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The credibility of volunteered geographic information   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The proliferation of information sources as a result of networked computers and other interconnected devices has prompted significant changes in the amount, availability, and nature of geographic information. Among the more significant changes is the increasing amount of readily available volunteered geographic information. Although volunteered information has fundamentally enhanced geographic data, it has also prompted concerns with regard to its quality, reliability, and overall value. This essay situates these concerns as issues of information and source credibility by (a) examining the information environment fostering collective information contribution, (b) exploring the environment of information abundance, examining credibility and related notions within this environment, and leveraging extant research findings to understand user-generated geographic information, (c) articulating strategies to discern the credibility of volunteered geographic information (VGI), including relevant tools useful in this endeavor, and (d) outlining specific research questions germane to VGI and credibility.  相似文献   

Geography is enjoying a period of unparalleled visibility, driven by the growing use of geographic methods and concepts across the sciences and humanities—the so-called spatial turn—and the pervasive use of geospatial Web technologies and their concomitant influence on society, especially the phenomenon of volunteered geographic information (VGI). The field of public health is beginning to harness spatiality with gusto; however, the geospatial Web and its social phenomena are underexplored in this context even though they may be particularly useful for public health enquiry, especially in low-resource settings that lack traditional data collection mechanisms. A case study framed within these two current phenomena is presented to illustrate the influence of geography and its potential for addressing the data-divide—the disparity in availability of data for scientific enquiry and decision-making most felt in low-and middle income countries. A facilitated VGI data collection initiative collected public health-related injury data in Cape Town, South Africa, as a pragmatic alternative given the lack of data from traditional sources. Emergency medical services personnel interacted with a GeoWeb interface to volunteer their informed opinions of high-incident injury locations. Previously unrecorded injury location data were created, and combined with traditional injury data for use in an ongoing study examining the environmental determinants of injury in this setting, which speaks to the possibility for hybrid authoritative/asserted data collection strategies. This study speaks to the growing influence of geography and one of its driving forces, the techno-social revolution in geospatial technology and data. Future work should continue to examine their potential to address the data-divide.  相似文献   

While the term “volunteered geographic information” (VGI) has become a buzzword in debates on the geoweb, online cartography and digital geoinformation, the scope and reach of VGI remains underexplored. Drawing on literature on social implications of VGI, this article, firstly, explores differences between VGI initiatives at the example of a comparative case study on social biases within data of OSM and Wikimapia in the fragmented social setting of Jerusalem, Israel. The results of this analysis turn out to be highly contradictive between both projects, which challenges widely accepted assumptions on the imprint of social inequalities and digital divides on VGI. This observation guides, secondly, a discussion of diversity within the category of VGI. Arguing that mapping communities, data formats and knowledge types behind VGI are extremely dissimilar, the paper proceeds by questioning the consistency and utility of VGI as a category. Seeking for a more comprehensive typology of VGI, Edney’s notion of cartographic modes will be presented as an approach towards a more contextualized understanding of VGI projects by embracing their underlying cultural, social and technical relations. Consequently, the paper suggests empirical research on the cartographic modes of a broad series of VGI projects through qualitative and quantitative methods alike.  相似文献   

Mapping, and more generally geopositioning, has become ubiquitous on the Internet. This democratization of geomatics through the GeoWeb results in the emergence of a new form of mapping based on Web 2.0 technologies. Described as Web-mapping 2.0, it is especially characterized by high interactivity and geolocation-based contents generated by users. A series of recent events (hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemics) have urged the development of numerous mapping Web applications intended to provide information to the public, and encourage their contribution to support crisis management. This new way to produce and spread geographic information in times of crisis brings up many questions and new potentials with regard to urgency services, Non Governmental Organisations (NGO), as well as individuals. This paper aims at putting into perspective the development of GeoWeb, both in terms of technologies and applications, against crisis management processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy system to assure the quality of volunteered geographic information (VGI) collected for the purposes of species surveillances. The system uses trust as a proxy of quality. It defines the trust using both the provenance of user expertise and the fitness of geographic context and quantifies it using fuzzy set theory. The system was applied to a specific scenario—VGI-based crop pest surveillance—to demonstrate its usefulness in handling VGI quality. A case study was conducted in Jiangxi province of China, where location-based rice pest surveillance reports generated by the local farmers were collected. A field pest survey was conducted by the local pest management experts to verify the farmer-generated reports, and the survey results were used as ground truth data. The quality of the farmer-generated reports were also assessed through the fuzzy system and compared to the pest survey results. It was observed that the degree to which these two sets of results agreed to each other was satisfactory.  相似文献   

The occurrence of disasters such as extreme flooding in urban environments has severe consequences, not only on the human population but also on critical infrastructures such as the road networks, which are of vital importance for everyday living and particularly for emergency response. In this article, our main goal is to present-conceptually and in praxis-a model that could be used from the emergency responders for timely and efficient emergency management and response in an urban complex environment. For the city of Cologne in Germany, we aim to indicate possible ways to decrease the emergency response time during an extreme flood scenario through the development of an accessibility indicator, which consists of different components. Therefore, we will investigate the opportunities that occur, in a flood risk scenario, from the use of geographic information in different forms such as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and open-source data in an ArcGIS environment, to increase urban resilience through the decreasing emergency response time. We will focus on network analysis for the fire brigades (first acting emergency responders) during a flood scenario to calculate their emergency response ranges and emergency response routes through flooded road networks, for the assistance of the possibly affected hospitals, refugee homes and fire brigades, which can be flooded. At the end of the paper, we suggest that the vulnerable community of the refugees could be taken into consideration as a new source of VGI, as an additional component that would lead to the decrease in the emergency response time. The geo-located information that could be provided by the refugee community can be very useful in emergency situations, such as those examined in this article where timely information can be forwarded to the proper authorities for a more focused and timely emergency response, increasing the resilience of the urban population and their community.  相似文献   


The occurrence of disasters such as extreme flooding in urban environments has severe consequences, not only on the human population but also on critical infrastructures such as the road networks, which are of vital importance for everyday living and particularly for emergency response. In this article, our main goal is to present-conceptually and in praxis-a model that could be used from the emergency responders for timely and efficient emergency management and response in an urban complex environment. For the city of Cologne in Germany, we aim to indicate possible ways to decrease the emergency response time during an extreme flood scenario through the development of an accessibility indicator, which consists of different components. Therefore, we will investigate the opportunities that occur, in a flood risk scenario, from the use of geographic information in different forms such as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and open-source data in an ArcGIS environment, to increase urban resilience through the decreasing emergency response time. We will focus on network analysis for the fire brigades (first acting emergency responders) during a flood scenario to calculate their emergency response ranges and emergency response routes through flooded road networks, for the assistance of the possibly affected hospitals, refugee homes and fire brigades, which can be flooded. At the end of the paper, we suggest that the vulnerable community of the refugees could be taken into consideration as a new source of VGI, as an additional component that would lead to the decrease in the emergency response time. The geo-located information that could be provided by the refugee community can be very useful in emergency situations, such as those examined in this article where timely information can be forwarded to the proper authorities for a more focused and timely emergency response, increasing the resilience of the urban population and their community.


Citizen participation in environmental monitoring is not a new idea. However, recent developments in information and communication technologies (ICT), such as the social web and the miniaturization of sensors, have created new opportunities to promote citizen participation in environmental monitoring. The analysis of existing citizen initiatives that use ICT tools, identified the need for a framework conceptualizing ways to increase the contribution of volunteered geographic data in environmental monitoring. Environmental Collaborative Monitoring Networks (ECMN) are proposed in this paper as a framework that combines the concepts of traditional environmental monitoring networks with the ideals of the open source movement. Such framework can guide the creation of fixed and mobile monitoring networks and is organized based on three building blocks: (1) Motivated Citizens; (2) Sensing Devices; and (3) Back-End Information Infrastructure. To illustrate the issues involved in the implementation of the building blocks of ECMN, the Senses@Watch project is presented, which explored the use of sensory data as a source of monitoring data.  相似文献   

通过建立Intranet网络及地热地理信息系统,为地热资源的可持续开发利用提供帮助.该系统具有数据存储、数据查询、数据更新功能,涉及资源管理、技术开发、开采监测等三个方面;具有空间查询及分析功能,图形信息与属性信息可以相互查询,也可以独立查询,空间分析功能包括资源量计算、资源开发评价等;自动制图功能,可自动绘制井身结构图、地层柱状图等多种标准图.  相似文献   

通过分析EsRImcGIs输出的地理参考PDF文档格式,明确了如何将地理坐标和特征属性融合到平面PDF格式中,提出了基于PDF规范的地理信息系统实现框架,并分析了框架中涉及主要算法及关键点。最后,借助于AdobeAcrobatAPI接口实现部份关键算法,以期PDF规范的应用进一步推动地理信息系统理论及应用的社会化和普及化。  相似文献   

This study presents a geographic information systems-based multi-criteria site selection of non-hazardous regional landfill in Polog Region, Macedonia. The multi-criteria decision framework integrates legal requirements and physical constraints that relate to environmental and economic concerns and builds a hierarchy model for landfill suitability. The methodology is used for preliminary assessment of the most suitable landfill sites by combining fuzzy set theory and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The fuzzy set theory is used to standardize criteria using different fuzzy membership functions while the AHP is used to establish the relative importance of the criteria. The AHP makes pairwise comparisons of relative importance between hierarchy elements grouped by environmental and economic decision criteria. The landfill suitability is achieved by applying weighted linear combination that uses a comparison matrix to aggregate different importance scenarios associated with environmental and economic objectives. The results from the study suggested that a least suitable landfill area of 1.0% from the total is generated when environmental and economic objectives are valued equally while a most suitable landfill area of 1.8% area is generated when the economic objective is valued higher. Such results are aimed for enhancement of regional landfill site selection in the country that is compliant with modern EU standards.  相似文献   

This paper presents a GIS-based multi-criteria site selection for municipal solid waste landfilling in Ariana Region, Tunisia. Based on the regional characteristics, literature related to disposal sites and waste management, local expert, data availability and assessments via questionnaires, 15 constraints, and 5 factors were built in the hierarchical structure for landfill suitability by multi-criteria evaluation. The factors are divided into environmental and socio-economic groups. The methodology is used for preliminary assessment of the 20-year most useful lifetime suitable landfilling sites by combining fuzzy set theory, weighted linear combination (WLC) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in a GIS environment. The criteria standardization is undertaken by application of different fuzzy membership functions. The fuzzy membership functions shape and their control points are chosen through assessment of expert opinion. The weightings of each selection criterion are assigned depending on the relative importance using the AHP methodology. The WLC approach is applied for alternative landfill sites prioritization. The results of this study showed five potential candidate sites, which are generated when the environmental factors are valued higher than socio-economic factors. These sites are ranked in descending order using the ELECTRE III method. However, the final decision will require further detailed geotechnical and hydrogeological analyses toward the protection of groundwater as well as surface water.  相似文献   

三维地质建模与GIS应用目的不同,由此决定了它们研究重点不同,这二者的相互结合能促进双方的共同发展,但目前对此还缺乏较系统的研究。这里在对三维地质建模和GIS功能进行比较分析的基础上,指出了二者相结合的意义,提出了二者相结合的途径并分析了各自的优缺点,最后对二者相结合的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Flooding is one of the major natural hazards in Taiwan, and most of the low-lying areas in Taiwan are flood-prone areas. In order to minimize loss of life and economic losses, a detailed and comprehensive decision-making tool is necessary for both flood control planning and emergency service operations. The objectives of this research were (i) to develop a hierarchical structure through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to provide preferred options for flood risk analysis, (ii) to map the relative flood risk using the geographic information system (GIS), and (iii) to integrate these two methodologies and apply them to one urban and one semi-rural area in central Taiwan. Fushin Township and the floodplain of Fazih River (1 km on either side of the channel) in Taichung City were selected for this study. In this paper, the flood risk is defined as the relative flood risk due to broken dikes or the failure of stormwater drainage systems. Seven factors were considered in relation to the failure of stormwater drainage, and five to that of broken dikes. Following well-defined procedures, flood maps were drawn based on the data collected from expert responses to a questionnaire, the field survey, satellite images, and documents from flood management agencies. The relative values of flood risk are presented using a 200-m grid for the two study areas. It is concluded that integration of AHP and GIS in flood risk assessment can provide useful detailed information for flood risk management, and the method can be easily applied to most areas in Taiwan where required data sets are readily available.  相似文献   

Although the research and application of a geographic information system (GIS) in bibliometrics remains in its initial stage, several valuable attempts have been made in recent years. This paper provides our overview regarding this area. We first reviewed the spatial information mining derived from literature, including structured and unstructured data. The spatial display and the basic spatial operations for the geographic information derived from literature were then introduced, demonstrating that GIS can be directly used to construct digital libraries. Some literature database websites have begun to utilize WEBGIS to display the spatial distribution of an author’s location. Additionally, the spatial distribution information can be displayed in various modes with other specialized tools. Potential spatial analyses in bibliometrics were then discussed, introducing geostatistical and buffer analyses as case studies. Finally, several bibliometric indicators attached with research units were investigated. When the quantitative research index units are linked with the research spatial position, they can be displayed, queried and retrieved spatially. Future work to advance the application and research of GIS in bibliometrics is still warranted.  相似文献   

The use of landscape evolution models in mining rehabilitation design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landscape evolution models can be useful tools for the evaluation of rehabilitation designs for post-mining landscapes. When calibrated for the erodible material, landscape evolution models can predict sediment loss over entire landscapes (i.e. tonnes/hectare/year), method of erosion (i.e. slope wash, gullying) and also where on a hillslope erosion is likely to occur. The models provide the ability to examine simple hillslopes through to complex whole landscapes. These models can also be used for a probabilistic risk assessment of rehabilitation design for high-risk situations such as tailings dams. Importantly, unlike other erosion models they allow the eroded landscape to be visualised. This paper outlines the capabilities of the SIBERIA landscape evolution model for the rehabilitation of mining landscapes and proposes a probabilistic approach for risk assessment and site stability.  相似文献   

Summary The engineering design process, often systematically used in other branches of engineering, such as mechanical or architectural engineering, is seldom applied in rock engineering. While it is sometimes claimed that rock excavations are actually designed, little attention is paid to the engineering design philosophy. This paper emphasizes the need for a systematic design process in rock engineering and shows that the rock engineer can no longer claim that engineering practice mandates empiricism and rule of thumb methods. The engineering design process is described and the design approaches for rock engineering are outlined.  相似文献   

Land suitability evaluation is prerequisite for assessing the limitations for sustainable land use planning. We used ten site specific criteria (rainfall, texture, drainage, soil depth, slope, distance to major road, distance to nearest sugar mill, erosion hazard, risk of flooding and pH) and applied weighted multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) technique in a geographic information system (GIS) environment to evaluate land suitability for sugarcane cultivation in Bijnor district, India. The weightage of all the parameters was calculated through fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Sugarcane suitability map was prepared integrating various parameters through weighted overlay analysis. The map was categorized as highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3) and unsuitable (N). The analysis revealed that of the total cultivable land of the district, largest area (61%) was highly suitable followed by moderately suitable (24%), marginally suitable (7%) and unsuitable (8%) for sugarcane cultivation. Nagina, Najibabad and Bijnor sub-districts need attention of land managers and policy makers to remove the limitations and increase the suitability of sugarcane in such areas. Only 7% area was unsuitable for sugarcane cultivation. Slope, soil depth and erosion hazard were the major limiting factors making the land unsuitable for sugarcane cultivation. Therefore, these areas should be given priority for land and soil restoration efforts. The study showed effectiveness of integrated GIS and MCE approach for land suitability analysis of sugarcane.  相似文献   

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