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The Guadix–Baza basin is one of a number of intramontane depressions located within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain), where the geological and geomorphological evolution is controlled by tectonic activity. The basin ceased to be closed after capture by the Atlantic network, when five main land systems developed. Late Pleistocene geological evolution basically consisted of erosional modelling, when badlands were deeply incised in highly erodible materials (marls and silts). Three travertine platforms and several Palaeolithic sites were used to determine that this main incision period fell within a 115,000–48,000 yr range. There are few signs of geomorphological evolution of this basin in the last 48,000 yr. Based on these geomorphological data and soil development, tectonic uplift of the basin probably played a secondary role in its evolution, and climatic conditions in southern Iberia in the 144,000–48,000 yr period were more humid and variable than later.  相似文献   

Comparison of catchment geomorphology and lithostratigraphical analysis of sediments in two small neighbouring alpine lakes show that the minerogenic influx into the lakes has varied significantly during the Holocene, despite similarities in environmental setting. One lake contains a homogeneous organic‐rich sediment sequence whereas the sediment of the other lake is laminated and has a higher minerogenic content. X‐ray radiographs are used to visualise lithostratigraphical structures and provide high‐resolution density data. We find that moderate differences in geomorphology and process activity in the lakeshore region around alpine lakes can significantly affect the lake sediment composition. Minerogenic sediment accumulation rates vary strongly over time, owing to different depositional processes, which complicate temporal reconstructions. We also find that non‐glacial processes deposit minerogenic sediment layers with similar characteristics (high density, low organic content) as layers interpreted as having a glaciofluvial origin. This has implications for palaeoclimate studies based on proglacial lacustrine sediment. Our results indicate that erosion of surface sediments in the catchments characterised the early Holocene. A low and constant minerogenic inflow indicates that stable environmental conditions (with little fluvial erosion) were established in the catchments during the middle Holocene. The variability in sediment composition increased again in the late Holocene, possibly as a result of short‐term climate fluctuations superimposed on a general climate deterioration trend. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Philip M.   《Earth》2005,70(3-4):203-251
Proglacial fluvial sedimentary systems receive water from a variety of sources and have variable discharges with a range of magnitudes and frequencies. Little attention has been paid to how these various magnitude and frequency regimes interact to produce a distinctive sedimentary record in modern and ancient proglacial environments. This paper reviews the concept of magnitude and frequency in relation to proglacial fluvial systems from a geomorphic and sedimentary perspective rather than a hydrological or statistical perspective. The nature of the meltwater inputs can be characterised as low-magnitude–high-frequency, primarily controlled by ablation inputs from the source glacier, or high-magnitude–low-frequency, primarily controlled by ‘exceptional’ inputs. The most important high-magnitude–low-frequency inputs are catastrophic outburst floods, often referred to by the term jökulhlaup (Icelandic for glacier-burst). Glacier surges are an additional form of cyclical variation impacting the proglacial environment, which briefly alter the volumes and patterns of meltwater input. The sedimentary consequences of low-magnitude–high-frequency discharges are related to frequent variations in stage, the greater directional variability that sediment will record, and the increased significance of channel confluence sedimentation. In contrast, the most significant characteristics of high-magnitude–low-frequency flooding include the presence of large flood bars and mid-channel ‘jökulhlaup’ bars, hyperconcentrated flows, large gravel dunes, and the formation of ice-block kettle hole structures and rip-up clasts. Glacier surges result in a redistribution of low-magnitude–high-frequency processes and products across the glacier margin, and small floods may occur at the surge termination. Criteria for distinguishing magnitude and frequency regimes in the proglacial environment are identified based on these major characteristics. Studies of Quaternary proglacial fluvial sediments are used to determine how the interaction of the various magnitude and frequency regimes might produce a distinctive sedimentary record. Consideration of sandur architecture and stratigraphy shows that the main controls on the sedimentary record of proglacial regions are the discharge magnitude and frequency regime, sediment supply, the pattern of glacier advance or retreat, and proglacial topography. A model of sandur development is suggested, which shows how discharge magnitude and frequency, in combination with sandur incision and aggradation (controlled by glacier advance and retreat) can control sandur stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Cumulative probability functions (CPFs) for large numbers of radiocarbon age determinations are increasingly being used by scientists as a methodology to discern environmental histories. While the recent compilation of regional databases of the radiocarbon dating control for fluvial sediment sequences has been beneficial for identifying gaps in knowledge and stimulating new research, there are a number of problems that critically undermine the use of these CPFs as sensitive hydroclimatic proxies. (i) The CPF method is underpinned by the assumption that each radiocarbon measurement is a true age estimate for a point in time, whereas each measured age in fact forms a scatter around the true age of the sample; (ii) calibration of radiocarbon ages is responsible for much of the structure in CPFs and compounds the problem of scatter and smears the chronological control; (iii) the databases incorporate multiple types of environmental changes differing chronological relationships between the 14C measurements and the dated events, with pre‐dating, dating or post‐dating chronological control each displaying variable length temporal lags all mixed together in the same analysis; and (iv) the radiocarbon ages from individual case studies need to be more robustly tested before being incorporated into regional databases. All these factors negate the value of CPFs as sensitive proxies of environmental change, because peaks in probability for individual radiocarbon measurements are likely to be an incorrect estimate for the age of a geomorphological event and this problem is compounded by combining probabilities for multiple unrelated events. In this paper we present a critical analysis of CPFs and their interpretation before suggesting alternative approaches to analysing radiocarbon geochronologies of geomorphic events, which include: (i) Bayesian age modelling of river terrace development; (ii) developing regional databases that test specific geomorphic hypotheses; (iii) Bayesian age modelling of palaeoflood records; and (iv) analysis of sedimentation rates. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国冰川地貌空间分布格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程维明  赵尚民 《冰川冻土》2009,31(4):587-596
分布,对各山脉及地区冰川地貌类型的空间分布特征进行了分析.该研究对促进我国冰川地貌的研究具有一定意义.  相似文献   

河流沉积与地貌对构造与气候的变化极为敏感,可记录区域构造活动、气候变化和环境演变等多方面的丰富信息。由于独特的构造背景与气候条件,帕隆藏布不仅成为雅鲁藏布水系水量最大的支流,而且其流域在藏东南地区占有重要的地位。帕隆藏布流域内地表过程活跃且河流地貌演化过程快速,是揭示青藏高原东南部构造地貌演化的重要载体。通过对该河流地貌的形态学和沉积学分析发现,帕隆藏布河流形态具有明显的线状特征,其干流近似直线展布,而主要支流呈羽状分布,两者多呈直角交汇,表明河流形态明显受到嘉黎断裂带的构造形迹控制。进一步利用光释光和14C定年方法,对帕隆藏布的晚第四纪河流地貌演化,尤其是干流和东久河支流的晚第四纪河流阶地进行研究后发现,末次冰期以来的气候变化导致帕隆藏布的晚第四纪河流地貌呈现出典型的分段式特征,根据海拔高度主要可划分为3段:1)海拔2 600 m以下的河谷地貌呈V形峡谷,河谷比降大,阶地沉积年龄均在9.0~2.0 kaBP间,沉积属性以河流相和坡积相为主,表明是全新世以来气候变暖条件下形成的;2)海拔2 600~3 300 m的中游段河谷呈冰蚀围谷盆地、U形槽谷等,河谷比降小,河岸谷坡坡度小,主谷两岸冰碛垄发育,存留了古冰缘地貌遗迹,阶地沉积属性以古湖相、冰水相及河流相为主,测年结果在29.8~10.9 kaBP和50.9~39.8 kaBP间,显示其曾经为末次冰期和冰消期冰缘湖泊体系,后被现今的帕隆藏布所贯通;3)海拔3 300 m以上河流地貌为典型的冰川U形槽谷,谷底平坦,发育现代冰湖,仅发育Ⅰ级阶地并上面覆有冰碛物堆积体,有末次冰期的冰缘地貌遗迹,但主要受周围海洋性冰川作用,呈现现代冰缘地貌特征。整体上看,帕隆藏布的现今河流地貌上、下游两端年轻,主要形成于全新世期间;中游的河流地貌出现较早,残留了末次冰期和冰消期的冰缘地貌特征,并保留了广泛的古冰湖相沉积物。因此,帕隆藏布现今的河流形态主要出现在末次冰期以来。  相似文献   

The large (≈10000 km2) and local-scale (<400 km2) geomorphologic, geomorphometric and field evidence indicates that, from the mid-Miocene onwards, the Atacama Fault System (AFS) accommodated the relative uplift of the western side of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera of the Chañaral region (southern Atacama Desert). The mean regional altitude systematically decreases eastwards crossing the AFS, independent of the lithological characteristics of the substratum cut by this system of faults. Topographic analysis reveals a more incised landscape west of the AFS that, at the local scale, is reported by the distribution of the altitudes (hypsometric curves and integrals) of tributary basins and by the presence of terraces. In the Middle and Upper Miocene, a thick (>300 m) sedimentary succession was deposited east of the AFS. The succession fills previously deep paleovalleys. And it consists of gravel, so-called “Atacama Gravels”, which passes laterally into fine-grained playa related deposits near the AFS. We interpret the deposition of this succession as a result of a blocking closure of the valley flowing from the Precordillera due to the activity on AFS. A pedimentation episode followed sediment deposition and is locally strongly re-incised by the main modern-day river valleys draining the Precordillera. Incision may result from either regional uplift of the forearc, and/or from more localized activity on the AFS. Furthermore, Recent (Quaternary?) tectonic activity on the AFS has been observed which is consistent with a localized relative uplift of the crustal block west of the AFS.  相似文献   

Z-trend maps are a simplified lineprinter version of spatially filtered maps designed to give a quick visual appraisal of trends. The printout shows a yes-no configuration by a printed character or a blank so that the map has a conspicuous pattern. This pattern reflects the presence, position, and trend of the desired features. If a reasonable symbol density ratio is used the results can be visually pleasing thus enhancing trend recognition. Z-trending can be adapted to any map with stationary properties but is most easily applied to data that have been filtered with a bandpass operator.  相似文献   

When a study is to be made of seismic risks, the present-day geodynamic conditions are of fundamental importance: Earthquakes do not happen by themselves, they do have a cause. The cause of earthquakes is that the tectonic stresses exceed a critical limit. The build-up of these stresses is conditioned by the geodynamic processes occurring in the region in question. A knowledge of the geodynamics characteristic of a region is therefore fundamental for seismic risk studies. The general methodology for making such a geodynamic study is based on the entire set of manifestations of the plate-tectonic conditions of that region: these include the mechanism of earthquakes, the stresses observed in mines, the orientation of surface joints and even the direction of river valleys. Examples of geodynamic studies and their bearing on seismic risks are shown from various areas of the world, notably from China, India, and Colombia.  相似文献   

现代地貌学的发展与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要回顾了地貌学的发展史 ,认为现代地貌学的发展必须与时代发展趋势相结合 ,需要深入研究地貌演变与全球气候环境变化、区域经济可持续发展以及地球陆地系统的关系。综合分析了地貌学的研究方法 ,认为地貌学的研究方法主要有沉积学方法及动力过程方法。传统地貌学的研究多偏重于沉积学的方法。过去是认识现在的一把钥匙 ,沉积学方法是研究地貌发展历史与过程的有力工具 ,但要深入认识地貌演变的过去与现代动力过程与机制 ,进而预测地貌过程的演变趋势 ,必须采用动力过程分析的方法。动力地貌研究的发展应该汲取过程反映学派及数学地貌学派的经验教训 ,避免过于重视工具 ,本末倒置 ,甚至演变为数学游戏或模型游戏。动力地貌学的研究将彻底改变过去人们眼中对传统地貌学的印象———仅仅是现象描述和宏观分析。动力地貌学通过引进动力学模型、数学模型及地理信息系统等研究方法和技术 ,采用宏观与微观相结合 ,全面深入探讨各种地貌产生、发展的机制和规律。它具有动态性和较强的预测功能 ,从而可以更好地为经济建设和社会实践服务。文中还探讨了地貌学的各个发展方向 ,认为环境地貌、灾害地貌、城市地貌、旅游地貌、河口海岸地貌等应用地貌学分支近年来发展迅猛 ,主要是因为这些分支与经济发展的需求结?  相似文献   

The Pantano di San Gregorio Magno is a 4.7 km2 large tectono‐karstic basin located in the axial belt of the Southern Apennines, an area affected by intense seismicity. The basin was formed in the Middle Pleistocene and is presently undissected. It is filled by lacustrine sediments (clays, silts and pyroclastic sands) passing laterally into alluvial fan deposits. Geomorphological investigations were integrated with tephrostratigraphical, palynological and palaeoecological analyses of a 61 m thick core (not reaching the bedrock). The multiproxy analysis of the S. Gregorio Magno record shows that, over the last 200k yr, the basin hosted a freshwater lake with an oscillating level. Age constraints provided by the tephrostratigraphic record allowed estimation of the sedimentation rate, which varied strongly through time. Evolution of the basin resulted from the complex combination of tectonic subsidence, karst processes and changing amounts of sedimentary inputs. The latter was influenced by allogenic contributions related both to primary and reworked volcanoclastic inputs and was climate‐driven. The overall evidence, which indicates that in the long‐term the accumulation rate substantially counterbalanced the accommodation space created by faulting, suggests that the basin evolution was also modulated by changing subsidence rates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference modeling may be applied to empirical stochastic prediction in geomorphology where outcomes of geomorphic processes can be expressed by probability density functions. Natural variations in process outputs are accommodated by the probability model. Uncertainty in the values of model parameters is reduced by considering statistically independent prior information on long-term, parameter behavior. Formal combination of model and parameter information yields a Bayesian probability distribution that accounts for parameter uncertainty, but not for model uncertainty or systematic error which is ignored herein. Prior information is determined by ordinary objective or subjective methods of geomorphic investigation. Examples involving simple stochastic models are given, as applied to the prediction of shifts in river courses, alpine rock avalanches, and fluctuating river bed levels. Bayesian inference models may be applied spatially and temporally as well as to functions of a random variable. They provide technically superior forecasts, for a given shortterm data set, to those of extrapolation or stochastic simulation models. In applications the contribution of the field geomorphologist is of fundamental quantitative importance.  相似文献   

广东省开发区土地利用模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于开发区土地开发程度、土地利用强度、土地经济效益三因子,构建了开发区利用模式划分指标体系。通过定量分析与定性分析相结合,对广东省开发区土地利用管理模式进行划分,并剖析了各种利用模式的特征及适用性。可为提升开发区土地集约利用水平和发展质量提供有益参考。  相似文献   

初论开合构造方式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐志刚 《地质通报》2004,23(3):238-245
开合构造方式是开合构造学中的一项重要要素,涉及开合构造动力学。开合构造方式可根据开裂带和聚合带的形态和方向性,以及扩张应力与挤压应力之间的相互关系分为平行式、斜交式、剪刀式和夹子式。夹子式开合方式是本文首次提出的,故举蒙古-鄂霍次克中生代岩浆岩带和华南晚前寒武纪构造2个典型例子予以较详论述。  相似文献   

Statistical moments of the hypsometric curve and its density function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method, applicable to multivariate designs, describing the form of the percentage hypsometric curve is developed in this research. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative aspects of curve form, rather than on average slopes, inflection points, or hypsometric integrals. A question of uniqueness arises when values, like the integral, are used as landform surrogates in process-response models involving drainage basins. It is demonstrated that the hypsometric curve has a much greater potential for quantitative landform analysis than can be realized through employment of the integral value alone. Unlike the integral, the functional form of the curve is unique to a particular area, depicting, among other things, evolutionary changes in the form of drainage basins. The technique involves treating the decumulation of the hypsometric curve in its mirror image as a cumulative distribution function. Statistical moments of the curve, and expectations of (x)for the curve's density function are derived, projecting a vector of curve-form attributes.  相似文献   

札达盆地位于西藏西南边陲,构造上处于喜马拉雅断块挠起带头部内侧,呈NW-SE走向,长约1000km,宽约70km,总面积约40000km2,海拔约4500m.盆地中地层呈明显的二元结构特征.基底岩石为三叠纪-侏罗纪灰岩、砂岩和板岩,盖层为上新世-早更新世早期沉积的固结和半固结岩石,因受喜马拉雅断块挠起运动的影响,形成NW、NE和近EW、SN向等多组节理裂隙.晚新生代以来,盆地上升,在构造节理的主导下,穿越盆地的象泉河及其支流对岩石地层进行侵蚀、切割,在雨水的淋蚀、寒冻风化的剥蚀作用下,逐渐形成现今大小不同和形态奇特的半固结砂泥岩塔林地貌景观-古格地貌,这是中国地质地貌景观的一种新类型.  相似文献   

The concept of Markov chains, applied to stratigraphic sections, is reliable in analyzing cyclic patterns in lithologic successions. Randomness in the occurrence of lithologies repeating in a succession is evaluated generally in terms of entropies which can be calculated for the Markov matrix equated with the succession. Two types of entropies pertain to every state; one is relevant to the Markov matrix expressing the upward transitions, and the other, relevant to the matrix expressing the downward transitions. The latter and the former with respect to a certain state, making an entropy set, correspond to the degree of randomness in its linking with the others which occur as the precursor and the successor, respectively. It is obvious that the entropy sets which are calculated for all state variables serve as a reliable criterion in the discrimination of cyclic pattern of the succession. We are able based on the entropy sets to classify the various patterns into asymmetric, symmetric, and random cycles, which are exhibited also in actual lithologic successions. The entropy sets are calculated for Markov matrices which have been reported from a number of areas in the world, and compared with the cyclic patterns supposed there. Entropy for the whole system of sedimentation also is introduced to discuss variability of the condition in the depositional processes.  相似文献   

札达盆地位于西藏西南边陲,构造上处于喜马拉雅断块挠起带头部内侧,呈NW—SE走向,长约1000km,宽约70km,总面积约40000km2,海拔约4500m。盆地中地层呈明显的二元结构特征。基底岩石为三叠纪—侏罗纪灰岩、砂岩和板岩,盖层为上新世—早更新世早期沉积的固结和半固结岩石,因受喜马拉雅断块挠起运动的影响,形成NW、NE和近EW、SN向等多组节理裂隙。晚新生代以来,盆地上升,在构造节理的主导下,穿越盆地的象泉河及其支流对岩石地层进行侵蚀、切割,在雨水的淋蚀、寒冻风化的剥蚀作用下,逐渐形成现今大小不同和形态奇特的半固结砂泥岩塔林地貌景观—古格地貌,这是中国地质地貌景观的一种新类型。  相似文献   

Analysis of channel cross sections is hindered by lack of parameters to describe the shape of the cross section. In the situation of a sample of cross sections taken across tidal inlets, if the cross section is expressed as an observation vector, principal-component analysis can be used to derive eigenvectors for the data set. By neglecting eigenvectors that explain little variance, mathematical representation of the original data set is simplified by transformation to the eigenvector space. For 408 cross sections each represented by a 60-component vector, three eigenvectors explain 97.5 percent of the total variance in the data set. The three-dimensional representation simplifies the task of analyzing cross-sectional shape. The physical form of the first three eigenvectors have considerable resemblance to classical types of variation noted in inlet-channel studies. The method is applicable directly to analysis of other fluvial and estuarine channels.  相似文献   

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