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离子吸附型稀土找矿及研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪以来由于稀土资源的战略地位不断提升,全球对稀土的供需变化和价格波动极为关注,并加大了稀土的勘查和开发程度。离子吸附型稀土(iRee)资源因轻重稀土元素配分齐全,且不需要通过矿物分解的方式来分离不同的稀土元素,成为近十多年全球稀土找矿和研究的热点。iRee矿产是我国的优势资源,已有40多年的开采历史,为全球稀土产业尤其是重稀土产业做出了巨大的贡献。近年来,项目组在江西、广西和云南等省区发现了一批矿产地,矿床的分布范围已从我国南方的丘陵地带扩大到高海拔(云南)和高纬度(安徽和浙江)地区,从亚热带气候扩大到热带气候,如越南、缅甸、泰国、马达加斯加及智利等国家。我们的研究继续丰富了iRee成矿“八多两高一深”的认识,即:多类型、多岩性、多期次、多层位、多模式、多标志、多因继承、多相复合,高海拔、高纬度及大深度,新矿床的发现也不断为此认识提供实例。同时,本文对亚热带和热带地区的花岗岩风化壳、华南不同岩性(花岗岩、火山岩和浅变质火山 沉积岩)以及不同稀土配分类型(LREE和HREE型)的iRee矿床进行了对比研究。目前,国内的iRee矿床无论从规模和品位,还是母岩的多样性和稀土配分的全面性都优于国外的。然而,我国长期仍无法摆脱矿山及周边环境污染和优势资源过度消耗的现状。今后,寻找经济价值大的iRee矿床是找矿的重要方向。  相似文献   

华南风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿床   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

离子吸附型稀土矿是中国极其重要、世界罕见的矿床类型,是中国的优势矿产资源。目前现有的稀土标样全部为稀土矿石成分分析标样,稀土元素以氧化物形式稳定存在,无法淋滤浸取,不能对离子吸附型稀土淋滤过程进行监控。为进一步满足离子吸附型稀土资源勘查和评价需要,本文按照导则《标准物质定值的通用原则及统计学原理》(JJF 1343—2012),制备了三种岩性共9个离子吸附型稀土监控样。样品采自南岭地区典型富轻稀土(HREE)离子吸附型稀土风化壳,经干燥、球磨至200目后混合机混匀,以硫酸铵淋滤、电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测试离子相稀土元素含量,检验样品均匀性,结果表明F值小于临界值F0.05(19,20),样品均匀性良好。在两年内对样品进行4次稳定性检验,在95%置信度时│β1│<t0.05×sβ1),未发现明显不稳定变化,表明稳定性良好。由8家技术权威的实验室进行协作定值,经过统计计算给出各离子相稀土元素含量的加权平均值和扩展不确定度,定值结果涵盖除Sc以外的15种稀土元素。该系列监控样的研制能够为离子吸附型稀土矿产资源评价和有效利用等工作提供计量支撑。  相似文献   

刘永超  李建康  王娴 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):395-396
稀土元素化学性质较为活泼,具有典型的金属特性和不同于周期表中其他元素的物理和化学特性,特别是它们的光学、磁学性质已广泛地应用在当今新材料、新技术领域。目前,含有稀土的功能材料已达50多类,包括光学材料、磁性材料、电子材料、储氢材料、高温超导材料、核物理材料等,稀土在现代材料工业中具有工业“味精”之称。因此,稀土被人们誉为新世纪高科技及功能材料的宝库,它是改造传统产业和发展高新技术的战略性元素,已成为国内外公认的关乎新兴产业发展的战略性资源。  相似文献   

风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿圈矿方法评价   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
离子吸附型稀土矿是我国特有的珍贵资源。稀土总量(TREO)与稀土浸取量(SREO)是评价这类矿产资源规模与可利用价值的重要指标,但是四十多年来勘查评价方法一直以总量圈矿、以配分定性,与其采矿工艺和当前稀土价值不符。本文在矿区勘查实践的基础上,通过分析大量系统的样品测试结果,结合近五年稀土价格推算的浸取量和单元素圈矿指标,开展了稀土总量、稀土浸取量和稀土单元素三种圈矿方法对比研究。结果表明,同一对比区内,用稀土总量≥0.05%圈出的矿体与稀土浸取量≥0.03%圈出的矿体,后者的矿体面积、矿体厚度及资源储量要明显大于前者,存在一些地段或部位总量圈定不是矿而浸取量圈定是矿,一些地段或部位总量圈定是矿而浸取量圈定不是矿的现象。稀土单元素圈矿能够直观地反映稀土的主要组分及分布状况,有利于体现单一稀土矿床的经济价值,较稀土总量圈矿和稀土浸取量圈矿更加精细、更加合理,是值得深入研究的一种科学评价方法;但也可能出现因一些元素含量偏低而难以单独圈矿的现象,从而造成资源流失。本文提出,在勘查评价风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿床时,为保障资源的充分利用,在稀土单元素圈矿的基础上,还应注重综合评价。  相似文献   

文章综述了广西已发现的离子吸附型稀土矿床和金矿床的矿源体类型及其成因机理,以及矿床特征,并对广西可能存在的其它矿种的离子吸附型矿床成矿条件进行分析和预测。  相似文献   

云南离子吸附型稀土矿成矿规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
云南的离子吸附型稀土矿(iRee)主要分布于滇西南一带,临沧岩体是近年来找矿进展最大、关注度最高的地区。与南岭地区iRee矿床最大的区别是矿床海拔均在1000m以上,属于高原低山丘陵地貌环境下形成的风化壳型矿床;成矿岩体沿"三江"断裂旁侧展布;岩性以二长花岗岩和钾长花岗岩为主,多呈中粗粒结构;成岩锆石U-Pb年龄集中分布于208~240Ma和52~80Ma两个区间;按轻重稀土在基岩中的配分,可将基岩分为LREE型和HREE型;前者主要富集轻稀土,后者重稀土相对富集;局部富集HREE的LREE型基岩形成的风化壳,是目前云南发现重稀土异常的主要类型,有可能成为今后寻找HREE矿床的主要目标。含稀土矿物存在与否对REE成矿的贡献具有举足轻重的意义;除斜长石、黑云母和角闪石等造岩矿物中含少量REE外,含稀土副矿物是基岩REE的重要来源;基岩交代作用类型和强度不同决定了含稀土矿物的丰富程度和矿化强度;如早期交代作用主要产生铈硅磷灰石、铈萤石和氟碳铈矿等含LREE的矿物;随着交代作用的增强,HREE的活化作用增强,则产生如高钇钍石、钇萤石和氟碳钇矿等矿物;在风化作用下易破碎解离的含稀土矿物如榍石、...  相似文献   

我国三稀(稀有稀土稀散)矿产资源调查研究成果综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
三稀资源是稀土、稀有和稀散资源的统称,是新一代尖端武器、信息技术、节能环保、医药和医疗设备、高端装备制造、新材料、新能源汽车等所需要的功能材料、结构材料和关键性原料。在国土资源部和中国地质调查局的统一领导和部署下,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所自2011年组织全国33个单位220余人开展了我国三稀金属资源战略调查工作。在五年时间里,初步建立了全国三稀调查研究的专业队伍,研究分析了国内外三稀资源的分布、产出特征及其开发现状、选冶技术与市场供需状况,编制了稀土矿产地、价格等多项数据库(涵盖全球);在稀土矿山开采和建设用地压覆资源调查等多方面为矿政管理提供了技术支撑和专业服务;在南方离子吸附型稀土开发监管和储量动态估算等技术方面取得了重要进展;在四川甲基卡、福建永定大坪等多个地区取得了重要找矿突破;在三稀成矿规律和赋存状态研究尤其是离子吸附型稀土成矿规律和勘查技术等方面取得了重要的理论创新和方法创新。该项工作提升了我国三稀矿产资源的理论、技术研究水平,为通过矿产地质供给侧调查研究引导我国新兴产业的发展提供了示范。  相似文献   

The nickel deposits mainly distributed in 19 provinces and autonomous regions in China are 339 ore deposits/occurrences, including 4 super large-scale deposits, 14 large-scale deposits, 26 middle-scale deposits, 75 small-scale deposits, and 220 mineralized occurrences. The prediction types of mineral resources of nickel deposits are magmatic type, marine sedimentary type and regolith type. The formation age is from the Neoarchean to the Cenozoic with two peaks in the Neoproterozoic and the late Paleozoic. The nickel deposits formed in the Neoproterozoic are located on the margin of the North China Block and Yangtze Block, and those formed in the late Paleozoic are mainly distributed in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), Emeishan and the Tarim Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). Magmatic nickel deposits are mainly related with broken-up continental margin, post-collision extension of the orogenic belt and mantle plume. According to different tectonic backgrounds and main characteristics of magmatism, the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE metallogenic series types of ore deposits related with mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic rocks can be divided into 4 subtypes: (1) the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE metallogenic series subtype of ore deposits related with mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic rocks in the broken-up continental margin, (2) the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE metallogenic series subtype of ore deposits related with mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic rocks in mantle plume magmatism, (3) the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE metallogenic series subtype of ore deposits related with mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic rocks in the subduction of the orogenic belt, and (4) the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE metallogenic series subtype of ore deposits related with mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic rocks in post-collision extension of the orogenic belt. We have discussed in this paper the typical characteristics and metallogenic models for Neoproterozoic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits related with broken-up continental margin, Cambrian marine sedimentary Ni-Mo-V deposits related with black shale, early Permian Ni-Cu deposits related with post-collision extension of the orogenic belt, late Permian Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits related with Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), and Cenozoic Ni-Au deposits related with regolith. The broken-up continental margin, mantle plume and post-collision extension of the orogenic belt are important ore-forming geological backgrounds, and the discordogenic fault, mafic-ultramafic intrusion, high MgO primitive magma (high-MgO basaltic magma), deep magmatism, sulfur saturation and sulfide segregation are 6 important geological conditions for the magmatic nickel deposits.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Copper Deposits in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Copper resources in China are rich, but imported copper products are still required. Researches on metallogenic regularity of major types of copper deposits by geologists have involved in worldwide classification, significant copper belts, representative copper deposits, etc. Studies on metallogenic regularity of copper deposits in China also have made achievements with a long-term work. Combined with latest exploration advances obtained in recent ten years, this review aims to conclude the achievements of researches on copper metallogenic regularity in China. Based on data of 814 copper deposits and other ore (mineralized) occurrences, ten prediction types of copper deposits have been suggested. Porphyry and skarn copper ores are taken as the key targets. Porphyry copper deposits are the most important one which concentrate in Gangdese, Changdu-Sanjiang, Dexing and East Tianshan. The Cenozoic and Mesozoic are the major metallogenic epochs. Four main metallogenic epochs are been studied based on the copper ore geochronological data including Precambrian Era (Archean and Proterozoic), Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era and Cenozoic Era. Based on the study of metallogenic series of ore deposits in China, twenty-seven metallogenic series of copper deposits are proposed. This is suggested to deepen the study of metallogenic regularity of copper ore and provide the theory guide for copper resources prediction in China.  相似文献   

文中主要选取大红山铜铁矿床典型穿脉进行构造-岩石地球化学编录,系统取样并对样品稀土元素进行化验分析。研究表明:(1)该矿区内各类岩(矿石)从矿化构造岩→矿石→未矿化构造岩的稀土总量呈现出逐渐降低的趋势,反映出成矿流体与不同构造岩的水岩反应程度上的差异。(2)从(La∕Yb)N看,该矿区内同类断裂构造岩的轻稀土分异程度较大,但不同断裂构造岩间的分异性却较为均一,从该区围岩、矿石、构造断裂岩的LREE∕HREE与(La∕Yb)N比值特征中可以看出,轻稀土元素与重稀土元素间的分异程度具有一定的相似性,反映出成矿流体对地层岩石存在着一定的继承性,却又具有一定的阶段演化性特征。(3)从地层岩石→未矿化断裂构造岩→矿化断裂构造岩→块状、条带状矿石,LREE∕HREE(5.66~13.27)有逐渐增大的趋势,反映出在断裂构造作用过程中,稀土元素发生了迁移;该矿区内各类岩(矿)石的δEu均大于1,δCe弱负异常,显示出大红山铜铁矿床的成矿作用主要是在相对氧化的环境下进行。  相似文献   

南岭稀土花岗岩、钨锡花岗岩及其成矿作用的对比   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
南岭地区的钨锡和稀土矿床都与花岗岩类有直接成因联系,但二者的成矿作用有许多不同之处.钨锡是典型的热液成矿,而稀土则主要形成于风化作用.随着花岗岩类的分异演化,岩石中的W、Sn等元素含量逐渐增加,因此钨锡等矿床主要与高度分异演化的晚阶段小岩体有关;但是稀土的表现与钨锡不同,由于花岗岩类的分异演化导致稀土栽体黑云母及许多副矿物的减少,因此稀土元素含量在晚阶段岩体中反而降低.赣南的五里亭-大吉山岩体、桂东北的花山-姑婆山岩体等提供了很好的范例.因此,南岭地区与风化壳型稀土矿床有关的岩石主要有印支期准铝质花岗岩,燕山期A型花岗岩,燕山中-晚期黑云母二长花岗岩等.  相似文献   

付伟  赵芹  罗鹏  李佩强  陆济璞  周辉  易泽邦  许成 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3901-3923
传统认为中国南方的离子吸附型稀土矿床可划分为以“足洞式”为代表的重稀土型和以“河岭式”(或“花山式”)为代表的轻稀土型两种矿化类型。然而,近年来发现的许多矿床(如清溪、寨背和馒头山等)的赋矿风化壳中出现了轻稀土矿与重稀土矿并存现象,表现出特殊的“上轻下重”双层矿体结构。这指示了除重稀土型和轻稀土型之外,还存在着轻重稀土共生型的过渡类型。本研究通过对三种不同成矿类型的若干典型矿床系统对比,指出成矿类型的多样性与母岩性质密切相关,尤其是母岩的稀土元素地球化学和稀土载体矿物属性是制约成矿类型变化的关键因素。统计数据表明,从重稀土型→轻重稀土共生型→轻稀土型,成矿母岩的全岩稀土总量变化不大(ΣREY: 200×10-6~450×10-6→200×10-6~500×10-6→200×10-6~800×10-6),但轻重稀土配分值出现较显著的区间性差异(ΣLREE/ΣHREY: 02~1→1~5→2~10)。与之同时,母岩中能为离子相稀土提供物源且具有重稀土配分属性的稀土副矿物类型和数量明显减少,这与全岩稀土元素地球化学特征中重稀土分量占比的降低趋势也互相匹配。该结果指示,以往认为重稀土配分母岩形成重稀土矿床、轻稀土配分母岩形成轻稀土矿床的传统观点需要外延,即一部分具有低度轻稀土配分属性(1<ΣLREE/ΣHREY<5)且含有丰富易风化稀土副矿物的母岩还可能形成轻重稀土共生型矿床,该认识可为今后离子吸附型稀土矿床勘查工作提供新的找矿依据。  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Tin Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China is rich in tin resources,and contains many types of tin deposits.Among the tin deposit types,the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type and quartz vein type occupy a large proportion of tin resources and reserves.From the aspect of exploitation and utilization,the most important types are cassiterite-sulfide type and quartz vein type.The cassiterite-sulfide type tin deposits are mainly located in Northern Guangxi and Eastern Yunnan,skarn type deposits are mainly distributed in the ore-concentration areas of South Hunan in Middle Nanling,and the quartz vein type tin deposits are mainly distributed in South China,such as Western Fujian,Middle Jiangxi,Northern Guangzhou and Southern Hunan.The most important metallogenic epoch for tin deposits is the Mesozoic era.The metallogenic geotectonic background is mainly continental environments after orogeny process,with strong tectonic changes,interlaced deep fracture and frequent magmatism.And the most distinctive feature is the well developed Mesozoic granites,which have a close relationship with tin mineralization.Based on the detailed study of the data from 873 tin deposits in China,this paper summarized the metallogenic regularity of tin deposits,classified 20 important metallogenic series of tin or tin-associated deposits,and inferred that the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type,quartz vein type and greisen type are the main prediction types of tin resources.Forty-four tin-mineralization belts were divided,among which,19 belts are the most important.In addition,a series of maps about tin metallogenic belts and tin metallogenic regularity were compiled,aiming to provide theoretical basis for potential estimation and prediction of tin mineral resources.  相似文献   

Molybdenum is one of the dominant minerals in China because of its rich reserves.In recent years,outstanding breakthroughs have been made in molybdenum prospecting in China,and the distribution of molybdenum deposits in China is found to have a "planar pattern".In general,the molybdenum deposits are concentrated in eastern China,including the largest molybdenum reserves of Henan Province.In terms of the scale of molybdenum deposits,the identified resources of the superlarge deposits are the most important,which account for about 53% of the whole country,and those of the large deposits account for about 30%,those of the medium-sized deposits account for about 14%,those of the small-sized deposits,mine spots and mineralization account for about 3%.The molybdenum deposits are mainly classified as porphyry type,skarn type,hydrothermal(vein) type and sedimentary(metamorphic) type in genesis,and the identified resources of these types account for 85.75%,8.83%,2.79%and 2.63% of the total resources respectively.Based on the statistics of precise chronology data of molybdenites Re-Os,Mo-mineralization can be divided into 6 periods in Chinese geological history,which are Precambrian(800 Ma),Cambrian-Silurian(540-415 Ma,Caledonian),Devonian-Permian(400-290 Ma,Hecynian),Triassic(260-200 Ma,Indosinian),Jurassic-Cretaceous(195-70 Ma,Yanshanian) and Paleogene-Neogene(65-10 Ma,Himalayan).Mo mineralization during the Yanshanian period is the strongest one,in which about 76.69% of the Chinese total identified resources was formed.The second is the Himalayan period.According to spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of molybdenum deposits,the metallogenic regularity of molybdenum deposits was preliminarily summarized,and 41 level-Ⅲ molybdenum-forming belts,13 level-Ⅱ molybdenum-forming provinces and 4 level-Ⅰ molybdenum-forming domains were ascertained in the mainland of China.There are 39 metallogenic series of and 60 sub-series of molybdenum deposits with molybdenum as the dominant metal and corresponding representative molybdenum deposits proposed.Metallogenic lineages of molybdenum deposits were also established.Spatial-temporal evolution of different types of molybdenum deposits,and the relationship between Mo-mineralization and tectonic evolution have been discussed in this paper.On this basis,the authors think that element Mo is an effective tracer for recording the crustal evolution history of China.At present,there are some problems in the exploration of Mo deposits in China,such as uneven exploration degrees in eastern and western China,shallow exploration depth,low and uneven grade,complex associated components,difficulty of mineral development and utilization,increasing costs of prospecting,and so on.According to successful experience of superficial and deep prospecting and considering also the discussion above,some suggestions are proposed for the prospecting of molybdenum deposits in the future.  相似文献   

张传福 《湖南地质》1994,13(1):17-21
风化壳淋积型稀土矿床,在湘南地区普遍发育。具有分布面广、厚度大、品位较富、浸取率高的特点。在风化壳分层中,矿体呈似层状、透镜状赋存于上部、中部,顶部及下部无矿。矿化原岩(花岗岩)含稀土总量0.06%以上才具找矿价值。  相似文献   

Lead and zinc resources are abundant in China, with the reserves of 100 million tons ranking only second in the world. There are more than 3000 lead-zinc mine areas nationwide. The classification of lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) deposits has been a highly controversial issue. From the standpoint of evaluating the potential of mineral resources, we construct a Pb-Zn deposit predictive type of classification scheme, and propose a Pb-Zn deposit comprehensive classification scheme (including 5 classes and 13 sub-types) that regards mineralization as the primary factor and the ore rock as secondary. According to the temporal and spatial distribution of Pb-Zn deposits, we conclude that a multi-period, multi-cycle orogenic environment is the most favorable for lead-zinc deposit growth, that the Proterozoic is the major eon for the growth of igneous-type deposits, the Paleozoic is an important development era for sedimentary Pb-Zn deposits, and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are the heyday eras of magmatic type lead-zinc deposits. On this basis, we analyse the relationship between tectonic evolution and Pb-Zn metallogenic, and propose that the key factors determining geological mineralization are the metallogenic epoch of mineralization and tectonic environment, which determine the temporal and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

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