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Two polycrystalline-, Fe-bearing MgSiO3 enstatite and perovskite have been probed by x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Fe K-edge under ambient conditions. The perovskite sample was synthesized at 260 kbar and 1973 K in a multianvil apparatus. The experimental XANES spectrum has been compared to ab-initio-, x-ray multiple-scattering calculations (Feff 6 code). Calculations confirm that the Fe K-edge arises mainly from multiple scattering involving the first shell of oxygen neighbors around Fe. In Fe-enstatite, these calculations are consistent with Fe2+ as substituted in the M2 site of this orthopyroxene, in good agreement with crystal structure refinements and previous XANES studies. In perovskite, Feff 6 suggests that Fe is likely to be substituted to Mg within the (8+4)-coordinated sites of that perovskite. No evidences for 6-coordinated Fe were found. These results are consistent with a previous anharmonic analysis of the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) study that evidenced the presence of 8-coordinated Fe in the same perovskite sample.  相似文献   

The distribution of iron atoms in the octahedral sheet of a series of dioctahedral smectites with varying unit-cell composition and iron content was investigated by Fe K-edge XAS spectroscopy. First-step analysis reveals that the patterns corresponding to backscattering by atoms located between 3 and 4 Å from the absorbing atom are very sensitive to the relative amount of light (Si, Al, Mg) and heavy (Fe) atoms. Detailed modelling of this domain then provides valuable information on the number of iron atoms surrounding octahedral iron. By comparing the number of iron neighbours deduced from EXAFS with that determined from unit-cell composition assuming a statistical distribution, three groups of montmorillonites can be distinguished: (1) clay samples from Wyoming display an ordered distribution of iron atoms; (2) clay samples from Georgia, Milos, China and Washington exhibit a close to random distribution of iron atoms; (3) clay samples from North Africa, Germany, Texas and Arizona display extensive iron clustering. These results complement previously obtained IR results and show that the combination of these two spectroscopic techniques could provide an additional crystal-chemistry-based framework for typological analysis of montmorillonite deposits.  相似文献   

卤族元素诸如氯和溴作为地球化学示踪剂,常用于指示岩浆、变质岩和热液的来源和演化过程。而认清溴在造岩矿物中的形态和结构有助于丰富和完善其在地质环境演变中的示踪作用。但是,溴在造岩矿物中的含量极低导致大多数结构分析方法都无法使用,因此造岩矿物中微量溴的结构研究极具挑战性。本文采用 81Br魔角旋转核磁共振(MAS NMR)光谱和同步辐射吸收光谱(XAS)技术,首次对富氯造岩矿物中的微量溴进行了结构分析。结果表明溴离子在方硼石中的微区结构不同于该矿物中三配位Cl原子的结构环境,而与Mg3B7O13Br中八面体配位的溴离子相似,表明即使在微量条件下也存在域偏析。而对其他富氯造岩矿物的Br K边X光吸收近边结构(XANES)光谱白线峰的位置和扩展X射线吸收精细结构(EXAFS)分析表明微量溴离子替代了这些矿物中氯的位置,导致局部结构扭曲膨胀。溴离子在造岩矿物中的这一微观结构研究结果可为探索氯和溴在地质演变过程的指示作用提供新的科学依据。  相似文献   

In natural amethyst samples subjected to shock pressures between 10 and 50 GPa (1 GPa=109 Pa), thermoluminescence (TL) was observed after subsequent X-ray irradiation, in some cases even without high energy irradiation. The glow curves could be decomposed into at most five components of Gaussian shape, but no reliable activation energies could be determined from them, perhaps due to a wide distribution of trap depths. With increasing shock pressures traps of higher thermal stability were favored. Emission bands with maxima near 14000 cm?1 were observed independent of shock pressure. They appear to be characteristic of defects created during the shock events, but it is uncertain whether the observed TL is connected with the iron impurities characteristic for amethyst. In natural amethyst samples of the same origin no TL could be observed, even after additional X-ray irradiation. It is concluded that TL in amethysts reported in the literature was actually caused by defects associated with aluminium impurities, not by destruction of Fe4+.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation has been used to collect high-resolution Fe K absorption near-edge spectra of a suite of Fe minerals and compounds having a range of Fe environments. These spectra, along with those of previous workers, indicate that the number, position, and intensity of near-edge features are characteristic of Fe valence and general site geometry. For example, the crest of the K-edge for Fe2+ in a six-coordinated site in the oxides studied is about 3 eV lower in energy than that for Fe3+ in a similar site. The K-edge crest for Fe3+ in a four-coordinated site is 1 to 2 eV lower than for Fe3+ in a regular site. The shape of the edge crest is sensitive to the details of first-neighbor bonding distances, tending to be broader in species with irregular Fe sites and varying in energy according to the average bond length. Comparison with Ca2+ and Zn2+ spectra from the literature is made and the applicability and utility of edge measurements discussed.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(1):153-160
The biaxial absorption bands in amethyst quartz, with peaks at 2.28 eV and 3.54 eV related to Fe4+ and a peak at 3.02 eV—which is the A3 band related to the [AlO4]° trapped hole center, have orientations of maximum light absorption in the basal plane of Brazil-twinnedr-growth sectors paralleling the planes of Brazil optical twinning. Absorption minima are at 90° to the maxima in all cases. The Brazil twinning planes always parallel thea-axes(1210,etc) of quartz and in many cases also parallel planes perpendicular to ther-faces(1011,etc.). These are directions of channels in the quartz structure. The anisotropy ratio,σmaxmin, of the Fe4+ band is that of the A2 absorption band in smoky quartz as would be expected if Fe3+ furnishes electrons to quench the trapped holes causing this absorption band. In the absence of the A1 and A2 absorption bands, the A3 absorption band width at half-maximum decreases from 1.43 to 0.36 eV indicating decreased charge-transfer character of the [AlO4]° center in the absence of the other types of Al trapped-hole centers in quartz. The key to the Brazil twinning in α-quartz are the channels which fill with large Fe3+ ions that force twinning to relieve strain in the structure. Amethyst color results only if aluminum is present substitutionally in the quartz as well as the interstitial iron plus ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra of Fe in varying environments in a suite of well-characterized silicate and oxide minerals were collected using synchrotron radiation and analyzed using single scattering approximation theory to yield nearest neighbor Fe-O distances and coordination numbers. The partial inverse character of synthetic hercynite spinal was verified in this way. Comparison of the results from all samples with structural data from X-ray diffraction crystal structure refinements indicates that EXAFS-derived first neighbor distances are generally accurate to ±0.02 Å using only theoretically generated phase information, and may be improved over this if similar model compounds are used to determine EXAFS phase functions. Coordination numbers are accurate to ±20 percent and can be similarly improved using model compound EXAFS amplitude information. However, in particular cases the EXAFS-derived distances may be shortened, and the coordination number reduced, by the effects of static and thermal disorder or by partial overlap of the longer Fe-O first neighbor distances with second neighbor distances in the EXAFS structure function. In the former case the total information available in the EXAFS is limited by the disorder, while in the latter case more accurate results can in principle be obtained by multiple neighbor EXAFS analysis. The EXAFS and XANES spectra of Fe in Nain, Labrador osumulite and Lakeview, Oregon plagioclase are also analyzed as an example of the application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to metal ion site occupation determination in minerals.  相似文献   

The characteristic lamellar-twinning of the right-handed (R) and left-handed (L) structures in the major rhombohedral growth sectors of amethyst quartz has been studied by optical techniques, X-ray topography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TEM observations show that the region of each Brewster fringe consists of fine-scale Brazil twin lamellae parallel to one of the r, z{10 \(\overline {\text{1}} \) 1} planes, and structural considerations suggest that it is one of the r-planes. The twin boundary corresponding to a Brewster fringe has the form of a zig-zag structure consisting of Brazil twin boundaries on two r{10 \(\overline {\text{1}} \) 1} planes, with one predominating. The Brewster fringes appear black between crossed polarizers because light travelling along the optic axis [001] passes through almost equal distances of R and L quartz, giving essentially zero optical rotation. From the visibility of the Brazil twin boundaries in electron micrographs and the visibility of the Brewster fringes in X-ray topographs, the fault vector R and the corresponding composition plane of the major Brazil twin associated with each Brewster fringe has been determined. The streaking of the Brewster fringes observed optically and in the X-ray topographs appears to be due to the stair-rod dislocations at the intersections of the Brazil twin boundaries. Experiments in which synthetic quartz was grown hydrothermally on untwinned seeds and on twinned amethyst seeds showed that the initiation of Brazil twins and the development of Brewster fringes was dependent upon the presence of iron in the growth solution.  相似文献   

As-bearing travertine rocks from Tuscany (Italy), where previous studies suggested the existence of a CO32− ⇔ AsO33− substitution in the calcite lattice, were investigated with X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) at the As K-edge (11,867 eV). In two of the studied samples, XANES indicates that As is in the 5+ oxidation state only, and EXAFS analysis reveals a local environment typical of arsenate species. For these samples, the lack of detectable second shell signals suggests a poorly ordered environment, possibly corresponding to an adsorption onto oxide and/or silicate phases. On the other hand, in the third sample XANES reveals a mixed As oxidation state (III and V). This sample also presents evident next nearest neighbor coordination shells, attributed to As-Ca and As-As contributions. The occurrence of next neighbor shells is evidence that part of As is incorporated in an ordered lattice. Furthermore, the local structure revealed by EXAFS is compatible with As incorporation in the calcite phase, as further supported by DFT simulations. The observation of next neighbors shells only in the As(III)-rich sample suggests the substitution of the arsenite group in place of the carbonate one (CO32− ⇔ AsO33−). The conclusion of this work is that uptake of As by calcite is in general less favored than adsorption onto iron oxhydroxides, but could become environmentally important wherever the latter phenomenon is hindered.  相似文献   

 Synchrotron radiation S K-edge XANES spectra and unit-cell parameters are used to investigate the local electronic structure of non-stoichiometric binary and ternary Fe-Co-Ni monosulfide solid solution (mss; M0.923S, M = Fe, Co, Ni) quenched from 800 °C and low pressure. The prominent absorption edge feature of the XANES spectra represents transition of S 1s core level electrons to unoccupied S 3p σ* antibonding orbitals hybridized with empty metal 3d(eg) orbitals. There is a progressive increase in area of the edge peak from Fe0.923S to Ni0.923S and Co0.923S, which correlates with progressive decrease in c and a parameters for the NiAs-type subcell and increase in metallic character, and reflects increase in the number and availability of empty eg β orbitals and covalence of metal-S bonds. More generally, the area of the edge peak exhibits an inverse linear correlation with a, c and unit-cell volume of binary and ternary mss. This inverse linear correlation is attributed to progressive increase in covalence and M-S-M bonding interaction in the c-axis direction, through metal-S [M 3d(eg) - S 3p (or 3d)] π bonding. However, the area of the edge peak does not correlate very well with the average number of 3d electrons per metal atom in these solid solutions, showing that the absorption of synchrotron radiation reflects the local electronic structure of individual absorber atoms (i.e. the SM6 cluster), and is not a group (crystal energy band) effect. Received: 21 March 2000 / Accepted: 14 July 2000  相似文献   

The B K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of two borates with tetrahedrally-coordinated B [[4]B; natural danburite (CaB2Si2O8) and synthetic boron phosphate (BPO4)] have been recorded in total electron yield (TEY) and fluorescence yield (FY) modes to investigate the surface and bulk structure of these materials. The TEY XANES measurement shows that danburite is susceptible to surface damage involving conversion of [4]B sites to [3]B sites by reaction with moisture and/or mechanical abrasion (grinding, polishing, etc.). The bulk of the mineral is essentially unaffected. Commercial boron phosphate powder exhibits more extensive surface and bulk damage, which increases with air exposure but is recovered on heating at 650°C. In contrast to ELNES, the XANES technique is not affected by beam damage and when collected in the FY mode is capable of yielding meaningful information on the coordination and intermediate-range structure of B in borate and borosilicate materials. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

Spectra of seven aluminate, ferrite and chromate spinels were collected at the oxygen K-edge in order to examine the effect of octahedral ion composition on the near edge structures and explore whether these may shed some light on previously reported major variations in the optical absorption coefficient (ε) for the spin-allowed d–d band transitions due to tetrahedrally coordinated Fe2+ in optical spectra of oxide spinels. Interpretation of the energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) spectra was aided using the multiple scattering code FEFF8.40. For the chromate samples spin polarised calculations were included. Gold’s iterative deconvolution method was utilized to improve on energy resolution, resulting in spectra equal in merit to those recorded by technically superior instruments. Results include absolute energy positions and interpretation of ELNES features in terms of transitions to available states. We conclude that the major causes of differences in the optical absorption coefficient mentioned above are hybridization between oxygen p- and octahedral metal orbitals. Our study does not support the idea presented by other authors that there exists a local antiferromagnetic ordering in MgCr2O4 at room temperature.  相似文献   

Optical investigations of Brewster fringes in natural amethyst crystals have indicated that the fringes are Brazil twin boundaries consisting of McLaren and Pitkethly type zig-zag structures and closed parallelograms. The two types of Brazil twin boundaries appear alternately in the successive fringes and in different orientations in one fringe. The Brewster fringes develop by a process of incorporation of many Brazil twin lamellae, when growth conditions are stabilized after this process. If perturbation occurs in growth conditions, distinct growth banding with and without Brazil twin lamellae will develop, and not Brewster fringes.  相似文献   

 X-ray absorption Na K-edge spectra have been recorded on synthetic endmember jadeite and on a series of natural Ca-Na pyroxenes compositionally straddling the Jd-Di join. The C2/c members of the series are systematically different from the P2/n members. Differences can be interpreted and explained by comparing the experimental spectra with theoretical spectra. These have been calculated by the multiple-scattering formalism from the atomic positional parameters determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction structure refinement on the same samples. In the full multiple scattering region of the spectra (1075 to 1090 eV) C-pyroxenes exhibit three features which reflect the 6-2 configuration of the O back-scattering atoms around the Na absorber located at the center of the cluster (site M2 of the jadeite structure). P-pyroxenes show more complicated spectra in which at least four (possibly five) features can be recognized; they reflect the two types of configuration (6-2 and 4-2-2) of O around Na in the two independent M2 and M21 eight-fold coordinated sites of the omphacite structure. A weak, sometimes poorly resolved peak at 1079 eV is diagnostic and discriminates C- from P-pyroxenes. The Garnet Ridge C2/c impure jadeite exhibits a spectrum which is intermediate between those of jadeite and omphacite. The Hedin-Lundqvist potential proves best for these insulating materials and allows multiple-scattering calculations agreeing well with experiments. Received: July 11, 1996/Revised, accepted: October 21, 1996  相似文献   

Silicon K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of a selection of silicate and aluminosilicate minerals have been measured using synchrotron radiation (SR). The spectra are qualitatively interpreted based on MO calculation of the tetrahedral SiO 4 4? cluster. The Si K-edge generally shifts to higher energy with increased polymerization of silicates by about 1.3 eV, but with considerable overlap for silicates of different polymerization types. The substitution of Al for Si shifts the Si K-edge to lower energy. The chemical shift of Si K-edge is also sensitive to cations in more distant atom shells; for example, the Si K-edge shifts to lower energy with the substitution of Al for Mg in octahedral sites. The shifts of the Si K-edge show weak correlation with average Si-O bond distance (dSi-O), Si-O bond valence (sSi-O) and distortion of SiO4 tetrahedra, due to the crystal structure complexity of silicate minerals and multiple factors effecting the x-ray absorption processes.  相似文献   

Summary Room-temperature Mössbauer spectra of five iron-bearing tourmalines were measured and analyzed. The Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio and the iron occupancy of the Y and Z positions could be assigned to all samples, with the help of two previously well characterized samples, from Mexico and Madagascar. Ferric or ferrous ions or both partially occupy the Z as well as the Y octahedra. This fact of observation is interpreted as the chemical response, during crystal growth, to the requirement of size matching for the edge-sharing Y and Z oxygen octahedra. It accounts for the inexistence of solid solution between the Mg and (Li, Al) tourmalines.
Die Verteilung von Fe2+ und Fe3+ in eisenhaltigen Turmalinen: Eine Mössbauer-Untersuchung
Zusammenfassung Mössbauer-Spektren von fünf eisenhaltigen Turmalinen wurden gemessen und analysiert. Das Verhältnis Fe2+/Fe3+ und die Eisenverteilung konnten mit Hilfe von zwei gut identifizierten Turmalin-Kristallen von Mexiko und Madagascar für die Y-und Z-Lagen aller Exemplare bestimmt werden. Zweiwertiges sowie dreiwertiges Eisen findet sich sowohl in der Z-als auch in der Y-Lage. Da sich die Y-und Z-Oktaeder in einer gemeinsamen Kante treffen, wird diese Beobachtung als chemische Antwort des Kristalles auf die erforderte Größenanpassung der Y-und Z-Oktaeder während seines Wachstums erklärt. Die Abwesenheit der festen Lösung zwischen Dravit und Elbait kann somit erklärt werden.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Synthetic Fe3+-melilites containing NaCaFe3+-Si2O7-, Ca2Fe3+AlSiO7- or Sr2Fe3+AlSiO7-components have been studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The spectrum of åkermanite containing an NaCaFe3+Si2O7-component consists of one doublet identified to belong to Fe3+ in T1 sites. The spectra of åkermanite and gehlenite containing Ca2Fe3+ AlSiO7- or Sr2Fe3+ AlSiO7-component consist of two doublets. The inner and outer doublets are identified to belong to Fe3+ in the less distorted T1 and that in the more distorted T2 sites, respectively. The area ratios of the spectra show that the site occupancy of Fe3+ (T1) in gehlenite is less than that in åkermanite in which the distribution of Fe3+ in T1 and T2 sites is apparently random. The different distributions can be explained in terms of competition between minimizing the deficiency in the electrostatic valence and the preference of Al for T1 sites which the isomer shift measurements show to be more ionic.  相似文献   

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