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The highest grade pelitic and semipelitic rocks of the Ballachulish aureole are dominantly potash feldspar + cordierite + biotite hornfelses with widely variable amounts of quartz, plagioclase, andalusite, sillimanite and corundum (together with accessory phases). On a microscopic scale these hornfelses show textural evidence of the presence of melt, whilst on a mesoscopic scale they contain a variety of leucosomes. Oxygen isotope studies have been carried out on both whole rocks and mineral separates in order to: (1) assess the sources of molten and volatile constituents and (2) determine the extents of isotopic homogenization and equilibration. Data from localities with both restricted and extensive evidence of leucosomes and melt development are compared, as well as one locality with petrographic evidence of melt incursion from the igneous complex. The whole-rock δ18O values of the leucosomes (10.5–14.9%.) are in general similar to the immediately adjacent mesosomes (9.9–14.5%.) which are typically cordierite- and feldspar-rich hornfelses. Isotopic evidence is thus consistent with an in-situ partial melt origin for the leucosomes, without the substantial addition of externally derived components. In the area of extensive melt development, the ‘chaotic zone’, it is possible there was addition of an H2O-rich fluid phase (6-13 wt%) from the igneous complex which resulted in a slight lowering of δ18O values by 0.5–1.0%. Quartz mineral separates were used to assess the degree of local isotopic homogenization. In the extensively molten area (chaotic zone) there is extensive homogenization between rock layers (quartz δ18O usually within 1.0%), whilst in less molten areas δ18O quartz has a range of c. 3.0%. The greater homogenization in the chaotic zone is attributed to the increased degree of melting and infiltration of H2O-rich fluid from the igneous complex.  相似文献   

David R.M. Pattison   《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):85-99
Graphite-bearing slates and phyllites (0.4–1.2 vol.% graphite) are progressively metamorphosed in the 3 kbar aureole of the 425 Ma Ballachulish intrusion, Scotland. Two major dehydration reactions are crossed: the chlorite-out reaction at ca. 550 °C (forming cordierite + biotite), and the muscovite-out reaction at 625 °C (forming Al2SiO5 + K-feldspar). Graphite persists to the highest grades and shows no significant variation in abundance with grade, except for a possible decrease in the highest grade rocks. Variable graphite abundance in rocks at the same grade reflects primary sedimentological heterogeneity. Texturally, graphite grains and aggregates in the rock matrix become coarser grained and more widely separated as grade increases. These thermally induced textural modifications of graphite are superimposed on mechanically induced features, such as graphite segregations along cleavages and crenulations, that formed prior to contact metamorphism. Mass balance modelling, assuming internal fluid generation, shows that the amount of graphite consumed during contact metamorphism in the aureole ranges between 0.1 and 0.3 vol.%, depending on the amount of chlorite and muscovite in the protolith. Because the amount of C dissolved in a C–O–H fluid decreases with increasing pressure, and the Ballachulish aureole is at relatively low pressure, these results are a maximum for regional metamorphism, suggesting that graphite will persist through a regional metamorphic cycle if it is initially present in volumes > ca. 0.2 vol.%.  相似文献   

Periclase formed in siliceous dolomitic marbles during contact metamorphism in the Monzoni and Predazzo aureoles, the Dolomites, northern Italy, by infiltration of the carbonate rocks by chemically reactive, H2O-rich fluids at 500 bar and 565-710 °C. The spatial distribution of periclase and oxygen isotope compositions is consistent with reactive fluid flow that was primarily vertical and upward in both aureoles with time-integrated flux ~5,000 and ~300 mol fluid/cm2 rock in the Monzoni and Predazzo aureoles, respectively. The new results for Monzoni and Predazzo are considered along with published studies of 13 other aureoles to draw general conclusions about the direction, amount, and controls on the geometry of reactive fluid flow during contact metamorphism of siliceous carbonate rocks. Flow in 12 aureoles was primarily vertically upward with and without a horizontal component directed away from the pluton. Fluid flow in two of the other three was primarily horizontal, directed from the pluton into the aureole. The direction of flow in the remaining aureole is uncertain. Earlier suggestions that fluid flow is often horizontal, directed toward the pluton, are likely explained by an erroneous assumption that widespread coexisting mineral reactants and products represent arrested prograde decarbonation reactions. With the exception of three samples from one aureole, time-integrated fluid flux was in the range 102-104 mol/cm2. Both the amount and direction of fluid flow are consistent with hydrodynamic models of contact metamorphism. The orientation of bedding and lithologic contacts appears to be the principal control over whether fluid flow was either primarily vertical or horizontal. Other pre-metamorphic structures, including dikes, faults, fold hinges, and fracture zones, served to channel fluid flow as well.  相似文献   

Calculated phase equilibria involving minerals and H2O–CO2–NaCl fluid lead to predictions of how infiltration of rock by H2O–NaCl fluids with X NaCl in the range 0–0.3 (0–58 wt% NaCl) drives the reactions calcite + quartz = wollastonite + CO2 and dolomite = periclase + calcite + CO2. Calculations focus on metamorphism in four aureoles that together are representative of the normal PT conditions and processes of infiltration-driven contact metamorphic reactions. The effect of salinity on the spatial extent of oxygen isotope alteration was also computed. The time-integrated input fluid flux (q°) that displaces the mineral reaction front an increment of distance along the flow path always increases with increasing X NaCl. For input fluids with salinity up to approximately five times that of seawater (X NaCl ≤ 0.05), values of q° required to explain the spatial extent of decarbonation reaction are no more than 1.1–1.5 times that computed assuming the input fluid was pure H2O. For more saline fluids, values of q° may be up to 1.4–7.9 times that for pure H2O. Except for reaction in the presence of halite and vapor (V), infiltration of H2O–NaCl fluids expands the region of oxygen isotope alteration relative to the size of the region of mineral reaction. The expansion is significant only for saline fluids with X NaCl ≥ ~0.1. Immiscible fluid phase separation and differential loss of the liquid (L) or V phase from the mineral reaction site increases the amount of reactive fluid required to advance the mineral reaction front compared to conditions under which equilibration of minerals and fluid is attained with no loss of L or V. Decarbonation reactions driven by infiltration of fluids with even modest seawater-like salinity can explain the occurrence of salt-saturated fluid and solid halide inclusions in contact metamorphosed carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

Summary ?The intrusive complex of Monzoni in the western central Dolomites (northern Italy) comprises a suite of pyroxenites, monzogabbros and monzodiorites with solidus temperatures in excess of 1000 °C which intruded previously unmetamorphosed Permotriassic sediments at less than 5 km depth. At the eastern intrusive contact an approximately 860 m wide contact aureole is developed in the carbonate country rocks. The prograde sequence of mineral parageneses in a siliceous dolomite of the Cencenighe member and in marly limestones of the Val Badia and Cencenighe members of the Lower Triassic Werfen formation indicate peak metamorphic temperatures in excess of 698 °C at 185 m from the intrusive contact and an outward temperature decrease of approximately 65 °C per 100 m. The high temperatures in the inner aureole caused formation of periclase from the prograde breakdown of dolomite and formation of melilite and esseneite-rich clinopyroxene. Present address: Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut, Universit?t Basel, Switzerland Received April 7, 2001; revised version accepted December 6, 2001  相似文献   

A textural study of marbles from the Beinn an Dubhaich granite contact aureole, Skye, has shown that mass transport by diffusion was probably negligible during the metamorphic event, and that the bulk of the carbonates reacted as a consequence of silica metasomatism, permitting the use of calcsilicates as a tracer for fluid infiltration pathways. Fracture-controlled infiltration was predominant in undeformed marbles, whereas pervasive infiltration occurred during synmetamorphic ductile deformation. Some calcite marbles contain disseminated unoriented calcsilicate minerals that are associated with neither fractures nor a ductile deformation fabric, consistent with an origin via infiltration of fluid along an interconnected grain-edge porosity. The inference of limited pervasive infiltration of undeformed carbonates is consistent with predictions based on experimentally determined fluid–solid dihedral angles.  相似文献   

Static heating during intrusion of the Makhavinekh Lake Pluton (MLP) caused replacement of garnet in the adjacent country rocks (Tasiuyak Gneiss) by coronal assemblages of orthopyroxene + cordierite. Thermometry based on Al solubility in orthopyroxene, applied to relict garnet and neighbouring orthopyroxene, preserves a temperature gradient from 700 to 900 °C at distances between 5750 and 20 m from the intrusion, reaffirming the robustness of this thermometry technique. Intracrystalline and intergranular variations of Al zoning in orthopyroxene are well‐preserved, suggesting that little diffusional modification of Al growth zoning occurred. Maximum Al2O3 in orthopyroxene ranges from c. 2.0 wt% at 5750 m from the intrusion to a maximum of 4.3 wt% at the contact. Individual orthopyroxene grains show decreasing Al from core to rim in samples < 500 m from the intrusion, while those at greater distances show an increase from core to rim. These features are interpreted with the aid of numerical models for conductive heat flow in the aureole. Coronas in samples close to the intrusion grew at high temperatures and along T‐t paths dominated by cooling, so maximum Al content in orthopyroxene in these samples occurs in the cores of grains that grew during the earliest stages of garnet consumption. In contrast, the corona‐forming reactions in rocks further from the contact proceeded along prograde heating paths, so maximum Al content in orthopyroxene occurs in the rims of grains that grew during the final stages of garnet consumption. These results document the ability of Al‐in‐orthopyroxene thermometry to preserve a detailed record of thermal histories in contact‐metamorphic granulites; they suggest that similar intracrystalline and intergranular variations of Al zoning in orthopyroxene in regional granulites may also preserve portions of both the prograde and peak‐T evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract Anatectic migmatites of contrasting structural style are found adjacent to the contacts of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex, Argyllshire, Scotland. On the east flank, evidence for migmatization is largely restricted to the local development of millimetre-centimetre scale Kfs + Qtz-rich leucocratic segregations, which accompany fragmentation of brittle hornfels layers and ductile deformation of mm-cm scale semipelitic layers. Large volumes of semipelitic rock rich in feldspar and quartz on the east flank show no migmatitic features, and bedding is usually preserved undisturbed right up to the contact. On the west flank, in contrast, similar semipelitic rocks show widespread migmatitic features and disruption of layering is substantial and widespread over a 400 m wide zone. Within the west-flank migmatites, 1–100 cm scale rigid bedding fragments (schollen) may be suspended and disoriented in a semipelitic matrix that underwent ductile deformation. The P-T conditions on both flanks are in the same range: 3 kbar and 650–700°C. The contrast in gross structural style is believed to result from differences in the volumes of melt produced and differences in the proportion of rock in which the critical melt fraction of the rocks was exceeded. On the east flank, only on a mm-cm scale was enough melt locally accumulated to cause disruption of some layers and segregation of melt. On the west flank, melting proceeded substantially in a broad tract of semipelitic rocks, resulting in larger scale contrasts in rheology that led to the present chaotic structures in this zone. Because migmatization occurred at a pressure too low for muscovite dehydration melting, and at temperatures too low for substantial biotite dehydration melting, the different amounts of melting on the east and west flanks most probably resulted from the introduction of differing amounts of externally derived water. On the east flank, and throughout most of the aureole, the absence of melting even in quartzofeldspathic protoliths indicates that there was no substantial movement of fluid towards or away from the igneous complex during migmatization. The contrasting situation on the west flank may have resulted from devolatilization of underlying quartz diorite magma (? 690–710°C), which released heat and fluids into the overlying quartz- and feldspar-rich semipelites (solidus temperature ? 650–680°C).  相似文献   

Numerical and analytical models of fluid flow that account for fluid production during prograde regional and contact metamorphism show that expulsion of metamorphic fluids dominates the convective flux when crustal permeabilities are less than 0.1–100 μD, depending primarily on the rate of fluid production. When this is the case, fluid circulation is limited or prevented, fluid pressures are elevated above hydrostatic values, and flow throughout most of the model is up and away from the region of maximum fluid production. Fluid circulation is predicted to occur where permeability is high, in dry rocks, or after rates of fluid production decrease as peak temperatures are reached. Large changes in the pattern of flow and influx of externally derived fluids may thus occur in metamorphic terranes when dehydration wanes or ceases and cooling begins. Inclusion of an impermeable horizon in the models further inhibits fluid circulation. Earlier, shallow hydrothermal models and interpretations based on the Rayleigh number may be inappropriate for characterizing fluid flow during prograde metamorphism at depth because they do not account for fluid production.  相似文献   

The combination of cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis, temperature and temperature–time calculations, and microstructural numerical modelling offers the possibility to derive the time-resolved evolution of a metamorphic rock. This combination of techniques is applied to a natural laboratory, namely the Ballachulish contact aureole, Scotland. Analysis of the Appin Quartzite reveals that the aureole was produced by two distinct magmatic events and infiltrated by associated fluids. Developing microstructures allow us to divide the aureole into three distinct regions. Region A (0–400?m, 663°C?<?T max?<?714°C) exhibits a three-stage grain boundary migration (GBM) evolution associated with heating, fluid I and fluid II. GBM in region B (400–700?m, 630°C?<?T max?<?663°C) is associated with fluid II only. Region C (>700?m of contact, T max?<?630°C) is characterised by healed intragranular cracks. The combination of CL signature analysis and numerical modelling enables us to recognise whether grain size increase occurred mainly by surface energy-driven grain growth (GG) or strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIGBM). GG and SIGBM result in either straight bands strongly associated with present-day boundaries or highly curved irregular bands that often fill entire grains, respectively. At a temperature of ~620°C, evidence for GBM is observed in the initially dry, largely undeformed quartzite samples. At this temperature, evidence for GG is sparse, whereas at ~663°C, CL signatures typical for GG are commonplace. The grain boundary network approached energy equilibrium in samples that were at least 5?ka above 620°C.  相似文献   

Metamorphism to intermediate-pressure granulite grade had a minimal effect on the geochemistry of layered gneisses in central Australia. The overall composition of the terrain is granodioritic and major element compositions have equivalents in igneous and sedimentary supracrustal rocks. K, Rb, Sr and probably Th concentrations, and K/Rb ratios are normal; the initial isotopic composition of Sr shows the usual range of crustal rocks. However, U is strongly depleted and was lost by a pervasive process, probably dehydration, rather than by anatexis. Comparison with other areas in which major chemical depletions and unusually low initial Sr isotopic ratios are postulated leads to alternative interpretations of these areas which do not involve large scale chemical migration. An intermediate composition for the lower crust may result from a high density of basic intrusions rather than chemical processes.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and O-isotope geochemistry of siliceous limestones from the Ritter Range pendant constrain the geometry and amount of fluid flow during contact metamorphism associated with emplacement of a pluton of the Sierra Nevada Batholith. Wollastonite (Wo) replaces calcite (Cal) + quartz (Qtz) on a layer-by-layer basis in homoclinal beds that strike NW and dip almost vertically. At the peak of metamorphism (P≈ 1500 bars, T≈ 600 °C) fluid in equilibrium with Cal, Qtz, and Wo has composition XCO2=0.28, requiring that the Wo-forming reaction was driven by infiltration of reactive H2O-rich fluid. The spatial distribution of Wo and Cal + Qtz records that peak metamorphic fluid flow was layer-parallel, upward. Bounds on the prograde time-integrated fluid flux associated with formation of Wo are set by: (1) the overlap in O-isotope composition between Wo-bearing and Wo-free rocks (>245 mol fluid/cm2 rock); (2) the amount of fluid that would drive the Wo-reaction front upward to the present level of exposure from a point at depth where Cal, Qtz, and Wo would be in equilibrium with pure CO2 (<1615 mol/cm2). Back-reaction of Wo to Cal + Qtz records an additional time-integrated retrograde fluid flux of ≈ 200–1000 mol/cm2. The direction and amount of flow inferred from mineralogical and isotopic data agree with the results of the hydrologic model for metamorphic fluid flow in the area of Hanson et al. (1993). Fingers of Wo-bearing rock that extend farthest from the fluid source along contacts between limestone and more siliceous rocks point to strong control of flow geometry at the 0.1–100 m scale exerted by premetamorphic structures. Studies that neglect structural control at this scale may fail to predict correctly fundamental aspects of contact metamorphic fluid flow. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to correlate the graphitization process of carbonaceous matter during metamorphism with metamorphic grade. Graphitization can be parameterized using crystal structure and chemical and isotopic compositions. The extent of graphitization could be characterized mainly by temperature, duration of metamorphism and rock composition. We compared the graphitization trends for two metamorphic terrains, a contact aureole of the Kasuga area and a regional metamorphic terrain of high-temperature/low pressure type of the Ryoke metamorphic terrain in Northern Kiso area, Central Japan, and for two different lithologies (carbonate and pelite), using X-ray diffractogram, DTA-TG analysis, and chemical and stable isotope analyses. During contact metamorphism, graphitization and carbon isotopic exchange reactions proceeded simultaneously in pelitic and carbonate rocks. The decreases in basal spacing d(002) of the carbonaceous matter in carbonate rocks is greatly accelerated at temperatures higher than about 400° C. Furthermore, carbon isotopic ratios of graphite in carbonate rocks also change to 13C-enriched values implying exchange with carbonates. The beginning of this enrichment of 13C in the carbonaceous matter coincides with an abrupt increase of the graphitization processes. Carbon isotopic shifting up to 5 in pelites could be observed as metamorphic temperature increased probably by about 400° C. Carbonaceous matter in pelitic rocks is sometimes a mixture of poorly crystallized organic matter and well-crystallized graphite detritus. DTA-TG analysis is an effective tool for the distinction of detrital graphitic material. Two sources for the original carbon isotopic composition of carbonaceous matter in pelites in the Kasuga contact aureole can be distinguished, about-28 and-24 regardless of the presence of detrital graphite, and were mainly controlled by depositional environment of the sediments. Graphitization in limestones and pelitic rocks in regional metamorphism proceeds further than in a contact aureole. In the low-temperature range, the differences in extent of graphitization between the two metamorphic regions is large. However, at temperatures higher than 600° C, the extent of graphitization in both regions is indistinguishable. The degree of graphitization is different in limestones and pelitic rocks from the Ryoke metamorphic terrain. We demonstrate that the graphitization involves a progressive re-construction process of the crystal structure. The sequence of the first appearance of crystal inter planar spacing correlates with the metamorphic grade and indicates the crystal growth of three-dimensional structured graphite.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl (O(4)) site composition of biotite can in principle be used to retrieve information about fluid composition during fluid–rock interaction; however, due to low F and Cl content, as well as difficulties involved with analyzing the H2O content using in situ techniques, measuring these species in biotite has remained an elusive goal. Here we present high-precision secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) OH–F–Cl measurements from biotite within metapelites from the Western Adamello Tonalite (WAT) contact aureole, Northern Italy. Fluorine, chlorine and hydrogen are analyzed on the SIMS sequentially by peak-hopping at the same biotite spot; H2O, F and Cl content were measured with a precision (1σ) οφ 0.06 ωτ%, 50 ανδ 5 ππµ, ρεσπεχτι?ελψ. The compositions of isolated biotite crystals in andalusite are compared with that of biotite in the matrix, documenting that halogens and H2O behave refractory in biotite during the time scale of contact metamorphism. The H2O and halogen contents of biotite are mostly locked in during the prograde to peak formation of biotite, and are not reset during further heating or cooling, unless significant biotite recrystallization occurs. It also appears that both Ti content and XMg of the biotite from the Western Adamello contact aureole were not significantly reset during cooling. The concentration of F and Cl does not vary systematically with metamorphic grade, which indicates that these species reflect initial compositions. No significant Rayleigh fractionation behavior was observed for these elements. H2O variations in the biotite from samples throughout the Western Adamello contact aureole suggest that Al-oxy substitution partially controls the variations in OH content through charge balance of the type R2+,VI + OH? = Al3+,VI + O2? + H2, while the Ti-oxy substitution does not seem to influence the O(4) site occupation. The main titanium substitution appears to be the Ti-vacancy (\({\text{2}}{{\text{R}}^{{\text{2}}+}}~=~{\text{T}}{{\text{i}}^{{\text{4}}+}}~+\,{\square ^{{\text{VI}}}}\)) exchange. Variations in H2O and halogen concentrations in biotite define sub mm-scale areas of localized equilibration, even for biotite recrystallized during dehydration reactions that produced large amounts of fluid (chlorite or muscovite breakdown). Similar systematics were observed for Ti4+ and Al3+. These findings further support the increasing number of observations that kinetics control much of the mineralogical reactions occurring in contact aureoles, and hence care is advised in using equilibrium thermodynamics in this environment.  相似文献   

Embaie A. Ferrow  Magnus Ripa 《Lithos》1991,26(3-4):271-285
The Proterozoic rhyolitic volcanics constituting the foot-wall rocks in the Stollberg ore-field, Bergslagen, south-central Sweden, locally contain gedrite altered to chlorite and serpentine, biotite altered to chlorite and plagioclase altered to epidote.

The intergrowths between the host gedrite and the chlorite/serpentine inclusions are oriented with the a* of gedrite parallel to the c* of serpentine and chlorite. The biotite has been altered to chlorite by brucitization of both the K-interlayer and talc-like layer. In both cases the net change in volume during chloritization is small.

The assumption that Al is conserved during alteration of gedrite and biotite agrees very well with the micro-structures and orientation relations observed by transmission electron microscopy. Normalizing the chlorite to 1.00 mole, the overall chemical change that took place during the retrograde metamorphism of the Stollberg rocks can be written as: 0.84Ged+0.14Bio+0.65Mg+4.76H2O+0.42H=1.00Chl+0.57Alb+0.72Fe+0.01Na+0.12K+0.01Ti+0.05Mn+0.95H4SiO4 The reaction results in ca 9% increase in volume for the solid phases. Thus, a slightly acidic Mg-rich fluid started the reaction and, upon leaving the system, the metasomatic fluid was enriched in Na, Fe, K, and Si.  相似文献   

The mineral assemblages of hematite-bearing basic schists in intermediate high-pressure metamorphism are temperature dependent. For assemblages with excess hematite, albite, muscovite and quartz, the paragenetic relations can be dealt with in terms of a four-component system, without omitting or grouping major components.
In the Sanbagawa belt in central Shikoku, the dominant amphibole in the hematite-bearing basic schists changes from winchite, via crossite and barroisite to hornblende. The stability of amphibole is described chemographically within a pseudoternary system with another excess phase, epidote. Many amphiboles are chemically heterogeneous owing to retrograde reactions which produced low- T/P amphibole around the prograde amphibole. The examination of amphibole zoning makes it possible to draw a retrograde P-T trajectory which passes on the lower pressure side of the prograde one.  相似文献   

Abstract Rock fracture enhances permeability and provides pathways through which fluids migrate. During contact metamorphism, fluids contained in isolated pores and fractures expand in response to temperature increases caused by the dissipation of heat from magmas. Heat transport calculations and thermomechanical properties of water-rich fluids demonstrate (1) that thermal energy is a viable mechanism to produce and maintain pore fluid pressure (Pf) in a contact metamorphic aureole; (2) that the magnitude of Pf generated is sufficient to propagate fractures during the prograde thermal history (cause hydrofracture) and enhance permeability; and (3) that Pf-driven fracture propagation is episodic with time-scales ranging from years to thousands of years. Because Pf dissipation is orders of magnitude faster than P, f buildup, Pf oscillations and cyclical behaviour are generated as thermal heating continues. The Pf cycle amplitude depends on the initial fracture length, geometry and the rock's resistance to failure whereas the frequency of fracture depends on the rate of heating. Consequently, oscillation frequency also varies spatially with distance from the heat source. Time series of fluid pressures caused by this process suggest that cyclical fracture events are restricted to an early time period of the prograde thermal event near the intrusive contact. In the far field, however, individual fracture events have a lower frequency but continue to occur over a longer time interval. Numerous fracture cycles are possible within a single thermal event. This provides a provisional explanation for multiple generations of veins observed in outcrop. P f cycling and oscillations may explain several petrological features. If pore fluids are trapped at various positions along a pressure cycle, the large amplitude of Pf variations for small fractures may account for different pressures recorded by fluid inclusions analysed from a single sample. Pf oscillations, during a single thermal episode, also drive chemical reactions which can produce complex mineral textures and assemblages for discontinuous reactions and/or zoning patterns for continuous reactions. These can mimic polymetamorphic or disequilibrium features. Temporal aspects of fracture propagation and permeability enhancement also constrain the likely timing of fluid flow and fluid-mineral interactions. These data suggest that fluid flow and fluid-mineral reactions are likely to be restricted to an early period in the prograde thermal history, characterized by high Pf coincident with relatively high temperatures, fracture propagation and consequent increases in permeability. This early prograde hydration event is followed by diffusional peak metamorphic reactions. This relationship is evident in the complex mineralogical textures common in some metamorphosed rocks.  相似文献   

The degree of recrystallization of carbonaceous material (CM), as monitored by Raman microspectroscopy, was examined as a function of metamorphic grade in two well‐studied contact aureoles containing carbonaceous pelites: the Nelson aureole, British Columbia and the Ballachulish aureole, Scotland. Here, we use (a) the R2 ratio extracted from the Raman spectrum of CM as a proxy for the degree of graphitization (0.0 in perfect graphite then increasing with structural defects) and (b) the second‐order S1 band (~2,700 cm?1) as a marker for the tridimensional ordering of CM. The Nelson aureole (garnet–staurolite–andalusite–sillimanite–K‐feldspar sequence, ~550–650°C, 3.5–4.0 kbar) was developed in rocks that were unmetamorphosed prior to contact metamorphism, whereas the Ballachulish aureole (cordierite–andalusite–K‐feldspar–sillimanite sequence, ~550–700°C, ~3.0 kbar) was developed in rocks that had been metamorphosed to garnet grade conditions (~7 kbar, ~500°C) c. 45 Ma before contact metamorphism. Thirty‐one samples were examined from Nelson and 29 samples from Ballachulish. At Nelson, the R2 ratio steadily decreases from ~0.25 to 0.0 as the igneous contact is approached, whereas at Ballachulish, the R2 ratio remains largely unchanged from regional values (~0.20–0.25) until less than 100 m from the igneous contact. The second‐order S1 band reveals that carbonaceous material (CM) was transformed to highly “ordered” locally tridimensional graphitic carbon at Ballachulish by regional metamorphism prior to contact metamorphism, whereas CM was still a disordered turbostratic (bidimensional) material before contact metamorphism in the case of Nelson. Pretexturation of CM likely induced sluggish recrystallization of CM and delayed graphitization in the Ballachulish aureole. Temperatures of recrystallization of the CM in the two aureoles were estimated using different published calibrations of the thermometry based on Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material (RSCM), with differences among the calibrations being minor. In the Nelson aureole, temperatures are in reasonable agreement with those indicated by the metapelitic phase equilibria (all within 50°C, most within 25°C). In the Ballachulish aureole, the retarded crystallization noted above results in increasing underestimates of temperatures compared to the metapelitic phase equilibria (up to ~75°C too low within 200 m of the igneous contact). Our study calls for careful attention when using RSCM thermometry in complexly polymetamorphosed rocks to assess properly the meaning of the calculated temperature.  相似文献   

The conditions at which monazite and allanite were produced and destroyed during prograde metamorphism of pelitic rocks were determined in a Buchan and a Barrovian regional terrain and in a contact aureole, all from northern New England, USA. Pelites from the chlorite zone of each area contain monazite that has an inclusion-free core surrounded by a highly irregular, inclusion-rich rim. Textures and 208Pb/232Th dates of these monazites in the Buchan terrain, obtained by ion microprobe, suggest that they are composite grains with detrital cores and very low-grade metamorphic overgrowths. At exactly the biotite isograd in the regional terrains, composite monazite disappears from most rocks and is replaced by euhedral metamorphic allanite. At precisely the andalusite or kyanite isograd in all three areas, allanite, in turn, disappears from most rocks and is replaced by subhedral, chemically unzoned monazite neoblasts. Allanite failed to develop at the biotite isograd in pelites with lower than normal Ca and/or Al contents, and composite monazite survived at higher grades in these rocks with modified texture, chemical composition, and Th-Pb age. Pelites with elevated Ca and/or Al contents retained allanite in the andalusite or kyanite zone. The best estimate of the time of peak metamorphism at the andalusite or kyanite isograd is the mean Th-Pb age of metamorphic monazite neoblasts that have not been affected by retrograde metamorphism: 364.3Dž.5 Ma in the Buchan terrain, 352.9NJ.9 Ma in the Barrovian terrain, and 403.4LJ.9 Ma in the contact aureole. Some metamorphic monazites from the Buchan terrain have ages partially to completely reset during an episode of retrograde metamorphism at 343.1Nj.1 Ma. Interpretation of Th-Pb ages of individual composite monazite grains is complicated by the occurrence of subgrain domains of detrital material intergrown with domains of material formed or recrystallized during prograde and retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract Widespread ultra-high-P assemblages including coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite, and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite in marble, gneiss and phengite schist are present in the Dabie Mountains eclogite terrane. These assemblages indicate that the ultra-high-P metamorphic event occurred on a regional scale during Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Marble in the Dabie Mountains is interlayered with coesite-bearing eclogite and gneiss and as blocks of various size within gneiss. Discontinuous boudins of eclogite occur within marble layers. Marble contains an ultra-high-P assemblage of calcite/aragonite, dolomite, clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite, epidote, rutile and quartz/coesite. Coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite occur as fine-grained inclusions in garnet and omphacite. Phengites contain about 3.6 Si atoms per formula unit (based on 11 oxygens). Similar to the coesite-bearing eclogite, marble exhibits retrograde recrystallization under amphibolite–greenschist facies conditions generated during uplift of the ultra-high-P metamorphic terrane. Retrograde minerals are fine grained and replace coarse-grained peak metamorphic phases. The most typical replacements are: symplectic pargasitic hornblende + epidote after garnet, diopside + plagioclase (An18) after omphacite, and fibrous phlogopite after phengite. Ferroan pargasite + plagioclase, and actinolite formed along grain boundaries between garnet and calcite, and calcite and quartz, respectively. The estimated peak P–T conditions for marble are comparable to those for eclogite: garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures of 630–760°C; the garnet–phengite thermometer gives somewhat lower temperatures. The minimum pressure of peak metamorphism is 27 kbar based on the occurrence of coesite. Such estimates of ultra-high-P conditions are consistent with the coexistence of grossular-rich garnet + rutile, and the high jadeite content of omphacite in marble. The fluid for the peak metamorphism was calculated to have a very low XCO2 (<0.03). The P–T conditions for retrograde metamorphism were estimated to be 475–550°C at <7 kbar.  相似文献   

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