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E.A. Olowolafe 《GeoJournal》2002,56(3):201-212
On the Jos Plateau, soils derived from basalt and volcanic ash are much more intensively and extensively utilized for agricultural purposes than the granite soils. This study was carried out to determine the differences that may have contributed to this discrimination. Twenty four soil profiles were dug and described in two separate catchment areas that really portray the variance. Soil samples were analysed using standard procedures. The results show that basalt and volcanic ash-derived soils have relatively deeper profiles, lower bulk density, higher contents of clay, organic matter, exchangeable bases, micro-nutrients (Cu & Zn) and weatherable minerals. They are also higher in their CEC and base saturation percentage while available water capacity, hydraulic conductivity and natural water content are more adequate in them. Hence, the basalt and volcanic ash soils are more favourable for crop growth while the deficiencies in granite soils present more constraints to agricultural land use. Consequently, there are differences between the soil types in their crop-yielding capacities. These differences constitute a reflection of soil parent material influence. Agriculture in the area is mainly low-input. There is the need for improved management practices for the enhancement of soil conditions of granite areas in particular and the whole area in general. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The major sources of cassiterite in Nigeria are the alluvial and eluvial deposits from the biotite granites within the Jurassic alkaline ring complex (the Younger Granites) of the Jos Plateau. Less than 5% of the total production has been recovered from pegmatites within the largely Precambrian basement complex consisting of migmatites, gneisses, the Pan-African (Older) Granites and pegmatites, but with the rapidly depleting reserves of the former source new reserves have to be found.This study presents the first report on an important new source of cassiterite in basement-complex gneisses, migmatites, pegmatites and aplites in the Gurum area near Jos. The cassiterite, which has been economically concentrated by the leaching and weathering of these rocks, is generally finer grained and darker than the alluvial cassiterite derived from the Jurassic biotite granites. This new find has important petrogenetic and economic implications, suggesting that the basement complex could be a suitable parent rock for the Younger Granites and a significant potential source of cassiterite in Nigeria.  相似文献   

A ferricrete-capped lateritic profile developed on basaltic saprolite is described.

Within both ferricrete and the immediately underlying soft laterite, two types of sesquioxidic cement are distinguished: the isopachous goethitic intergranular cement which is predominant and is interpreted as an indication of past phreatic conditions; and the Fe-stained meniscus cement which is interpreted as a sign of vadose conditions.

The observed features are suggested to reflect changing drainage conditions related to morphological rejuvenation of the profile, in full accordance with previous hypotheses developed on the basis of geomorphological consideration.  相似文献   

In Nigeria, increasing evidence indicates a deteriorating man-land relationship. Negative changes in landscape quality, lowering both the productivity and aesthetic quality of the natural environment, may have serious effects on the nation's economy. In rural areas, declining soil fertility and soil erosion threaten the ability to produce sufficient food. In urban areas, competition for productive agricultural land has led to its conversion to urban uses. Earth materials required for urban development have been obtained by widespread landscape destruction. Expansion of urban areas into sensitive valley, marsh, and lagoon environments has led to an increased frequency of urban floods and flood damage. A developing conservation ethic must be accompanied by a practicable framework for land use control.  相似文献   

Land use and its effects on water quality using the BASINS model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differences in land use have been shown to affect water quality. This is important because water is used for human consumption. High levels of nitrate, phosphate and sediments can have a negative impact on a person’s health. The objective of this research is to determine if best management practices (BMPs) would affect the water quality and lower the associated agrochemicals that come with an agriculturally predominant watershed. Best management practices would decrease nutrient and sediment loads when compared to a watershed’s baseline status. Filter stripping was implemented and nitrate, phosphate and sediment were modeled using the Environmental Protection Agency modeling tool, Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Non-point Source pollution, to determine if BMPs were efficient in reducing current total maximum daily loads (TMDL) below Sassafras River Association TMDLs. The BMP that was most efficient at removing nitrate, phosphate and sediment was compared to a baseline run and compared between drought, average and wettest year conditions to determine if rainfall was driving the nutrient and sediment concentration. It was concluded that the BMP implementation decreased the amount of nutrients and sediments transported throughout the watershed’s waterways.  相似文献   

Photogeological, geoelectrical, and drill-hole data were used to determine the hydrogeological conditions of the regolith layer mantling the Precambrian rocks in the northern Obudu plateau of southern Nigeria. The regolith thickness is 3.8–89.5 m (mean 38 m). Water for domestic purposes is extracted by dug wells <15 m deep and shallow boreholes <50 m. The mean value for permeability of the saturated regolith is 7.5×10–1 m/d and for transmissivity, 3.8×10–1 m2/d. The regolith wells have a high specific capacity, 40–270 m3/d/m and a high yield, 700–4,050 m3/d. Using statistical analysis, well yields and specific capacities can be estimated if the saturated thickness and apparent resistivity of regolith layers are known from drill-hole data and vertical electrical sounding. Chemical data show that the major groundwater types are calcium-bicarbonate (Ca-HCO3) and sodium+potassium bicarbonate [(Na+K)-HCO3] and the water quality meets national and international standards for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. However, for future proper management of water resources in the area, care should be taken, that waste-disposal sites for both solid and human waste should not be located near waste sources.
Resumen Se utilizaron datos fotogeológicos, geoeléctricas y de barrenación para determinar las condiciones hidrogeológicas de la capa de regolito que cubre rocas precámbricas en la meseta obudu septentrional del sur de Nigeria. El regolito tiene un espesor de 3.8–89.5 m (promedio38m). El agua para uso doméstico se extrae medio de pozos excavados hasta profundidades de 15 metros y por barrenos no muy profundos de 50 metros. La permeabilidad promedio del regolito saturado es 7.5×10–1 m/d, con transmisibilidad de 3.8×10–1 m2/d. Los pozos dentro del regolito tienen alta capacidad específica de 40–270 mm2/d/m y un alto rendimiento de 700–4,050 mm3/d. Se puede estimar el rendimiento de los pozos y capacidades específicas usando análisis estadístico si el espesor saturado y la resistividad aparente de las capas de regolito se conocen a partir de los datos de barrenación y sondeo geoeléctrico. Los datos químicos muestran que los tipos de aguas subterráneas son principalmente de bicarbonato de calcio (Ca-HCO3) y bicarbonato de sodio y potasio [(Na+K)-HCO3] y el agua cumple las estándares de calidad nacional y internacional para agua potable y para uso doméstico y agrícola. Sin embargo para el futuro manejo apropriado del recurso de agua en el área es importante que se tenga cuidado de que los sitios de desechos de basura solida y humana no sean ubicados cerca de los fuentes de agua.

Résumé Des données photogéologiques, géoélectriques et de forage ont été utilisées afin de déterminer les conditions hydrogéologiques de laquifère régolithique qui recouvre les roches précambriennes dans le plateau nord dObudu au sud du Nigeria. Lépaisseur de régolithe varie entre 3.8 et 89.5 m avec une moyenne de 38 m. Leau destinée aux usages domestiques est extraite de puits de surface (< 15 m de profondeur) et de puits artésiens (< 50 m). La valeur moyenne de perméabilité du régolithe saturé est de 7.5×10–1 m/j et la transmissivité moyenne de 3.8×10–1 m2/j. Les puits qui exploitent laquifère de régolithe ont une capacité spécifique variant entre 40 et 270 m2/j/m et un rendement élevé de 700 à 4 500 m3/j. Avec laide dune analyse statistique, le rendement et la capacité spécifique des puits peuvent être estimés si lépaisseur saturée et la résistivité apparente des couches de régolithe sont déterminées avec des forages et des relevés électriques verticaux. Des données sur la composition chimique de leau montrent que les types deau majeurs sont bicarbonaté-calcique et bicarbonaté sodique + potassique et que la qualité de leau rencontre les standards nationaux et internationaux pour leau potable, lutilisation domestique et à fins dagriculture. Malgré tout, dans loptique dune gestion appropriée des ressources en eau dans la région, une attention particulière doit être portée aux sites denfouissement des déchets solides et humains qui ne devraient pas être localisés près des sources deau.

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(2):119-131
Only small, low grade occurrences of bauxite are known in Nigeria, associated with ferricretes on the Jos Plateau. Widespread bauxite has been discovered on the Mambilla Plateau. Laterite is developed on gneisses and basalt, while on trachytic parent rocks low-silica bauxite occurs with a thickness of more than 5 m and covering an area of at least 1 km2. This bauxite consists of gibbsite and goethite.In contrast to the ferricretes of the Jos Plateau, weathering on the Mambilla Plateau led to the formation of stone line profiles. Ferricretes were developed on the Upper Jurassic Gondwana surface under contrasting climate and are preserved as relicts in the southern part of the Mambilla Plateau where weathered Precambrian basement occurs in a highly uplifted position. Dismantling of these ferricretes is attributed to a gradual change of paleoclimate towards more humid conditions. After the extrusion of volcanic rocks in the northern part of the plateau, presumably during Lower to Mid Miocene, these volcanics underwent intense chemical weathering. Bauxite and laterite formed depending on the type of parent rock. Weathering profiles are mostly truncated and overlain by reworked material. Allochthonous components occur both within and also below the stone-line. This is shown by mineralogical indicators such as ilmenite or quartz and by a shift in the Zr/Ti-ratio. Similar profiles are missing further north on the Jos plateau, where ferricretes formed instead. This is attributed to regional differences in paleoclimatic conditions which were more humid at Mambilla while Jos was under the influence of dryer conditions.The widespread formation of laterite on different parent rocks on the Mambilla Plateau could be related to a global Mid-Miocene climatic optimum, which led to a general intensification of chemical weathering processes.  相似文献   

Flaring of associated gas from oil exploitation has several consequences on the environment. This study explores the spatial variability effects of gas flaring on the growth and development of cassava (Manihot esculenta), waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), and pepper (Piper spp.) crops commonly cultivated in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Data was collected on soil and atmospheric temperature and moisture at a 20-m interval, starting at 40 m from the flare point to a distance of 140 m. Lengths and widths of crop leaves, height of crop plants and cassava yields were measured at the specified distances. The amino acid, ascorbic acid, starch, and sugar constituents of the cassava yields were determined. The results suggest that a spatial gradient exists in the effects of gas flares on crop development. Retardation in crop development manifests in decreased dimensions of leaf lengths and widths of cassava and pepper crops closer to the gas flare point. Statistical analysis also confirms that cassava yields are higher at locations further away from the flare point. In addition, the amount of starch and ascorbic acid in cassava decreased when the plant is grown closer to the gas flare. High temperatures around the gas flare appear to be the most likely cause of this retardation. The waterleaf crop, on the other hand, appears to thrive better around the gas flare point.  相似文献   

This paper identified 37 mining sites in ten gold mining communities of Ijesaland, Nigeria; examined the forms, levels and extent of land degradation resulted from mining activities; analyzed spatial pattern of land use and finally assessed the effects of mining on livelihood of the people. The study utilized global positioning system receiver to obtain geographic coordinates of mining sites. The forms of land degradation were captured through field observations and photographs while the levels and extent of the degraded lands were measured with measuring tape and the values were determined using mathematical formula for calculating area of a circle. Landsat datasets were used to analyze spatial pattern of land use and the effects of mining activities were examined through questionnaire administration on two hundred heads of household who were randomly selected. Focus group discussions (FGD) were organized among adult men and women to complement information obtained from questionnaire survey. The study discovered 354 mining pits as major form of land degradation, which ranges in sizes and depths. The average depth of mining pits was 3.4 m while an estimate of 25.8 ha. of land was degraded in the entire mining sites. There was a consensus among FGD participants and respondents of questionnaire survey that mining activities introduced adverse effects into their communities and attracted socio-economic benefits at the same time. The results of this study underscore the need for close monitoring of mining operations to reduce the negative impact of mining activities on the environment.  相似文献   

Bauxite exploration involves routine analysis of a large number of samples for a wide range of elements. In Nigeria, though geological field exploration for bauxite started almost three decades ago very little has been achieved, mainly due to the non-availability of facilities for evaluating the dozens of suspected bauxite deposits scattered around the country. In this regard, a procedure for the rapid, accurate and precise measurement of a number of important elements in bauxite has been developed based on the newly acquired radioisotope based EDXRF spectrometer. Elements and oxides analyzed are Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, K2O, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb and Pb. The richest bauxite sample has concentrations of 48.08, 18.90, 1.26, 7.71 and 1.93 wt% for Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, and K2O, respectively. The other values in ppm are Mn (3 0 2), Co (5 3 2), Cu (45), Zn (51), Ga (41), Rb (32), Sr (2 2 2), Y (32), Zr (8 4 9), Nb (89) and Pb (72). The measurement errors in terms of accuracy and precision are less than 5% and 10% and 5% and 15% for major and trace elements, respectively. Statistical correlation analysis carried out on the results shows the most significant relationships to be the negative correlations of alumina with silica, iron oxide and titanium. This is believed to be related to the processes of formation of bauxite, with the Si and Fe–Ti being removed as Al was being enriched.  相似文献   

The rare-earth element (REE) concentrations of representative granite samples from the southeast of the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria, were analyzed with an attempt to determine the signatures of their source, evolutionary history and tectonic setting. Results indicated that the granites have high absolute REE concentrations (190×10^-6-1191×10^-6; av.=549×10^-6) with the chondrite-normalized REE patterns characterized by steep negative slopes and prominent to slight or no negative Eu anomalies. All the samples are also characterized by high and variable concentrations of the LREE (151×10^-6-1169×10^-6; av.= 466×10^-6), while the HREE show low abundance (4×10^-6-107×10^-6; av.=28×10^-6). These are consistent with the variable levels of REE fractionation, and differentiation of the granites. This is further supported by the range of REE contents, the chondrite-normalized patterns and the ratios of LaN/YbN (2.30-343.37), CeN/YbN (5.94-716.87), LaN/SmN (3.14-11.68) and TbN/YbN (0.58-1.65). The general parallelism of the REE patterns, suggest that all the granites were comagmatic in origin, while the high Eu/Eu* ratios (0.085-2.807; av.=0.9398) indicate high fo2 at the source. Similarly, irregular variations in LaN/YbN, CeN/YbN and Eu/Eu* ratios and REE abundances among the samples suggest behaviors that are related to mantle and crustal sources.  相似文献   

Twelve samples of Nigerian laterites were obtained from Ilorin, a rapidly growing urban center, and capital of Kwara State, Nigeria. Three varieties of laterites (clay, gravel and crust) were identified and subjected to mineralogical, chemical and geotechnical analyses which included: identification of clay and non-clay minerals by X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques; chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis; pH of soil in water; moisture contents and specific gravity determinations, grain size analysis; compaction test by Harvard Compaction Apparatus and unconfined compressive strength determination.The laterite soil samples are composed of kaolinite and illite clay minerals with some quartz and feldspar. They were found to be rich in SiO2 (45%) Fe2O3, (16%) and Al203 (10%).These soils yielded maximum strength when compacted on the dry side of their optimum moisture content (OMC).The soils are not expected to perform very well as concrete aggregates since they contain high amounts of SiO2 and Fe2O3. These oxides are known to have deleterious effects on construction materials, particularly concrete aggregates.  相似文献   

黄土高原北部风沙区土地沙漠化问题及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文所研究的黄土高原北部风沙区生态环境脆弱,加上长期以来人类不合理地利用资源,土地沙漠化问题日益严重。沙漠化土地已经以不同的等级类型不连续地散布在整个黄土高原的北部边缘,并有进一步由北向南推进的趋势。其中地表沙性物质基础和干旱多风的动力条件是其发生发展的基本条件,起决定作用;人为因素是外在条件,加速沙漠化的发展。黄土高原北部土地沙漠化的危害,在本区域的表现十分突出。不仅对当地经济的发展和人民生活有严重影响,更为严重的是该地区土地沙漠化的现状、形成及扩展,会使黄河流域土地沙漠化进一步向南推进,对整个黄土高原甚至我国整个北方地区的自然环境都有直接影响。黄土高原北部边缘土地沙漠化问题,不仅是当地经济振兴的严重障碍,而且威胁着整个黄土高原地区资源的开发与利用。因此,如何及时采取有效措施遏制其土地沙漠化势头就成为了一个迫在眉睫,并急需解决的问题。本文在搜集大量原始资料的基础上,对该区土地沙漠化的现状进行了总结,探讨了形成机理,并进一步分析了沙漠化的危害,最后提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

使用位于青藏高原东部若尔盖站的观测数据驱动CLM3.5模式,设计一组去除模式中冻融过程的"退化试验",进行为期一年的模拟研究。通过对比原试验与敏感性试验模拟结果,初步分析冻融过程在土壤温度变化、各能量通量分配中的作用,得到以下结论:(1)冻融过程是土壤温度变化的"缓冲器",冻结过程向周围环境释放能量减缓了土壤降温的速率,使土壤温度不至降得太低,而消融过程从周围环境吸收能量减缓了土壤升温的速率,使土壤温度不至升高太多;(2)冻融过程改变了地表辐射通量,土壤冻结改变了地表反照率,改变了向上短波辐射,且由于冻结过程减缓了地表温度的下降,改变了地表向上长波辐射,进而改变了净辐射通量;(3)冻融过程显著地改变了陆面能量的分配,通过相变能量的释放和吸收增大了地气间能量的传输,显著地增大了地表土壤热通量,且通过改变地表温度和地表蒸发,改变了感热及潜热通量。在冻结过程及完全冻结阶段,感热及潜热通量均增大,但在消融过程阶段,感热及潜热通量均减小。冻融过程对土壤热通量及感热通量的影响在冻结过程及完全冻结阶段更为显著,而对潜热的影响则是在消融过程阶段更为显著。  相似文献   

Rock samples representing various igneous and metamorphic rocks of southern Obudu Plateau were analyzed for rare-earth element ( REE ) behavior by ICP-MS. Results of the analyses indicate a range of REE abundances and distinctive patterns from highly fraetionated patterns with negative Eu anomalies in granitic rocks to relatively low abundances and less REE fractionated flat patterns with little Eu anomaly in some paragneisses, schists, enderbites and dolerites to unfractionated patterns with positive Eu anomalies in some paragneisses and charnockites. Over all, there are low to high ∑ REE contents with negative to positive Eu anomalies. The ratios of different parameters, especially La/Yb and Ce/Yb, show behaviors consistent with crustal to mantle derivation. The heterogeneity of REE abundances and REE patterns reflects mantle to crustal petrogenetic variations of different rock suites on the Plateau. The LREE content is higher than the HREE content in the highly differentiated rocks, as evidenced by their La/Yb,Ce/Yb and La/Sm ratios, which are normally higher in residual products than in primary melts. The dominantly intermediate nature of the source rock of the orthogneisses is suggested by the generally low ∑ REE. The granites enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE and some of the charnockites with negative Eu anomalies were probably formed by partial melting and crystallization.  相似文献   

The trace elements characteristics of the migmatitic gneisses (biotite-garnetand hornblende-biotite), granulite facies rocks (charnockitic gneisses) and meta-peridotite in the area of Southwest Obudu Plateau indicate that the area exhibits a high degree of geochemical variability. Compatible trace elements (Ni and Cr) are comparatively high in the granulite facies rocks and meta-peridotite. Ni ranges from 28×10-6 to 266×10-6 whilst Cr ranges from 62×10-6 to 481×10-6 for the granulite facies rocks (charnocki...  相似文献   

Zhang  Zeyu  Chai  Junrui  Li  Zhanbin  Xu  Zengguang  Yuan  Shuilong 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):1401-1419

Check dam systems are extensively utilized on the Loess Plateau. However, the development of the check dam system is restrained due to the failure hazard. To investigate the failure process of the check dam system and the corresponding effect, a hydrodynamic simulation was conducted in this study based on the failure of a typical check dam system, which occurred on 15 July 2012. The simulation was regarded as satisfactory based on verification with observed data of the peak discharge at the outlet of the catchment (NSE?=?0.61, R2?=?0.83), breaches of damaged check dams (relative error?<?20%) and maximum water depths in the front of 2 check dams (relative error of ? 13.4% and?+?4%). The simulation results indicated that the series failure in the tributary ditch did not cause the stack of peak discharges, and the peak flood discharge at the outlet of the catchment in this failure increased 20% compared to the status without dam-break and decreased 87% compared to the status without check dam.


To improve the ecological environment in China, the Chinese government implemented a country-wide ecological protection and reforestation project (namely the “Grain for Green Project”) in 1999 to return cultivated land with slopes of 25° or more to perennial vegetation. Vegetation restoration reduces soil erosion mainly by changing the soil physical properties. Different vegetation restoration methods might produce different impacts on soil physical properties. In this study, two vegetation restoration methods (i.e., natural restoration and artificial restoration) were compared on abandoned farmland in the typically hilly and gullied areas of the Loess Plateau of Northwest China. In the natural restoration method, the farmland was abandoned to natural vegetation succession without irrigation, fertilization or other artificial disturbances. In the artificial restoration method, the farmland was planted with black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and watered and cultivated for the first two years. Three soil physical properties (i.e., soil moisture, bulk density and aggregation) were investigated under the two vegetation restoration methods. The results showed that the soil moisture and soil bulk density were higher under artificial restoration than under natural restoration within the first three years of vegetation restoration. By the fourth year, the soil moisture and soil bulk density were higher under natural restoration than under artificial restoration. For the stability of soil aggregates?>?0.25 mm, the soil aggregates in the 0-20 cm soil layer were more stable under artificial restoration than under natural restoration, while the results were the opposite for the 40-60 cm soil layer. Overall, the soil physical properties were continuously improved during the restoration of vegetation on abandoned farmland. In choosing between vegetation restoration methods, natural restoration is preferable to artificial restoration, but artificial intervention is needed during the first three years.  相似文献   

青藏高原海拔要素对温度、降水和气候型分布格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张宇欣  李育  朱耿睿 《冰川冻土》2019,41(3):505-515
青藏高原平均海拔4 000~5 000 m,由于特殊的地理条件,生态环境较为脆弱,对气候变化非常敏感,并对周围乃至全球的气候产生重要影响。使用1961-2010年青藏高原温度、降水0.5°×0.5°格点数据,以及由GTOPO30数据(分辨率为0.05°×0.05°)经过重采样生成的陆地0.5°×0.5°的数字高程模型DEM,分析了青藏高原温度、降水受海拔要素的影响,并通过青藏高原区域79个气象站的数据进行验证,进而使用柯本气候分类和中国自然地理区划两种方法对青藏高原气候进行划分,探讨青藏高原各分区海拔要素对温度、降水的影响差异以及出现差异的原因。研究表明:青藏高原及其各分区的气温垂直递减率不同,是由于地形起伏不同造成的青藏高原热源效用不同;降水与海拔的关系不同,是由于各区域受控于不同的气候系统,造成干湿度的不同,因而最大降水高度带不同。  相似文献   

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