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We have derived the radiative-transfer equation for a point source with a specified intensity and spectrum, originating in the early Universe between the epochs of annihilation and recombination, at redshifts zs = 108?104. The direct radiation of the source is separated from the diffuse radiation it produces. Optical distances from the source for Thomson scattering and bremsstrahlung absorption at the maximum of the thermal background radiation are calculated as a function of the redshift z. The distances grow sharply with decreasing z, approaching asymptotic values, the absorption distance increasing more slowly and reaching their limiting values at lower z. For the adopted z values, the optical parameters of the Universe can be described in a flat model with dusty material and radiation, and radiative transfer can be treated in a grey approximation.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of large-scale magnetic fields in the early Universe influenced by an instability associated with breaking of mirror symmetry in weak interactions. It is shown that the magnetic field, whose present scale reaches about 500 m, which is negligible for galactic sizes, increases considerably if we correctly take into account the dynamics of the Universe. We conclude that this magnetic field is unlikely to provide the seed field for galactic dynamos, nearly independent of the particular instability considered.  相似文献   

Three dimensional scattering of near-field is studied for dilatation and rotation in the time domain. The perturbation method is applied to solve the equation of motion for the first order scattering from a weak inhomogeneity in an otherwise homogeneous medium. The inhomogeneity is assumed close enough to the point source so that the near-field intermediate wave is dominating over the far-field sphericalP andS pulses. The integral expressions are derived to relate dilatation and rotation of scattering to the radial fluctuations of velocities and density in the inhomogeneity. These integrals are solved to calculate the strains of scattering from (a part of) an inhomogeneous spherical shell of arbitrary curvature. Variable curvature may allow the shape of inhomogeneity volume element to change uniformly from spherical to rectangular. Rotation of scattering from a spherical shell is independent ofP wave velocity inhomogeneity. Dilatation of scattering does not involveS wave velocity inhomogeneity but its gradient. The back scattering results are obtained as a special case. Strains are computed numerically, for hypothetical models to study the effects of various parameters viz., velocity inhomogeneity, distance of source from inhomogeneity and from receiver, and thickness of inhomogeneity. The curvature of the spherical shell is varied to study the effects of the shape of inhomogeneous volume element on scattering.  相似文献   

The presence of ultrahigh-energy (UHE) cosmic rays results in an increase in the degree of ionization in the post-recombination Universe, which stimulates the efficiency of the production of H2 molecules and the formation of the first stellar objects. As a result, the onset of the formation of the first stars is shifted to higher redshifts, and the masses of the first stellar systems decrease. As a consequence, a sufficient increase in the ionizing radiation providing the reionization of the Universe can occur. We discuss the possible observational manifestations of these effects and their dependence on the parameters of UHE cosmic rays.  相似文献   

农业非点源污染的流域分配研究对于提高环境质量具有重要的现实意义。根据遥感技术得到的土地利用类型、河网、道路、圩区等信息,结合地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分析功能,对非点源污染负荷进行了定量计算及可视化分析,在此基础上,得到各主要河段的污染分配量,这可为寻求流域内合理的土地利用模式和农业非点源污染排放总量的控制方法提供决策依据。  相似文献   

激波捕捉格式能处理含强间断的浅水方程,因为必须采用关于守恒变量的守恒形式方程,作为水流实际驱动力的水位梯度项被分解为压力梯度项和底坡项,如果离散格式不能很好地平衡这两项的作用,将导致不准确的结果。基于理论推导,提出了一种新方法,在单元内部采用非守恒形式,保留水位梯度项,在界面处采用守恒格式捕捉间断。利用4个具有代表性的算例对提出的方法进行了验证,结果表明,该方法能够处理变化地形上的强间断和流态变化,并能够准确捕捉扰动的传播过程。  相似文献   

The quantitative relation between point source soil geochemical anomalies and their response in stream sediments is linked through the concept of productivity (area × concentration). The equation proposed by Hawkes in 1976 is shown to be a subset of a wider range of equations proposed by Russian workers. These workers introduced two coefficients to account for the contrasting behaviour of different elements and the position of the soil anomaly within the drainage catchment. The calculation of these coefficients requires a series of samples downstream from the ending of anomalous soil input. The concept of productivity has particular application where multiple samples and anomalies are present in catchments. Plotting of productivity allows the discrimination of anomalous areas not detectable from raw element concentrations. The usefulness of these techniques is demonstrated from a small detailed stream sediment survey in NW Scotland. Dispersion from a gossan shows deviation from the Hawkes equation with the result that detailed sampling is required to detect soil anomalies. Plotting productivity allows the detection at the base of major slopes of anomalies that are diluted by upslope sediment.  相似文献   

王路君  艾智勇 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2052-2058
采用解析层元法对存在地下点热源的岩土工程问题进行解答。首先从热弹性力学三维问题的基本控制方程出发,利用拉普拉斯-傅里叶积分变换推导出其在变换域内单层介质及下卧半空间的解析层元;然后结合有限单元法原理组装得到总刚度矩阵,结合边界条件,得到其在变换域内的解答,最后应用拉普拉斯-傅里叶积分逆变换技术,得到物理域内的解。编制了相应的计算程序,算例分析表明:该结果与已有文献吻合较好,该方法求解层状半空间的热-力耦合响应问题具有较好的适用性和较高的精度;层状岩土介质体系中,热扩散系数对温度及地表隆起的变化过程影响显著,但对其初始值和最终稳定值影响不明显;分层特性对岩土介质温度分布及地表位移变化过程均有显著影响。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional solution is derived for the fluid flow in a deformable porous medium. It is assumed that the deformation of the medium is described by Hooke's law and the flow of the fluid by Darcy's law, i.e. the theory of poroelasticity applies. The governing equations are completed by suitable boundary conditions such that a compressed saturated cubic sponge is modelled. The solution is a three-dimensional generalisation of the one-dimensional solution of Terzaghi. A two-dimensional plane strain solution is derived also. Both solutions give excellent possibilities to test numerical codes.  相似文献   

探测地下洞体对我国经济建设十分必要,无论是人工造成的洞道还是天然形成的洞穴,往往规模比较小,造成的物探异常也比较小,需要较高分辨率。这里主要针对探测对象的特点建立适当的地电模型,以不同电阻率值、不同埋深和不同半径大小的长圆柱目标体作为正演模型分别进行模拟,研究2.5维直流电的边界元正演问题,比较采用总场法和二次场近似法的边界元正演模拟结果,发现两种方法都能够满足精度要求。  相似文献   

Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) registered hundreds of kilometres away from an earthquake epicentre is detected hours before earthquakes. Yet, accurate earthquakes prediction by their self-induced EMR still remains in its infancy due in part to the lack of understanding of EMR's origin. Here we present a viable model of this origin, according to which EMR is emitted by an oscillating dipole created by ions moving collectively as a surface wave on both sides of the crack; when the crack halts, the EMR pulse amplitude decays by interaction with bulk phonons. The model is shown to be able to provide crack dimensions and velocities, to explain some general similarities of different fracturing processes and indicate the existence of a general failure mechanism. Results raise the hope of developing an EMR based genuine earthquake prediction system.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - Propagation of a strong shock wave in the expanding universe is studied using approximate analytic and exact numerical solution of self-similar equations. Both solutions have...  相似文献   

 Size-normalized (<63 μm) distributions of Cu, Zn, and Pb in the surficial sediments of one of Sydneys' four major estuaries – the Georges River/Botany Bay estuary – are not facies or depositionally controlled, but rather their distribution is dominated by source. Point sources (waste dumps, sewage overflows, and discharge from a polluted river) are responsible for elevating sediment heavy-metal concentrations up to 50 times above background. Nonpoint sources contribute in raising baseline levels to four times background and comprise mainly stormwater and also marinas, moorings, and wharfs/jetties. Heavy metals disgorged from a point source (Cooks River) strongly impact the sediments in the lower estuary, which has implications for the construction of a new runway for Sydney airport. Received: 3 October 1994 · Accepted: 21 September 1995  相似文献   

Aquifer properties, for example permeability and porosity, vary in space and may be characterized by their distributions. The property distribution is not totally random but shows some correlation structure. Because most of the values are not known, some rational method is required to generate credible aquifer distribution properties for inclusion in fluid transport models. This paper presents a numerically efficient method of generating geostatistical random fields, by the source Point Method (SPM). The SPM is a very efficient method and requires little computer time and relatively small data storage, as compared to other methods of generating random fields. In addition, the SPM is modified to include any desired amount of anisotropy in the property distribution of a system. By using conditional covariances, a formula for a two-dimensional anisotropic field is derived to prespecify the desired correlation length in any direction. Results show that for an anisotropic medium the correlation length can be pre-specified in any specific direction.  相似文献   

To validate a resuspension model of particulate material (salmonid farm wastes), a UV fluorescent particle tracer was selected with similar settling characteristics. Tracer was introduced to the seabed (water depth ≈30 m) and sediment samples taken on days 0, 3, 10, 17 and 30 to measure the horizontal and vertical distribution of tracer in sediments. A concentric sampling grid was established at radii of 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 700 and 1, 000 m from the source on transects 30° apart. The bulk of the deployed tracer was initially concentrated in an area 25 m radius from the release point; tracer was observed to steadily decrease to zero over a period of 30 days. In a 200 m region measured from the release point in the direction of the residual current, the redeposition of tracer was low. A Lagrangian particle tracking model was validated using these observed data by varying resuspension model parameters within limits to obtain the best agreement between spatial and temporal distributions. The validated model generally gave good predictions of total mass budgets (±7% of total tracer released), particulary where tracer concentrations were high near the release point. Best fit model parameters (critical erosion shear stress=0.018 N m−2, erodibility constan=60 g m−2 d−1) are at the low end of reported parameters for coastal resuspension models. Such a low critical erosion shear stress indicates that the frequency of resuspension and deposition events for freshly deposited material is high.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling of the ascent of free fluid through relatively strong rock, deep in the Earth's mantle, presents a challenge in geomechanics. Here the medium is considered as fluid-saturated, porous, elastic and bounded, and the fluid enters at a point source. An explicit finite difference method is developed for the numerical solution to the problem of the dilatation of a fluid-saturated porous elastic sphere due to a point fluid source of constant strength at the centre of the sphere. A cubic spline interpolant is used to evaluate a definite integral which occurs in the boundary condition for the pore fluid pressure at the surface of the sphere. The numerical solutions for the dilatation and pore fluid pressure are compared with analytical solutions and the absolute and relative errors of the numerical solutions are calculated. When the fluid source is switched on, the pore fluid pressure starts to decrease, reaches a minimum value and then steadily increases. The initial time rate of decrease of the pore fluid pressure is independent of the radial distance from the source. It decreases as the radius of the sphere increases and vanishes for a point fluid source in an infinite porous elastic medium.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe studies of magnesium isotopic composition in igneous components from several chondritic meteorites have been carried out to look for26Mg excess that may be attributed to the presence of the now-extinct radionuclide26Al(τ ∼ 1 Ma) at the time of formation of these objects. A positive evidence for the presence of26Al in the analysed objects will strengthen its case as the primary heat source for the early thermal metamorphism/melting of meteorite parent bodies. Based on calculated temperature profiles inside chondritic objects of different sizes and initial26Al/27Al ratios, we have estimated the initial abundances of26Al needed to provide the heat necessary for the wide range of thermal processing seen in various types of meteorites. The magnesium isotopic data obtained by us do not provide definitive evidence for the presence of26Al at the time of formation of the analysed igneous phases in different chondritic meteorites. Experimental evidence for a planetary scale distribution of26Al in the early solar system to serve as a significant heat source for the thermal metamorphism and melting of meteorite parent bodies (planetesimals) remains elusive.  相似文献   

Previous works on database integration focused mainly on the creation of transformation interfaces between incompatible databases built up by different departments of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, ignoring the demands of systematically and flexibly integrated information for advanced pollution control of point sources. To provide a systematic framework for flexible integration of distributed data, this paper presents a general model as the systematic object event data model based on systems thinking, to improve the integration capability of databases. The conceptual database framework for integrated pollution control was proposed as a result of the application of the systematic object event data model. The fundamental part of the systematic object event data model, creation of the object registry database, was put into practice from the year 2008. The object database of pollution source is available to factories in 2009, which helps factories to create and Taiwan environmental protection administration to maintain the consistent object data through the electronic application processes of permits. To construct various event databases that systematically connect to object database would be the following step to more efficiently provide systematic information from systematic data integration.  相似文献   

地下水中苯并[a]芘来源探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用色谱质谱法对2000~2002年地下水中苯并[a]芘含量进行了分析,在分析苯并[a]芘在地下水环境中迁移特征的基础上,初步探讨了地下水中苯并[a]芘的来源。结果表明,苯并[a]芘在潜水含水层、200m的承压含水层以及500m的煤系地层和1000m以上的岩溶水中都有检出,含量低,为数个ng/L;由于苯并[a]芘的辛醇-水分配系数kow很大,为106个数量级,具有很强的憎水性,会强烈地被吸附在土壤颗粒物的有机碳上,因此苯并[a]芘很难从表层土壤中迁移进入地下水,土壤和沉积物是其主要的环境归宿;从理论上看,地下水中的苯并[a]芘是天然来源。  相似文献   

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