashelf basin into shallow ramp, cross-bedded, ooid and oncolitic, intraclast grain-stones that pass downslope into deeper ramp, subwave base, ribbon carbonates and thin limestone conglomerate. Ribbon limestones are layers and lenses of trilobite packstone, parallel and wave-ripple-laminated, quartzose calcisiltite, and lime mudstone arranged in storm-generated, fining upward sequences (1–5 cm thick) that may be burrowed. Shallow basin facies are storm generated, upward coarsening and upward fining sequences of green, calcareous shale with open marine biota; parallel to hummocky laminated calcareous siltstone; and intraformational flat pebble conglomerate. There are also rare debris-flow paraconglomerate (10–60 cm thick) and shaly packstone/wackestone with trace fossils, glauconite horizons and erosional surfaces/hardgrounds. A 15-m thick tongue of cyclic carbonates within the shale package contains subtidal digitate algal bioherms which developed during a period of shoaling in the basin. Understanding the Nolichucky facies within a ramp to intrashelf basin model provides a framework for understanding similar facies which are widely distributed in the Lower Palaeozoic elsewhere. The study demonstrates the widespread effects of storm processes on pericratonic shelf sedimentation. Finally, recognition of shallow basins located on pericratonic shelves is important because such basins influence the distribution of facies and reservoir rocks, whose trends may be unrelated to regional shelf-edge trends.  相似文献   

Syn-rift sediments in basins formed along the future southern continental margin of the Jurassic Tethys ocean, comprise, in the eastern Alps of Switzerland, up to 500 m thick carbonate turbidite sequences interbedded with bioturbated marls and limestones. In the fault-bounded troughs no submarine fans developed; in contrast, the fault scarps acted as a line source and the asymmetric geometry as well as the evolution of the basin determined the distribution of redeposited carbonates. The most abundant redeposits are bio- and lithoclastic grainstones and packstones, with sedimentary structures indicating a wide range of transport mechanisms from grain flow to high- and low-density turbidity currents. Huge chaotic megabreccias record catastrophic depositional events. Their main detrital components are Upper Triassic shallow-water carbonates and skeletal debris from nearby submarine highs. After an event of extensional tectonism, sedimentary prisms accumulated in the basins along the faults. Each prism is wedge-shaped with a horizontal upper boundary and consists of a thinning- and fining-upward megacycle. Within each megacycle six facies associations are distinguished. At the base of the fault scarp, an association of breccias was first deposited by submarine rockfall and rockfall avalanches. A narrow, approximately 4000 m wide depression along the fault was subsequently filled by the megabreccia association, in which huge megabreccias interfinger with thin-bedded turbidites and hemipelagic limestones. The thick-bedded turbidite association covered the megabreccias or formed, farther basinward, the base of the sedimentary column. Within the thick-bedded turbidites, thinning- and fining-upward cycles are common. The overlying thin-bedded turbidite association shows nearly no cyclicity and the monotonous sequence of fine-grained calciturbidites covers most of the basin area. With continuous filling and diminishing sediment supply, a basin-plain association developed comprising fine-grained and thin-bedded turbidites intercalated with bioturbated marls and limestones. On the gentle slopes opposite the fault escarpment, redeposited beds are scarce and marl/limestone alternations as well as weakly nodular limestones prevail.  相似文献   

The Late Proterozoic Conception Group, exposed on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada, is a 4 km thick turbidite succession containing a conformable 300 m thick sequence of diamictites (the Gaskiers Formation) near the base. Massive and crudely-stratified diamictites form beds up to 25 m thick which have a tabular geometry with slightly erosive basal contacts and are interbedded with mudstones and fine-grained, thin-bedded turbidites. These diamictites are interpreted as submarine debris flow deposits. Disrupted diamictites form strongly deformed units that contain large, complexly folded rafts of mudstone and turbidite facies. These diamictite units are interpreted as submarine slumps. Diamictites contain glacially-striated and faceted clasts; clasts and matrix are predominantly of volcanic provenance. One outcrop shows interbedded volcanic agglomerate and diamictite, and volcanic bombs can also be identified. The interbedding of diamictites with turbidites and the stratigraphic context provided by the thick sequences of turbidites below (Mall Bay Formation) and above (Drook Formation) indicate a deep marine slope setting of diamictite deposition. Diamictite facies record remobilization and downslope transfer of large volumes of unstable volcanic and glacial debris initially deposited in a shallower water marginal marine zone. The regional tectonic framework suggests the Conception Group accumulated in a deep, southward-opening ensialic rift basin with active but waning volcanic centres to the north. The Gaskiers Formation may be representative of other Late Precambrian glacially-influenced diamictite sequences that were deposited around the North Atlantic region and in Europe. These deep marine diamictite sequences characterized by debris flows, turbidites, and slump deposits, can be contrasted with more extensive shallow marine shelf diamictite sequences found in association with dolomites and tidally influenced shallow water facies in other basinal settings.  相似文献   

A thick sequence of late Dinantian (Asbian–Brigantian) carbonates crop out in the Buttevant area, North Co. Cork, Ireland. A mud-mound unit of early Asbian age (the Hazelwood Formation) is the oldest unit described in this work. This formation is partly laterally equivalent to, and is overlain by, over 500 m of bedded platform carbonates which belong to the Ballyclogh and Liscarroll Limestone Formations. Four new lithostratigraphic units are described within the platform carbonates: (i) the early Asbian Cecilstown Member and (ii) the late Asbian Dromdowney Member in the Ballyclogh Limestone Formation; (iii) the Brigantian Templemary Member and (iv) the Coolbane Member in the Liscarroll Limestone Formation. The Cecilstown Member consists of cherty packstones and wackestones that are inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase. This unit overlies and is laterally equivalent to the mud-mound build-up facies of the Hazelwood Formation. The Dromdowney Member is typified by cyclic-bedded kamaenid-rich limestones possessing shell bands, capped by palaeokarst surfaces, with alveolar textures below and shales above these surfaces. The carbonates of this unit were deposited at or just below fair-weather wavebase, the top of each cycle culminated in subaerial emergence. The Templemary Member consists of cyclic alternations of subtidal crinoidal limestones capped by subtidal lagoonal crinoid-poor, peloidal limestones possessing coral thickets. Intraclastic cherty packstones and wackestones characterize the Coolbane Member, which is inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase but above storm wavebase. The early Asbian Cecilstown Member has a relatively sparse micro- and macrofauna, typified by scattered Siphonodendron thickets, archaediscids at angulatus stage and common Vissariotaxis. Conversely, macro- and microfauna is abundant in the late Asbian Dromdowney Member. Typical late Asbian macrofossils include the coral Dibunophyllum bipartitum and the brachiopod Davidsonina septosa. The base of the late Asbian (Cf6γ Subzone) is recognized by the first appearance of the foraminifers Cribrostomum lecompteii, Koskinobigenerina and the alga Ungdarella. The Cf6γ Subzone can be subdivided into two biostratigraphic divisions, Cf6γ1 and Cf6γ2, that can be correlated throughout Ireland. Relatively common gigantoproductid brachiopods and the coral Lonsdaleia duplicata occur in the Brigantian units. The base of the Brigantian stage (Cf6δ Subzone) is marked by an increase in the abundance of stellate archaediscids, the presence of Saccamminopsis-rich horizons, Loeblichia paraammonoides, Howchinia bradyana and the rarity of Koninckopora species. Changes in facies at the Cecilstown/Dromdowney Member and the Ballyclogh/Liscarroll Formation boundaries coincide closely with the changes in fossil assemblages that correspond to the early/late Asbian and the Asbian/Brigantian boundaries. These facies changes are believed to reflect major changes in relative sea-level on the Irish platforms. The sea-level variations that are inferred to have caused the facies changes at lithostratigraphic boundaries also brought in the new taxa that define biostratigraphic boundaries. Moreover, many of the Dinantian stage boundaries that are defined biostratigraphically in Great Britain, Belgium and the Russian Platform also coincide with major facies boundaries caused by regressive and transgressive episodes. The integration of detailed biostratigraphic analyses with facies studies will lead to better stratigraphic correlations of Dinantian rocks in northwest Europe. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new stratigraphic nomenclature is proposed for the approximately 600 m thick, mainly clastic transitional sequence between the underlying Mempelam Limestone and overlying Kubang Pasu/Singa Formation in northwest Peninsular Malaysia. This sequence represents shallow marine deposits of the continental margin of the Sibumasu Terrane during the Middle Palaeozoic (Devonian–Carboniferous). It is separated into several formations. The Timah Tasoh Formation is an approximately 76 m sequence consisting of 40 m of laminated tentaculitid shales at the base, containing Monograptus yukonensis Jackson and Lenz and Nowakia (Turkestanella) acuaria Alberti, giving an Early Devonian (Pragian–Emsian) age, and about 36 m of rhythmically interbedded, light coloured argillo-arenites. The Chepor Formation is about 90 m thick and consists mainly of thick red mudstone interbedded with sandstone beds, of Middle to Late Devonian age. A new limestone unit is recognized and named the Sanai Limestone, which contains conodonts of Famennian age. The Binjal Formation consists of red and white mudstone interbedded with sandstone beds showing Bouma sequences. The Telaga Jatoh Formation is 9 m thick and consists mainly of radiolarian chert. The Wang Kelian Formation is composed of thick red mudstone beds interbedded with silty sandstone, and contain fossils indicative of an Early Carboniferous (Visean) age. The succession was deposited on the outer shelf, with depositional environments vertically fluctuating from prodelta to basinal marine. The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary is exposed at Hutan Aji and Kampung Guar Jentik, and indicates a major regressive event during the latest Devonian.  相似文献   

The Belt Supergroup is a thick, dominantly fine-grained sequence of Middle Proterozoic strata occurring in western Montana, northern Idaho, and parts of Washington state, Alberta, and British Columbia. The sequence in Glacier National Park is located along the northeastern part of present exposures of the Belt Supergroup; it is 2.9 km thick, extremely well exposed, and for the most part structurally simple. Although it was subjected to lowermost greenschist-facies metamorphism, primary sedimentary structures are exceptionally well preserved.Subtidal, intertidal, alluvial and possibly deltaic depositional environments appear to be represented in the Belt sequence in Glacier National Park. The lowermost unit, the Altyn Limestone, is not entirely exposed in the park. A partial section, 150 m thick, consists of impure dolostones deposited largely in shallow subtidal and intertidal settings. This carbonate unit is overlain by terrigenous strata of the Appekunny and Grinnell Argillites. The Appekunny Argillite is 700 m thick, consists largely of green-colored, fine-grained terrigenous material and appears to have been deposited predominantly in offshore and/or deltaic settings. The overlying Grinnell Argillite is 605 m thick and consists of red-colored terrigenous material deposited largely on an alluvial plain. The overlying Siyeh Limestone is 780 m thick and consists largely of impure dolostones and dolomitic limestones deposited in shallow subtidal and intertidal settings. Overlying the Siyeh Limestone is the 385 m thick Snowslip Formation, which consists of slightly dolomitic, predominantly fine-grained terrigenous strata deposited largely in intertidal settings. The overlying Shepard Formation is not exposed in its entirety in the central part of Glacier National Park. A 270 m thick section, which excludes the uppermost part of the formation, consists of impure dolostones and argillites, and appears to have been deposited in subtidal and intertidal settings.Stromatolites are abundant, diverse and well preserved in Glacier National Park, with mound-shaped forms and columnar forms of the group Baicalia occurring in the Altyn Limestone and Siyeh Limestone, and mound-shaped stromatolite-like structures occurring in the Snowslip and Shepard Formations. Particularly prominent is a 24–32 m thick stromatolite unit in the upper Siyeh Limestone, which contains Baicalia and Conophyton and appears to represent a prograding stromatolite reef, with Baicalia originating in a moderate-energy reef-front setting, and Conophyton originating in a lower energy back-reef setting. Individual units in these cycles can be correlated for 90 km. Many of the Conophyton in these cycles are inclined, probably as a result of gentle wave action, and the direction of inclination is relatively constant for 90 km, with the axes trending SW-SSW and plunging 30–60° SW.  相似文献   

中奥陶世克里摩里期,鄂尔多斯西部地区为镶边陆架的碳酸盐岩台地,自东向西依次发育开阔台地、台地边缘浅滩、台缘斜坡—斜坡脚、广海陆棚和深水海槽相带,从浅水区经由碎屑流搬运来的块状钙质角砾岩在台缘斜坡—斜坡脚相带集中堆积,形成厚度不等的透镜体夹于正常深水灰泥石灰岩和泥岩中。乌拉力克期发生较大规模构造运动,盆地东部整体抬升,西部边缘发生裂陷,沉积范围以同生正断层为界,随着海平面的上升沉积环境演变为相对闭塞的深水斜坡—盆地,沉积一套富含笔石的泥页岩地层,并不时有陆源克里摩里组垮塌的石灰岩沉积物被带入盆地,形成数量不等的多套角砾岩夹层。  相似文献   

The Mesozoic sediments of Thakkhola (central Nepal) were deposited on a broad eastern north Gondwanan passive margin at mid-latitudes (28–41 °S) facing the Southern Tethys ocean to the north. The facies is strikingly similar over a distance of several thousand kilometres from Ladakh in the west to Tibet and to the paleogeographically adjacent north-west Australian margin (Exmouth Plateau, ODP Legs 122/123) and Timor in the east. Late Paleozoic rifting led to the opening of the Neo-Tethys ocean in Early Triassic times. An almost uninterrupted about 2 km thick sequence of syn-rift sediments was deposited on a slowly subsiding shelf and slope from Early Triassic to late Valanginian times when break-up between Gondwana (north-west Australia) and Greater India formed the proto-Indian Ocean. The sedimentation is controlled by (1) global events (eustasy; climatic/oceanographic changes due to latitudinal drift; plate reorganization leading to rift-type block-faulting) and (2) local factors, such as varying fluvio-deltaic sediment input, especially during Permian and late Norian times. Sea level was extremely low in Permian, high in Carnian and low again during Rhaeto-Liassic times. Third-order sea-level cycles may have occurred in the Early Triassic and late Norian to Rhaeto-Liassic. During the Permian pure quartz sand and gravel were deposited as shallowing upward series of submarine channel or barrier island sands. The high compositional maturity is typical of a stable craton-type hinterland, uplifted during a major rifting episode. During the early Triassic a 20–30 m thick condensed sequence of nodular ‘ammonitico rosso’-type marlstone with a ‘pelagic’ fauna was deposited (Tamba Kurkur Formation). This indicates tectonic subsidence and sediment starvation during the transgression of the Neo-Tethys ocean. During Carnian times a 400 m thick sequence of fining upward, filament-rich wackestone/shale cycles was deposited in a bathyal environment (Mukut Formation). This is overlain by about 300 m of sandy shale and siltstone intercalated with quartz-rich bioclastic grain- to rudstone (Tarap Shale Formation, late Carnian-Norian). The upper Norian to (?lower) Rhaetian Quartzite Formation consists of (sub)arkosic sandstones and pure quartz arenites, indicating different sediment sources. The fluvio-deltaic sandstones are intercalated with silty shale, coal and bioclastic limestone, as well as mixed siliciclastic-bioclastic rocks. The depositional environment was marginal marine to shallow subtidal. The fluvio-deltaic influence decreased towards the overlying carbonates of Rhaeto-Liassic (?) age (Jomosom Formation correlative with the Kioto Limestone), when the region entered tropical paleolatitudes resulting in platform carbonates.  相似文献   

华北中元古代陆表海氧化还原条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文石海底沉淀是地球早期大气高CO2浓度、海洋贫氧条件下,CaCO3过饱和而直接沉淀于海底所形成的自生碳酸盐,可反映古海洋贫氧状态.对华北中元古界雾迷山组(ca 1.50~1.45 Ga)碳酸盐岩的研究发现:潮下带下部黑色纹层石由针状文石假晶等厚层与微生物席层交互堆叠而成;潮下带中部凝块石白云岩(A单元)主要由针状文石假...  相似文献   

The carbonatic sequence of the Calabozo Formation (Lower Callovian) developed in southwestern Gondwana, within the northern area of the Neuquén basin, and is widespread in thin isolated outcrops in southwestern Mendoza province, Argentina. This paper describes the facies, microfacies and geochemical-isotopic analysis carried out in five studied localities, which allowed to define the paleoenvironmental conditions of a homoclinal shallow ramp model, highly influenced by sea level fluctuations, where outer, mid and inner ramp subenvironments were identified. The outer ramp subenvironment was only recognized in the south of the depocenter and is characterized by proximal outer ramp facies with shale levels and interbedded mudstone and packstone layers. The mid ramp subenvironment is formed by low energy facies (wackestone) affected by storms (packstones, grainstones and floatstones). The inner ramp subenvironment is the most predominant and is characterized by tidal flat facies (wackestones, packstones and grainstones) over which a complex of shoals (grainstones and packstones) dissected by tidal channels (packstone, grainstones and floatstones) developed. In the north area, protected environment facies were recorded (bioturbated wackestones and packstones). The vertical distribution of facies indicates that the paleoenvironmental evolution of the Calabozo Formation results from a highstand stage in the depocenter, culminating in a supratidal environment, with stromatolitic levels interbedded with anhydrite originated under restricted water circulation conditions due to a progressive isolation of the basin. δ13C and δ18O values of the carbonates of the Calabozo Formation suggest an isotopic signature influenced by local palaeoenvironmental parameters and diagenetic overprints. The δ13C and δ18O oscillations between the carbonates of the different studied sections are related with lateral facies variations within the carbonate ramp accompanied with dissimilar reactivities in relation to diagenetic fluids. The δ18O values of all sections exhibit a rather broad scatter which may be attributed to diagenesis and recrystallisation while the carbon isotopic composition has been less affected by those processes. Carbon isotope system has best retained the primary isotopic signal and δ13C values (0–3.9‰) are within the Callovian isotope range. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the bulk carbonates of El Plomo creek, La Vaina creek and Potimalal River sections are in agreement with the Callovian seawater Sr-isotope curve.  相似文献   

神农架群(约1400—1000 Ma)发育于扬子克拉通北缘鄂西北地区,自下而上发育有下亚群(大岩坪组、马槽园组、乱石沟组、大窝坑组和矿石山组)、中亚群(台子组、野马河组、温水河组和石槽河组)及上亚群(送子园组和瓦岗溪组)。每亚群均由相对较深水相碎屑岩和浅水碳酸盐岩组成。一系列岩石组合特征、宏微观沉积组构和沉积构造等表明,神农架群发育环潮坪相藻碳酸盐岩、浅海相碎屑岩、台缘浅滩颗粒碳酸盐岩和台缘斜坡砾屑碳酸盐岩等4类沉积组合,形成于远端变陡型缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地背景。环潮坪沉积分布最广,遍布于所有碳酸盐岩地层,不同类型叠层石发育,构成向上变浅沉积序列;进积作用强烈,干裂构造、蒸发岩等常见;沉积相带由浅潮下、潮坪及潮上带组成。浅海碎屑岩沉积组合主要见于台子组及大岩坪组,由砂岩、粉砂岩与泥岩组成,石英砂岩分选和磨圆较好,自生海绿石常见,平行层理、水平—波状层理发育,泥岩中自生黄铁矿发育,总体经历了滨岸浅滩—浅海陆棚—碎屑潮坪—局限台地等的高频变化。台缘浅滩颗粒碳酸盐岩以鲕粒白云岩、砾屑白云岩(及内碎屑白云岩)和斜歪锥、柱状叠层石为特征,主要见于乱石沟组、野马河组;大窝坑组及石槽河组以鲕粒和砂—砾屑白云岩及藻碎屑(团块或凝块石)为特征;大中型板状交错层理、递变—平行层理和冲刷—侵蚀构造普遍,表明浅潮下带强水动力条件环境。台缘斜坡砾屑碳酸盐岩发育在大岩坪组中上部及马槽园组,由滑塌堆积的透镜状、巨厚层状巨—粗—细砾岩和砂岩组成,砾岩成分以白云岩等为主,可见大型交错层理、波痕和侵蚀—冲刷等沉积构造。对神农架群沉积序列、沉积特征及沉积演化过程的研究,为扬子克拉通中元古代晚期的盆地演化与重建、沉积充填过程及地层—沉积对比研究提供了基础资料及依据。  相似文献   

Analysis of a 275 m‐thick section in the Milford Borehole, GSI‐91‐25, from County Carlow, Ireland, has revealed an unusual sequence of shallow subtidal, peritidal and sabkha facies in rocks of mid?‐late Chadian to late Holkerian (Viséan, Lower Carboniferous) age. Sedimentation occurred on an inner ramp setting, adjacent to the Leinster Massif. The lower part of the sequence (late Chadian age) above the basal subtidal bioclastic unit is dominated by oolite sand facies associations. These include a lower regressive dolomitized, oolitic peloidal mobile shoal, and an upper, probably transgressive, backshoal oolite sand. A 68 m‐thick, well‐developed peritidal sequence is present between the oolitic intervals. These rocks consist of alternating stromatolitic fenestral mudstone, dolomite and organic shale, with evaporite pseudomorphs and subaerial exposure horizons containing pedogenic features. In the succeeding Arundian–Holkerian strata, transgressive–regressive carbonate units are recognized. These comprise high‐energy, backshoal subtidal cycles of argillaceous skeletal packstones, bioclastic grainstones with minor oolites and algal wackestones to grainstones and infrequent algal stromatolite horizons. The study recognizes for the first time the peritidal and sabkha deposits in Chadian rocks adjacent to the Leinster Massif in the eastern Irish Midlands. These strata appear to be coeval with similar evaporite‐bearing rocks in County Wexford that are developed on the southern margin of this landmass, and similar depositional facies exist further to the east in the South Wales Platform, south of St. George's Land, and in Belgium, south of the Brabant Massif. The presence of evaporites in the peritidal facies suggests that dense brines may have formed adjacent to the Leinster Massif. These fluids may have been involved in regional dolomitization of Chadian and possibly underlying Courceyan strata. They may also have been a source of high salinity fluids associated with nearby base‐metal sulphide deposits. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2006,9(4):511-528
The Maggol Limestone of Ordovician age was deposited in the Taebaeksan (Taebacksan) Basin which occupies the northeastern flank of the Okcheon (Ogcheon) Belt of South Korea. Carbonate facies analysis in conjunction with conodont biostratigraphy suggests that an overall regression toward the top of the Maggol Limestone probably culminated in subaerial exposure of platform carbonates in the early Middle Ordovician (earliest Darriwilian). Elsewhere this subaerial exposure event is manifested as a major paleokarst unconformity at the Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary beneath the Middle Ordovician succession and its equivalents, most in notably North America and North China. Due to its global extent, this paleokarst unconformity has been viewed as a product of second- or third-order eustatic sea level fall during the early Middle Ordovician. The Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary in South Korea, however, appears to be a discrete marine-flooding surface in the upper Maggol Limestone. Strata beneath this surface represent by a thinning-upward stack of exposure-capped tidal flat-dominated cycles that are closely associated with multiple occurrences of paleokarst-related solution-collapse breccias. This marine-flooding surface is onlapped by a thick succession of thin-bedded micritic limestone that is eventually overlain by a Middle Ordovician condensed section. This physical stratigraphic relationship suggest that second- and third-order eustatic sea level fall may have been significantly tempered by regional tectonic subsidence near the end of Maggol deposition. The tectonic subsidence is also evidenced by the occurrence of coeval off-platform lowstand siliciclastic quartzite lenses as well as debris flow carbonate breccias (i.e., the Yemi Breccia) in the basin. With continued tectonic subsidence, a subsequent rise in the eustatic cycle caused drowning and deep flooding of the carbonate platform, forming a discrete marine-flooding surface that may be referred to as a drowning unconformity. This tectonic interpretation contrasts notably with the slowly subsiding carbonate platform model for the basin as has been previously suggested. Thus, it is proposed that the Taebaeksan Basin in the northeastern flank on the Okcheon Belt evolved from a slowly subsiding carbonate platform to a rapidly subsiding intracontinental rift basin during the early Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Campbell Group carbonates were deposited in a basin transgressing from southwest to the east and to northeast. At the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal craton, in Griqualand West, mainly tidal flat carbonates and shallow marine deposits are found to be followed by subtidal carbonates marking the slow transgression. North of the Griquatown Fault, where the center of the Griqualand West sub-basin developed, continuous subsidence matched by stromatolitic carbonate growth, led to accumulation of the thickest carbonate pile (> 2000 m). There, the largest limestone deposits of South Africa are located. The deposit at Lime Acres and mining operations of the PPC Lime Ltd. are described and discussed in respect to diagenetic processes that permitted limestone preservation.  相似文献   

Due to difficulties in correlating aeolian deposits with coeval marine facies, sequence stratigraphic interpretations for arid coastal successions are debated and lack a unifying model. The Pennsylvanian record of northern Wyoming, USA, consisting of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sequences deposited in arid, subtropical conditions, provides an ideal opportunity to study linkages between such environments. Detailed facies models and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were developed for the Ranchester Limestone Member (Amsden Formation) and Tensleep Formation by integrating data from 16 measured sections across the eastern side of the Bighorn Basin with new conodont biostratigraphic data. The basal Ranchester Limestone Member consists of dolomite interbedded with thin shale layers, interpreted to represent alternating deposition in shallow marine (fossiliferous dolomite) and supratidal (cherty dolomite) settings, interspersed with periods of exposure (pedogenically modified dolomites and shales). The upper Ranchester Limestone Member consists of purple shales, siltstones, dolomicrites and bimodally cross‐bedded sandstones in the northern part of the basin, interpreted as deposits of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate tidal flats. The Tensleep Formation is characterized by thick (3 to 15 m) aeolian sandstones interbedded with peritidal heteroliths and marine dolomites, indicating cycles of erg accumulation, preservation and flooding. Marine carbonates are unconformably overlain by peritidal deposits and/or aeolian sandstones interpreted as lowstand systems tract deposits. Marine transgression was often accompanied by the generation of sharp supersurfaces. Lags and peritidal heteroliths were deposited during early stages of transgression. Late transgressive systems tract fossiliferous carbonates overlie supersurfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are lacking, either due to non‐deposition or post‐depositional erosion. The magnitude of inferred relative sea‐level fluctuations (>19 m), estimated by comparison with analogous modern settings, is similar to estimates from coeval palaeotropical records. This study demonstrates that sequence stratigraphic terminology can be extended to coastal ergs interacting with marine environments, and offers insights into the dynamics of subtropical environments.  相似文献   

Well‐exposed Mesozoic sections of the Bahama‐like Adriatic Platform along the Dalmatian coast (southern Croatia) reveal the detailed stacking patterns of cyclic facies within the rapidly subsiding Late Jurassic (Tithonian) shallow platform‐interior (over 750 m thick, ca 5–6 Myr duration). Facies within parasequences include dasyclad‐oncoid mudstone‐wackestone‐floatstone and skeletal‐peloid wackestone‐packstone (shallow lagoon), intraclast‐peloid packstone and grainstone (shoal), radial‐ooid grainstone (hypersaline shallow subtidal/intertidal shoals and ponds), lime mudstone (restricted lagoon), fenestral carbonates and microbial laminites (tidal flat). Parasequences in the overall transgressive Lower Tithonian sections are 1–4·5 m thick, and dominated by subtidal facies, some of which are capped by very shallow‐water grainstone‐packstone or restricted lime mudstone; laminated tidal caps become common only towards the interior of the platform. Parasequences in the regressive Upper Tithonian are dominated by peritidal facies with distinctive basal oolite units and well‐developed laminate caps. Maximum water depths of facies within parasequences (estimated from stratigraphic distance of the facies to the base of the tidal flat units capping parasequences) were generally <4 m, and facies show strongly overlapping depth ranges suggesting facies mosaics. Parasequences were formed by precessional (20 kyr) orbital forcing and form parasequence sets of 100 and 400 kyr eccentricity bundles. Parasequences are arranged in third‐order sequences that lack significant bounding disconformities, and are evident on accommodation (Fischer) plots of cumulative departure from average cycle thickness plotted against cycle number or stratigraphic position. Modelling suggests that precessional sea‐level changes were small (several metres) as were eccentricity sea‐level changes (or precessional sea‐level changes modulated by eccentricity), supporting a global, hot greenhouse climate for the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) within the overall ‘cool’ mode of the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

陕西富平中-上奥陶统深水碳酸盐重力流沉积模式   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
陕西富平地区,在中-晚奥陶世位于华北地台南侧的弧后盆地的大陆边缘。其中完好地保存了一套以半远洋的泥晶灰岩夹重力流的角砾灰岩和砂屑灰岩为特征的深水沉积岩系。一般认为,与半远洋的石灰岩共生的碳酸盐重力流沉积的复杂岩相,是大陆坡的标志,而相应的陆源碎屑沉积,则被作为海底扇的产物。然而,富平地区的碳酸盐重力流沉积,却是在弧后盆地伸进浅水台地之间的深海前槽中,沿海槽轴向呈席状流搬运、沉积的。  相似文献   

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