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I review the processes that shape the evolution of protoplanetary discs around young, solar-mass stars. I first discuss observations of protoplanetary discs, and note in particular the constraints these observations place on models of disc evolution. The processes that affect the evolution of gas discs are then discussed, with the focus in particular on viscous accretion and photoevaporation, and recent models which combine the two. I then discuss the dynamics and growth of dust grains in discs, considering models of grain growth, the gas–grain interaction and planetesimal formation, and review recent research in this area. Lastly, I consider the so-called “transitional” discs, which are thought to be observed during disc dispersal. Recent observations and models of these systems are reviewed, and prospects for using statistical surveys to distinguish between the various proposed models are discussed.  相似文献   

The X-ray properties of the two galactic microquasars GRS 1915+105 and GRO J1655−40 are rather perculiar. In particular, GRS 1915+105 displays a richness of variability never observed in any other source. Nevertheless, many characteristics of these two sources are not unlike those expected from black-hole candidates on the basis of other known sources. I discuss these similarities and suggest that the connection between these and other more “conventional” systems can potentially lead to a better understanding of accretion around black holes.  相似文献   

In this lecture, I will briefly address several phenomena expected when magnetic fields are present in the innermost regions of circumstellar accretion discs: (i) the magneto-rotational instability and related “dead zones”; (ii) the formation of magnetically-driven jets and the observational constraints derived from Classical T Tauri stars; (iii) the magnetic star–disc interactions and their expected role in the stellar spin down.It should be noted that the magnetic fields invoked here are organized large scale magnetic fields, not turbulent small scale ones. I will therefore first argue why one can safely expect these fields to be present in circumstellar accretion discs. Objects devoid of such large scale fields would not be able to drive jets. A global picture is thus gradually emerging where the magnetic flux is an important control parameter of the star formation process as a whole. High angular resolution technics, by probing the innermost circumstellar disc regions should provide valuable constraints.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical results indicate that the detection of primordial gravity waves from inflation may be a hopeless task. First, foregrounds from lensing put a strict lower limit on the detectability of the B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background, the “smoking gun” for tensor (gravity wave) fluctuations. Meanwhile, widely accepted theoretical arguments indicate that the amplitude of gravity waves produced in inflation will be below this limit. I argue that failure is not inevitable, and that the effort to detect the primordial signal in the B-mode, whether it succeeds or fails, will yield crucial information about the nature of inflation.  相似文献   

Our physical intuition usually separates space from time, ignoring the spacetime character of the physical reality. In strongly curved spacetimes this may lead to confusion and paradoxes. I present here two examples: (1) in the non-static cosmological spacetimes with flat space sections, the cosmological expansion of space is a true physical effect. Contrary to what the intuition imagines, it cannot be explained as a motion of matter in a non-expanding flat space. (2) Contrary to intuition, for static spacetimes the mathematically simplest 3+1 split is not given by the direct projection as in the standard ADM scheme. The simplest split is defined by a counter intuitive “optical geometry” that redshifts both space and time by the same conformal factor.  相似文献   

I start with a brief introduction to MOND phenomenology and its possible roots in cosmology—a notion that may turn out to be the most far reaching aspect of MOND. Next I discuss the implications of MOND for the dark matter (DM) doctrine: MOND’s successes imply that baryons determine everything. For DM this would mean that the puny tail of leftover baryons in galaxies wags the hefty DM dog. This has to occur in many intricate ways, and despite the haphazard construction history of galaxies—a very tall order. I then concentrate on galaxy clusters in light of MOND, which still requires some yet undetected cluster dark matter, presumably in some baryonic form (CBDM). This CBDM might contribute to the heating of the X-ray emitting gas and thus alleviate the cooling flow puzzle. MOND, qua theory of dynamics, does not directly enter the microphysics of the gas; however, it does force a new outlook on the role of DM in shaping the cluster gas dynamics: MOND tells us that the cluster DM is not cold dark matter, is not so abundant, and is not expected in galaxies; it is thus not subject to constraints on baryonic DM in galaxies. The mass in CBDM required in a whole cluster is, typically, similar to that in hot gas, but is rather more centrally concentrated, totally dominating the core. The CBDM contribution to the baryon budget in the universe is thus small. Its properties, deduced for isolated clusters, are consistent with the observations of the “bullet cluster”. Its kinetic energy reservoir is much larger than that of the hot gas in the core, and would suffice to keep the gas hot for many cooling times. Heating can be effected in various ways depending on the exact nature of the CBDM, from very massive black holes to cool, compact gas clouds.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a Late Holocene record, almost 5000 years long, consisting of varved sediments deposited in the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) off Pakistan. We searched for cyclicity in the series of varve thickness (“varve” cycles), of unusually large excursions in varve thickness (“agitation” cycles), and of abundance of turbidites (“turbidite” cycles). We found the following high-frequency cycles (periods between 10 and 100 years) in one or several of the three types of series as follows: near 12.4, 14–15, 16.8, 18.6 (strong, agitation), 25–26 (strong, turbidite), 29–31 (strong, agitation), 39 (varve), 44 (strong, turbidite), 51–54 (strong, agitation), 56 (strong, varve), 64 (strong, turbidite), 69, 77 (strong, turbidite), 82 (very strong, agitation), and 95 years (strong, varve). Low-frequency cycles center around 99–115, 125 (very strong, varve), 164, 177, 202, 242–255 (strong, agitation and turbidite), 280 (strong, varve; doubled, turbidite), 340–370 and 460–490 years.Some cycles of varve thickness match the cyclicity of turbidite frequency (12.3, 14–15, 25–26, 245–255 years) but similarities between spectra are not striking. Taken as a whole, however, the sequence of cycles detected (by autocorrelation and standard Fourier analysis) seems to contain a large proportion of multiples of the basic tidal cycles 4.425 (lunar perigee cycle) and 9.3 years (lunar half-nodal cycle). This impression is supported by testing the three binned spectra for whole-number multiples and fractions as well as whole-number beat structure. We therefore propose that a large proportion of the cyclicity detected can be ascribed to tidal action. Our record also contains evidence for the presence of the 1470-year cycle previously reported from the glacial-age Greenland ice record. The main harmonics of this Greenland cycle can be tied to the pattern of periods seen in the varved sediments. We hypothesize that tidal action produces the cycle, and that the reason for its great length is the requirement that maximum tidal activity has to fall into a narrow seasonal window to be geologically effective.  相似文献   

Bolometric interferometry is not a new idea, but this technique has not been demonstrated at millimeter wavelengths. The millimeter-wave bolometric interferometer combines the advantages of two well-developed technologies – interferometers and bolometric detectors – and will open a new region of sensitivity and angular resolution not previously accessible to other instruments.  相似文献   

In this chapter, we will give a brief overview on our current theoretical understanding how planets form from the solid material in circumstellar disks in the core accretion-gas capture model. This chapter will not be as concise and complete as a review on this matter, yet will serve as an introductory text to generate interest in the subject. Students are referred to comprehensive text books and some important reviews.This chapter will discuss “dusty storms”, e.g. the dust transport in turbulent protoplanetary disks, followed by the latest model of planetesimal formation, e.g. gravoturbulent planetesimal formation, which deals with particle concentration in turbulence and N-body simulations thereof. We also briefly describe the core accretion-gas capture process and talk about nascent planets, e.g. the observability of planet–disk interaction concluding with the migration of young planets and the final arrangement of planetary systems.  相似文献   

We present results of a study of the so-called “stickiness” regions where orbits in mappings and dynamical systems stay for very long times near an island and then escape to the surrounding chaotic region. First we investigated the standard map in the form xi+1 = xi+yi+1 and yi+1 = yi+K/2π · sin(2πxi) with a stochasticity parameter K = 5, where only two islands of regular motion survive. We checked now many consecutive points—for special initial conditions of the mapping—stay within a certain region around the island. For an orbit on an invariant curve all the points remain forever inside this region, but outside the “last invariant curve” this number changes significantly even for very small changes in the initial conditions. In our study we found out that there exist two regions of “sticky” orbits around the invariant curves: A small region I confined by Cantori with small holes and an extended region II is outside these cantori which has an interesting fractal character. Investigating also the Sitnikov-Problem where two equally massive primary bodies move on elliptical Keplerian orbits, and a third massless body oscillates through the barycentre of the two primaries perpendicularly to the plane of the primaries—a similar behaviour of the stickiness region was found. Although no clearly defined border between the two stickiness regions was found in the latter problem the fractal character of the outer region was confirmed.  相似文献   

The recent assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has emphasized that understanding the institutional context in which policies are made and implemented is critical to define sustainable development paths from a climate change perspective. Nevertheless, while the importance of social, political and cultural factors is getting more recognition in some parts of the world, little is known about the human dimensions or the contexts in which they operate in the affluent oil economies of the Arabian Peninsula. Policies that implicitly subsidize or support a wasteful and environmentally destructive use of resources are still pervasive, while noteworthy environmental improvements still face formidable political and institutional constraints to the adaptation of the necessary far reaching and multisectoral approach. The principal aim of this paper is to identify some of the major shortcomings within the special context of the Arab Gulf states' socio-cultural environment in support of appropriate development pathways. Conclusions highlight that past and current policy recommendations for mitigating environmental threats are likely to be ineffective. This is because they are based on the unverified assumption that Western-derived standards of conduct, specifically the normative concept of ”good governance” and ”democracy”, will be adopted in non-Western politico-cultural contexts.  相似文献   

During the last half of the 20th century, cumulative annual discharge from 137 representative rivers (watershed areas ranging from 0.3 to 6300 × 103 km2) to the global ocean remained constant, although annual discharge from about one-third of these rivers changed by more than 30%. Discharge trends for many rivers reflected mostly changes in precipitation, primarily in response to short- and longer-term atmospheric–oceanic signals; with the notable exception of the Parana, Mississippi, Niger and Cunene rivers, few of these “normal" rivers experienced significant changes in either discharge or precipitation. Cumulative discharge from many mid-latitude rivers, in contrast, decreased by 60%, reflecting in large part impacts due to damming, irrigation and interbasin water transfers. A number of high-latitude and high-altitude rivers experienced increased discharge despite generally declining precipitation. Poorly constrained meteorological and hydrological data do not seem to explain fully these “excess” rivers; changed seasonality in discharge, decreased storage and/or decreased evapotranspiration also may play important roles.  相似文献   

ASTRON has demonstrated the capabilities of a 4 m2, dense phased array antenna (Bij de Vaate et al., 2002) for radio astronomy, as part of the Thousand Element Array project (ThEA). Although it proved the principle, a definitive answer related to the viability of the dense phased array approach for the SKA could not be given, due to the limited collecting area of the array considered. A larger demonstrator has therefore been defined, known as “Electronic Multi-Beam Radio Astronomy Concept”, EMBRACE, which will have an area of 625 m2, operate in the band 0.4–1.550 GHz and have at least two independent and steerable beams. With this collecting area EMBRACE can function as a radio astronomy instrument whose sensitivity is comparable to that of a 25-m diameter dish. The collecting area also represents a significant percentage area (∼10%) of an individual SKA “station.” This paper presents the plans for the realisation of the EMBRACE demonstrator.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) of violent starburst environments at high spatial (and spectral) resolution has the potential to revolutionise our ideas regarding the local interactions between the newly formed massive stars and the interstellar medium (ISM) of their host galaxies. To illustrate this point, I present NIR IFS analysis of the central starburst region of NGC 1140, obtained with CIRPASS on Gemini-South. While strong [Feii] emission is found throughout the galaxy, higher-order Brackett emission is predominantly associated with the northern starburst region. Based on the spatial distributions of the [Feii] versus Brackett line emission, I conclude that a galaxy-wide starburst was induced several ×107 yr ago, with more recent starburst activity concentrated around the northern starburst region. I look forward and discuss the exciting prospects that IFS at higher spatial (and spectral) resolution will allow us trace (i) the massive outflows (“superwinds”) expected to originate in the dense, young massive star clusters commonly found in intense starburst environments, and (ii) their impact on the galaxy’s ISM.  相似文献   

Since October 1990, 3 weeks after the launch of the Ulysses spacecraft, the dust detector onboard recorded impacts of cosmic dust particles. Besides dust impacts, the detector recorded noise from a variety of sources. So far, a very rigid scheme had been applied to eliminate noise from impact data. The data labeled “big” dust impacts previously led to the identification of interstellar dust and of dust streams from Jupiter. The analysis presented here is concerned with data of signals of small amplitudes which are strongly contaminated by noise. Impacts identified in this data set are called “small” impacts. It is shown that dust impacts can be clearly distinguished from noise for most of the events due to the multi-coincidence characteristics of the instrument. 516 “small” impacts have been identified. For an additional 119 events, strong arguments can be given that they are probably small dust impacts. Thereby, the total number of dust impacts increases from 333 to 968 in the time period from 28 October 1990 to 31 December 1992. This increase permits a better statistical analysis, especially of the Jupiter dust streams which consist mostly of small and fast particles. Additional dust streams have been identified between the already known streams before and after Jupiter flyby. The dependence of the deflection from the Jupiter direction, the stream intensity and width on Jupiter distance support the assertion that they have been emitted from the Jovian system. The masses of the 635 “small” dust particles range from 6 × 10−17 to 3 × 10−10 g with a mean value of 1 × 10−12 g, which compares to a range from 1 × 10−16 to 4 × 10−9 g with a mean value of 2 × 10−11 g for the previously identified 333 “big” dust particles.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the limits of ground-based interferometry for differential astrometry as well as ground-based interferometry for direct detection of exo-planets and exo-zodi dust levels. For direct detection, ground-based interferometry at near IR wavelengths using large telescopes with adaptive optics offers a significant advantage over single telescopes with adaptive optics. Ground-based differential astrometry for exo-planet detection is extremely accurate with sufficient accuracy to detect Neptune mass planets around 400–600 nearby stars. Ground-based interferometry using large (>6m) telescopes is also capable of detecting the 10 m emission of the zodiacal light around nearby stars with zodi levels similar to our solar system  相似文献   

In a microwave background polarization map that covers only part of the sky, it is impossible to separate the E and B components perfectly. This difficulty in general makes it more difficult to detect the B component in a data set. Any polarization map can be separated in a unique way into “pure E”, “pure B” and “ambiguous” components. Power that resides in the pure E(B) component is guaranteed to be produced by E(B) modes, but there is no way to tell whether the ambiguous component comes from E or B modes. A polarization map can be separated into the three components either by finding an orthonormal basis for each component, or directly in real space by using Green functions or other methods.  相似文献   

Based on the ongoing Chinese lunar exploration mission, i.e. the “Chang'e 1” project, precise orbit determination of lunar orbiters is analyzed for the actual geographical distribution and observational accuracy of the Chinese united S-band (USB) observation and control network as well as the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) tracking network. The observed data are first simulated, then solutions are found after including the effects of various error sources and finally compared. We use the space data analysis software package, GEODYN, developed at Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA. The primary error source of the flight orbiting the moon is the lunar gravity field. Therefore, the (formal) error of JGL165P1, i.e. the model of the lunar gravity field with the highest accuracy at present, is first discussed. After simulating the data of ranging and velocity measurement as well as the VLBI data of the time delay and time delay rate, precise orbit determination is carried out when the error of the lunar gravity field is added in. When the orbit is determined, the method of reduced dynamics is adopted with the selection of appropriate empirical acceleration parameters to absorb the effect of errors in the lunar gravity field on the orbit determination. The results show that for lunar missions like the “Chang'e 1” project, that do not take the lunar gravity field as their main scientific objective, the method of reduced dynamics is a simple and effective means of improving the accuracy of the orbit determination of the lunar orbiters.  相似文献   

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